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The Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania • Page 1

The Tribunei
Scranton, Pennsylvania
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liitolt ESTABLISHED 1867. 120, NO. 61 MEMBER OB" THK1 ASSOCIATED PRESS SCRANTON, PA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1922 SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE TWO CENTS Miners Expected To Ratify Peace Settlement of Rail Situation Becomes Very Encouraging MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRLS OF 57 CITIES GIVEN GOLDEN KEYS TO CITY BY' MAYOR BADER AT OPENING OF ATLANTIC CITY'S 'PAGEANT AND NATIONAL BEAUTY TOURNAMENT. v.svvs Agreement Leaders Are Optimistic That Terms Will Be Reached Within a Short Time PRESIDENT'S WIFE IS SERIOUSLY ILL Indications No' district Cor Favor B. 0.

PRESIDENT MEETS RAIL HEADS "Recovery Not Yet Assured," is Statement Issued by Brigadier General Sawyer WILLARD LEADS PARLEY PLAN TO LI With Ratific rangement Call Sllirvv, '8? Jewell Returns to Chicago and is Served With Copy of Tern 1 porary Injunction i LEADERS REFUSE COMMENT' apolis, Thelma Blossom; Miss Johnstown. Vclma Zlegler; Miss Kansas City. Miriam Chafee: Miss Lancaster. Elsie Blumenstock; Miss Long Beach (N. T.

C). Lllyan Harnack; Miss Los Ar.geles. Katherine Grant; Miss Louisville, Dorothy Hoick; Miss Jjacon; Frances Miss Kuth Dought; Miss Montreal 'M. Gauthler. Miss Nashville.

Suo Burton; Miss New Birmingham, Eslie Sparrow; Miss Boston. Charlotte Trowbridge; Miss Bridge ton, Sara Alice. Bell; Miss Bridgeport. Paula E. Spcetle; Miss Brighton Beach (N.

Y. C), Ruth Andrae; Miss Buffalo, Eertha D. Kent; Miss Camden. Eleanor Llndley; Miss Chester, Anna M. Burke; Miss Chicago, Georgia Hale; Miss Cleveland, Lcile Charles; Miss Columbus, Mary K.

Campbell; Miss Copyright by Underwood Underwood. Edwards; Miss Pottsville, Leah Knapp; Miss Rochester, Mildred Moon; illss Rockawny (N. Y. C), Dorothy Hughes; Miss San Francisco. Tanlssa Zara; Miss Senttle, Evelyn Atkinson; Miss Schenectady.

Roberta Cooper; Miss St. Louis, Mildred Hose; Miss South Beach (N. Y. C), Mary Hlnvka; Miss Syracuse. M.

Rosamond Fahey; Miss Toledo, Loralne Foskey; Miss Toronto, Margery Smith; Miss Utlca, Janetto Adums; Miss Vlr.eland, Mary, E. Edwards; Miss Washington, Evelyn C. Lewis; Miss Waterbury, tHazel Gormershausen; Miss Wheeling, Miss Mary Dauge. KBedford, Alice Barkc; Miss New Haven, Lillian O. Peterson; Miss New Orleans.

Maud Trice; Miss. Ocean City. Marion Steelman; Mi.s Philadelphia, Kitty Miss Portland, STATE SCHOOL COST Increase for the Next Two Years is Estimated By Auditor. General CANDIDATES GET FIGURES Innovations Call for a Deficit of $2,817,010 That Must Be Met HARRISBURG. Fa Sept 8.

Th'e Pennsylvania legislature of 1923 will be called upon 'to appropriate more than $45,000,000 for the support of the state's educational system, Auditor General Lewis announced today. The appropriation will be for the period between Juno 1. 1928. r.d May 31. 1925, and will be to cover the cost of administration and to meet deficits from the present two year period, the audi tor general said.

Mr. Lewis" statement was made In answer to a request from Gifford Pinchot, Republican gubernatorial, for figures eoneerning th moner needed. Mr. Lewis Issued the figures as the result of a study ha has made for sev erai weeks and coptes of his statement were sent to Mr. rinchot, John A.

