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The Montana Post from Virginia City, Montana • Page 3

The Montana Posti
Virginia City, Montana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Hi son OF THE TERRITORY. Deo. 3, 1865. tJ AGENTS. sT the traveling Agent for the Montana Hit H.

-nthoriied to solicit subscriptions, to obtain for and to coUect and reCeipt for all mon- orders for job lea dU' ''V- 'ox Is authorized Agent at Fort Benton. 0 Tk'asK is our Agent at Bannack. Jfi sUWUKna. Silver Creek. 3 Montana City.

'fi D0V1S. Silver bow. of STRUT. Jefferson City. nMEs Sru art.

Deer Lodge. Gate. ap Bryan rlelena. Du JOHN TEMl'LE. Junction City.

OD, JACOBT, Gallatin City. wl VlPOSD, German Gulch. as! HiTHAW AY, Highland District. Jo V.m nt, District. fy, CHIJICH, Summit City.

CAMPBELL A Confederate Gulch. of Bun's. Biaokfnot. in 'j Williams, St. Louis.

Mo. P. San Francisco. Cal.

tD) ED PMUKTTI of Virginia City, is our authorized Agent so to receive subscribers and monies. His receipt will be good, fc, LOCAIj items. us Strayed Who owns the feline beauty 1 For reading matter for these long evenings, go to tbe City Book Store. Solomon STAB, at the Stonewall Store, is offering great Inducements to purchasers? see the work of constructing street crossings is gressing. We hope the work will meet with no suspension until it reaches completion.

To Correspondents. AU letters hereafter, connected sii with the editorial or other departments of the Posf estab- wi tishmeiit, should be directed to D. W. Tilton A Co. re Not a case on docket at the Police Court this week, jj, During the ab.ence'of Jndge Talliaferro to the Rattlesnake district, police affairs were in the hands of Mayor Castner.

SI Charley avis, with his usual smiling countenance, is visible in town again, and informs us that on Monday he will start his new mill on Summit We shall endeavor to th be on the ground. Senp in your orders, and we will print them with ness and despatch, and on reasonable terms. Democrat. Qj Then send tliein down here, and we will print what is ordered nea'lj-. cheaply aud correctly.

Barnard. Slaviv a Co. This firm have as fine brands of liquors, wines, as may be seen west of St. Louis. which they are determined to sell at the most reasonable nt figures.

See advertisement. Addition to our Stock. With our cellar half filMW with news paper, no apprehension need be felt that we will p. be compelled to print on wrapping-paper this winter. J.

S. Kockfellon's train brought us another supply. Judge Tallin firro returned from his trip among the tlesnake silver leads last Thursday, bringing over about a bushel of specimens. The Judge returns an enthusiast. Star Bespangled Charlxy.

J. C. D. Curtis, the 1 leading auctioneer, and Chief of the Fire Brigadeof Helena. is sojourning among us.

and. from outward appearances, P' we are led to believe that he is enjoying himself to the I at highest degree. th 0. Those verses you sert us. entitled.

co sad thou art are very pathetic and unexceptionable in construe tion bat their length precludes publication in our columns. Your manuscript is can have it by calling. THERE will be a regular meeting of the Young Men's ar Literary Association, at J. 8 Rockfellow 's store, on next ro Tuesday night. It is hoped and expected that the ciation will have their Hall in order by the next following meeting.

Shaft ON THE C'avaroxe 1 Pope. Patton of Kevada City, have sunk a shaft on the Cavarone lead fif- teen feet in depth, from which they have taken fifty tons of rock, now ready for crusliinsr. The crevice of the rone on top, is thirty -five feet in width. Frcigh' Arrivals. J.

8. Rockfellow's wagon ar- at rived, last Tuesday, loaded with all kinds of merchandise an for this enterprising merchant. Abo. Browning's train of eight Tom Ames received several loads of choice brands of liquors arid of the quality of which we ti! had substantial proof. th MaJ.

BRUCE, you are sold. Your co''k is cock co I that cmn-ed in tha Uie recent New uc Jersey. If you keep him to chronicle Democratic victo- lei ries. yon will think tliat some things as well as others iss votes) were made in vainr That was a likely chicken, but be flourishes under tliis ot: Mysterious Case Complaint has been made by one of a party of teamsters, that companion was robbed of su When the oificials had arranged for an investigation. the complaining witness disappeared.

