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The Sun and the Erie County Independent from Hamburg, New York • Page 6

Hamburg, New York
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TLTC 1 1 la iiZ at liwiK'Urg, New Tork' AUU'uoT Ml -3 F. W14TU "NOTTS lMl nm far VMtaee at aaabort oaM Wiiiw it tar hn ad aUaaber mr at Harnhora, M. T- eaoor tb Aa Of Mane U7I, 000 UKUBXX OF TBI XATIONAL BDITOKIAI. ASSOCIATION HAICBT7RO PDBIJBHDra OO, Xaaxrperatod luaorperotad ISS PVa, Bd B.aularr, M. k.

iTI'ltn PIPER kJiml B. WJUVB i ii I EDITORIAL POIICTi T' ssalataisi Virtaaaisrd wUstV- ahall ratVaa. toa, awb khera AraoJ-tv toteg lo.ra u4 InM) 1 watwlaaw v. I SfM tkM tkbas which sttawld iMtMO iOM teas hi aa nmat-or, ea4 to; schooi HnrrDfO The community iterated TMaay'i aoorW who Sra expected to at-j tewfth mooiitX mi'tMt Bmmiiaxt 8elad.MatTlcilto.lWime trbecam evident that a eonoerted at- iArtbt would Wriiao. for no ftTJarnt reason, to' prevent the re-lectI6ri, of President Strate-nator and Mm Idrv iHeath end Jars.

But wlUi the match of the opponent earn Corresponding parade olUwn who, having bm reached hurriedly by telephone and uto- mobile, were sufficient In number to. plaoe Mr. Btratemeler. and Mr. Heath back on the board.

It waa one of the largest school election to Hamburg's Tuesday's movement was quite unexpected, particularly in view of the fact that the school system Is operated economically and with extraordinary effecttyeness. Had certain Vo ters felt that thuigi were not going right at the school, and that the situation called for rearing Mr. Stratemeler," Mrs. Heath and Mrs. Kpprell, they should, In all fairness, bare made their complaints known before the eve of the election so that a wide expression might have been had from the district.

i .) It so happened, however, that the election resulted In what we might term a statUfactory "Mr. Hartman may be depended upon to make ait excellent trustee, and we are glad that his' group will have such competent on the Board of Education. Ot greater Importance even- that Mr. Hartman's election, was the public's sudden 7 awakening. Future years probably will observe ohoci meetings.

m. i.l THE ECONOMIC VALV OF 'The California Conference County punning Commissioners was told that eompe-S. Utlon among nnmmnntUra to acquire perman- ent resident from among the wealthy tourists. makes It an eoonomlc, rather than an esthetic, necessity to beautify the countryside. Says the tos Angeles Times: "Having failed to persuade fuiieily owners along highways that shacks are dlgflgurlng and to the detriment of scenic val-i oes, the expert now will try to educate them I to the eeonomlo value of beauty.

We sincerely bops that they succeed." There is no section of Western Mew York, unless it be Niagara, through which more tour-, 1st pass than the South Shore Area. The Lake Shore Boad is said to be second In the state for the number of automobiles which use It an-- cually. It so happens that much of the Lake Shore Boad is attractive and free of shacks for the district is well zoned for a distance probably totalling sevejd or eight mile by the prevalance of wealthy landowners; but there are extensvie areas which might reasonably be preserved for an attractive residential development should It be possible to curtail, if not completely halt the erection of unnecessary gasoline stations and hot dog stands, not to mention cottage camps. It la a fact that the South Shore' Area, including the villages inland from the lake, off era possibilities for Ideal residential development tixoMidlng those of any other suburban section in the Buffalo metropolitan area. The with thejr wooded slopes and the valleys with their pretty streams, and the blue expanse of water to the west constitute natural attractions for an men, and the absolute absence of factory soot and smoke south of Lake View provldes unique selling point.