Mc Sparran. Democratic candidate for gov ernor; Governor Sproui, Dr. tiyoe u. vin. rh.irmin of the citizens' com mittee or.

the finances of Pennsylva. nia, and Judge Harry S. McDevitt, sec. retary of the state reorganization corn Mr. Lewis says $41,525.54 be needed as compared with $32,817,020 for the present year for the regular appropriations and a deficit cf $2,817.

nio must be met, while he estimates $780,000 as the sum necessary for the department or pumic instruction. The statement says: "For the support of common schools, State and normal schooli, vocational schools, continuation schools and other public school agencies, appropriations in the sum of approximately 356.76 must be approved under the act of 1923 to pay a deficiency of $1,817 010.04 caused by the Edmonds act of 1921, and estimates for the biennium. June 1, 1923, to May 31. 192d. (Be sides this amount, approximately.

$780, 000 will be needed by the Department of Public Instruction for superintend ence o' these agtncies.) Fcr, the. biennium June 1. Ii23. to. May 51.

1923, approximately 841.625,346.72 will i be needed, as compared with $32,817, 020.04 for the biennium June 1, 1921, to May 31, 1923. CaXXDzUZr IUkKl! yotaoe axons NItW YORK. Sept 8. Phyllis Knight," 9 years old. of Chester, N.

and her brother, Raymond, five have rctumcn on ine numeric irom nun day with her grandmother in England, making the entire trip alone. This Is the second time she has acted as sole escort and companion to her brother in a Journey aboard. She appeared a seasoned traveler and saw no thrills in her voyages. They children were met their parcnts. at.ths pier.

Pray Attorney General Daugherty Says Government is Not Party to Proceedings U. S. WILL NOT BLOCK PLANS Hearing on Petition to Restrain Temporary Injunction is to Be Held Today By tho Associated Press. WASHINGTON, Sept. 8.

On the basi3 of personal reports to certain administration leaders, a more optimistic view of the railroad strike situation was apparent today in government circles than in the past week. Several officials, who have been in close personal touch with strike developments, declared that settlement of tho labor controversy on a number of roads was a "probable" result of the series of conference? which they understood to be in progress in Chicago. The extent to which the negotiations might go toward affecting a national settlement was not forecast in these circles, but the hope was expressed that a partial peace with 'key" roads might serve as was the case in the bituminous coal settlement as a starting point for a general settlement. Willard Arranges Meetings. The Chicago meetings were said to have been largely a result of efforts on the part of Daniel Willard, of the Ha'timoro Ohio railroad, who was understood to have associated with Mm rciircscntatlves of about 85,000 miles of operated track.

Attorney Daugherty In a statement tonight said the government was not a party to any negotiations between the railroad! and their em niovrs. but declared that such nego tiations would not be interfered with by tha temporary restraining order Is s'led at Clncaeo. The government Is not a party to inv reKOtlatlons between the rail roads and the employes, if any are In otoeress," Mr. Daugherty said. "Tho suggestion that such negotiation ho Interfered with by the tern porary restraining order granted by J'jdge "NVilkerson is In my Judgment wholly unjustified.

The only concern of the government Is industrial peace and the restoration of transportaion. Any conference between the railroad executives and their former employes tr. adiust their crlevances Is in the interests of industrial peace and would not find any obstacle on the part of the government. Government 'WiU Not Interfere. "The government would not contend that either party to the controversy was denied by the temporary restraining order any right or opportunity to confer bctweon themselves as to the possible terms of such settlement.

The government is not a partisan in mis labor controversy. It champions neither the employer nor the employe their differences are for them to ad lust. The eovernment is. however. vitally concerned In the restoration oi Industrial peace and any employe win not only find no obstruction from the government, but will have its sym nnthv There was no aeveiopmeni connection with the legal pacKnre started by tho International Droiner hood of electrical workers one group of the striking crafts through a petition for a restraining order to prevent enforcement.

of the governments tcm porary injunction. Conferences were between counsel for the union nnd United States Attorney ooroon with a view to postponing the Hearing on the petition, set for tomorrow De fore Judge Bailey, but it finally was decided to proceed with the hearing as previously arranged. ALLEGED ACCOMPLICE ARRESTED IN CLINE CASE iiiPifEVRAnf. Sept. 8.

