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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 5

Logansport, Indiana
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THEEUWSHWT TrltMONEV- PjRFECT.FlTTINO- GUABflinMD WflMiUTTfl MWUK flXD BIGHT66H tlNlK ONLY DEWENTER, The Hatter and Furnisher Save This Coupon No extra charge for it, but it is valuable. It bares our names, and that will remind you of the necessity a New Suit. Present this coupon with a nominal sum of loney at our store and will make to your order the handsomest suit of clothes that ever adornedjyour body. TUCKER THE, PEftRL STRBET TfllLORS. MONEY TOJLOAN! On Mortgage 7 nnd 8 per cent.

MOXKY TOZLOAN. On Mortgages Security and pay mecta. Consult J. T. COCKBURN.

2 nnd 3 Spry Building. WANTED TO SELL Tbe North Street House on North street between 5th and Cth street. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Address, MRS. CHA8, MARKLE, Hartford City, Ind.

NEW HAENESS SHOP. I have moved harness and saddlery shop to 620 Twelfth street, where I will turn out the best, goods for the least luonoy. GEO, W. FOSTER, DAILY JOURNAL SUNDAY. MORNING, MARCH 31.

Smoke All Stock 5-ocut cignrs. Wnlsts, Palaoo. Kooms for Frank. work Shirts, shirts, Palace. See the new silks to be opened Palace, Winters has moved Into his new store on Broadway.

Get your laces and trimmings thla week at the Trade Palace. The beit baking powder In the world at Ben Fisher's drug store. Once tried always used, Ben Fisher's baking powder and extract of vanilla. abash lodge K. of H.

will Initiate leveral candidates tomorrow evening. A good laundrled waist from 49 cents up. Quality, make and fit Palaco. We are in the lead on framing plc-i turos. Our work speaks for Logansport Wall Paper Co.

If you read money you can get It on personal or collateral security of £. B. Oversbiner, 327 Fourth St. pood girl for general house work. No washing, good wages.

Must come with pood recommendations. Call at No. 216 Eljfhth St. Awarded Highest Fair. CREAM 9 BAKING POWER MOST PERFECT MADE.

A port Grape Crea t' Tartar Powder. Free i Ammonia, Alum o. other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD, 'TIS NOW JUDGE LAIBY. Governor cemior MattheivM a Mue- to Judge fflcCounell. Tlie Action Not Uenrrkllr ludoried.

Governor Matthews yesterday appointed Moses B. Lalry, democrat, to succeed Judge Dyer B. McConnell, republican resigned. Judge MoCon- nell was elected for tho term of six years ending tho first of November 1896. At the election laat fall Judge Dudley H.

Chase, republican, was elected to succeed Judge McConnell and will take his offtje nextyenr. The appointment IB to fill, the interim. It was the wish of many of the attorneys that Judge Chase be appointed so that they would have the benefit of his broad experience at once and so that there would be no break In tho succession. It was argued to the Governor that a democratic court stenographer had boon retained and that tho office never bad been made a political one in this county; that notwithstanding the faot that iho county was 500 democratic tho people had elected a republican to the bench four limos out of Cve In ihe past quarter of a the people had elected a republican for the present term of six years and had elected a republican to succeed him. Governor Matthews refused to consider these matters and appointed a donao- crat who was rejected by the people last fall, making the office purely a political one, and disappointing many of his admirers.

Mr- Lury a mamber of the law Justice Lalry. He is a man of little experience In the law and lacks confidence and self-reliance. He is a conscientious worker, however, and his brief experience on the bench will be a valuable educational feature for hlia, however much the public may dislike the Idea of making a kindergarten of the circuit bench. Judge McConnell resigns to engage In the practice of the law with his son E. B.

MoConnell as a partner and will occupy rooms In thenewThornton- Baldwln building opposite tho court house. The lodern Way Commends Itself to the well informed, to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done in the crudest man. ner and disagreeably as well. To clennse the system and break up colds headahcbes and fevers without unpleasant after effects, use tho delightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs. A Iiij unction.