Selling Hamburg and the South Shore Area should not constitute a duTLcuft task once highway facilities reaching the heart of the metropolitan center are improved. And, for that reason, it should be easy to convince propel ty owner of the necessity for attraettvenesa. Where today it may be advantageous for the property owner to permit the use of his highway frontage by small Oilspensera of gasoline, pop, hot dogs, moonshine, hamburgers, junk and lodglng-for-the-nlght, tomorrow the demand will for attractive homedU i and ultimate well-founded and permanent business. Attractive roadsides are required for such development. WORSE THAN GRATTERS To the Depew Herald must go the distinction of having dared to make a very pertinent criticism of a group of local dtisen who call themaelve the Central Council of Cltlsen and Taxpayers, This organisation, which, to the Herald, does not actually represent all the taxpayers' anonlstlons of the town, was charged with having created a situation whereby the taxpayer have to pay six per Cent, instead of tt per sent, oo a bond issue, -rne newspaper points out that thus the Central Council of ClUsens and Taxpayers cost the town un than lei ,000 excess interest, It seems that the council, In offering a reso 1 ii a rumnr town's affairs were hi rlorsi le mrf" hist a the authorities were about to bargain for the 1121,061 loan, with til result that the bond' lng houses declined to submit the usual sealed proposals and a local bank gobbled the bonds 'at six per cent; according to the Herald, to spite of the fact that Cheektowaga boasts an AAA rating by Moody's, and ordinarily would have been entitled to a low interest rate.

In bringing the facta to light, the Depew Her ald performed a real service to to public and one which' should Inspire proper resentment toward she so-called Central Council of Citizens and Taxpayers. Indications are that the lnterfer no of the handful of militant eJUxen cost the people In the neighborhood of 83,000 In excess interest. It la Just aa much the duty, of tax payers' groups to exercise caution In their deal. lngs with public matters as It is for ths officials themselves to display1 a rajr amount of "good judgment In aoWnlstering town or village affairs. A militant body of duaens and taxpayers.

fired with enthusiasm but thoroughly misin formed to eoonomlc processes, may eaafly prove more menacing to the general welfare than the very graft which their activities would Imply exists in puhUc office. Jr 6TsrATEMEIER The election of Henry B. Btratemeier at the organization tvtnetu annual meeting ofHamburijs'School District Ho. 1. to snoceed fchrueU as president ox tna swara not 'Unexpected.

Mr: Btratemeier served on tna board for 1 and haa held the presidency the past four years. Mr, Btr temper's serriea as an official of the public schools has been In valuable In the, past, and it is only reasonable to suppose ma -win become an even greater asset to the district durinc the taming year;" Banker, eWid leader, ipffrt and mayor ot the village of Hamburg, be' la among 'those busy men whose peculiar faculties permit of still more arduroua tasks. He is particularly adept at finance, and It is in the character of advisor that his presence on the Board of Education ha been most valu- WALTER P. COOKE The death of Walter P. Cooks, world citizen and distinguished Buffalonlan who maintained a beautiful summer home at Wanakah, came as a shock to the entire metropolitan area, Although Mr.

Cooke's activities were national and International In scope, and although be was re garded a financier of more than local Importance, -he will be remembered most by. the rank and file as the man who performed such splendid service for he University of Buffalo. Mr. Cooke was an adornment to Buffalo. Under his superb leadership a $5,000,000 endowment fund was raised for his beloved University of Buffalo, of.

which he was formerly chancellor. During the war. he had charge of Liberty Loan drives in Buffalo the Dawes Plan was adopted, Mr. Cook was appointed to the arbitral tribunal whose task it was to adjust differences that arose between Germany and the Reparations Commission. It was Inevitable that the' UrJverisity of BuMalo should, bestow on.

Mr, Cooke the token of outstanding aerrtce representing Buffalo IdeaUy.and ldeallsUcallyto the, world. INITIATE NEW LIGHTS. Orchard Park last Saturday celebrated In becoming fashion the advent of the pretty village's new street lights. Fire companies of Hamburg, East Aurora, Wlndom and West Seneca joined to make the evening successful. An American Legion band led the parade.

At a given signal, the switch was turned and Quaker and Buffalo Streets became paths of light. This little community 1 worthy of the luxury It assumed in securing better lighting'. Pew villages are more attractive than Orchard Park, and the new light standards, made of concrete. add materially to the village's attractiveness. WE ARE HOPEFUL' Widening of the Orchard Park Road, which connects that village with Seneca Street In Buffalo, is of major importance in the develop ment of the South.