A warrant for the arrest of Miss Alice Thornton, of New York, charging ner with complicity with neorge cune, nnvi mention scout. In the murder on AuguRt 23 of Jack Bergen, motion picture actor, was issued here today by Justice of the Peace E. A Johnston, at the reauest of Prosecutor Hart, of Rers pn countv. Miss Thornton an pearcd today before the county grand iurv Investigating the murder charges. Miss Thornton, according to the story the told the authorities, was the first person to nint to tnne or, tne sneered Intimacy' of Mrs.

Cllne and Bergen. She declared that she visited the Cllne home the night or tne slaying, after she had been called on the telephone by Mrs. Cllne. She was pres ent when Cllne confronted his wife and Bergen and when tho shooting took place. Miss Thornton was arrested when she left the grand Jury room.

ARREST IZZY AND MOE ON TRESPASS CHARGE PROVIDENCE. R. Sept. Izsy Einstein, Moe Smith and Frank Reader, New York federal prohibition agents who have been making whirlwind raids here for the past three days, were arrested by deputy sher iffs this morning on civil warrants charging trespasses and assault. The arrests followed the filing of suits In the Providence county superior court, seeking damage of (10,000 against each of the agents.

United States Commissioner Archi bald C. Matteson, in the doorway of whose office the arrests were made, characterised the action as high handed and Intimated that habeas corpus proceedings would at once be Insti tuted. Federal officials said the dep uty sheriffs in contempt in ar resting government agents in the prosecution of their duties. The three agents were released on CONSULTATION IS HELD Condition is Recurrence of Attacks Experienced Before Coming to White House Bt the Aseeiatert rress, 'WASHINGTON. Sept.

8. The con dltion of Mrs. Harding, wife of the President, was so serious tonight that "recovery is not yet assured," a state ment issued at the White House at o'clock tonight bv Brigadier General C. E. Sawyer, the family physi cian, said.

Complications which developed yes terday and last night, the statement said, makes Mrs. Harding's condition "critical." it was added. Pr. John Finney, of Baltimore, was cailed in consultation tonight, and Dr. Charles Mayo is on his way to the White House from Rochester, to attend the patient.

Dr. Carl W. Sawyer, son of Brigadier General Sawyer, and Dr. Joel T. Boone have been in attendance on Mrs.

Harding since early today. President's Brother Arrives. Pr. George T. Hardinz, of Columbus.

a brother of President Harding, has also been summoned to Washington. Secretary Christian said. When Mr. Christian gave out Dr. Sawyer's statement to newspaper correspondents, he said: "Boys, Mrs.

Harding Is in a verv critical condition." The statement, timed p. issued by Pr. Sawyer, follows: "Mrs. Harding, whose illness Is a recurrence of attacks experienced before coming to the White House, developed complications Thursday and Thursday night which make her condition critical. These complications are so serious that recovery is not yet assured.

Pr. John Finney, of Baltimore, was called in consultation tonight, and Dr. is en route from Roches Dr' Carl Sawyer and Dr. nave joined in the at UI1 nrs mreiing todav 11 J. a ra lne "nlte House AMERICANS IN RUSSIA ADOPT NATIONAL COSTUME MOSCOW.

Sept. America may be threatened with a new style in its summer masculine dress, if many of imrrican neuer Administration rsonnei ltuss carry out their promise to introduce in the United pistes me Russian blouse. The Americans have found that the Russians, who experience the extreme oi winter com and summer heat even mere varied than in the northern plains states of America, knew what they were about when they invented me Dlouse for hot weather comfort. Many of the Americans are wearing the blouses, particularly In me provinces. The blouse does away with the nec essity or wearing a coat.

The most popular style is a linen garment, cut square at the bottom and not at all like the "tails" of a shirt. It is not tucked into the trousers byf worn out side, with a about the waist, luoseiy DucKica to permit free circulation of the air. The collars lire either of the low, turn over type, or the close fitting, military collar like that of an army tunic Some of the blouses are decorated with bright colored embroidery about the collar and edges, but none of them Is any way feminine in appearance. With trousers, shoes and stockings light underwear and a natty blouse. the.

