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Long Branch Record from Long Branch, New Jersey • 7

Long Branch, New Jersey
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LONG BRANCH RECORD. LONG BRANCH, FtBRUARV 190). NO ACTION TAKEN YANKEES DEFEAT CAPTAIN GREENE'S ONE DAY'S TRIALS FRUIT MERCHANTS ON BRIDGE REPORT 11ANASQUAN TEA JJ TEAS! WON Jl ATCIl AT COUNTY SEAT FIGURE IN' COURT CdicreJ Thai the FrethoWcrs Will Lauoi five Lose to Company Sitiubxi's Side, Bruliuj Out if -fir." Sample Rod JIM for Bas flofldtfte krrvki fr Decline to (ram Vmnd'i Re-utsl it Sea Brlglil Neiark, bj a Score of 22 to IS 19 tht feU ta.s!r Oat lllefallr, While Mats li Acquitted tiiflX Bad itagugi, But Cm- t'iny tiiid tthuuliiig i 1 1 lanllmc Willi winber ef the long K. roiuarutto and S. BkMttfdrt arc 1 metehaata buaiua lroadway, leiii Brani-n.

They arc lo- At the meeting of the board of cuo-' Tu rscvll.nt m. uM een freeholders held at Freehold Wed- '''a u.i)' evening, the f.i.tuili fuc t.lolnj: lo niMy. tile Seaaltm IukIiiI hut little f-, will- uvuf bait an hour. irum itw Miar, u.iu The report of rtin coutuiittae on tbei 1 II Wrt an Poiti a iii'1'1 the end, request of KJaard Pannaei for lUl. oponlm In the 8a HiIkUI bridge I i.J i.m vhu read, and on rumion of Mf.

Snydi it i jih waa tabled wilbout tllwuMiuu "'Marl" rt -It now believed that the biurd ,) ity will not accept the lyKiit adopted ly i ili.r will. In nil pmUibllnv. I ih- initial nlirt-rne uury to POWELL WILL TRY AND RAISE DEBT Buffalo Monej Kak'of Blalsler 1111 Visit St Lakes C.nrc. li April or Juijr Rev. J.

0. Powell, of Buffalo, N. celebrated throughout Methodism the tuukt eurceasfui moucy-ralut-r In this country, will visit Long Branch e-lther la April pr July In i)it Interest of Bt. Luke's XI. E.

Church. It bellevpd that Mr. Powell's visit will niado In July, although It It Impossible to got a dato during that month, be will count In April. Tbe official board of Ht. Luke's M.

B. Cburcb, at the clot of tho service on Buuday muruluc, voted nnanlmons-ly to employ his services to raise the debt on tbe stone edifice, Mr. Powell ban been so successful elsewhere that there la hardly ray of doubt but that hla visit here will abe crowned with success. Tho church official, an well as the members and friends of thp church, are anxiously looking forward to big arrival, bellev ltd that tbe necessary amount will not only be pledged, but collected. It ailiynl ium bn iVinlx-r ft rowiiilm )jiur I Wlkrr.

tvulurrrf, cUafttlfi U- Willi lUl. Ay Mai.i timi ihf ui tun a iVKirti MIH) itimd lu lui.r laiW lu IU put Oinulliio 4 tru" wrr nr.ipi"l iran-ilt u( iirf liioniu. ai Itrnix li, jfin- f'y hikl lv Juun kavisu (he bench and blan- away without be- lll (tiirtlirlHMi t.j A ll h00 pnu ileal tnwur. 'ptln Urma inm ineludiil -)aili-y," Wort and Sutphia. i.hiiif fllU-U "7 i Ktrinliai-h, wm l.i uruiiiiuh. Kiumona. Krynolih i ue roiiuillon urt- lour mrli on a lle, L'5 birds earb, io my e. lH-o. a t'aputn CriH-nr' train won wllli CI to iln-lr f.1 Swccm Follow Bin Mjtch. There were a number of cpi f.

I. (lie t'-ain aliool. (iui ni'. Sliinliai li KmminiH U'i ri llurU v.u, I l't Bc Bright a few we.iku ago, i i.v,emu The punort of the report wan tbatiT. Jinn a ight of way be eranled Mr.

