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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 4

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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HA1NE6, AdverlUlug Manager Sole' Attvettltlng Kejirwematlvcs; The Thomas P. OlarV Co. New York, Philadelphia, Atlanta, PalUu, Sail Antonio, Francisco, Ch'caEO, St. Louis. Published Every Afternoon Except.

Sunday, Entered as second class matter at mo Ofllce Blj'thevUle, Arkansas, under act of Congress October 8. 1B17. by the UnitM Press SUBSCRIPTION KATES By carrier In the city ot BlylhevUle, 15c per weet or $0.60 per year In advance. By mail within radius of 60 niller, per ywr, for six montbi, 85c for three months; by mail in postal zones two to sis, Inclusive, per year, in revcn end eight, $10.00 per year, payable In advance. Communists and Parades J'loljiibly flicrc isn't a sizable tily in America lhat luisn't been more or less annoyed by Communist tlcmoiistni- tiowi during tlic present business depression.

There are still many cities, however, where tlie nilint' ficials luive a lot to learn iiljonl tile way to handle such affairs. Tlifc state of Ohio recently illustrated botli the right and the wrong way. First, a group of Communists met to stage a "hunger parade" from Cleveland to the stale capital They were permitted to muki 1 the 140 interference. They made nil the speeches it hoy wanted to, paraded until their feet gave out, and nobody was any the worse. Then a group of Communists tried to parade in Youngstown.

Permission was refused. They tried to parade, anyway. -The police broke up 1 parade with clubs; four policemen and a number of Communists went to the hospital, and the agitators got a lot of free advertising of the kind they like '-When will'city officials learn that the wisest thing to do in such cases is to let the Reds parade and speechify all they want to? Good News For Sailors i the- depression has done nothing else, it, has at least helped out the sailors in the United Slates navy a little bit. Due to the fact that the constant use of holystones wears out wooden decks and makes costly replacement trio Navy Department has ruled that hereafter holystones will not be used, except occasionally to rcmovo stains and The layman may not understand, but the sailor will hail tin's as a real boon. The which kcepj decks white ami glistening in true naval fashion, is one of the meanest things to operate imaginable.

After spending half ail hour on his knees, wearing the skin off of his knuckles and getting a crick in his back by holystoning obscure covnev, the sailor usually begins to wish be had never enlisted. If economy, born of the depression, has the holystone OUT OUR WAY from the daily routine, tliu sailor's life is going to be whole lot sunnier. Politicians and ihc Audit The highway atidli Inn; Is nn example ol how the people arc they will stand and be whipped, browbeaten and eventually reduced to poverty, trying to pay Ihcir taxes lhat the politician iniBhl enjoy the luxuries of life. You have a few men responsible for ihc expenditure o( warty a hundred million dollars of your money, and what Is done when you dsmand tin accounting. They charge ymi with playing politics, nml sit back nnd chuckle your docility.

They know you will ilo nothing. They know you will lake 11. They tell you It will cost loo much- They tell you ail audit won't- do any good. They'll lell you nnyiltlng to perpetuate themselves Ju a soft spot. This proposed highway audit means moie than to find out how your money ho.

1 IKCII spent. It is i he- Balllc of Waterloo. If you don't whip them Ihis lime, you might as well turn your properly over lo Ihcm and bcj; them to give you dollar and half a dny to feed your children. you rise up and demand an audit, dc- iniind to know where your money has jjone, mid 11 you eel U. it will be the beginning of Bcod government In Arkunms.

It's an enteritis wedge Into the politicians' lair. What do they tare about a hundred thousand dollars. They threw dial up lo you when your public Indebtedness in hundreds ot millions. Whose money has spent? Who should be the one entitled to say whether II has been properly spent? Folks, this Is your Irglit. It's not.

ours alone. Now Is the time lo think hi terms of lax re- diicllon mid conscrvuUun of public funds If, we can find out hoiv your money hus been spent unrt permit the people to determine how 11 should for spent in the future, five hundred thousand dollars is not. too much money to spend. Blufl Commercial. SIDE GLANCES By George Clark Bifu.

