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The Province from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada • 1

The Provincei
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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FR A VSR! JVTP1? man WELCOME THE ALLIES This the Advice of Ahmed Riza to Senate at Constantinople-Page 7 GIVE UP ALL HOPE and Crew of U.S. Submarine Which Failed to Reach Surface-Page 2 jlj. iroops Have to Be Sent to the Fated Spot in Roundabout Way Page 1 1 THREE. VICTIMS OF TURKISH MINES IN DARDANELLES TURKEY TORN IN A BITTER POLITICAL I LE RICHARD AUSTRIA BECOMIN A VERITABLE PESTHOUSE BUSY EVENING A OHAWA STRUGG Lurid and Unvarnished Story Conferred With Premier den, and Has Gone on to Montreal. Peace and War Party at Outs, and Revolution Is Imminent.

Comes from Eastern Theatre. Budapest a City of Rotting Mr. Bowser Coming Here Next Week to Explain New Compensation Act. Immediate Capitulation Is Demanded in the Hope of Mercy. Diseased and Shattered Beings.

Cholera and Typhoid Will Soon Mayor Taylor Not to Run; Will Throw Support to McCon- American Ambassador Has Been Asked to Undertake Preliminaries. Sweep Like a Prairie v'? V' i inr I rSj WARSHIP IRRtSISTlBLtisS. nell and Enright. Wm. Hickey and H.

B. Gilmour Wounded Soldiers Live Like 1 I IE I 111 the naval battle of last week In the Dardanelles, between the greatest force of warships ever Noted German Commanders Desert the Sultan's Capital. Are Suggested for the City Liberal Ticket. Vermin With Vermin, Says Doctor. Ottawa, March 26.

Sir Richard McBrlde arrived In the capital last New York, March 26. A lurid and unvarnished story of the horrors of the European war was told here today voninc from Toronto and left again TURKS AND KAISER FAIL AGREEMENT this morning on the early through by Pr. Chas. McDonald, of the United States army, who had Just arrived train for Montreal. He Is expeciea hunk in the capital In the course of from Buda Pest.

Staggering facts con a few days, probably some time next cernlng conditions In the eastern theatre which, in his opinion, will soon convert Austria Into a veritable pest'house were related in revolting details. engaged In a pitched battle with forts, three vessels of the Allies' fleet were sunk the Irresistible and the Ocean, Urlilsh ships of the second and third class, and the Bouvet, a French battleship of tho second class. They went down, however, not as a result of the attack by the guns of the forts. Drifting mines let loose In the narrow straits above them swept down on them, and explosions resulted. The Irresistible was a ship, built In 1902.

She carried 780 men. Her largest guns were of 12-Inch calibre, so they could not shoot as far as those of the new super-dreadnought Queen Elizabeth, which has done most of the damage to Dardanelles forts. The Ocean wug a battleship of 12,000 tons, built in 1900. She carried 750 men. Her guns were also of 12-inch calibre.

The Bouvet was an old ship, having been built eleven years ago. having been built eleven years ago. She carried 650 men, and her largest guns were 12-inch calibre. "Buda Pet." he sold, "is a city of rotting, diseased and shattered hu man beings. The residents there are Athens.

March 2. Turkey has broken with licr German advisers and Is about to sue for peace, according to newspapers here today. They say that "reliable private advices from Constantinople" are tho basis of the reports. The statement Is also made that Field Marshal von Der Gioltz. the (ierman military expert, long in the service of Turkey, already has left Constantinople for Sofia and that General Liman von Sanders, the prominent (icniian adviser to Turkey, has departed from the Sultan's capital for Adrlanoplc, rotten from lack of care and disease, through lack of sanitation.

"Cholera and typhoid fever soon will be sweeping thmigh Austria and Hungary like a prairie fire. Hospitals already are crowded with sufferers or both diseases. "Austrian soldiers are in a horri week. The Prime Minister of British Columbia had a busy time last evening. He made an early call on Sir Robert Borden and Bpent halt an hour in the office of the Prime Minister.

Subsequently he went to the Ritleau Club and It is understood was in conference with a number of friends. Including members of the Dominion cabinet. When seen subsequently, Sir Richard said that at present he had nothin to give out. "1 am lust on my annual trip to the capital and have a number of provincial matters to discuss with the government before I return," he said. "I expect that my visit will have profitable and satisfactory results," he added.

Sir Richard declined to be drawn Into any observations as to election prospects, either provincial or federal, but it is believed that the approaching contests were discussed last evening and that there will be further discussions when Sir Richard returns 'to the capital. Mr. Bowser to speak Mere. It is announced today that arrangements have been made for the attorney-general to speak In Vancouver ble condition. They live like vermin with vermin and I mean this literally.

