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The Sun and the Erie County Independent from Hamburg, New York • 1

Hamburg, New York
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(MilS ail avvcook''1 YOL. XIV. BUFFALO AND HAMBTJBG, K. NOVEMBER 30, "1888. MR.


1 i Are having a Tremendous THE ALMIGHTY DOLLARS. The Many Have) Too Few And The Few Have Too Many. Bnt it requires only a few dollars to Buy many gooda at S.r.l.Fishs Store NEWMARKETS, JACKETS, CLOAKS, ISACQUES, JERSEYS, AUoganj Comity, H. Militia Go Out on a Fruitless Hunt. OlJCAif, Nov.

80. The members of the Forty-third Separate company ware greatly surprised late Wednesday night to receive an order to report at the armory armed for service at 5 o'clock yesterday morning. Sev enty-five men assembled at that time and received ten rounds of ball cartridges each and marched to a special train at the Union depot. Capt C. (i.

Thyng was in command of the company. For some time past large gang of tramps, numbering from twenty-five to fifty men, desperate and insolent fellows, have congregated in the woods about two miles from town, between here and Allegany. They have committed ail kinds of depredations upon the people in the vicinity, at Allegany, upon the railroad companies, and even here, where many of the late robberies have been traced to them. The sheriff of the county, upon being appealed to, ordered out the militia company to capture the tramps or disperse themr The company and a posse of policemen and constables skirmished through the woods for several miles, but did not capture a tramp. The robbers bad taken warning and fled.

Traces of their camping ground and rude huts where they had slept were found, but no tramps, and the company marched back to town at 8 o'clock. A 8HIP IN DISTRESS. JFronch Vessel Compelled to Leave ths Crew to Their Philadelphia, Nov. 80. The French steamer Panama, Capt.

Chabot, arrived at this port from Garrucha, Spain, with iron ore after a perilous passage of twenty-five days. On Nov. 26 the vessel was within 100 miles of the Delaware capes where she met the cyclone. The seas were mountainous and all efforts to keep the vessel head on were fruitless as the wind threw her around in the trough of the sea. At times she was eomplety enveloped, At noon that day the carpenter, L.

Francois, was swept overboard and drowned. No effort could be made to save the unfortunate man as the changing of the vessel's course in anyway might further endanger the lives of the rest of the crew. At 8 o'clock the same night the signals of a vonnl in distress were seen shooting up from a dark hulk which was nearly level with the water. Capt Chabot bore down on the craft as near as possible, but was unable to get close enough to rescue the men. He could distinctly see them clinging to the after-house waving lights and hear them begging to be taken off.

He believes the vessel to have been a full-rigged ship. She was deeply laden and doubtless foundered with all on board. Academy Notes. "NothlDg Is 80 successful as On hundred thirty-six pupils have been registered in the Academic Department; this Is larger by 25 than any previous first week registration. A very large Teachers' Class has been formed.

Astronomy, civil government, physiology are also very large classes. Book-keeping, Roman his tory, rhetoric, physical geography and geometry are among' tne other Classes The Boartor have pur chased an additional supply of seats to meet ths requirements of the unprece dented attendance. Miss Ida Smith, diss of "82, began her labors as Miss jucknarat sue cessor. Amusements. Academy ot Music: The fashionable event ot the feason was tne appearance of Mrs.

Lsnstry the first half of this week. The last ha'f of the week is devoted to Henry E. Dlxey in "Adonis. Hupported by a burlesque company of 60 artists, usual matinees. Magazine Notices.

The Christmas number of Qodey's Lady' Book comes to our tanle, nllea with choice currant literature, most beautiful poems, "Fashions." with. plates, "Work table" receipts, etc At this time of year, when fami'y readiDo; is made up, this eej; popular magazine should not be ofeilooked; only t-vo dollars per year, address tne Godey Publishing Company, 1224 Arch street, Philadelphia, a' a. The -Forum 'Is a magazine which should be in every hduseho'd. Its aim and purpose is to give the fullest eluci dations on an topics or tne uay irora the Dens of albest writers, and from such as have given si ecial subjects the most rsrntni tnoucrnt ana study, it is a library of Itself. The topics In the December number are: Count To'stol's Religious Views by F.