Russian considers himself prop, erly garbed for the summer. MOTOR BOAT BANDITS RAID BRITISH SHIPMENT NEW YORK. Sept. 8. Three mo.

torboat pandits Jumped from their speedy craft onto an East river lighter today, subdued the skipper and got away with five bags loaded with trass time fuses for torpedoes and shells, worth 3.000. The ammunition was said to have been ordered by the British government and soon was to have been transported to England on Two hours afterwards detectives found the brass on a pier six blocks up the river from the looted lighter Alice. They Md and "when three men appeared the detectives took them to JaiL and charged them with robbj. y. All three said they knew nothing vt the theft.

READING WINS STATE AMERICAN LEGION MEET Commander Will Be Today Elected WTLLIAMSrORT, Sept. i. The election of officers, the choice of the 1923 convention city, and a number of Important Items of business were quickly disposed of when the American Legion delegates speeded up their work at the afternoon session "her today. Reading won the honor of entertaining the legion convention next year, crowding out Greensburg by a vote of J41 to 174. Upon motion of the Greensburg delegates, the choice was made unanimous.

The election of officers resulted as follows: Vice President J. M. Kline, of Shamokin: S. A. Baits, of Union twri and John W.

Groff. of Lancaster; chaplain. Rev. Allen C. Shue, of Wll The vote on th'e state commander rVp will he taken tomorrow morning.

The selection will be made from the following four nominees: William G. M'irdock. of Milton: Edgar Munson. of Williamsport: William G. Healey, of Wilkes Batre, and Major John A.

Farrell, of West Chester. The convention went on record as "heartily endorsing and approving the proposed state bonus bill," urging the substitution of the popy as the official flower of the legion Instead of the daisy as adopted at the msas City convention, and opposing the removal of the state headquarters from Philadelphia to Harrisburg, at least not for a year yet. Helen F. Smith; Miss Detroit, M. Beth Madson; Miss Dorothy Haupt; Miss Erie, Thera McConncll; Miss Fail River.

Helen Lyoch; Miss Harrisburg, E. Gertrude Shoemack; Miss Indian VALUE U. S. CROPS At SIX BILLION August Growing Conditions Were Detrimental to Bumper Corn and Cotton Yields LOSS PLACED AT $89,000,000 Present Indications Are That Profits Will Be Much Greater Than Last Year fir ihm AtMrlated Preu. WASHINGTON.

8. This year's Important farm corps win oe worth approximately 81.250.000,000 mora than their Talus last year. Production forecasts announced to day by the department of agriculture indicate this year's important crops will aggregate approximately 16,600, 000.000, calculating their ralue on September 1 farm prices. Three corps corn, cotton and hay will exctfed a billion dollars each in value, their aggregate comprisong more than one half of the value of all the Important crops. August growintr conditions were especially detrimental to tne bumper corn crop and to the cotton crop.

Corn suffered a loss during August of 142,000.000 bushels, worth at Septenv ber 1 prices 883,000,000. The govern' ment's forecast today placed the pros pective production at 2,8 7 5,000,0 0 0 bushels. Present Indications are that prae. tlcally all of this year's crop will be worth more than last year, with the exception of wheat, rye and peanuts Corn will be worth" approximately 8496,000.000 more, cotton. 8389.000,000 oats.

8830O00O apples 864,000.000, hay (tame) 847,000,000 and peaches, J36, 000.000. This year's Indicated crop will have ft value, calculated unofficially and based on September I farm prices, as follows Wheat, corn, 81,801,. 900.000; oats. 8404,100.000: barley. 888.500,000; buckwheat 811,600,000: rye potatoes, 8585.400,000; sweet potatoes.

hav (tame) 81,037.600.000: hav (wild) cotton, (exclusive of seed) 81.064.400.00; apples, 8227,200, 000: peaches $88,100,000: peanuts, $30,400,000: flax seed. $22,100,000 and beans, 849,600.000. The value of to bacco, rice and cotton seed corps are expected to exceed their lart year's value. BROTHERHOOD BUYS CLEVELAND BUILDING CLEVELAND. Sept.

8. Purchase of downtown bank building located In Cleveland "banking row" on Euclid Avenue, by the brotherhood of loco motives of engineers was announced today. The building will house the Brotherhoods Co operative National Bank. The Indicated consideration was $2,253,000. The property Includes 15 story, building, me three lower floors of which were designed for banking purposes and the upper floors for office suites.

