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The Daily Record from Long Branch, New Jersey • 6

The Daily Recordi
Long Branch, New Jersey
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

The Line Drawn 3 llight-to-Work -I- By Peter Edon Lose DAILY RECORD Sv tsi 1 LHUiillNG CO. INC. MO.SMOi Til ai 1 i I IU ki tea rtf! tsafrt niii iiiMt Wlltrf I iV.ivtJbU wiitikdi r. Km Uti, 9 1 1 aVet 1S2 Jf rf (vtii iium kit I If II i )tti Ik i v. it irtt tint 4tM Si pi tt Mirwr mi.

ft 4 4 II I HK I IS 1m mmt' M.M4 ec Mt.u fvfc.jj- 4 Iwitl twwl twii mul MTf kiMn I rt Uft I 4 MM 4 Uup kt Ik Ik iikl tk ar(iki HUi 04 tt4 kt f4 trteitim I tktixkia ft, it t4 tie tlkJl Sfct a4 wba mffi it. k.i PtwkC buu Au.t. C. lim4 tUk, wtl It. Tt iii4k' CkWk4 tkkkt kiaO tkft4 WU wkkt oibtr iff la.

IcUtti art iwit. Cot ktuskl Clatrau stt AWwa Skied. -Ha? drka1 tW Cor eM owl fe rUtJt' wkr bUeif a ittei ribt. A rrvil.rd 1 riB ttvm a tuts (Oaneruru!) wbub bki bad tbit up sad ki derided tbat it d.dal wast riaht ttwk taw. Tb ratk sad tanned tatmr ia sow tbiaklr.

ur way," Akura tttiiUBued "I telle St maiUT ttf prrlirl poLitea that are kitf sdvurat-y ef ruMtw Wulk JetUllUuB WihjIJ diu the rank and file tf tbe labor moiement bark into th hand a of th labor leaden" Secretary fl Ubor Jtmn P. y.tchell bat UeO fa more forthright la bu oppmt lion "la ternu of federal right-lowtuk lesulation," the secretary said on Ubor Pay "Meet the Pra" ippearanre, "I am eppoed la it. If were votinf ia th stats of California'. 1 would vol ajaimt right to-work kg lrU7.0ri II, US! freedom the prett dlteutt pttbli jeiaw is foundation ttone Liberty. Uttu i inJ).

wr UirkiUki ciaaUfd ault 1 fct'-M kf cUtt kkrf kui klt ktLkU 4tt llirt b(ikik4 lb ili)wil kk.U mm a Striker kkl.41." Tti $, ki fitr, 1-ttUtrd Hi')lkt tkrtt rrtfu te-c ttuu sU Uuf rvUiMss ripens cue sty a ithkwa aup mC rvAMtrst with IS khis snan bird th i-fat-liMk Bat far funhff Slfuiir tiua of Its uiut, thrre a ktitrmrat frvn the frtU-dr et pms roalrff im 4 AjwU Id. 157, drat ttki ailed Mbit he tboutt ef frdert! nht It turrrd "Well. I amt to rt the bill, sed 1 would int to tvu suit witb my terrrtary of IiU sod aumber of oihert brfiHf 1 Ut putitivf View. What beta bippemei thu: t'nder ffdml Ut that etiit (tbe TsftHartk? art) rertaia atatea art allowed they art not preieoted from pauinf rhl to oik lai, and we have merely taid. Tlraie.

Mr. State, let I look at thi thing very ear-fully and let'a doal get a run-fuied thing ejeratin within' your Tbe fre.ide nt'i letter tab- Pope Pius XII dwUr "I tut atirf eiturd SsSkeil M- ttf Hit her tlf tut tkouij eirrtn tali anJiriioa si i. Uut ihU ittKiU d-UfmiBtj tijr th tt esrtl "Asy in4)ftiBj Imjirj chit I hue due Buktrff icBtitloa ta fru It didn't Uit Ikbor tipNif ut a dikrwrr that la lSJi. hca pretidretul rtadtdit Clitaaowrr td-drfiwj lb Ammrta frd erilioa Ubor ronvtouon, a drclirfd. Amfriti inti oe UBioa-tiuittnf Ui tod anther do I'nioa Ubor lndrn no trmd ill rtht t-tkork Ui si "union buuiif" trjuliiion.