W. Farrar; The Price ot Life by Kdward Atkinson; a Possible Revolution in Mtdlcirfe by Dr. Austin Flint; The New Syttem of Naval Warfare by raru Beniamin: Te chirjg the Machanio Arts by Prof. I homns Davidson; A b'mpie Southern Queftion by orge W. Cable; the outh as a Field of Fiction by Judge A.

W. Tourgee; Prison Labrr Competion bt Z. A. Brook way; A Reign of Law In Spelling, Prof. Francis A.

March; To Marrv or Nol i Marrv oy Junius Henri Browne; Tbe Role of Chemistry Civilation by Prof. W. Crookes. Published monthly; 60 cents per num ber; b1 dress the Forum Publishing 253 Fifth avenue, New-York. "Timely For Sharp Eyas! Nor love, nor honor, wealth, nor pwer, Can give the heart a oheerful honr When health is lost.

Be timely wise; Wttn ill-hea'th all tasie ol pleasure files." So speaketh Grav, and wbodeoiesT Ko eurer tact benath the skies. AU for bin wno early es Bronu be Is not timely, wtar. him whe will endure The ts he might so qafoklv oiire; Night-sweats, and cough, and hard-oought bre tb, Corsnnipen'i hearlri, sigs ot To cured tats Or. Pier-e's 6ildfe Merilos.1 Discovety. Thousands have been ny it otherwise, woo now be flllinsr nntlmely graves.

For all lifer, blood and lung diseases, It nspeolflo. For Hale. A servlcable horse of good size and color, and can be used single or doable. Enquire at Bank of Hamburgh. White Hening Machines.

I bavr tbe agency for the above ma chine. Do not purchase any other un til you have seen tbls. Fatbttk Read, Nnrih Kvsn. MoTlUK TU CUB.D1TOKS, PUgTJA NT to an orrier of Hon. Jacob 8teb.ii Surrogate ot Brie County, Notion is twreby given to all persona having claims or demands ml n't glixabth Haas, late of the City Buffalo, In laid countv, deceased, that tbfj ar eqn red 'n exb.

bit the same with the vouchers thereof to John a. Miller, 'be si sen -trot tbe Last Will aid Teaiameat of the sad rictael, as ths rt sidence of the said John A. Her, H. 114 list-Tapper street, in thr City at Huff. I In kl (Joan bt tore tor first day Dated Use itth day of November.

1888. Jobs a. mjllsbs. Ax ec a tor. California and the South Will Probably be BepraMnted In It.

Washinoton, Nov. 80. Representative Thomas of Illinois has Just returned from Indianapolis. When asked what the prospects for President Harrison's cabinet were he said: "I do not speak with authority, but soieiy upon my own I should say that California will be given a member of the cabinet, New England one, New York one, provides: tne York leaders can come to some substantial' agreement, "What of the South "Well, I should say the South will prob- auiy oe given a memoer. xae Bouth is go ing to do created fairly.

The Bouth will have no reason to complain if they will come up and accept the situation like men and deal frankly, with Gen. Harrison. His letter to a Southern editor, no doubt is a fair expression of his views en the subject I dont think anybody need have any trouble In apprehending the spirit in which that letter was written." Washington, Nov. 80. N.

D. Phillips. acting president of the board of health at Gainesville, telegraphs Surgeon General Hamilton as follows: "Have just returned to city after an at tack of fever. Inform me what course you propose as to infected bedulnr and clothing, Impracticable to destroy without replacing at once, as people are entirely destitute and would suffer while waiting payment of vouchers. We regard it as absolutely essen tial that much bedding and clothing among the negroes be burned.

We urge that action be taken at once, as refugees are likely to give much trouble a longer kept out" Dr. Martin telegraphs from Gainesville "Three new cases (colored) and one' death (white). Refugees returning daily. City authorities make no effort to prevent their doing; so." Another Ballroad Fight. Ftndlat, Not.