Episcopalians Finances and Divine Healing For Rail ARGUMENTS ARE HEARD Masterly Addresses by Kennedy and Murray Feature of Yesterday's Meeting By HAROLD MYERS Staff Correspondent of The Republican. WILKES BARRE, Sept. 8. Ratification of the peace pact en tered into by officials of the United Mine Workers of America and the anthracite operators in Philadel phia Saturday is expected within twenty four hours. AH indica.ions tend to show that the vote on ac cepting or rejecting the tentative greement will be reached at tne tri district convention of anthracite workers in session here tomorrow, Administration leaders tonignc i were supremely confident that majority of the 690 delegates in attendance will vote for acceptance and that production of coal will be started the forepart of the week.

Today sessions were given over to arguments for and against ael ceptinr the agreement after Thorn II. Kennedy, chairman or the. sub scale committee, had concluded reading his report of the negotiations and submitted the resolution calling for ratification of the pact. Six speakers took the floor to urge ratification, while four others ad vocated rejection, although none of the four offered any constructive plan for further negotiations. Plan lifting Suspension.

ith every In dication pointing to ratification of the agreement, plans have been perfected for lifting the suspension. whicTT has indiistrv since April 1. to morrow nicht. According to reliable information members of the operators' sub scale committee are expected here tomorrow night when the contract will be formally closed. Two addresses, described by International President John L.

Lewis as "the greatest orations ever delivered in the councils of organized stood out among si: others delivered in hMmif nf the agreement. They were made by Mr. Kennedy, who is presi Hnt of District No. 7. and Philip Mur rv International vice president.

Mr, KVnnerfv's talk was concluded late this aCternoon amid outbursts of ap nimiss that nlalnh Indicated that majority of the delegates favor ratification of the agreement. Debate the report wiU bo continued tomorrow morning, when the opposition is expected to let loose its heavy Kinaino deposed organiser from District No. 1, nnrl Knoch wr.llsens. seeretary treas urer of the same district, are expected to make the chief arguments against ratification. For the administration forces, it is likely that International President Lewis will make a final talk in urrine raticatlon.

"I am more con fident than ever that the tentative agreement which we made with the anthracite operators will receive the approval of the convention. Mr. Lewis said at the conclusion of today's sessions. KennadT'a Address a Jtarterplece. President Kennedy's presentation of the case of the scale committee was a masterpiece.

The Haileton leader spoke for upwards of an hour and dury ing an tnis time ne.a ine ciose attention of the packed auditorium." He ap pealed neither to passion nor preiu dice, but presented clear and concise arguments as to wny tne I'epper Reed pact should be ratified. President Kennedy answered every argument ad vanced against the agreement, and it was evident by the attention given his address that the unln structert delegates, who comprise the majority, were deeply Impressed by his remarks. "To the opponents of the agree ment. I want to say." Mr Kennedy said, "that to continue this fight you cannot come In with a half measure and say go further, unless you come in with a constructive program as a basis for continuing. Let us not delude ourselves on this point.

We have fought the fight, we have kept the faith and we have come back with our recommendations, and we say to you that, measured by any comnarlsofl you (Continued on Page Two.) FUEL COMMISSION MEETS IN PHILADELPHIA TODAY PHILADELPHIA. Sept. The Penn sylvania Fuel Commission will use its authority to prevent any skyrocketing of anthracite prices and to guard against speculation. To this end a meeting of commissioners and independ ent anthracite operators will bo held here tomorrow afternoon at the sugges tion of Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover. "The commission Is concerned In and purposes to use not only Its1 good of fices, but Its authomy to stabilize anthracite prices and to secure an eqult ble distribution of coal," said Chair man W.

D. B. Alney, of the state com mission, "so that the needs of the householders can be provided for as speedily as mine operating conditions improve and production is had. 'The matter of stabilising prizes," he continued, "is much more complex than would appear at first blush. In connection witfi price adjustments the fuel commission Is giving seriojis considera tion to tne feasibility of establishing a fair practice committee." PBESXDBZTT MABXED By the 'Pmm.

PARIS, Sept. 8. George Salem, an Egyptian student, fired a shot at an automobile in front of the Palace of the Elysee today believing th car to be President Mlllcrand's. The shot went wild. President Mlllcrand was at his country residence at Ram boutlet at the time.

