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Salt River Journal from Bowling Green, Missouri • Page 4

Bowling Green, Missouri
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SimJ. jjr It is well knn that the sumach which grows wild in this is userol for but that it imoarts lik hemlock and oak bark, a cJarkcolrlo the ler-i ther, while the species of Bunvinh brmisrht from Europe or Asia is used for tannins sheep skins, and" as we are informed, tans the pelt without imparting any coloring, and therefore leaves it petfectly white. Is there not some other vegetable substance growing abundantly among us that will supply the place of this foreign article? We have no doubt there is, and that if experiments should be tried with some of our plants it would en I in the discovery of one that would answer every purpose. Who will look it up! SaL Chronicle, It would be better if voting la lies would en courage young men more on account of their good characters, than their eood clothes. A good reputation is letter capittl than a fine coat in almost any kind of business, except wooing a fashionable lady.

A JlinU A gentlemen, at a late fashionable assembly, being asked which of the la- dies of the company he thought the most beautiful, replied "Why, madam they are a beautiful; but that lady, I think, (pointing to Miss Btnce, who was dressed in the extreme of fashion,) outstrips them all. Good advice. If you want to understand a subject, says the celebrated Somebody, hear a man speak of it whose business it is. If you want to understand the man, hear him speak or something else. Pumpkin Cincinnati Republican copies from a useful "volume entitled "The Practical Farm" the subjoined bill of the most approved mode of making pumpkin pie, for the iiformation of all those ladies who have not yet learned the process: For common family pumpkin pie, three eggs do very well to a quart milk.

stew your pumpkin, and strain it through a sieve or colander. Take out the seeds, and pare the pnmpkin or squash before you stew it; but do not scrape the inisde: the part nearest the seed is the sweetest part of the squash. Stir in the slewed pumpkin, till it is as thick as you can sti- it round rapidly and easily. If you want to make your pie richer, make it thinner, and add another egg. One to a quart of milk makes very decent pies.

Sweeten it to your taste, with molasses or sugar; some pumpkins require more sweetning than others. 1 wo tea spoonfuls of salt; two great spoonfuls of silted cinnamon; one great spoonful of ginger. Gin ger will answer very well alone for spice, if I you use enough of it. The outside of a lemon grated in is nice. The more eggs, the better the pie, some put an egg to a gill of milk.

They should bake from forty to fifty minutes, and even ten minutes longer, if very deep. Mortality in average number of deaths, one year with another, in Lurope, ha been estimated by a French scientific publi cation at 5,255,019, out of a population of 210,000,000 inhabitants, or verv nearly one in forty. In the northern parts the propor tion is one in torty-lour. in the southern one in thirty-six. The least mortality is in the coun tries near the polar circle, such as Norway.

owcaen, ina Iceland. A Dttlful Eirlhi uake.K letter from India gires an account of a dreadful earth quake with which the city of Ava was visit eu on ine 23d ot Mirch last. Atter some preliminary particular, tha account ceeds: pro- ine earth was rent in several, places into wide chasms and Insures Jrom to 20 feet wide, from which deluges of water Had been gusned, and a large quantity of gray earth was thrown up, covering the Dlace around several feet deep and emitting a sulphurous smeii. ine rapid. current of the Irrawaddi was even le versed at the time of the shock, and ascended up its bed for a while.

Tne old cities of Ava and Tsazain, with their nu merous pazodas and other edifices, have also been reduced to heaps of ruins, and their wans shattered and throsrn down. The towns and villages above and below the can ital, have likewise itisieported mat some nave even been swallowed up and others destroyed by inundation. The number of persons that perished here, 4 in the surrounding towns villages, amount to net ween 2 and 300; which number may, of course, be expected to swell as re portsarri from more distant places. Amongst those whodied are Mr Hani peat, th wealthy- American merchant, and three childred of Mr. Avanese.