39. A railroad war tween the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton New York, Mahoning and Western was precipitated by the latter company crossing the tracks of the former with its line of road, despite a desperate fight made by sec tion hands of the Ciaoinnati, Hamilton and Dayton to prevent the trespass, and much bad blood has engendered. The local militia company is patrolling the track to prevent bloodshed. Civil Service In the Printing- Office. Washinoton, Nov.

SO. There is considerable speculation about the possibility of the president extending the dasuned civil service on the recommendation of the civil ser vice commissioners so as to make it include the government printing otlce. The print ing office has about 2,000 people in Its em ploy and it is thought that with the exception of the compositors and pressmen ths service of the remainder might be improved by putting them under the civil service rule. Accused of Twe Murders. JerbeyCitt, N.

Nov. 89. William Campion, a Hoboken tough, has been arrested for the murder of Henora Tiebbe, who was found strangled to death in her bed Tuesday, shortly after Campion had left her apartments. Campion is also suspected of the murder of an Italian which, occurred on the same premises some months ago, and it is thought possible that he may have killed the woman because she threatened to expose bis connection with that crime. Two Criminals Released.

Boston, Nov. 80. The usual Thanksgiving Day entertainment was provided for the oonviotsat the Massachusetts state prison and, as had been the custom for years, the governor bestowed executive clemency upon two of the prisoners Thomas Herty and Charles Whitman. Herty was committed for life in April, 1873, having murdered his house keeper in Maiden. Whitam was committed from Salem in February, 1877, for breaking Into the house of Mary Marsh in the night time and feloniously assaulting her.

Dog No Match for Cleveland, Nov. 80. A party of Ga llon, sports brought a twenty-four pound raccoon here and matched him against a bull terrier of the same weight. The dog was to kill the coon in twenty minutes. In sixteen minutes the owner of the dog gave up the fight The coon was unharmed but the dog's head and neck were almost bare of skin.

The Naval Cadets Downed. Annapolis, Mi, 80. The Johns Hopkins university football team of Balti more came to Annapolis and defeated the naval cadets by a score of 25 to 12. The game was witnessed by an immense crowd. Nearly all the students at 'Johns Hopkins were present and went wild at the defeat of the "Kid-ete." The Collegje Chess Tournament.

New Yoke, Nov. 80. The chess tourna ment between Columbia, Princeton and Pennsylvania universities did not take place as expected yesterday, the two latter clubs not appearing. This would give the inter-coUegate championship to Columbia 'by default, but Columbia has waived it and will play Princeton for the championship next week. 1 Where the Allentown JSnnb.

Cohasset, Nov. 80. Capt Beamy, keeper of Minot's lighthouse, believes that the steamer Allentown struck an Jason's Ledge and lies at the bottom about a mile northeast of the light in the naviga tion. 8a.w.al2.rKe wTfcka8 passing tne ligM mesaay mornmg. ine sea has now abated.

John C. New at the Capital. Washington, Nov. 30. Mr.

John C. New arrived in Washington from Indianapolis late Wednesday night and passed 1 Thanksgiving with Gen. George, G. Williams at his home on Rhode Island avenue. Sr.

New will go to New York to-night and will return te Washington to attend the meeting of ths Republican national committee next week. Tiey Keep a' Movin." New York, Nov. 80. The lam. score in the walking match is ss follows: Herty 435, Littlewood 431, Moore 410, Cartwright 400, Howorth 890, More mac 880, Golden 383, Hart 880, Mason 875, Connor.

865, Xlson 828, Taylor 323, Campana 321, Day 809, Vint tH7, Peach 195, C. Smith 146. i Gov. Beaver to be Marshal. Washinoton, Nov.

SO. Gov. Beaver of i has been selected by the inaugural committee as marshal of the inangural parade. The appointment was first offered to Gen. Sherman some days ago, but the general declined on the ground of the serious ills eat of Mrs.

Sherman. Mrs. Sherman's New Yoke, Nov. 80, After simple services at the residents of Gen. Sherman yesterday, the body of Mrs.