I bave seen train after train of wounded soldiers en route to Vienna and other largo cities, on flat cars sometimes, without food or water. They reached the hospitals in an unspeak able condition." Dr. McDonald was especially bitter FORTS CANT BAR STRAITS' PASSAG Constanzla, Roumanla, March 26. News from a reliable source In Constantinople tells of a bitter atnigglo raging between the peace party and the war party In the Turkish capital. The former Is composed of Germano-phobe officers of the army and navy, and those Turkish statesmen, who since the beginning of the conflic, have never ceased to deplore, what they regard as the political crime that permitted Turkey to be used as GERMAN NAVAL HERO IS GONE Germans' Ring of Steel Gradually Being Shattered In his denunciation of American wives of Hungarian royalty.

Countess Szeheynl. Countess Slgray and Countess Zechi, all Americir women. "sought notoriety," said Mcuonaid, "by going to one of Buda Pest's lead ing hospitals and volunteering their Day Not Far Distant When Lost next Wednesday evening. The Labor Temple has been engaged and the. meeting la for workmen only.

The attorney-general's Intention Is to de Lieutenant- Weddigen His Life With the U-29. Allied Fleet Sails the Dardanelles. services aa nurses. They were dressed In silks and brought their maids with them. Everybody connected with the institution was disgusted and the authorities properly sent them back home.

"In Buda Pest alone there are wounded soldiers and 20,000 of these are maimed for Ufa." vote the evening to a full discussion of the new workmen's compensation legislation, which was brought flown 1n the House towards the close of last London, March 26. Assertion was publicly made from the Admiralty today that the ring of German submarines around the British Isles is being shattered. It predicts that the Germans have had nearly enough and that the ineffectiveness against British trade having been proven, the enemy divers soon will be recalled to the German bases. No details of the reported destruction of the great German submarine U-29 had been given out up to noon. The Wilson liner Tycho of Hull today narrowly escaped the German submarine U-5 in the Downs off the shore of Kent.

The Tycho's captain zigzagged his ship to avoid the diver's torpedoes and sent up distress signals. These were quickly responded to by British destroyers. The submarine fled, with two destroyers in hot pursuit. Only for Mines, Gateway to a calspaw of Germany. The war party consists of the militant Turks, headed by Enver Pasha, and their German military advisers.

Enver, obedient to the behests of the Kaiser, Is favorable to the continuance of the war against the Allies. The peace party demand Immediate capitulation, realizing how hopeless Is the struggle. So far as Turkey is concerned, they argue that If Turkey yields now, the enemy, especially England, may be merciful, and that some of the dwindling Turkish Empire may Was Said to Be Responsible for Sinking of Four British Cruisers. London, March 26. The naval ex Sultan's Pearl City Would Now Be Open.

London, March 26. British naval ERT BUKQWI officers who participated in the oper pert of the Daily News says: session. Many Names for Ticket. Tile Labor ticket having been selected last evening and a very representative selection of well known and responsible labor men were rhosen Interest now centres In the Liberal executive meeting to be held tomorrow evening when it is expected that arrangements will be concluded fur the holding of a nominating convention. The delay in naming the Liberal ticket has huj one effect at least, that In giving time for the suggesting of many new names of prospective candidates.

It was stated this morning that the friends of Mr. William Jllokey, a Well-known pioneer and prominent business man, were rallying to his support as nominee. The stock of Mr, H. B. Gilmour also uppears to have taken an upward ations last week In the Dardanelles, rabies the correspondent at Athens of Reuter'a Telegram Company, have expressed the belief that but for float ing mines the narrows of the uarua-; GERMANS FOILED TERRIFIC DUEL ON nelles would have been forced March 18.

the i av tne Ainea neei so limny "The sinking of theU29 puts an end to the career of one of Germany's most popular heroes, Lieut. Otto Weddigen, for this officer was In command of the U9 when she torpedoed and sank the Aboukir, the Hogue and Cressv on September 22. It has also been stated that it was the same vessel, under the same otlicer, which torpedoed the Hawke three weeks later, the four ships taking close upon 2000 men to the bottom with them. "His advancement to the command of the lT29 was due, no doubt, in part bombarded the Turkish forts on either yet be saved from the melting pot. So, while the Allied fleet is pounding the forts of the Dardanelles, the rival political factions In the capital are waging a sharp struggle for tho mastery.

The feud may culminate in revolution and bloodshed. To Turkey. The military league, which gathered under the banner of the foes of Enver and his committee of Union of Progress, has been resuscitated, and Retreat into Hungary Follows Heavy Three-day Battle. Petrograd. March 26.

