The Appeal from Saint Paul, Minnesota • Page 5
- Publication:
- The Appeali
- Location:
- Saint Paul, Minnesota
- Issue Date:
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- 5
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
THE APPEAL: A NATIONAL AFRO-AMERICAN NEWSPAPER. MINNEAPOLIS. DOINGS IN AND ABOUT THE GREAT "FLOUR CITY." Latters Social, Religious and General Rave Happened and are to Which Happen Among the People the City on the Falls. Congressional Ticket. For Congress LOREN FLETCHER Fifth District Judical Ticket.
Judge, 4tn 4th District-JOHN District-DAVID F. STEELE, SIMPSON. County Officers, County Auditor-CLEMENT J. MINOR. Register C.
County Surveyor-E. ABBOTT. Legislative Ticket. Twenty- District-A, DALE, JOSEPA SCHUTTA. Thirtieth District -F.
DAHL, Thirty-Third District-D. DAVIES, L. S. GILLETTE. Fourth District-E.
E. SMITH, JOHN CUNNINGHAM. Aldermanic Ticket. First -CHAS. T.
FRANE. Second Ward-JAS. S. LANE. Third Ward -JOHN W.
Seventh Ward -W. B. WOODWARD. Eighth Ward -E. E.
WEBSTER. Ninth -M. B. LLOYD, Tenth -P. W.
McALLISTER. O. PETERSON. Twelfth Ward -C. E.
Glaes will continue to serve meals for 25 cents. Read the valuable information to voters in this issue. Don't fail to cast: your vote cn election day and to vote you must register. Job" E. Holmberg for Sheriff and C.
N. Dickey for County Clerk are your naturel friends. Visit the most popular as well as the best kept barber shop in the Northwest. The Palace 200 Washington ave. So.
The latest styles of pooing, scalp treatment by Madam Dooley, the fashionable bairdresser 708 nepin ave. upstairs, St Anthony Lodge 2877 G. U. 0.0. F.
and the Household Ruth 776 are preparing to give a grand Concert and Ball at Plummer Poet Hall Nov. 25th. THE APPEAL Is on sale every Saturday Palace Tonsorial shop, 200 Wash ington Ave. Pullman House, 409 let Ave. Hotel de Temple, 414 2d Ave.
Bo. The Pullman House is the most centrally located boarding house in the city. Accommodations first class in every respect. Best of service. Try either breakfast, dinner or supper at this place.
Prices reasonable. When in Minneapolis you will find no batter place to get board and lodging than Hotel de Temple, No. 414 Second Avenue South. The accommodations are first class in every particular, and at prices which are very reasonable. Don't fail to visit De Leo's Barber Shop the best equipped and largest in the city, corner of Washington and Second avenues south under Washington Bank.
Porcelain bath tubs, shower baths. First class work guaranteed, Mrs. Nelson the skilled and successful Midwife of the East side has opened 8 Drug Store with a full line of Drugs and Sundries at 1013 3rd, avenue. N. E.
Mr Wm. Nelson her son who is graduate registered pharmacist will manage it for her. A A dentist could probably drive nome the filling in a tooth with a single blow from a large hammer, but he does a botter job and the work lasts longer by using a small hammer and repeating the blows The same principle holds good in adver Mra Philip Hale will resume instructing her pupils on Piand-forte and would like to have her former scholare to take up their studies again atlow prices to moet the hard times Price 35 cents per leeson Call at residence No 614 16th avenue South. Try Madam Dooley's great French made, it promotes the growth and is the latest and most valuable preparation for straightening and beautifying the hair. Price 35 cents per jar.
Madam Dooley' Hair Dressing Parlors 708 Hennepin Ave. Agents wanted. The Pullman Houge has been thorough ly renovated and fitted through out with new furniture and is the most centrally located boarding house in the city. Accommodations first class in every respect Best of service. Try either breakfast, dinner or supper at this place.
