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The Hawaiian Gazette from Honolulu, Hawaii • Page 1

Honolulu, Hawaii
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PJfllJBk CATHCART "SEEING" GRAND JURYMEN ABOUT HIS CASE Probability That He Will Grand Jury What Astonishing A grand juryman stated yestorday hat he had been approached by1 County Attorney Cathcart who tried to talk about his own case; considering that tho attempt was an impropriety, lie refused to listen. Cathcart got fur enough ahead, however, to say that ho "did not know" he wus entering Ooo Wan Hoy's place, having gone into the first tobacco shop he came to to light his cigarette, and this despite the chapter he gavo to Goo Wan Hoy in bis Orpheum speech and the newspaper publicity given by bim and others' at that time to the Chinese merchant and lils business. Cathcart also said that lie did not strike Ooo Wan Hoy, Val- though in his Bulletin interview next day be stated that' "he may have licked a Chinaman." now many other grand jurynieu Cathtart has attempted to "see" has not yet been made known. It is understood that he or his deputy Trill act is adviser to the grand jury in this ease, although it is impossible to see bow the Attorney General's de partment can possibly permit sueh a travesty on justice. TUat it has tbing of the sort in mind may be judged iroin toe following reply to a RE Rice Announces That Next Session Will See Counties Get Taxing Powers.

In addition to taking an hour off to hear and honor tho Honorable C. W. Fairbanks yesterday, morning, tho House had two debates, a couple of "scraps and an afternoon session that ran after five o'clock. It was a busy day for the irritable and tired mom bers, made especially sd from the fact that tho Senators gaily adjourned early enough to leave some House resolutions where thoy cannot fall to die of neg. lect.

It was suggested in the House that they too adjourn and lot some Senate bills die by the same process, but tins was not allowed. The resolution calling for the ap pointment of a gas and electric meter inspector was one of the measures that the Senate sidestepped and tho resolu tion calling for a publicf utilities conr mission, against which exSonator John C. Lane has been lobbyingson behalf of interested parties, failed to pass in tho House. The big doings of tho day was the killing of tho couiity tax bill, this being, debated in. committee of tho v.

hole On second reading and indefinitely post noned. The fifty-eighth day of tho session found little; for tho House to work 011, so far us the order of the day appeared. Two hundred and thirty-five bills in nil hnd been introduced in tho House and each one of them had received the proper conmittee's approval or mark of disfa or. Of theBC bills ninety-three nae ocen sent to tne uoernor, who had, up to Saturday night, signed sixty six of thfm. His veto had killed soven of them, nliili eighty seven had boon tabled and fifteen indefinitely postponed, Tho Senate has of the ones yet alive and the House only one.

Two aro in conference committee. Session Expenses to Date. The expenses of the House up until Saturday totalled $26,912.73, out of available appropriations of $40,000. Of this amount spent the Territory has been drawn on for $15,576.43 and tho Federal chest for $11,330.30, Out, of tho available balance, somo $0000 moro will have to be spent on the House journal. So far this publication has cost something ovor $3000.

The anil Houso journal together will coifc the public about $12,000, a good slnro of which will bo for an edition Continued on Pago Five.) Be Left tp Advise the to Do With It- Jotter of 'prdtest written by Ooo Wan Hoy's counsel, Judge Humphroysj "Oflicq of the Attorney Geoeral, "Tho Capitol, Honolulu, Hawaii. "Honolulu, T. April 24, 1909. "Hon. S.

Humphreys, Attorney for doo" Wan Hoy, Honolulu. "Dear 'Sir: I have your letter of April 23rd, 1909, wherein on bphalf of Goo Wan Hoy, you request mo to present beforo the grand jury of the First Circuit, at an early date the facts in tho case of Territory of Hawaii W. Cathcart. "Since tho institution of Count, government, the various county attorneys, including tho attorney for the City and County of Honolulu, have had entire charge of all misdemeanor cases in both the district and circuit cburts. Since April 12, 1909, the county attorneys, including the attorney for the City andfCounty of Honolulu, have in addition had entire charge of all to fie brought before tho grand juries.