Sherman was taken to tee Fetinsylvania depot in Jersey City, whence Gen. Sherman and five members of his family aceompanied the remains to Bt Louis. Brutal Treatment of the Vessel's Crew A Battle Expected. Niw York, Nov. 8ft The steamer Print Frederick, which has arrived here from Port an Prince, had as passengers twenty-four of the officers and crew of the steamer Haytian RepiibUo which was recently seized by the government of HaytL These men complain bitterly of the unnecessarily harsh treatment they received from the guard of seventy black soldiers who were put on board the Haytian Republic after her capture by the Haytian gunboat DessaUnee.

The blacks. the American sailors say, behaved like a lot of savages, and many of the steamer's crew bear marks of bayonets on their persons for not having obeyed tome slight order quickly enough. The wife of Capt Compten and her neice, "who were on board the Haytian Republic were not free from the insults of the Haytian soldiers, and were subjected to many indignities during the seven days they were compelled to remain on the vessel. Complaint is also made that the officers of the United States cruiser Boston, which arrived in the harbor during the captivity of the Haytian Republic treated their appeals for assistance with indifference, and even refused to aid them in making comfortable of their number who was suffering from a slight attack of yellow fever. Capt Compton remained at Fort au Prince to look after bis vessel until some disposition Is made of her.

Capt Rodernakel of the Prim Frederick says the representatives of the French and English governments at Port au Prince were to leave on the 20th Inst for the north of the island to hojd a conference with the insurgents. They went with the consent of Gen. Legitime to arrange for peace if possible. Capt Rodernakel thinks that by this time the two armies have met and fought a battle. Two thousand government troops left Port au Prince to march on St Marie just before tie sailed.

BOTH DROWNED. The Bodies of Two Lock Tenders at Newark, N. Found in the Water. Rochester, NT. Nov.

30. A special dispatch from Newark, N. states that early yesterday morning two men named Young and Bender, lock tenders in that vil lage, were found drowned by the man who should have relieved them at 1 o'clock in the morning. When the man reached the lock-house Young and Bender were mlcaing and on letting the water out of the lock their bodies were found. It is supposed that one of the men had gone out to attend the gates and fell intosthe water and the other hearing cries for help, went to the rescue but also feel in, both be ing unable to get out out again.

The men were both married and have axnilies. DON'T WANT IT OPENED. Wei tern Kansas People Protesting; Against the Oklahoma Bill. Topeka, Nov. SO.

Steps are being taken throughout the west half of the state to defeat the Springer bill, providing for the opening of Oklahoma to settlement The almost universal sentiment in that part of iiie state it tnkrUte -4trWKiry should net-be opened, and it is belived it will attract many thousand people from Kansas and turn the tide of immigration to the territory. are being circulated in nearly every county urging Kansas members of congress to do all in their power to defeat the bill. A convention will be held In some city in the western part of the state to protest against the opening of Oklahoma. New Orleans Baees. New Orleans, Nov.

30. Weather partly cloudy and cool yesterday race good. first race, 13-10 mile: John Daly first Golightly second, Read Leaf third; time, Beetni race, 11-16 mile: Fred Wooley first, Me Murty second, Lyda third; time, 1:10. Third race. mile: Lucy Howard first Bcobeloff second, Duhme third; time, 1KBX.

Fourth race, free handicap, 7 furlongs: Bertha fifst, White Nose second, Car us third; time, 1:31. An Kxploaion of Dust. SaoinawXitt, Nov. 8ft At 12:45 o'clock yesterday afternoon an explosion caused by accumulation of dust completely demolished the St Englein Furniture factory and enveloped the wreck in flames. Gus St, Englein and Fireman Condonwere severely injured, and one man is reported buried in the ruins.

The workmen had just left tie building for dinner, otherwise the loss of life would have been great The property was insured but not against explosion. Loss about $30,000. Fatally Kicked by a Horse. New York, Nov. 80.A Thanksgiving Day pleasure seeker returning from Staten Island last evening went into a South Ferry saloon for a drink, while man standing near whese name is unknown held his horse.