Prices reasonable. Mrs. F. Bell's wonderful Hair Grower and Straightner is the latest and best in the market. She can straighten, dress and dry the hair in one hour.
No ir 4.8 used whatever. Once straightened will always remain go, regardless of dampness from perspiration. Hair Dreesing parlors 401 Fifth Avenue South. The Flour City Club has a neatly fitted ap suit of club rooms for those who enJoy ciub life. They are located on the second floor of 325 Hennepin Avenue With the well anown general and perienced J.
E. Stewart manager end Wm. M. Smith secretary. This resort no doubt will be the Mecca for all clubmen.
These, rooms are arranged and fitted with all accommodatione for the pleasure of the patrons. A better place can not be found in the city to pars AWAY the leisure hours. district, Nothing has been brought to his attention toat he did not- promptly attend to. He has shown himself particularly interested in our people. He had Mr.
Ned Jones; pension restored. He secured an increased in pension for Archie Long and $120 back pay and secured the prompt allowance of Mre. Harriet S. Morris, pension. Mr.
Flet. LOREN FLETCHER cher has an etenographer at Washingtok in hie office. He has always been A friend to our people ing them in securing: positions, dating them and showing bimself in all lines interested in their welfare. He is a tried Republican and deserves our moat hearty and generous support which he has shown no himself fully and deservedly intitled to, and we believe, yes we know it is to our highest good to support him to a man. F.
C. METCALF, Republican Candidate for Register of Deeds Hennepin County. Frank C. was born in Dundas, Minnesota, in 1865. In the following year his parents removed to Minneapolle CENTURY ING.CO.
DICKEY. Frank coming alpo He a'tended the public schools of this city when a boy, being enrolled 88 a scholar at old Wash ington school which stood on the present site of the court house and city hall. He entered the Curtisa Business College of A A. W. HASTINGS.
this city alter leaving school and took a business course. Equipped with a good businees education he looked around for 8 position and commenced work in the freight office of the Chicago Milwaukee St, Paul Railway, starting as a truckman ROBERT PRATT and working his way up through various positions until he became chief clerk in the freight department. La' er he ergaged in turivess for and opened a real estate and rental fice, at which onsirene ha nroved very puccess The W. DA D. F.
SIMPSO Z. ful. Mr. Metcalf has never been a politi cal aspirant until this year, He has alwaye been an active worker for his party and has often demonstrated in a material friendsbip for u8 and he should have our unamious support. CHAS.
WILKINS. Candieate for County Commissioner, Third District. FREDERIC C. HARVEY. JAMES PETERSON.
(Candidate for Clerk of District Court Hennepin County. The subject of this sketch who has so successfully and creditably filled the office of clerk of the District Court of Hennepin County is one of the most popular candidate on the county ticket. His nomination by acclamation at the county convention last summer is a well deserved honor. He has performed his duties in a creditable manner and bie high standing can be seen in no better way than in bis record as clerk of courts. Mr.
Dickey is personaly a very genial and pleasing man to meet, has many warm friends and enjoys the sincere respect and esteem of the entire bench, regardless of party. A demonstration of his impartiality was the appointment last Jannary of Mr. Robert Lee to a clerksbip in his office without the least political influerce brougnt to bear, as is common in such cases. Mr. Dickey seryes our unamious support and he and such as he receives our hearty endorse: ment.
JOHN H. STEELE; Candidate for Judge of District Court Hennepin County. The present judge of probate of Hen; nepin couaty is forty years old, was raised on a farm in Illinois, educated in the public schools of that state, received a common school and academical educa" tion, taught school studied law and was admitted to the bar of Illinois in 1883; removed to Minneapolis in 1884 and practiced law in Minneapolis until elect; ed judge probate in 1892. In 1894 he was lected judge of probate. His party bas conferred higher honors on him and nominated him for Judge of District Court.
