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The Leader-Post from Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada • 11

The Leader-Posti
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THU LL.VDLR IOM, PUGIN 5, AUGUST 11, 19(12- Lnr Urm Home of the week ANSWER by liilfctfil it 3 iTgjS ixr 'V'" I rv (Joeslimi. 1 A ii though I am I it a liilsliau, I hi In ve I should play Call you help me bv explaining the piopet wav lo ptay1 II. A. PAGE LI.L UN Moose Jaw woman dies MOOSE JVW (Special) hnn; tune Moose Jaw lesidenl, Mis Katie Jtei hlhold died in Moose law hospital Thmsday She was 75 Mis Brihthokl of 95S Coleau slieet west was horn ill Hussia ionium to Moose Jaw 1911 lime she has since resided A member of the l.utheran church, she was predeceased bv her husband Fieil-eork 19.1,5, and a son John 195S Mis Beehthnld Is survived by five sons Quddie, Fred and Cecil of Moose Jaw, Eddie and Robert of Culgaty, two daughters, Mrs I rieda I'eiruska of Calgary and Emma of Moose Jaw.

Twenty-two gi undi hildren and 10 meat grumli hildien also survive Funeral service was to he held a ii a at 2 .1 Join', and Sim funeral clmpel Bin ml was to follow in the a I plot liosmbdr rmi'lri 7b 9 4 -J i onlv point pi av 1 1 is lo I eheve yoiu mind of inohlems and sis me benefits fm yourself I iloolil if vour playing "ill ever lie salisf.n tin oi effei live Hr: iP" BIO PH a BID PM 9 0. 170 '0 i A rt o' BCU.T'wA, 10 k. ncu 14 A 17 O' rarsn: handed out MlHISK Jw (Speital) Moose man Holier! Willis of no fixed addless, Friilav was scan ed to fom years and lime monllis Pi met Albert jail on mile sepal ale ihuigcs illis was found guilty of tluee 'bulges of false pietemes and six i h. 1 1 yes id ut I ei inn forged dm umenl The offences took plat at Milestone in the Moose Jaw distiii am Moose Jaw i ily He also faces chaiges in Hi Kina On charges of conversion and will appealed in magisti ales i mill inlay and was lemandcd lo og 2') lie was onlcied to posl a Immi with two Sllll'lll llmmas I mil was found gmllv al (hiving while Ins ability wa. iiupaiieil and was fined $1511 and i osis 1 1 davs jail He was also assessed 12 demenl points and was piohlhlted fiom (hiving anvwheie HI Canada fill 111 mmilhs Elollio, ualclus lalxni al Rtlliimu lit MB pl.t repmteil a In eak in al llic Co I )p Store III lictlmne aboul 4 15 a 'I Inn dav lal gi a III II I of i ist wall lies and a i onsldeialde ipimi til of men's eloilnm, was stolen Officials they believe a i in oi pam I i ar was leijinied lo move I lie hone amount of Townsend riles a Hlodworlh BLADWOKTII (Spin Ku ncral service for Italph Ci tffi.m 'I own semi, (17 was held reeenllv In Bladvvoi Hi United i liuii li uli Hiv I) Hester olfli biting Itil Hid wax 111 Blndwuith lelllelen where l.euion i lies ueie olisi ed al the giavi'side Bom at Feigns, Onl, Mi loiuiseiuj came to Blailworth in Bill In 1014 he joined the armed i sei vices and served for the dura Hon of the war In 1020 lie mar- 1 mol Ida A Griffin and they liv ed on a fai until 102 vvlnoi Mi lowiisend liecame pnstmastci al Bladwoilh, a position he held al Hie tune of his death Mr Townsend served on the village (Hint'll and become ovei seer lie was of the Bladworth branch of the Royal Canadian Legion fiom 1017 to In di ath.

