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The New Orleans Crescent from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 6

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

OFiFICIAL iRffNA1 Oi lt CITY PF NEW ORLEANt THPI'TDAY MMCF'INt, APRIL 15, 1869. ttlrrLUl.l COMMcPN COUNCIL. -i---BOAPD or A ALDEmmsmN. RtGI SHSION, IrTY HALL, NWR Wl OaLaws, April 1989. The board met in regular session pursuant to adjournment.

Present: President Kearny, and Messrs. Rose, Aitkens, Walker, Cgmnp, Montgomery, Wynne and Farrell. The reading of tpe minutes of the last meet. Ing was on motion dispensed with. The following con muDlcation from the controller was referred to the 3nance committee CONTraOLLmW's OrlICU, CrrY IHALL, New Orleans, April 12, 1b69.

To the Honorable Uanell: Gentlemen--I have the honor to report to your bonorable body that on Saturday, April 3d, and according to ordinance No. 1359, N. 8.. and after due notice in the officil journal, I adjudicated a contract to furnish the city with flour for a term of one year from the 15th day of April, 1869. to Charles 1.

Blaybaok security Alfred Kearny, follows Superfine at nine doliars per barrel. 0- a.e. se tmty tm per arrel. Double extra at ten dollars and twenty-ive cents per barrel. Treble extra at eleven dollars and fifty cents per barrel.

AU of which is very respectfully submitted. Your obedient servant, PAs. LAsants, Deputy Controller. The treasurer's report for the week ending April 10th, 1663, showing receipts $3J84 3, expenditures $61,193 22, valance on band 24, was referred to the finance committee. The controller's statement No.

35, of checks drawn by the treaseurer from March 30th, to April 13th, 1869, inclusive, amounting to 54, was referred to the finance committee. L'Ihe following oonnmunloation from the surveyor was read: -uozVEYOR's ()rOFIC, 1R um No. 19, CITYr City of New Orleans, April 30, I6G6. To the Hioramble the Oouncil. Board of Asiotaunt Aldermen i.oloeed petitions, which were referred to me for it formation, are signed by the requisite number of property holders, and oan be published according to law.

One for a curb and brick sidewalk on the south side of Camp street, between Washington and bath streets. The other, also for a curb and brisk sidewalk on the south side of Prieur street, from Barracks to Urenlines streets. 4 I will intorm your bomirable body that two praying, one for the erection of plank side. walks on both sides of Palmyra street from Galves to Broad streets, on both sides of Rocheblave street, from Common to Canal streets, on both sides of Maro street from Common to Canal streets, and the other for the paving with brLios of the sidewalks on St. Louis.

Contl. Customh from lomnan to Calves, and on Prieur, Juhnuon and east aide of Galves, from Canal to Caroudelet Walk, have been published acoording to law. and to take effect only require the action of the Comnion Council, to au'horize the controller to advertise and sell the contracts petitioned for. I remale, respectfully, gentlemen, your obedient servant, L. Buaot, City Surveyor.

On motion of Mr. Farrell, so much of the abore communication as related to the petitions of property holders on the, south side of Camp street, between Washington and Sixth streets. and on the south side of Prieur street, from Barracks to 1Ur. salines streets, was orcered transmitted to the controller for publicatio.n according to law. The balance of the comuritnloation was, on motion, referred to the committee on streets and landings.

The following cmmnunlcaston, transmitted through the mayor, together with accompanying reports relative to the Water Works, were received OvPvrc CIrr WATn WoaRs, New Orleans, April 9, 1863. BHe. John B. Conway, Vayor of New erlses: hBi-The weekly summary statement of the finances of these works is herewith inclosed. Also copies of two important communications to the Beard of Conitasloners on the subject of water supply and water rates, to which the board asks the special attenion of the Common Counoil.

Cases of appeal on account of water rates have been frequently mset to this oee recently by nladividual members of tbh Council, and I am desired to ask attentiao to the fact that a oesamonicatioa recommending a reduction of these ates was made to this board on the 5th March last, approved and sent to the Commot Couacil, asking a concurrence. This ofoee ta not been aetiaed of any action, and this board does not now feel anthoriued to aot. If the Coneoll wllJ approe that reeommendation, or refer the subject back to the Board of Water Commilsionasmwith authority to act, an immediate and are it the water rate will be made, apc la as well to those who have Sto thore who Pnot ppd for this year. I am, sir, very yamr obedient serv't, BanxpN Baaeo, uperinntendent. Osxn WAvs Wous, ew Orleans, April 7,1869.