Judge Steele has always been a very popular candidate aud has proved himself qualified for higher judical honors. A8 a true friend we can find no better, so don't forget to mark an after his name. ALBERT W. HASTINGS Republican Candidate for Treasurer, Hennepin County, Who is a member of the well known firm of McMillan and Hastidge was elected to the office of county Treasurer two years ago by a cver whelming majority which bespoke his (popularity has proven himself au ideal Treasurer to the people of the county. Mr.
Hastinge ability and integrity bas never been questioned. He has made a most flatter ing record since he has been in office, and meet with no opposition for renomi, nation. When ever opportunity has presented itself he has shown his friend; ship and interest in the progress of the Afro' American citizens and has well proven a true and good friend. Don't fail to put cross mark opposite the name of Mr. Albert W.
Hastings for County Treasurer Republican. C. J. MINER. Candidate for County Auditor Henuepin County.
It was not many years ago tHat Mr Miner, who is quite a Young manwas blacking boots and "hopping" bells at the old Sherman House in Chicago. His' Chas. Wilkins, who will be Mr. Nash's successor on the Board of County Commiseionere, is from Lowell, where when a boy he learned the wachinist trade, attending night school to get an education. He came to Miuneapolis in 1886 and engaged in the pluming business, the firm name being Wilking St.
Leger, Mr. St. Leger later withdraw. ing, and Mr. Wilkins has since continued in the business himself, his place of business being at 247 Second avenue south.
He is a young man 35 years of age, and his ample and succeseful qualifications will make him A valuable member of the Board. Mr. Wilkins bas ever been an advocate of justice to all and partiality to none. In him we are assured of a valuable friend. DR.
G. E. DENNIS. Candidate for Couuty Coroner. Hennephin County.
ROBERT PRATT. Republican Candidate for Mayor of Minneapolis. Frank C. Metcalf. Entering the service as a private in the Fifth Vermont infantry, at the age of sixteen, in '61, he remained with his command to the close of the war at Appomattox, and was mustered cut captain.
He then finishea his education at Brandon and removed to Minneapolis in '66, working as a lumber piler and woodsman untfl he saved money enough to buv a team and haul logs on his own account. From '84 to '87 Mr. Pratt was a member of the city council, voting for for the establishment of the present patrol limits, and from '88 to the present time served a3 a member of the echool board, baving been reelected in 1892. He was elected mayor in 1894 by about 4,500 majority and has given the city an able and bueiness like administration, which has been pronounced by the citizens one of the best administrations the city has ever enjoyed. He is a true believer in justice and fairness to all JOHN E.
HOLMBERG. mankind. He 19 a friend and we must give him our unanimous support and use all efforts to keep him there, we know what he is and know what to expect by his past creditable and beneficial record. JOHN E. HOLMBERG.
Candidate for Sheriff of Hennepin County. Who is candidate for re-election for Sherif of Hennepin Caunty came to Minneapolis in '73, engaged at his trade with G. McMullen and remaining with him for pine years when he began con tracting forhimself. In '92 he was elected to the lower house of the State Legielature where as chairman ofthe commit ee on labor he made an enviable reputation in his work in behalf of the laboring man Mr. Holmberg has filled the position of sheriff in the past term in a faithful busi, nese like manner with much credit to himself and the County.
He is very pleasant and unassuming. Yet has conducted his charge with the necessary dig. nity and attended to his affairs in the past term 80 a8 to make his tion a decided success. Mr Holmberg is one of the true friends of the Afro American and recognizes men regardless of color or creed. This fact has been thoroughly demonetrated.
When be accepted his office he found in the (fice Mr. J. M. Allison whom be retained and accorded him the sane treatment as others in bis office and promotions were were open to him on the same basis as others, ability and chance alone governing. The present position which Mr.
Allison is retaining is proof of that act. Mr. Holmberg certainly merits our support and we could not do better than give him our unamious indorement in a material way by aesisting to retain him in his present position. JAMES A. PETERSON.
