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The Leader-Post from Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada • 10

The Leader-Posti
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

if I -I i INTERESTING ENGAGEMENT FOLLOWS ONTARIO GOV- ERNMENT HOUSE WEDDING a a T-x nil ul (viii 'DELICIOUS v. 1 KilBlIl Si) tt2 Try this Nit much-talked SX. of Sauce. Everybody is -i delighted with si its new ana i delicious flavour, MS Is a most Fine JjJlSP satisfactory beverage. selling so freely everywhere.

fc i if aroma and it is flavor and healthful. Well mace cocoa contains nothing that is harmful and much that is beneficial. gren, woman factory inspector. The delegates from Sweden have no pro gram to offer for this convention, and yesterday and today were busy getting acquainted with the delegates from other countries Quarters have been assigned them In the Navy It is practically all nutrition. Choice Recipe baok free.

Co.Limited Establish edT 17GO. building, adjoining the pan-American buildings, where they can meet to discuss the various propositions presented for discussion. Plans Mrs. Guy Drummond, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

J. D. Braith- waite, of Montreal, whose engagement to Capt. C. C.

Stoker, M.C., RnrrliPtif pr. Mass Montrfn1. Cxn i of Montreal, is announced. Captain Guy Drummond was killed' jilt Conoda Food Board License 11-690 ONTARIO LIQUOR HiemAtt 1 1 5: in iiii mi early in the war. Mrs.

Drummond is a sister of Mrs. Schuyler Snivley, formerly Mrs. Turnbull Warren, and of Miss Braith-jwaite, who was drowned on the Lusitania. Both Mrs. Drummond irnd Captain Stoker were attendants at Miss Enid Hendie's wed-iding at Government House, early in October.

PEOFLE WILL NOT TAKE ANY RISKS tyiillSiif mm rr 7- it i A 1 V7ill Await the Government to Clear Up the Situation on LABOR WOMEN 'OF SWEDEN DEMAND RIGHT TO WORK AT NIGHT, PAY EQUAL' TO MEN Today this must be any Phonograph rst qualification to gain your approval. Not only does tie Pathephone play any record but by virtue of its unique constrrlction it playa them better. Moreover most phonoraphg today are equipped to play Pathe Records. Any phonogTaph can be equipped at a small eharge. Another reason why Pathephone owners pride themselves in the possession-of "The Complete Phonograph." HEAE THEM AT YOUE LOCAL DEALERS PATHE DISTRIBUTERS, LTD.

WINNIPEG. TORO.NTO.'Nov. 14. Although the officials of the Citizens' Liberty league declares that there is now no legal bar to the importation of liquor Dr. Alma Sundquist, Delegate at ja member of the executive committee.

International Conference Ad-; day. The committee meets at lunch vocates Admitting Children to Industry at Age of 14. into Ontario for private use, there is rot likely to be any test case in the matter. The liquor men In Montreal and Toronto are awaiting a declaration by the government of the law at the present time. T.

W. Bleakly, secretary of the Licensed Shopmen's association of Toronto, explained the position of hia association as follows: "We cannot import liquor because no express company will carry it for js until the government clears up the eon each day. and decides upon the program for the next day, and it is expected the convention will be fully" occupied during the entire session of the convention, which ends N'ov. 5. The Swedish delegation at the international labor council now-here under the terms of the peace treaty with Germany is headed by Herman iiiinimnniiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiini! uniiinnnnniinininunnniiiiiuHinnininninHnnuniinnmiitiiun 1 Pathephones and Pathe Records are sold exclusively in Regina 1 by R.

II. Williams, Music Dept, Basement FimmmnnmmiMiiimiiMiiiiJiiiiiiiiiiniiinniimniniiimmimmimn Lindquist, speaker of the house of representatives. The other delegates and advisers are: Otto Johanasson of Stockholm, Senator 1. G. H.

von Koch and H. J. Almar von Sydow. Judge Erik Sjoberg, E. G.

Huss, president of the government labor board; Sigfrid Edstrom and Miss K. Hessel- WASHINGTON'. The women of Sweden, engaged in nonnazaraous occupations are demanding the right to work at night with pay equal to that paid men engaged in the same trades or industries, according to Dr. Alma Sundq.uist. delegate from that country to the women's international labor conference now in session here The convention was discussing the question of child, women labor.

Dr. Sundquist told of conditions in her country. ''Women have found that they can do work formerly done by men which thev were doing during the war," she situation. The same thing applies as to breweries and distilleries in Ontario. They are not going to run any risks by making a delivery of an order from Montreal, until they know where they stand." Rain-ctnd-Sun Coats i 1 II Mf- LiLJ Garments made of Gabardines, Imperials, Tweeds, Coverts and other high- Motlieps' Advice ormr EDNA A PV KENT I said.