A member of St George iu1k an i Imri he seived as warden and caretaker for maiiv Besides Ills wife, he is suiviv ed bv three daughters, Mis Mex MacKehern. Regina, Mrs Dale Morrison, Bladworth, Miss Doreen, Jacksonville, Fla two sons, Gilbert, Delivers, Milton, i Drumheller, Alta; one sister, Mrs. Alice Booth, Southey; four 1 brothers, William and Fa ic of Bladworth, hlvm, Cianbrook, Calvert, Kstevan, and nine Kiandrhililren L- I DlHlh'l a 7 '2- -J a A 1 1 Answer; Ihaym is the spin ml pi iv liege of the i lulil of God The players in the Bible unusually tin piavers of those who an already Ik bevels. lommilted to God 'I hen1 an a few piaveis by those who weie not. su as the piavei of the thief on the i mss who piaved, "l.nnl, ie membei me when Tlmu i oiliest into Thy kingdom" 'Iheic is also the piavei of the pilhhean who played simply God In merciful lo me a summ It fiom the Bible Ilia! the piayeis al those who aic mm Christians aic i upon God for men and aecrptanee Tins piayer you ould pi ay with the assui am of an answci Jesus oik said Him that iimielh unto Mr I will III no wise ias out" 'Illls is vmn assiuauie that if xnu do dm lile In colei into piavei with God lie will am rpt vou and make von Ills i lulil llowevci if mu x- It.

I XV 1 1 1) IM I Jh Youth injured on motorcycle l)on, ild I oai 17. of 24 Hi Bioilei slirrl, was taken to Geneial hospiial Fml.iv following a i uni oi vc Ic i i 1 1 1 al Iboad si i ci and I out Iccntli av ciuir I In ai i nlciil in i i ml as I aiih oa i was pi oi eediiit! south the 22MI lllnk Hi o.iil sheet Ills mobile vi lr wool mil of coil-tint in I inllldml Willi a power pole al I mu Ii i-1 1 1 1 1 avenue The vmilli was (mlv slightly ill-Jill ml and 1 1 leased immediately fiom hospital Dam, me lo the nioloii vi Ic was $1011 DtSIOM K). 32 -Houw im li 4. O' I ISil Tlllt EAT 14 Tf ill I (CB) Splaying of bursts to kill insects is the gicutcxt imient to fish, says Itodeink Haig Blown, author and natmalist 11c says oilier means must he found In inntiol destructive insects 1)1. SIGN NO.

Bet ause of Us side eilliauie this nn sloiev house adaptable for buildup on a sloping lot This is a flame house Imi the lower poiiion must necessity Ik Inn bloi ol stone 'I lie lowei poiiion beneath the bediooms i mild hi used a leireatmn loom even an addilioual bedioun While the Int also slopes to the lank an outside flit i lit i' opi lung onto a terinro or palm i ould easllv lie anangcd I In tin olliei hand if the lot also sloped to (he fionl, the gmage could piohahly lie located in this aiea Tins would eliminate the pieseut guiage and hieeewav and allow for building mi a a 5 fool lot Note the cxtia lame kill lien umvement to dining aiea. basement and side ilooi laving immi includes a fueplaee and pioteiteil entrance Sleeping wing featuies a masiei liedioom wuh twin i Insets and its own lavatmy, plus two olhei imnd sied heihooms iimvemeni belli Sian dard Imildei lilm pi inis for It sets HOMES LTD. 1IOMOGH COMPANY OF CAN l) BERKELEY SIRFFT. TORONTO 2. ONTARIO.

Please send me further details about how to obtain standard builders' blueprints of House Plan No nr enclosed find 5il cents for which send me book of plans entitled "Home Planning Name Address (LPR) i llnin halls harveslinji 1 WEYBURN (Staff) Harvest operations in the Weyhurn district received a setback Friday when 52 inches of rain fell. While the rain was not expected to cause any damage to rops, and was considered to bo beneficial to others, it did cause a complete halt to swathing of grain fields Anyone with imp down wont he able to get at for several (lavs now, W'cyburn agririil'ural officials said In the area east lo Griffin and north to Fillmore there is quite a large acreage ready to be swathed Northwest from Weyburn wheat fields will require probably another week before they are readv for i ut ting. Crops are still gieen east from Griffin through to Cnrlvle, although fanners weir said to be i utttng oats and i vi considerable amount of oats ami rye has also bei i ut the W'evhurn distrnt Mr Middleton said the less-mature crops would benefit bom Friday's rain Tim ram brought the total precipitation so far this month at Weyhurn to 1 $9 inches Sim prif the rainfall here has been 9 72 2 TO 9 P.M. DAILY lime a horrible thought that should be in the mind of every home gardener Danger of the first night frosts is not far away Gardeners must fair this dis Messing fact and the wise ones will he reailv to meet such an emergency and have a numher of old and suchlike in a handy place for use in piotcitmg tender subjects. Imlli flowers and vegetables whnh annul be moved indoors at a liniment's until Such include tomatoes, dahlias, cunna lilies and incut hers of the squash family If jirotectum is affoidcd the more tender garden subjects when such early frosts strike, then life i an be prolonged for wet ks keen northwest wind and a sunset in a clear skv should be sufficient reason for the wise gardener to Ih on the alert (luring earlv Septenitmr (lavs To protect a tied or border soft plants like geraniums ha I sams.