The party was on a hs general spree, and there is no doubt that that amount was abstracted from the pockets of one ot its members. tr THE JEFFERSON This deservedly popular hotel has changed hands, being now- conducted under the torship of Messrs Shanon A. Munson. From our acquain- tance with these gentlemen, we feel safe in predicting for Jj them a successful career in their new calling. Board.

816 per week; boaid and lodging. THE This discovered by W. 31 H. Patton. of Pope, Patton A Co from preseut appear- nnres.

will soon be ia course of profitable development. Their agents have opened books, in Boston, for a joint stock co.upany. and three-eighths of the capital (8200.000) I jj have already been subscribed. The crevice of this lead is six feet wide, aud well defined. PREPARED for the Messrs.

Krall and I Petchner have, at Kronk's the most complete invoice- of holiday gixnls that was brought to the I mountains. Much of the confectionery is of their own man- ufacture. and it is indeed a treat to view some of the speci- 1 mens. We never saw greater beauty or more ingenuity a displayed in like work iu Eastern cities. Read their adver- tisetnent in this issue.

A meeting of the Pioneer Hook and Ladder company No. 1. will be held, on next Saturday evening, at the City At- j- torncy's office, precisly at 7 P. A full attendance is respectfully and earnestly solicited, as business of the utmost importance will come before the meeting. Let every one attend.

Bv order Jas. H. MCSHANE. G. W.

Irvine Sec. Foreman. a i Accident On Monday last. Mr. IL E.

Hayner. in going up to Summit on horseback, attempted to pass a hay team, when his animal took fright and sprang down a dan- I gerous declivity, which caused Mr. H. to spring from his 1 saddle in doing which lie fell a rock, and broke his left arm between the wrist and elbow. Although suf- fering much pain from the injury, be is doing well.

The reason why we can do Job Printing more cheaply than any other establishment in this or the adjoining Ter- 1 ri lories, is. that wc have a Power Press, with which one 1 man off fifteen hundred impressions an hour. By the old hand press method, two hundred impressions require an hour's time and two men's labor. Then our 1 stock of inks, types, tints, bronzes, is most complete. I i Dance Stuart have disposed of their entire stock of 1 merchandise to the well known firm of Corham A Patton.

who hereafter will be found at the old slund of the first- named gentlemen. Messrs. Dance Stuart return their sincere thanks for the patronage so liberally bestowed upon' them and bespeak a continuance of the same for their sue- eessors. Their itore in Deer Lodge CHy aad srsr oa Deer Lodge River, will be continued, us heretofore, under the presidency of Mr. Smart.

The Judge goes to the I to wmo. we guess; ana if he does, he will win, as there is no such word as fiail in his lexicon. Great Ckrittmmt Leopold Kremer and W. R. Morgan will dispose of 84 500 worth of property at lotterv.

on the of this month. A fine 160-acre ranche on In- diac creek, in Madison countv. is among the valuable prizes. Quartz propertv. of marketable reputation.

the richness of which bus been tested and proved, is also in the list also, a gold waieh. valued at r'l-S horse, saddle and bndK 8100; ring S30 watch. 8.W. The drawing will take place at the Montana Billiard Hall under trol ot responsible parties. Tickets, can be had here at the Montana Billiard Hall in Halcna at Mather s.

Kelson- Mining Company's Hydraulic Machweky TN Mr. Murphy. Superintendent of the macuinery of the Nelson Mining Company one of the stock-noMers. we succeeded. last Tuesday, In getting one of liie engines in operation and Wednesday further experimented.

Although laboring under vantages of weather and those hindrances incident to first putting any steam machinery operation, these trials have proved the undertaking a success. We were present at the experimenting of Wednesday. It was a very cold dav. me tncrmometer standing (or rather for the cold intensifying throughout the day) several degrees below point The steam pipes being exposed to the rigorous atmosphere, the steam condensed measurably after 'eavnig- the boiler, before it reached and then the steam gauge only indicated from fifteen to twenty pouiius. The engine is of eighty pounds eapacitv, and Mr.

M. informs us- that he expects, when under fair way, to uniformly use sixty pounds of steam tothe engine. (the ompany have tour). So we may safely say that the experimenting we witnessed was performed with not more than one-third ordinary power. The ground having been soaked by being played on the day before, was frozen very solid so solid that it could scarcely be cut away with a pick.