Austrian evacuation of Czernowltz, capital of Bukowlna, and their hurried retreat Into Hungary, was reported to the war office here today. The despatch stated that the Russians had been victorious after a heavy three days battle on the Pruth River and were SURRENDER PLAN IN DARDANELLES side of the narrows. It is the opinion of certain British officers, the correspondent goes on, that the forts themselves would not be able to bar the passnge of the straits. Furthermore, the mine fiehls have Been considerably weakened, as many mines were blown up during the last attack, while 'others have to these services, for she was a much newer, larger and more powerful Fleets th'e Allies Hammering vessel. strongly pursuing the retreating Austria ns.

Capitulation of Constantinople and Dardanelles Favored by the Cabinet. been cast adrift by a storm. at Turks' Forts. "She has operated mainly In the region of the Si.illy Islands, where she Is believed to have been responsible for the sinking of live ships. Nothing Is known, with any certainty, as to the details of the latest German sub iood lloaris Convention.

Toronto, March 26. B. Mlchaud, deputy minister of roads, Quebec, was elected president of fhe Dominion Good Roads Association today. The next convention is to be held at marine's construction. Indeed noth The French battleship Qaulois onl the British battle cruiser Inflexibly damaged In the recent actions, have been towed to well sheltered bays, where they are effecting repairs.

There 1s good reason to believe, in the opinion of those officers, that some of the forts along the Dardanelles have been demolished by the shells of the warships. Subjects of the Allied powers, the Reuter correspondent nays, buve been lng that enn properly be described as turn during the last aay or two, and it Is quite probahle that hla name wlil be submitted to the convention. The others prominently mentioned are: M. A. Maodonnld, Ralph Smith, Patrick Donnelly, Harry Cowan, J.

P. MeCon-nll. Dr. Mcintosh, J. 8.

Cowper, James Conley, J. W. dcB. Karris, Aid. Enright and Hugh Davidson.

At this writing, the general Impression Is Dr. Mackuy will not be a candidate, though he has made no public pronouncement on the matter. Mayor Taylor's Position. Mayor Taylor has decided not to be ii candidate. His position and that of Ilr.

J. P. McConnell are-deflned In the following statement which was handed to The Province toduy for publication: yesterday Mayor Taylor definitely plated that he would not be a candidate, 'but instead would dominate Mr. John P. McConnell at the Liberal convention.

Mr. McConnell was olncial Is known or any German bud marine after the L21." Kaiser's Officers Slipped in Just as Negotiations Were Complete! Paris, March 26. A sensational story of how General von Sanders, a IN SOUTH VANCOUVER Its secret propaganda, which alms at freeing Turkey at once from the German and Young Turk Incubus, has gained many adherents, and has split the army In twain. Fear of a coup d'etat led the government four days ago to abandon Its bellicose attitude and contemplate arranging a separate peace. There was a stormy sitting of tho cabinet.

The council had decided by a majority to enter into negotiations with the allied commanders-in-chief, and the American ambassador, Henry Morgen-thiiu had been asked to undertake the preliminaries, and to proceed to the Dardanelles, accompanied by two Turkish delegates with plenty of powers. The ambassador was to be asked to sound the Allies and ascertain what conditions they were prepared to offer for the surrender of the Dardanelles and Constantinople. Cot Fresh Lease of Life. The fact that the Germans, who VON BUELOW FAILS AND RESIGNS POST French Transports Land Men to Attack Smyrna. London, March 26.

Another terrific duel between the fleets of the Allies and the forts of the Dardanelles from Athens. The strong gale which swept through the straits and delayed operations for several days, has fens-opened today, according to despatches forced to, unit the town of Darda nelles, otherwise known as Chanak, and their dwellings have been Plllag ed by the Turks. The authorities of Constantinople are forcing Christians up to the age of 45 to work on the defences pro "'frvY: tecting Constlntinople along thJ heights on both sides of the Bos- ed. It is believed tho supreme effort phnrus. to umash the Turkish fortifications The coal shortage In the Turkish capital is acute.

Many factories are 1 I 1 efetf Closed, and the power stations of the street car service have been obliged drove Turkey Into the war, now In sist on her continuing. The Turks to shut down. German army officer, prevented tho surrender of the-Dardanelles forts to tho Anglo-French fleet was printed here today by The Echo, a Paris paper. Details of the affair were sent here by the Rtiuharest correspondent of the Echo, According to the dispatch a majority of tho members of the Turkish cabinet favored surrendering the Dardanelles and Constantinople to the Allies without further struggle. Hearing of the cabinet's Intentions General von Sanders, who had been Instructing the Turkish troops In German military ways followed by a de.

tavhment of soldiers, broke Into the Council Chamber and threatened to arrest any man who dared talk of surrendering. "I will shoot like a dog, a.nty member of this cabinet," he Is quoted as saying, "who enters Into negotiations for the capitulation of either the Dar-danellea or Constantinople," This ended tho negotiations for the time being, It was reported, but the belief In Bucharest Is general, the have had heavy losses In the Darda (Mayor Taylor chief platform speaker in the recent mayoral campaign. It has been claimed by his friends that 11' the mayor wished a place on tho ticket It should be accorded to him on the ground that he has un extensive personal following In tho city which they declare consists1 largely of Independent workingmen who form much of the silent vote which Is popularly supposed to decide elections. Taylor says, however, he -would rather throw bis Influence for Mr. McConnell and Aid.