zinnias, salvia marigolds, eti drive some fairlv stout stakes into the ground around the lied three or four feet apart ix Mime laths from stake to slake and set a few crosswise Make the sirueture six Indies higher than the tops of the plants Have some canvas old sheets blankets nr paper ill readiness to place over these frames when there is a threat of frost A stout stakr and some papers or old curtains can be used to protect individual plants Dahlias and rucumlier ran also be protected in this manner. In every CHse care must he taken that the covering does not loin the plants in il wit! ns a inn ductoi An eliculaiing bitwien the covering and the plains will keep tin frost from striking them union, in mokmv. soon as the tempi it i rises nlmvr the fii'Cllig point in the morning the envoi mgs should be removed and -pi end out to (by Vi hen quite ill tin should he laid away souh-wIh'M dose at hand (or use in fm tin emergent les The 1m st adviie that i.iii In-given to the home g.tiilein I al tills time of the eat is Ill'll take chances (over them up In the lase of lomatin s. noi only the ripe inns should In gathered but the gieen ones as well They niav In spnad nip on a table in a di airy 1 1 II. and Ihev will keep for months Tin- toinatoi giadoallv rqn mg will prolong Die appi -train of Mesh ones on the fannlv t.ibb-for a long period Many gaidm ers wrap r.n individual to lllator III paper, whnh h.s.

ns ripening i nnsidoi ahlv rile lady of the house will i -1st a smi illative eye over tin g-ndi-n these (lavs to iletermine what is on hand for inncoetmg arums dishes With (b tv peppeis onions and green tomatoes she will si nut evolving many a tasly min lunation with the fuither -ml of spiers, sugar, vinegar and salt Further, hy using ideiy. onions. peptM-rs and ripe buna toes, but this time addirg wliat ever else the garden has to nfb in the way of cabbages tu ans ALBERT ST. 3RD AVE. McKenzie rites held at Grenfell WOLSFUFY (Special) Fu neral service was held Wednex (lav Grenfell United ehurt I) fm Mrs Jessie nn M(Kenie, 71) who died Sund-iv aftei a lengthy ill, less Rev Ward offu lated and huiml was in Grenfell (emotcrv with Tubman Funeral Home in ehaige of arrangements Born at Glasgow Scotland, Irssir nn Buchan i ante to Ca nada and to Saskatc hew an in 1912 the vear she murned John Mi Kenle at Asquith Titov livid there until 1924 when they moved to the Grenfell distinl rifles eased by her husband in Iftitt Mrs MtKonie is survived bv three daughters.

Mrs Gerald Stringer, Grenfell, Mrs Gordon Stringer, Burnaby, (' Mis I loyd Rasom, 2R1X Edgar strest. Bcglna; two sons. Jack, 205! Angus street, Itegma. Charlie, Calgary, one brother. William Buihun, Glasgow, and 12 grand children.