To the Preeldmnt ad ommflssloees City Wsater (Gesnent--You presented herewith am abstract of the me remeants of water delivered in the first quarter this year by meter: To make a fair ust showing, they have been placed in farform, by which a omparison an be made sot only of the rats charged this year, but also those paid by the same partis last year. The results are so nd exhrnordisa. ry as to induooe me ask your specilal attention and crautiny. They Ro to show the entire oorrectaess of the principle which you acted in estab lilahing your raters, Is: to maike them uniform, and though the resuol is not yet stisfactory, the small consumer stil paying too mouch In proportion, you have a long stride in the right direction. A few more of the meter, now being made, will enabh you to do fall justice to all partiee.

These meeremeP fully develop the eausoe and the of the ent amisrepresestations made both othe city government and the public. The large distiller for that received its water last year at tro and nine tenth for 1(00 galloos. now twentyoents for the same supply. CPer contrt the poor laborer or widow, who paid rinety last year, now gets the same allowanoce for fprty cents. The large steam ery.

which only eigh. teen cents last yeal whilst his small neighbor paod eighty, is now put en am equality with the latter. The one bels put up and the other down to a medium. But tie greatest contrast is to be fcnnd in the larger establithmentsa. In the three Irge sugar reftlneries, one paid foumr and ree'te'ils a'ents for 1(00 grallons, another three and t(ro tesnts rents fir gallone, and the third and largest one and fourfeaths cents for 1000 gallons.

Here was a dms crention of more than three bncdred per cent ag one man and in favor of an other engaged in tl same commercial business. Yet this is otectina commerce," and a correction of this ors discrimination is denounced as "deteri lng commerce." This one establlshment, Mr. omon's Refiery, usee more water than three ousand families. Yet they paid last year CO, whereas the wealthy consumer paid 10 Such monopolie are not to consonance with fair and just views of our people, and will not tolerated when once exposed. Just 15 per at of all the water that fis paid for, is now en by five large consumers.

Yet they have here fore paid only two per cent. of the revenne. It is due toMr ooodale, the owner of the smallest of these re seriesto my that he candidly acknowledsged the rams ad Jstice of the increased eharge at him, sd only olamer to be put on the mae with othre engageod is the easme trd Mr. these moond redasry, hasu also very fully yielded to facts ad figures. Not so Mr.

Thomes, of the Cem cent BRelsWy, ho ver. Every artifice and device lhasu been avo ed to postpone and evade a fair setlment IdLg the neessity, permislos hasat leat en gi toput on the necesmy mTses wi wibe eassooas the castl egs ca be pea The le with tIhe proprieter of this establishmet, me very stan sad Inexplicable dealals, totlly aoonslt ant with each other ld with existio acts, whioh Uill li beo ye at amy tme he may deire. Bet-4 view or the feet-sta he ba werblty expressed a willingas, now, for the placing ofithe meters, It is deemed uoneoessary to refer to the matter In greater detail. No system of assesment or calculation can be perfectly uniform, except that of the meter; but the application of this instrument is not practiosble, on account of its oust, to very smlli oOeamaers. A fair discrimination, too, is proper, when it is appllgd In favor of the large consumer on the general principle of wholesale and retail, and also owing to the fact that the cost of delivery to the small consumer is higher for 1000 gallons tha to the large ome.

The absolute cosa of delivering water here. taking the expenses of 1568 a a basis, and calculating the value of the werksu as ,000.000 At 6 per cent. would be for Operating expenses and 80,000 D-terioratlrn in works, 5 per cent. on par 75,000 256,000 Delivering 2,227,000,000 gallons, as was done last )ear. the cost was just eleven cents and a half for 1000 gallons.

The los by waste and that consumed by the public and not paid for would add at leaut 40 per cent. to this, thus the cost about sixteen cents for each thousand gallons taken by paying consumers. The working of the meter, so far, gees to show that a still further reduction may hereafter be' made in the water rates, but In justice that reduction should enore almost entirely to the small consumer, until he is brought nearer an equality with his more fortunate neighbor. I am. very respectfully, Your obedient servant.

BaAxroN Bauso, Superintendent. Ortics CTrr WATrS Wons, Nam SaL ir.4, OF BILLS WENDERID Foe rIanT QUABTAR. 1169, FOR wAvTa DMLIY55D BmY MUASUleMENT, COMPARED WITH BILLS FOB 1869. No. of Establishment.

(t Con's 1 Pnras' Sub 57 ,5 40 2 94 14010 2 irtted 8ste. 5.ITI74 17 62: 10 Carr-'s Lumber 1 4) 233 3) 1 iron rousndly 137,76 10 4) (6 3) CS ICwnt lliC rSi loos. 7 7,) 63 SLeonar's sLvery 2,4 37 u9 2 7 c'it I ll 3.0,00 lye 0 a Oil Pra'l 6.0,1 28 187 61 6-10 9 St bsrle Hotel ....764,4., 'l 4 2 77-10 10 ceoos.c Oeflhnery 31,10, 20 610 3 00) 7.10 1 Man', 4,237,079 0 467 4 2 95-10 meter meaurement. sig oBton stabishmelt. ra2 1 Perllng-eroom erdld 4 ef Drwel hn rooms 5n iO10 erwna 416-105 7e 1 I Bskcry O1.