1 hese were the survivors of a family of six children; he has now been deprived of them too. We have indeed, to be grateful to Providence, that though we nave oeen in the midst of so many dangers ana wnom so many nave perished, none ol us have either in or nroner. ty. We owed our escape to the houses being bnilt of the same materials as the generality of buildings here. Sut we had nigh been sural-lved an by so ne nf the openings and gaps in the earth, for some of these were not many' yards fro-n our residence.

An occurrence like this is not in the recollection of the oldest inhabitants in this country, nor is there any mention of one in their historical records. BOOK ANDJOBIftlTIi. 5k. Blank CbnckK, Deed, Mortgage Circan, tu Wetee, and Cr4 mt all klftds, Bill of Excnaaf UuUag, aaerMTH, Ham, mmi BILLS. Clerlce, an BLANKS.

Hand Jastica I 'FAJTCT AND ORVA MENTAL PRINTING Will be doae expeditiously on returnable termt a the SALT RirtR JOURNAL OFFKE FOREIGN ITEMS. With regard to the actions of the in to the dishonored drafts ot United Swes ami.nrs that James Rothschild has nireed to lke the lilU The money market, both in Loadou and Paris, is in an awful! The harvest has failed in Ireland; from Newry to Belfast, the wheat crop is rains had been excessive throughout the country. Tin" Russian fJ -vf hn sent Rnron Brunow to London obiain the permission of En 'land foi tlis entry of the R'iian troops into Constantinople. There is no further news from Canton by the way of England. In France thert hid baen cxtnivi corn riots.

Critical State, oft'ir Bun of Enshiad. There are two millions of s.ivereins in tii. With tHe two millions England iiitirt fane the cjrn markets of Europe, Asia, and America (or corn they must gel. come whence it may, und cost what it will.

Now, in September, last year, the Bask had seven millions ol" bullion at her command, and discounted at 4i per cm. But four millions of her sovereign? we have heard the amount riled higher were abstracted by the farmers of the rest of the world for their superfluous grain: in as much as. dn'ing all this period, the exchanges wpre unfavorable. The pressure for gold continuing month after month and week after week, the bank became alarmed, advanced herdiscount to 5: that di not do, to neither did ihat; to and has been found unavailing; the go'd is still roing. If thiiefir, the bank has been so thoroughly affected lv nvetinsa bad harvest with seven millions of gold and silver in her pCwkcU, how can she stand a worse harvest with only two? This is a question that must be nnswered, an! very speedily too.

The Ixindon Morning Chronicle savs mat the whole trade belweea England and China. is at an end, and hostile retaliatory measures on the part of the British Gjvernment are taiked of. Threatened Scarcifu of Provisions. The scarcity tf corn is still felt, and the crWn becomes more alarming from day today. Sad reminiscences are connected with this calamity, and the terrible scarcity of corn previous to the revolution of 1789 the guillotining of Louis I.

and otherscenes of the reign of terror, give rise to fearful anticipations. Unfortunately the com riots contin and are extending to the north and several other quarters. ft is well known that latge purchases of corn have been made lor the mar ket, to be delivered in the months ot October and Novemtar. All parties apprehend some calamity, and endeavour to provide against t. Prospectus.

or rnr LITERARY i MISCELLANEOUS MAGAZINE. T' HIS work ia not designed to be the aJvocato of Sectarianism, nor the organ of proscriptive par. tyi'in. but on the contrary, as its name imports, it will be devoted to literature and general misccliany. It will bt a medley, etabracing every variety of topics consistent with the character of audi a work.

As the benefit of the reader is its principal object, and truth its chief aim, i' will closely investigate and scrutinouvly exam ine all subjects consistent with its nature and design. It will rrarleiifly advocate truth and boldiy expose er. ror whenever found, and nnder whatever garu manifest ed. Til atta-k, however, will be directed against Principle! and nsf m.en. The wise ssying.

hoar the oth er party, will always lie borne in mind. To this end. everyone, aa lar as limits will allow, liave tne pnv. lege of presenting his views to the public through the pages of the Magazine, provided ho does not outrage common courtesy. Much excellent matter will be gleaned train Hie labors of several riixtinguished men of liberal minds, who rank high among renowned critics; and much aid is expeet.

ed, from respectable and intelligent correspondents. whose age, experience and literary attainments entitle them to a candid, fair and i.npirtial hearing. In short, the Editor will use every exertion to make it a uiefu! and valuable periodical, suitable for every class of readers. Subservient to this design, in the course of the work, the following tubjecta will receive a Icntion. 1 The utility, importance, and advantage of a good education.