AIm, la frtkldrat lit-asMrr1! ItH LW smiit iijrtki, as itihtti Ihil: eaftfrd la raitmrCUa. anirUtnt aid snakfrneat ladiulrtr kut aalqus problem becauis It Is' not only the Roman Catholic! rt the world ho mourn the ruling of Poj I'iui, ThU ilendfr, man, th piritul lfder for million in every jairl of the flol-e. lfio had won the loe and rffiwtfu' admlratioo of many outside the church, Tiua XII go down in )iitory at one of the world mot dedicate)1 and ffertive workers for peace in an emtattled era, Kutjenia Pacelli was extraordinarily well fitted for the pontificate during a period of turmoil audi aa the world ha randy wen. Only two year after hi ordination a a priest in he wa taken into the papal secretariat of Mate. He served a fiM papal nuncio to Hrrlin after th Weimtir rt-puUic wa established, and In 10:0 he wa apiiited papal secretary of state.

Durlnjj the years tweenthat time and hi acen sion to the papal throne, Cardinal Pacelli continued the travels that already had jriven him familiarity with many parts of the world. Ilia experience itood him in food stead when, In of 1939, he became the first panal secretary of slate since 1GC7 to be crowned a pope. The nearly 20 year since Cardinal Tacelli became Pius; the 12th pope, to adopt that name lince the second century, have been a significantly eventful as any In history. Throughout these troubled decades, Piu XII 'served unremittingly in the cause of peace ind human dignity. The Doctor Your Pocketbook DehnSO Line by George E.

Sokolsky Perhaps the reason that Bernard Birurh. la his 89th year, it so much wlner than Ulcer Treotment By EDWIN r. JORDAN, at. D. II.

B. wrilrt thai his soo tu ulcerative roliti and siki what ia th beat treatment for It. most mra is not that he is more ex perJsnced but that he ha read more history and that his ed 1 1 was classical. He ftill sometimes reads Latin and State Slaughter Laws i Sokelskf coit. Usually, they tbetr private fortunes by war or revolution.

In this Congressional campaign, which is so crucial historically, there re practically no arguments, debates or discussions. -This is a rare moment in our history. The nation is suffering because of an Inflation which is producing a debased currency. A flight of capital is occurring which started as a form of Income tax evaiioa and has developed into aa investment in Industries abroad which compete with our to our detriment, grestlonal invettigat is aa have disclosed that many labor union which are la control of vital national Industrie and services have fallen into the hands of cor-' rupt and abusive men wb have used them for nation- al harm. Thes are but a few tions that should bo but are not discussed in this canvass to elect a new Congress.

The career of Jimmy Hoffa may have disgusted some, but it has not stirred the nation to indignation. It is true that William Knowland in California and Barry Goldwater in Arizona have raised some of these issues but most of the candidates are talking about nothing, just uttering sound. 151J wbea permitted Soviet Ruula win ur war with Nail Germany and gala la 1MI wbea we permitted Sviet Ruula gather all the advantage of ur with Japaa la which tbe Rnitlans did wot participate at all la any realistic way. Our current difficulties stem from these two errors of jddgmrnt, one of which was the result of an administration seeking to plcate the ft pariiciularly the mamma who wanted their sons home as soon as possible, and the other was due to extraordinary bad judgment and an utter disregard of historical factor. A decade later, the error atand out clearly.

Now we are capable of making another error with regard to where to resist the Soviet Universal State because politicians are more concerned with the cowardice of high standard of living people who refuse to recognize the essential historical fact that it is usual for low atandard of living peoples' to aeek to grasp tbe benefits from high standard of living peoples if they can. And it is not unusual for high standard of living peoples to become soft and and unpatriotic and self-centered and to seek to preserve private fortunes at any Choosing Clubs By 1 AVE tltlNLE Anyone inviting you to Join an inveitmrt club? Coait to coait. upward of 8,000 Investment club with an aggregate membership of cluae to 121.000 are la business, Tbey romprlkt tort of Individual professional me a and womea, afflr workers, heakcwlvet all them seeking I put their savings I work buying securities. Investment club are a relatively new phenomenon on the financial horlaon. A majority of them are lea than five yean old.

By joining one of these group you can learn, a little aomcthing about this business of buying stocks and bonds, about how companies raise money and manage their corporate affair. You may also get to know how your coworker or neighbor are handling their dollar. Just how much you will learn and bow much benefit you'll derive dollars-and-cenU-wise depend upon a number of things. It will depend upon how much sound information the member of your group have. It will depend upon how much time you, a an Individual, devote to itudying.