Shortly after the horseman had gone on his way the man who had" held the animal fell helpless to the pavement, and on being taken to a hospital it was found that he had ceived a fatal by the horse kicking him in the groin. A Can of Powder Blows TJp. New York, Nov. 80. During Thanksgiving celebration by the Hudson Guards at Manhattan park the explosion of a can of powder eaused severe injuries to Edward Scbenck, Henry Holsefopel and George Smith, and resulted in a fire which parthuly destroyed the shooting pavilion.

Louis Hundhauk was badly wounded by the accidental discharge of a musket. A Myatorions Murder. New Haven, Nov. 80. John B.

King, a young law student, was shot and killed on Orchard street, near Henry Donovan's saloon about 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Ths affair is very mysterious and thepolice have discovered no clue to the murder. The sa loon keeper denies all knowledge of the suSair. A Broadsword Contest. Niw Haven, Nov.

80. The Lynn-Orlsfki broadsword contest, which was stopped by the police of New Haven some weeks agd after Lynn had scored nine and Orlsfki five points, was Snshed at Berlin yesterday. Lynn quickly increased to sixteen, winning the stakes and gate money. A Dock Hunter Shoots Himself. -Auburn, N.

Nov. 80. Washington Buckly of this city went duck shooting on Cayuga lake, and when getting out hit boat about 5 pm. his gun was accidentally discharged, ths shot taking effect in hi right side, causing almost instant death. He wis about 45 years old and unmarried.

A Conservative Sleeted. London, Nov. 80. The contest for the parliamentary teat of Hoi borne, London, has resulted in the election of Mr. Bruce, tbe Conservative candidate by votes, against 8,443 for Lord Compton, the Gladstoaiaa At the last election the Conservative mar tot-ttv was 1.T01.

A SEMI-OFFICIAL PROTE8T AQAIN8T ENGLAND'S COURSE. The Press Make Vague Threats of What Germany Will do If England Befusea Her Co-operation In the Dark Continent The Sheehy InTcatlaaUon New Notes for the Bank of Ftanoa I London. Nov. 80. Quits sensation has been caused in political circles both hare and an the continent and wide attention attracted generally by a semi-official note published by the Berlin press.

The note contains protest against the opposition of England to tha efforts of Germany in Zanzibar. It asserts that anti-German tendencies prevail in England and the co-operation in African schemes that might be given to Germany is, through their influence, denied. "Germany is forced to conclude," says the note, "that England does not need Germany's friendship." Then follows what may be looked on as a warning to the insular power. is true that it Is improbable that situs, tions may arise in the immediate future in which England may feel the want of friend ship from a continental power. nut such a condition of affairs is not impossible," The note is but the legitimate outcome of a feeling that has long existed in Germany over the hesitation of English polictians to commit the Britiiih.

government to the jdoubtful pol icy of assisting Germany to help herself to whatever benefits the east coast of Africa may present The ostensible object of the desired copartnership is to root out the slave trade and to make East Africa and Zanzibar safe for Europeani. Asa oolonizer and a reclaimer of savage countries England has greater success than Germany and the latter knows this and for this reason longs for Eng land's assistance. But England does not propose to help Germany colonize and this is why the co-operation is nied. The committee appointed by the house of commons, to Investigate the complaint of Mr. Sheehy that a summons Was served upon him in the lobby of the house, met at noon yesterday.

Among the Irish p)hce present were Inspector General Reed and Inspectors Jennings and Lownsden from Limerick. Jermiah Sullivan, the constable: who served the summons on Mr. Sheeny, produced a batch of summons which he had intended serving upon Irish members of parliament Newspaper reporters were excluded from the proceedings of the committee. The Daily News, in a devoted to Siberia, says that Mr. GeorgB Kennan's serial in The Century Magazine on Siberia Is without a rival among works of its kind, In consequence of the recent forgeries of French bank notes the Bank of France is about to issue new notes printed in two colors of blue and pink, which are claimed to be inimitable.

THE PARNELL TRIAL Irish Police Officials Give Some Exceedingly Weak Testimony. London, Nov. SO. The Parnell commission resumed its sitting yesterday. Polios Inspector Crane testified that progress of crime in Ireland was coincident with the formation of National every member of the league was a moon lighter, he said, but the majority of moonlighters belonged to the league.

