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Weekly Journal-Miner from Prescott, Arizona • Page 2

Prescott, Arizona
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

If:" I- t-i- i i i it i 1 a mmor 44 PKESCOTT TO ILLINOIS. Letter From Tombstone. FRIDAY, JIWE a. 1881 IlUr from Mrs. C.

W. Iteaah. ToMBSTO.VE, A. 3fay 29, 1881. Rochellk, May 24th 181 Ed' 3Ii-nkr: Thinking you would be Deau Miner: Sunday morninir Mav I PIeaied witn a 8Mort epistle from an old Pres- 15th, found us comfortablv stowed awv ttite, now sojourning in Southern Arizona, I I fcllDSCrillllOll, ncr Yeai Kilmer, Salisbury Co's coach I1 P-'0 a reW unes valuable paper I i 'I TI.

xl. uestmation aiinost anywhere east of the siiieenui oi jiay iounu tne writer C. W. Ovifrf, 217R; 15. jJa- jgtftjtr iht kuoxa Mutt i uf 0:7.

i tracted our attention in biddin" adieu unartK4 jMttX m'ryi duf tkU ttUlliii men Ukt critn fur adttrtiting and aUtnd to any Khc hutiwu dtxetviA) vjn Am at tht rtpraentatitt cj tU TELEGRAPHIC! LSPECIAL TO THE MIXER. LEGAL LEGAL APPLICATION FOR PATENT. Dassolutiou of Co-partnership. V. S.

LAXD limlP Prescott, A.T., April lt, 138L. Sun Francisco, May 3L Tho Democratic if Application for a ih r'tmon jh ing Claim. Notice Is hereby given tht Nathaniel Eon, Ith0 partnerahlp, and -sill pay debw against tie -ney in fact, Samuel S. I Arm. Missouri river.

The last thin? that at- hi way from your beautiful city, me'nbers of the New York Legislature have tracted our auention in bidding adieu to our heaUetl 'm the I'inelad of the Sierra nominated James C. Jacobs and Francis P. p-ney 8nfuei shii Smm; pretty little town of Prescott was that n. rtas, on a business tour to Southern Ari- ernan for Conkling Piatt's pLices. ui tbu SSlTiVLT spicuous and somewhatsignificant sign tacked zona- We arrived at our destinabon with- Denver, May SL-Thuradas stage, on tMW being Notice hereby rtren that the nndersfJ, heretofore aocUU together and dolnr batne a partners in the firm nunc of Uandill i Clint, at PtcmoU, in the County of Yavapai.

In the Territory of Arizona, hare thladsydlJMlvedby mutual conaent, W. A. CUne retiring from the firm. Csu. A Rindili ii soiejj an- thorizec! 10 colltct and rrcrirr any and all debt tine to MISCELLANEOUS "OO CHAS.

A. ItANDALL, W. A. CLIXE. Mark One fur Mobave upon the north end of the old Gubernatorial out uadenl by the way to disturb our Barlow Sanderson's line, was stopped by yanpa MinhigtriYai ia Summoiw.

mansion -h W. Fleury, Justice of the tran(lui'ty of mind or interrupt our peace- four masked men, who robbed the nassen- tory'ud iiniated bythV fieMoIndfMai'Sat In Court, OntrU Verde rr.ciEct, Peace-reminding the "old timet- or new Motions, Passing through the vaUey gers, getting away with aWJOO indrafts, 0 SSLS- 1 comer upon departing or enterint: the Cam- of the Salinas our eyes were made glad at 500 in money, iewelr- etc On ih foUow towlt: Variation deg 1 mm I JobA.haUE, uelecilani, US A citizen of Mohave county, writing to tal of Arizona, that here jmtice is beautiful sight of countless acres of day at Poncha Springs the robbers entered Thtns od1 loMioa cutre of claim. Of under of May Xhh, give, us cheer- out. aou united, diiput settled and fair waving grain, all indicative of a prosperous a station and robbed "it of 8450. One of the 'toneE feeEinSSf3aSSiE If do; The Territory of Arizona nd reetinK to John A.

VaUh, Dttendant. proprietor of the Star line Jtall fc A fan- robbers waa rMmUA r. 1 n- Ji- enor boundary. 1 hence ad Trauar-ortaUon Company At Jian- roooers was recognized as Charles Allison, so mia Ten Von wJhertb and r.joimi to appear in 7 oriicr 01 culm. I cuoa iirouicni ufaiQi oa uy lu sHe nuueu px- iei ganlra atone 16xH ilu Uff In the JaUceV Court of OatrU Verde precinct, ia out, llreon i fip-r have Jd their alonS 8 the valleys and west of Judge Kelsey, on their way East.

We met this evening in cnn.W,,. -huS? ipp-r andaaoer the tin piaiutjr will tale 11 1 iiiiL 1 1-1 1 in. 1 1 in 1 .1, .1....... 1 1 ium iiiu nnii iiriiti in I .1 1 1 i nr ainii.1)!- ki-i. i ii ua 10 uikuji ijsaviivii i cjuuiiie rain.

i rrt i i upvu uui uuiviii ii i uiaim I I i ncr win it.i i vi iajku arom int. i.innni.,.i i imiittit VAn fr th nm nr otiA nun ether with tutrnsit and ing and reliable inniiii" and other new Pi' dished out at all times and under all I thriving farming community from tliat section. The letter circumstances. The pine-clad hilLs are stx.n coPa we met the esteemed wife of the edi'tnr formerlv Our county is shown" aiius of tliawint' I PAseu anu left behind, and we are rolling ll "ie Mixek. in comranv with her mutJifr I XeirW- -r.