A taraporaay injunction was yeater. day given ihe New York Bankrupt company by Judge MoConnell. In their contest against the payment of city and county taxes as alleged transient merchants. Park Commissioner. W.

H. Leedy, formerly of this oltv, was recently made a member of the board of park commissioners of Io- dianapolis. Hive you erer noticed how, your tyatem eeemt to crave special assistance In the Just the help required IB given by Swaapa- rllla. CAUSE OF Dr. J.

P. D- John of Speaks to tie Mass PROF. G. K. MORBIS OF UNIVERSITY FAVORS A COLLEGE Two LMt TtlKM at the Anniversary Conference UHnml Crush of Mammary of Sewslon- The Afternoon Lecture and Again at Ihe confersnce hall Uet night was seen the great crush of people who wanted to hear something good oa educalioaal matters.

President J. P. D. John of DePauw university made a short address in wblch he said that he believed in a college course for the young on condition that the college and the student both did their parts. It makes the battle of life much easier, accordingto the professor, if the soldier has had a college training.

The experience, the four years of college life, are alooe worth more than they cost. A well rounded education Id only secured when the conscience is educated. An idiot with a conscience la better than an educated knave. The professor said that DePauw was engaged in giving well rounded educations. Prof.

George K. Monis, of Boston University, followed in a short talk in which he congratulated Indiana on having DoPauw University, and De- Pauw on having J. P. D- John. His address was heard with deep attention and appreciation.

Harry Miller of Peru, sang two numbers. BUSINESS WELL IN HAND. Much WorkUohe toy the Yesterday Mornlng-A Brief Snmmarr. Guild, Work and Brown were appointed to audit the treasurer's acaounte, Harrison read the report of the temperance committee which was 'in the form of resolutions, in which the S'loholson bill was commended, jeclally the clause relating to voters in a ward bolcff Riven a chance to remonstrate against the granting of allquor icense. A colleciioQ was taken to pay statistician Ndal's accounts.

Tho Bishop was made president of the conference corpsra- Dr. Mecdeohall, vice president; Rev. Naf.zger, secretary; Rev. Hasty, iroasuror. Rev.

EldriOge was named to fill tho place of the late W. S. Birch on the joard of control of deaconesses work. A resolution was passed thanking Dr. Morris for his services.

Elder A. E. Mahin invited the coa. 'erenc; to Richmond next year. Elder Simpson represented tho of Fort Wayne.

Ha made a itrong argument for his cliy. Dr. J. M. Driver put forth the claims of Marlon.

The question was put to a vote and Richmond was selected on the second ballot, she receiving 76 votes, Fort Wayne 58 and Marion 38, on the first vote, winning with 97 on the eecond. All matter on record referriog to ihe pensions of superannuates was ordered expunged. Reports were received from committees oo Popular Amusements. Freed, man's lid and Southern Education, Spworth League and Tracts. The following were elected tbe jommiUee on General id Mahln, Eidridge, Parr, Albright, Bowen, Movt, THE LAST LECTURE.

Dr. Morris Yesterday Cloned Ills Delightful Series of Dr. J. Merrills Driver presided at he meeting to which Dr. Morris had been announced to epeak on "The 'roacher as a Leader." Dr, Morris said in substance as folOwe: If a preacher hollos with making a Congregation think he loves them, he can't make them think so un-- ess he does love them, he can say to hem anything he desires.

He should 1 herefore. not begin by Bedding his; hearers. A preachnr who gets the eputatlon of a scolding might as well write to the Bishop to" hare a change of location. It Is the minister's business to be eaderandnot an There ii no: 3ne on earth who can lead ministers Jon Did Not Read Onr Ad! You want to know how we know? We didn't sell the specials advertised. To be Continued Misses' kid button, spring heel.

50b for Ladies' kid Oxfords.patent tip shoes. $1.00 for Ladies' tan Oxfords and Nullifiers. Hand turned, soft and flexible, worth $3. MONDAY ONLY. I am perfectly willing tojsell cheap, but specialties that are offered at one-fourth or one third their value Must Be Snapped Up Quick or they will be withdrawn.