Shore Area, of which the town of East Hamburg and the village of Or chard Park are a part. we are anx ious that some arrangement may be bad whereby the Erie County Motor Coach Lines, may be favored with the Public Service Com mission's 'approval of the franchise granted by the village and town boards. Development of the South Shore Area de pends not a httls on progress made in Orchard Park and other communities in the eastern section ot the area. That these sections require adequate highway facilities the same as Ham burg and the Lake Shore, Is a fact which no one, no matter bow enthuslastio he may be in advocating the Hamburg Turnpike, will deny. The Orchard Park Boad must be Improved.

WTutt the Papers Say THE NEW BOULEVARD (tkUImliKm) With the opening of the last stretch of the Southwestern Boulevard a fine highway" is provided from Transit Road to Irving, a dlstanoe of at miles. Built at a cost of ,000,000, it Is designed to relieve congestion on tqa Lake Shore Boad and to provide easy connection with highways to the east and the north of Buffalo. In addition to the service provided to local motorists the-' Southwestern Boulevard benefits this city by diverting ttuough traffic from it street. Buffalo now should improve the thor oughfares connecting with the Lake Shore Boad, an enterprise in which Lackawanna well might co-operate. The present condition ot these thoroughfare is discreditable to both sltles.

GLAD-HANDEI OAW (Los lifda TIm) Stories published in the eastern press about Chicago' new official greeter, Oeorg D. Oaw, make light summer reading of refreshing nature. Formerly it was generally believed that Or over Whalcn of New York, with his shiny silk hat and beautiful tie, was Ue world's foremost official weloomer, but now Chicago shoots to the front with a still mora resplendent handshaker In the picturesque person of Greeter Oaw. i J. i I i 1.

Ui t- a 1- i com out In a C't of b''iwt ''e trousers, a Pauama bat, a blue tie, i 'A and white shoe. No gayer weloomer ever drove down to the depot to get on the Job of welcoming. He 1 accompanied by a battalion of poUoe-men, all mounted on snow-white SAotoreyolea, who act a an escort for the distinguished guest, whoever be happens to be, the guest being seatt ad like a monarch in a luxurious snow-white Umouslna. During the first week of Greeter Oaw official career, which began within the month, nobody by way of distinguished guest showed up tor him to so he staged a rehearsal. He sent his dear old mother out of town and when he returned he met her at the ctatlon with ah hi motion-picture pomp and pageantry.

Few knew who the guest was, but thousand gather ed to listen to the band and to obeer her to the echo. r' But this Is what the old lady said of the reception when the reporters qulxsed her about tt: -The whole rum-doodle was a lot of foolish ness. My boy George is bom play-actor. When we went through the depot, with all those folks a-whooplng and George a-mughmf and waving that fool bat ot bis, and the police motors making screaming noise, I felt Just ready to go through the floor." But though" the official greeter first greet ing was not a bowling success from the view. point ot the greeted, he is said to have been waving "that fool hat" to good purpose on later nffflnVit and so seems to have Justified his ex-Jstenea and that of Ma office.

IS SHELL SHOCK A MYTH? Praa) By unanimous decision Congress of Military and Medical Pharmacy at The Hague has reported that there la no such thing- aa "shell shock." However, the doctors In tins world convention explained that the men saM to be shell shocked entered the war with some sort of neurosis which produced queer reactions to disturbances. The decision was that every army should have a "psychopathic center" to deal with such case in advance, JIn, thousands of. Instances of the "shell: father, "mother arid closest friends had never noticed or had reason to believe that any neurosis existed before a uniform waa put on. And they will not believe the view now expressed if a million doctor make the assertion. In-Jarge measure, however, the issue Is one of The susceptibility of a person to tuberculosis, to cancer, to diabetes is common ly unsuspected by one's family in The susceptibility of a young soldier to emotional unbalancing under shell fire could not have been prophesied by those who were nearest and dearest to The consequences are plain enough and, despite the "shell shock" Is accurate efiough In describing trierh.