-pl. II I 1 tr I rt anu nierainuiu ousmoss lessrs. elton 1 1 escon, maue iresii ana beautiful by a I ujaut ours.eii as agreeable and courteous as present. Notes from who have taken possession and veiy shower of welcome rain. On wo iro P0381 ana uon our arrival at Tucson left they will vote f.r promise great reduction in prices of goods, and down that to the county of Yavatwi them 8d spirits and apparently little fa- administratinn Tlir.

Tmi i. i m- uww. pucu, SraUe' AntMl ilm- J- AniS pieagmg them to withhold their support JfoL Uw.ayampa iuntag dltrlci, t. Mrrch, aTdIMI, aTcentralvVrfe started and work to a charm on Lone Star I ickenburg, once a lively minin" town is kpaniah pueblo of Tucson, situated from ConkUmr mil Plot Thee of Tarapai, Territory of Arizona. .1 i I I vuiij, dim i jail.

I a oa jum along nideboundirraf rfmn nfin h.m. I a. i iiii jii i i. i ii. a Brrmte ttone Itallie are hereby notified if you fail to 1 more, statins; tliat "ch, mrrked II, and on s-lde I built monad complaint, a aboTe re.iulrri.

wJ.r. vAM tK.J i'rom monument jodement asatnst you by default iru ir of htonn Cloud Jlimnif dred and litn dollar (116i, to, l-aienl, be.ri tw 45 min cots of jnlt. feJt thataot Fromthw corner the V. S. mineral Given under my hand and seal this 11th day of precinct, uounij ores, sojoratiug the gangue from the metal reached in the evening, as the sun has shed tne banks of the classic Santa Cruzrnrer, I as wheat from the chaif in a good sejwniUjr, lis rays in the western horizon.

We today presents appearance of advancement Conklin" a iizz Florence, June 1. M. L. Stiles was shot Willi -AfcCT-t uuu o. rm 'i'110 8 corn- of claim, where it eet oi.

ine attempt Ot-the 'n uesrounaaBriite HxIOxS Incise, martci ttT tnilt mouna of toue 2', feet vr. iidli. i. 1.11 in.juuoa mapuhn 1 1 1 1 1 1 in i niri -i Aaiimin i i mi the tailm-s only assaymz S3.K from S70 "7 toreet the place and the cruel dead na improvement A radical cliatif is liinfr I uua ga- 3- mm sw end of I I u-aj TTVrf I A (apli) Jastleeof the IVaee, Central Vtnle Precinet. level.

"'e inoians kUIed young Ureelr, and are thronged with peonle. and is. ourt has denied the aimlication of Jolm T.t";.; er. iM a iow moments are at Seymour, and leave indeed, a busy, bustling city. About nine Murke for a writ of mandamuj'to compel as- riitue besumte bl I M.n I 1 1 1 i I I niuliUJl A KLLY.

1,1 Stock'. imtSlw'Jwi ore. Concenttation works once ell iutro- IerHjtrated by the Attache along the Has-1 brought by a new infused spirit of American duced here will revolutionize mining, as it ayaipt but the image of poor George mdustry, and the place is fast assuming the will render vduable great iiiassesof ores tliat I TavIori who was cruelly tortured to death, aspect of a busy city. Tombstone, however I .7 cannot ie worKea otherwise. I uiy up, ana lorrner deeds of crime tne city ot Southern Arizona.

It is an The splendid new five stamp mill at Cer- iro fresh in our memory. We shudder, as American town of from six to ten tliousand bat will si start up. I we pass the sjxt where brave Gus Swain 111 Population. Substantial improvements A rich str ke was recently made in the breathed his last. Then we pass the cabin riro being made in every direction.

Its Connor mine, at alout the 100 foot The ore ia full of rub and native silv a sa nircc twi tun. Aiso in tne Cincinnati I "UiCU niswnc bircani alter winch so men are einpioyeu in anu about tho to asserts niuiing mine a sliaft now being sunk has four feet of OIU iiassa)-ampers are named a classic miIiea Ulla mimeduto vicinity, and the Galveston, May The News' Gainsville line ore, the whole averaging per ton. namo aeei. just betore daylight we are is Demg constantly increased. Mjne special says that John Thompson shot and Of course some is'richer.

shown the place where Hanna, a freighter, "ners are sanguine as to the pormanency killed a deputy sheritf and L. Knk'ht who rrl I a- i I lrti 1 1 i I iiie iiaymaster mine, upon which Messrs. companions, were murdered by the aim capiiausta are willing to attempted to arrest him, and escaped. triii, Cr. i I Anachea and thn fraui litirnwl lioir 1 invest their tnnnpv Tlin knllinn a.

i ia ot. Louis, May 1. T. Fitzrwtrick frttlf fa4 jlf Ari. l.jO 1, I inotlr more tilt! ilnivr rall niif- i r-l I Certamlv fnmimmnrr nnrl t1.

-rl. 1Wk laH k.M- W3i prwi tonnerly messenger for the Southern averages SO, derwoodsl" At nine o'clock we are rolling of the value of the mines. We here see what pres. Company, wa arrested in Kansas k. ti.

ratterson, itidenour and A. E. rougii tne wine, well regulated and shady accompiisn the development to-day. He is the one who robbed IMvis are building a five stamp fold mill at streets of Phcnix Grass Springs, to work Gold Uasiu ores. I "anz hotel am nmmann iwuiifrtSE corner of cUlm, whor i ffitt Btotx- lxlixi inchr, mirked I.andoul.