The hoze-nozzle was directed towards the compact, frozen bank. The resistance of the earth and gravel was but momentary soon it yielded and then, having opened me way, the stream bored into the orifice with magical leaving holes thus eat awey three, four five and six feet in depth. With a all pressure of steam on, the stoutest bank would soon torn awuy, and sent float- lag down with the returning torrent. Now, that the hvdraul- wms process is introduced- we may exjasct it to eominon The three great advantages of the system are I 1st. it throws water, often, above its line of accessibility through di'ches 2d the direction of water is under complete control 3d, its projectile foroe gives it great enecr.venes*.

When the weathor more auspicious, and which will be done immedi I cpm-aftApf will eawid upon A Pioneer in the Front Rank of Mr. Cover called on us the first uSTSS? being on his way to procure the machinery for a new mill VIT he designs erecting on the West Gallatin early next sea son. Mr. Cover was with the first naif nf n-hiio entered Alder Gulch. Seeing him, the enterprising pioneer became one of tbfniJtaS the public-spirited, and our present thriving citv owes much to him.

One of our principal streets received its name from him. He then turned his attention to the agricultural development, and wps among the first to provo the susceptibuity of the Gallatin Valley of cultivationP Th rang first gris -mill of the Territory he erected at Bozeman City His mission now to the East is to nurchase tf.o 5 C.allatin. Such gentlemen as Mr. Cover are tte kind to wee' lead in extending empire WM THANKSC.rv;iNG Thursday is the day set apart by President Johnson for thanksgiving tothe Creator ow the mverse for His manifold national deliverances and 1 essings and for the whole people to make Confession i of our national sins against His infinite goodness and with one heart and with one mind implore Divine gufdance 1 the way of national virtue and The dav will be appropriately ed hi many private circles in Virginia but we have not heard of any preparation for its public observance. No previous proclamation ever fixed a dav when there were greater reasons for both giving thank, and asking forgiveness, than the day designated by President 6 Johnson.

Since writing the above, a citizen handed us the 'U? following us to the call with one accord I Suspend all business, and let Virginia City enjoy one day of quiet peaceful jubilee. Let these mountain tops join the glorious anthem of national praise, and echo back the the maiestic stanza as it rolls on from our distant homes in als( the East We owe it to our Government, to our brave her soldiery to ourselves, and especially to Almighty God a- for his deliverance from the horrors of a civil war and ta St his innumerable blessings to us in our mountain home He Sta has giver, us vast treasure in silver and cold, and Sal us with prosperity and plenty. There will be union service in the Church on Idaho street, at 11 o'clock am The He invitation is Fill the houserand let all the'peop le Me praise Him. ie Pri HELENA ITEMS. at The Masonic obituary of Joseph East will be found Lai under the general head, Hangman's in Dry Gulch, is barren this week no crop, nor sign of one.

Oti Reilly's card has got him into exten- Ne, business. Jem Shannon also accepts his challenge, as rZ h- will be seen by bis card in this issue. pj, Removed office of the Montana Post has been Cri removed to one door below Alien A Millard's Bank, on A i h- Bridge street. A portion of the material of the new Democratic paper has arrived. The balance will be in in about two weeks, Messrs.

Waterbury and Bernard have tbe matter in charge. he One of the most complete outfits of tin and hardware in im, to the Territory may be found at the establishment of W. F. Yo' McLeod, on Main street. He employs the best of work- To.

men. Jai To the citizens of Helena for a perfect rush Bel is of subscribers, in the last week or two. Thank vou. gen- 1 tlemen the more liberal your support, the better the pa- 8 I per we can give you. Sot ds Poznain'sky BEIIM.

This extensive and enterprising firm, having houses in both Helena and Nevada, have on 2j! ile hanAa complete stock of winter goods, which they will sell afTeasonable figures. See their advertisement, a Hrs On Tuesday of last week, one Grorge Dri rjr Sanders was found banging from that same old tree, in Dry Gulch, with the following inscription placarded on his Sai s' back: This man was bung for robbing A. Slane of 81,180, jMi and for ot her small Our town is again echoing to the whooff'Sf Cn a Mr. Ball's train of fifteen wacons has ar- Ch it rived, from your city, lopded principally with flour, for Gn Gaston. Simpeoa Co.