U. OFF. ai-ni DYKtj scrwcf, i "Hut, Honey, there aren't any giinyslcr pictures playin this CHURCH EXCUSES 10 expectation of life of the par- its of children dynj nl GO years uga or over Is at all ages, from 0 years on, greater than (he execution of life of Ihe parents of Wldren dying under 50 years ol ge. The tables Indicate also that le expectation of life of the sons fathers dying at 80 years ol go or over, or with fathers still vlng it 80 years of nge. is at all ages from birth on lhan ic expectation of life of sons of ithers who have died al ages be- ween 50 and 70.

It is also much r.jatcr than the expectation of fe of Ihc sons of fathers who died nder 50 years of age. In other words, all ol selen- itic data available and the cam- ill study of such data by trained xpcrls in Ititcrprctinn figures In THE BODKI VEM 'Tins Martial Spirit" Debunks Ihe Spanish-American and Most 1U Heroes With Devastating Thoroughness. BY BltUCE CATION' Service Writer The Sapnlsh-American War and is confused, and his loneliness al confusion measures the strange al incomprehensible mixture of erol currents that make up iifc. most of Us herces are thoroughly "When me Wicked Man that Ihe maicrial success a ml can win in It is not likely to very satisfying. He is lonely and and everlastingly debunked in has a number of defects, "The Martial Spirit," by I melodrama fails lo be unlfoni Millis.

1 convincing, and the book ofJ Mr. Millis bcllevrs that this war sounds like what it Engli figures In- provides an excellent, example of man's story of American life. 11 Icaic lhat Oliver Wendell Holmes the way in which our wars arc made its virtues outweigh its lailhj 'as right and lhat Ihe way to live cng Is lo fathers, mothers, and wayed. It was a small When you finish it you have but it had everything. So far it thine, lo crew over.

and great-grandpar-1 has nol examined very is published by Horace Liv.J and indeed all ancestors icaily. Rolling up his sleeves and igiil, and eosls 52.50. lave lived long. TODAY IS THE-, ANMIV-KS u. IT.EKT IN l-'KAXCK suppressing a clmcklc.

Mr pitches in-and writes a grand TOMUXSON AT HIS BEST book. SIX "OUT 01' SOUNDINGS" Oiling chapter and verse I hope I need tell you no mJ every assertion, lie shows how the about "Out of Soundings" than war was caused by yellow jour- I it is by H. M. Tomlinson and nalisls and self-seeking or purblind i i's price Is $4. If you have politicians.

He shows that Spain iread any of his slufl lhal is abJ had actually surrendered every all you'll need to kuoiv. point al issue before war was de- I In this book. Mr. Tomlinson clared. He the 'turns to the form that incompetence of our "higher com- his talents On June G.

1911, the I-Yonch I rnnnd" with humorous detail. He' essay. Anything serves as Minister of announced that American warships had anchored ofl the French coast. The same day the flotilla of American destroyers under Rear Admiral Sims, who had bean promoted to the rank of Vice Admiral, completed the fust month of war service. On Juno 13 it was an- tells how it was thnl we started behavior of a war to "free Cuba" by attack- chance encounter in the street ing the on Ihe side of the world.

He explains how happened that Theodore Roose- vcit emerged from the war a national hero. He lets the reader the rivalry between jealous army and navy officers in ell its iiijliiifss. ncunced that Admiral Sims had in brief, he puts Ihe whole war been appointed by Ihe British; under a microscope and reveals it, Admiralty lo take charge of lhc for what it was; an unjustifiable -By George Vf. For exciting news these days, there's no place like Rome. Many a man who arises with a grouch In Ihc morning usually goes Irom bed to worse.

Trance, in barring 'lexus Guinan and her girls, explained (hat they were "working artists and not tourists." The French can sometimes say the most nattering things! The next time Texas Gulnan will feel Inclined lo sny "Hello sucker." Is when a mosquito UiKcs nip lU her mm. Waking; omlorlijal ge.stilirt. says Tele, Is largely a matter ol (oriiin. Political The reason San Francisco school installed a minialure golf course is to teach children how lo coiml. If the tots take, missed vmtts lo heart, they'll probably Icurn how lo swear first.

Ami Ihe heavens mid the earth were finished, and all (lie host, of them. AnrJ on (lie day God finished his work which he had made; and be rested on the day, and; because that it he rested from all his work which God had created and made. Gtjicsis 2:23 ATTEND CHURCH SUNDAY Committee. Copyright 1031 allied nava) forces in Irish waters during the absence ot the British naval commander in chief. This (lay also tlie British attack on the Arras line from Rouex to Oavrelle in which Ihey succeeded in carrying German positions on a front of about mile on western Elopes of Greenland hill, north of Scarpc.