Both Sides Declare Willard Plan of Settlement is Same As New York Proposal By the Associated Tress. CHICAGO, Sept. S. An Informal meeting of Western railway executives with Daniel 'VVlilard. president of th Baltimore and Ohio, tho Teturn hero from east of B.

M. Jewell, leader of the striking shopcrafts. and the failure of the roads to tako any definite action looking toward pence rarkcd tho progress of tho country wide strike today. As Mr. Jewell stepped from the train he was greeted by United States Marshal George Hassett and J.

I'. N'oonan. of tho Department of Justice, and was given the official service of tho temporary Injunction Issued against tho shopmen by Federal Judge James Wllkerson last Friday. He accepted service without com ment. He was accompanied by William II.

Johnston, president of the International Brotherhood of Machinists, who also was served with the writ and Martin F. Ryan of the railway, carmen's association. Willard Host to Ixecutlvea Mr. AVillnrd, who arrived here from Baltimore yesterday, was host to twenty railway representatives at luncheon today. Samuel M.

Felton, of the Great Western, who wn one of the party said: "I am not In a position to mnke any statement regarding the present situation" he denied that separate peace agreements were discussed at the meeting today. Mr. Jewell and the other union leaders also refused to comment on the situation in advance of the meeting Mon day of the shop crafts policy committee of ninety. Both tho railway executives and the union leaders united in aecmrmg tho text of what was termed lha Willard plan for tho settlement of the strike on separate roads was nothing i but the proposal brought before the sessions of tho executives at New York some three weeks ago. ENGLAND TO MAKE GIFTS TO AMERICAN CITIES LONDON, Aug.

21. Great Britain, cio mvn Institution, soonl number of gifts to the states in the form of bronze hust of men notable In the days of America's struggle for nde pendence. A committee of prominent Britishers Identified with tho Sulgrave organization will leave for the Lulled earlv in September. After going to Washington they will tourl the country and make tne presenia i tions. To the cltr of Washington will be given a bronze statue of Edmund Burke.

Pittsburgh will be prcsentod lth a heroic bust of WUHam I'ltr, Earl of Chatham, after whom the cltyl is named. I There are also two busts of the late I Lord Bryce, author of "The American I One will be glvenl AVashineton and the other to I Trinity Church, New York. These gifts are intended as an ex 1 presslon of Britain's appreciation ofl similar tokens received from tnei United States. CRACKSMEN BLOW 'PHONE FROM WALL WITH SAFE GREENVILLE. Sept, 8.

Safel robbers, who entered the Pennsylvania! railroad station here recently, mis Judged the amount of explosives neces sary to rip the door from the trongl box and the Must upset a telephone. Miss Fred central operator, an swered tho signal but failed to ra'sel the station which, she knew, wasl closed. She notified the poliro butl when they reached the station the rob bcrs had departed. Police believed! the men noticed the telephone on the! floors and fearing it would result lnl an alarm left without rifling the safe, CROWN COLUMBUS LASS AMERICAN BATHING GIRL Winner In Atlantic City Con test Not a Flapper ATLANTIC CITY, N. Sept.

"Mlss Columbus" (Mary Katherynl Campbell) of Columbus, tonight! was crowned the most beautiful bathing girl in America In tho finals of the beauty tourney oa tlie third annual Atlantlo Cltyl pauennt. She takes the title. "Miss America," end the 15.000 golden mer maid, emblematic of the from Margaret Gorman, Ington, D. winner of lost year's contest. Miss Campbell Is of athletic build and has long curly auburn hair.

She was a general favorite from the first) appearance of the fifty seven inter city beauties. THE WEATHER Eastern Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and New Jersey Fair snd warmer Saturday; Sunday partly cloudy and warmer, probably followed by local thunder showers. LOCAL BEPOHT TOB SCBAHTO (For the 24 hours ending 8 p. Maximum temp, at 1 p. m.

74 Minimum temp, at 3 m. Avera.Ro temperature 79 Normal temperature 61 Total precipitation 0 8a.m. lln. 8p.m. Dry bulb temp.