3 "The inadequacy of the present systems of educa. lion, to develiipe the powers of the human mind, and to Gt and prepare man for happiness and social enjoy, raent 3 The probability and necessity of a thorough refor. nation in the present systems of education. 4 A elon investigation and critical examination of the subject of English Grammar. 5 Tne incompatibility of several systems of English Grammar with the geoius of our language, and their incompetency to imparl a correct knowleage of our ver.

oacuiar tongua. as 6 "Occasional notices of other works, inrluding re. view of new works, bearing on any one of the subjects within our pecincts. 7 Give a passing notice of events and occurrences of the day. Ia short, every thing and any thing, tending to inter, est or a muse, the reader, shall be deemed the lawful prof, ince of the Magazine.

With these general statements concerning the design and the course which means to pursue, we commit the Afuguine to the wave ot public patronage, firmly relying on a generous and humane public for support, particularly those who prize mental improvement higher than all earthly emolument who bad rather see this oat on prosperous, intelligent and hip iy, than sea any party rule, the people distracted by division, feuds and, intestine broils. CONDITIOXS. 1 ThaMsgazine will be a monthly periodical, neat. Iy printed on good paper, ia quarto form, suitable for preservation. 2 The first number to be issued as soon as a sufficient numbeof subscribers can be obtained, to justify the undertaking.

3 All who obtain and pay for Gve subscribers in ad vaee, shall have one copy jgratia. 4 No subscription received for a shorter period than one year. 5 All who fail to notify a discontinuance two months bafore the close of a volume, will be considered subscribers for the next volume. All letters, addressed pott paid to tha Editor, Lebanon, Wilson County Tann. will prompt attention TER US: 1.00 in advance, or 81,50 within six months from tbe time of issoir.g tha first number.

N. B. Subscribers should be specific in naming Poet Office, County, dicta wuicb-they wish their papers sent JAMES T. LAMBETH Wilson County, Tann. October, 1839 FOR SALE EYG.

CLAYTON PM. AT NEW LONDON MO. JTThe article published below, concerning the new nd popular doctrine advanced hy the illustrious Goe. liolc of lrmini. cannot fed of excitinjr a deep end thrilling interest throughout our country Trantlaltd from the Woman.

I. OUTS CSTON GOHLZC2Z, OF GERMANY, THE GREATEST OF HOTAV BEXEFAC TORS. Ciiisttinf Jforlh and Snnth Amtrita. To jodis Orro Goeucxr, of Germany, (Eaten,) belong the imperishable honor of adding a new and rancious octris to the Science of illedicine a ductrince which, though opposed by many ik. foxnlii.

rnf o-lnrh he is raluablo member,) he proven to be as well fmindod in trulli ea any doctrino of Holy Writ a doctrine, upon the verity ol wlncli are sumended the lives of millions of our race, and which he boldly challenges his opposer to refute, viz: Cea. ion it a iinttn occiuumtd by a disordered nf Vila, tnr Life PriaeittU) of (At Allot, bodii: ITofu a nrerelly lurking in the gyttm for year before there it the lent rempiamt of the ana sttice may be at certohilu, thonfk not to qvicllt), cured, as a com. or a simple heuditeSt An Invaluably precious doctrino i hi as it parts an important lesson to the opperei-th heolthy of bofi sexes, teaching them that this insidious foe maybe an unobserved inm-sle of their hile thev imaeine themselves aa- SK from its ailacks.teaching Ihem that THE GREAT SKCUKTin THE ARTOr I.V TO PLUCK OV THE DISEASE WHILE IN THE BI.APE. AND NOT WAIT TILL THE FULL GROWN EAR This illuclrions benefactor of man is also entitled to your unfeigned gratitude, and the gratitude of a world, for the iuvention cf his MATCHLESS SANATIVE whose lirslinz 6at mar iuslly claim for it such a title. since it has so rignally triumphed over our great com.