Unless, therefore, there is a failure on the pari of tho office of tho attorney) for tho City and County of Honolulu to bring before tho grand jury of the Firaf Circuit the facts involved In the case to which you call my attention, I do not feel It my duty to take up the matter. "Very truly yours, B. HEMENWAY, "Attorney General." FAPTHOI1AKF IN WIPES (Associated Press Cablegrams.) LISBON, April 26. Reports from the country districts are to the effect that the earthquake, felt in this city on Friday, destroyed a number of villages, wiping them out. Thirty-nine bodies have so far been recovered from the ruins of the buildings, and one hundred and twenty persons are missing.

Hundreds' of villagers were in jured. The Portuguese Parliament has voted one Hundred tnousana dollars for the relief of the homeless. WASHINGTON, April 20. Senator Overman today offered an amendment to the tariff bill calling for a headtax or twelve dollars each on all immigrants coming to tho country. WASHINGTON, April 26.

Senators Beveridgo, Johnson, and Heybum havo boon appointed a subcommittee to take up the question of tho Philippine tariff In connection with the tariff legislation now before the Senate. NEW YORK, April 20. Bear Admiral Miller, who raised tho nag of an nexation over Hawaii, diod hero today, mmmmmmMam npii wmtwn iiijpigBjjiiiiiiiippiiii nmnfJiwi luiiUmiMnuif inimminmum, W' 'wwnwi Itetamiimt 1 O. 8. WEATHER BUREAU, April BOLast 34 Hours' Sklnftll, .00, Decree Ten Centrifugal, 8.97c.

Icr Ton, Temperature, Max. 7BJ Mln, 70. Wenttier, fair southerly winds. 88 AnMyiU Beets, 10s, CVL TerTon, 81.40. VOL.

LI I. NO. 34 HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, IVKSDAY, APRIL 27, 1900. SEMI-WEI KI.Y WIIOLK NO. 3056 1 COin TUX BILL BEATEN IN HOUSE "Holdover" Committee Is Appointed by the Senate To Act on Finances.

The appointment of a "holdover" Senate Finance Committee was the most importnnt thing accomplished by the fifth Territorial Senate yesterday, Tho members vested with authority to financial data for the consideration of the session of 1911 axe Senators nirchilil, Kalama and Moore. The committee -will be expected to decide -upon some consistent and reasonable financial policy before tho opening of the next Legislature. Action on House Itesolution No. 21 was deferred jesterdny and it was referred to select committee with the understanding that the committeo will report today. The resolution embodies a number of proposed changes to tho Organic1 Act and the sense of the Senate is that it would be unwise for that iody to attempt to consider the measure when tho session closes tomorrow.

Money Tor Court. Senate Bill No. 152, an additional appropriation of $20J)0 for tho expenses of the second Circuit -Court, 3Taui, passed third reading without a dissenting vote Tho bill was as the rosult of wireless from Judge Kingsbury, stating tbnla $2000 emergency appropriation would be necessary to meet tho costs of his court for the current period. Senate Bill Nq 153, adding a now imrngrnpli to tho section of the Laws regulating tke dissolution of corporations, passed third reading. Tho meisure enforces the publication of iiotirti.

Houee Bill No. 225, on tax liens, -which formerly included a provision making income tax delinquency a lien on real property, but which was stricken out, passed third reading. House Bill 'No. 232, regulating tho transportation of persons afflicted with contagious discuses, passed third reading. irn.icA Rill Wn OQ1 rnlntinrr fn tlin iu IV annual exhibit of corporations, was -amended on tho motion of Chilling-worth to make the form of annual re-ports discretionary with the Treasurer, ijut including a proviso.