The Germans, attacking on the Aisne, mad? small gains at Braye- en-Lannols. bit of international piracy, undertaken by a nation which thoroughly convinced that it acted from the loitiesl of motives. One is convulsed with laughter by some ol his pages; by others one is brought to the verge of angry tears. I wish lhat this book could be chat in a railroad train with I group of strangers; Mr. Tolml son can stall anywhere and knee-deep in lucid and beautij prose two minutes later.

The book is pervaded by author's deep pessimism cance ing the current trend of civili lion. Yet It is not a pcssimi book. Mr. Tomlinson judges thiJ by standards other than these whi ihc world ordinarily applies. Hel baund lo b2 hi the minority.

Hc to sec most of Ihe thij that he cherishes the most deslrl cd. But he manages, leave one with the feeling thatl the end things will turn out bstl made required reading for every "'an there is any reason to high school history class in Amer- for. ien. It would do a lot of good. In shore, this man is a Houehton-Mimin Co.

is the pub- to whom the word "great" Usher and the price is S4. The justly be applied. "Out, of Sol book is the June selection of the ings," published by Harper Literary Guild. AN" IRON'IC STUDY OF A SUI'EK-BABBITT "When the Wicked Mai is in his best vein. A FEW BOOKS FOR THE Jil'STEKY STORY FAN You might be glad to know abl by Ford Madox Ford studies the de- these detective stories: "The IK NEW YORK Gilbert Swan Wflinrn lir Kvpt VUvvulifill Kvcn During Driirtsslmu.

So Who Sfclji Them Are Still High Returns Expected Of Berry Crop BENTONVlI.IjE. Ark. Farmers ol Arkansas and Missouri ber- ellning years of a glorified Bab- ond Shot." by Anthony Herkel ry districts will market this year's I bitt. One NoltEidam. hcaci of a ICrimc Club; SI).

A guest is sll crop for a total ol approximately New York publishing house, at a house party, and every "til Sti.SQO.OOO. according to a survey lias jusl the top of Ih: guest present had buth completed by horticulturists. jhcap, after an eventful ami some- opportunity. Very well While a higher return is expect- what wayward life; and fate be- l-e best of the spring crop. eil only acres are in pruduc- Kins to deal hir.i cards from the "The Monk's Hood Murders," I lion compared to 30,000 last year, bottom ol the deck.

iThc Edinglcn 1 (Cosmopolitan tlie surrey disclosed. In fact, everything seems tu worj: Corpcrations; A newspal Acreage in other states is re- backward lor him. He does thing; publisher dies, followed by the si or scoiimirel- police reporter, and' nobody ported shorter than in tnis region I 'hat are either idiotic she tame to America lo i nnri hen growers expi-cl an aver- and the rraills ar: He il PuzLllns al find work, she carried with her a a of SO a crate or higher I does things'that chariiable and i well constructed. Do you know copy o( Hie immortal "Enoch Ar- 0r virtuous and Hie results are deplor- monk's hood means? Wlial, is EO raw as a day in June? Traveling is broadening, especially lo the young lady who returns from a trip abroad several pounds to the Making den." She- had already determined wiijic many fields were able. He shoois at a phantasm "seen "Death at Windward NEW YORK Jmw until ve- not (o liic family name iri by last year's extensive in an attack of delirium tremcns Helen Joan Hullman iPictl cunly I have never lakcn my I fade," so she took the name of i ams surviving are in good con-', and comes to find that he has Main I 50 ccntsi.

Who slio: il nine' in hand ard summoned and arc expected to notorious gangster. makes old lady when she was dying" 11 production him naticnal hero. He finds him- iiatiaai causes? And why did cnousli courage to walk through the portals of one of Manhattan's before- she esiablished her! heavily, own busincE.s. she got a job with 50 crates to the acre is predicted. self adriit in a crazy world.

Ulofjtor act so slrangely? And ivil An angler, like a pitcher, gels beat results when Ms Hook mid sinker are working. Even in times like the mortician limls business is the buries- The assurance that "r.o one will bite you" lias not been to Then there was the Minnesota columnist wliii thought the slale's gag law was directed against his wisecracks. Add lo your boring facts: there is 000 worth of gold hi lhc teeth ot Ameiican citizens. By Williams AM AT Tv-MS OMF- TIME 8ECAOSE HE AKS' TVV VJO 1 KEEP HI'S.