GARDENS ASLEEP Mv Turk Bnlt-THIm) Plants sleep too some by day and some by night. A flashlight expedition to a garden re veal a sleepy crew, aa different from the bold life ot day hours aa human beings curled In sleep are froa human beings rushing tot sub urban Dawn Is too late, and dusk Is too soon one must catch the plants after they have. had tune to respond to total to the. temperature and to the action' of the dew. The bean droop; the pea blossoms nod; that succulent but accursed weed purslane turns Its leaves edge upward Instead of spreading them fiat upon the ground.

The clover fold its trefoils In various patterns, sometimes bowing the third leaflet over the other as If in benediction. The single rosea fold "all their' petals" inward; the popples shut up Ilk clamshells; the asters curl their petals Inward. Meanwhile the straggly evening primrose of the roadside seem to don fresh clothes at dusk; a coarse-leaved weed that sometimes fools the careless weeder of a calendula bed and always looks withered In daylight opens- fresh petals and becomes a garden ornament It 1 the evening lychnis, of the gay rock. garden plants; and many a flower seems to un load an extra burden of fragrance at night that is an Illusion, as the old Hindu theory that pliant prayed was an illusion. They did stand or bow, aa the dally temperature changed, but tt was not In deference to man.

made Idols. Plant respond to day and night, beat and aridity and moisture, but In thelr own ways. PLANNING ATTRACTIVENESS Cttr Star) It ii an appealing scheme ot city attractive ness that has been outlined by the director of dvto beauty of the Sanaa City, Kansas, plan ning 'Commission. The plan is calculated to carry "the gospel of clean and Inviting, surround ings to every section of the city, even to lndl vidua! premise. It 1 designed to enlist the active support of organisations ot the various kinds, of community group and of school children.

It would cttahHsh local responsfbUlty- for Individual projects, but would tie the whole en terprise Into a city-wide plan, competently su pervised. A program so wisely and ambitiously 'conceived ought to have definite, results In the working out. Once It. were started, there could be little doubt that group or community area after another would be led to take up the, plan and help to carry It forward. Fortunately attractiveness often prove contagious.

Engineering skill has developed an automo bile that I so safe that lea than one accident In every ten la traceable to mechanical defect, and at least one-half of these are the result of carelessness In not repairing weak parte. It looks, from a safety viewpoint, a though the driver ha got to live up to th performance of hi car. Christian Science Monitor. Happy th man that know the vitamin content ot hi favorite food, and like it Just th same and no leas. He Is on way toward conquering human perversity.

Knickerbocker Press. 'Ins Irrevocably opposed to any wet," de clares Bishop Cannon. That being the case tcj New and Courier will repel gll temptation to turn dryv-Oharleaton New and Courier. ji ii Ijfcijv. w.s rille ranie, and which was dlrd free to tiie town of Tonawanda for park purposes, now graces the K.enelworth aectlna a an attractive town park where wooded groves Interest picnickers and playground equipment la provided for the children.

Unopln Park waa dedicated Saturday. the Niagara Frontier Bridge Commission has acquired 34 acres In Niagara Palla, opposite Buokhorn Island, for the proposed" North Bridge will connect Grand Island with Niagara Palla. Iiand for the South Bridge will be donated by to, Mayor Charles Roeach of Buffalo last week signed a resolution of the Common -Council authorising the development of Centennial Park on the Niagara -River near the -filter plant. Dexter P. Rumsey, president of the Buffalo Real Estate Board, announces that a home-bull ding cam paign has been launched by ths organization, and that extensive ad vertising plana are being arranged.

Prof. Raymond MaoParland has leased the Mead School buildings In East Aurora and will launch a "personality sohooL" The professor is said to have Interested many local people ini project. Flan ear being completed for the first of. the building to be erected under the seven-year program ad opted by the Legislature last year for development fit the state-owned ana at Alden. An ZSOOnoo Hall of Springs, a 00,000 research laboratory and $100,090 for re-modeling the Washington have Just been approved by the Saratoga Spring Commission Seekers after health will drink trie' medical water amid the beautiful surrounding of the Hall of Springs and bathe In the new Lincoln -and baths where 1,160,000 treatment already have been given since, the state took over the springs.

Plans are bein gnrepared to beau tify the highway approaches to the city of Niagara Falls. SDonsorlnr the worthy movement is the Niagara Falls Power Company. In co-opera tion -with the Municipal Highways BeautlflcaUon Committee, the power concern has authorized removal of the old Star Electric Company's office and laboratory at Buffalo Avenue and 37th Street. Decision to ask the Federal government to deed to the city of Buf falo two acres of federal-owned land adjacent to Bird Island pier was announced this week by Mayor Charles R. Roeach.