mon enemy CONSUMPTION, both in the first and last stages, -a mcdicice which has thoroughly filled the raeuum in tho Materia tfedica, and thereby proved it-rf the CoNQijtuoa of Phvsiciaxs a medicine, for which all mankind will have abunJant caure to bless the benflecent hand of a kind ProvUence, a medicine, whose, wondroca virtues have been so glowingly por trayed even by some of our clergy, in their pastoral vis. its tettie sick chamber; by which means they often be. come the happy instruments of changing despondency into hope, sicknets into health, and sadness ef friends into joyfulness. 1 9 3 GOKLICKETS 33 ft toilless sr-Eiative. a me-Jicineef ire thir to man than thevwl mines of Austria, or even I lie miiieJ t-eatuw of our gloiie, a meiiifine, which is ottainsu equally from the vegetable, snimal and mineral kingdoms, and thus possrtsej a three power, a medicine, which, though designed aa a remedy for consumption solely, is possessed of a myste.

rious influence orer many diseases cf the human system a medicine, which begins to be valued by Pkyiciaat, who are daily witneasing its astonishing cures of many whom they had resigned te the grasp of the lntatiable Orer DOSE of the Sanative, for adults, one drop; for chil. cren, a half drop; and for infants, a quarter drop; the directions explaining tbe manner of taking a half or a quarter drop PRICE Three and onethird rix dollars 50) per half ounce A German coin, value 75 cenU A certificate from ree members of the MEDICAL VROVV.SSIOX in Germany, in Europe. nr, the practitioners of medicir.s in Germany, are woll aware that, by our course, wa may forffit the friendship of so ne of tho faculty, but not of its benevolent incmLers, ho are uninfluenced by selfish motives. we shall refrain from an expression of our opinion, either of the soundness or unsoundness of Dr.Goeuoke's doctrine, we are hippy to say that we deem Ibis too valuable not to be generally known fur what our eyes behold and our ears hear, we mnt believe, hereby state, that a hen Dr. Ixju'h OlTon Goeiicke first csme brfore lite German public, as the pretended disreverer of a new doctrine and a new medicine, me held him in the contempt, helming and openly prououncintr him to be a baso impostor, and the prince of quacks.

Hut, on hearing so much said about tha Stnlne. aeamt it and for it, ve were induced, from motive of curiosity merely, to make trial of its reputed virtues upon a number rl our most hopeless patients; and we now deem it our bounden duty (even at the ex. penre of our self interest) publicly to acknowledge its etticscv in curing, not only consumption, but other fear, ful maladies, which we hive heretofore believed to be in. curable Our contempt for the discoverer of this medicine was at once swuliowej up in our utter astonsshinent st these unexpected results; and, as amends for our a-buse of him, we do iraiAly confess to the world, that wc believe him to be a philanthropist, who does honor to the profnuinn and to our country, which gave him birth. I lie rrrent adoption of this medicine into some or our r.uropcan nospiiass is a suuicient guaranty mat per.

furitis all its promises It needed not our tr.imony, for wherever it used it is its own beat witnete HERMAN ETML'LLER, M. D. WALTER VANGAl'Lr. M. I.

ADOI.PHUS WERNER, M. D. Germany, December 10, If 36 From the following "extracts" from a few of tha tenral thvutand leltrrt addressed to Dr Rowland, by responMbie PDST.H ASTERS, (to who.n any person can easily write) who can for a moment doubt the migh. ty powers of the Matchless Sanative, and who can won. der that there ia such an excitement anwng PHYSI.

CIANS! Post OiScc. Kincslon, N. July 21' 139. Dr. Rowland, Sir Tbe effect" of the German Sanative ate great in this place.