LOW DOWN PAYMENT HOMES N55AI. POST THURSO inland M'i -Work has begun on a I naval radio station in this nm thorn-most town of the Scottish mainland. The $9 man post is to go into operation next June as an important link in naval BY am! oihi i 1 1 vegetables, the lot of them (iiinii'd togrthei, will vrntuallv make tlii'lr appear -m i on a i old winter il.iv in the fm of inli vegetable soup HWil (I.FAVl Having i leaned out the gaiden 'I Its JK 1 1 shalile i getablc's, the nsiitii ten vines ami stalks are. next hi line (or elimination and placid on tin i omjNKt heap 55 Inli pulling the vegetuhle stalk' do not tn-glei to pull the weeds that llsiiallv get a good start in the lax month of ug u.l after the average gardener has quit pcrsisti nth inltivatiiig Ins ground Bumpkins and squash also mud lie gaioeied before a hard ost Stilki They should lie plait in outbuildings where they will mil In- attai ked hy freezing Ii'lopi aturcs When colder wealhei apprnailies they should Im removed to a icllar. white I In will kei hi good condition unlit afti the new year Bm.iio digging time will also sonn tie at hand Ihev should he Itaiiestid whin Ihr lops tut Brown fhe potato Is the best kei pi of all vegetables, holding mir then natural slate until thi follow mg vear i rop is leadv for Use I oi nips will Ik- doing their iiest v.i owmg thimigh September and Ditolwi Bight frosts do not ha; tin at all and rveo the ground fieemg slightly will have no had effcit on them, and Hair growth will lie resumed if wanner weather is enjovrd later SOME TIMII.Y HINTS flower idants from whltll it Is intruded to save seed must lie wall hid dadv ami.

when ap pinuiltmg 111" ness the stalks should hi nit Kiev should then pl-eiil load' downwards pain ha fieri al the lop and hung op an aiiv div plat i to thiirmiglilv iipen Doll forget to lain I ihr hags uiih the names of the veils to avoid annoying mistakes The seeds mav hr i leaned during thr winter month', when no outdoor gardening work i an la done this time, nld and weak shoots should he removed from the i urrant hushes This will excise the remaining growths lo the ai tom of thr sun and wind to ripen Thrv will then he more hketv to pass ihrnugh the wtntir tabsfai lord' IIh 1 1 should In gi iti the i.iiur treatment all the i in Kill seasons fruiting i anes mg removed Don havr Cabbage stalks On ground Ibex bather in sts Foliage of tlllwimis lirgoniH' will now le tinning vrllnw Water should lie gradually with Inld thereby inducing ripening off whnh is most nenss.iiv if the tubers are to reach a romli tom in which they mav lie stored satisfai tortlx during thr mb readv to plant seeds of the following annuals this fail tali forma poppies latkspur bathe nr buttons lallmpsis xsnm poppies and portulat a to nothing nf the nld favorite the mangold Ml these annual air In Kir planted outdoor in the ('I Keep Hu an crasi trimmed hill not i ii short from now nn Hltd snow imeis the ground Summer Clearance Specials! REGINA'S BEST BUY Trr, FU Good quality, Emul rlrtinns of lengths 6 V2C jC. PLYWOOD PANELLING Range Plywood 4x8 Sheets Random grunted lo gne a runchy appearance. Keg. 1. 10 per sheet.

QC Special OivU CEDAR SIDING SPECIAL 1.4X10 Cedar Siding. Hungalow 4 Qft type. Ier 100 IU. Fl. IJ.OU Idetl fur new homes g.iiagts and summri cott-igcx "THE BROOKDALE" S779 tin ii lot in Coronation Park mmmmmu ASK ABOUT Our other lo'v down tmdrl with down parrrK as low ax S685 with monthly pavmrnis of 's'lii PIT- CALL CAIRNS HOMES LTD.

JO.8-1658 210 ASPHALT SHINGLES Good Selection of Colors 3 Bundles coyer 100 Sq. Ft. IQ Ter Bundle PLYWOOD SHEATHING 2.65 4x8 Per Sheet I nneonver man remanded neeh Jv. nnv George Beattie 25 nf 5 am omer. aj'pcarrd in utv polite court Friday, on Use charges of faie pretences Re was remanded wHhoui idea to Vug Hail was set at 7Nrt He was charged with passing sit worthless cheques jq sarlous hi-am hes of the hank of Montreal Hepma to the value of HDD tween Julv and Vug 2 Ill GRIM ROVD The rad of Christian (die ihaiacer of Pilgrim' Progress was patterned after the FUtow Bedford rural mad famdiar to Teh- Buns n-s .15 3 IK 4 I 5 7 3.41V 15 7 ft'Ni I 5 7 2V.2 I 2 ffua Rrure llwllerhvnm 51 lennard Gen.

kroner I In t.nrmaa Rnh Galenhs CORNER OF 3RD AYE. AND ALBERT ST. PHONE JO.9-5478 REMEMBER lf Its Cairns Built If Well Builf pV-" i -11 fl m. 1.

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