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The Louisiana Democrat from Alexandria, Louisiana • Page 1

Alexandria, Louisiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i R. "3IOSS.ATJ THE. WOEIvLn. I GOv TOO Ei VOLUME 24. ALEXANDRIA, LOUISTANA, WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 3, 1869 IM THE DEMOCRAT" ispublishedWeek Iy, at DOLLAR8 annum, THREE for six monthIb, payable in advance No tnbscription taken for a less-period than Six Months.

ADVERTISEMihNT3 inserted at the rate of $1 5 rER for the first insertioa and 75 CENTS for each subsequent one. Eight lines or less, constitute ib square. The folloiting 'are our rates to yearly Advertisers: One Column $300 00 Half Column 175 00 Third of Column 130 00 Fourth of 100 00 Cards, (occupying space of eight 20 00 Obiitnary Notices, Marriages, Public Meetings, Cards of Thanks, to he paid for as advertisements. -iP Porsonal cards, when admissible, charged double the usual advertisements. I.

C. MILLER, I 6 FRONT, ALE ANDRIA, LA, ANUFACTURER OF COPPER, TIN and SHEET IRON WORIS, keeps constantly. on hand an assortment ofC.00KING AND BEATING STOVES. Orders for Tinware, repairing of gutters and pipewavill receive prompt attention. -ALSO AG ET BROTHERS.

CO. -CELEBRATEDCHARTER OAK COOKING STOVES, which he keeps always on hand. IMS OASIH. Jan. 13, I869 tf.

BRITISH PERIODICALS. The London Quarterly. Review, The Edinburgh Review, The Westminster Review, The" North British Review, Blatkwood's E4hdibrgh' RiE' REPRINT OF THE 'LEADINGI Quarterlies and Blackwdo d'are now indispensable to all who desire to 'keep themselves fully informed with regard to the great subjects of the day, as viewod by the beat acholars and soundest thinkers in Great Britain. The contributors to the pages of those Revipwe are men who stand at the head.of thelist of English writers Religion, Art, and General Literature, and whatever is worthy of discus sion finds attention in the pages of those Reviews hnd Blackwood. The variety is so that no subscriber can fail to be satisfied.

These Periodicals are printed with tho rough fidility to the English copy, and are offered at prices which place-them within reach of alL TWMS FOR 1869. For any one of the 00 For any two of the Reviews 7.00 For any three of the 00 For all four of thb .,.12 00 For Blackwood's 4 00 For Blackwood and, one 7 00 For Blackwvood'and any twno of the Reviews .......................10 00 Blaekwood and three' of the 00 For Blackwood: and the four 00 CLUBS, A discounnt of twenty per edtet: will be allowed to Clubs of four or more persons. Thus, four copies of Blackwood, or'of onn Review, Will be. sent to on'e address for $12 80. POSTAGE.

Subscribers should prepay by the nuarteO, atibe offlce of The to any part of the United States is l1io Ceosts a number. This rate only applies to current subscriptions. For. back numbers tho postage is double. premiums to Subscribers.

New Subscribers to any two ofthe above periodicals for 1869 will be entitled to receive, gratis, any one of the Four Reviews for 1868. New Subscribers to all five of the Periodicals for 1869 may" receive gratis Blackwood or any two of the Fopr Reviews for 1868. cribers may, by applying eily obtai back sets of the, Reviews from Janury, .1865, to Dceml 1808, and of Blackwood's Mfagazine from January, to December, 1868, at half the eirrent subatiption price. premiums to Subscribecms, oihisctu mi fo Clu1is, norrredieed prices for back numbers, can bhe allowed, unlesa the money is relpitted ftrect to the PlHtsAhc8. No Dromises can be giveatgo Clubs.

tIl SOOTT PUBRLSHINI'COIPAH. 140 Fulton York." The L. S. Publishin, Company, nlso PUblish the FARMER'S GUIDE, RY of Edinburg, and the te P. Nortoim, of Yaid College.

