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The Leader-Post from Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada • 5

The Leader-Posti
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

f) THE LEADER-POST. REGINA. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 1946 TAC.L Teachers ask power CONTINUING No decision on Iran case (Continued Irorn Page One) the money on the ground )1 was puit of the Bonnie I. Steer! eMate on which it is claimed all riutie had boon paid pi ior to the pacing of the new Succession Duty art. The government contcnrls the O'tatc is liable because the awt is in Canada Ban on food use hits Soviet army because such concentrated pieces of either metal would instantly1 explode.

Denaturing is described as rendering the metals unable to explode, but without stripping their ability to produce heat by the explosion of their atoms. If that is true, then efficient atomic fires can be made to create steam, either for producing electricity, or for operating turbines, or for heating gases to operate the gas turbine engines that are just beginning to come into industrial use. The discovery means that probably a few hundred pounds of the purified metals will operate a large power plant for a year, or for years, instead of the millions of tons of old-time fuels. until helons 914 Hie Soloed to Gcim- Churchill attacked WINNIPEG, Match 27 (CP). I'C'ws St.

George Stubbs Qnd. Winnipeg) Tuesday set oil a ine-ly session in the Manitoba legis-io'uie when lie attacked Canadas handling of the spy issue, its daily newspapers and news gathering agencies and W.nslon Churchill, labelling Britains wartime prime minister as the 'worlds number nc Red baiter and anti-So ict pi opaganchst. Mi. Chui chill was one of the meat tragedies of the wai. Mr.

Stuobs sa.d. He had jumped Horn the pmnacle of fame to the mre of patty politics and had aimics in Austiia question, but C. speaking for the did not detail these member of the British said in an interview troops in Austria food supplies and should be user: the Aiisti lan. The Saskatchewan Teachers Federation is seeking power to discipline its members, Miss Ethel Coppinger, Saskatoon, president, told the legislature's law amendments committee Wednesday. I The aim was to facilitate control of teachers tor offences derogatory to the profession as a' whole, she said.

I Proposed amendments to thej Teaching Profession act would empower the S.T.F. executive to appoint a discipline committee which could investigate charges! against any teacher who had al- legedly violated a contract "witty a school board, underbid another! teacher for a position, or signed) a contract for a salary below the' statutory minimum. 1 The committee would also be able to investigate a teacher who) criticized another tutor in such) a manner that loss of prestige the profession and the community1 will have resulted or one i I ho Secretary Byrnes, United States delegate, who expressed doubt of Mr. Gromykos bare report to council that the Soviet and Iran governments had composed their difficulties since the protest was registered last March 18 by Iran's ambassador to Washington, Hussain Ala. After nearly six hours of debate Henri Bonnet got acceptance of a 'motion to set up the committee of ithree.

Wednesday there were reports that private information to offi-icials indicated that no agreement had been reached between Russia and Iran except on the point that Soviet troops would be evacuated from that company within five jpr six weeks. Mr. Gromyko did not explain just why his government wanted! the merits of the Iran case Poncd until April 10 but he lei i ATLANTIC CITY, N. March 27 (AP). Despite Soviet objection, the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation administration Tuesday approved a program, initiated by the United States, which would prohibit use of local supplies by occupying armies.

The Russian delegation opposed debating the proposal and refused to take part in the actual discussion. With several countries abstain ing from balloting. UNRRAs committee on policy adopted by a 25-to-O vote provisions that VANCOUVER would pledge member govern- bUprcmV merits maintaining military foire Tucsdav Alfred poitcd the ada had lorallv-piochu ed ot occupation vcie those in Tyler Wood, United States, practices. However, a delegation the Soviet vveie using local faim lands which for the needs- of 'Supreme overrule is Royal obey, under in other ti om: 1. Consuming CONTINUING Hog price boosted $2 (Continued from Page 1) Canada has agreed to do its utmost to maintain these supplies at the highest possible level.

It was agreed that the present contract for the calendar ear 1946 should be extended to cover the import of a minimum of 350 million pounds into the United Kingdom in 1917 and 400 million pounds in 1948. The contract price for the balance of 1946 and for 1947 will be raised to S25 per 100 pounds F.O.B. seaboard for grade A Wilt-shires. For 1948 the price will r.cen wallowing there er since be not less than the current Crmt chill's mistake. Mr.

contract price of 22.50 same continued, was not knowing basis and will be subject to brie lo qu t. later review. Of the sn i-s ue he declaied It was agieecl to have further one of the most disgraceful epi- discussions before January 1947 -odes of the administration of 1 consider the possibility of as-lO'tice Canada, is the treat- the prospective requirement ct so-colied sp es ments of the United Kingdom for While he wa- cieicnding 1949 and of negotiating a con- ne spies, he said. 'I deploie the tract for that )-ear. The new way they hae been Heated and ice for bacon means an inciease many outstanding members ot the ot approximately 3.00 per hog legal profession aie crying out puce.