"with the approval of the Governor," House Bill No. 234, regulating the sale of lands for fax delinquency, was Tcfcrred to tho Judiciary Committee. Chairman Knudsen of the Judiciary Committee reported on tlio House bill, providing for moro stringent preventive methods in the segregation of on Pago Five.) SULTAN MAY BE PENSIONED OFF NAIROBI, April 27. Theodore Roosevelt and his son Kermlt are 111 and the hunting trip has been postponed. MERAN, Austria, April 27.

Heinrich 1 upera xiajuou ui nuw utcwt is ucuu vi THE- EX-VICE PRESIDENT MADE A FINEi SPEECH TO HAWAIIAN SOLONS Good advice, gracefully given, was listened to by tho members of the yesterday, tho adviser being the Honorable Charles Warren Fairbanks, ox-Vico President of tho United. States, who spoke, he said, as ono zon of America to other citizens of the samo Republic. Hr. Fairbanks met tho assembled members of the Senate and Houso and a largo number of private citizens, in tlio hall of the Houso yesterday morning at cloven o'clock, being accompanied by his wifo and daughter, who occupied scuts near the rostrum and -who took, apparently, a deep interest in the meeting. Mr.

Fairbanks was introduced President W. O. Smith, of the Sonate, who accempanied hint and Governor Frear inta tho Houre. With these three on the rastrum was Speaker Holstein, of tho House. On the floor were a largo number of officials, territorial and Federal, together with representatives of tho Army and Navy.

The gallery was filled with citizens and many more stood in tho lobbies within hearing distance or grouped around tlio open uindons on tho lanai. Tn introducing the distinguished guest of the Territory, President Smith said: President Smith's Remarks. "It gies me great pleasure," ho said, "to introduce tho Honorable Charles W. Fairbanks, ox-Vice President of tho United States, who, for so PORT ALLEN A NEW NAME IN GEOGRAPHY OF HAWAII "Itesolvcd, That tho terminus and port of tho Kauai Railway Company, at Eleele, on Hanapcpe Bay, bo and the same is horeby named 'Fort Allen' in honor of tho lato Samuel Clesson AJIon, merchant, of the city of Honolulu." By tho foregoing resolution just adopted by tho directors of the Kauai 'Railway Company, tho enlarged and ana port or mat company at Eleele, Kauai, costing over one hundred thousand dollars and just completed, has been named "Port Allen" In honor of iha late founder of the bouse of Allen Kotiinson and the S. Allen Trust Estate of this city.

Mr. Allen was intimatelv associated in businoss and otherwise for many years prior to his death with tho the McBrydcs and the house of H. Davies Company, and others concerned In the starting of tho Company, of which the Kauai liailwav Comnanv is nn offshoot. Mr Allen always confidence in tne nnni outcome or the venture arid freely backed It from time, to time, by investments in its bonds and otherwise. Tho new landing mimed in his honor covers three separate wharves, with a frontugo of somo 400 feot.

and is designed tq handle up to 1500 tons of sugar per day besides a large amount of general merchandise. It has special arrangements for (he handling of coal and lumber; has storage, capacity for ten thousand tons of sugar and general merchandise, and is. equipped with electrically driven carriers. The harbor1 can accommodate and discharge two ocean-going steamers or vessels at ono timd, besides an inter island steamer, AND ALLOWED TO HAVE PflRTIKlA. OUT VILLAGES; 0 Cpnreld, director of the Metropolitan I I 3S many jears and with such distinction, has been identified with the -administration of the government of tho great rep'ubjic.

Wo aro greatly honored to havehim with us, It lias beon our pleasure to receive visits from many connoted -with I nm suro we have never welcomod nny one with moro plcnduro than our distinguished visitor of today. "Wo hae been working out our problems for many years with success, which has been a cause of gratification to us. in the present session of tho Legislature the most Important matter lias been tlio nnancml question. Hincc annexation large piirt of our revenue has gono to the United States and it linn lislflH fna ll.n ran. UH.KUM.iUI IIIB BU.imilllj,mh.H to maintain itself with reduced mies.

