Matawan Journal from Matawan, New Jersey • 1
- Publication:
- Matawan Journali
- Location:
- Matawan, New Jersey
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 1
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
Stanley Fisher Loses His Life In Trying to Recover Body of Lester Stilwell. Joseph Dunn, a Brooklyn Boy, Also Attacked and Escapes With Mangled Leg and Foot Made By Shark As He Evidently Was Making His Escape from the Creek-Dynamite and Other Means Used Ineffectually to Find Body of Stilwell Boy. Hospital, New Brunswick, where at i o'clock this afternoon those in charge said he was getting along nicely and would recover unless blood poisoning set in. For several hours last night unsuccessful efforts were made to recover the body of young Stilwell ami cupture the shark by exploding dynamite in the creek. A wire netting weighted on the end and fishing nets were also stretched No time in recent years has there, been so much continued excitement in Matawan as on Wednesday, when a maneating shark came up Matawan Creek as far as the old Propeller Wyckoff dock and attacked one of a party of boys in bathing there, resulting in the disappearance of the boy and the inability to get any clue of his body since.
The boy was Lester Stilwell, son of William Stilwell of Church Street, who is employed in Anderson's Saw Mill. THE BOROUGH COUNCIL. Matawan to Have Old Home Week Second Week in August. The July meeting of the Mayor and Council was held in thr Truck House Tuesday evening. In the absence of Mayor W.
H. Sutphin, who is at Douglas, ith Cavalry Troop of Red Bank, President A. B. Henderson presided. Other emineilmpTi nrpopnt were Tunis R.
S-'henck, George W. Parker and Asher P. Woolley. Collector F. R.
Thompson, Counsel E. H. Geran, Supt. of Water I. T.
Rue, Recorder Hilliard Low, Water Collector Fritz Weber, Fire Chief L. S. Emmons, and Marshal Mulsoll were also present and in addition a number of taxpayers and voters. Mr. Menist, of the Sunnyland Fruit Conipuny, was present ami asked consent of the board to put a siding to his factory, stating thut the Public Utilities Commission required consent of the municipality befoie taking the mutter up.
The switch would go across the end of Johnson Avenue, which it borough property, and a blue print of the land to be occupied by the switch was submitted for examination, After a conference Mr. Schenck offered a motion that consent be grunted for twenty years, with the understanding that the Sunnylund Fruit Company maintain Ihe crossing und also thai the borough have the right to gu under the siding lu lay sewers, ulc. Mr, Menist further said thaloiiMay 27, becuuse complaint had been made against the smell of the garbage from his plant, he hud written the borough Council usking what disposition he could muke of ll, but that he hud never received a reply, and had been walling ever since to know what be should do, lie staled thai on I'riday last he had started a mint at work opening a ditch, bill the man wus stopped us It wus suid the mutter was in tin-lunula of the Hourd of Health. Ilu wsnted lo know who 1 lieie wus lo stop Ii i Til from opening up ditch, if he wauled to, but no sulislac-tion was given him. He said that his company wus pnying out 1 1, null a week In wuget and he wanted to do what wat right, if lit could be informed what he thiuihl do.
i President Henderson said this ipies tloii was not for the Borough Council to settle, but It was a mutter for the Hoard of Health. Mr. Taylor, of the Suiiii) land I'ruil ('ompaiiy, stated thai he bad begun lo dminfri I the bind coinplaitied ubout and had opened the diti Ii and tliul I he wider wus miming now, where it was not before. Chief ICmiuons said he liudlhr lireinrll I ii I I ill a lire alaini system and tliul ss the mutter hud been under con- Following his disappearance Stanley but these proved fruitless. Early this Fisher lost his life in searching for him afternoon the shark was declared to have and the third person to be at tucked was been seen where the first attuck was Joseph Dunn bf Brooklyn, aged 14 I made und another large crowd eon-yeuri, who had the flesh on his right leg greguled and more dynamite was en-below the knee cut into strips as well nloded, but with no better success limn as his foot mangled while in bathing in before.