Your cess will also be guided by the astuteness of th professional handling your club'a Investment. You don't have to be rich to Join or start aa investment club. Members most often contribute $10 monthly toward their participation. You caa get the mechanical detail of starting a club by writing to the National Association of Investment Clubs, a non-profit organization, at 2224 National Bank Building, Detroit 25, Mich. What you need is to operate with caution plenty of it If you are thinking of forming a new group or joining an established club make aure your organization is operating in conformity with the ecurities rule in your state.

Some investment clubs are other have to be incorporated. Que tions arise as to the tax status of these club under federal, state and local rulings. Don't join or start an investment club un A vail amount of study baa been gitrn lo Ihn durue, but there are ttill many put iltng feature about it. At the present time Ha riart rauie la still unknown, though II produces symptom which are raiy to ton-tune with various kind of dysentery. First, I should like to eiptaln what la in-volved.

The colon la the lower end of the digrstive aystem. It loop up from the neighborhood of the appendix on the lower right aide, paaaea more or leas across the upper part of the abdomen, nd goes down the left aide. Thi portion of the Intestine ia important In many way. la ulcerative colitis, ulcer form an tbe Inside of this paaaageway. Many kinds germs have been found tbe ulcers, but none of them seem be exclusively re sponsible.

Deficiencies of nultrltlon, allergy, nervous disorder and many other poaslbl causes have beea Investigated. Severe diarrhea, often accompanied with blood, Is a common symptom. Fain la the abdomen I often present but may not be severe. Fever ii also likely to occur, nd thi ralsea the strong suspicion that the underlying cause ia an infection. It i possible, of course, that the infection present i a result of the disease rather than a cause of it.

The diagnosi require X-ry itudiea, ex-mlntion of the wste material and the use of an Instrument called a sigmoidoscope, by mean of which the physician can look directly at the ulcerated wall of the colon. This not an easy disease to treat. The patient generally needs to be built up physically with carefully selected diet. Including ample quantities of minerals, vitamins and fluids. If there haa been a considerable loss of blood, iron or perhaps blood or plasma transfusions may be useful.

The sulfa drugs nd antibiotic, for which high hopes were held at first, have not proved uniformly successful, though they are often used. ACTIf and cortisone are also frequent Creek for his amusement and edification. The man who asiumea that history began when he was born will, of course, never learn that there has been a long chain of events which composed hi environment, both natural and historical. Without a profound know)-dege of. history, it is hardly possible to grasp what is go-, ing on at this, moment, certainly not what is occuring in so many different parts of the world.

Every day, one hear opinion about war and peace and what should be a good line of defense for the United States, although history teaches that there 1 bo good line of defense and that a nation make it tnd when it ha a possibility of winning and doe not wait until all the advantage have accrued to its enemies. Thi we did in When President Eisenhower signed the humane slaughter bill last August, a long stride "was taken toward alleviating the brutal slaughter conditions that still prevail in much of the American meat packing industry. Although the new law applies only to packers which sell to the federal government, as a practical matter it will bring an ejtsier death to perhaps. 90 per cent of our meat animals. That is a high percentage of the 130 million or so animals slaughtered in this country annually.

But it still leaves 10 per cent, about J3 million animals, to a less humane fate. Something should now be done about that remaining 10 per cent. Under the new law, the Department of Agriculture's- slaughter standards must be met by packers before they can receive government meat contracts. Numerous small slaughterhouses will not meet these standards because they do not sell to the federal government. To humanize their slaughter methods, state laws will be needed.

Changing over to more humane methods can be an expensive process. For this reason, state laws probably should prescribe a Bteady but gradual switch to higher standards. That would bring about compliance within a reasonable' period, without working undue hardship on smaller packers. Concern for the problems of small firms should not be allowed to stymie the passage of corrective law, however. Pressure for enactment of the federal meas-ure indicated strong popular sentiment for more humane slaughter methods.

That sentiment should be translated, wherever needed, into state laws. 'Abandon Ship' By Saul Pett NEW YORK One of the most effective ways for a newspaperman to lose grace among other newspapermen ii to write a book. Those whose doctors warn them against overtaxing their physical resources may feel like passing on the admonition to government officials -Li til you are certain a lawyer ihould be con- ly employed and may bring Improvement, I may pnng improvement, rnmnlie. with The reason is simple. Tbe though this may turn out to be only tempo- Zy rest of us talk -all the time BU W1C ICIJUUIU wvu In some serlou cases which do not yield 8tale to the almpler form of tretment, surg- Don't join or start an investment club and ery may be necessary.