I. Imtn Wjj oivu-ouu, ivuutTi uiuic, viia ru oanire-i 3Jui niiy 750) fwt 7 mnnntnani at i to last evening. Family troubles aresupposed oTnt! to be the cause. Bible is now in iail. JT" pf iu i i ifti i rj mi in mon.

In the DUtrict Court of the Third Judicial IHitrict, Territory of Arizona, County of lavipxl. George S. Footer, Itauitlff, 15t and 180 John A. Walth and John Dor. partners.

4tn(C under the firm name of the ftur Ldo Mall Tratw. prtatlon Company, Defendant I. Stuawcn No. 9t. Arttnn bron (htln the Dintrtct Cortof toe Third la- Any and all Fervonn riifrr ir San Francisco Mav 1 TJ.

iivun i tuum un nrJifUT oz ibe u. i.m.' I toe lerniory or Arizona: Popular Mouth! Drawin-; of the COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION C3 AT MA JAUIiSY'S TKEATiLB, In City of Luiiiirtlie, on JJAY I8SI. These drawings oeeur monthly (Sundays excepted) midor provisions of ail Aft of tho General Ass-nioly of Kentucky, incorporating the Newport Trimim; and New paper approval April lais. eyTkis a Spdal Act sl ia Mrs Vms Espwls The Tnlted SUiea CircoM CTtrt on March 3ist ren-deml the fcHowiajf decii-i 1st That the Commonwealth Distri bution Company is legal. 2d It3 drawings are fair.

It. The Company ha n-yrr am ham! a Urje ro erv.e fund. Kesd the hat ot riz-M for Itti may 1 J'rixe- 30,000 1 Prixo 10,000 1 Pria J0 slMXt etieh, 10,00 20 ICO.COO Pn'x's Approx I'nzos 2,700 Prwos Prises HH ecli, J0O I0O Prises 10 ouch 10,000 nK) Prises, $'JM each 10,000 000 rrbtesfia eseh 1000 1'riaes I0 eaefc Whoui Tickst. fl 27 TlCk-TK APPLICATION FOR PATENT l'. S.

LAXD OFPICP. i I tne clerk of thU Court at Prescott. in aaid Countv. Prkscott. A.

T. lpr. lit lest I copy of which complaint accompanied tulj Application for Patent th, in. twn 7 -Jnc the day of 1 ft r4.r mr ico KaLr l. of Tjcom'.

Ueisilt M.mey or Faak Draft in letter, or bv Dok't by Knots- tkkki IrrrKU or Pos-rviricii Okick. Or-lr. ad Hpard, by express, cun lo The TexTl-ory of Arizona sends ureetiDi to John A I 'XI't-f. aUhand dotu, ba.n... uler 1 Jf.

HOAKDM t.Vllrier Journal firm name of IheaUrLXco Mall iud I on Comiauy IHIlMlIljf, l.UU.l-hfj, tVY. ur I. You are hereby aummone.1 and re.inire.1 to mmir in C03L Jltir K1, 1H EW an action brotncht aaiuxt you by lh abve naoje.1 VoKK. puinun. in ttr outrlct Court of the Third Judicial lrteott.

Nov DUtrlrt. In and forth? county of Taranal. In the Trr- I 1 r4iiim T. .1 V. "U.l I 11 l-'JUJIAIUl 1 il I1U 1 UUUUU tlx.

AVc alight in front of 0f If-vinS and also the Grant's baggace last spring. On his person dare ushered into his elegant feal vantages of railroad communication was found a medalion in the form of the service ntnin on nr tnt iimmrinu tr i I notice la hereby elTen that Xathaniel ki. tM.mnntv hmir nnt nrth. Ex- flct mue! ShaU, whose potoffice ad- I Dutnct, Uieu within thirty day: In all other cae r'. IrMcott pal county, Amoca Territory, I forty day.

Vylty has this day filed application for a U. 8. Patent for fi are beret nr thxt it f.M fi teen hundred (15UUj linear feet ot the Plevna lo. l-o. jdanewer the comnlxlnt.

uAhav. rwnirJ th. Vi "VTf- hna- 1'Wntllf wiU take judgment by default agalni-t you for ti 1 ii I .,1.1 i I to a eoiiritrv tf n.fnni I I j. no iiiiu-iiiiiurv is neany an on the ground. i' n'i, c-umm, are a surpnse.

icsourees; Kussian bear set in with dinmnml. r.r,. it rrr. uiren unaer my hand and Lumber is being ddivenrd by Wally, Lund indeel, to U(J. Lets here recommend Gam of heni Arizona may sented to the General by the Emne'ror of ,0" to 14 2 miu ApUrfLVJ.rMCM' Judd, of St.

Ggo, Utah, at per M. his wdUppointed hotel to the traveling fIie th earI-v lo a -Maltese cross, set with seven- ofThrn lZTH VJZti h. Cartter.t Tliey also deliver nierchandL.e of all kinds public lien Uutler, of Prescott. sutierm- ol tWtM Parallel road. It teen dLnnHmd, nn i.i..i SavaK, ituh Wells, Attorneys for at alut per cent lets than former prices tends the eating department of the hotel, bnng to their doors a flood of capital Ar i i.i- "lJ 3, etabUihiug 9E comer to sav." FJSL INnilFMT st Mineral Park.

