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The Examiner from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 1

The Examineri
Louisville, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


The" FMwirtM-N' 1 am still disposed to make extracts from Jude Underwoods Address on Coloniza-con8 He vs, "Take the tables of population of the 'different Stales, as exhibited at our different federal enumeration consider extent of territory of the aeveial State, their ase, and their progress in improve, menu of every kind, and I think the unprejudiced mind will be compelled to admit that the non-alavebolding States are entitled to pre-eminence. It cannot, in the nature of Thines be otherwise; because labor is honor, able" and the mass of die people work in uien'on-a'aveholding Siatw; whereas, labor is not looked upon as honorable, and a large DOrtlOn 01 SlorliUiueia wsaa will not work in the slaveholding State. The free laborer, knowing that he will en-joy the products of his labor, endeavors to inake it as pioductive as possible. He there-fore works in propei tiite, does his work well, and does a great deal of it. Whereas, the slave, knowing that his earnings are the disposal of a master, who will enjoy ne greater share, works out of season, slights Lis work, and does as little as pons ble.

If he the stripes of the overseer, it is he ares for. The coneuenoe is, that the mater meets with endless growing out of the manner in which the slave performs the allotted task. The master freti, and his ill temper is too often rented in cruelty upon the slave; who, in return, cherishes the deepest hatred, ready to burst forth in vengeance, henever it can be with impunity. Owing to the great, tt skill and diligence of freemen, their labor will yield, in a day, month, or year, more than the labor of the same number of slaves, during the same space of title. The consequence is, that the non-slaveholding Sates undersell the slaveholding States; and likewise furnish a variety of articles for sale, which sre not manufactured in the slave-holding States.

This operates upon the slaveholding States as an enormous tax, continually draining them of then specie and valuable products to pay for articles which with U3, out of derision, have been called "Yankee Xotions." Immense sums have been transferred to 'ew England from this Sate for "Yankee Clocks." Thes things are creditable to the industry and enterprise of free laborers. They prove, beyond all doubt, that the non-lavebolding will forever, in proportion to their population. possess more wealth than slaveholding Slates. Wealth commands the stores of comfort and tha fountain! of knowledge. The land of New York, containing 46,000 squaie-ruiles, is worth more than all the negroes end land of Virginia put together, although her territory contains square miles." pp.

12, 13. If these views are in accordance with facts there is an appalling disparity between tie free, and the slave States. And is there a man in Kentucky who can call in question the statements of Senator Underwood? Were they not true when first made in 1832, and have not developments of every subsequent year confirmed their tnrh? Do not the signs of die times indicate that the free States have the pre-eminence, and that they will ever have it? Is Kentucky oanpellsd to admit, humiliating as the admission is, that she is tributary to the free States'' She depends, in a great degree, on tie fabrics of the free States to clothe her population eren her slares. It is probable that four-fifths of the boots and shoes worn in Kentucky are manu "actured in free States. What a singular fact it is that enterprising New Englandera make the shoos that protect the feet of Kentucky negroes from the cold of winter! This circumstance, if serious considerations were not connected with it, might well excite the risibility of the nation.

Kentucky dependent on Mas-sachusetts' and so dependent that it is almost optional with the citizens of th latter State to say whether those of the former shall hav clothes to wear or shoes to put on! How ruinous is the system cf slavery, ex. tracting, asjt does, the elements of independence and self-subsistence from die Commonwealths in which it is allowed to exist! Will not Kentucky sre her true intr-resu? ASotTTfiEB KeSTTTCHAW. Decembee 15th, 1847. To the Editors of the Examiner: uisTLtMEx As the time is near at Land when it is expected a Convention will be called, to change the Constitution of the State of Kentucky, and as the slave question will be one of the most important, that will be agitated in that body, I propose to suggest a few reasons to show tha necessity and advantages of adopting a free system of ow, instead ot our present system to do wis it will be necessary to show some of toe disadvantages of slavery: its unproduc tiveness, this can be very strik. ingly illustrated by a comparison of the effects and results of the free labor of Ohio, and the slave labor of Kentucky, in its dif ferent Drenches.

At present I will present ome facts, as shown by the ceasus, as to the oi the two States Value of various manufactured metals in Ohio, do. Kentucky, 3782,901 164,080 Balance against Kentucky, 61 8,821 Value of granite, marble, exc, manufactured in Ohio, -do. do. do. Kentucky, Balance against Value of bricks and lime manufactured in Ohio, do.

do. Kentucky, Balance against 256,131 8,820 217,31 12,697 240,919 $471,778 Although Ohio has only about double the population of Kentucky, you see that her preparation for buildine are alrrost three times as great. What better evidence could frvta Ler prosperity and growth. "prove all Tnikcs; hold fast that which is good." a iimmim i lir Vatut of woollen goodie menu- factured in Ohio, -do. Kentucky, $685,757 151,246 More than 4 gainst to 1 balance 3534,511 Ohio manufactures 3,603,036 lbs.

soap worth, Ky. manufactures 2,320,607 lbs. soap wortli, balance against Ohio manufactures 2,318,456 lbs. candles, worth -Ky. manufactures 563,635 llw.

candies, worth More than 4 to 1 balance against Ky Value of carriages and wagons manufactured in Ohio, do. do. do. Kentucky, $288,000 186,000 $102,000 $185,000 45,090 139,910 9701,228 168,724 Balance against Ky. 4 to 1, more thau $632,504 Barrels of flour manufactured in Ohio, do.

do. Kentucky, 1,311,954 273,0:33 Balance against Ky. more than one million, 1,038,866 of barrels worth thre.5 millions of dollars. From these tables it is indisputable that Ohio far excels Kentucky in manufacturing but why? it is not because of her location, or soil, or climate, but because her laborers sre free thty receive the profits of their skill, industry, i-nd good management. Give Ohio all her present advantngesand as many more if you please; but introduce slave instead of free-labor, say to her artisans and mechanics, the only reward you can, or shall receive from the products of your labor will be a plain subsistence; and at once all progress, all uuprovemimt ceases, and the now busy hum of machinery will rapidly decline.