Candidate for County Attorney. Hennepin County. Janies A. Peterson, candidate for county attorney, is a native of sin, being born in Dodge county, that State, Jan. 1859.
He attended the common echools of that county until 14 years of ag-, afterwards attending the city schools in Oconomowoc and Hartford. He taught six terms in the district schools of Dodge county, and in the fall of 1878 entered the preparatory department of the State University of Wiecon 610, graduatirg in 1844, in the ancient clessical course. He then entered the law office of W. S. Field of Viroqua, and pursued his studies until he graduated from the law school of the Univereity of Wisconein in 1887.
In August of the game year he removed to Minneapolis, and began a successful practice of law. Mr. Peterson took an active interest in politics, and Jan. 1st, 1893, was appointed first assistant county attorney by County Attorney Nye, and was reappointed Jan. 1st, 1895.
-He has proved himself an able prosecuting attorney, and was nominated by bis party 88 County Attorney Nye's successor. Mr. Peterson is another staunch friend whom we mull not forget. DAVID F. SIMPSON.
Republican Candidate for Judge of District Court Hennepin County. David F. Simpson began life on a farm in Dodge county, Wieconsin, in 1860 He attended the country schools and worked on the farm during his boy hood. Later he attended the State University in Madison, Wisconsin, graduating from that institution in 1882. He studied: law at the University of Wisconsin and the Columbia Law School and received de grees from both institutions and was ad ritted to the bar of Wiscongin.
After some practice in that state he came to Minnenpolis in 1884, and since that time has been engaged in the practice of law in this city. During the last four years be as been City Attorney of the city of been Minneapolis, tested in and many his ways, legal proving ability them a lawyer who stands high in Lie pro fes: ion and one who would certaioly grace the bench of the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District. We wilt make no mistake in giving Mr. Simpson our unanimous support as he will prove to be a loyal and just friend. UNCLE LOREN FLETCHER.
Hon. Loren Fletcher who has eo fully served the (longressional digtrict for the prat four years or two terms. ia ugain out for the nomination. During Mr. Fletcber's two terms in congress he has faithfully served his district be is known as a hard working and effective man.
He carefully looks after the interest of every individual member in his father, who was a poldier in the civi war, died lad he was thrown was small, and upon his own resources. He took a business course in the busi. ness college at Poughkeepsie, N. and afterwards came to Minneapolis where be entered the lis employ of the Minneapo, Furniture Company, handling lumber His first office position was secured with Merrill Albee who back in the eighties were in partnership in the abstract busi, nees. In 1885 Mr.
Miner entered the office of the county auditor when Frank McDonaid was auditor, and has risen from the position of "handy man" to that of chief deputy under Mr. Cooley. Mr. Miner by long experience has a complete knowledge of the affairs of the office and will make an excellent auditor. He is a friend of the ericans and would be gratful for their support.
A. C. HAUGAN, Candidate for City Treasurer, Hennepin County. Was born in Norway in 1849 and came to the United States in '66 located in Minneapolis in '67 he engaged in the grocery businers, and continued so until '83, when he changed to banking. and has remained in the same up to date, being at present president of the Lington Bank.
In '78 he was elected to to the city council from the Sixth ward, and served his constitutents for nine successive years. In '83 be was made one of the charter members of the board park commissioners which position he shortly after resigned, but the people reelected him for a term of six years. In '92 he was elected city treasurer by majority of over 4,000, and in 1894 Mr. Haugan, being the nominee of his party for the same office, WAS elected by a handsome majority. His sterling qualities 88 man conscientious service performed as city treasurer, were sufficent to give bim a nomination for a third term.
Don't fail to vote for Mr. FREDERIC C. HARVEY. Nominee for Judge of Probate. Hennepin County, F.