The witness admitted that he was unable to trace directly any connection between persons convicted of committing outrages and the league. Bo league official had been convicted of committing outrages. He knew of no crimes connected with home rule agitation or with the extension of franchise. Crimes principally arose from disputes about land. Inspector Rice deposed that he understood that moonlighters executed the behests of the league, but on cross-examination the witness could not give a single instance of the kind.

'The Court Takes No Apologies. London, Nov. SO. Mr. Gent-Da vice, M.

for Kensington, who was committed to prison on Tuesday last for contempt of court in failing te pay which he owed as IA- ministrater of his ancle's estate, offered to apologize and to refund the money. The judge, however, refused to interfere with the warrant for arrest that had been issued. The money to liquidate Mr. Gent-Davis1 debt was subscribed by Tories In order to prevent the disgrace his arrest for a breach ol trust to fall upea them in parliament Salisbury Ag-alnst Homo Hole. Edinburgh, Nov.

SO. Lord Salisbury, in speech here, said he believed that Scotland was becoming Unionist in doetrme. He hoped that theeohame of local government for Scotland might prove satisfactory. Hs urged his hearers to distrust Mr. Gladstone home rule premises.

They were, vague because within his'ewa mind they were undefined. Jews Arrested ia Knaaia. St. Pbthrssurs, Not. 80.

Thirty-five foreign Jews who failed to leave Kief after the recent general edict of expulsion have been arrested. The charge against them it that they demoralise the townspeople. A New Ballroad in Brazil. Ottawa, Ont, Nov. 80.

A syndicate of American and Canadian capitalists is tendering for the construction of an extensive line of railway in Brazil. An Ottawa surveyor who was sent there to survey ths routs has returned to Canada and is engaged preparing the plans. Dom Pedro, the emperor, cessful tenderers, as the englneerine difficul- will grant important concessions to the tuo- fa coition with the are great Hon. 1. J.

Abbott, a director of the Canadian Pacific railroad, is a menrber of the syndicate which is seeking the eoatzact i Capt. Slocum's Proaraea. Norfolk, Nov. 80. A special received in this cityfrom Beaufort, N.

says that Capt Joshua Bloeum, who Jef Rio Jan ado on the 24th of July wife and children in the two-and-a-half tea boat Leher-dad, there Wednesday a perileut and eventful voyage. All vrere in good health, and sailed yesterday for Washington, D. a Blown Many SI lies from Her Course. Charleston, 8. C.Nov.

80. The schooner Mary 8. Bradshaw, which left hure Nov. 1 for Baltimore, enoounted severs gsses, bad her rudder bead broken and driven te the latitude of St Augustine returning hers yesterday. I Banquet to Ka Pswkhorat.

Cold water, Nov. 96. The citizens of Cold water tendered a banquet to Gen. J. Parkhurst, umisear to Belgium.

A large number were present, and the banquet was a brillsant affair. A Bank StuponAa. -Lake Crystal, Nov. 80. The state bank of Lake Crystal has suspended payment The capital of tha bank was $35,000 and it had a large number, of small deponits, aggregating about The ssuse of tbe suspensloa.

is said to be heavy in wheat apeculauou. CONGRESS WILL GO TO WORK AGAIN ON MONDAY. Polities to be Throw Aside said Business Attended to Much Speculation WaihluKton Begardlna; the Next Cab- 1 net Mr. Blaine, WU1 Probably Not be Offered the State Portfolio. Washington, Nov.

80. Congress reconvenes on Monday and (rem a business view point tha short session is likely to be more important to the general progress and material interests of the country than waa the unprecedented long session which adjourned in October. Politics are likely to be rele gated to the rear, and the business interests of the people brought to the front There is erery reason why measures of national Im portance, free from partisan or sectional prejudices, should receive the prompt and patriotic consideration of congress in the spirit of promoting the general welfare of the people and advancing publio prosperity. There are many measures of such general character already favorably reported from committees which failed to become laws by reason of the pending tariff bills absorbing the time and attention of congress to the exclusion of all other legislation. There is little probability of tariff discussion interfering with other legislation during the closing i gion of the Fiftieth congress.