The profit of labor is the natural stimulant to industry and exertion and the denial of it in Kentucky, and tlio grunting of it in Ohio, to the laborer, is the cause of the superiority of the latter over the former but enough for the preaent. Gates River. The two following communication! sre Mat to by female friends. They ar fall of beautiful sentiment naturally expressed, though written unpracticed writers: Cheistia Love. A Christian should pursue a rteady, consistent course of piety, and strive to be humble, watchful, and holy loving arid dofog good to all.

Mov. ing onward with an intrepid, firm step to that haven of rest which is prepared for the upright in heart. How important then, that those ho have espoused, the cause of Christ should be careful to avoid all appearance of evil! How many followers of Christ do we see from day to day, who excite many a fear that they are strangers to convertdg grace! heir harsh and selfish ways are more cal culated to provoke and disgust, than to win the affections of those with whom they as. sociate. 1 he Christian love should be shown by attending to the thousand little of fices of kindness which may promote the happiness and comfoitof others.

"Be piti- I ft ui, be courteous, me Apostle says, "be indly affectionate to one another, with holy ovc, in honor preferring one another in low. iness of mind let each esteem others bet ter than himself. If this were the case among Christians at the present day, how different the state of the Churches would and I might say of the world. I have been pained to see so much selfishness amongst the different denominations of this place to see so little of that charity that our Saviour speaks of in those that have rofessed to the world that they were born God "God is Love." "By this you may know that you have passed from death un to life, because we love the brethren." How different would this beautiful world be that God has given to us, if Christians would ive as they are commanded; and now calm and peaceful would their lives! The air would breathe new odors, and the balmy cales bring refreshinir dews from heaven- and the Christian life would be envied by those who know not the love of God. We should hear it said of them: "Behold how these brethren love one another!" Ho ovely and calm the life of a devoted Chris tian? How pleasantly they elide alone in the world? The sorrows and trials of life give way to peace and calmness, and the thought of being liberated I root sin and death lifts the soul up to nature's God, to bask in eternal love.

cits a ihouchts. there is a sorrow heavier than that felt by one whotie love lies buried- an achine void that knows no sym pathy. In youth when life is cne happy spring-time, the pleasures of love can allure us ana woman, formed lit love, then may drink deep at the fountain. But, alas, for the uncertainty of earthly happlns Time hastens on, her heart first object still reigns supreme; but a wish hat grown witn ner a i a ess ove a deep abidinr wish plar.ted by uod own hand who will heartlessly at its existence who Mush to conf iss it Have you not felt a longing to hold close to your heart a tendril ot yourself 7 in the long night have you not started to lunen for the cry you heard in your dream 7 Think of the tune to come far off from you now, lor you are still fresh in years when cold aire will come to you; and it may be that the hand of death has fallen upon your hope, your only one The loved one may have passed away, and dream only remain of the happy times gone by. Then yod may well droop if there be not one green shoot from the blighted stem and your eye dimmed by tears for there is no reflection of your past light, poor manner, to shed a beam upon the dark wave that overwhelms you.

How little we poor mortals enjoy of what is truly life's happiness. "Pass on, pass on," should be the motto of all roe n. Even the perfection of great aims is forgotten in the rapidity of their execution, and many exclaim, "shall I spend years that I may accomplish this or that?" Thia is often said in respect to music, upon whose pleasuron too lew are willing to bestow a few hours ol lilc. 1 perfect oneself docs indeed tns. a life-time.

Bat bow is that spent? Thit soul must be devoid of feeling that finds no sweetness even in simple strains from sjd, LOUISVILLE, unpracticed voice: then how delightful. when, though it be by years of toil, you have once mastered the laws of harmony, and become alive to the wonderoui expression of sounds; to feel the touching influence of those thrilling notes; to give yourself up with passionate impulse, and wander away to ft land of dreams, mace for you by acme master hand in song. Tha wonderful pow er of instrumental music, the command of what appears almost impossibility, If worthy of all admiration; but tha voice its tones fall upon the hear tlike refreshing dews from Heaven. Always when i dream of music, I hear sweet songs, and I never look upon a lovely woman, without wishing to bear her When she tells me she cannot, and complainingly says, "Oh, the yeart of practice; I think with regret of those many hours of fife past in idleness, which, if giv. en to music would pay us in grateful enjoyment, that would serve to smooth the rough paths of life.

Cir)lclral hav, through tha Industry oftho'St. Lou ia Republican, a sort of report the Geological corp organised In May last, und ordered by the General Government to make Geological survey of the extreme and unex plored portions of low, IFiKaajia and Mines- under the direction of Dr. I. D. Owsn.