Thoj- have an immensity of the Prl of life piled up to the gaze of our citizeus. Re a. Residents near the Fountain Restaurant are much s. pleased over the changed condition of tbe streets there- ie about, sewers ha ving been constructed to off the filth that formerly the olfactory nerves of passers-by. A continuation of side-walks there also adds to comfort.

le Mammoth Conr.AL. As will be seen elsewhere, Joe Bli Oray has changed bis buse, and turns up in the livery and auction business, at Helena, in company with Gooding, at the old stand of Higgins A Travis, or. Main street. Both Fi( are good fellows, and we bespeak for them the liberal pat- Of tt ronage of the public. They surely deserve it.

I Tun Helena Water Company are stPl extending con- Qf duits below James Germ ley's and opposite the post-office, adding to the convenience and happiness of the inhabitants jp, 0r of that locality, who. truly according to the Scripture, have been of for along lime. ot On Monday, the 27th. our townsman and fellow-citizen, W. S.

Travis, of the firm of Higgins. Travis de- Er parted for the States. His well known form, charging Don first at the Elephant then Ka r- at the assembletl crowd, will henceforth be remembered se among the things that were. of Ca ce A Favorable When a community an'ver re tise liberally, it is a sure indication of one of two things, that it is already or enoe will be in a very prosperous coil- dition. Advertisinjjf brings prosperity, and all prosperous communities advertise.

The advertising columns of a tell what in a d0 tl.o r1? o- leading See no lieiinab utieenii iLu rs issue nearlv a column of them. or A Courtesan Kills IIf.rsei.T. On Sunday morning. out community was startled by the announcement that ne Nettie Moore, a well known chr.racter. had committed All nt suicide by taking strychnine.

There is no doubt of the Br poison having been administered by her own hand. She Pe ia had spent the evening in the dancing-hall, from which she En as passed to eternity. She lived about an hour after com- Co mitring the fatal act. Cause disappointment in an intended Ba trip to the States. 1 Oa as Hs iVetr Book Mr.

II. W. Bryant, formerly having in. charge of the City Book Store, on Bridge street, lias asso- i-or ciated himself with Mr. C.

Gilpatrick. and opened, one ig door below Allen A Millard's Bank, a book store and news depot, where, at all times, the latest Eastern papers and publications of all kinds may be had. The receipts of (V. Messrs. B.

for money paid for the POST will be ar- recognized. Their advertisement will apear in our next, an TnEIR CnARTER. Helena City Lodge No. ho 10 received its cbarfir frum the Grand Loilge of Colorado, ap Saturday. Nov.

25th. dated at Denver City. Nov. 7th, I 1 The officers appointed are C. H.

Hedges. W. I Joel Wilson. S. W.

Louis Bohm. J. W. The Lodge I held its first regular meeting the same evening. Its pros- Ci cte pects appear most flattering.

It is expected that the new tH the I Hall, opposite the post-office 60x25 feet will be in readi- th ln. ness by the 1st of December. The results of the late Masonic ball are understood to have left tbe fraternity in to itv a good financial condition. ar er' Drowned. Members of a train camped on the ford of Jeffe-son river, five miles below the bridge, found the dead of a man.

supposed to have been an Irishman named a David Been. Description Five feet and six inches in jj height; light complexion attired in a dirk coat, gray the ancl hoots. An empty purse was in one I of h's pockets, and a declaration of citizenship. He was buried as decently circumstances would admit. It was afterwards ascertained that be had refused to pay toll.

and. in attempting to wade the stream at the old ford, was car- in ried off by the swift current. His traveling companion. my who bad pack-horse, made search, but could not find the an- body, which had floated five miles below, and lodged on a his little sand-bar. uk? FIRE Brigade.

Fire Brigade bave secured rooms in Owen's building, comer of Main and Bridge streets. J. C. Curtis is Chief Engineer. The organization nuin- pH- bers over one hundred effective members.

They have a 'er- hook and ladder truck, with axes.ropes. and all other para- one phernalia belonging to this branch of a Fire Department. Their bucket truck carries one hundred vessels. Their OPS method of sounding an alarm is a three-fourth inch steel our bar. seven and a half feet in length, triangularly bent.

It ete answers the purpose of a bell quite effectively its clear, ringing notes being heard, when the hammer is vigorously of applied, far out among the hills. The Fire Brigade mem- ton- bers wenr a beautiful silver star, police fashion. I TlIKC'IIAPMAXTROITEaredoingwcll. Tuesday evening the Theater was crowded from to On that P011' evening the French Spy was performed, Mrs. Chapman taking the character of St.