ICt6Dumnioc dweolin.horoel 8O0d 0 4 oo tiosa 41 14-t0 rule measunre and calculation on the bais of Boton and CmncnMnati. The lowest schedule rate for water, by sePasore. to large consumers in different oitles, from which rates have been Is as fnilowe: Cincinnati and Loulisville, 15 cents per 1000 gal. Ions; Jersey City, 161 cents; New New York, and tt. Louis, 20 cents; Boston and Cambridge, 30 cents.

thes, two cities, the water board, in speolal coses. Oay contract at a lower rate. New York and Boniou are supplied without the oue of steam power, the natural elevation being suffioient. OlIlcE CITY WATEa WORKS, New Orleans, April 7, lI06. srA'.

IaMxI 0OF WOaK DONE AND 6TUMK' CONlSYMrD AT THE PL''PINO WORKS, CITY WATER WORKS, FOR TrM MONTH OP JULY, PRECHDINO THIS ADMINISTRATION, AND TeS M1ONTH OF MARCH, 1049. SAVING I ONE F.el nors (oIL c. 7Mo ACU I 1 I livered the month of CAverge dalyang 1,5537 Drunning the six months attenllonmonth. rTo thae daily erq anttd men of athe puml depart lent much credit is due for this ete daily eantitully of asubmitter d. Balane of oih on the mo30th of March, 169..

3.585 lateredlai 1,5331 5 Aneceived for water morent this 4 Jo190 0last by Total $1,0 to 2 et, shPaoid one mnthspply 40 per ent. Improoed. These reo ers hate been obtaind-frch by ec Brmany of water le to the te of 'er, and, nnPaid oneg maonth's ery, sis months close tntimen andor seper 00deloped an Bdorean to lo gre of pch, mpsthe Paid one mothh. Neto Orlem a pril 6, 18. IG angi' wser, plumber and isborers 1,606 96 Paid McIntyre Apple.

gate for lead pipes, bend and stop cooks for 610 Paid H. D. McGinnis for 1 50 Paid special policeman J. MeGaina for arresting Henry Keller for openirg fire plug corner of Magazine and Poydras streets 600 Paid rent of box for quarter ending 30th June, 1869........ 2 15 Paid Paulin Durel for 119 70 Paid CHnsaceNT for printing city ordinance and 20C0 note notices 19 50 Paid Wm.

Vinkenlfor repairing 6 50 Paid Henry Mason for whitewashing engine 25 00 Water rent 2 00- 4.024 41 Balance this 03 Deposited at Sam 8mith $14,158 61 On hand 27 42 $14,188 03 8. E. Pactr, Secretary and Treasurer. Messrs. Breen and Grandprd here entered and took their seats.

Mr. Farrell submitted the following resolution, which was adopted on its several readings with the following vote: Rase. Altkens. Walker. Camp, Grandprd, Wynne, Farrell and Breen.

Nay-Mr. Montgomery. tlesolved. That the street commissioner be and he is hereby instructed to fill or cause to be filled such of the streets of the city as the committees on streets and landings may deem it necessary to be filled, the dirt now being taken from the canals now in process of cleaning and widening to be used for said purpose. Mr.

Aitkens offered the following resolution, which was adopted on its several readings unanimcusly, after which it was on motion sent to the Bceard of Aldermen for concurrence: Resolved, That the superIntendent of the fire alarm telegraph be and he is hereby authorised to have a fire alarm box placed at the Kellar Market, and to have the telegraph wires extended to said market. Mr. Pandely here entered and took hs seat. The following resolutions were read, and on motion referred to the committee on streets and landings By Mr. That the controller he and he Is hereby authorized after five days' notice in the official j.ornal, to to the lowest bidder or buders contracts for the paved streeteof the 7th, 8th a'd wards of the city for two ye're, the work to be done according to on file in the oltce of the street commis.

By Mr. FisherR.t solrd, That permission be and is hereby granted to Otto H. Karnstendiek to erect a steam engine on his premises, No. 65 Notre Dame street, between Tchoopitoolas and Magazine streets; that the same shall be erected to conform with existing city ordinances, and to be rem.oved at the pleasure of the City Council. The following were read and referred to their appropriate committees: By Mr.