His announce ment came after conference with William A. Bird and Henry O. Anderson, of the West Side Business Men Association. The association urged that the city purchase, the land for the extension of the pier ana aeylopmenjof Bird Island Park. -Net sales of Buffalo department store for the month of June were moderately lower than in the cor responding period of last year.

A decline of 64 per oent. is reported fb Huaaio during the lass month, ac cording to the monthly review of credit and business conditions issu ci vy hue rvaerai jrtesera agon a New York. Net sales for the Janu ary to June period declined per cent in Buffalo; atock on band at and of the month -was down.lM per cent. -and the per cent, ot ae- counta outstanding May- 81 collected in June waa 7.9, as compared with bjS a year previoiMBv. OM Ruilaa Oulpoat For SO veara rort Rum.

In nartkw era. California, was a BumUd outpost that threatened tbe Spa His pnesessloa of wbst Is today the Redwood empire resort Isnds of way San rranrlscsoa It waa tabllabed in lsua bv 'nuot nsnov and garrisoned by 290 men. The ramous ureek clispel- and a cor oer of the stocksde were heavily built of enduring redwned. Tana far MlaenJs Hareaslte la a mineral, tbe dls-sulpbld of iron, and also known aa white Iron Dyrltea. coxcomb py rites or radiated pyrites.

It Is frond la the form of pure yellow ortborhomble crystals. Tbe term bas also been applied to certain other minerals. Fightiag Cbotaat Blight Th chestnut blight first attacked the trees In this country la 1804 and has spread rapidly to all section to which the tree la native. Experimentation Is going forward hoping to develop a tree which Dugoi-resiHant, Poetry Nothing Ever Happens (ftmaJDw mmt Ftar) Fall of full' moon and the village sun sleeping Under dark thatch and, by fields ox young wheat. Shadow ot larches, down-dipping ana sweeping A curtsy (for Whom?) In the empty green Street But dusk, well I know It, wlU (tlr up old magic.

The sea creeping back to bar femy-green dykes The Marsh a sweet music, though ioyful or tragic Ah, neither will matter when nine O'clock strike And "Th Dragon's red blind rat tle down In the gloaming, while up to the Hard crawl chooner from Brest, With a star to her foremast and dew on her coaming And a Mate from some downalong ooomo in the west; A yellow-haired stripling, who's Just uaae sua woss Who know the gray Channel Xrou Cawsaud to Kent And. call th 74 Feat" while a girl at the wltaet Walla ut th moon shin ai milt her content. MIDULETUN CLARKE. QunMC- VL'MFJ-l TH MAIL rs Airgraphs bloom if the early budswhlch develop during hot weather are removed. -O- r'' Ths first few seeding of crimson clover on a field make better crops ot seed than are produced 'after clover has grown on the field for several year.

This is probably a consequence of the accumulation In the sou of too much nitrogen which result from turning under the stubble or the entire crop, Too much nitrogen cause an overgrowth of items and leave at. the expense of the seed crop. Where a spring seeding of sweet- clover has failed or where sweet- clover is desired as a catch crop, try planting in late summer. A Nebraska farmer has obtained good results with a novel method of seeding In small-grain stubble. At harvest -time he hooks a double a grain drill with sweetclover seed in the grass-seeder attachment, and a smoothing harrow behind the binder and draws the whole outfit with a tractor.

This outfit harvests the grain and sows the sweetclover at one operation. It the canary doe not molt at the right season, (usually late in summer), the can sometimes cause molting by covering the cage witn a dark -cloth and putting tt in a warm protected place where the bird will not be disturbed. The can ary needs no special care during molting, though it Is well to add egg food or moistened bread to the rattan once. a twice a week. A little sulphur added to the egg food, or weak, saffron tea instead of drink ing water, helps birds that are ail ing, a little linseed in the seed supply give a gloss and sheen to the new lea triers.