The lumber is cut at ad it vies well with the tables in the large dearth from it, long slumbering the ZO TL ii c. -ii i Cfimitlm million. i iu-ua lias OCCn inuennUely IKISt- marked on ide Blount inmiouu saw.uiiu, on lionnsiue ot nave visueu east 01 JJextco. 7 anuucu irciuure of stone 2U feet hich VrTni thi7V. 1- I i I area iwvi leet in wldtb, situate lrintf a belntr in Ha-1 the mm of even hundred and twenty nine bT.IDO dol-aayampa mlnlnir dutrirt.

laTacai r.itintv I hr. fn. in dm i.nn,.ii.i. ntory, and deaUfnaled by the field note- and official I dit.bnrsement In this behalf expended. the teal of aaid Dish let Fourth tlthi day of ILKERSO.V, Clerk, Plaintiff.

NOTICE. Colorado river, and in tlie noithwest comer A lay over of one day is made imperative at aw 1 m'ner'fl drill and hammer, of Yavanai Luntv. Phcnix for MstandenterLiininrroldnefiiiainr. preoict mat the time is not far dis- Mineral Mouumeut So 1, Mininir Di.trirt The Senate and Assembly met in joint I a r. "I PKCK M1.MAG COMPANY.

The mill of Patterson Co. is designed, including Mr. Luke and his excellent Unt the Sranite hUla of Yavaroi convention, and on the first ballot the vote I SkS "oriStasr1SS, I. I nml a'fiu lie l.K Oi. n-l I ii I.i -1 tuuuu Kailrond, and Prescott tho Terminus.

to do custom woik and will lie ready for lady. Miss Ida Burnett, Judge Tweed, Judge operations on the coining great and glorious I Porter, James Stewart and numerous others Fourth of July. I Once more upon the road and we find Rich ore from the Wnllapai mountain is I after a five hours' ride, our stage journey at jusi being exhibited on our streets, and re- an end, and hear tho welcome whistle of the ports of a rich strike out there are going train approaching from California. All on about. bard is the command, and we are bounding Why don vou coMC out and tuke a look I away at tho rate of GO miloa an hour in the at Moliavo county.

Don't Vuu forget it, this direction of the ancient and honorable is the coniin? camp. Dea. I pueblo ot 1 ucson, where we breakfasted, i and once more move in the direction of the rising sum We pass over a country undu We are now ablo to state, uiwn infor- wting in appearance, with here and there a xuation beyond question or doubt, that Pres- pile of stone, or a single board placed in cott, the beautiful city in the Terri- tho ground to mark the resting place of some tory, is to bo connected with the out- early pioneer or emigrant yielded up aide world by mil. Negotiations are under sweet life in a cause dear all whohae )f, oi- livi-d in the West and fiven a helping hand only a line to the 3fth parallel road, but far the hills of the Rockies. At last Demit." is beyond into the iSan Juan country, tapping reached, the Topekaand Santa Fe the moat coal fields in the United line taken and a good-bye extended to the States.

Not al one is Pre.cott to have this Southern Pacific. Here we find elegant par-line, so important and Injudicial, but the 'or coaches, attentive porters, but the coun-thing does not stop here. Another route try is barren, hot and dust-. We close our will also be opened from Proscott through eyes upon the hills and mountains of Ari- i Mohave county, and on to connect with zona to awake on the morn and behold for the other roods in Utalu We are not now talk- first time the "Grand River of the North'' ing to hear oiirself, but treating on cer not so much of a river after all. The trip tainty and fact.

At Inst it to us af- is not worthy of note until we arrive in the terthe fourth of an ordinary life tinot having valley Hearing Albuquerque, where i said been sjHM.t in the building up of Arizona to be fine farms and vineyards, but owing to we are to see our fondest hoies realized, and passing this section in the niL'ht we see bv in possession of railroads. Our great big nothing of what wj have heard so much iroti, copper and lead dykes will be brought praised. We breakfa.itod at tho junction of into operation, and the gold and the J-aiita. re branch. It rained hard all silver ledge uill yield up metal that will night, but the early mom found us in a regu-funnsh a means whereby the debt of our lar snowstorm, the hills and plains being cov-Nationul oniniont may be liquidated, ered three inches.

Again weareoJT. An hour's We have the oriv, and only await the nd- r'de we see to the north, and in the distent of the cheap transportation, which is tance, the ruins of the old Pecos church, now giiaraiileod us. Our readere will vx- the home of Montezuma, or at least of cuse ii for not mentioning names who are his followers. Las Vegas is reached, and in this work. Rest assured, however, that rain still comes down.

We pass large businesa is meant, and in a few days we will "elds of grain just budding from the irround. give you the whole particulars in the prom- ami a country which seems to be fairly alive sheep, i he grass is waving and green, where, lafrt year, it is said, not a stem was to Ik; seen. Ain-m tr.oou.-cK MiiHtoy several oi the Rattoon is reached. county and Mohave will resound to the echo waa follows: Conkling, 34; Wheeler, 22; "tone inche. marked and on with the music of the miner', blast and the Rodgers, 15; Fenton, Edick, Wads- 5 whistle from a hundred quartz mills, and L' Cornell, 11; Crawley, lH vmif kr.iiii'ful i.i .1 I 4: iMllte.

2- rolfer. 1. I III. and on West side is bnilt mntmn t. -mi 1 oiossom astno hiirh.

Thenc dsn vu- i urn) ieeiio comer or claim, whe Territorial Itema. roso. I you don't think so, ask our sanguine friend, Col. C. C.