One womnn that was in a DEEP CONSUMPTION, and wbo had bean in continued right tweatt for several month! now comidci, heiclf WELL. She took no other medicine but the Sanatire. Annthsr case a man that wat taken BLEEDING AT THE LUNGS till he ooulil not raie biinwlfin his bed, has been reitor-ed to PERFECT HEALTH by tho Sanativo. JOHN V. TILBURGII, P.

M. Post Office, Wecdiport, N. July 4, Dear Sir Jo the airival of the Sanative, I sold two rhial to persons whi were rnnilertd BEYOND ANY ASSISTANCE FKM PHYSICIANS. One a merrliant ol' iur village, who wn abnut qmttoe. bttiiiirw in con rlm-nre heath.

Shortly after he roinmi-uced tbe lie bpg.ui to re-cov. and ha hn now to New York nftner goitdi to nriifw his Ijii-ih-h The other a woman who for month! t.a.l not left her bed in lis dnys (bembe two miles ami back again, and is gain-inz astouiuhiaxly. A. SMITH, P. Mr Port Office, Noith Eaton, Ohio' July 2, 193S.

Sir I am entirely out of tha Matchless Sanative, and have hourly calls for it many from a distance of 20 or 30 miles in which cases people are much disappointed in not being able to obtain It. They seem willing to give any price for it, and I eoalil have sold the pat week more than one hundred dol-lorO worth of it, hml it been ou hnnd. ft t' truly a great Medicine, Many in Ibisvicinity are fast recov-inr from the consumption by the O'e of it. 5 D. N.

WILMOT, P. M. Post office, WettaeldtiFairfield Co, Coun, July 8, 1839. Sir. A yonug woman here from Troy in the state of New York, wbo wscondered by every one to be ioa Confirmed CoHtmaptie, hai been taking the Sanative, and is recovering fast.

MAMMOTH The following deiailsofa Scheme of LOTTERY to be drawn in December next, warrants us in declaring it to be unparalleled in the history cf Lotteries. Prizes to the mount have never before been offered to tht Public. It is true, there are many blanks, but on the other hand the extremely low charge of 20 per ticket the value and number of the Capitals, and the revival of the good old custom of warranting that every prize shall be drawn and sold, will, we ore sure give universal satisfaction, and especially to the six hundred prize-holders. To thost disposed to adventure, we re- commend early application being made to us for tickets when the prizes are all told, blanks only remain the first buyers have the best chance. We therefore emphatically say delay not! but at once remit and transmit to us your orders, which shall always re ceive our immediate attention.

1 ettera to be addressed and application made to SYLVESTER. CO. 156 Broad way.N. Y. (fcJ-Obsrrve the Numbe-, 156, 6 prises of prises of 3 prises ot 10,000 GRAND REAL ESTATE BANK STOCK LOTTERY.

Of properly situated in New Orleans. The richest and most m.irnuficent Scheme ever presented to the public, in this or anyo-ther country. TICKETS ONLY 20 DOLLARS. Authorized by an act of the Legislative Assembly of Florida, and under the direction of the Commissioners acting under the same. To ba drawn at Jacksonville, Florida, December 1st.

1839. ScimjuT Hamilton, Managers. SYLVESTER 156 Broadway, New York, agents. NO COMRIXATIO't 100,000 Tickets, from No. 1 upwards, in succession.

The Deeds of the Property and the Stock transferied in trust to the Commissioners appointed by the said act of the legislature of Florida, lor the security of the prize holders. SPLENDID SEHE.ME. 1 Prise: the Arcade 200 feet 5 inches 4 lines, on Magazine street, 101 feet 11 inches, on Natchez street, 123 feet inches, on Gravier street at about per annum. Valued at $700,000 1 Prize: City Hotel iG 2 feet on Common street, 143feet, inches on Camp street, rented at dollars valued at 500,000 1 IVie: Dwelling-house, (ad-joinins the Arcade,) No 19, 21 feet 7 inches fronton Natchez st. Ilenled at valued at 1 Prize; Dwelling house, (adjoining the Arcade.) No.