The country on both sides of the Miaaiaeippt, north of lh Wlecontin and Turkey Rivers, and aouth of St. CroU and St. Peter river theVi- ontin, Prairie laCroae.and Black River the branches of tb Chippewa, St. Croix, Boia-Brule, Montreal Rivera, and the west fork of the Bad-River, have been explored from their respective mouth to their respective sources. Two more yeart will be required to complete the survey in lb three State.

A detailed survey has been made in connec tion with the linear survey of the southern portion of tha Chippewa land district, aa well aa tb region on both aides of Late St. Croix, and ween that lake and tb Mississippi. Tha whole xtant of the coon try of which a roconnoiaanc baa been made daring the present Mason, ia es-timattid to be equal, ia area to the tate of New ork. The Republican says: At respects th geology of the section of conn- try surveyed. Its rocks belong, in a great meaa- re to the primary and Silurian, or protoxoae formation.

The lower magnesian lime-stone, th Ud knifing nek of Southern Misaamri, is found on the went side of th Miaiaippl river from Turkey river, which enter th Si iss is- Ippi near Prulrln du Chien, to the St. Peter's river, displaying in various localities, Indications of considerable load mine. On the eaHtern aide of the Mississippi river rim it ive rocks are met with in place from forty to sixty miles from the river. The granitic formations are important for architectural purpotws, as they afford a variety of the most urable, aa well aa ornamental building tones which, at no very distant period, will be valuable as articles of commerce, as the great valley of the to the south. Is fbrmnd of secondary rocks, which are far Inferior for the permanent construction of edifice.

Throughout this primitive region, the grani tic rocks make their appearance in a succession of rounded knob, elevated from tea to fifty feel above tlie water mt tha aurraundinf country. Their general range ia sonlli-w est nd north-east. 1 hee rocks present consider able variation la character and compueiUon. Sometime they aro hornblende, approaching perfect syenite; at other timna, leisparthic. Soma portions are massively stratified, tb mat being nearly vertical, tin the we tern lim its of the prim itiv rocks, thir are evral larre deposits of Iron ore.

Th trap ran res. Uh th exception of thoae crowing th at. Croix River, are found on th water. coarse which amply into Lak Superior, and is th rock In which th Lak Superior copper is found, and doubt valuable mine of this mineral will be, hereafter, discovered In the rang, nqnal to any heretofore found farther eaat on Lak superior, as they constitute a por tion of th same ran re. In th vicinity of those trap range, the land is tillable, th soil rood, and generally covered witli a rich growth of the sugar maple.

At lh' rails of at. Croix, hny or sixty miles from the Mississippi, ther ia a grand outburst of green stone, epidot and porphyritic trap, formias a series of dykes, 170 foet and mors in elevation, above th stream, and transversed by veina of native copper carbonate, and probably rnr sulphuret At th tan ol ci. vroix, immaiaieiy in juxtaposition with trie trap. In soma places en tanglwl in in disputed portion ol tne rocks, ar beds highly charged with lingular and orbicular. some, if not nil of them, probably of uudeacrtbad specie.

These beds diner in litbaiogical character from anything observed elsewhere, la the prote- zoic strata of the west, and perhaps in any poruoa of the United States. These lingular and or bicular beds, thoogh often crowdd with remains of these genera of molusca, ar found to be sub ordinate to a quartzoae sandstone, also contain ing lingular and obiculars, probably of the same specie aa in equivalent beds ol I oledam sand stone in rtew York, making them ar great geo logical Interest, as they aro undoubtedly th lowest of fossiliferous beds ever noticed in the West, and aa rich in remains of these forms of molusca at any of the most foaailiferous beds of th Ohio valley. Homo distance abov these lingular and orbicular teda, but vet considerably below th lower magnoeiaa limestone ot is- conaie, hav a strata of th lilhalogical char acter of the hydraulic limealone. I bet strata aro of great geological interest a thev make us acquainted with soma ol ins sariiuat forms ot mole existence vet brought to light in this country, and furnish a new clue to th identifi cation of strata. In the rents of the trap ar found portions of the adjacent fosniliferoua stra ta indurated, altered, and eveu cemeuted lo por tions of the trappean rocks with their fossils un obliterated and even well formed.

The magnetic variations in th granite and traperian ranges are often great, so much so at limes aa to revera completely th direction of tha pole. A variation fluctuating from five to twenty degrees an either side of the true meri dian was common la this region. In this region there are about thirty different species of snlmals, most of them valuable for their furs; th rivers and lake contain a large variety of fish, and great abundance of them ofsonerior quality for foot. There sre in the district forty-five distinct species of forest trees constituting twenty-five gunera.and embracing twelve of the natural orders. The most vala able are the white anl yellow pine, th hemlock and th augar maple.

The forests of hemlock on the head waters of the streams on the East side of the Mississippi are capable of affording an ample supply of bark, forth West-. Tha yield of th nugar maple treo iu Min aota la a luxuriant that aa Indian squaw, can obtain during tha snp-season, imperfect uipn.lls. 300 nonnds of sugar! Minesota will be, at some period, socond only to Louisiana, th nriwlnrtlon of in (rar. so abundant is the growth of ths maple tree la the Territory. There are tn operation on th watera of the Wisconsin forty-fir saws; on tha Black river sit teen saws; on Ui Chippewa sevsn saws; on the St.