Bean, who I once heard .1 a 7 'A snared stamp, or Silver Belt: Tne last and most important a sheniTs sale." coal find that Juts been made in Arizona, is Arizona is unquestionably on the I Ul v'ua county anu at the head of Uisapjioiut-high road of prosperity and progress, and mont vauV- Ifc is asUy accessable. The itsi adv Tei name as bullion protlucers, and with deposits. Among the locators are some of the advent of the incoming railroad OI Wo1. '1 he locations are taluta will not be slow in taking hold of your Tit mines. The climate here at Tombstone is 'tIw.

Hn. PatnVl- w.m I aiumniuu aiUCU 111 slightly warmer at this season than jjres-J Globe on Wedneslay afternoon. This yen- Location of principal place of bueines. ban Fr.a- California. LocaUon of Works Varapai county, Arizona Terri tory.

Notice There are delinquent upon the follow in 2 rcribed Ktock. on account of 1" 1 a v. t. 11.., 1 .1 1 iciini is set in the Bionnd a slate rtu-k lCiiiiiri I mi th.uh,!.mr ini ic.i meut aid place of beginuiui, conUiainc Jfl OW10O cri. mT.i 1 r011" cIainiifi adversely anj of Names aimp M.i.t(ii; W4iiu mm uir ikf awr irit 1 iitf i at Prescott.

in the Trrritnr, nf 1.,..,. Alap 1 advancement wUl greatly redound to the STan-VCSL SS.We rV0I-i antaue of the Northern nf n. "1 C' 1 13 County Recorder of j' 1 ot 1 i nu.ui. oieps win oe taKen i5s and us. I T4- ntory.

Arizona mines are receiving a shortly to prove tho value and extent nf rlw, wii.liam n. kelly. iteoute-. -i- AUap Aluap X. AUap i Summons.

ourtofthe Thinl of the Territory of Arizona, ia and for the County of I Al'ap arapaj. I Ayv 4 -p .1 rn In theatric! Court of the Third Jmllclal District I Aiai Aleaouder 31... MaUqauet McCaktv. Plaintiff. taillillL' more nr 41 I DOSltlOll tf.11 1- 1 I average 7 legislature, I "won ortmgu in the District Cour' of the 1.,.

Abraham. K. trustee AriZOniai), Who reputed to Only Use tliat act placed to the an.J County ol Yarapal. Terri- Ba'htord Franci.

1 ereiiii 01 that oodv. The 01 Arizona endi. eretiuir put poses, US quality is a man nf -IT ju r. jicuarty: matter ot mdiheren cations here seem fill an omnibus, each new there is room for one residents of Prescott are loca No. Cert.

Vt 41 41 tr. 48 47 4i 4'J 51 5' SI 54 No. Shs 50 5H to so eo Ik iii a iimiaeu aesree. 1 le hcnn tt rry xormer thLs Teito v- ted here, and tionawinraUMiL 1 of tin. "ic.

upon you one continually sees familiar farfq -it I -r 1, I out of the county, and within I will not tr, Ja 1 P'ladelphia, the gentle- hll: 1 "11 vaiuaoie time at present. At some occasion, when more of this iwrtio. rr.i.... 1 1 jciiiiui iia oeen seen, you mav hear from "Ere EN AS." Klhs II. Ellis U.

EIUp Eltts L-Tli. II our uo would nave Inn i I "uuuea mat 1: toii iail to f-" future Maricona to if 'V, TJ the ZT. 1 1 1 aeuic I jou aiiii apiilr to Court fnr I 1 oi the people had not played double with him 1, complaint, id atrain been "A'T in mi. behalf exi.ded. i "an v.t7iiiirtiiieii iva i i i em Arizona mining man named Caldwell ommitted the bullion shipments of last the two Clllation linn hni.v.

1 .1 iiumc i.y aniniiietic-1 rr 1 janH of the extent to whicl. steam-power JSln Ut oeen ucveio'ic. derives from lu.r i- r. 7 against i.oc Ilol- Seal my han1 auJ "1 01 William WiLKnrox, Clrk Ai UlllIllOll; tse-i. A Good Assov.

In the.Iii.O.'. n.t Uitfcnm wealth of coal 0,000,000 horse-power- the i oam Holli- Var.pai, Terri.or? of aZ gSS" United States, Gerinam- 4 000 da- "nt.on with a shooting affray some H. w. 1 LCRr. 4.

1 000; France, Austria 1 500 000 "lee was arrestd and immed- litrriv, Plaintiff, 3 These figures do not include the' lomorive St', 'T wilh orce, taking the number of locumo- -d'S ivem Doh hemlsphetes to be more than Hcnso" 13 to he effect Tenitarr or KrUnX John a. 10.,000, and the mileace at 220 000 miTo, tnat committee of lately dolus Uatn- iiawrave ne and I must have 30,000.000 horse power. AH the iiiacmnes and engines worked by steam in the world is estimated at 80 horse jwwer. Each home imwer ii cquai .11 ie.ui iu uie strencth ot 10 men, and 1 1 11 I r-' at uenson have notified all the gambleis and Tran.portation ComPVv. ifenjaVu.