Fishercsvitid. That section 3d, of ordinance No. 1206, N. approved December 31, 1t64. be aimended by adding the following proviso: Providea, that parties engaged in the transportation of packases, within the limits of the city, by mean.

of hand-carts, hall not be deemed expressmen. On motion the above resolution was referred to the finance committee. By Mr. That the city surveyor be and he is hereby authorized to repair the engine house of Louisiana No. 10; proioiding, the cost does not exceed the sum of $e10.

Wae on motion referred to the committee on fire. -s By Mr. RoseResolred, That the surveyor be and be is authorized to cause to be repaired the shed post at Dryades Market; pirovid4ed, the cost does not exceed $500. Was on motion referred to the committee on streets and landings. By Mr.

Breen1rsolred, That the controller be and he is hereby authorized to adjudicate, after five days notice in the official journal, a contract to whiten the plaster work on the outside of the City Hall, paint the wood and iron work with two coats of paint on the outside, in accordance with specification by the city surveyor. Was on motion referred to the city surveyor. By Mr. CampWsnasas, The vaults of the St. Louis grave.

yard are in bad condition, and that a part of them on Iienville street have fallen more than four montbsago; be it trsiolved, That the surveyor be and he is here. by instructed to have the vaults immediately put in order and the remains burled. Was on motion referred to the committee on pilice and health. Mr. Farrell submitted the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted on their seversa! readings, after whlob they were on motlOa ordered to the Board of Aldermen for concurrenoe: Resolved, That the controller be aud he is hereby authorised to adjudioate a contract, after five days' notice in the ofichdal Journal, to the lowest bidder or bidders for furnishing the city with lum ber for the term of one year, under speclodeations on file in the office of the city surveyor.

Resolved, That the controller be and he is hereby anthorized to adjudicate a contracs, after rfive days' notice in the official journal, to the lowest bidder or bidders, for supplying the city wlth coal for the term of one year, onder specifoatons on file Ia the oflioe of the city surveyor. Mesrs. Pemberton, 8tureken ead Murphy here entered and took their seats. The following resolutions, oomtng up as un finished businem, were upon their second reading unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the adjudication by the cootroller of a contract, as per resolution No. 1339, New Series, for constructing brick sidewalks, bordered by curbatones, on Bolivar street, between and Common streets, to John Itooney, security F.

Wints, at $2 76 per running foot, be as the earn is bereby approved, the seuonrity accepted the mayor authorited to enter into contract with the parties per noariald act for the performance of said work. Raolvced, That the adjudication by the controtlier of a contrat as per resolution 1)40, new series, for raising the grade of the bnquetteon the south aide of Gravier street, between Baronne and Dryades streets, to James McCormick, security Smith lsard, at $1 85 per running foot, be and the smie is hereby approved, the secucity accepted and the mayor authorized to enter into contract with the parties per notarial sat for the performance of nid work. The vote standing as follows: Teas-Mesrs. Kearny, Bse, Altkens. Walker, Pemberton, Camp, Montgomery, Fiturcken, Morphy.

Pandely, Wynne, Farrell and Breen. Nays-None. The following resolution under the head of onfinished business was adopted on its second reading with the following vote: Kearny, Rose, Montgomery, Sturchen, Grandprd, Murphy, Pandely, parrell ad Breen-9. Nayre--Mss. Aitkens, Walker, Pemberton, Camp and Wyane-5.

RPesolved, That the adjudication by the controller of a contract, as per resolution No. 1322, new series, for shelllg and grsding First street, from St. Charles streest to Clalborne street, to Gabriel Correjolles, securitles Mlguel Abberti and Frederic Wintz, at two dollars sad forty-nine conts (32 49) per running foot, be and the same is hereby approved, the securities aooepted, and the mayor anthorlsed to enter into contract with the parties, pn otarlal ot, for the performance of saild wor Mr. Psadely here Igava Ioti of his iatention at the next meeting to morse a reconsideration of the vote by which the above resolution had been dedlaed adopted. The following resolution also upon its second reading, being a part of the unanished business of lasit meeting, was adopted with the following vote Yeae-Meth's.

Kearay, Rose, aittne, Walker, Oraadpvr, Morphy, Pse dely, Wynne, Farrell sad ews-1i. Jaye-Menrm. Pembetm and Camp-f. Resolred, That the adjudioation by the controller of a contract, as per resolatlon No. 1329, New Beries, for shellinog and grading Lapeyrouse street from Claiborne street to Geatlly road, to Gabriel CorrejollUe, security C.

H. Slooomb, at $2 18 per running foot, be and the same 1s hereby approved, the security accepted, and the mayor authorized to enter into contract per notarial aot with the parties for the performance of said work. Mr. Breen here gave notice that at the next meeting he would move for a reconsideration of the vote just had on the above resolution. An ordinance entitled "An ordinance concern.