One of the New York morning front of the New Jersey Company's papers had motor bout going up and plant. I down the creek this ufternoim with About 2 o'clock the Stilwell boy, grappling irons, but as we go to press who wus 12 years old, uccompnied the body has not been fourd. A huge across the creek cutch the shark, shark hook was also baited with fresh lish ami sunk in the spot where it is thought the shark was lying, but it wus left undisturbed. A big crowd watched the prih ecdings a good part ol tlso afternoon, ami only a few remain at this willing, Stanley Fisher ul tha son' of Capt. and Mrs.
Watson II. Fishur. He was born April 12, JHH2, and lived most of his life in Mutawan. He was a splendid type of young manhood und had a host of fi inula In March of last year lie opened a merchant tailor s'uiji i and liacl conducted it since. He ha a married sister, Mrs.
Arthur NichuUt, who liven in Minneapolis, and Capt. and Mrs. Fishm aie en mine home from a visit there. They are expected to rearh Mutawan to-morrow morning ulld It will, indeed be, a sad llomit-culli-ing fur them. No fuuriul uiiaiigeineiits have been mude, but the serviru will probably be held to morrow uf ti-rnooii, 11' all dipt, anil Mrs.
Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. StiUcll have tin sympathy of the community in the misfortune thai has coine to them as the circumstances under which their u-sprit ivr sons met their deaths are very distressing, SHARK CAUGHT AT BELFORD. Bathers Should Not Venture Beyond the Lift Lines. A nine-foot man eating shark was caught by Herman Tarnow, a HeJford fishcrmuu, on Tuesday.
The shark had badly cut up some of the pounds uf fishing nets in the bay and was caught only 12(1 feet from the low water mark of the liclford shore. The sharks have entered the bay and are liublc to pay Keansburg a visit, but there is not much danger if all bathers along this shore ill not lukc to the deep water. This notice is published as a warning to all the not to but as a warning ol lieMiilion to Parents and Taxpayers Will Find Much Interest In It. Under date of June 24, 1916, Principal W. A.
Miller submitted his annual report to the Board of Education and a copy of it has reached iss, presumably for publication. This is the twenty-first annual report he has submitted and it is more complete, so far as comparisons are concerned, than any that has preceded it. It is one in which the parents and taxpayers can take just pride and should be read from beginning to end. There is one division in the report that could and should be improved and that ie the attendance and punctuality. By the co-operation of parents the percentage of the former could be largely increased, thereby bringing more revenue to the school district und reducing the special school taxes in the township.
Outofa total enrollment of 1131, l'rof. Miller reports only lift ten pupils were neither absent nor lute (luring the year, ubout one in every forty-two scholars on rob. In comparing the same with Keyport the latter shows one in about thirty-seven, a difference of live ugauisl Malawun. Another com a purisun with Keyport that, is unfavorable to MuUwan is in the percentage ol attendance. Although MalHwan shows a loss of 1.2 per cent from last year, with a total ol per cent, Key-port's percentage wus ,11127.
As Principal Miller truly says, the loss uf i.Ull over Hllfl shows how Well the truancy law it enforced, in other words it was not up to that of Our Iruaiil officer should show belter results than he hut and the Board of I'M oration can do a good service in hacking him up if it will ny to him to bring suit befoie the proper inaglnlialc for the amount of it i I loll the district Iohcs through the lib seme of the child for a given period, us hut been done lu oilier pui Is of the Slate. Tina was found to be an elicit-ii I remedy and there has been no birth er complaints niuilc ugunil llioae who were thus iniido lo pay for their children's non-lteuduiice. It Is rather a haish method tu invoke, but when no other meant will make the parenlt obey llw luw iu'ingeni measure are justified. Without further eolinneiii wt reproduce the report, which Is us follows; The following is a table of comparative still 1st let of I tendance: 1ol.ll. t-NHOl I UKNI, 1KIMI III 1.1 I1IHI Malawun 4IM (1(7 I hllwood 10 711 Ull Total MU 2il (1,11 The above table alinws that there lia" been a slight gum III the total enrollment of UMII over that of the preceding yrai.