SB 74 69 Wet bulb temp. S3 69 64 Dew point 61 67 61 Relative humidity 87 78 78 Here tliey are the winnlr.g beauties of pu'ehrituda contests In 57 cities sent to Atlantic City to attend the great annual bathing pageant and take part in the national beauty cot.test. They were met by Mayor Bader. distinguished by his white trousers as well as by his hospitable and liberal administration, who handed to each a golden key to the city. Tho group includes Miss America, Miss Margaret Gorman, of Washing, ton; Miss Akron, Doris Widdershelm: Miss Baltimore, Ernia Knabe; Miss Bir.ghamton, Helen Agnes Searles; Miss CHEMICAL COMPANY IS SUED BY U.

S. Government Seeks to Have 5, 000 Patents, Trade Marks and Copyrights Returned SEIZED DURING THE WAR Riehts Worth. Many Millions and Returns vAre Inadequate, Allege Monopoly is Attempted WILMINGTON. Sept. 8.

A. rov eminent suit against the Chemical Foundation. a Delaware corporation, for tiic return to the government of approximately 5.000 patents, trad marks end copyright, seized by the alien nronerty custodian under, th enemv act from Germany and other aliens, was filed in Wilmington today. Tlie action is a result of a letter from President HardinST to Alien Property Custodian Thomas W. written on July 1 and directing him as Alien property custodian to make Informal demand of the Chemical Foundation, for the return of the trade marks, patents and copyrights, which formal demand when made was refined.

Spend Large Sums for Salaries It is allowed in the bill that the Chemical Foundation is now spending large sums of money derived from revenue from licenses and rights for nd in orouaganda. Accord ing to the bill the patents disposed of are worth many millions of dollars and the consideration obtained was in adequate. If these sales are held it is maintained it would be a violation of the trust under which they are held. This government makes broad and general allegations of a plan to create and the existence of a dye and chemical monopoly in the United States which was stimulated by the shutting off of these products from Germany. Among the corporations mentioned as beinir in the monoply are the National Aniline and Chemical the General Chemical com pany.

the Solvay Trocess company the Sunset Solvay company and the Barrett company, all of whjch in 1910 were combined with the Allied Chem ical and Dye corporation, and the DuPont De Nemours and company. Manufacturers Torm Monopoly The government alleges that by means of agreement and organizations and "organized and united control ana monopoly ot manufacture, sale and distribution of dyes and chemicals. It is further alleged that persons and firms who had acquired control of dye stuffs entered into a conspiracy prior to November, 1918, to procure the seizure such enemy owned patents by the Alien Troperty Custodian and the transfer by him to themselves or corporations controlled by them. Tlie eovernment eays these persons In dorsed the Alien Property Custodian In 1919 to seize and undertake to sell the ratents. It is alleged patent at torneys for the DuPonts and the Na tional Aniline and Chemical company were placed in the patent office to go over and select enemy owned patents desired to further the conspiracy to create a monopoly.

It is set forth facts regarding "pretended" sales were suppressed and misrepresentations made. It is claimed part of tne nom inal consideration named for said patents was paid by the defendants before the sale had been made. The further charges that licenses under some of the patents acquired by the Chemical Foundation had already been granted by the Federal Trade Commis sion and that other licenses were granted, by the Chemical Foundation that royalties from uch amounted to SI. 152, 048 had accrued to June 30, 1922, and that the average income from patents so licensed were about 1300, 000 a year. TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION DELEGATES GATHER ATLANTIC CITY.

N. Sept. 8. The first contingenet of 400 delegates of tho International Typographical union arrived here today for the an nual convention of the organization, which will open at the Ambassador Hotel next Monday. The convention program will open Informally tomorrow night 'with a banquet and reception for the dele gates and their wives.

Samuel (lompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, and Governor tldwards of New. Jersej', will deliver addresses when tho convention be gins business sessions. Inesi GREEKS EYACUATE ASIA MINOR CITY Volunteers Continue Weak Resistance Against Mu staph a Kemal Pasha, Turk Leader NEW PREMIER APPOINTED Revolution is Imminent Within Smyrna, According to Reports. Bread Riot is Feared SMYHNA, Sept. 8.