When we say that 1 on she acquitted herself usually well, all acquainted with lder her fine talent will know we that the rendition was I tne unexceptionable. She is truly a fine actress, and is win- 1 ning new laurels among the Helenaites in each succeeding- performance. As Col. De Edwin Clarke's act- 'y ing, also, deserves special mention. Throughout the part.

R- his delineations were natural, apt and graceftil. The other ery- members of the company gave creditable accounts of them In' selves. The entertainment closed with the laughable farce ible in the which was laughably performed. ion The same bill was repeated Wednesday night, aud tbe in I audieuco was nearly as numerous as on the night preceding. idle con; DIAMOND CITY ITEMS.

at FLOt'R has been up to 836 per sack, and tobacco 86.50 ERY pound. the I THE A. F. AND A. M.

have taken some steps toward ie of establishing a Lodge here, which may be done during the lay. coming winter. QUITE a stampede is going to Deep Creek, some twenty- five miles up the river, from here. Over one hundred men first left last night. A thing is expected, of course.

I tbe ELIKIRADO (a new town started three miles below this lav. place) is fast building up. It has a good locality, and efl cold make a place of no small importance if the main gulch slow proves good down there. WE were not aware that our friend Shannon was an aspi- rant for pugilistic honors but he is on the shoulder. and, like the boy, he icon be From his shape we and think he will fight Joe Riley, or any other man.

and not ead- throw off the fight, either. rV18' OUR enterprising townsmen. Vandcrburg. Taylor tthe looking down the dim vista of the future but a little way. nore perceived that a toll wagon-road from this place to the beea mouth of the Gulch would be a good as well as very afford means of getting in and out of town during the wm- lth ter and hence thev obtained a charter therefor.

They are now negotiating, or have negotiated, with contractors, and wa? I work will commence next week. The cost of the road i will not exceed four thousand dollars. The enterprise will be accomplished as soon as energy, backed by dust, can do 11 loat- THREE months ago the existence of a place yclept Dia- raul- mond City was unknown of tbe confines erate Gulch. A few brush wakiups are: I where now stands the third place in rility I and one of the first in that of buried mder tor v. It storms-yet heeding not the fury of the maddened jreat element hundreds of houseless persons are busy preparing and for themse'ves shelter from the rigor of winter.

Two nedi steam saw-mills (and dozens of Armstrong patent) oao scarcely supply the demand for lumbar. COMMERCIAL. J. Bi Virginia citt wiioiisALE market. Corrected treehly by J.

S. Rockfellow, Ifo. 5 Jackton tt. Virginia city, M. Dec 1865.

readers will please bear in mind that our quotations are based upon actual transactions, and are gold prices for goods by the original packages. The retail prices range about ten per cent above Our market for the week ending Nov. 31st, exhibits no material change. We are, however, inclined to think that Ilflf some of the leading articles are weaker than they were the week previous. The receipts of merchandise and produce have been very light, only a few lots arriving from the States or Salt Lake Valley.

Scarcely any local produce is being brought in, owing to the bad roads and unsettled state of the weather. The receipts have been limited, with a fair de- mand from consumers prices per sack, unchanged Corn Firm, with fair inquiry. Bacon Firm, demand steady. Lard Unchanged. Butter Scarce and firm.

Candles Werks' advanced other brands steady, with good inquiry. I Sugars and Unchanged demand fair from con- I sinners. Weaker prices asked are not sustained. Fi I Salt Unchanged firm at quotations. I For the benefit of our non-resident readers we give below Tl I I the annexed prices current of some of the luxuries of life; also a few articles of commerce and consumption that have heretofore been overlooked.

FLOUR. OIL. fi7 St. Louis, 50 Coal, gal 85 6 00 2 States 20 Linseed 4 5 00 1 Salt Lake 24 25 00 NAILS. BACON.

100- keg 840 00 Heavy Sides, 100 rbs55c. glass. Medium, do 52ic box of 50 ft. .824 26 00 HAMS. putty.

Prime canvassed In Bladder JF Country 60c SODA. LARD. Babbit's, in 1 16 papers Small cans 55c In 50c 1 Large pepper. candles. Grain, tt 82 50 We rk's Cincinnati 65c Ground, 20 ft box.