It is notii ruble that there bus been a slight decrruiie ill the enroll incut in the Mutawan Si bool and a corresponding int-n-ate in the (Millwood School, This is due, in pail, ut Ii-iikI, lo ineri aVed and better facilities at Cliff-wood. The table also shows tint the lotul enrollment for this year is IHU mure than it wnsin MN1 an increase of H7 per cent, which is much greater than the increase in the total population, AVISAI.f AIIKNUANI K. 1H1M1 DMA MM ll Matawan 2 1 4.i0 Cliff wood ii ti'i mi Total 2(7 4M (IW The increase in the average attendance during the past twenty-otir year, is miieh moie nuiiked tliun the increase in enrollment. This ts a record lint few ibstries can boast of with no grivat- in population than has been I lie cast-in 1 lilt inn has remained about the same Willi better observance of the truancy law, still bet ler results may be expected, (Continued on page 3.) THE REXALL l-CENT SALE. Will bt Held In Mittwin on July I), HtndlJ.
I'roinoled by Ihe United Drug (V as un advertising plan, it la an opp r-(unity for Ihe buyer lo really get in than lie pays for, I'lretilurs reciting and di-si iibin ihe items have been distributed. 'Ihe list Is comprised of sin ll S1 goods ss tea, coder, lainly, statin ii-ty, nrlblt-s and Hesnll nun. eilirs. ijiiaiiiiues air rrsirii'ieu an i an Sales must be ce ll sub. SANIiromi't I'HASIIAt v. Aptrlintutt lo Rent, A eool. modern aparimrnt lo let, immediate possession, till per month, hImi one modern apartment, $12 I'm session August I. (iehlhaus Hint Apply to J- A- Lewis, Matawan, or Predrrie (Irhlhaiis, Navetitik. ndv. 4 Advtt In WcV r.
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Bcdle are entertaining Mrs. Mary A.
Fairbanks. Mrs. Joel A. Walling is visiting her son, Albert Walling, at Roselle Park. Mrs.
Mary Cleveland and children of Brooklyn were recent guests of Mrs. Daniel Briggs. Mrs. L. MaeElwaine of Keyport was the guest of Mrs.
J. D. Conover at FrV neau on Thursday. Mrs. A.
C. Eggleston with Miss Helen Bolte left for cooler climate at Shelter Island on Wednesday. Van Allen Clark is now commuting from Matawan, where he is stopping with his aunts, the Misses Clark. Bishop and Mrs. Charles B.
Mitchell of Chicago spent Tuesday with Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Bruce at the manse. Mr, and Mrs.
August Kattner, and sons, Elmore and August, motored to New York on Sunday in the latter's auto. it Joseph Alocc is putting a two-story addition to the west side of his store property at Oak Shades for living purposes. Miss MyrtltT-J'hillips of Fust Orange and Miss Dorothy Dennis of Newark were the weekend guests of Miss Mildred Morton. Mr. am! Mrs, Joseph Van llrukle of (rand lipids, ure guests of the former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jesse-Van Hrukle at Jftcriiau. Mis. Williurft, Miller of New York is spending ft couple of weeks here with her son, George Milter. On Tuesday she wa the gtuAt of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred I Miss Mae Johnson it on Monday to take an atitontpblio trip through the White Mountains with her sister, Mrs. II. I), Cnwlei jjnd fumily uf Amherst, Mass. I Mr.
and MfH. Howard Stryker of Human mude a shot visit wit iss Mabel Drown oiiSuturduy mi thier way down to Ocean (Irove, the summer home of Mis. Slryk't parents. Mrs. Stryker wus former Miss Alma L.
Mr, and Mrtrfnnk LawM of jersey City, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Huff of Long Branch and Mr, Charles Brady of Newark Joined Mrs. Hiady, who has been visiting lieie on Sunday, and spent the day with Mr, and Mrs. John Dti-Hols.