1 hit omt. in I'fuAnt have enforced th oir orders in .1 mrunii.t- tii admit of no dispute. Information was received yesterdav that F-lllH II KJB. 11 Edrton Ilobirt 8 llobart v. Hobart TmsU-e II.j.Mrl ti TniuVe.

llarrave I 1 71 tr, IRi lr 'JO el tri 64 1-3 S7 to VI vx VI 95 107 17S ia llXJ nt 111 IU) IW vn IbO I Ml 10.) 10U 100 sr. h5 lu 10 Amt. A 00 U) ll 50 ii wi uo ou W) ou 5) CO Hi Kt 0-1 0U 10 ST 10 Ot US t') 10 OJ OH 1W t.j 1W 00 10 00 no ot uh oi M) l(o ST03IACH TTEft5 Invailids who have lost but are recovering vital ftan.ina, declare grateful terms their appreciation of tho merits a a touicof Hw-tetters Stnmaeh Bitters. Not only does it impart to the weak, it corrects an irregular acid state of the stomach, makes the bowels act at proper interval, tiive; cao tothoe who from rheumatic and kid 1103-troubles, ami conquers ai well as prevents fever and ague. 2i-or bv ail Druggists and dealers generally.

Mark. MA anfrave Harvra.e an appetirance old-timers on Lynx Creek met for the pur- altitude which gives the plac ,.01 merest was an similar to our own town ot Prescott. Up we daughters of jkk settled in Arizona. i.i,.-w...v., ua me soiun- at the rate ot feet to the mile, en. excitements.

nndwhoe duty waa to open huge steam horses carrv the meeting. No lieing versed in tlie I front and the other in paraphernalia, he commenced: ''Boys, 1 hides its face behind the silvery waters be- the rounds of the entire Eastern press As have been to TuKac and yond the shores of Alaska pass the home Mn. Fremont never organi7od a class or timer nae prospected ot an early pioneer the West. It is that classes in Arizona, and in fact has not been the steam-power of the "globe represents a Iim Ladd, fonnerly of the Tiger mine and daily working power of 800,000,000 men. wh" ia WL'H known in Tombstone, had lieen seventy injured atiout 0 o'clock Thursday cwnpiaint of the alwve,1 nlainti.

Jewell U. dm rf.eJVrr Two hun- Jeell Ionora dobar. ont' Jrwell Iouora A are. ami merduu Mrs. Jessie Fremont has organized classes nioriung while working in a shaft belonging history among the grown-up sons and to Smith in the Whetstone mountains? A large reck liecame detacheil by ui p.i aviiiera in neiacneii ov some eet to the mile.

Two Tl.e abve amusing sketch, at least to the Int'ans "l''ir tilu tnV 01 the shaft, and failing ty us along, one in the grown-up sons and daughters of Arizona of "5 feot knocking the rear. As the sun the clever Mrs. Jessie Fremont, ha, been isnhl ng him. Joan Bmina1 "Trump Carda A ft air i Oinn i. OS 11V most every range outside of Yvaii county, of Zan H.cklin, you, no doubt, know, in the Territory for the pastefcrhtccn months, fonn any new habits much; the bcit he kan and for gold in Anteloj and the It is said tlwt he has livetl here for the last it must appear not only ridiculous to our (I is to ster hiz old ones.

Santa Marin, but when you put the stilliards or 40 years. His home is the old I11 grown-up sons and tlrughters but to Emi.v man who kan swap horses, or ketch on end they HI not pan. Now I have lived I Santa Fe r.jad via the Kattoon nute. Jessie as well. "IW grown-up sons mt about it, iz az pius az men in a g.Kl many minim: cani, l.ut when I Morning hnds us at the Arkansas river.

ai'd daughtere is good. leave this northern country the minute eyes are looking off iu every direction. i.eekod lnmf.nnrl hands on my ey run nmnd liking for n-thing can we see except bnul praries dkfPerado' 'Mlal eleven An enthusiast i. an individual whole" fuch a showmg hat e. Ihu ju: let me the blue outlines of the Sierras we "wni occasions, neves about four tunes az mnch az he kan i I fllf Iia ic Lil 1 tirvivu nml In.

1... .1 1 ii jm ui ilnvi Ilaa oeen 1 1---, a.oji jirvve tunes az lately captured by the authorities ou the Rio 114 anytxdy kan believe,t be- JeHl win bV iZiix ir with 0 1 1 inii.nwm.1, HJifrsner Jeweu ii ii jou iui m-im-wr. 1 Je, 1 JeHI Leonora Leonora A. 'A 27 a 3 a. as 3 37 ..111 ..112 x.

HllJ ol Mid Couuti rtr i'l turn heivof. "l1a letU I H. VT. Pleckv, A Ju'Uceof the ol raid I'reduct. Prescott, April 2h.

Jnji. inaiiti. Su 111 111 In the Justice Court Central y.rd Princt, County of avapaf, Territory cf Anroaa. llrxRT Hmj, Plaintiff, 1 vr. I Johx A.

Waiii, Deft. un iniiuiri ui Anient eenria Walt h. of tie Line Mai. mi -rv. to atrikc theld amip once and you Ik niv the day before.

Here the grass is fine, and eyes stop lunninc. for the pulU down everywhere we behold large herds cattle the stilliaAU and will assay. Therefore, lie Mly grazing and fattening on the same. it in aeconlaiice with this meeting that sJJ I pai.s Uirough Kansas, that lovely coun- of us who have sone M.uth and Wen want-1 "uera state ol cultivation, and ing to folloir eicueiiieiiLs, do dotted here and there with handsome vil- ourselves to stay where the mineral And Mul providing homes of comfort otftce should seek the man; not the man the Young man, learn to wait- if you under- aq continued: "lhat we Iwve the mines eiu ior an inuusinous iHhmie. We oincc.

la it true as rerardi snm nf sen a nen tietore she iz rearlvvnn -riu lose Jor nd confuse the hon bo- Tl 1 Tlo'll 1 iaw lw wlo are tne.n r5 heaven on their creed will fin.r..t 1,.. Tl I 1 VMfc, CKS, IJV rviu is mat tney amn have a thru ticket. 00 long courtships are not alwars imlip. IOUS. Ihe IiartVa often tiro mil off goes the hair of the twelfth man a regular cannibal The late Henry A.