Ing gambling houses" coming up on Its second reading was read. Mr. Farrell moved to amend by reducing the amount of license from $5000 to $1500. On motion of Mr. Altkens the amendment sub.

mitted by Mr. Farroll was laid upon the table. Mr, Sturoken moved to fi the amount of licens at $20,000. Mr. Farrell moved to lie upon the table.

Tie yeas and nays were called when the motion to lie upon the table was declared defeated, but it subsequently appearing that Messrs. Farrell and Breen had voted in error, the chair directed their votes changed, which was done, causing the vote to stand as follows: Yeas-Messrs. Kearny, Rose, Altkens, Walker, Montgomery, Grandprb, Farrell and Breen-8. Nays-Messrs. Pemberton, Camp, Sturoken, Morpby, Pandely and Wynne--.

The chair nere, anter a recall or lne vote, Te. versed his decision declaring the motion to lie upon the table the $20,000 amendment, adopted. Mr. Morpby appealed from the decision of the chair allowing members to change their votes after the result had been announced. Upon the question "shall the decision 'of the chair be sustained," the yeas and nays were called when it was declared by a tie vote that the board refused to sustain the chair-the chair declining to vote on this question as did also Mr.

Montgomery. Mr. Camp here called "the previous question" which was declared to be Mr. Sturcken's amendment substituting $20,000 instead of $5000-the yeas and nays were called upon the motion "shall the question be now put," when it was declared lost by a tie vote. Yeas-Messrs.

Pemberton, Camp, Montgomery, Storcken, Morphy, Pandely and Wynne-7. Nays-Messrs. Kearny, Rose, Aittens, Walker, Grandprb, Farrell and Breen-7. Mr. btnrcken in anticipation of an early ad.

journment, here asked a three "months leave of absence which was granted by a unanimoun vote. The board then adjourned. Jon' Pecretary. H.RD)WAKIF JOHNs ABYTsrON's renUD1r --min--BOTLER MANUFACTORTY, Orseemw od Erste sad New Levee wrw esLails, LA. of Vertloal and liorientalSteam Eales.n Mil.a Dralri.g Marcines, Saw Mil ('oten Screws and Goering, Iron Columns and Fronts of Baildngs, Furnaes McMonts Grate Barss, Bone Black.

Reriviiers. Ous Retorts etc Low-Pressure, Iocsmetnv Flasd sad Cylnlder li ers, or sll kinds; lntrsa, Jull Boxes and KECrers OGN. HARDWARE, NsEW LEVt3l eTREBT, CHAS. OALLWET. New Orleans.

FIghT PPEEIUI BEL-SHARPENIENG "DIAMO.ND" GRIST Mdla PATEBTED JUINE SEPT. Is. 18m. The attenaesa Fluters, Millers and is called te this Mill as bellg pecliarly adapted it their wsat It will grind all kinds lof rain, cotPs, spiese and drugs, and al.s, a good cotton seed huller. We manaacture six different stsee Itkhes MIlms, r.e prices which roe to $175.

This Mill wasu ehlblited at the late Indutetlal Falr aeld at at. Louis sad was awarded the Bight Pre.iu ever a empstltora Depot sad saleemes fhr these Mris 30 Grawtler amd 11 Where cs ales beL fonld the celebrated HUtLARD 10O. GOLD MFDAL SAWS. This bsw teek the Gold Medal ever flve principal raw ausufactarers of the OUnted btates at the late Mechranes' and Agrsc taras Ebhlbtio Is this city Also. can be found a good aertment of STEAM SAW MILLS, MACHINE BBLTING, sad MILL AbLIJXET adayte so the W.

a Lvrrr, To whom all orders ho be addressd. MUALB II AW) RmAIUFACTVUm AGNI Fos MACHIMNERTY AND AGRICULTUBAL IMPLEMESTI, 111 Oraviem streat, MEW OrLEAN. Och hd at abi aes emsp ete es Oa lYTLAN QINS, bo statIary nd portabhL AW MILLS, GINS AND ONDMB5ERU. I30I MAoHInW SUOGAi MIJI AND EVIAPORATOE5, DIAMOND GRIST MILLS AND AGRICULTURAL rMPLRMENTs. which we are esrteg at rmasetares pices ad esieMb iiesm 1 pero easitne elsewhera kersem DUele mad resehe.

We be rea te isers eM bleu amd the pinie at we are fermi, toI seeahetre egem isteJs. Seers, sugar sager Dratalag Saw MIlel 'Mea Newel anrws Gti e. Fumme Meuths. Grate srs, all bMlade a lasteses em Ustambeat WMeI ead 5wy 4eges a et Mastey Scutsh. LEDSA 00 Ownie lea ast ise 1, MesetaeNP U- m' slll eeeith oromot attntlou.