Wo nre making a very earnest effort to live iwithin our income. There is also the ery important matter of tho education of large numbers of children hare. Difficulties have been presented and very great obligations havo been to u. In all of these matters wo have Jiad the assistance and advice of friends in Washington and wo look to them for help and support." Mr. Smith thereupon introduced Senator Fairchild to welcome Jfr.

Fairbanks on behalf of tho upper house. Welcome from the Senate. Senator Fairchild, on behalf of the Senate, welcomed Mr. Fairbanks to Ha- wan, prcccillng ills words ot welcome by asking indulgence for himsolf. "I have been in the cane fields fpr tho (Continued on Page Five.) A PALACE 'lti T.T"0"' ana ermii ill Heinrich Conreid.

Press Cablegrams.) Tho deposition of Abdul Hamid is and a liberal allowance. fAT.BE KBMOSS. hundred thousand Btarvingf Armenians aro Deurtyul. Tho story is discredited here. AT ADANA.

Adaha has Loon renewed. Cablnot has resigned and all resistance rcmaln.althongh.Jia.wlll bo, nhom of many gtvpn for bis retention In offlco la tho pay- fifty millions and also tho espouses of of refined BUgar waa advanced tea Morris Stowart, former United today. collision which took place betwoen tho hero today, tho former was sunk. Is reported that tho Assembly has voted Sultan appeared in nuhlic todav and adoration. numfcor of Armenians In Antioch and tho Salonika division has advanced to'' has overspread the city and refugees there-has been no further advance.

although It IsjboUeved he will bo deposed. Tho armored cruisers Montana and .24. Roosevelt arrived la miles on thd cowcatcher of an engine. of two hundred natives. Lions woro Major McOree, U.

S. who is now Bta 20 and will procoed to Honolulu to Kussetof. a fireman aboard tho trnmmnrt authorities of Honolulu for smuggling, Fedora! court of Hawaii. Ho Is under rour thousand pounds of dynamite will and if this falls to cloar a passage the earthquake shock was folt here yesterday, duo mainly to fires. No one was killed of San Francisco has been arrested grand "larceny.

messago hai been received from the will arrive at San Pedro, iu company as. The Constitutionalists afrrr control of the city. 'The Sultan is noiaing out at zildIZ palace, which being made to attack the palace if a nerce fight, are in complete a oui is sun is surrounded. Preparations are submission is refused. The battle for possession of the began in the morning and ended at noon.

Frederick Moore and H. G. Wight, American correspondents and the first dragoman of the American embassy have beert wounded. The Belgian legation is riddled. Sixty American tourists were placed on a steamer Jif fighting.

The city is now tranquil. BEIRUT, April 25. A conservative estimate of the number killed in the massacres of Adana and Vilayet puts the total at be-and is provided with very substantial tween 20,000 and 30,000. Hundreds of girls are missing, moorings suited for tho largest sized GUANTANAMO, April 25. It is understood that the North lirAsftiS; SrS" Montana' after Ieavins Ty' to jin the Pa- and the inner moorings thirty-Ovo feet.

The largest stennjers of tho American- MANILA, April 25. Governor General Smith leaves May 8th Hawaiian lino and tho Mntson for a six months' leave of absence in the Statesi tion Company art. running 'thero and CONSTANTINOPLE, April 26. The Yildiz palace havo pronounced tho port safe and A was Ja ticablc. Handling as it does tho com- surrendered to the Constitutjonal forces unconditionally, the bined freight of Maknwoli and Mc- Sultan ordering the garrison not to make any resistance.

The Sultan Hrydo Sugar Company the now port and hrs men have been made prisoners, and martial law has been starts with 11 business of over sixty- declared by the victors. The city last night was quiet. five thousand tons this year. By LONDON, aii 26.It here it? i r. 1 son of lu connection with the Amer- April is reported that, the Sultan has Steamship Company and been taken from his palace by force and that Mohammed Rechad has tho Mntson Navigation Company goods been installed in his place; can bo billed direct from York, BEIRUT, Asia Minor, April 26.