"They worked nights then, because the law forbidding this was not "enforced, With the close of the war, however, women have not been i permitted to follow their wartime oc- cupations at night, and they are de-; rnanding the privilege be restored, i They want to continue that work. Others followed other pursuits, with graae materials wnicn nave been showerproofed by the celebrated "Cravenette" Regd. process, can be worn on wet days as well as fine. They possess style, too, that is not possible with rubber-lined, wet-day-only coats. It choosing your Between-Sason Coal, for Spring or Fall, tha you materials proofed by the "Cravenette" Regd.

process, nrui the Trade-Mark stamped on every yard, or inside every ready-aioie garment. For Men, Women and Children. If your aealer cannot supply you. Write OJ. 87 T1-7E CRAVENETTE P.O.

Eox 1334, MONTREAL, Que. YOUR CORRECT WEIGHT. The resTonsibility for a da-nphter's future larpely rests with the mother. The right influenc and the Information which is of vital interest to the daughter imparted at the proper time has not only saved the life but injured Uiesuccess of many a beautiful girL When a girl's thoughts become sluggish with headaches, dizziuess, or a disposition to sleep, pains ia back or lower limbs and a desire for solitude, her mother should come to her aid and remember that Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vegetable Compound, made from native roots and herbs, will at this time prepare the system for the coming' change and start this tryiaf period in a young trirl's life without pain or irregularities.

Thousands of women residing in every Last week I told you how to find your correct weight. Today I want to show you how, knowing your ideal weight, you can tell liow many calories of food to eat Jaily, either to increase or to reduce or to maintain force. The thin, nervous woman had better consider that se works fairly bard, even if her physical exertions are slight, because she burns up s-j much energy with her nerves that she must eat a lot to gain. About calories and how to find what they are that wiU come next week, it is too long a subject ty Include here. Questions and Answers.

Dimples. Curling the hair on good pay, and they believe they have the right to eontinuothem." Fourteen Years Limit Fayored Dr. Sundquist also told the conference she found the average child could be allowed to work at the age of 14. Other delegates who had spoken, favored a minimum age lim Ur.c; dry partof the United States bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtues of this medicine, and what It has done for their daughters. Erooi'yn, N.

T. "I cannot praise Lydia E. haai'i Veicetabie Compound enough for what it has it of 15 years, especially for girls. "The law of Sweden requires that dona for mv daughter. She was 15 years of ace, very kids would not hurt it ordinarily.

boH I as it is in such poor health now CI. he or she reaches the age of 14, shall be given a thorough physical 'examination." said Dr. Sundquist. "1 am one of the examiners, and I have found that children of that age, speaking generally, are developed enough to engage in certain pursuits." Program Arranged Daily Dr. Simdquist has been appointed sickly and palo and sae had to stay home from sCiiool most of the Oaoo.

Siie suSered agonies backache and dizzissss aad was without appetite. For 3 months sha was under the doctor's care and 50 no better, always complainir.g about her back and siJa aching so. I did' not knoTV Trhat to do. I read in taa papers about your ironJerfol medicine so I made up my mind to try it. She faa taken ve bottles of Lydia E.

Piakham's Vecretable Compound and doesn't complain any more ith her back and aide- aching; Sua has giined ia weight and feels much better. I recommend Lydia E. Fiukhaai'i Vegetable Compound to ail mothers and daughters." Mis. M. Sis itaxcy Brooklyn, 2.Y.

Let Your New Range Be a MARATHON because it is the lart word in a pertet range." it is ecirntiScalty planned to cook Tight it system ot h-t tran.icr uniformity and ericral arrar.jrment are afl for retttlw. VVitb a Marathon this standard. Take your ideal weight what you should weigh. Multiply this figure by 15, if you are slightly active. By 17 if you do light work.

By 20 if fairly hard work. By 23 if you do very hard work. For instance, you should weigh 123 If you are not very active, you will multiply your weight, 125, by 15-. Thi gives you 1,875, thei number of calories of food to be eaten dally to maintain that weight If you are under weight, eat more than IS 75 calories, if you are too fat eat less. It's as simple as that this problem of gaining cr reducing.

Now, about what "slightly active" means I should say it is office work, or helping in the housework. The woman who does he work and perhaps gardening as well, does light work. If she includes laundry work, scrubbing and that sort of it's fairly hard, work Very har'l work is farm labor, cr lumbcrme'fs jobs, or digging ditches or something that uses constant strenuous muscle i I'd advise you not4 do even this for a time. Give yourself the hot oil rubs Saturday nights, and the shampoo Sunday mornings. You can do thi "if you are employed, you see.