To obtain good tomato seed, select one or more plants wmch have I high proportion of good fruits, tak lng Into account else, smoothness, solidity, and freedom from cracking in tne mm, and vigor, nroductlvi ness, and freedom from disease In the plant. The whole seed crop from a plant with uniformly good fruit will be better than that from a superlative fruit from a plan with some uneven or Inferior fc-ults. Tag the selected plants and let the fruit remain on them until thoroughly npe out not decayed. Tomatoes intercross only slightly and it la fairly safe to sav aeed from more than one variety in the garden. Schoel Blackboard! Tli office of education says thai a great many primary teachers ars sing the script letters and a greet many are using the printed letters on blackboards.

The use el tbe printed letters followed the use of script, bat i oof eunnldered less preferable; No scientific Investigation has been made on the use of either. Some primary school teachers ase both. Washington 8tar. Faary's Great Feat la Peary' final successful dash tor the pole, the entire distance from tbe mainland to the pole waa 47S atatute mil, and was covered at the average rate of 13tt mile a day. Coming back, du to fsvor-ante weather conditions, an avoa.

ag rat was maintained of. 28J atllea a day. OLD-TIME HAMBURG Aagact lSSS-A trip to Idle-wood la the latest Hat are sometime lost If they are bung on a "bush." oilman Han ha popcorn which measures 7 feet 10 Inches." Miss Nettle Prouty and Miss -Alice Fowler are visiting Mrs. OeJtley Mils week. Th work on five new residence in Hamburg Is to be begun within a fortnight.

George M. Pierce will open a new street connecting Lake with Scott, and build several cottages on the August 188 Erie County Pair September 31 to- 34. Rumored that Mr. Keye Is to be married during his vacation. F.

P. Pease and family stopped at mine haste Kopp's last week. Miss Etta Rob-bins ot North Evans has gone to Vermont with her sister, Mrs. Boyoe. A law passed this spring makes it a duty to owners of threshing engines passing In public highways to send a messenger at least one.

eighth of a mile ahead giving warning, and in the evening to carry a red light. Falling to do so, the proprietor is liable for all damages. i Augast 1889-IJllle Wagonbmtt la visiting in town. New crosswalks at EDO's and Drummer's on Union Street, -opposite Pavld Fra-ser's, Buffalo and Union Street, etc Myron Walker baa Joined tbe Christian fold and ha become a religious exborter. On the morning of August 1 soma of the citizens of our village were aroused to find five dogs poisoned, three of which were very valuable and were much prised by their owner.

We are authorised to aay that a reward of $25 will be paid for the arrest and conviction of guilty parties. Anguat 4. ISM John Brendel has buildings painted. A pier will be buut at the Bay View house so that boats can land witn summer excursionists, etc. John Salisbury was very sack forepart of week.

Buffalo Street sewer is being laid; when it is considered that all this is to carry off mere surface water it seems a waste of money; what Hamburg needs is a general sewage system to carry off, offals 'of all kinds; now every privy is a cesspool ot filth, with no public remedy; glad we've got the park, but Hamburg's sani Ceatraveny Over Ward We do not find that any word la the Bible ha no meaning, but there has been for many Tent mice aontrofersy aa to the precis aanli of tbe word "Selah." Tula occurs Tt times in th Book of Psalm and three tlmee In Habak-kuk. It la variously described aa a musical rest, a recommending for the bending of th body in reverence, aad as aa ejaculation corresponding to hallelujah. Waabing-toa Star. Peary's Great Feat la Peary' Deal successful dash or th pole, th entire distance tram th mainland to tbe sole was sTB statute miles, and was covered at tbe average rate of 13tt miles a day. Coming keek, da to fsvor-able weather conditions aa average rat was maintained of 28 A Great Adveatara, After all, marriage I a great adventure and th leas It turns out way you hoped, the mora Interesting ara the surprise it baa for you.

Collier' Weekly. Our Platform for the South Shore Area "i Improvement of ths Hamburg Tmrnplks as the logical motor route to th heart of th metropolitan dlatrtot. Better traniportatlon servlc from Buffalo to an parte of th Planning and planting roadside to render th area uprem attractiveness. Adequate lighting and marking of highway for th epnven-tone and safety of motorists. Township arming along gang and constrvativ line with ths object of preventing depredations to property.