1 8 23 ft. front on Natchez street. Rented at valued at 1 Prize: Dwelling house, (ad 20,000 20,000 joining the Arcade,) No. fronton Natchez st. KenteJat valued at 1 Prize: Dwelling house, No 23 N.

E. corner of Basin and Custom House streets, 23 ft. 7 inchea on Basin, and 22 It. 7 inches on Franklin street; 1 27 ft. 10 1-2 in 20,000 ches dctp in front on Custom House street Rented at valued at 1 Prize: Dwelling house, No 339, 2 1 feet 8 inches on Royal street, by 127 fee 11 inches deefA Rented at valued at I Prize; 25') Scheme Canal Bank stock each.

1 Prie; 200 shares Commercial Bank Stock, NlOO 1 Prize; 150 shares Mechanic anJ traders' 1 Prize: 100 shares citj Bank, 1 Prize: 100 do do 1 Prize: lOj) do do 1 Prize: 50 shares exchange bank, 1 Prize: 50 do do 1 Prize: 25 shares Gas Light bank, 1 Prize: 25 do do 1 Prize: each 10 shares Mechanic's anil traders. 1 Prize: each 10 shares Louisiana St'e. Bank. $100 each, each prize $1000 10 Prizes: each 2 shares of 00 each, each prize $200 Gas Light Bank 200 Prizes: each 1 share of $100 of the Bank of Iouisiana, 200 Prizes: each I hare of $100 of the Neiv Orleans Bank. 150 Prizes: each 1 share ol $100, of the Union Bank of Florida.

20,000 15,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10.000 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 2,500 2,500 1,500 20.000 2,000 20,000 20,000 15,000 600 rrize3- $1,500,000 Tickets $20 no shares The whole of the Tickets, with their numbers, as also those containing the prizes, will be examined and sealed by the Commission ers appointed under the act, previous to their being put into the wheels. One wheel will contain the whole of the numbers, the other will contain the six hundred pnzes, and the first six hundred numbers that shall be drawn out, will be entitled to such prize aa may be drawn to its number, and the fortunate holders of such prizes will have such property transferred to them immediately after the drawing, unincumbered and without any deduction! Aug. 3d, 1839. 42 NO TIC E. -a-k iv r.

c-ki. Sunday tha 23d of Jona lasC, ae- I ro man named Weatley, aboatfive feet nine oi ten II aches in height, rather of a yellow complexion, bad on when be left home, a bine cloth coat and bin cas ioet pantaloons fignred vest and a calico shirt, ba is, twenty years old. Any nersoa apprehending said hoy and securing bim, will be rewarded with 23 if taken in this county, or $50 if oat or 100 if out of the State. Any Tenon apprehending laid hoy will inform tha P. M.

at Aihley Filer County Mo. July 6th JOHN BROWN. The Gazette Jacksonville, III. will please give the above three insertions, and forward account, for pay ment to this office, or Post-oaiter at Ashley Mo. List of Agents.

We are permitted to name the followiuj Gentlemen AGENTS for the JOURNAL; to wit. DANIEL DRAPER, Esq. Auburn Mo. Dr. F.

B. LEACII, Spencersbu.g' Col. ADAM MASE, P. M. Frankfort, EDWIN DRAPER, Eq.

Louisiana, UUNER St TATE, Merchants, Tl'LLV, STEPHEN COOPER, Esq. Snnd-IIin, JOHN S.VETIIEN, Esq. Troy Col JOHN MONTGOMERY, Barnes'vicw JOHN TAYLOR Esq. Clark ce. Z.

G. DRAPER Eq. Hannibal, JOHN C. BELL Paynesville, HENRY WILCOX Palmyra JAMES W. BOOTH Esq, Clarksvillo WM.

HUSTON, P. Fulton, J. S. CROSTHWAIT, Madisonville, YV. J.