2 vols, Octavo, 100) pages, and 1nnaumrous er 7 for thb fw. vols -byli mail, poit PERIODICALS. "Fighting Against Wrong, and for the Good, the True, and the Beautiful." TWO NUMBERS FREE! A FIRST CLASS ORIGINAL MlA OAZINE FOR ONE For BOYS and GIRLS-and ior Older who havo Young Hearts. LITTLE CORPORAL" 18O 9t ENLARGED AND IMPROVED By the additiot of a beautifutlly Engraved Cover, 'nd giving morn matter than before, without raising tihe PRICE. All xiEw Subscribers for 186900, whose names and nmlnIey smnt in to the-publisher before the end of November, will receive the November and December' Numbers of 1868 FREE! EING F', Fourteen for one Dollar i Tis LTrrrL Cor.PORAr.--A late number ofS this original magazineo for boys and girls, and for older people who have young.

harts, has found its way to our table, and is so redolent of every rare and delicious thing for young hearts, that we are constreaiod to herald its nuncommbp merits.The stories-arn delightful and invariably instructive. The poetry is simple, tender, pretty and high. The composition is ex cellout Englsh and, in a-word, the conductors seeoS to cuter. into the spirit of their groat know the nature of young hearts, and how to cater to their immortal 10, 1868. TITnE LrrrLE CORPORAL is the most ontertaining publication for the young that we have ever oxanmined.

We cannot see how it possibly can liave a superior, or if it could have, how the young folks could possibly wish for anything Teacher. We might give many pages of "Notices' from both the religious and secular press' as well as from the people everywhere, to prove that Tie Little Corporal" is all that is claimed for it. Its mattor is eiitirely original and from the freshest, most alive, and best writers in the country. No periodical, whether published for children or growo people, pays a higher price for articles, and it therefore secures the best of everything SPLENDID PREMIUMS are giveh for Clubs of Any one sending a list of subscribers, frotm 'two -to a thousand, will receive A BEAUTIFUL PREMIUM. It is AL1F RED L.

SEWELL, and EMILY HUNTINGTON MILLER. Volunies lierin July lnd January. Back Numbers nppJiod. Dopar Year. In Advance.

Saniple cpdy ton cents, or Free to any one who will try to raise a club. Addrt-b ALFRED L. SEWELL, Publisher Chicago, Ill. IFRosPEQOTUs PHONOGRAPHIC IAGAZIINE 'On October 15th, 1868, will be published the First Numbei of a Periodical, to be devoted td interests of Americab nogrnphers, and of those who desire to learn the Art of Pbonograhy, '( Phonetic Each number will corin a series of lessons in the common print, expliinatory of the system, and'of the changes which have been introduced in the past few years, and which the experience of the best. reporters has proved, are worthy of adoption, and which tend to make 'it more simple and easy of acquirement.

These will contain all the instrucdtions necessary to acquire the art. The explanatory part. Will beaccompanled by siorthan illusmitrations, hthographed in the best style. number will also contain a number of.pages of lithographed Phonograpby, consisting of mispellaneous reading matter (with a key in the common phonograpically reported, occasionally be hithographed freom rcpoter's manuscript, showing ecet in verbatimni reporting. The firefive numbers will be issued semi-monthly, viz: October 15th, Nov.erbeir 1st and 15th, December let and From Janiary 1st, 1869, tli emgazin" will be isaUed weokly TERMS.

For first Fi've '00 Single 25 Communicatios nnd Subscription shohld tbe addresised to the "Phonograpio Camp street, Kew.Orleans,LeI H. C. MANLY, "1- O. Odt. 8.

T- WISH enter into a contract with responsilile. parties to furnish sme with pine log suflcient to make five hundred gords ofsplit wod, point on the lmiam sisippi river, 90 milesaaboye'New Orleans. SAddress, with lowqat w. H. BALLARD, Dec.

Doualdoon, I rlHE UNDERSIGNDD HAS JUST I. received and offers for sale a F1IN1E AND ClIOLCE LOT OF PQO'ATOES. Plantomand. others needing thenm for phmiting had better ald camsnoe them. E.

R. BIOSSAT. Jancary Gth, 1869. i IfO N' GU GU Bl.Exqcctorant PRINTIN HE DEMOCRAT J0 FlINTII OFPPICI. of the most improved patterns, and are now uncrepared to execute with any jobs that mt be rov trusted us.


vs. Ninth District Court, T. H. J. Bowles) Parish of Bapides.

State of Louisiana. DY VIRTUE of two writs of Fieri Facias directed to me as Sheriff of the above named Parish, from the Honorable the.Ninth District Coprt, Parishll of Rapides, issued in the aboveoentitled suits, I hav seiz'd and will, offer fpr sale to the last and bldet, on SATURDAY, the 6th day of A. 1869, between thle lfurs of 11 A. M. nid 4 P.

on the premises of the Detfedant, the aundivided one-half ofthe described property, seized as the property of the Defendant, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land sitIuated in the.Parish of Rapides, 'on Bayou bounded above by lands belonging to Henry Boyce and Eetyte Mrp. C. Dark, on the East, by lands belonging to Blanchard and-Brother, on the South by lands belonging- to the of Neal Davidson, and on the West by lands belonging to Mrs. C. Dark, containing 600 acres, more or less, with all the buildings and 'improvements situated thereon tract of land, bounded on the North by lands belonging to the Estate of C.