C. Harvey was raised in the state of Ohio, educated in her commonschools and at Miami University; at the age of fifteen enlisted and served for almost two years as a powder boy on a Miesissippi Union gun boat; studied law and was admitted to the bar by the Supreme Court of Ohio; came to Minneapolis in 1880 and bas practiced his profession there ever since. Mr. Harvey, without any solicitation on his part, four years ago was elected to the City Council as Alderman from the Fifth Ward, and his record and service uhon all questions in the City Council has been especially ac ceptible to the people of Minneapolis. These people remember that he framed and introduced and by earnest work put through the Council what is known as the "Harvey Transfer Ordinance," which was afterwards fully sustained in all its provisions by the court, and gave to the people of Minneapolis the admir able transfer eye'em now in vogue, as bis public life bas been to the citizens of Minneapolis so has it been to the deserving and worthy AfroHe is a friend to the "true blue" type.
Wilkins. Mr. Dennis is not unknowa to the voters of Hennepin county, as in 1894 he made a close fight for the nomination for the office to which he was nominated by the Republican party this fall. Dr Dennis is from Michigan, but has resided in Minnesota since 1868, and has been a resident of Minneapolis twelve years, during which time he has followed his professiou verr He has been a member of the Board of Health of this city, and has filled the office of corner of Chippewa county, Minnesota, being fret appointed the county com missioners and afterwarde elected to the office, receiving the highest vote ever cast for a Republican candidate in that count Metropolitan Opera House. The attraction at the Metropolitan for 3 nights and Saturday matinee mencing Thursday Nov.
th will be Augustus Pitou's sumptous production of Sardeu's Napoleonic and imperial comedy. "Madame Sans Gene" will be the attraction. This play had a run at the Broadway Theatre, New York, of 150 nights last season and was seen in all the large cities. The production may be fairly credited as being one of the JOHN HI STEELE. most important dramatic events of the season.
The performance will be one of distinction, not only on account of the play, but for the elaborate manner in which Mr. Pitou has staged it. The representation of the drawing-room at the Chateau de Comdeigne and of Napoleon's library are spoken of as magnifi. cent works of art, while the costumesare extremely rich and handsome and designed with great care with regard to historical accuracy. In the arrangement of the series of episades which constitute the play in the striking and glittering stage pictures and the cleverly contrived theatrical effects the workmanship of that master of stage craft, Bardou, is apparent.
There are 42 acting characters in the play which are necessary to the development of the two principal rolest Kathryn Kidder will appear as Madame Sans her original creation, while Mr. Augustus Cook will personate the great Napoleon. MINNEAPOLIS. The Pickaninny Band with the "Oid Kentucky" were located at the Pullman House last week. Forget to eat, forget to eleep, but whatever you do don't forget to vote next Tuesday Nov 3rd.
Remember Judge Hicks and S. B. Lovejoy for the Be sure and cast a ballot for them. Messrs John Crosby and Sam E. Adams Aldermatic Candidates for the 5th and 4th Ward are excellent men.
The Republican ticket contains nothing but friends, whose principles are the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. Little Daisy Settle, the daughter of Mr. Robt. Settle, died last Thursday eveningat the residence of Mr. and Mrs.
Mack Brady. Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas have moved in from Lake Minnetonka, where they have been residing for the summer. They now deside at 606 Ninth avenue south.
The Southern Calvary Baptist Church Preaching -every evening at 8 p. m. Prayer and Conference Meeting every Friday and Sunday 6 a. m. mornang pray meeting, Preaching at 11 a.
m. and 730 p. m. All invited to attend. The McKinley club had a full house at their headquarters last Tuesday evening, and the programme rendered was one of the best during the campaign.
The Swannee quartette and Howard's Juve nile Band made the hit of the evening. Among the prominent speakers were: Mr. A. J. Smith, Hon.
Loran Fletcher, Mayor Pratt. Mesers. J. Frank Wheaton and W. R.
Morris. Pres. N. R. Rogers presided.
CENTURY D. T. Davis. Chas..
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