Enrlght than to (Continued on Pago II.) H. M. S. NEWCASTLE HERE nelles. The army Is sullen and indif along the world-famed passage to the Ottoman capital has begun.

Reports from Tenedos, the Island rendezvous of the Allies' fleets, report that the French transports have landed 26,000 men to attack the fortifications at Smyrna. The landing was carried out under the guns of the warships off that Turkish city. The latest newg concerning the Dardanelles attack stated that It opened at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. First, two battleships entered thj Straits and bombarded the fortifications at Kil-lCd-Hulir until darkne.s.1 ferent. German gunners man the Admiral Storey a Visitor to Vancou principal forts on the European side.

ver Today. The loss of the Allied warships Rear Admiral W. O. Storey, ad gave the war party a fresh lease of life and for the moment they aro su miral superintendent at Esquimau preme In the councils of tho nation. who arrived here last night In H.

M. C. fisheries protective cruiser Malas In Constantinople, however, it Is regarded as certain, despite GenerHl von Sanders, that tho entrance of ahe plna, visited the Seaman's Institute THE WEATHER this morning and expressed himself fell. Today the same two battleships, with others, returned to the attack. Tho warships were preceded into the Allied fleet Into the Sea of Marmora, much Interested and pleased with the will be the signal for speedy capitu work that is being done among sea channel today by ft fleet of thirty mine sweepers.

men, H. M. S. Newcastle, Captain Poulet Is expected to arrive here this lation. Many German officers, In view of the threatening attitude of their correspondent said, that Constantinople will surrender without a struggle If the Allied fleet pounds its way through the Dardanelles and enters the Sea of Marmora.

afternoon. ME HCIEB SC-. MOVI CAN 5LEEP Turkish subordinates are resigning and leaving the country. Captain Paul Foreraota mr 36 linur ending 5 ii.m. Saturday: l.nrwer mainland lulu to mcMlerRte wlndK.

continued fine mid mild. Temperatures, Max. Mln. yeetdjr. today.

Knurls, for two years on tne start oc the first Turkish army, left last week for Germany with his wife and chil dren. He bluntly stated that tho feared mob violence. Popular Indignation against Germans was growing London Hears Km me Story. London, March 26 That tho Turkish cabinet recently decided to surrender Constantinople and the Dardanelles to the Anglo-French fleet In order to avoid further bloodshed was the gist of a dispatch received here PKIVCE VON HCELOW. Rome, March 26.

Efforts of Prince Von Buelow, the German ambassador to bring about an agreement between the Italian and Austrian Governments regarding the cession of territory, have definitely failed, according to the Agemda National which suys it Is informed that when the last courier from Vienna brought to the ambassador Austria's final terms they were of such a nuture that he did not consider It. worth while to submit to the foreign office here- It is reported that Prince Von Htielow hm resigned tht role of modlator. These had remained In the Dardanelles all nlghit, and steamed to the front this morning with the first up-pearance of the battleships ag they swept up from their anchorage off Tenedos. Energetic response to the Allies' fire was drawn from tho forts, and from Krupp guns ported on Erenkol heights. The bombardment was described as even morn powerful than that of March IS, and tho Impression was general in.

Athens that this attack would be pressed home with a determination to reduce at least som of the forts without regard to consequences to the attacking fleet. unuouver 69 Hctcrla ...59 Albanian Situation Serimis, Rome, March 26. The situation at Durajtzo In Albania, would again appear to bo serious, according to des. patches coming to Rome. The Insurgents are bombarding the port and threatening to destroy It If the consular representatives are not successful In persuading Kssad Pasha, the Turkish provisional president, to leave the country.

Several cannon shots during the hambardmcnt struck the residence of Kssad Pasha. Docks and public buildings also suffered, 38 40 42 48 56 4 8 so rust that he felt concerned tor safety of his wife and family and said he would feel relieved when found himself on the other side of Turkish frontier. He added: "The Turks, both ofllcerg and ni ,.58 .62 .24 .16 f. atlln t'urllaml 'Krleco nlgary rt'lnnlpeit MR. STUART CAMPUEUj, Conservative nominee In South Van-oiiver-Bnrnaby, where Mr.

W. Wenrt, Mlnral. and Mr, It. It. Nee.

lands, Uihnr, are running against 'tl. from Bucharest. Arrangement for the surrender, the despatch says, were practically completed, when the Oer-man officials stepped in and Htopped the deal. rv. have become brutally Insolent of laXe to ai Uieir Cisrman Instructors.".

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