Frantic appeals for protection Forty's 7t nd ft being received here from all sections of Asia Mirtor, thus enabling goods from shipping Adana is reported to be burning; Five American women arc ters on the mainland to bo Jasded as there. cheaply on Kauai as at Honolulu. Nl. Foreign warships are landing marines at many points for the theroUdireCct protection of the lives and property of foreigners. It is an interesting incident in con-1 WASHINGTON, April 26.

The American Government has with tho naming of the newy ceived assurances from the Government of Great Britain that that, port that Mr. Allen as a young man, country is prepared to protect American life and American interests whilo engaged in ono qt hisflrst jn Turkey NAIROBI, Africa, April 26 Theodore Roosevelt and party within a throw of tho present have started for Ahi river. On the first hunt, two wildebeests and landing namd In his honor, trving out a gazelle were bagged." hundreds of cattle for their bides and a n. fiSTS ZZ ticolly no market value. I Superintendent T.

II. Olbson of the- Iteform School has placed his in the hands of Superintend, ent H. Babbitt. Mr. albson has been a valuable man at the Boys' In- dustrlal Schopl at Walalec, and the.

news of hi resignation haB been re- ceived 'with general regret. I I tniWA IJaHAIIIaJ "nl A fn To ui ivcunvui iuuatveu Sudden Death of (Associated CONSTANTINOPLE, April 27. practically certain. He will be given a palace POSSIBLY ATEXANDRETTA, April 27. A said to bo besieged by Moslems In MORE BLOODSHED BEIBUT, April 27.

Tho camago In CONSTANTINOPLE, April 26. Tho to tho Constitutional army has ended. It Is stated that tho Sultan may of his powers. One of the conditions nent t0 tho stato of hundred and the conquering army. NEW YORK, April 23.

Tho prlco cents today. WASHINOTON, April 23. William States Senator from Novada, died here OHEISTIANIA, April 23. In a stoamer Edith and tho steamer Oxford Nineteen woro drowned. CONSTANTINOPLE, April 23.

It 'to doposo Sultan Abdul Hamid. The was grcoted on tho streets today with BEIRUT, April 23. A largo vicinity havo boon massacred by fanatics. CONSTANTINOPLE, April within two miles of tho Palaco. aro pouring Into tho embassies, but The fato of the 'Sultan 1b doubtful' QUANTANAMO, Cuba, April 21.

North Carolina havo sailed -for Turkey. KAPI PLAINS, South Afica, April camp hero after riding His caravan from hero will consist in tho vicinity yesterday. SAN rRANOISOO, April 21. tionod In Maine, will bo relieved June command tho artillery district. SAN FRANOISOO, April 24.

Ehoridan, who Is wanted by tlio Fodoral. held hore and will be tried beforo the xajuus, April xi. be discharged today In the Ice Jam project will bo abandoned as useless. LISBON, April 24. A violent but the damage, which was slight, was or Injured.

NEW YORK, April 24. Brandenburg hero on a warrant charging him with LOS ANGELES, April 24. A wireless Japanese cruiser Aso, saying that she with the Soya, tomorrow. CONSTANTINOPLE, April SJSJJISS fif Ed Bv.Va Admiral IJlcht and the officers and men of the Japanese squadron on an elaborate scale' Admiral IJlchi today visited Hear Admiral 'Bob" Evans and they had a very happy conversation. Admiral Evans and Admiral IJlcht agreed that there the slightest danger pf war, Evans scorning the idea in his characteristic HONGKONG, April 26, The Steamer Bcandia went ashore here today, I Jt- S.V.

1 ii tfl tit A Jl vi f'4 i ft VSV l. ywr XVM1' AW-i? Vf 'J. MfeitfuteteK i(m..

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