I'an- ur 0r jlmpi Quiny. j' Several wilaewa kiriuitI H. jmii4. pimthxt uiiiy 'pf ike et fworn by the defence, iiiwwl urn iku ul vitiiuiry -uiK'ty in1 Tlw Complalut wai not uUlod jkn uwniiii and wiw m4 In. lr and Boneforta waa dlkcbared iHnnnilo miut ly tr, II R.

i.y "-ben ab.w iiils and out. Urm nc and leiirniDiilh in ibr msp. Tile wee ii hail five entile. llvury XU.k riiri) ami Iut4l non 'VMH nuuuli imI kuiiiort uix.a Janu- Highlanda Man Acquitted Kruik Ijiytun urn rliargv of im.k hemrui to liua haum hu wile uiiu rhllilrru, ho wens there mul lie not In t.l.inx f.r the iniuble lie wna nun leu. iiiiik, auwiibiiii.

i.iimonlU and Ult. Kinmuna allot, l.eaimonlh and rf wa "l-j ii.ti the former Miid hi uhoot 11 IJiyloa in jin luiutv DR. FIELD WINS AlT rvn I ItTil rillT I ll'lf IILfA VVM VI I I Te Freeholders Vote to ft Red Bank PkjsidaaJIK aad Cost For T(0 Autopsies i I 1 i i riu.irn eninrnl. plrub not 1 ma jmiiro.

mo in non ai julliv to iii Inillciiiiriua, for aKaull 1 Lk. N. TueaUay. and bam jy mij the oilu-r -ili lur- Wood waa tho hilf-mUe nut la 1m. Ba erny iii lie.1 Hunk, noil hi triitl waa flxed z- Mari.t ef Munirral.

and O. H-lor Kebriwr feuilla. af Winnipeg, bvluw wpectlwiy Jelm 1 ef 1IIIIIuih. teQhbi. plrn.U'l i.m guiliy it ahaige el piH Ur'niiv.

nnd lil irlal Kb. ruury -S WlllUin Aukuiuii and 4 "Jrl. i Kuminu. all of ilie HKitamta, healinK Hiirk with four itnilfibt. The third aweep- Hurl.

Ilreene. I.earillonUl Hluk lih four straight. I r.ninioUk, won NEW PASTOR PREACHES Rev. Frank Johnson's lermoni at the First Baptiat Church Well Received, ai-ailu did The Inclemency of tli inn iii liar giaal abed coHrreKiiHnna lu ni Kreollnx It Krunli J.iIiiimiii. the new aalor tin- Kimt llaptiai Church, on Suuilay They were well repaid for their attendance at divine u'oi'hhlp.

as the pastor ilHlvered I wo pouerful sermoua. Hii- morning thenn- fmin John '-ll: "My Father Cup. Shall 1 Nm liritiK itr p.j.-l not iiuilir ef naming. ud ihlr "m-. im siiereauMr tor um (rl.i; a en- ltsel for Kcb 17.

1n 1 wile Um latter fall Acquitted of Theft. an'1 Nllaaon, J. K. M- Stored. a- on Wll''lJ- mM of auallng kag- goads from a delivery wag.

of iWJwit, Autopalea come high, e.peelally If who rounded the borouKh. tbe bills are ueld up. The board ot aD1 own watpr "Um wlth-choaen freholiIurB of Jliinmoiitb conn-1 'np t. at IU FebruaiT amion. tt Freehold NegrtlnUiina had been enteied into Wedm-ailay voted to pay Dr.

Dlwln T. snl 'h' li8( u'm Held 12 and coata for two aotopatca to the borouah. but at the lam mlni.te performed two years or more ago. lh Water Company bid a Dr Fleld'a bill waa bold up. Suit l'rK for lu' whl'1' 111 thi- evening lii text waa Tbciagalniil him, ha ncqiiltti-d.

ioliiaieln. umg Hranvh. on lmber .1 h. i'. l-ormaii defm.iiu him.

llaeema the waa lo have brn ileliverod io Ik Will and wiu. mimed from tlw-! w.ianu. i ua found ini, MoitneV anion. He claimed to i ouml Itj and. a lliere waa no illii proof wwr.

pa nam jfcuiboiv, in rutting euma longlng io w. T. Bhtrman on Xovemoerl Gorman orfeiMled him. Mr. .11.