.20 00 Other brands 55c I BROOMS. Sugars. I dozen 814 15 00 New Orleans tt 55c! CHAMPAGNE. Clarified Heidsick (qts)6000 Powdered 60c Sp'rkling Cat'ba 40 00 50 i Crushed 57ic CLARET. I A refined 55cl? case 824 00 COFFEE.

WHISKY. Java ft none. gal 810 12 00 Rio choice 1000ffil200 Ordinary 100 BRANDY. teas. I Imported 818 20 00 11 Imperial if ft 3 25 Domestic 12 15 00 Young 3 75 GIN.

Japanese in papers 3 00 Domestic 812 00 SYRUPS. CORN MEAL. Belcher's G.S., St.L., if Sifted. 100- ft sack 822 00 10 gal. keg 60 00 cream OK tartar.

8 Jl 10 gal 50 to $125 Sorghum none MUSTARD. BUTTER. box. 2 doz 8700 States to to, in bulk 125 Salt Lake choice If tft 1 25 STARCH. Ranche 1 ft 75c FRUITS.

GINGER. Dried Apples ft 57 'Jamaica. 20-ft box $1450 Stales Peaches one! Boot, if tt 4 00 Salt Lake Peaches 70c PICKLES. jphekberries $1 00 case 2 doz, i gal. 50 none 10 gal keg 50 00 if Currants 90c CANDY.

Cherries none Stick, 22-tt bxs. ..81600 Ground Cherries none I Fancy (French) if ft 100 Prunes (American) ft. 90c Baisins 24- ft $16 00 HONEY. boxes 3- ft 83 25 CANNED FRUITS. SALT -T Peaches case 2 doz 822 50, Fine.

87000 Pine Apples 27 50 Coarse none Strawberries 27 10-ft sack. .7 50 Tomatoes 26 MATCHES. Corn 26 00 gross 55 00 Blackberries 25 00 if case. 2dozbxs 88 Cherries 26 00 wrapping paper. tt oysters.

87 00 9 00 A Field's Steamed 24 00 1 shovels. t- Other brands )f 22 OO.Ames' doz. 00 TOBACCO. Ames' Spring 54 00 Lewis' Eld. if ft $600 3 6 501 PICKS.

Ordinany 4 500j Withhandles. doz. SARDINES. SLUICE FORKS. case i size boxes.

.865 doz $30 if case i size 75 00! AXES. CH EESE. box, 1 doz $33 00 3 36 00 Western Resen-e. 60c WHITE LEAD. English Dairy, if 25-to keg $18 00 ir BEANS.

LEAD. Navy ft 50c SOAP. SHOT. Palm sack 50 Castile, $1 251 Annexed Price) Cerreet. Eggs.

doz 2 2 50 Chickens, doz 15 00 00 10 12 00 sausage. JJ Green doz 3 00 Pouches, Grapes, 125 tb 1 25 Brazil Nuts, if T7 Peanuts. English if 1 Corn, shelled, Barley, I DIED, Near Helena City, M. on the 19th day of November, 1805, James East. The deceased was a men of Clermont Lodge A.

F. t. and A. Iowa. His remain.s were buried with Masonic honors, after which the Committee was.

appointed to draft a suitable preamble and resolutions. which are as follows re WHEREAS, It has pleased the Grand Master of the '4. Universe to remove our Brother, JAMES EaVT. from this transitory state of existence to one of endless duration, therefore be it resolved. te 1st.

That while the great principles of Masonry teach us in to bow with submission to tbe will of Divine Providence, and to kiss the rod that smites us, yet we deeply feel the loss of our Brother, and cannot refrain a tear to his of memory. id 2d. that in death of Brother East, society has lost pd a good citizen and Masonry a zealous friend. in That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the MONTANA POST for publication, and a copy also be sent to n'e Clement Lodge Mathew McGUIRK. as John Stevens.

Committee. as Mark A. Moore. LI Helena Advertisements. i a Ira B.

Manpin, BI. ts. Eagle Drug Store, Helena, M. T. m- James N.

Williams, eir Hair DressinS and Sbaviog Saloon Bridge Street, Helena. Montana Territory. E. W. Davis, M.

D. sly in- Drug Main Street, Helena City, Montana Territory. 5 Billy Mather's 1 hat MAIN STREET, HELENA. new Pbelan Tables, with all the latest improve- Jr ments. The Bar constantly kept supplied with the very best imported Liquors and Cigars.