H. Blanchard and- H. Boyce, on the East by lands belonging to H. Boyce, on the- South and West by lands belonging to, the Estate of F. Henderson and H.

Boyce, containing 500 acres, more or less, with all the ii provements thereon, also 19 Males, l'Horse, 4 yokle eSosen, 15 head of stock cattle, 50 head of hogs, 4 plaittition wagons, 1 pair of timbrer wheels, 25 plots, "10 sweeps, 20 pairs of gearing, '1 engine ti oiler, grist mill'i cotton in, farmn househlold and kitchen farnitdre. TERMS Os subjlect to appraisement. JOHN DELACEY, Jan. 6, 1869-tds. heriff.

Printer's Fees $25. John BDgan, Administrator vs. No. 82. John O.

Gallagher. Parish Court, Parish of Rapides, State of BY Virtue of air order of seizure and Sale, directed to me as Sheriff of itte above named Parish from the above named Court issued in the entitled suit. I have seized and will offer for sale at public auction on, AT URDAY, the of FEBRUARY A. 1869. between the hours of "11 A.

and 4. P. the Court House door in the Town ofAleoanlria tije following described property, as commanded by said writ- to-wit: A certaip tract or pasrcelofland known as jot. No.11of the plat 3Bogan the qua4tity ofFiyve 71-100 acres, and Situated about one mile lbe0low the Town. of Alexandria.

TEars on hundred and fifty dollars; bearing eight cent interest from 'April- 1th; 1867 and costs of Sale to, be paid in 'Cash on the spot, and thebalance of tthe purchase money to be paidon, thellthof April 1860, the note bearing interest at eight per cent from date, and vendors lien and special mortgage retained on the property sold. JOHN I Sheriff. Jan 6. '69 tds-Printer's fee $1i500. StCOESSION- SAIE.

Catherine Rowe et al. No. 24--Par. sal Court, Far; eoire of Reagan, i) of noo rp For Partrition. "pe.

PUR TO AN ORDER IS. sued fromi.the Honorable the Parish Court of the Parish of Rapidesr to me ordering me to sell the following therein namedr 'to effect a partition, in accordance with a deeree of masid Courts theease ofCatherlne Rowe pt al. vs. HeirsL of Reagan, I will proceed to sell at Publieo at the residence of the Plaintit in the town of Pineville, on SATURDAY, the 0th day of PE3RUIA tY, 1869, betwen the legal hours, the fillowpg described property, to-wit: A'eertain tract of land in: tbhe Parish of Rapides, on Hudsons Creek, abeut 10 froms containing about 640 acres. Ai certain piece or parcel of ground 'in tie village of Pineville, containing nine arpents, with a commodious dwelling, store house and other improveA lot of houeehold and kiMtehern I Contents of the store, 2 Horses, 1 Old Wagon.

1 BUggy or 12 Cons and eqla 3.HoreiCattio 1 WVheoolbarrow, 1Cart. in' Un 8. Treasunry Notes. No. Il ofRobert OIlynson, Jr, for homologationta Wi John Adninistratsr, bldan difDebts nf tbteiceeeion Hynon, tNdtic haereb givep te itrd0th crc tot wittdftM5ten dys f(rei the )ite We the 'isaPe should not be itrkovdd and omoloae and the funds adatributed in sda ee therewith.

Jan 27- JUDICIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. TUOOFBSION sALE, Succession oq, Dn. L. Lucwrr. Parish 6f-Rapfdes Stoate of Louisiana.

PURSUANT to an order directed to me as Sheriff of the above: Parish frols the abovo Court, issued, the above suit comtiepdtng me to sell for the paymentof delfts, ppd for cash, the prbpoerty 1ielna described, I will offer for la tle last and highest bidder, on' Saiurday the oth day of Fobrry, A. o'clock a. on the premises, the, following property belonging to saiadshciession, via: A certain cotton plantation situated in the parish of Rapides on the left desoending bank of- Red River about twelvo mileafromAlexandria, bounded on the North by 'the river, South by the lands of Ei ast. of Wiltia Bonner, W. L.