The order in council against the methods u-ed." of 1944 established a premium of Public Works Munster En ick s3- on As and 52.00 on Bs pei Wihs to Mi Stubbs hog until six months after the oiectcu to tire kn fmg ur the back uar- The premium is to be de- couri jmlre NORTH BATTLEFORD 3 HRS. 20 MINS. Si 3 tingle, $23.40 return (plus In) Daily service, via Saskatoon and Prince Albert Information: Traffic Office, Phone 7246. OBSTRUCTED POLICE Melbourne C. Zummack, 25, of 1432 Robinson street, was fined $10 and costs in city police court Wednesday when he was convicted of obstructing a police officer.

He was fined an additional $20 and costs on a vagrancy charge. Match 27 (CIi couit (hambei Bull. it Bank of Cun-been notified by wnc not penalties autboi- foodstuffs, lucl or other supplies. bv the Dominion Suer ess, on which are noimally included in Duty act. an cider made bv Mi an UNRRA.

progiam, or Using Justice Manson a week ago, land or other local lesouice' The older pei milled sending which could be used lor the pro- $150,000 liom a Vancouvci estate riuction of supplies to meet the to California. local population, and Mr. Manson tcimed the action the fair distnbu- another mteifcience by VAGRANCY CHARGE Maxine Mongkerman. 32, of no doubt that he would refuse to Moose Jaw. was sentenced to two participate in council delibera-months in jail in city police court case were Wednesday when she pleaded guilty to a charge of vagrancy.

delegation insisted Tuesday government still tions if the Iranian taken up. The Iranian Hussien, night that his BEGGED IN CAFE So nervous and irritable couldn't enjoy anything. I tried LAXATIVE -BITTERS TONIC dt h. bihoitnp ind gtr due to hpr up. lv Hh Nnlue a i.W and FiTTF KS tiu Kinht vr 4 ACTION I 1 1 1 i ri r( i brwr nd td-nv hrxs 'n to init tv Horn-a I 1 In hJi miiir ft.w i A'd ft in rjj 1 7 bll pn' I H) Mn 5 (h ot 1 1 1 jgi Take BLISS NATIVE HERBS Tbiti supplies, or the effective land or local sources proouction of such has him under instructions ng in a cafe, Fi pi ess its protests that Red army i lor- 4o- no address, was fir i $10 and costs in etv police eoi troops have overstayed then ednesdav.

He pleaded guilty- post-war occupation limit, despite' a eharge of vagrancy. Court was supplies. told that he had moie than S6 in The United his possession when arrested. foi the pledge needs of the 2. Impeding a Russian contention that a mutual agreement has been tion of lclief use of lor the cinment officials with mut ciders.

and at the lequest ol Mi. Bull, he agieed lo the matter again next Enday with Ihe Royal Bank icpi evented Mr. Mari'Cii anthem, ed is reported to be guilty of or has been charged with improper, or criminal conduct! whether piolessional or other-, wise. Would Make Report The committee would leport to. the executive could recommend to the minister of education the suspension or cancellation of an offending teacher's certificate or could impose a fine not exceeding one month's salary.

Questioned by J. A. Darling (C.C.F., Watious), Miss Coppinger, cmPhasizcd the committee's pow er wou'4 bo merely advisory. With Miss Coppinger in the delegation were E. A.

Crosthw aite, Yorkton, ice-pi esirient; Miss Rugglcs, Regina, and Miss E. Irwin, Moo'C Jaw, executive members, and M'ss Emma Stewart. Saskatoon, assistant secretary. of Mr. CniuchiH.

Why vv should sit heie and Ien to this dm el, I do not know," he continued. Mr. Church 11 the emborii- States, in asking said the pi ac tic O' reached with Tehran and that Soviet troops are withdrawing ci eased by S1.00 to 2.00 ti As and SI. 00 on Bs per hog. This will piovide for a net increase of S2.00 per hog in price and premium combined.