Wise once said "the 'fure the trot begins jwu win ye. em nil retun.x. V. s. Lnivest Niiuintl Brtdtre.

sidtt. Among the huwiv very curious things fixed by N.aiM..- i-. natural bridge that pan- Pme rrH-k. tin- outy. Mr.

Sam uel', of Tout. arrive at Kansas city, nicely located, on the officials? Not much. of them would htuiks of the now ery muddy MLsssout-i. not hesitate to five a 1 an vv stop here tour hours, during wluch time we have a lair 01 seeing much smPmnt this week, ten bars, tion, was just a little too awfully killiii" of the Athens of I tie weekly That for sujiper, at the Tucson recep- I IUl I'M Hi 1 filial ri 1 A a 1 niv 11. vi ii inMt.

mil nnti nnu- nv iiaiora. amt na, tn acre, 01 farly realised hat it was. We behold the tne ape 111 (at.x.'s and otlier Where I'm-creek i wide and i and tlicnl or cciliiiff hndpe fully ISO rich ami ndl-UHLnrelrft tKMitute. ami all iVet aKvc Xv uaior. Mr cTltTITllnta nnn- ti 111 i 1 a.w.i iuii nv i iiiv MlllUil Will 5UIil Once ou the cars and oif tor Council considerablv.

-1 noo nl 1 1... 1. 1 T' T--. I I iiuani min men mention I viz. aoout per aav.

Unit. ch nrory 1 Proposals for Sale of Bonds. Hllltfs NoUce it eiren that bid will Twi v1 (nr Mi vs. I ae of Ten laon and Dol ars Territorial Ten I ory of Arizona 1 HokI ll.inds np to June 4th. IkSl.

a. tie r.r"rbT "ramontiKo bfor. the Jus. Ueo of the Peace of T. j.

thf Countv of Vai-apal, 011 theiMday of June, A. im at o'clock v.inanartinn plaintiff to answer thr comrJaltt of i plalntilT. Said action brought lo reooTer the sum of U3rHr. J1' noutdiie for errlces rendered said defendant, or judirtnent iB taxen airamstyoii for said amouut, together wnh Interest Ui -of salt, ir jou fail to apjar and oiveu nnder my hand thi -ill dy of April, A. ISSI, at my othce, in Central Verde PnW O.

IUll. April 73th. IM. of the Peace. iVoiic to CrdiSors.

Estateof John Krr.XE, Nolle is h-rebi trivpn hv o. 1 rator of the eeta of K7, creditors of, acd aU hailnir, aainVt the w.u, rjiuoii mem, lth the neon-urr OUChrs, mithlll six monlh. 'ir fh of this notice to the id admii.i. u.r W.

A. IKIWK Adwtatsirxtor. Dxtl May lOth, ISsl Preecott, Arizona. emira A Ioiiora A Jeweii luora A JU Iui.ori A JttU 1 iijiiuri A Jrnl I-fiora A JrTM-U a Jeeil Le.iiora A Jeell Leonurt A Jeell Leonora Jewe'l I-onors A. Jewell Iooura A Ijtlmor II Lor M.

ik.ii IJenJ. Norton IUchardon A Trustee" Hlehard.OH A' Keynolda W. Tnitw 5odnts II Trustee t-oiuratf I Jneoln Lincoln Lincoln I IjooIh Lincoln Lincoln 1 Lluralii Llncoin Llseutn i.Uco.u 1 L- irvincuil IVilllNIS I IV I 1 i i-. bv this won- .,4.. mia n.

uturbancc or derange i I mum in uie manuiaciure oi suirar. i- -tw icvi "lilflllHllnuiK in. i i ne The alK.I.tion of alaven- in Cuba goin, I fiTSV ft i JieacetUlly, and Will be aComphahed in all TV Iionds are payable iu fifteen years. 'i ii- oi ten per c-nt ir annnin, pay- I able annually The Iionds win be awarded the highest bidder bid will be coni.idcrl under Eighty Cenij. I Until genius and labor fonned a nartner lias hie.

euri- account -f the little re.iKet there was no thinjr as nrosneritv i i oui bridge fanu nicely arranged with irrigat- ine have had lor the work of am mgersou. ing diKhe. and hen uecev- he turns the mn JChlL I tne cars tae and Northwesteni. water iron: ie cn comes out 01 miaJiy reach K.s:helle, 1W mik west the side of a mountain above, into tlie and ha no irrigatine the ot Chicago, our firt HMtmc i.lace. are welcomed by relatives, and a tileawint I r- a 2 ft It whole five acras therein aburMlant I 'lte8a-, rawentv very much.

Our ne.t move will crops ot oven thmg daittd. l. ftir a of a few weeks in Wi-con- Thi- d. iibi fheUrvsi iwrnl briiige then, for the St. ljrrnw and ia the I w.i and K-rhf.

ife- worW. Th-juu, A'lllard and Horace White have bought the New York Evening Post and will put Carl Schurz in as editor. on the noly. The Ho.rd u7e rijht re nhy Tonr Z'a7ul No "8 any and a bid. All bid, inn.t be sealed, and 1 1 N.