Sanford and Estt of Imnis, of the East by lands of the Eat. bf Mgrdor, on the West iy, blands of James B. SIlliWvair. copstah)Wg acrese, More or less, about: 800 acres is cleared, with all the improvements and and stock thereon, in rt of 16 'mules, soibn ald, cAsa-nsnbjeet to appraimsmomQ JOHN DiLAYt, janG-tds---Printer's Fee $15 00.,. ER and FphiSpyDjas De.nis Snlivan- District Court Parish of Rasdes State of flY'VIR'tUE of a writ of eias issued oiOf to oti 'Distil Court, Parisl1ef Rapides, Stato of iou-: and to -sme addressed in the above entitled suit; I have seised and will offer for sale to the last and highest bidder, Saturiday thqetl; da.

of ebroar A. D. 1869, between the jioirs of 1i o'clck a. 4ind 4 at' tho. Court House door in the fw of Aloxandria, the follow- ing described property cpiaed as the property.

of. the defendant, by special ordr of said writ, Lots Nos. 2 and 3 in square No. 17, in the-town of fronting on 2d street and running 'through to 3dl bounded below by street first above the rail road, running brc from the river, al tIbP and improvements situated thereon. Terms of Sale-Cash, subjeot to appraisement.

JOHN Fep, $150,0. Succession of No. Edward Johnson, Parias a t. of Rapider State of Louisips, DURSUANT to an order Sale isI sued from the above named Court in the above entitled and number sait ain'd addressed to, mi 'Sheriff of the above naihed" Parish eOmniandjng me to sell for the payment of Debts the property Ibrelnafter described I will offeir for sale tothe last and highest bidder on, SATURDAY the 8th day of FEBRUARY, A. D.

:869.. oeemmenetng at r''to'loek A. at the 1 Court House in the' Town oftAl- I exandria Parish A piece or ground situated in the Pa of Staet of ous. i thee rTo Qot AloX Square No. 9.

of au Tjiig foii 6rnJirdal'sitreet, behig In tbilTwer coter of said and beind ai dwelling House andlmprovements sard the last residence of the sad the House in which Pauline Lott, IF. W. C. now resides, JOHN, Dsl.ACBY, Jan. 6.

'69. tds. Printer's eir $15 0 I BH5BIFPP8 SAIEL A tit rihof Wolph hStatof LoBi)Y Virte eots, wlt of iof FseiaMdl. tome as-SherRC of the above I named Pariitfri tmbe'th Distrit Court i Perish of.Eapides, lamued i the abose, en. titled suit, Ihaveshsed and w-ll, obrfor salte the last tad highest, bidderon, ATURDAY thes 6th day of EBRUAIRY 18 9., i.

betmrween the bohirs 6f 11 A. at Hoause di6r in the Alenrddla the'bll6Ulng dsesribed by speoiad so the udo of aid Spiecial or ael I ing audbingl the upuor and de ted on the fifi suiburb ala Tewui a in No. 15, hylng fI ehwseoond Streuetosfod feet "the dtp ot Fesraetoauded hbole by propests7yi uladings and iltsoupinfete Anr vv gant plows a w.Pending rth auiertiinty: of wbeteleet the Presldents amnisty i wodeisstlos will have upon the xiles, Ariel," the gaphic eordesp.udt of oniao inte4 up ttheir bots, and sketched some ofthe chae Istic ofitheir ives. quote aesloms: As for theexiles, I have been po to soo extent' terI means and pspect, as. el ap Waisles.

'i anxious to' return Gt.atit Baeen.riid, ofenB k. hais a ilarige fainily, aii is apoor otdting' at all, in fact, ot hims in a lawyer, whicht i'of litt eauLse i oll' i living abroad, an I 'knw that 6n account lie hat 'bian'sla dr a oiv time to return. robably nid candidly the sitaytoi," In senof the tird, stent with -sodaik al bbber. He ould have been he longe ago, but did not lik to eid eAi, i idign i. leadlng idd-, vtaed lito rethatun at once, 'b ats- lie man of greateaialon, and Is' aiiliyt as not walt until oi caid ie thes laud lies, tad thei teper of teMii adminstratlo wav Mi.