Cheese Contract Cheese The present lor the supply of 123 pounds of cheese to the U.K. each year expues on Match 31, 1947. It was agreed that this should be extended to March 31, 1918 the same pi ices. The contract should cover 125 million pounds. An extension of the contract to rover the season ending Match 31, eontiact rmllion etc a disservice Store Hours: 9:30 a.m.

to 5:30 p.m. lemarks ire c. Sn.b'n.-o the CONTINUING Interest in India (Continued from Page One) Chandra Bose, and commander Indian and head of the Our organization is very' democrats missing provm- "aitime Japanese-sponsored national army Japanesc-spon ored of free India. Mohandas K. Gandhi is congress party member but cises great influence over A Gift for Baby INTERNATIONAL STERLING government not exer-f the or- Bvlaw offenders keep eourl busy A sharp inrieae in the number persons conit for violating ffi law hr.s been noted in few day s.

John Foreman. 12.11 Pasqua ret, was fined S3 and cost' without Moorc fined $5 and a cab to he ving a ea Mon tv and Piince" fine foi teied vehicle -ti ert' 33 mie- an pain fines of Stai k. 1868 Flecnor. and John I.oir.m. Regina riisti.ct.

the education mmster and teachers vveie subject to great control by school boat ds and the education department that The "Doris" Paitcra VVV also been agreed it be fixed at a later date and to this end the U.K. and Can-eciian cpi csentativ es will review ihe anangements befoie January. 1947. Evaporated milk It was agreed that a contract at current basic prices should be concluded to cover a minimum of 600,000 cases per annum for the two seasons ending 31st March 1917 and 1918. Roller dried skim milk powder It was agreed that (he U.K.

should purchase 3,000 tons from the 1946 production of roller dried skim milk powder. Eggs The United Kingdom desires to obtain increased quantities of Canadian shell eggs dur- mg the months from October to Welfaie act, knew it was wrong, April inclusive, and more espec- then looked mound inquiringly', ially during the montns from Oc- Whispeis of How do you spell tober to December inclusive. Ovv- it vveie heard the pi ess gal-ing to facilities in handling sup- lciy. School teacher Provincial plies in the United Kingdom dur- Treasuier C. M.

Fines came to ing the summer months Canada the rescue ith the eoncct spcll-was lequested to cease shipments ing after a hurried confeience of shell eggs by May 1 each year with Social Welfare Minister O. diverting the summer sutplus to W. YalledU. said the brief presented by Mis Coppinger. The cia! council members were elected by the annual superintendency or unit conventions and S.T.F.

policy' was delei mined by the council or, during the year, by She pointed out rei tification wa in the hands the executive that teacher A K''urr' raftTP'rr rC i A VvCG etn trcfVr. anA oUC cAca'cT uV a'1 Bab) Spoons SI.50 ganizat ion. i The Moslem league was founded in 1906 and is led by the millionaire Mohammed All Jinnah. It claims to be the only body rep-lescnting Indian Moslems. It has dev eloped the creed of Pakistan, or an independent state in aieas where Moslems are in the ma lontv.

The Untouchables arc men and women outside the Hindu social organization, yet attached to it. They perform the menial tasks of the community. Their leader is university-educated Dr. Bimrao Ambedkar. The Parsees are a small but influential community living chiefly in Bombay.

They came orij mally from Persia and number approximately' 100,000. The Anglo-Indian (half-cast) community, led by Frank B. Anthony. a lawyer, number approximately 1.000.000. The S.khs are members of one of the fighting races of India, which have no caste system.

Markedly man lduahstic, the Sikhs oppose domination by outside influence. Drug-, and Main 1 lour. Kudina (lliil(lrrnas Tliualrc cr Presents Baby will crow over his shining new i of International Sterling. Beautiful in the Doris Pattern with enough space on the handle for initials. The curved handle is designed for his tiny finqers to rasp.

An inexpensive yilt that will last for many rears. ft spoon designed THE GREMLIN KING Frila Marcli 29lli Salimlay Afternoon. March AOlh A delightful fantasy about those impish little men who plagued the air force during the war years. the production of frozen melange and or sugar clued eggs. It was agreed that the curient online which expires on Dec.

31. 1946. should be extended to cover the supply to the United Kingdom of 1.750.000 cases of shell eggs and 5.000 tons of dried the ihrmbcr and many a legis-eggs in 1947 at the curient basic lutoi was found seek mg the cool-prices for tne shell eggs. er of tne corndois. The The United Kingdom has agreed houses onlv lady member.