O. IA iIMBOD rTWIEN BIARltOMB AND DITrADK STREETS New Ole ass. daeGeedd I A Shaskepesse. Sweep. GlDINs.

5mAKESPEAUB a 00., ree mt rm Fondems and Maimtasist, mtsaaserae virsty of Stem lgnels. Suar MtIl, hew MllI lraLtlag Marhlecs 1Iml tld 0i Gr sad Grate Sar tsra Prera, Osumm, VTmaatew IaU Welaths Cl. beds ReISAUD oo.5 PARIBI.AN 1ERFU ERY, tartmem by amYes lee Pms ml used ia hemble uates he ar saalemes mlt Dapart etry. TOGAUD 00.3 TLANZYLANr BOUQUET, the ew sese gmd4 Os are 'as ealy I primr Is Europ te Ithe ra uatrsa of Thasanit, frem liIGA ('0 OLUTIN3, a Ieslsm Telsi Wades, os keplas las brsees toL len l-- tIoALD a0 MIMANDA POM TUE, em IGAUD DIEIIOUI. a mt er dt ie wersag the iseh Iadel8 te rsWI eaudss alla whl heam shter tee th.

all arc mo.1 uw arl rari leem at, et eMet OFFICAl. MAYmALY or OP Nw OSLrUas, City Hall, ApDll 14 6169. 15391-N. Resolved, That tre city surveyor be asd be is hereby autborised to extend the wharf between Jackson and Soraparn streets, so as to conneot the ferry landing at the head of Jackson etreet, (Signed) Taowr Preseldt Board Aldermen. (Bined) KAImuY, President Bord Assistant Aldermen.

Approved April 14, 1869. (Signed) Joan CorwAY, Mayor. A true copy Jom" W. OvrALL, Secretary. MAYORaLTY or NEw OnLSans, City Hail, April 5, 1869.

1 1382-N. WUanAss, At a public auotion held on the 11th day of March, instant, by C. Oirardey anctioneers, to effect a partition betveen the heirs of the late Maunsell While, there was adjudicated to the city of New Orleans the followlng described property, to-wit: Eeven lots or parts of lots of ground numbered from 14 to 24, Inclusive, forming the whole front on Franklin street of the square bounded by Franklia, White, Clio and Erato streets, and measuring, each, sixty-three feet, eleven Inches and four lines (63, 11, 4,) In depth between parallel lines; and Two lots of ground, numbered 7 and 8. In the square bounded by Franklin, White, Clio and Calliope streets, measuring, each, thirty-two feet front on Franklin street, by a depth of one hundred and twelve feet, eleven inches and eight lines (112, 11, 8,) each, between parallel lines; and WamnUA, By said adjudlcation the city of New Orlean will be enabled to open Franklin street along said squares, at a comparatively small and will thereby eventuasly save a large sum of money Bie it resolved, That the said adjudlcation be and the same is hereby accepted, ratified and confirmed, and that the mayor be and he is hereby authorised to sign any and all acts necessary to complete the transfer of said property to the city of New Orleans; and Be itfurwther resolved, That the controller be and be is hereby authoried and instructed to warrant upon the treasurer. in favor of the proper parties, in the sadm of six thousand eight hundred and forty dollars and fifty-five oents (86840 66,) in full payment of the purchase price of said property.

(Signed) ALrrD KIARwY, President Board Assistant Aldermen. (Signed) THoMAS MaaRBY, President Board Aldermen. Approved April 5, 1869. (Signed) Joan R. CoNwAY, Mayor.

A true copy JOHN W. OvnRALL, Secretary. MAYTOALYY Or New City Hall, April 8, 1669. 1390 -N. Reeolred, That for the purpose of properly compensating Henry J.

Leory, oity attorney, for the increased services herein named, and for extra services already performed, and to enable him to employ professional aid in special cases, he shall be allowed additionally a commission of three per centum on amounts involvedndo suits now pending or that may be instituted during his term of office: l'roriicd, The commissions received by him shall not exceed ten thousand dollars per annum: -Prorided furtiher, That the commissions herein named of three per cent. shall cover all expenses and charges for additional counsel he may hereafter employ in special cases: Provided further, The: he shall attend to all suits and all legal matters for the Board of Commissioners of the Consolidated Debt, and also to all legal matters for the Board of Commissioners of the McDonogh Fund, without additional compensation: Provised further, That on the day Mr. Leavy ceases to be city attorney legally, this contract shall be null and void. (Signed) TnoMAs MAAnrr, President Board Aldermen. (Signed) AL.PRaD Ksajur, President Board Assistant Aldermen.

Approved April 8, 1169. (bigned) Joan R. CoNWAY, Mayor. A true copy: W. OVaALL, Secretary.