It is said that when expect to get rich quick. nH hnuid not be ton lone de- Back last spring when the market was Bobby chess whiz, is described as an "average teenager." It's about like picking the prettiest girl in town and naming her Miss Average' Girl. laved. -lower than currently, a majority of invest- had gone On the whole, althouch ulcerative colitis ment club members found they The Navy now tias a guided-missile submarine named the Growler, Let's hope its bite is worse than its bark, was fated to finish it. Every spring I thought I'd have a grand excuse not to finish it.

Every other spring the' basement used to leak. But in the time I worked on the book it stayed dry until two weeks after I finished the final draft." How does a man who "spends eight hours a day working, two hours a day commuting, and supposedly the rest of his time appeasing a wife, two high-school daughters and a house in need of repair-how does such a man write a book? "It's easy," Dick insists. "You work nights. First you have dinner. Then you do your daughter's geometry.

Then you get your wife well situated with the evening paper, TV guide and a tall drink. Then you disappear into the basement until, hours later, a voice yells down from the master bedroom 'Hey, Zola it's Now that the book is written and selling, Dick has other problems to cope with. Most people have inflated ideas of best-sellers. The author of a best-seller has a hard time convincing others that the east-wing of Fort Knox is not involved. "The children," Dick says, "are convinced they're "going to get their own cars and my wife is convinced we're getting a new house and I'm still worried about making payments on the old car and the old house.

"Relatives think I'm hoarding my fortune. Friends think I'm greedy for not retiring and giving my job to someone who needs the money. And every time I buy a new hedge-clipper or rake, a neighbor says, 'You're smart, Dicky boy.vLive it up while you can!" is a serious and discouraging disease, most people who stick by the treatments ordered eventually recover. Everyone hopes, however, that it will not be long before research will succeed in disclosing the cause and better methods of treatment. Crossword Puzzle Answer to Previous Purrl Q's and A's Dinner at Eight astray on one or more 01 me ionowing points: They had invested in stock that were too speculative.

Eager for profits, they had put money into the market when prices were at or near their highs. There was too much hesitancy in selling when profits could have been realized. The clubs that fared the best were seasoned. They had bought into the market when prices were lower. They had bought quality issues.

They had not been afraid to take profits and hold Cash. Do proceed if your are investment club-minded. But, please do so with utter, utter caution! the Nobel Peace Prize? A Two Theodore Roosevelt and Wood-row Wilson. What is the new ruling regarding the about writing a book. But being men of great talent, vivid imagination and easy rationalization, we never do.

Thus, Dick Newcomb'of the Associated Press has dismayed his old friends. He not only talked about writing a book; he actually wrote one. To make matters worse, he wrote a good book. And it was published. And it is now a best-seller.

How unfriendly can you get? His book is "Abandon Ship," a tense, taut chron-- icle of the sinking of the cruiser Indianapolis late in World War II. What makes Dick's defection even more painful is that all along he had the excuses the rest of us had for not writing a book. Such as: "Too Tired at the end of a working day." 1 And: "My family demands too much of my time." and, best of all, "I got no place to write." Dick bad no place to write but he cleared and laid claim to the starboard side of the basement of his home in Haworth, NJ- His wife, Alice, was' told that henceforth she would be confined ACROSS IBaiced Virginia 4 Ice cream 2 Operatic solo 3 Spread'for bread 4 After-dinner smokt 5 Scent 6 Chicken soup Antiquity Wept major league All-Star Game? A The fans no longer do the voting. It is now done by the 500 players, managers and coaches in the two big leagues. Each player, manager and coach will select two men for, each position with the All-Star managers picking their own pitchers.