Bt PL V-H-B V-UFe'S SORE. AT PLAVlM' BUT 1I-KM VJIMS.S VMOOLO HOLLER MOO LOOK'S. Ninrtreu years have opened a small place "on modernistic furnilmc. of languor- She mairied Newens lights and mote Yorker. Thomas J.

Lewis, and auto- lady attendants; of mirrors and matically became an American cil- cab'inets filled of charming and uigrallalins host-' One of the most spcctaculnr in- csscs who rustic past in Mlncn pa- cidrnts in her business career Jnnia-gOMiis; of aromas licr iiioblence ujion a bijlliam nd and r.romas. It's been tuo ticor, a.s part o( the nicdrrnir.tic lady-like tor the likrs ol me. and 'jchcine of ber present, bnllning too foreign iront. 'ihe arcliitccts all but col- i 13ul the other day EV.zat.-tri Ar-j lapsed al the m.xds ov.e den. onil of Ihe nuii'is areliilccl walk all over town ciiti- Ill-ill priestess of tins f.iliiilonsly ciziuj olhcr rioonvays.

and finally rich industry, took me in as-; he gave in. She pot her I sv.rnvi uw that it "allcr spends as much lime i thai "lhc v.onld Ue on a farm in Mair.c. ovrr lor day" and tii.d I would i Main-j Ciuince. Blic nu'. i-iKounter any V.XIIH riiiinlnu i an Eiislish butler dc- about in lace cream and kimonos.

I sisned a inillcrm malcii the I I have known, of some -a fiiutiiiiT red tie and time whcltur bj flick wliitc cual- gocd. bad or indir.tiuil. beauty He: 1 is (he wad and industry toes on riinnin up lt.s;i>h: bath and; millions. Miss Ariirn i.api in in-iinrboats at lisud. she i c-omclhhn: like JTCv.l.oa a ac- lirs; took over old farm, she I cording lo Rubin- kept liU men at- work mill! si: in and reveal air.uijcd the t'onndj, and ho.isc vast incomes in of depression.

And so I am iuv.v abl lhal Miss Ardcn Mai' life as Miss Cir.ihiim. ti- exact. ham as she was burn lo her lastcs. is now, two years lalcr. on? of Hi: Maine showplaces bbc fuids the alien- i reveal'tion it yols somewhat out hi since lonj; lines of motor was, lo cars roiilcd the eruisiids.

ic Ora- After hfaring which. 1 Iclt a bit mere at hcmc In a beauty salon. features Indicate ir.iKture of' OILUERT SWAN. SccKli and BrUisli. i 1931, KEA, Service.

Ancestry is Main Factor In Long Life Study Shows HV i)It. MOKltlS Erin's nnd are vcryj Milnr, Jriirnal ccmmcn Tlir-re arc i Jlriltral, lly- dilficcltlrs in following i pri.i, Ibr lU'Allh but the i As a RKVir.f'.irt out ui your progenitors, or re has thaE cencurrciicc of circumstances tliat which we call accident, may have run in Ills for you. refers, 1 The laboratory of lhc depart-1 by mcnt of biology of the school of. to how hygiene and public health In Johns humor- Hopkins University has marie seme extensive studies of I clone Is. collections of gcncalogl: material lo ad- Hint bear on the matter.

f. parents A careful analysis of the fami- lly reccvds of pcop'3 living near Bnltlnioie was a pail ot ix'togon-'study. The indicate thatij It has been Ihe policy ol! the district, in view ol: the difficulties which Owners of farm land have encountered recently, to be as lenient ao possible in the enforcement of penalties for drainage tax delinqucn- The district must meet its obligations, however, and it is therefore necessary that all taxes now due the district be paid at the same time state and county taxes are paid. Time for payment of state and county taxes without penalty expires Monday, June 8. in a recent been a common 1 length of day-, famlUes.

PvofCHo; fcr example, to Ollvor Wendell i to live 10113. The ist said: first ll'-iir. tc some years be i vcrliEC for a bc'ionsiiip lies, ol Icott, Receiver, Drainage District 17..

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