Miason must be no ol re' seafn, aid at that time of lifeh a hit are unusuaelly strong. tlaikh, like silt it gloimas, Aist the OldDomi.ib ls ib snt 'i part of the woild and woiud pireft Biki I'tNis there to anywbt else ab. 4 a moderate competency at the elo'e of war, arising fromd "om property of hi, wire, ded, th-iigh' too old an lmar to earn a dollar by 'ia esonuti exertii wa thais' at aibove the neccealty' of laboi. sea it-stated that iso i about to' tvirtn to iise oi4 home in Winchoetir; fn thifitlay of Virginia. hi vil beaable flnda peace, a itt aset na.

old friend4 buto thing will not see 14e old 'troops 1t ely estroyed it, leaving not oe Old beI Early, MajorGenoeral to Leh and Stonewall Jacke6r, he iwho storiied Wibchester in the ealnmpign orT 1,86 and burne4 a part of habtbalrbu fI rteition for the burning of Jacksio, and other places, went abroad at thie close of the wtr, and hqs rqnaidap4 by cdiioe Ln a exile. I dontretmeiber whether he aooeptida pazoe or not be did, but most certainly did not the sitioJn:" U. is a proud, yielding man yslow to talc a oi on and very tenacious of it when onie. tahed. was as origlwi et biionmi an 4stinahnts ly reaised aesiaon stcl lpoln'e peclbmnallows iau doi ed he iwent 6 roreiscesaieon, and the Confedee cmigh have had an abler, bt.

certainly no stoutet soldier or nipre steadfst a dherel. ti As for ev Tacker eoven hody; kpows hlme, or dii npow sn off a insnnte jeests pvnce po4, jolly (. lowsa pif glive. I chance lyggtaip sta ps pea, I many good, things bost; yopu wo uneset I afterwar4 think a quayr meal wetipet a him, Wg tiat this nt one of bl.Jaka is jaoitl a dqpen 1 tonrs, 3 akei ip havebeenkeptabroadall thiq time anasxom lo--his rfaillylarge oqraadpe the dicaloe pootht'vlstqeig help.ea to easasulpe DoPga m4nsoe, ehere navpew a A yt bPinsg be-ene- a pp-a qa444 skouv a lhecquld als bphosof wiodert his i l4u4 a 0ot ve'isb P010t Re Iaa" iweeipqe, lax fi kpow prefer.atkq XqNapha-T angu Torfjtl a to tha ta spd ebe oppsry, ecand oyate. Nor weotl eaoeptatsi tosI a bit ro otbh I native or foreign, anybodyotiggksi 4 let limF sadP9 lI i not promptlywSaIlowed After erfous sad aopap ti 4 ries ofadvatuires, Mr.

8evonetry of tserp4bs) D)igali oF tp! Southern Confederacy, adise his way.j 4 the West Indies, thepe te Enogland, ad id tjsgr a dab e4 Se Asm tme tiuutsioS Wtestnainet Ar pqe-witwtdg unitaolog yeeogSpw PFMpU isfprtp el ta al 4hOYrduri MII Os tinglpg i esm I-rtb srs, 4 syaIn wea bae ipqk r. Icanno4 he inseb eWon9 1 WaQea 99 4 rP; gisranrtP be so i re wokuaio pe torj 4nePd t. 0900pegptai ip bwte oopwqf eagti. tfuruace, SO4 5sP1IOW'bi0 y4t nis iepuspu.4aa and wig tbp1s as big meb. 49 or Jake qomolplp, 600'0060 Ae abuben bee teim bsh6a4bmd grey I IN 1ei e6 'raptllifrie e.

menofI ii he t't stief der uuuebt tip 16 iwth iur twi. Mr.John in in Pak, 'been thbeose at bid 1ni. mmiiw toide timid tcee Oemmtb'iaor Ref 0 Spmexiii A ari itai of'eslegIb ammi 4'owr: ,3 i be 4t his Lo1aapif tteede to light ofi vowus of.ab~s poic now tohIlse.ii uwese bBalteli he Masai aarl iegaent 4Uad pAT at.Br eCrj be thee: laieba as jf, be Ie to ili Ee ON, in ass at BopdOr splibotPILr tbsbTimi be is on" We are in fsyp tlgiesljeg them il ei llnJno I that Oa ecC sCil which, bg insp gglrng, :5 tt4! forced to eontertem llriiniLa tight of viotim of ilfi Igihii mI'(kIk we should Won In deug of Nuding the nib tobtY Won inear6i.qee otho. must, the uie lo ou lrlbs air.em ra 7 yyyr 7r am 3 a of se mIn jtebe -d t.3f eSeet ipdPit6 Il Cliaztirou atoe.

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