How many U.S. presidents have won al.pI$1 1 1 kiitI ImkiImi chowder 12 Constellation IS Sacred image 14 Mature 15 Knight's title 16 Home cooks 18 Gaunt g. Maine 28 Jewish 40 and Looking Backward From the Files of the Record lobster ceremonial dined -'dinner 41 Distribute 10 Imitated Bridge Game by Oswald Jacoby 30 Pays attention Military meal 27 Chess tic 42 Greek: porch 21 Ventilate 17 Eskimo dinner 28 Cheese eaters 43 Rook 22 Guide DM Bread inwad 44Destrov zt ureea goaaess 19 Titan 46 Cereal 31 Embryonic Now Freddy played his queen of spades and' East realized that he had to hang 26 Vend Here is a hand from the Master's Pair that shows how good duplicate players go 47 Notion 48 Garment 50 Tank caviue 33 Gaze fixedly 38 Transfix 23 Pixie 24 Demigod 25 Always 27 Theater sign SO Show 32 virgin 34 Iveased 35 Landed property This was all Freddy needed for his top score. The queen of diamonds forced out East's ace and he made the last three tricks with the jack of diamonds and the two high hearts. The bidding has been: West North East South lClub.

Double lHrt.lSpd Pass 3Spd Pass 10 YEARS AGO 1948 Freehold The cost of juries is going up. The Board of Freeholders yesterday executed, a $9,500 emergency appropriation 'to meet jury expenses for the rest of the year, in the face of a recent rise, ordered by a new state law which increases mileage for jurors from 2 to 6 cents a mile and the fact that Courts now operate with jur-z ies five days a week. 36 Mineral rock "7 25 YEARS AGO 1933 Branch Long Branch will apply to the Reconstruct tion Finance Corp. for a federal loan of more than $635,000 to purchase the private system of the Long Branch Sewer Co. to hook that system with that of the city.

Freehold A-report Before --the freeholders of the Mon- mouth County Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court, as compiled by Mrs. Louis C. Bodman of Middletqwn (who serves as n'ft NOBTH 4 75 VAI3J 8142 Q4 EAST (D) AK10BJ2 VQ109I AK3 4 0 after an extra trick. Fred gef of Nat-c won East's king of spades with the ace and took stock of the hand. He could run off his clubs and to the port side, the side with the oil burner, the washing machine and surplus family junk.

"It worked out fine" Dick says, except In tBe winter when she violated out territorial ''agreement She 37 Dregs 39 In addition 40 Creeping animal 41 Exist 42 CurUia WEST 4W8I4 r5 10875 112- You, Souths materia! 43 Controversial hung wet clothes to dry over 48 Former South u2 IS I. I 8 j7 i 5 i) T3T" 7i.t& 3 .1 Long Branch James Pierce was nominated for the "sr of-second assistant fire jtliief by tee nil TnrV f.nmiwn" at i SOUTH -AQ VKJ4 4QJ Both vulnerable J. Seat 'Weei Karta saiary snpwea that for the 'vlU'fire- oftheyear jffouse. chiltTren Spades A I 6, Hearts 15 4, Diamonds 4 7 5, Clubs 9 3 4 What do you do? A Pass. Whei you made yo'iir free bid nt tpae yn showed you bad and possibly a trifle morSi TQDAVS QUESTION: -4 Again-your hi dou-': bled West's one-dub opening and again East has bid one heart You, South, bold: Spade A 4, Hearts I 5, Dumcndi Kit.

Clubs 9(54 What do you do bow? Aasvrer Temorrtw have been -beard. African republic Seep voice '14 fervent ii Intimidated S4Try ITCoBSuro Unor tome--' jj Corned be my desk." His desk was a bee ploywood stretched over two sawhorses. His filing cabinets tere grocery cartons and the cindef-Motk basement wall where he soon, spread cut with huge charts of the Pacific and blueprints of the Indianapolis. Tot book took two and a calf year for research and writing. "Apparently," Be MJ.

"I watch fordid Jacoby cards "but he, decided -th-tJ East was marked with ill missing high carols tor his opening Hence, Freddy went right over to dummy wilh a club." led a heart and finessed his jack. Now be ran off the whole club suit, discarding three diamonds from 'dummy. East comfenced to feef the pressure early. He discarded all his four spadet and the three of diamond. 1 4 Doubk Past 2 rJ Pass 3 N.T.

Pass Pas Pass Opening lead 4 West Long Branch Mr. and Mrs, James Brady, Cedar Ave were welcomed as new Sea Bright the Rev. Henry Folgcr, pastor, will conduct "Roll Call Nifht" this evening at the First Methodist Episcopal "Church here. members of Old First Methr odist Church on Sunday, coming from the First Methodist. Church, Red Bank.

on to all three He let the king of diamonds go ia the hope tht his partner would hold the queen..

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