I IIMIIIWII IIMI UlT IIIHH tMt, u. blra Kl of and ihrraiencd to Uijivrr htm before 11 ws wroveii that the night Llhr "i Int of the nllel emll.ia- Th lurr waa brought by the doctor and JiirtR- ntent was Klven lo hla favor. NEWARK BOWLERS BEATEN. Lang Branch. Cracka pefwat Crcacent I.

Team Three Camea In Five. linKlTklu' Ncwiirk'a 'crack prntemiloiint howler, with ail avenue of lid and a trivcttnn fr live unmi waa not aulllciont help for tho Crowent tennt ef Newark lu ovoreoma mimiilh of, Ihu Umr Urnneh linwiinc teiioi on the nccnalun of tho Clreacotil'a aniuinl vIbIi lo tliu wa-ehore Batiirday nlKht. Tho gamee were w.iUMi Nfwtuno'inilpva. oui mil- lime and waa fliivhnletd at m. wuhout agMvlng.

On applkallriB of J. Clarence Coaovnr, counael for the board of Frteliul.lara, jJoarph L. Donabay, of Freehold, was p-j pointed guardian of Lydla ailllwelt. who i now cuntlnrd In the aayluin aa a county 'charge. Judge Conover al forih that (there waa oior la In the handa nf Wil-bt.

hum B. Spader, trualoa. to whktt ah waa The Kewarla team found the Iiur Branch lad a tourh prorxMltlon and It waa rood luck rniliw thn auperlor play that aaved the Newark boya from loln( four out of the five arameii played- Aa It waa they dropped the inld gxmo nf i the aerlea. All five iramoa were hotly eoiiteated. Lon(.

Ilrancli wopthe first name by ft plna, the third by 73 and tho nan by ll Newark won out by 43 plna In tbe eecond sumo and 33 in the fourth. English's Rolling a Feature. ElalUh's rolling waa a feature of the evonlnite piny, notwithstanding the fact that bo apparently lout hie atrldo after tho first two name. Ooothell, who under ordinary clrcumntanoen could hold the Newark man within hnlllnn tlUtanco, kept within range ot deaplte the fact that he, too, was not In hi uauul form. The Long Branch rollers put up on exceptionally clever game throughout, Car- tate Brly opptwitc otfcer, but lnst4 of atskkac loo-coo ryr aod lurtiif cvrdially.

Komroita nay Coo-rforte need profane as4 obaetma ba luaie. tutd cauaed kit arrest The twrinc waa before Ju-1e Henry Tutly ahoruoun. -JubB W. Hlocum re prr tented tta eomplainaiit and C. Swing paiu-noa 'WOOD WINS TWO SKATING EVENTS Jq.

Qjth ff th n. I mi KIj t- SaflEJC Lake, hew lark Two tb.iiiKiu.1 npnrmuira hw Harm una uuirt. Wun4 alao won iho otut-imlo laea, with nIWtUU arua end Bt Mart third, 'Time. S3 l-tr, lu Bve-mil imfalonal roe. J.

Nilaana of Mlnnkup-illa. and r. Binnlrwt V. 7" T- TT TT" The three-mile race Cm won bv TMle- feullla hi Sin. Wood being acecd waa i.

Marie third. A FAREWELL PARTY .7. Friends. Mr. aud Mrs.

William Tabor, of Grove street, rtcently fntertained a number of friends at a farewell racen-. Hon la "honor of tbolr relatives, who are about to leave for uamea were piaye4 and rcfrnnlimAats were served. At the close of the evs- uiiig uann oi ue peny were IV kea. I Those present were Mr. and lire.

ii. rtiaranan. ana sirs. Wlliism 'lm-bor. Mrs.

C. A. Con over, Mrs. Joseph Mitchell. Miss Nettle Marshall, Miss Elsie Marshall.

Mist Helen Marshall, Miss Hawt Marshall, Miss Jennie Grpenleaf, Miss Ada Marshall, IlUa Lottie Davison, William Huge, Jamod narham, Oeorsi Crtwnleaf, WarrM Tabor, Harry Davison, Rupert Mar-shall, Ralph Williams. Mr. Maighall And family luft Wed-newlay for Northwestern. Pennsylvania, where Mr. Marshall will be pastor of the Baptist church.