Croix twelv aawa making In tb whole eighty saws. And inch ssw is capable of tarn iDir oat annually half a million feet of sawed lumber, worth la St. Louis ay half a mUliou of dollars. Wild rice, superior ia tswt. and mor autri-tJous than th rlo of South Carolina, grows SATURDAY, JANUARY 1 1848.

abundantly and Indiganoualy ia thU section the Great Wat. Tba cranberry, too, i an in-dlgenoua vegetable of Uila region! -1 Would It not bo Strang, If tha wlia orth Woat should supply tba Union with rfo aiil sugar? It will do ao, if thi nport eopL Mlnoaoto, now a watte, will bo a State i tea year, and ia tea years a million and a hilt of peoplo will work tha soil of, and flonriii la the free State of Iowa, Wisconsin, and Jlno-soto! Wonderful revolution aro la pnfrat Free soil and fro labor will, er long, rit out lav etltur from oar land! OBISIN al. REVIEW EsrNtziK Elliot. Ebentzer Elliot, tter no of knowa as "Th Corn-Law Rhymer, la the most remarkable men of Ills day. personal and literary biography ar alike ctrlons snd wonderful.

I a tra poet and I tra man; and tha poor peasantry of or, perhaps, a greater debt to him than to aajr tnaa now living. lie was tha first who dared, p. rait bi Voice against thst draadfal Wkad-laa, that ground so hardly upon tha indigent psopl of his country. He I to th manufacturing poor of Englan-l juat what Burns was her agricultural poor their father, friend, sad brother. But Elliot's mind Is cast la a far mor iron frame than was tsat of Burns.

Burns grew up and Imbibed his poethood amid th hills and vale of Scotia; In tha span field, ander th blue heaven and clear sky, and In direct communion with Nat re and her God; while Elliot was begrimmed with th smk of the furnace, and hail for companions only th rough and untutored inlelUCs that wtr huddled together la th facloritis of Sheffield; viewed th betuties of creation ia his early life oaly as thty thon through th mists of tha city, and could only mak music wbos pauses were filled with th ring of th anvil and th whirr of th wheels-S that wild Burns' "woodnotes wili" were sweet and soft as th lov ong of th turtle, Elliot's music was fierce, and hard, and burning at thelroa aa which ho rang its accomiany-menu Elliot's mission hers, is truly th divine mission of Ths Poet, lis comes not to amuse th mind or to excite tha fancy, but ho comes at a Mentor to men, to 111 thsm thir wrong-doing snd to point them to the wsy of truth and justice. Ha comes with tb widow's sob and the orphan's tear, and shows them to the aggrtasor and bids him Isok, think, repent, and make restitution. He b-ars the petition of the Injured one np to the throne of justice, and, not sues. but boldly dmands answer aad rsdree. II quaiia noi to ui mignuesi oi in migniy; a a- .1.

I kneols but to God himself and yet, clothed in all tli majesty of his might and honor, he do not hesitat to bend down his ear to tbecries of the humblest among as, and sooth with bis kindness snd bleiM with hit prayert even tha beggar by th way-sul. II care not for th conventional forma of society; ho flatter not greatness, cringe aot to rank, and acknowledges only the aristocracy merit- II seeks for worth iu the and when has found it, ha cries alond for King voni mml wrab.t It. -41 feels the of his mission, and ths feel ing make him independent of fancied or unre al greatness; but la ever meek and modest in himself, for hsknoweth that there is yet a greater thau he even He who sent him! Hear what he telleth hi brother baria and yon will know how he feelsth the magnitid of his office: Li fa is short, and time i swift Roses fade, and shadows shift; Bat tb tostt and th river RlM and fall and flow forever: Bard! not vainly heave th ocean; Bard! not vainly flows tho river; Be thy song then, like their mstioit. Blessing now, and bleating aver. Elliot, though perhaps oa of tie earliest.

is not smong th most finished polish- of the disciples cf th new school of poetry. His words are harsh and missy-time strangely fierce and demagogue-like particular ly la hi corn-law rnym out tnau uiey are the words wrung from a nata rally gentle spirit by tyranny and oppression, they an the battling of one, In behalf of all hla fellovs, agtiinat a thousand times his own force they are th writhing, th convulsive agonies of tho viper that haa been trodden upon and they bite too with hia envenomed fang. 1 bis aiuge man haa planted a banner where none else dan lead bnt here thousand will follow. He la given abroad to all hia camp a watch-word, tho echo of whoa about haa reached the King si his cabi net and bid the trembler, with th stern voice of Rigkt, to looee th bond that held his wrong ed and outraged people. And that cry has been now echoed and r-echoed by such a unbars that It has began to be obeyed.

But when wo haie learned Elliot'a history, we will not wonder at his occasional sins sgainst a perfect taste, but only wonder that bo has been chosen as tha sub ject of such rval inspiration. Lpeoexer Lillet was ons ot eight children, and the aon of a clerk in the Iron Worka of Mas- borough, whose salary was 70 a year. We hsvs ao complete biography of tie pt but Wra. Howitt (from whoa researh we glean what give of his history) aayt that he haa written bis own biography up to a certain pe riod, bat ther has stopped and probably will forever stop, la all his early lift, ha is said to hav beeo remaikable for good-nature, aenal tivenesa and also for an extreme dullness and Inability to learn anything that required th least application of intellect." A atory tf hla early life ia told in Howitt'a, Homes, and Haunts which is remarkable enoogh to de-serve a place even ia this cuntory miew of him When Elliot was sbout tsn years old, hs fell la lov with a young girl, now Mrs. Woodcock of Munsber, to whom ha never to III is dsy tpeks ons word.