Mrs. to furnish to Canada by the aut- Beatnce Trcvv (CC.F, Maple mn ofl946 (preferably' by Octo-Cieck) stuck it out however bet-) an indication of the leqmie A lot of mcmbei ei hot under the collar in the Legislative chamber Tuesday night, but it wasn't because of any heated debate. The high humiriit' which hit Regina with spnng seeped into fanning herself with a copy of CONTINUING U. S. slow Mhfiwjir M.iin I lour.

the man-sized Ch.ld Weltaie act. on A-enerifv (Continued from Page WILLIAMS One) Genuine Aspirin MARKED THIS WAY Choice (Groceries and Mea Hs WILLIAMS FOOD PHONES OPEN AT 8 A.M. GROCERIES, 5633; MEATS, 5632 oto or frozen form during 1948. Meat In order to the There a gieat scarcity wartime carcass meat ration the of veteimoy Miigeons in the United Kingdom will require all piovnue. Waidcn Burgess (CUE.

the beef and mutton which Can- i- of the ada can spaie in 1946 and so far opinion that persons with a knack as ran be foreseen at present, in of looking alter sick animals be 1947 and probably in 1948. It was encouraged in the wmk even if agreed to continue discussions of they fail into the category of the extension of the current con- Quacks. He thus informed the tract to cover supplies for 1947. house on Tuesday riming dis-The United Kingdom will be cussion of amendments to the 3 -DAY FOOD VALUES FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY End of Month Grocery Values Ruial Municipal, tics act. Mum-pi cipal Affairs Minister J.

H. Brock-ton- elbank quietly expressed the iew that he did not consider this a veiy good idea anti He matter was left at that. NO. 1 PARSNIPS lb-. FRESH RADIslll.S 3 II.

ready to purchase all the casings which Canada can vide up to 1948. Offals and gues will also be requited these vvil be the subject o( ther discussions. The United Kingdom requested an increase the expoit in carcass foim of meat suitable lor hog o- and fui 4 -Per Bl.lE RIBBON (OUT 1-lb. vacuum pack tins 25c 10c 25c 16c 16c (HOKE I HIM 1031 Alois Nconu biunri, 7 1 -1 1 1 I MCE WIIITI CACLI- 1 1 LOWERS pr, it, I3C SWIFT Rl BV RID GRAII 4 for 25c SW'FET .11 lev SUNK I ST ORANGI A 77 -288j, I I fix. ELDERBERRY APPLE 4-lb.

tin A QUEEN OLIVES 6-oz. jars Liuruh NEW CARROTS In bulk CRISP GREEN CELERY Lb. LARGE CRISP HE LETTUCE Kuril CONTINUING Price increase JAM WITH 59c I ED 37c I. I 27c power plant, slandaid size used by most pow er companies, could be run for an entire year with 100 pounds of plutonium, he said Swedish Yievv STOCKHOLM. March 27.

Marine Siegbahn, winner of the Nobel prize in physics and director of Swedish atomic energy icsearch, said Tuesday that he believed Sweden soon would be able to use atomic energy indus-U ially. Research is going on in this country treely and without government intei lerenee, using the plentitul supply of uranium with-, in our borders, he added. He said he thought the United States or Britain might possibly be able to use atomic energy industrially belore Sweden does. Siegmahn said a committee studying the atomic problem will Report to the gov ernment Thursday' and probably will ask the legislature to establish an atomic icsearch institute. TVhat It Means? HOWARD W.

BLAKESLEE PHILADELPHIA, March 1 The denaturation of plu-I and of uranian-235, an-nour ced in Washington Tuesday, the great discovery scientists been hoping for to make it to produce atomic poveer. discovery may mean that 49c 5c CLARKS OXTAIL SOUR 3 tins 29c LONDONDERRY F. OR in: 25c REAM MIX 1 pkts. I SWEET HEINZ DIELS 16-07. jars good slej MEAT DEPARTMENT (Continued Rom Page One) HONEYS I CKI.E OATCAKES Pkt STEEL WOOI, BALLS 6 balls to pkt 9 9 Jtt U1I 19c 10c 13c LAMB LlC.s nr half.

Per lb. LAMB BREA SIS To slew. Per lb. I nit. Imlr 43c 15c AT THE COOKED MEAT COUNTER BIG 5 CLEANSER Hunters Potato Chips Regular lftc 3 pus 25c Sm i tins EMPIRE NAPTHA SOAP 4 for 24c brought the desired inciease, and Mr.