WON ELEVEN AND LOST BUT FOUR i Long Braadt Bowlers Defeat the lei Bani lean and lasrtm TkeirUad Another game was Won by tbe Long Branch kowlcra at Red Bsnt Wednesday night. The locrJ tcn-pla knockers won two of the tlii'iM games and th-d for the thirfl. but lot iB tbe roll off. Tho Itbelr credit and but tour defts, There was ho game at Anbury Park Wednesday night. The Highlands team, which was oetieduled to meet the Aabnry Parkers, failed to ptrt In appearance, owing to sklcnivs of two of Its memlM-ra.

SUrtdlng of the Clubs. The standing nf the tnjr.j .11 the Monmonih county tnnrnH.ini i It follows: Won. Ixmc lng Urnneh i Afclmry Vaik 7 Atlantic Highlands Red Bank I 7 14 P.leaded Not Guilty to Forgery Samuel Swa Wittenberg, of Red liank, ploaded aot guilty at Fn-ebold Monday, lo inilictnwntg tor It la- alleged h- slsrnatcroa to I four Bots fur $125. $1,000, fsuy and U2 lla will fried If and waa committed to the emiti'v jo.ll in default of 11 4in Mr. Lyrnan Core in i ban F.

Jman. vln -i 'it as fr. flit i nt at i 1 i i to Mii i (in i ii funnel ly ici I i a i 1 1 1 1 lie I a I I i 1 I w'ltltupy .1 llroli iurrli. way Hiuilli i. Mi.rrln, it.

i-'ll II (1 I- Ly um, KuiUj. I'tt V'tinlt li.Kllllr hl-uili, I'o. Yankees Win Tli" Kiimp Iki.ii iIh plulnly nlmft Vuiiku-a want iViii-Ui. piny lmki i Uull iitui ml Hi' Mini lltf-y mil lllc iU- ') III- IlIlK iaihti IC yiini' A.I.

II. '11 4'llUll l'jirk -r il.tthnwny. I. sicHMim it i. nrum .1..

(i. Itimket Vanki-m, I'lnrk Hi-e h. Norlon, Hlnr -1 nnkeeat, U'. Kef i r.

ley. Invincible Five Wm. The Invincible Five, nl HaMieHou Square, who have not lieen henlcn this year, defeated tile T. 1' A team by a reore of 7 to r. The line-up: llivinclhles.

S. Sloeum I. Alinner (i. Viiiiuk T. A.

li. V. L. C. U.

(I Audi KIoiji Welsh Cavnllei HarrU out with a K. Tire .1. IIOhH The Invincible five le challenge to any team with an weight of S3 Mjl111iin. RUN OF AUTOMOBILE CLUB UMI I nr- Tr mm inn mm 1 (ILL DC IU rniLftUCLrnlAi Lakewood Abandoned ns a Cestina. tton Because of Bad Rosds.

Lecwood has been abandoned as a "-tinutica ly the Au. oniObilO t'lllb Ol, America for lis proposed run of Feb. 21, tho opening run of the bessan, and Philadelphia baa been substituted. This action was brought about yostor-dny by the condition of the roads beyond Old Bridge. At a point ten miles beyond this brltlgo the roads are of dirt and six.

luclios or more doep In mud at this time. No automobiles could lie drivt wltC comfort over this ruad if tbe reports rocolvod are true. The Plilla-dulphla roads are all in excellent condition and tho run will start from the club house on tbo morning of Feb. 2u, with the Hotel Uellevue. at a tbt objective point.

No pace will bo employed. Dinner Is announced for eight o'clock at Philadelphia, and the eighteen or tweuty ear which will take part will proliably carry forty people. EDITOR COLE'S PURCHASE. Eatontown Newspaper Man Now Owns Breach Residence at Red Bank. Tiic lioilde aht( lot on Cmitei- street, owned by Jacob liinych, baa been sold by William A.

Hopping to William T. Colo, editor of the Uatontowo Advr-User. Mr. Cole has boon living la the Korman Wlilbo property on Spring streol. Tbla was recently sold to An- drew Freciluian and Mr.