Dissolution. HE paitnership existing between the under- Jr 1 signed in the Mercantile ousiness is this day dissolved the by mutual consent. All debts due the concern are paya- ble to James M. Vivion, and all liabilities of the same are assumed by him. ROBERT SIMPSON, JAS.

M. VIVION. Helena. M. Nov.

24th, 1865. 67? 550 ASSAY OFFICE ard the Helena City T. TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN EUROPE AND Everv description of Gold. Silver, nen Copper and Lead ores, assayed with perfect exactness. NO MISTAKE IN MY LABORATORY.

thn About one ounce of ore for assay may be sent by mail yZ or Express, and certificates of assay will be returned as soon as possible. Label each specimen with the name or number. spi- Assay of single specimen of ore 00 different specimens of ore uu we Enclose each specimen and money in an envelope, and not direct to CHARLES RUMLEY. Assayer, i 63- Helena. M.

T. T. JfIcLdEOD9 the Tin and Hardware Store, Main Street, Helena, M. T. can Dia- 'ER, TIN AND SnEET IRON JOB WORK spot wjth neatness and despatch.

A large assort- tion, ment of erri- rint Cast Iron Stoves Two OnstantTy kept on hand. flT-19 SS J. Bajwet Goodwo. JosltpH A. Geat.

GOODING GRAY, Jacl I AT THE i 1 mammoth eoamAL. I (In Higgins A Travis's old Stand) BEti with i and Ma In Street, Helena, M. T. ed on ALSO A DAILY LINE OP li FOI HORSE COACHES, Selec1 on wh rom Helena to Diamond City, (Confederate Gulch). TIME SIX HOURS Beet GOODING GRAY.

5 FRI DRY GOODS FOR THE TERRITORY. re )c 50 AT X) 50 30 Oys do 30 PA! HELENA NEVADA CITIES, M- T. 00 JEI oo MERINOS, wn 30 DELAINES, So SILKS, MUSLINS, A oo Prints, etc. 1 0c ever 25 T7LANNEL AND DRESS TRIMMINGS OF EVERY at si Variety and Shade in fact a complete assortment of 00 50 Ladies' Furnishing: Goods. 00 50 An immense stock of all kinds of 00 00 Gents' CT( 00 At Prices to suit the times.

67-tf ME 00 CLOTHING! 00 the A X) X) 25 25 constantly on hand and are receiving from East- JV em Markets, a fine and well selected Stock of 00 1j 191 CLOTHING! a F. AXD nic vas. us Gents? Furnishing Goods! 18 li this 50 on, BUCB AS 3 1 us ite COATS, his 1U tat PANTS, 'tm VESTS, HATS, UNDER SHIRTS, S. DRAWERS, 0VERSHHITS OF ALL STYLES, tl al SOCKS, Ac, Which I offer to sell both lena WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, A at the Lowest Prices lder- Merchants are pnticularly requested to give me a call dved before purchasing, as my facilities are such that I can at I al 1 times supply them with ods ust from the East, at eery are )ow prices. Remember the STORE! I T.

Corner of Bridge and main Streets, OPE lver, Helena, Mon tana Territory. G. GOLDBERG. sd as 1000 ADV'S. 20 00 and B.

J. ER. T. T. ST05E.

T. H. J. BRENDLINGER :dea.t_/et*s IX 1 TOBACCO, CIGARS, PIPES, 8NCFP AND rORK A GOODS, Three Doors below Kiskadden's Stone Block, ffT-79 Vtrfjlnta City, T. STnMR JJRJiJVT, Jackson Street, Virginia City.

Ill Co BRANDT Fa BEGS to inform his friends and the public generally, that he has fitted up his new Stone Building, solely with a view to the comfort and convenience of hie patrons, and regardless of expense. The business will be ceneoct- ed on the EUROPEAN SYSTEMIx, Selections can be made by each guest from the Bill of Fare, on which the prices of each article will be distinctly marked Beeftteaks and Hntton Chops Served Id the English Style. FUE FRESH MEAT, And kind GAME, FISH, POULTRY, On VENISON, CROQUETS, BONED FOWL, Arei SARDINES, Oysters and other Shell Fish in all Styles. PASTRY OF ALL KINDS, BLANC MANGE, JELLY AND PUDDINGS. STO Will receive every attention at the hands of the Proprietor.