I et such waa tiia sensitiveue, that If he happened to see her as she passed, and especially if aha happened ta look at him hich hs now belivs sho aeverc ld he was suddenly daprivod almost of tha power of moving." Here was an instance ot precocious juvenu aneciiou that wonld have captivated tb fairest boarding- school miss la all hagiand. Suck was his ex treme dullness that he could 'mak a frying pan befor could divid fifty, by three, tie waa finally given np in despair by hi teachers and out Into the factory to hard labor. And area after became a poet, ha aongit study with no better success, bvsn at inie taie, a is said net thoroughly to know a single rule of grammar: yet ha is able, by thinking, to detect a grammatical error. Tbo rocitatioa of a pasaag from Thomson hrst iso mm to tnias oo poetry and bis first attempt at the divine art is play fully described as aa Imitation sf Thomson's Thunder Storm, In which he describe acertais flock of sheep as running sway after they had been kilUd by lightning." 11 presents the very remarkabls coincidence of a roan who haa sue cesafully pursued th tw incompatabJ vocation of making money and makingvsrsmat the same Urn. It la rarely indeed that a man can suc cessfully unit the manufactur of hardware and hvmns oa the corn-law i mak frying' nana and lama aad waa olymp asand oil atone But Elliot, mora than any othir man, oa ts alt hi Dower to adversity.

He (as well exclaim with his brother bard "Sweet ar th use of adversity Which like a toad, ugly snd venomous. Wear yet a precious jewel in hi head." A nd Indeed bora with adversity, aa well id his literary aa 1b his. parsons! history. wrote and published for twenty years, before ninad tha first steo of th tempi of Fam. And at laat, as Hewitt tolls as, It wss chanca that led him from hla obscurity lat his aich ia th Twnpla.

Chaaca, aays ha, lad Dr. to Sheffield and put into bi hands Tb Corn law Khyme and The Ranter." li at ones recognized their merit aud instantly mad them knowa through Howitt, to Wordsworth aad Southsy, aad sabequtl to Eulwer and ethers. Tby gave th poet public approval of his works" and at one th scale fell from the yes of tha whole critic triba all cvckao-Iand was lud with ona note, and tba poet, who had been thundering at evry critical door in tha Kingdom in vain, now saw the gate of th land of glory at one expind, aad was led ia by a hundred mcioo haads, aa if wer a newborn bard, and sot ona of twenty vears' grwth." Elliot's fierceness and ardour ia his Corn-Law Rhyme, hcaa aing th quiet scenes of simple lit aa purely and swtlva ver they wer sung. It is only whr bi great spirit is aroused to vindicate what thinks is right, or to anathematize what ha beliav foully wrong, that his harsh words scald th tngu and set fir to th heart. think his mind is mor deeply exercised and feels a mor satiafying sent of fullness when bo write ia this vain, but etill, he can, aad oflea doe, draw sweet aad touching picture of pathetic beauty.

Tb address of Tb Dying Boy to tb Slo Blossoms, is a pur a piece of pathos as ver was written. Poor, poor Alfred! 'T lov hi mother aad to dl To perish ia his bloom! Is Una his sad brief narw, A tear dropped from a mother'a Into th tomb!" Ha has tried to writ torn dramatic pieces, bat with little success. If ia longer poem ar, The Ranter, The Splendid Village, Kerhoaah, Botuwell, and Th Villag Patriarch. Tw of these, Kerhonah and Bothwell, ar dramatic piece. Of th other, Th Villag Patriarch is by far th beat.

Enoch Wray ia a familiar aad beautiful character; a hale, hearty old man who has koowa England and the poorest of her sons for many years. A quiet, plain-thinking old man, who tells many bard and unwelcome trutha about English misrule. A man whose life has had many episodes of joy and sorrow, but over whoa existence sorrow has borne th greater swsy. Poor old man! Would to God, had not lived to seo Hannah hung! They had nnrofed her cottage and bid her go to th work-house. And when ah would have roofed it again, Ezra Whit saw her; caught her by tha throat till her eye upturned and her tongue protruded through retracing lips that caught Sad hue from coming death." But her idiot daughter, Jane, smote him in the forehead with a atone, and ho died.

Then came the brief trial, and last the fatal scene. Aad poor Enoch, tho blind old pi Igrim, was there, and alon of all that throng around tho scaffold, crept up and clasped her hand ere she parted for her long, long journey. God bless thee, Enoch Wray! God grant that there may be better days ia store for they that cane after thee! Some of Rhinvalt'a soliloqnva in "Bothwel!" are elegant specimens of composition. The first of these is probably the best among them. Indeed the whole fragment ia mere eminently poetical than any wriliag which we hav seen from Elliot.

It is written in a different style from the generality of bis poems, and displays I sroslsr furee nf imagination, a more elerant use I 1 0f laaguag and a mor finished aad poetical construction that ho is wont generally to make 1 nmm ft ff II i nnrlA, tn m- I t-afA and appreciation, to the majority of his piecea. giv below one or two extracts from It Rhinvalt ha been gazing through th barred window of his dungeon on a storm that has been raging in the ocean without. And now "Tho stonn hath ceased. The sua is aet: th tree Ar fain to slumber; and, on ocean's breast. How softly, yet how solemnly, th breax With unperceiv'd gradation, sinks lo rest! IS voice, no sound ia on the ear impress d.