Cole: buuht the Iliaseb property as a home. The Im is ioxlt7 feet. The Iioiihc has seven rooms and was litiilt three or four years ago by Jlr. Branch, when he move.1 from Holmdel. The lintise in well built and piped for water and gas.

There Is a great deal of fruit on, the place and also a barn. The price paid was $3,200. ''Carrie worthley In Business. Oartett B. Worthtoy, who for many IWMri-l-Wl tntam- at Kortk Long Branch, has opened iqij In the Curtis, building, Long -flcanoo Clty.

ln tbo shop recently vacated by Walter Burton; Mr. Worthier, prior to moving to North Jng Branch, wa associated with artist Emll Goothell. in Long Branch City, and made many friends who, we glad to welcome bimi back again, is need loss to add that Mr. Worth Icy is already doing a nice business. i 1 Mise Biggar to Star at Freehold.

It la announced that Laura fiiggar and her company wllf appear at tbe opera houso, Freehold, tor the benefit of Monmouth Hose Company on Tuesday evening. The entertainment will bp. a vaiidoitllc. Elks Out With a Challenge. Tho Elks will play Any team from Of, in ini) nniinila In weicht U'riln in Eddie Huphes, Mnplowood Lwicr-.

There will be game on tbe Iron pier Saturday aftornoon. Oamo wUl b.i called at .30 p. ni. It pays to advertise In tbe Reran. I 1 I I IUU f1.1 111.

hi 111 f.lir" AVON AFTEMVAJER PLANT Proooitlon to Bond Borough for 34,000 Carried Without 4 Die-aentlng Vote on Monday. i Tha realdenta the IiotourIi of I Avon by-llioSoa voicd in.auinioualy. at BlM'dal I'liM llon held Monday, favor of bonitinx tho Uiroogh to Ihs amount of Ull.uiim Ul ti.ii."r itii iiiv iiuil.c t.1 wulcr y'-m. wnereiiy the bortiueh can mimilv watr for do-' mrstle and public iikc. Thin la the aeroiul time an election ba been heiii for ibis purpose, r- tiornriea were kh nrcu BRumm uu pro.

cet'dliiitu lendliiK up to tbe prevloy election by Counsellor Hartuhorue. of freehold, in behalf of the Batchelor accepted, with a depcult of Tbe Monmouth Company, however, failed to produce tlui purchnae money am) forfeited the deposit. The Hatch- broihera thcn reniiwed their offer to acll to the borough tho beach front; and tho present water system for tho sum of 072,000, The borough council, however, positively refuses to do further btulnceg with tho Uabchelor brothers and Is proceed! ni to fnstnl its own water system. u'lTtZ I of I32.0O0 for ths constructloa of a system of sewers and drains was held and 37 votes were cast In favor ot the project and but ono against. FLO DAVIS ILL IN PRISON Waa at Work In the Sewing Room, Where She Suddenly Succumbed and Fainted Away.

Broken -down In health, Flo Davis, who figured conspicuously In Long Branch, and who was sentenced to ono year in the state prison by Judge Rail-stab several weeks ago, fainted while ot her work yesterday morning, bei condition being ao Bnrloiis that upon the advice of Head Keeper Osborne she wag removed to the prison hospital at Trenton. Since her. admittance to thn prison she baa suffered from nervousness, but was ab'e to work, at sewing with the other female inmates until yesterday. 'Shs was at work In tbe sewing room when sho suddenly fell to the floor un-cousclous. BIBLE READING.

To Be Led By Mrs. E. Hooper, of At lantic Highlands, in St. Luke's. There- will 1)o a blbld reading given iinflor the direction of the W.

C. T. by Mrs. E. Hooper, of Atlantic HiuU- unds, In St.

Luke's M. E. Church, on Monday, Fcbrunrytfl. at 8.30 p. m.

inerv win ue nu nieoiuig ui tue c. T. 1J. held week. A LIBERAL CITIZEN.

Joseph W. Johnston Offers Lot and $230 Towards Library. The ei.iiiiiillteii wlileh aiilieltlni! iU)M f()r tho nfiw at Kstcr.lown Is meeting! ROC with lair siici-eHtv. Joseph W. hiiH tffored io give lha association a let.

v. Di'lh $7o(i and $250 In cana, )ioviilid the puts up. a llbiwy biilltllMK to tout will lie given between ench h'1-" i To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxgtlvo Promo Quinine Tablets. All druggets rrfund the money If falls to cure. K.