Owing to the approaching inaugural but little is heard about the convening of con gress, and while tha change of administration is more than three months away the probabilities and possibilities are being con' stantly discussed among the politicians. xne personnel 01 tne next cabinet is tne all- absorbing topic, but as the president-elect has kept his own council in the matter the greater part of the gossip on the subject ia of but little value. It is assuredly believed In Washington that Mr. Blaine will not be invited to accept the portfolio aof the department of state, but that Senator Sherman will receive such an invitation and the indications at this time seem to be that he will accept. An intimate friend of Gen.

Harrison says that the statement could be made positive that Mr. Blaine's name had not been seriously considered in connection with the department of state all rumors to the contrary notwithstanding, i- Should Mr. Sherman enter the cabinet the present situation In Ohio warrants the assumption by politicians that Maj. McKinlaV would be selected as speaker of the bouse and that his colleague, Mat Ben Hutterworth would succeed Mr. Sher man in the senate.

Indications paint strongly to an extra slon of the Fifty-first congress. It is known that Bepublican leaders will urge the calling of an extra session, with a view to the ad mission of the several territories to statehood. Mr. Springer will make an effort to have the pending territorial measures re-1 ported by his committee and acted on during the coming session; but while he declares that "it must be done," it is not thought probable that he will meet with success. Washington, SO.

As usual on Thanksgiv ing Day the departments were all closed yesterday. In fact most of them closed at 1 or o'clock on Wednesday In honor of the an niud was an air of Sunday quiet -about the streets early in the day which was broken about 10 o'clock by the sound of drum and trumpet as the local militia turned out for parade. The first regiment formed on Fifteenth street just south of Pennsylvania avenue and the second regiment and a battalion of Sixth and Seventh regiments drilled on Seventeenth street near New York avenue. It was at first Intended to drill on the White lot just behind the executive mansion and in full sight of its windows but the condition of the ground would not admit of this. On the White lot, however, in spite of the swampy condition of the grounds, the signal corps practiced signal ing all the morning.

At 10 o'clock the entire command marcnea down Pennsylvania avenue to Four-and-half street and countermarching returned along the avenue past the treasury depart ment to the White House, where the parade was reviewed by the president, The churches-were all well attended. Ihe First, Fourth and Central Presbyterian churches held a union service with the Assembly churfh. The president attended service here accompanied by Mrs. Cleveland. The sermon1 was preached by the Bev.

A. M. Pitzer. His1 text was from Deuteronomy xxxii; 8: When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance; when He sep arated the ions of Adam He set the bonds of the people according to the number of the children of After reviewing the militia parade the president noined his family at Oak View, where a quiet Thanksgiving dinner was eaten. Tte only guest was Mrs.

Harmon, a sister of All's. Folsom, who has been visiting Oak Viewlfor some time. Secretary Whitney had a party of friends, twelve in number, to dine with him at his country loce, Grass Lands, at 2 o'clock. Among guests were Secretary and Mrs. Fairchild bid Secretary and Mrs.

Endicott Secretary Bayard dined with his daughters at home. His youngest daughter. Miss Nellie, rettrned from the North in time to take part li the holiday festivities. Secretary- Vilas spent the day with family. His daughter, Miss Mollis, returned Wednesday evening from the boarding school dn Baltimore, where she has keen for some tune, Secretary and Mrs.

Fairchil4on their re turn fromGrass Lands, entertained a small company It their home. Among their guests re RevJDr. Jackson of Baltimore and his e. whots a sister of the secretary. Perry Smith, Eifward Graham and Morris Queen.

The postmaster general and Mrs. Dickin son had a their guests at dinner a party of eight youig Michigan friends, who are study-in the Acjdemy of Visitation in Georgetown. Good Weather to Give Thanks For. CharLITtb, N. Nor.

SO. Thanksgiv ing was (pnerally observed here as a holiday. There was services in nearly all the churches In the m4-ning. In the afternoon there were exeellen traces at the Charlotte fair grounds. Weathertof and balmy and roses and other flowers ii lull bloom in open and unprotected gardens.