MAYOaALTY or Nle ORLnANS, City Hall, April 7, 1869. 1 1389-N. Wawnues, The early payment of the city taxes for the year 1868. is of great importance; and Wasnsas, Some inducement should be held out to the taxpayers to pay their taxes without the delay allowed by law: SEactro 1. Be it orlained by the Common Counet of the city of Nets Orleans, That the treasurer be and he is hereby authorised to deduct from the gross amount of all tax bills for the year 1868, three per cent.

oa all bills paid is the month of April, two per cent. for all bills paid in the month of May. S89. 2. Be it further ordained, That the amounts deducted from tax bills as provided for in section 1 of this ordinaace, shall bi charged to contingent account, and the controller shall give his warrant on the treasurer daily for the gross amounts of dednotions made each day.

AALBRD sKAaSY, President Board Assistant Aldermen. (Signed) Thee. B. BEADY, President pro tem. Board Aldermen.

Approved April 7, 1869. (Signed) JoaN B. CONWAt, Mayor. A true copy: JoAN W. Owrau Secretary.

MAroALTY or Nw OsL.nAre, City Hall, April 3,1869. 1380-N. RPolued, That the eontroller be and be is hereby athorised, after fiv8e dsp' notice in the journal, to adjudicate a ooatrat for oleaomg and wldesig Lafayette Avenue Canal from Claiborne street to Plorida Walk, the work to be done in strict accordance with plans ad speciflcations on file in the oioe o( the city surveyor. (Signed) AisnsaU Kaamer, President Board Assistant Aldermen. (BSigne) Tomrus MarInY, Preeident Board Alderman.

Approved April 8,1869. (Signed) JoaI CoxWAr, Mayor. A true copy: Jom W. OVuBAL, Se00retary. or Nw Oan.awu, City Hall, March 16, 169.

135--N. esoltied, That the street eommisioner be and he is hereby anthorisad to ereot, or ause to be erected, four gas lamps and posts on Third or Mystery street, from splanade street to the entrance of the Fair (8soed) Taoas MSarr, PresMeat Board Aldemes (signed) Al an KUAINYr, Board AssIstant Aldermen. Approved March 15,1869. (Bigned) Joan CONWAt, Mayor. A true oopy: Jomn W.

Secretary. MAYronALYr or New OLeANxs, City Hall, March 31, 1863. 1361--N. John Crowley, contractor for repair. insg and keeping in repair the paved streets of the icrenth, eighth and ninth wards, has failed to comply with the terms of his contract, lie resoled, That the controller be and be is hereby authorited to adjudicate, after ive diys' aotice in the official journal, to the lowest bidder or bidders, the contract of John Crowley.

contractor for repairing and keeping In repair the paved streets of the eighth and ninth wards, and that the said John Crowley and his securities be held liable, as per specifications of said contract. (Signed) ALnaD KaImrr, Prealdent Beard Assistant AldermeLn (8igned) Tnous MtAKay, Presldet Board of Aldermen. Approved March 31. 1869. Jona Coxwar, Mayor.

A true copy: JoHn W. OVraLL, eOeretary. Orrno, CIY New Orleans, April 9. 1869. Notice is hereby given that the controller wl, at his office, on Thursday, April 16, 1869, at noon, adjudicate to the lowest bidder or bidders the above contracts, according to spaelUeatione on fle in the officoe of the street comslioner.

PA. LAsu ms, Deputy Coatroller. or Nw City Hall, aroh 1s, 1869. 1347-N. Resotred, That the adujudation by the controller of a coatract ln aeesrdene wth erdioaee No.

1271, New 8eries, fen shellig sad gradIng Locst street, from Felicity Bd to Washlungton street, to James alse, sewity Wiem Clnan, at three mm sad Yt met (M) er) foot, be sad the a i er reJeetd. by the Commas one of the city oNe That the controlle be and he herby to readjdloate the aforementioned contract to the lowest bidder or atr iv dela' otice the oitil Journal, In acordsae daipeelcStions on die ln the city Arve.e PI K.eUUe, 1 Board Aseistant Aldermen. (BSind) Tos. MAaKt, President Board A roedb March 15, 1869. (igned) Joa B.

CexwAY, Mayor. A tre coopy Joie W. OMa.aL, Secretar. CoimaoLLtnI 0mOrrc, Crrr New Orleans, April 13, 18G). lotla hereby givens thatthe controller will, at his office, on Saturday, April 17, 1869, at noon, adjudicate to the lowest bidder or bidders the above contract according to plans and speofications on ole in the omoe of the olty surveyor.

PAN. Lnassan, Deputy Controller. IMATOsALYr New OaLsAws, City Hall, April 3, 189. 138--N. Beaohed, That the cootroiler be and be Is hereby authorised, iter five days' notice is the ofioia journal, to adjudicate a contract for digging, cleaning and widening Lafayette Avenue Canal from Claiborne street to Florida Walk, the work to be done in strict accordance with plans and specifications on file In the of the city our.