W. of S. W. S-e IS anf OlI nUt fUOOQTliA'Llfl Iit Inn Tir snf th. amount of Ioud either by dejo-it or oerual chetS.

i The ncceesfnl bidder mu-t pay the cost of advertise- There is not gold and silver enough in the world to transact the world's business: for a tingle day The telegraph is at last to be intDxlucts-i in Chim. Ktwn ShanglHu and Trent-iin. rcent II. WjonTMAX, SfrrlrJ v'oxtA ot Commissioncm. A.

Kij 1-t, ljt-i. Bl T. W. OTIS, PRK.SC0TT, A. Nonce.

S. La.vr Opi'icr, PnwcorT.A. May SJth. i ToJamtt M. Aldtrson.

to 4t this on the Jth day of Aojrust next, to sbow cu.e. he Uoucfnipllinoe with th PretupUoti W. Kuir, Hrl.tes-. Notice. LAVD OFFICE, J-Hrx-OTT, A.

T. May axh, l-sl. 1) Jnmn W. Mcfimnts, Grtrting Vo? notlOl to pi-r at olfie- on the j.ih day of J1t. 11.

at lo vuwi n. -av 10 for Si, of ai Tonbiii jN II 7 P. not Im. rompUaooe kh the Pre-eBtpUoa vr. N.

K.ELLT, KiMOTiX SirlUlUtf Holili'a 8ouiita honntsi; Honutsi; 8oniitair osntxtf Soantai; S.inuU.- Stebtttn sell WE SonUier Shan. Cry, Tni-tte. Sharp Geo K. Tniste Siixrt, Ok, K. Tni.r Sban- (Jeo Trnt' woiienlrir Lonis WoOen.wr Lal.

WoiJenl-r Iioui olleii Lonl. WoUenlwc Loai. WikBenWir vVollnlry Lol Yooorf Jopfe Trust. Youn Jo-epfc Yoon youm, Yoani? Je-eph Trail Yoona; Joph Yotrwr Jospa Tnt.tee Touts; Joph Yons Jov-ph Trnl ouuir TrwiM. loan Joph Tnwt.

Youca; J.rjh Troir 117 lis im i 12-J I3S VJR ISC 127 Vi ia 11 12 1.03 131 lflO 17W Ill IK 1 171 176 177 si 90 su at iV. 3K Tin ibove market kept snn-Iliei with all kind.s of Dolirious Meats. twice Latter Fresh Chickens, lES! "BSV? rae in irarive, in a pj-iv eiioice article of DBIEIf SEEP, SUGAR CURED, a "PATENT DRIED BEEF CUTTER," we cku sJiis-it up for ii.toinnw tn sired thiknr Jt make- an!Ient" dish lor either Lreakast or Inm-h. ...145 9s Nil ....147 144 ...1411 7 IM to i cri ks 1SS I5 ...137 .141 Ill ..142 Ul 1M ...1 1st) A ud In Ardauee witfc law. vim! So llH liO 1 i) IM JO) Iwl 111 INI IU Xi tr.

31 'jr. 10 III 10 1 liro li.o 1M 1W 100 no no i lu 1.SSI no 10 .9 IU 1 7S0 no HI 00 16 Ou 1 11 5-t- 01 14.310 Uo SJ tSl l) uu 0u SO fly fri SO 0J 00 Wl SO Ou 00 VI OV Ou 9l to (Ml 5hj do I SIM U) aoo 4 JSI 00 at. t.j 'On no 21 t.i saw UN) oe uw Mi 1.K IS. Km ou list Ul 11 no oe lw ro 19 fO 7c UJ ro 10 (M 1.W) ll 1.0m oe M) lei 12 5 to JO (O oe 00 as 3t to a to a Ol O) a Oi 10 i U) HO 1 It 10 (M ITAI.LA IMHUiES. I'rracott, Ms.

Iltc, J3l. iE RTY BROS. O. K. STORE! MP PI.

OF ICE FVMILY 6B0CEBIES ISCHTHJIO Fniah Ajj)les, Apricots, INarM, Jiuiiibs, Prnnra. Currants, And (Jnipps and Itaisiny. a fiiUlin-of- Fresh Canned Goods Vermont Maple Syrup Eastern Cream th- beet brand of cer-ron vr, wixr. r.K.t OEJ4 AND 'ti-cr. i rmttlnv i.

I.t nif and ii murm; 1- drains Hp r-. 1 'fe X-. I ii I iiUT. n.ii..., I 1(.) (o I anu errctlu I oa k. 'wlw REASON ABLE PRECES, Orders left in Jack-of -all-Trades Box, in sw to 11 i Ui On V0 on It 00 p-t a'trdl to.

SSICIII.NESK RKSHLKAXT 2 OS I SN 0" an order of i AH COX.X, 1 th. ui injpo7Tr rtroauf l. many ehare, of each pareH of rneh aTly CSte'S SaiOOH, ev.ary. wffl be foil at TueMlay. thf Mth day of June.

in tf-u-ral, wili. cS Per TBtt la lu iv: i.l raai-e. if any. by rour Uediiatorr -unreal So. i TOeot ae-eaenttav.

Ud Ul CU. A I T. 1 -j. ju of tlvr mU At lbe hnar ID. ni .1 IB 1 1.1 I I iw i ii- ii ir i DSIB.

i rws. klMk.i hh 1 1 0e I or Pi CH.ia. T. BKILKJIf, Vcretery o. COlloosU Prewni, rr-iw'- yiUkt i iU..

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