Hougnam believed the same could be done for hog production, if the market price increase was substantial. Both Mr. Hougham and Mr. Leifso expiessed the opinion that, if the 2 per head increase had been made last fall, it would have kept a large number of farmers going out of hog raising, but have since hogs had already been disposed of, it would now be too dif- ficult for these men to go back into production. energy By (AP) Ionium is possible I This a I The cost to your estate is not a prat tical issue when you arc considering the appointment of the Toronto General Trusts as your executor and trustee.

All executors and trustees are entitled RINSO Pkt. 25c SPECIAL QUALITY RED BRANDED BEEF ROUND SHOULDER piece of metal the size of a SWIFTS PARI) DOG FOOD 2 cartons 27c watermelon will produce as much Mr. Hougham and George Hail- heat as hundreds of tons of the ton. prizewinning Belle Plaine uranium now used to make atomic breeder, agreed that the price in-! fires. r.AULA SWEETENER Bottle SPRING PACK CHOICE TEAS i7n'eV 5' CUT GREEN BEANS Choice quality.

Tin. DEHYDRATED Ready to cook. 2-oz. tins DR. BALLARDS Dog cubes.

2-lb. pkt. MEATILS 25c Heat that makes power, such as boiler fires, is concentrated in a small atea. It was not possible, when the war ended, to use fire to he paid, and there is an established legal procedure, applicable equally to all of them, for assessing the amount of their compensation. The real point is that you obtain skill, long experience and depend-toz? compensation by choosing the ability for the BLADE ROASTS Per 1b.

LJb and PLATE AND BRISKET POINT Boneless and rolled. fb" 1 9c 5-BONE RIB ROASTS Rolled. Per lb. ROUND STEAK minced. Per lb FRESH BEEF LIVIR Per lb 24c 44c it shiv 40c 25c A A I A DINNER SMOKED quality.

Per lb. SLICED quality. Per li MEAT AM) Sliced. Per Hi JI.LLII I) OX TONGUE Tor lb THESE FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES Choicest Varieties, Carefully Handled. I ot onto leneral Trusts the advantages, in fact, of an crease would definitely help men who were continuing to raise pigs, and might result in some increase in production.

The price of pork was not the only reason for a shortage of market hogs in Canada, said Walter Clark, Inchkeith breeder, 'aid the price of barley and a shortage of labor vveie other cruses of reduced production. W. S. May, of Weyburn, said a 'labor shortage had a great deal do with low pork production. Tut the increase in the price of Glasgow 25c HOW DO PEOPLE FIGURE YOUR AGE? LIBBY BOILED Tin HOME STYLE CHICKEN Packed in Saskatche- EO wan.

Tin UwV AYLMER PEARS Choice quality. Tin 20c No. 26c No. 1 22c EOAT 33c 54c Chicken, Turkey Fish (unrationed) Limited Supply Fresh Fish Arming Thursday. aleit and competent organization, specially equipped to administer vour estate under the complex conditions existing today.

We invite your inquiries. rORK SAUSAGE pork, small casings. Per lb CHOICE 22c MALKINS BEST PEACHES -Halves. Tin People judge your age by your looks and that alvvavs tired leeling may be adding years to your looks. Thats why many women reluse to allow themselves to become slowed-dwn with toxic waste the result of eating too much pork might compensate for extra j-j tood.

and exercising too little, work involved in hog raising. These women take Bile Beans nightly to keep fit and trim because all-vege- table Rile Brans stimulate the liver, tone CAR alULt.N system. Called The Remcdv H. W. McCord, 1828 Smith I Nayire.

Bile Beans are the largest-selling liver pills in Great street, imported to police that his1 Britain over 7 million boxes sold last car was stolen from in front of year. Get BILE BEANS from your his home Tuesday night. It is a druggist, and enjoy that grand-to-he- is a Fresh Killed Lamb LAMB SIIOl'LDERS Whole or shank half. A Per lb CHC FRESH GREEN- FROSTED PEAS Carton TORONTO GENERAL TRESTS lUi HEINZ TOMATO SOUP CORPORATION FRESH FROSTED LOUPE CUBES Carton 26c CAXTE- 32c 2 ii. 27c BRANCHES IN PRINCIPAL CITIES REGINA: 1871 SCARTH STREET 35c blue, tins SWEET POTATOES alive teehng that nuts pep in your step and keeps you looking your best.

57 Advt. 1934 Ford coach, painted 'with licence No. 89109. THE GLASGOW HOUSE.

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