)ey. ALPLND President Board Assistant Aldermen. (Signed) HMARK President Board Aldermen. Approved April 3, 1969. (Signed) Joan B.

CONWAY, Mayor. A true copy JOre W. OVRA.LL, Secretary. CONTrOLLnI's OFIrta, CITY HALL, New Orleans, April 10, 189. Notice is hereby given that the controller will, at his office, on Friday, April 16, 1869, at noon, adjudicate to the lowest bidder or bidders the above contract according to plans and speidaes.

tions on file in the office of the city surveyor. PAS. Deputy Controller, MAYORALTY OP New OILlANOs, City Hall, March 31, 1862. 1369-N. Resolved, That the controller be and he Is hereby authorised, after ten days' notice In the offaal journal to adjudicate to the lowest bidder the contratt for furnishing beef to the different iqjtltutions of the city for the term of one year fr'rn the date of the completion of the contract; sold oiA thte sane specioationu as athe contra ts q( the preaious year.

(Signed) THOMAs MAaUTY, President Board Al termen ALFRED KsARNY, Board Assistant Alder ean, Approved March 31. 1869. Signed) JoHN B. CONWAY, Mayor. A true copy JoHN W.

Ora4sLL, Becretaryi CONoLLI's OrrFFICn, CITY New Orleans, April 13, Notice is hereby given that the controller will, at his ofiee, on Saturday. April 24, 14t9, at noon, adjudicate to the lowest bidder or biddrys, the above contract, according to speiiioatiuns on file in the offce of the cifty controller. PAS. LAnaRIS. Deputy Controller; MAYOuALTY OF Nnw City Hall.

March 18, 1869. 1355-N. WgRmtse, It Is important that steei vessels navigating the New Canal should be prevented from pas through the Iron bridge at Magnolia street, to ave Julla street, from Claiborne to Magnoll street. (which Is now impassable,) maoadamised; be It therefore Resolved, That the controller be and he is hereby authorised, after rve days' notice in the official journal, to adjudicate a contract to the lowest bidder or bidders, for macadamising Julia street, from Magnolia to Claiborne street, (two squares,) the work to be done is strict accordance with specifcations on lie is the office of the surveyor. (8igane) ALPBID KaurY.

President Board Assistant Aldermen. (Signed) TnoxAs WInA FSr, President Board Aldermen. Approved April 18, Ic89. (Signed) Jons B. CorWAY, Mayor.

A true copy Jox W. OvmtraL, Secretary. CoNTroLLnes's OrPmr, City Hall, New Orleans, April 14, 1N69. Notlee Is hereby given that the controller will, at his office, on TMeday, April 10O, 1869. at noon, adjudicate to the lowest bidder or bidders the above contract according to plans and specifica.

tions on file in the office of the city surveyor. PAs. Deputy Controller. tA)ML MIBoN-Ya)Mb rt AtIrx1tee. NOT TI Th.

uoduand bss this do' opoend a (UNKIAL CIOL. MIS9ION ssd wl29R ian PRODtC3 BUMSINIS, at a Mamalm tre (opposite t. Jame. Hotsl,) sad ould be pleaseud to rapoe orde from his Mleda us. botoi.vis he sen ih as amet iNbfelior.

se say Ara in he W. PLLTOTr. Gate of Petersro. Hill A ElItt. A.


GOOMISSIOW IlECRIAIK Peoe ets rot emewe. Uees.eoep, Masamad Eeeum. STOol LANDINGO, NW OBLANs. ALIEANDI oaA; WILLIAM MHULI Sale. Pwardin md bipem of Blds leaShs, Weoo, fomona vhonow md Teals iso.


BH as see itly heed the eleWaot broad. of Flrtnht CHEWIING AND IMOKING TOBA(OOS. largo ssortmeot of impreesd HAVANA ad DO, MUlYO CIoARSt Mosham 1npm, is sterad weod ipes, Tohseo Pse esad oall SBaes' Artcli. y. baseo I.b geads-- beole ft ho slem urbet de pisetati ame OClgar Le sil blsI or rnmanastams irnas IN atoW AND mOW LANDINIs MS Ge rneit's seeh bamss SWUMT 10.

Urm mad Dmsse ClIAS, a smetes base Paes's rld Usr TOUA00. a IlsMaubslen Ts. m1tas ro samov beelso rArl. mg Asserted beads, Tsdnm sod Ie me MV hfle TWIRY, Miaes And PANy Vo5aeOOOn -A asoe speose hiMIASMATIC PVBBRBS ASR MUTI Ea wmSe Iawoo adsi wules omrega.

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