Mr. and Mrs. V. Simpson, nccotu-panted by Mim Kililh Johnson, mutoicd to Sea (ill! yesterday ufternooii, visit-mg the forimr's daughter, Mis, F. W.
Allen. Mn.s M. L. Terliine of Malawun also spent the afternoon with Mis Allen, Mrs. tieoigc F.
Cook of Miami, Mr. ami Mis. Krbcn Conk and Ibne children of Hiiyoiuip, and Mis. Cook's brother, A. Hansen of New York, wi re visiting friends in Matawan and Key-port on Tuesday and Wednesday, making the trip in yacht from New Yoik.
This is the lirl lime that Mrs, Cook bus been bio to Matawan since the family left for the South over fifteen years ago. Officer Mul toff Oof Hit $5. Officer John Mulsofl picked up a boy Tuesday afternoon who had escaped from the Home for Hoys at Jainehburg Willi two others. He learned the boy's liouie city and called up the Fa I er son Chief of Police, who upon intjairy from I lie boy's parents found that he had hern iju. omie Home l.u noyi, Mr.
Mulsoll .1... I I 1 "I 1 1 hour and he would come for him. II did, and niuili an exchange of a Si. bill for Ihe boy, and both were pleased over Iran-i" ion Supper and Dtnct. A (upper, to followed by a dance, will be given I uesday evening, July IHili, mill, i he large new biiildnig just erected bv Jumet II.
jbiird, Heal the railroad ntution, Marlboro, N. or the benefit of the Marlboro Fire Depart no nl Supper will In- served from to o'cliak, after uliich the floor will In- cleared for darning, flood inimic will ue provided. A giH-d siipr and a good time are assured. adv. female Help Wanted.
Learners on ssii, r'o hand tewrrs; food pay to Lrgin with, KtvroKt Skim Armory Hmlding, Keyport, J. Raspberry 1'nkeri Wanted Immeili- (ly App'Y Friday, if C. C. llulssri.
adv. It. possible, to by Johnson Carlan, Frank Clowes, Albert U'lUt am! ('hath Van Brunt, went in swimming in front of Fischer's bag factory along the creek. In en- Joying themselves by repeated diving the boys would swim ti (ha dock and at this was being done fur the last time Q'HaVa ami Curtail and Clown Were head Stilwell, when the former suddenly CHcluiilied "Oh, Lester's gone." His comrades turned toward the creek lid they duclare they saw the lins of Mil uf the shark, und without waiting to dress ran up town declaring uhlirk tiart taken young A crowd of men, boys, Women and girls twin congregated and an effort at lirst was made in a bout to lind th man-eater und after an hour's elTort it producing any results Stanley Fish, er, Arthur Smith and George Hurlew removed their clothing and in bathing trunks dove overboard. They Were cautioned against this course, but persisted, and they r.dit about the edge of the creek, und Stanley repeatedly dove to the bottom in the hopeol finding the body.
It was while he was thus engaged that he wrs attacked by the shark, who drew him under the water twice with a grip on his right leg between the knee and hip. As he c.imc up the lust time he culled out: "Help me," and Arthur S. Van IHiskirk and W. II. Hrync, who were in a motor boat near by went to his assistance, Stanley in the meantime swimming with his free leg toward the sedges.
As he ncared them the shark crunched his teeth together and stripped the flesh to the bone and disappeared. Mr. Fuhtr was helped in the bout and with a piece of rope a tourniquet was made which stopped the flow of blood to some extent. A hurried search for a physician was made, but they were all out of town and about a half hour later Dr. Kenoldt CMUJt to the dock and gave the injured young man such attention as wus possi-ble and he was carried on an tltcuticr to 'h XI wrtrt rtljn anil placed aboard the 5 tram for the hospitU at Long Brum bv i.
Shepherd. Mr. Fisher was conscious all the lime mid more than once that he had had hold of the boy in the spot where he was last cen, and that the shurk hud let go uf the boy and attacked him. It was after 7 o'clock when Mr. Fisher was placid on ine operating none ami u.
i i. i. i 7:40 o'clotk before any operation been performed. He was conscious all t1" time up tu within five minutes of his death. Hcfore Mr.