Twuight is weenina Th stoat slumbers, coiled up in hi neat; Th grosbeak an tha awl's perch seeks repose; And er tbo heights, behold: a pale light glows. Tho cloud's edge brightens lo, the moon! and grove, And tree, and shrub, bath'd in her beams. awake. With tresses clustered like tha locks of love. Will Bbt this description, together with that in tho next lines, bear comparison with Mrs.

Norton's celebrated "Twilight?" Now lovers meet, and labour's task is don. Now stillnist leers tho breathing heifer. Now Heav'na azure deepen, and, whr rock rills ran. Rest on th shadowy mountain's airy brow Clouds thst Aare Wen their trvwWI th tun; I While reignlnz o'er that wintry clime, und liiteni; hark! th evening gun! Oh, bark! the sound expiree! aaa siiracsis SUMIMM' Moonlight o'er ocesa's stillness! on ths crest Of the poor maniac, moonlight! He ia calm; Calmer ho soon will be in endless rest: thy coolness his brew as bairn. And breathe, thou fresh breeze, aa his burning breast!" Th Splendid Village is a fin production, but contains rather too much of the fierceness and ardour that Elliot, like every other man who ia using his every energy In behalf of a single idea or iatention, always displays when he draw ia pictures of peasant-life.

I ho necessary brevity of this notice will allow us to add but little to what we have already said about this great master. His poems bear a macb greater rep- atatioa and ar more generally read in England than ia this country. Indeed, according to mt, Griawold, he is as great a favorite ia hia own country as any of his cotemporaries, and takes his rank among th first living poeta of Log-land. Mr. Elliot haa, for soma years, retired from hia business as a bar-iroa merchant in ShelTied, and lives now upon his estate, which is probably worth about tie is nw a ear sixty yeart of age.

All England owoa a deep debt of gratitude to Elliot tho poor, for hia mighty ecbrts for the improvement of their con dition; and tba rich, ror having led tnem rrom tha error of their ways and taught them to at once mild and mighty. Kufua uriswold is tho editor of the only edition of his poems which we have seen published ia this country. a will close this very cursory review with on of the strangest and most remarkable of El iot's minor Dooms. It contains many beau tiful thoughts, but all are strangely enough ex pressed. It is one of thos pieces about which every reader will hav hia own settled opinion tho moment bo has read it.

Jl is called ins Press." "God said there light!" Grim darkness felt his might. And fled away; Then staittad seas aad mounUlns cold Shona forth, all bright la blua aad gold. And cried" 'Tl day! 'Tla dsy!" "Hail holy light!" exclalm'd Th Thuad'roas cloud, that Ham'd O'er daisies white; And lo! tha rose, ia crimson dresa'd Lean'd sweetly oa tha lilly's breast; And Mashing murmured "Light 5" Then was th sky-lark bora; Then row tha embattled cora; Then floods of praise. Flowed 'r th saaay hills of noon; Aad then, la stillest alght, th mooa Poar'd forth her paasive lay. Lo, heavea's bright brow la glad! La, tree and flowers all clad la glory, bloom! And shall tha mortal sons of tied Be senseless aa tha trodden clod, Aad darker than tha tomb? No, by th roiad of man! By the swart arUsaa! By God, oar sire! Our souls have holy light withia, Aad evsry form of grief aad sin Shall see and feel Its fire.

By earth aad ball, aad aeav'a, Tho shroad of souls I riven! Miad, miad ateno. Is light, aad hop, and life, and powr! rib's deepest aight, from this blast hoar, Tha sight of miad is gene! "Tha all lands ahall aing; Press, tha Press we bring, AU land to btetsn O. pallid want! labor stark! Behold, wa briag th cad ark! The Press! Tha Proas! The Press -nl fcr 3 i i rIH Rxaaalaav. BaCOs's ESS ATS A3B AoVAXCSMSXr or JLiAaaufo. A most charming edition of these two immortal works has lately issued ly Charles Knight.

London, the weli-krx publisher of Peny I Magazine and Cyclopaedia, to whom the iuuiui icouaia bub bd mucn uiaeouvi mr many excellent, beauUfu! and cheap DOOKs. it is a square lt mc. on the I finest paper and type, profusely illustrated by very handsome engravings, furnished with a good biography of Bacon, translations of all the quotationi. from the able hand of Dr. W.

C. Taylx. and all I for 50 cent. Messrs. Morton Criswold assjveUuaaj eaabi av it-have or had a few cooies for sali.

and will "tV ji.i i j. doubtles be glad to order more. There are bo two greater books, in the highest sense of the word, in English tongue than these. The Essays art) a tmracla, a treasure of condensed wisdom and Doint. ed expression on a variety of important wbjects-the diaullatioa it wereof Use wit and renius of the) rreaCauthw.

From I their very nature, they have been the most popular ana vaajxnomtrjtmii works, and very many of our readers I'smsaiAJiissi A wmar Va -are doobUess famUiar with thorn, thourh lmqan ven they will be glad, as w. were, to ob- tain so beautiful and convenient a copy. I In worldly wisdom and epigrammatic foice theyarenota whit inferior to Rochefoa k-i i cault Or La Bruyere, whilst in elevation of moral and religious tone, how infinitely su- perior! I The treatise on the Advancement of Learning has been much leas known to the general reader, because not accessible, except in bulky editions, and at a high price hence its re-print in such a shape. is a Still greater boon than that of-the Es- 3ays. It is one of those works which the world can never let die, a work to elevate the soul and nerve as well as incite it to noblest deeds it has been the favorite food of the loftiest intellects, and such men as Mackintosh and Dogald Stewart think they cannot say enough in its praise.