Respectfully OTTO KRAUS You can't make leaders of low grade men. Bonaparte was a manager of men. Lincoln was a leader of men for the good of the race. A native want of self esteem, which is a part of most delicately orean'xed men and women, results in false modesty, which induces many minister.) to sit back and be dominated by ihs leaders" in tbe community, and before long tho men will govern him, Take a church that has a minister weak in administrative force, and It Is lead by the meanest men of the congregation Mean men are quick to take advantage of a cowardly; minister. A terrible charge may be placed at tho door of a cowardly mlolster.

Of all crimes cowardice is the most nfamous in a leader. It will be laid up to our charge. No man Is so ex- the tendency to shrink aa Is he minister. It is more dangerous or the surrender Is cnown only to himself and God. He may.

suppress a message from Heaven. The p'reacher should lead In the domain of 'thought. Yesterday's noughts are old Wo are eft behind If we are Indolent thinkers. Nowhere la the danger of cowardice so great as In the domain of thought, man's business to be true to himself. No man can be true to God who is not true to himself.

No man can be true to himself who surrenders his thinking to any one but od. Many a man whom Gtod.mada to be a.n oak, becomes a willow. in the domain of thought -easy to him who dares to think, L'be man on the lower plane, who dares not think will recognlxa him. Ii 3 a shame for the minister to take econd place in the realm of thougbt; allow men of a lower plane to shape Le destinies of the world. You never crown a man bur, you give him a diadem Hut belongs lo tie boy We araj Iways a generation too late with our ipplause.

Tbere is never a surrender of any that is not due to some ault of a generation before. The allure of iha man is the failure of tbe boy. If we are not true, tbe msn who some after us, though they have souls )f steel, must succumb, If we are rue, there will be applause in years to come for triumphs of the leaders, which will really belong to us Che minlttsr ought to control practi- affairs. He ought to control pol- tlcs and.bualne&s. The pulplte of the world should thunder against Pagan.

sm In business. The conditions hould be so changed as to compel the employer pav to his labor that which will, enable the laborer to brighten and iomtorthls home. The minister in tho parish, should, twenty.four bours after his advent lave effected a change for the better the life of the place.I am not an admirer of blind courage that rushes nto danger because of insensibility. the timid minister, I will say that is impossible for a mac bearing a message of God, who delivers it tenderly, to fall of making change in his hearers. Go into a and breathe influence that will the faces about you I would not thunder, from the pulpit gainst cards and dancing.

The boy and girl who are not big enough not love those amusements will not be colded out them. Maie them out of them. The minister must develop ability availability. A man. wbo prop- develops his mental muscle, will proportion 10 development be lalled up.

i The weakest minister, intellectually as much a prince in the tight of God as the more fortunate brother, eo ong as to himself he Is true. I wish to say in closing that the hours I have spent in Logansport, with the brothers of the North have been among the appiest of my life. Tne meeting then gave way to the Foreign Missionary Society. WOMEN AND MiSSIONS. Anniversary of tlie Pvrete Mlsdtozinry Society.

Nelson road the IQtb ehupi.tjr of Romuns. After a brief prayer by Mrs. West tbe report of ihe treasurer was racd. Again was rc-poitcd of in collections over lasi The amounts given were as Fort Wujne District 6 Goslien Kokomo 440 os Munde RlcUinond Warsaw collection "7 Total 2W 37 Tbnnn offering collection 67 The treasurer stated she hoped to see a gain of $1,000 in next year's collections. Mrs.

C. H. Brown of New Caei.le eong "Bow I Love'Jeeue." Mrs, J. K. Waltz addressed the meetlrg.

She told ot work done in India, where the jungles had given away to churches, hospitals, schools andCbrls tian homes. While the work Is being prosecuted In India, said Mrs. Waltz, let us think whether we are doing our part of the work. The Misses Cubhman favored the audience with a. duet.

Mre. E. S. L. Thompson of ncle, gave an address.

Mrs. Thompson closed with an original poem inspiring the workers In the Master's field. A tribute to the late Mrs. B. A.