The political and military authorities of Smyrna today began evacuating the town. Embarkations are under way from Vurla and Chesme. Remnants of tho Greek army have arrived twelve and one half miles from Smyrna, but the Turks nppnr ently are not closely following them. Volunteers in Smyrna vainly are try ing to enforce resistance against ihe Turks, but it is believed neve ibat MusUpha Kemal Pasha, the Turkish Nationalist Jeader, can enter the town in three days. ADAN'A.

Sept. 8. Advices received from Turkish Nationalist sources con firm the complete defeat of the Groek army. Tho army, which at tho begin ning ot the operations, was estimated to aggregate 200,000 men, has Joat more than half its effectiveness. Tho troops which are flying in disorder h' fore the Kemallst cavalry amount hardly to 50,000.

Thousands of prisoners are being taken daily. The Kemalists continue to advance rapidly. The statistics of the booty which has fallen Into the hands of the Turks up to September 4 Is given as 910 guns, 1,200 auto trucks, 200 automobiles, 5,000 guns, 400 carloads nf munitions and 40,000 rifles. In addition, mora than 20.000 Greeks have been made pris oners. ATHENS, Sept.

8. The evacuation of Asia Minor by the Greeks, as a re suit of the successful offensive against their army by the Turkish nationalists, is accepted here as a foregone conclusion, although It has not been announced officially. Meanwhile tho cabinet has resigned as a result or tne reverses ana King Constantino has asked frmcr Premier Kologeropoulos to get a new cabinet together. Actual orders for the evacuation of Asia Minor have not yet been given, it is said, but General Dousmanos, tho chief of staff, is studying the problem so as to carry out the manoeuvcr under the best conditions possible. Take Troops to Islands.

The troops will probably be taken to the Islands of Chios, Mytllene and Samoa in the Aegean Sea, where It is expected they will be demobilized ard disarmed, a part of them then being sent to Thrace. An official Greek communique, Is (Contlnued on Page Thirteen.) RAID RED HOOK SECTION FOR POISONOUS WHISKEY Alleged Liquor Found in Sev eral Homes NFW TOP.K. Sent. 8. Heading a squad of uniformed policemen and de tectives, District Attorney ituston to day raided every house In a block In the Red Hook section of Brooklyn In an effort to find the source of the pois onous alcohol which has caused eleven deaths In the neighborhood.

The raiders were not equipped with search warrants, but they visited every cellar In the block. Members of the party said they were unable to get war rants because the persons wno gave information about the alcohol feured that if their connections with th search was known they would be kiile Shortly after the hunt was startef several prohibition officers Joined the district attorney and two cases of a liquid supposed to be whiskey or colored alcohol were found. The first liquid found was In the cellar of a tenement house. There were several demijohns, barrels and other con tainers loaded with the liquid. Five wine presses were found, with several empty bottles, all labelled "whiskey." With police guarding the block on all sides, while others remained on roofs adjoining, the searchers tried two more houses without result.

Then, at the fourth, they discovered several pint flasks fllled with the same liquid. Strike End vention Plead for Loyalty to Old Gospel Are Subjects of Portland Con bishop and council, stirred the two houses to a demonstration by his address at the conclusion of the report Ho said In part: "You and I know that this time of unrest and revolution, when men's hearts are failing them, for fear when the shadow of suspicion and distrust and hate lies heavy upon the world and sinister centrifugal forces are threatening the' very stability of the republic, what we need most of all is not a new gospel, but a renewed loyalty to the old gospel of. Jesus Christ. 'Ton cannot cure smallpox with cologne water and all efforts to improve men's character by changing their physical environment or the physical conditions under which they live will fall unless accompanied by individual patience on the part of. men and women of truer and nobler ideas ot life." PORTLAND, Sept.

8. Prayers for. peace in' the railroad shopmen's srtike were said at the close of a meeting; of a joint session of the house of bishops and the house of deputies of the Triennial convention of the Protestant Episcopal church here today. The action was taken as a result of a resolution by Courtney Darber, a lay delegate from Chicago. Finances and divine healing wer two subjects which cams before the convention.

Healing came tip In ft resolution In troduced In the house of deputies by Dean J. Wilbur Gresham, of SanFran cIbco, asking the convention to take action "restoring; Christian healing to its ancient and rightful place Jn the church." This was referred to ft committee. Bishop Thomas F. Gal lor, who de livered tbs report of the presiding; IbaiL i.

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