W. Grove's signature Is on each box. 25c dec2Btf It pays to advertise In the Record. KinR.loin nf Is Within Ymi." and the preacher cxpreawd among other thoiiijlits In the sermon, the necessity of trnnafomis ion Inalead nf refiirn.a- tlon. It Is the heart that Cod looks Upon, not outward manifestations.

JohiiHon Is a deep ihlnker and 'mparts rich spiritual truths. Without dmr'tt the clmrch will prosper Iimler his learteruhlp. VALENTINE SOCIABLE. Ladies' Aid, ef St Luke's Church ranging fee a Novel Affair. TuP Ladles Aid Society of Lukofs M.

B. Church Is arranging tor a valentine sociable next Saturday evening In tbe basement of the cburcb which promises to be a drawing card. Alt persons attending will receive a valentine and in addition will be served with refresbmnts. Ice cream will be on sale. METAL WORKERS DANCE.

First Anniversary Ball Celebrated at the Lyceum Tuesday Night. Local Union, No. 31. of 1-ons Branch, Amalgamated Sbuot Metal Workers, gave their first annlvei ary tn Lyceum Tuesday evening. Music, was furnished by Prof.

Smack's orchestra. There were about 200 pFcsant and a large number of tickets wild in ad- vance, which assured the success of the affair. The grand march, which was led by Arthur and Mrs. Lnvinla 1'lcrco, began at 9.211 o'clock and was participated in by about forty couples. Dancing continued until an early hour this rooming.

JUNIOR NETOACS L08E Defeated by Wide Awakes at Little Silver Last Friday -Night. The Nctnae Jr. basket ball team, of Anbury Park, worn glioma of the Wide, Awake team last Friday evening. The I vIkUoik wure defeated by a wore of li to U. The players were Wide Awakea Parker, Fltxmaurlce.

Moore, White. Parker. Netoad Jiinlors Reed, Rogers. Van lorn flrgar, Hleks. FIREMEN ENTERTAIN, Weet Lena Branch Laddies Feaet Their Frlenda.

.) Wednesday evening the Are laddies! 1- i. of West Ijohg Branch, who have Justi 1 no. m.ii a number of tbelr friends to inspect tbo premises and chemical engine. A pleasant evening waa spent. Gramophone selections by Charles A.

Poole was ooft ot the features. Refreshments woro served at mid-tilght. About one hundred people were present and greatly enjoyed tho entertainment planned by the fire lnd- lllea. a.n. arf U.L.

nw tha Cold. Laxative Bromo. Quinine Tablets cure a cokl in one flay. No aire, no 'pay. Price, 25 centi.

dncICtf i pays to adsertise la tbe Record. i Un i Ar-, i I i ley rolling In A. E. Nelson's place for the locals, I ho latter being unable to take Tho Long Branch boys rolled the live games with a team average of VQ una an Individual averugo ot p.7. O.

W. Honnntt was high nun on the home team his average for fho live game bolng 178. A return game will bo rolled at Newark at nn early data. Individual Scores. Individual and team scores of Saturday niglll gnmca were aa itmuwa.

Long Branch. It. P. Bennett ltd Jfi! Ml L. A.

Woollcy isn 15T, 1S io um A. Carley 1ST 1 1M M4 H. Ooolhell 17(1 i9(S MI il. Bennett 1S5 ltW 170 Total 7S3 SHI SSI (Ol Sf.1 Newark. 121 Kill HI 187 IIS 136 ltl 171 1CI M7 i R.

It. Morris J. Chnmberlnln jr.7 in Kngllsh 11. Boutnr UK im Tola In 7D9 sta s-js si Kw'j Lycum A. C.

to Play at Sea Bright. Thfi' Holy Cross Athletic. Club, ol rica Bright, will hold a cuchro Monday. evening, February 23. In tho hall.