Kemp was a part tbe paper which was beard with absorbing interest. L. Hartman, of Fort Wayne, made a short address. She said ten new auxiliaries had been organized in the last twelva months, besides one children's bano, and that many profitable meetings had been held. Miss Lymaa of Warsaw who is now in training at CnicuRO (or the work of a foreign missiOQurj', was presented to the meeting.

A collection was taken up. the proceeds to go toward purchasing Miss Lyman'a outfit. Tne Kokomo district September meeiifg was announced to occur at Elwood. Harry Miller of Peru sang "Would I Had Wiugs Like a Dove." Dr. Mendenhall dismissed the meeting with the benediction.

THE PROGRAM FOR SUJSDAY. A'MlgnmeutH of Announcements of the "VB'lonw Jleetinffa to be Held Today. The following assignments have been made for tbe pulpits of the city ioday: E'angelical church, Rev VVI1 cox, Ham. Long Cliff hospital, RevE Seman, 3:00 accompan ei by a malequar- tette. African Pierce, 11 a Rev M.

Pierce, 7 m. Baptist church, Rev fl Ford, 7pm, Bickford, 11 a m. Unlversalist church, Jones, 11am, Guild, 7 pm. Christian church, Dr Bryn of Greencastle, Ham, Dr Royse, 7pm. English Lutheran church, Rev Harrison.

11 a Rev Greeg, m. First Presbyterian church, Dr Morris. 11 a Dr Johne, 7pm. Broadway Presbyterian church, Dr M. Driver, 11 a m.

Dr Eidridge, 7pm. Cumberland Presbyterian church, Rev Marble, 11 a Ford, 7 m. Cumberland Presbyterian church, country, Rev Nelson 3pm. There will be a sunrise prayer meeting at the conference room, con ducted by Revs Simpson, Neal and Nelson, at 6 a m. At 9 a will he held the conference love feast at the opera home, conducted by Revs A Greenman, Phillips and Mendeohall.

'At 10:30 a at the open house there will be a sermon by BUhop Warren, followed by the ordination of fe At8 at the there will be memorial services, ducU'd tn.i o( me confer- eoca. Ttie sioKioL' today at tho opera house lert by large chorue cias- Ur Cuahomo. Tno Y- C. A. rnoeltDff will held tu ibo FirriPretbyterlttQ churoh at 3 p.

TDU moeiing will be for men only, and addressed bj- Prof-G. K. MorrlB of Boston. 'subject be, "Tee Mask Removed." At 6:30 tonight Epworth League meeting will beheld at the conference hall, led by ihe conference president. At 7:30 at.

the conference hall the Hov Payne. off New York will preach, I'ROGRAM FOR MONDAY. 30 a services. Rer Gregg. Dscalur, Ind.

business. Adjournment. NOTES. Those who have listened to the abfe addresses of Prof. George K.

Morrk or read the of them in the Journal, have doubtless noticed thai they in no wise resembled those usually made by professors of theologjf but smacked more of every day practical experience. Dr. Morrla who now professor of practical theology IB the School of Theology, Boston University, was up. to last fall a preacher and pastor. At thai time ho resigned the pastorate of St.

Paul's, one ot the leading Methodist churchee oS Cincinnati to take the position he now eo ably fills. He was vory popular IB Cincinnati. He formerly filled en Im.v portant pulpit In Southern Jersey. Rev Jonef, who will preach this mornicff at the Universallst church, while comparatively new member of this conference has been in tho ministry for a number of years. He formerly s.

member of the Wilmington: conference and filled many of the most important, pulpits on the eastern shoco of Maryland and in Delaware. THE FINEST LINE LOF SPRING SUITINGS To be Found in the City at CRAIG'S 428 BROADWAY 2nd Floor. Justice Block. B. PATTEESOh, ONE WEEK Monday April, 1st.

HUNTLEY-BIXBY COS1EDY COMAAST. In a.Bep«rt»l» oJ Popular Plaji- HuntedJDownl OK Ounce ol Cil! Moodaj awning, one ladr ticket. Popular Pfleaa-JO, 20 and 30 c-'nup. L-N..

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