Th in New York. Kxw Fork, Nov? 80. Yesterday was cloudy with occasional light rain. The usual chirch services were held, and well at-tended. The custom of furnishing good dinners to be occupants of the various charitable institutions was carried out with pejhnps more than the usual complete- as.

Wasdnoton. Nov. SO. The statement baa been published that Congressman Matson is believeijto be at the bead of the movement to organize a Democratic Grand Army of the Reiiblio. "I know nothing of it," said he to a eportor, "except what I have read in the ts, and I am not at the head of any other I rt of the affair.

The ether statement ii the dtspach that my friends expect me to i Uow Gen. Palmer's course and withdraw Dm the Grand Army of the Republic is also ithout foundation. I never was a roemhf of the organisation, and therefore nqowritbaraw. are cry ing Poor Buainesa THE REASON WHY The Unparellod $5 $6 $7 Still continuer, and is without equal. 'TUB-GREAT OVERCOAT SALE -AT- $10 5.00 $15.

Meets with the approyal of the public, and brings us throngs of buyers. THE BOYS Are not forgootten. Good and stylish Overcoats and Suits at $2.00, $3.00 and. $4.00 And a COSTER with each one, that cannot be bought -elsewhere for more money. IN HATS and FUMISIUNG Our stock in complete irith the choicest productions of home and abroad.

A LTMilBJ Leading Outfitters, 68, 70, 72 SENECA ST. BUFFALO. N. Y. B0YNT01 3 LATEST IMPROVED sr.

Do rot be drcelved hy others representing the or this furnace, we are the only authorized asm, a who srll them. Plans inn ted tor te which we cheerfully give. Call and see them 1 1 4 nis "I'll 'iJktm j'! iii mantles Wood, 81te nd Marble of our own manu- taoture at Wholwa.e Pjiees. 'IBS PLACES. GttATES.

FENDRBS, "TILES FOB FLOORS r-, AND VESTABULEa VAvWa assortment to seleet from. Tbe Richmond Range! Ttonaandi in ep-rst'on. We are selling at Wo-ietale Prices. The Quick Meal Gasoline Stove. to? themnrkft No ope rat tK- yt" AvMltl WAntawt IA uli TIL All HtnVM AHt nnt aw I 4L wm in operation.

89 91 Seneca IPS i FURIACES SILK FLUSH GARMENTS. We have just received a new stock of Ladies handsome silk Plush Sacques and Jackets in all sizes and prices." PLUSH 'JACKETS 15 dol lars, 2o dollars. PLUSH SACQUES 13 dollars 22 dollars, 25 dollars, 35 dollars 4o. dollars. The workmanship-Quality and price of our Silk Plush garments are gua ranteed unsurpassed.

An ftfispeclitin of our stodt: will jioav the truth-fulness of this statement. Our plush garments are new fresh stock just received from New York and have only been made but a few weeks and are much more desirable than the many that have been carried over from last year. Our prices are low er than City prices on plush gar ments. Newmarkets. We are constantly making new additions to our stock of Ladies Newmarkets as well as Misses' and Children's garments Our LadiesBraided cape 18.00 new- marSelsi are nice Another lot of Ladies braided garments plain without cape will arrive from New York in a few days whieh will be lower in price than any we have offered and which we will sell below city prices.

It will pay you to keep an eye upon our stock of cloaks. Dress Goods, Dress Goods. All wool Tricot Flannels 1 yards wide at Just receiyed this week from Philadelphia a lot of imported dress goods in Black and all colors They are all wool. We shall sell them at 50c per yard although the price should be 75o or 80c-They are the best goods for the money ever shown over oar counters. Good full stock of 15c and 25c dress goods.

Urey flannel Shirting 12J cts and upwards. Our lall and winter stock is now very complete Call and look over our stock. Prices were never lower our aim is to supply the trade with goods ithat have got the solid merit in them And not to deal out, class of goods-which stem to be right but which are in reality dear at any price. B. HI.

FISH, It -saw TOIta, I.

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