On tlifl sdinc evening there wfll bo a nasiict na. same imwecn uie ciuu and tlio T.veiiirl A fir l.flila and Iho Lyceum A. of Long Branch. Refreshments and dnncing Vvtll follow tho game, which will Im-Klu 8.3U p. m.

MRS. COUTEIR WEDS. fiiuue.1. ana mat wiuie rma waa ine caae the ronuly waa not liable for her support In thn asylum. NEW REALTY COMPANY.

Incorporated With a Capital Stock of $50,000 to Do Business Here. The Long Brunch Realty Company ban Im Incorporated. Tbe capital almjc la The Incorporator are Harry W. irBno. Howard (Jreen, of Long Itranrh, and William II.

lu-ehm. of B. Bright. The offlee of th company will be In the Itiaonlt! Hall building. They will carry on a general raal ealute buslneaa, buying and aelliiig murtgagea and other ec ixri-tlea.

The New Jeraey nrldse Company la Incorporated by Caanar W. Dean anil l'hll-ad-r K. Lane, both of New York, and John A. Eaton, of Klliemn. for Uie building of bridge.

te. The principal olllre la at Villa l'ark. The ulled Hebrew Corporation, nf Kryport, ta a religious orgaoieiukui In-curnorsted by M. Levlne. H.

t'rbach and C. Snroklu. TENDERED A MASQUERADE. Frienda of Mr. arte) Mrs.

W. H. Throckmorton Call Unexpectedly. Mrs. W.

Throckmorton, ot Third avenue was tendered a tnasqnerado a Intended to be a surprise, but before tho arrival of the party Mrs. Throckmorton was informed ot their coming- It waa thought best not to startle ler as she was UU suffering from a nmous attack by the discovery of ttre Dur apartments earlier in the evening. Tll mawmeradej-s mat In Yoiinaa toro Thev croatd com- louahlsr by their comical a pcai-aaee. Thp restauraut waa clow-; ed lor dnnclnt. Music and merry-mak-j lug afforded amusement for all.

Sup- per was serve at midnight. Alonio 8mith. am. ha Ahioaii Smith, of Fair Havtm, died Hetac4ly. waa 6H years old.

Se- en months ago bo was takes sick whh acute ludigestioa, which Incapacitated him from working at hi tra 'e as carncijtert Heart rllseaie after vard developed. A w-oek-aga he was com-pellod to take hla bed and he neer rallied. Mr. Smith leaves a widow, who was Mrs. Lucre! la Smith when he mar rind her.

He leave alao two rhit-tlrcn, George W. Smith, sad Mrs. William Ctirchln, both of Fair ffsven, J. Mr- Thomas Tindall. Ann Tindall, wifo of" Tlumuia Tlmlall.

of Rnrr.son, diod on Rip.iiv after an llimia of five vei ka. A limit she Mlffored Rtid'- of paratylrf. Kl-e a 75 1 The let olTcR-d by Mr. Johnston Is Caughter of Mrs. 8amuel Bandog Now ))n the Bnyder's hotel, the Bride of Harry Forbitsli.

Th(( nf Mcg by Mra. Cora Snnibix Coutler. daughter the assiH'Intlon, Mis. Saniuul BaiuloK, of Norwooil i avcnuis mnrrittl on Kobrtuiry 0 to Long Braneh. Hairy F.

Foibltsli, of New Vork. The, -eciwimny was erfoimed bv Kov. Hen- i "Tha Three Hots," a farce coinody ry Hill, at Trlnliv Church, New York, i recently rendered by the rocohontaa Mr. and Mrs. Forbiixh Ve now visit-1 ramatle Club, of Branch, with Itilt Mrs.

C. T. BluiKdell. of 'orwool remsrkablo success, will bo re-ayeniie, who Is sister of the bride. produced In tltr- near future by the i snmo compiniy.

In Weiit Iiong Hrnnch. Nnrmandla Hotel Leaaad. 1 lion With the piny pleasing The Nortiiandlo Il.del, nenr Ren llrlgbt, which" was owned by the Intel Ferdinand P. Fjirle, has bwn routed for a term of flvo years by Iftcra Jt. flhamplon, of New Vork.

who Is isageil In tbo hotel btmlncrs In thot clly ilnrlug the winter months. A number of Improvements will be n.sde to (he Normnndln In time for the ri lining senKcn!.

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