HOWELL, Paris, Monroe G. RAILEY, P. Monticello, G. W. CRANE, Danville, JOHN RALLS, New-London, Col.

B. Y. GILLOCK, Ft. Madisoo, Iowa T. ST.

LOUIS INFIRMARY. For the trealinrftt of Diseases affecting the THE unJenigned would respectfully inform the piblio that owing to tbe great increase in bis EYE BUSINESS, during tbe last five years, he has concluded to devote the principal part of his time in luturcto tbe treatment or this difficult but intereitier class of diseases. GLASS or EYES so neatly fitted that the most accurate observer conld not detect tbe difference between the natural and Glass Eye. No prescriptijn will be made without firt serin' tbe patient: and in future it will be expected that all persons applying for relief will come prepared to pay for my attendance on their leaving St. Louis.

Ao case will pot nnder treatmeut where there is no proipect of enre. Ia all cases where a cure is promised (the patient comply inr with my directions') and no relief is obtained, no charge whatever wilt be made for medical attendance. Medical gcatlomea not in the practice of treating the eye, will confer a favor by directing persons wba are tbos afflicted to their cbedient prrv't. WM. VANZ ANT, M.

No. 51, Main st. The following Gentlemen havinr been witnesses 01 my successful treatment of some very difficult rases, I take pleamre in referring to them. Krrrar.MCbs: Primm, JoI.nO' Fallon, L. A.

W. C. Anderson, Mead A. Adriaoce, 1.D. Puge, Nathaniel PascLall, II.

L. uofTman, Strttinius St a mis rr. C. Rhode. Charles P.

Billon. It. R. Gamble, Esq Erlw. II.

Beebe, Wai. Ilempntcad, Edward Tracy, Tracy. Jno. Smith, Preidant Sinclair, Taylor Sc. II.

Sburlds, Cashier Missouri Missouri B.nk, Joiah Spalding, Bank, Augustus Kerr. Dec l.VO-ly 7.V.1 1. SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned, or anywise intereetad in the estate cf Lit tlepage Damron, Inte of Pike ounty, Missouri, rleceased. that tbe uuder-igned.

Administrator of said estate. mke a final settlement thereof, at the next February Term of the Cooiity Court of said county. xr icon ium i. Aum r.

FINAL SETTLEMENT- rrXhe nndrrsigned, admioittranor of the estate af JL Jesse Bailey, Inte of Pike county. Miwouri. deceased, hereby gives notice to all conco-ned, or in any wise interested inaid cta. that tne nnder-'igncd, Administrator, will make final settlement of said estate, at the text February term of the County court of said county. fcov.


IVTOTIG is hereby given, that letters testamentary 1 1 upon the estate of George Wells Jr. late of Pike County Mo. deceased, bearing date the 15th October lSiii, have been granted to the unuersicned; all per sons therefore, who have any claims against the estate of said deceased, are required to exhibit the same duly authenticated foralluvsnce within one jear front tne date or said letters, or tbey may be precluded from any benefit of said estate, and if such claim are not presented within three years, they will be forever barred. WILLIAM DAVIS. Executor.

A PROPOSITION. Fa! IT RR P. nri a fear l.imilioe in of Marion anxious- to move to Oregon Territorv. large could be made urif and they propose to mose oi similar inclinations turougnout the state, to join in forming an emigrating com-nnnv for the nurnose nl iorminrra aottlamans I I I on the Columbia River The company to consist of not less'than one bundled fami lies, and as many more as may choose to go, to start in April 1 Persons in any county in the State, disposed to join such company will nlease to airmifv urh either through the publio prints, or through ucummuuicauoa aaaressea to Palmvra Mo- 1 it Ka fminrl tKt s'wiisi ss.a guut company could be made wp, it would be necessary to have a meeting at some central point, at an early time, in order to have an understanding as to the mode of going, manner of defence that each person could make the necessary arrangement against the time of starting. Those in each county disposed to go, could be represented in the meeting to arrange matters, by one of their number.

Papers throughout the State ari requested to copy." Sept. 21 1339..

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