If any of our young readers shall be indu- mA vs miiw uwax.ay a ui'iauvi Bins digest this immortal work, so full of the "seeds of thin" thev will all their li be our grateful debtors. Of the miscella- neous mass of the fathers (described by Milton,) which old Time, in his huge drag- net, brines down to us. this is one of the purest of the pearls. Ff Um Exaauwr. James W.

Tatlos, Esq. Ciscissati Ioesiso Siosal. About a veir ago Mr. James Taylor, of Cincinnati, gave up his rnnnpilnn w'nh thA Frintilrpr arvl tah. lished an independent daily, under the above title.

The Signal was devoted the cause of progressive Democracy, the Democracy of the Leggett school, and of course gave support, both able and decided, to the Wil-mot Proviso. During the short time the Signal has been in existence, the ability, in- OilStry. taste and tact, Ot the Juhtor have fainetri it a hih and Wrvri refMitatmn. Ie has now abandoned the publication of a daily, and concentrated I his a'ueniion and ergy vyon the weekly issue, which is to be published hereafter on an enlarged sheet. We have no doubt Mr.

Taylor will make it a most interesting and valuable sheet in- dependent but not neairal (we despise a neutral paper from our heart, and so does every honest and earnest man.) and that, as a literary and tamiiy paper, it will be fully equal to the best of the kind, East or West. c1 tj. Such papers are much needed in the est, and, conducted by such men, in such a spirit, will do great good, and to what high- er reward can an editor aspire! AMIdeaersisverr. jl The of Denmark has abolished slavery in his West India Islands. Some suppose that the negroes in the Islands, if released from the bonds of slavery, can only be kept quiet and orderly by the presence of a military force.

The Editor of the Albany Erenmg Journal, who recently pent some time in the Islands of Su Thomas and St. Croil, controverts this assumption. The Danish force on these blands consist of two companies one on each, triers are two forts on St. Croix, one at 1 redenckstadt, the residence of the Governor General, with two ofEcers, and 70 men, tho other at Chritianstadt, with a Lieotenant and 30 pl oirrfvi.l. ,1 men.

There are 24,000 slaves on this island, and 5,000 whites. The colored population are quiet, easily governed, and many of them, even slaves, reasonably well oti .11 1 informed. They have been paternally cared fjr by the government and the ranters, VV hen freed, the slaves incline to live on the plantations where they were born for a reasonable compensation. The Journal thinks the objection to emancipation does! not rest any fear of a "standing army, but directly, to bolster up slsvery, wa foei ao dip upon the vast amount constituting the nurn- sitisa whatever, to spar thsm- Tha star ber of tlie slaves, and, it continues: States ak a iaterfereaca ia bhalf th la- "If we could pay for these slaves, as we stitaUaaj th.y wUl a.t da s.ertaialy.lfeaa-psy for the cotton, tobacco, Ac, which they iat.atia daaouaciag laterf.reac agaiaat it. produce, all the other obstacles to Emanci- Tha Nw Trk Evaniag Pot, a loading and nation would vanish.

The money which able Dmcxauc jeral. remarka a follow a ap-has been expended by our Government to aathasareaalaUaaai extend slavery over Mexico, would, if it had Mr. Dickiaaoa af tha Uaiud Sut Ssate. been devoted to the purchase of slaves, sev- was rlaiioaa we pabliah ia aathr part eral of our Southern States would have been disenthralled. Yes, the motuj used in whlcA kaa Umm 4astia 4 pra-conauerine Territory in Mexico.rith a view hibttiar -3Uvrv la ssrritorMS It wiii to iu being cursed with slavery, might have l6j -1 1 exunguisnea siavcry ui acvci.a States! "This thought is worth punuing The Mexican War" ha, already-cost over a hun.

dred miHions of dollars. How far would that amount of monev have eone towards Emancipation? The number of slaves UHllW ill uio ivuvniu ted in the American Almanac Delaware, District of Columbia, Arkansas, North Carolina, Maryland, Kentucky, 2.605 4,694 19,935 245,817 89,737 132,258 541,046 "We do not know the market value of i mami value 01 that, taken coUec- slaves, but we suppose lively, old and young, 200 each would be a fair average price. At this esurnate ol their value, these 544,046 slavi would cost 8108,869,200. It -will be seen, therefore, that with the money the Wax lias cost, the freedom of 544,046 sla tes would have Den purchased, and five States, with the Via. trict of Colombia, xnad fxee! 1 1 RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE.

liuon Paocsjess op Fata Kxxjciov, To -AaQ-Un Stat Chareh SacMv Vtl rC rV held a th Kclc. by avri disiiaruuiMa kav aai eWf'TT wn, wiuutw mi wm ltXXlSi last! M(Di 'Vr th abject of Tha "bJ8tad taka. adee a41aaUaghi4--w thoneool tk TZZEiZl dotn State chareh a looter. Tha rwirioai oi tn ma ceatiirv aa Ideclrath.fae.of n-va thatit was Vsao- Un" aad haid at b. On tat TZr acamical bafiu a diWr chareh Taa4 Suu- If levea million surtinr aa- Wf ecla.ia- l.7JZ mamti justifr a rait imtfmmm er wrong, tbi iaa argaan5 aarticalar accoast of each chareh.