And since your hair is so thin and short, why not just cut it off and let It grow in again? Everyone understands what the 'flu does to tha hair, and would not think anything of it at all. Anything, is better than losing the hair, and it always takes a long time to ome Lack. 1 Sore Feet. You may need arch supports, and you certainly need to see a foot specialist Nothing is more inefficient than to be troubled with burning feet. Have the bunions treated by a specialist and change your shoes to something that will relieve the pressure on the sore parts.

itsnte any housewii'e may become a gjod cook. Tha we frt th Marathon to t-e as litt furl aa Thi maiua a bij eavmi OLD SHAG India 1 21 in a year eookjng. i Kent come tLr nanr romrrniencr which make jt W-i 1. PliiMipfe Me Compoiiiti, 'ST CF la rookiriR aaa aouscKeepixis pleaaant. In rnrj.trurt!on thr Marathon aJ its ranie niiJitt i the acme of "endurance.

The dies ircle teet aad materiaU are not oruy irkwl tr test for their endunc 4 ch are ubiet to bat the rts wh; most wr or atraia re-iciorced and atxenrth- .7. aa (Far COAL or WOOD) Children Cry for Fletcher's RANGE jgi PREMIER MARATHON nm pa 9 rritrMmrarg. wz? i rom thr ahove it easy to sr why the Marathon outdistances all othi-rJ for it i proven to be most ure cookmc results ra lact to b- in every respect the most satuaacLory mags on tha maiket to-day. Send us your aiArta end we via trie yon tht nam of a star hcre yo cm convementiy inspect on of tftest rantes. Tha Thos.

Davidson Kfg. Co. Limited ft Toronto WINNIPEG Montreal cause aches and shootingpains. WW A XsW- Mm Tlie Kind You Have Always Bonglit has borne the fiijrna-' ture of Chas. 11.

Fletcher, and. has been uiale under liis personal supervision for over Hi) years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and 'Just-as-jroorl" are but experiments, and endanger the health of Children Experience njjainst Kiperlment. (Shag is a real dag who went overseas with a farmer from Sioux Falls, S.D.

His master was killed in the of Chateau Thierry, and Shag refused to leave returning even when dragged away by a member ot his company. To quote-a newspaper account: "The Americans went over the top at dawn. Shag did not greet them. Instead, they found his body, riddled with machine gun bullets, across that of his Old Shag and his master had travelled together, From home farm to camp and then over the sea; Unflinching they'd roughed it in ail kinds of weather, True were his master and he. They had both known the mud and the funk and the trenches The boys have to face when they go up the line; And Shag had caught rats in the shell-shaken trenches And stuck by his master with never a whine.

When, in the grey morning, the shrill whistles sounded And every grim soldier went over the top, By the side of his master, right over Shag bounded And ran through the shell storm with never a stop. Death, soon found the man and then Shag, deeply" grieving, i Lay down by lis side in the thick of the fray. Through the lontj night he lingered, 1 it may be believing His friend would awaken at dawning of day. But certain it is that they could not be parted; What cared he for life if his master was gone? In the darkness he mourned him. old Snag the trua-hearted, ind dead, on his body, they found him at dawn.

M. F. GiTmore. HIRST LINIMENT, "the great pain wall give quick and soothing relief from all body aches and pains. For inflammatory or acute rheumatism, lumbago or lame back, neural p-ia.

swninrro efi'fr For Delicate Infants What, is CASTOR I A nastmHa i n. liarmless substitute for Castor Oil, la are- i and at weaning time, use Bender's, because "it adapts, with scientitic exactness, fresh cow's milk to the delicate digestion of a child. A process of natural digestion begins as soon as you bring Benger's Food and fresh new milk together. 'A3 a result, the rich food contents of both AFFLICTED Koric, Drops and Soothing It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. For more than thirty years It has b-en inconstant use forth relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and ttiarrhoea; allayinsr arising tberefrom, and by rculatinff Uie and Bowels, aids tue as-riniihition of pi vine healthy and natural sleep, lie Children's Panacea Ibo ilother'a Friend, The Kind You Have Always Bought toothache, HIRST'S LINIMENT gives quick and soothing relief.

Pain is Nature's danger signal. Don't neglect the caU for help Use HIRST'S LINIMENT, "tip grek pain exterminate Keep a bottle on hand. Thousands testify daily to its magic qualities. In use since 1875. Hirst Remedy Company, Hamaton.

Oat. DA1M 'A IvXtemLTalori LINIMINT Bears the Signature of S5 i 1 and the milk can be fully absorbed even by weakly children? TWOPTANT NOTICE. SuppHea cf Benerrar'a Food are now STS-LINIMEWT 434 "Si It avauaaie r.hpmie.l of Coinada. LtA Sn Use For Over 30 Years I bt itauf cmnm I IW VONK CfTV. THt CCNTAUR COMPANY, 1 SrSMonc BENGE "FOOD" MANCHESTER, England.

i 3 m.usT.

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