Fisher was attacked by the shark Arthur Smith said he felt Inm brush by him and instead of his billowing the tormer he swerved )ur direction and an instant later Stanley gave the alarm, There was a crowd of 2IM' or IKK) people present at the lime and the sight of Mr. Fisher 'rh-tr' sit kriiiii. tu slate it mildly, A half hour later Joseph Dunn of IHiklyil was bit tell by III sluik while swimming oft the plant of the New Jer ey Company. Capt. thorns V.
I ol-trell ol Keyport and Lawyer Jacob R. Leflerti of Matawan were passing in a boat and 'hey rescued the Dunn boy. Dr. CoUy of Kryporl fixed up the leg and hid him taken to St. Peters' -4nh iu! ion for several years he was anx ious to know whul the situation was and Hilled upon I'lesideiit llrndets'itt, Who hud the unit let in hai ge, fur a reply.
Mr. Ilendeison said Unit lie bad itivesll. gated a reasonable pi lie syslelli, one In which thctch plioiieioinpnny would par-tu 1 1 nit und opei a led on thr tone sys. tern, and another system had been uillnl to his attention biter and be hoped to have the two in shape to be presrutnl In a very short time and when he was ready he would submit both of them and bt Ihe Council deeide which was best lor this plai e. Chief Emmons staled the was in nerd of additional hosp 1 1 I si i.
united a sample that could ir for K.tii'iitsa foot, liesaid was needed, and the same wr. li ft suli the l'ir and Water Conn- itlre to obtain In. Is and purchase, i hr mil lor 2 ply mil- un ami to Ui'mI UK) pi.un-' press or, Tile liula to be tulip a lilcA.igu..! inert. lug Chief I' i.Mioiis said Unit the liiiinen had Ih a Home week Would l.r a good lor Malawun and auggrslnl Him thr siioml wrrk in August would a good lime to hold I ail mrl a represent alive of tl.r him urn Aiiiusrineul Company who uhd pioiu ised lo come heir ami givr emit Uiii-liients lor a wrrk on I lie basis ol uu ripiul division of the receipts. 'I hr company Is now IllghtctoBII iui.I Cliirf Km.
Hums suid hr and In- liiemrn of srvnn of the companies wnr going with hitii Wrdnrs.lay night I hH kin. I of a show was bring glv.ii. '(he loiitpauy wuiilrd Ihe lights and berime lui mhi and Ihr feeling is as that thr lurmeii should be ivri I -the prople heir. Of in nmn mm vcritiiresoine persons who are forever swimming out puxl the life lines in deep water. Sharks du not uxuully come in shallow water, or in shoal water thai has a sandy bottom.
The cause of sharks being so close to shore, and (or that matter in tin bay, is on account of the shortage of fish and olhrr food they depend upon for e- ull inUm nr. I. I'q. 11.11..... tho shaiks and caused them to scalier in large schools and it is these that ure pasting up and down Ihe New Jersey coakt.
It is given as a reason why the New Jersey Coast has not before been bother- Willi IHSf OtMSII many ocean liners pai-sing" to and from New York from which waste has been thrown overboard which has fed olher fl-i- in, miicr f.iofl for the sluiiks. Some people are under the thai the water, in tint tmlion are not warm enough for sharks, but it imit be realised that the gulf stream has been coming nearer and nearer to this coast each year, width has not only made a change in the temperature of the water but also the elimta. It is said the gulf stream is Hearing the New Jrrey const on an average of half a mile earh year. W. Orran complubinl lal tr nol givrn his shaie of wiping joints fur water cumin lions and Supt Kiir said it was 1mm ause lie enuld mil grt thr work done mhrn he wmiinl It tt Orran's promising in pioinpily wink tulimilletl Ihe matter Conn.
Iinan WiH.llry stninl thai Mnr risl.iwn Hill neeitrd giavrhng and rrc ommended buying tl untimied on.
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