For know Our' gene sales AN ICE CREAM SALOON Pr Is fitted up with a separate entrance for Ladies, where every delicacy and description of refreshment obtainable at such establishments will be in readiness. A choice selection of Wines, Xjiq-ixoxra, will be kept on hand, and also CIGARS OF THE BEST DESCRIPTION. Ci if MEALS SERVED AT ALL HOURS OF THE DAI AND NIGHT. Suppers provided for Public and Private Parties in vor the highest style of the art. mer AU kinds of Preserved Fruits.

NBWSTOCK. 1 Am niuuiwa ot nMuuAUunn HAVE ON HAND AT ist- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Pj The entire stock of Of Colonel Sawyer's Train, consisting of 18,000 lbs. Dried Apples, 2,000 lbs. of Zante Currants, 500 gallons of Golden and Sugar House Syrups, 3,000 lbs. of Navy Beans, 1,000 gallons of Kerosene Oil, 10,000 lbs.

of Cofiee, 100 cases of Star Candles, 50 gross of Matches, 10,000 lbs of prime Bacon, 200 sacks of Sugar, 150 boxes Raisins. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF CAN FRUITAND OYSTERS 50 boxes Sardines, 3,000 lbs. of choice Teas, 2,000 lbs. Smoking and Chewing Tobacco. These goods are offered with the desire to close them out within the next ten days.

The attention of Jobbers and Retailers is invited at once. ALSO FOR SALE, COMPLETE, Fifty-Seven Schutler Freight Wagons. 61 Geo. H. Hanna.

Thos. Hoopes /M.V.Vayf Wallace WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS teery i AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS Have on hand and for sale a complete assortment of GROCERIES consisting in part of SUGAR, COFFEE, a TEAS. DRIED FRUITS OF ALL KINDS T05E. CAN FRUITS OF ALL KINDS, OYSTERS, SARDINES, etc. Ropes, JVaits and Sledges, of every size.

HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS. CFF OATS, BARLEY, POTATOES, RANCHE BUTTER, AND EGG3, Uock, on I Justus Cooke, Thos. NeweB. ill1 Corner Cover and Jackton Streets, Virginia City. Feed, Exchange I Livery Staples i The above estabUsbment new offers superior advaut ages to FREIGHTERS, TRAVELERS, STOCK DEALERS, And all parties wishing to FEED, BEY or SELL any kind of STOCK.

I Onr Large, Warm and Con- venient Stables, Are well ventilated and carefully attended. OUR CATTLE YARDS Are large and well supplied with water. It Particular attention will be paid to the selling of STOCK at Public and Private Sate For which our situation, long experience intimate knowledge of the business, give ns unequaled Our business acquaintance with Merchants and Dealers. generally, give us unsurpassed facilities for negotiating sales of kinds of Produce, Goods, Wares, iviEriciiAiNriDisE, Which will be done on the most reasonable terms. CASH ADVANCED ON SIGNMENTS.

41 Thankful for the past liberal patronage we shall endea- 1 la vor, by careful attention to our business, to continue to merit tbe same. REMEMBER THE EEEPHEYT CORRAL, aei And call and see ns. 9. S. ROOKPELtOW.

I iiiBa niiiT. I WHOLESALE RETAIL 153 Xj zs -Aim- FAMILY I If o. 5. Jackson Street, if li Virginia City, Montana Territory. -Proof Cellar in Hear of Store.

elote ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGNMENTS. rited Particular attention given the sale of FLOUR, BACOH. CORN MEAL, LARD. WHEAT, BETTER, BARLEY, HAMS, OAT8, MESS PORK. xrnes.

POTATOES, ETC. all KDroa And a complete assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. I tof Always on Hand. MB And for Sale at the Market Rates. EAS- CORRESPONDENTS S0UCITBD, ios And Prompt attention given to all the enquiries of Coa- signers.

wl etc. Notice. of rpHE Co partnership heretofore extstiag. at Bannack 1 City, M. between 8.

F. Dunlap and A. J. Smith, is this dav dissolved by mutual consent. All persons ing themselves indebted to the firm, will please call aad HBj settle.

A- SMITH, 8. F. DUNLAP. -Ill The business will be ondncted bv A. J- Smith and A' F.

Graeter. liabilities will besettled. moaeysdue WMt tbe firm ot Smith A Dunlap, will be received by A. J. A.

r. RASTER. 4' Bannack City, Nov. 90th, 1865. GG9, 25 Freight Wafous, 1.

TN GOOD ORDER, fee sale at Elephant Corral, aa 1 Oarer Ktreet M-eT.

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