A bigger Erie county Fair and it ultimate oonveraion into a county exposition, with acrieultura oonttouad aa th Anminj. note. Continued Improvement of public park and beaches and par. tieularly th aoqitlsitton of more land at Hamburg Park. Advert the fioutzi Bhor Area.

Organisation of a onmraaUoa of kadlng dttaens from all eo-ttooa ot th area with th object of dssarsolnlng "--i intereste aad wsrkiBC fatolligantly for th (caution mutual problem. tary condition requires thorough and Immediate investigation. n-B. Wheelock waa knocked down by a bale of bay falling from a lost on bis bead last week: his eacane fmm worse result waa mystery. Agwsa weslyan tent meeungs wui connnue until further notice.

Two Tonawanda fellows were brought before Judge Eno hut week from Woodlawn; one was fined $5 for being disorderly; the other held for action of grand Jury for assaulting an officer In discharge of duty; he was let to ball In $1000; Chief of Police Moran had them In charge over night, minus a lockup; ha put In upper room, took away their clothing and stood guard during toe Rev. Shinn whose eccentricities caused general comment when he preached here, and who turned a summersault out of M. E. has become an A P. A.

lecturer. Miss Ida Hazen bn. her wheel collided with a carriage, breaking the wheel and receiving quite, a severe shock. Moslcal Terss A tret. In musical terms.

Is cos of tbe narrow ridges of wood, metal, or Ivory crossing the fingerboard of the mandolin, guitar, slta-ar, etc, against which the strings are pressed by th finger to shorten vibrating length and thus rslst the Altitade and Air The giraffe carries hi head high, but many people do the same thing with much snorter necks. Orasd Rapid Pre. 1 Dates Press 111 6 BY aa a universal distress call, replaced CQDIo 1011. rfe Count; inoepenbent ESTABLISH ZD im FobUsbad the rear by AKBUga PUBLUUNa IUa ttrmt Ktmamn. S.

'Ooeaniimleatloas nearduis tbt eoodoet ot this aswippr, artlelM aad llhuCraUona for publicaUou ana bs ddrn to Th ED1TOB, Erie Coantr aant. If tbe ntvi of manaacrlpW 4drd, tho mmt ba aewrnipntod bv a rtiapvl and mAdvmuA o- vuoii. But im Editor mm sol sou bvs. Naw for ones md- BOHBOTS WW III! IIP i IJ I. .1 drm to tbe iUaibars Pabllihlns Vss Mla HUMC turn, ork.

Hl- te tlM Ifatloa at AdvarUsUs SUaaser. ADVEXTiaiNa sUTCg DISPLAY ADVIRTISKVENTS, stosio tasortiaasi on-tnb Utl two-laeb, SSo pm wluava kxbl throo took. SAe par column bcbl toaMaoh aad kraatv Sfto par lacb for out aiattor, SIo par Inch for motrtooa, par la eh tor pUlaa, Dimpkur adVoJtlooraoaU rapaatad without ftbouaa of oopr la oao- aooadvo loauaa Will bo eharaaa at standard rata lots dUcouat of oa tbo ooooad sad aabat quant Inoortlnni POIJTICAL ADVIBTIfilNO 1 Ona CLASSIVTXDt to par ward par bo aarUoo. tmlnlmara obars of Sat par Uaartto). HEADER I Taa oonts par lia aaak laaanka.

PYoat pasa raadlns aoUoal Mot am tbaa thraa Uaaa. Bat abaroo of dollar (ll-W) par Inaailliai. ijpmilmatalF oU LXQAL NOTI OI8 1 tma oaats par Uao far furot laaarttoo I Sro aaaU Sartloa. dppimlMalaly word! tor Uaa. (No adrartUlns aoatraat aaaaptad- MBOHAinCAI, BrnBKlRNTgl Vloth of ooluauil II tra I Ml taaaas fraaa nl to raja).

Doptb of ooloaaal Ilia taobaj (ral toaatal iae of paeol ITS aaroaaa laabat (S fulf aolumuall Mle bubal as Ilia laaoaa. BAD LINE BUSAL Mlltll Moaa of Toaisaf liiwuwUaa data of pabHaaiMMi OAi.ioAt, XSWSl AOVSKTlaiMOi Dtrolan.

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