adds: maatpaavr maay Interesting vnts coa- wiht Ck? sUto aoww tb what it wa tw.nty-foar yaraago, wha I rmvd thi city. than wa bat oa small (Jakarta church ia Chambers streat, now tbr ar thro -societies ef that of which ar large. ai hav tw splendid, elepnt ehorcie. Than ther wa a Cbristiaa Uaivralitt Society, aw ther ar four, which bav haacsoa churches aad large congregation. At that li tner was iot a tingle aitarian Qaaker.

bow ther arthr large meeiior boos es, waica ar wen atteadec, wher tb doctria of th divia aaity ia canatantly advocated with -great rtaaa aad pwr. At this period th Christian Society had ao piac worship, now thy bav tw th rw, wher th paternal cbaraclar aad aaity of Got ar advocated with gnat sen! aad fearleasne. Ia tho dsys aot a bookssllsr could foaad ia this city wh dard to advrtia th sal of I'aitariaa bks. aw there i scarcely wa' rdy aad wlUiag advrtiaw I aa but aad mil them. Rivobjmtiosi GtasuMV.

Tb aew Rafor KrK'JK emmitte ha issued sMaijeat. which give erd. Sis articlea ar specified. 1. ofcth pTTV for separata from it.

2. remain what wear and what were evangelical Christians. 3. Wa regard, a hmtofor. th Bible aa th groaadwork of ChrisLauity.

4- Ourcraad is: believe ia God, ia hi stern! klcgdom proclaimed te tha world by Jeao Christ. I Our warship remain th tarn, thoogh with I freedom aa to it form. 6. Oar doctria ia k.uJ baaed a tha evangelical principle of freedom and lov. ar a Cbristiaa confession.

A Lasgb MiMioiAtr Socixtt. From ta report th Weeleyaa Miaaioaary Society, pre-sentod at tha hast meatiag la Ediabargh. it appear that thi society oecupi, ia various tor-eiga couatrias, 2tU principal stations, besides a macb larger aamber aubardinat aa; that Its miasioa chspols and Breaching alarea ar 2i9" that it mioy 417 raalad misoaari axcluaiva af til ather paid agents, such a eatechiata, aad TOT uapaid agBt; tat it TZZlTl that it haa eight printing aaubliahmaata lavig- ra aad lacissaat pratioa. Th contriba- lioM tho sapport this exteasiva missionary JatW ta tha large Ts CHiaosxrs. Oar last accoaau from this llltanmtiag Mllo.

ara th. 4th of Nevbr. mt which Um the Lgiiatare NaUoaal Coaa- cu was ia sioa. la jnt meeting tb Cooamltu VV5U Mr. W.P.

Rwar-Jcted editor af the Ca- nkN AaTc1 fo, tha torn, of four yare. Tha aaaaal mting efth Cbrke Bibl Society waa held at Taalequah a th 80th of October, 7th'! nurcaaMtd aarlns tha inu 323 bo snd voiamea of th Cherok Scriptarea, all af which had I bB distributed except So copies. Th Society adopted areaolatioB that each member wsald da al. hia MW ta h. d-mot.

family la I tha aatioa supplied with tho Bibt. 77. Tbr ar absat 33,000 imaiigraata af this aatioa utelv setuad ia Northara Illinois aad Wtscoaaia. Thar ar 500 itT cbiTt" JtEL sMitsai-sal! In Ammiinftiawa hw thamstf TsahtTM ktly om litti prepwAy. aad are a br.

tndastrioaa iatUigat data af popalauoa. They are particularly dewreos.f having schools 1 jpQfg. amaag thecn, aod ia about to pablisa soma book for thm ia tkir awa laagasg. Evaaoaxjcax Aixiascx i.i Swmniuis. Tba doctrinal baaia i tha Evangslkal Alii- aac doea aot appear teiH tthswav mttr- gaaixaUoa for th country ha propor InsU- fBt fw th wh-l, th following MmaaaclaraUaa Th Evangelical Alliaaea embrace every

rft Father, solely ay faith ta theatoaement of Jtana ChrWf Ood MmX la tba flaah. aad th aa- eaaaity rgaraUo throng's tha Holy Spirit, ia crder to abtoia part ia ta me avriaung I eatat Mcaiatsa' atsiwttow. Wkea Xorthsra man attempt, directly, ar U- ut Mr. IHcklnsoa hoius. that Caage haa a right, ia WgielaUng for th bow term i.twrdiet tha lauwdwetioa af alavwry.

Oa that voiat, tha authara af tha caiitutia I did aot, asems. aadsratead tha lastraoreat I aMnMsTraa smsT a ataun "ar statatas. A saw light haa brokea la apoa Ssaatoa Dickiaaoa. and diacavr uaat ail ImasJTTsa to WnsE-Danraxas. Ga-lignani's Measenger states that 103 bogs-heads of adulterated wine were brocght out from the entrtfU at Paris, and ther contents spilt into th Seine.

Immediately after this operation, the surface was covered to the distance of 200 yards with an icuneBs quantity of fishes, poisoned by the deleterious liquor. The) editor of the Chioaotype says, tliat a eatahlUhxaent in fuse out, ahould Lave pronounced hgvoood lj h8 known that they taust be Consider well how quickly persons change, ana tow uiu mcy u7 ilun who and therefore cling cicseiy changee not." 1 11.

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