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The San Bernardino County Sun from San Bernardino, California • Page 3

San Bernardino, California
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PAGE TTTREE SAN BERNARDINO DAILY SUN. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1932 United States Will Enter A rms Parley Prepared for Big Naval Slash English Actor Recalls When Charlie Chaplin Was But Foil for Comedian in Traveling Show Troupe A S. P. DECLARED LONGEST ROAD II WORLD NOW President of Labor Federation Tells Mine Delegations Relief Should Be Given by Government Food and Clothing: for Unemployed Asked By Green in Address to Convention BE EXTENDED DnUICDQ MAIN brought about because of the entirely erroneous theory that prosperity means cheap wages. If prosperity Is to return, then provide the masses with buying power." In reviewing the Federal legislative program which labor la supporting.

Green said the American Federation of Labor has urged passage of the Costigan and LaFoU Ictte bills which would provide $373,000,000 for the relief of unemployed; the Davis bill for Federal supervision of the bituminous Industry; and a five-day week for Government employes, which, he said, would provide employment for nearly lOO.OOO additional workers. The call for fond and clothing for unemployed was also sounded by Thomas N. Taylor, president of the state federation of labor. "Whether the aid comes by appropriation or by Jobs, we need food," Taylor declared. He decried the fact that the Government Is opposed to a dole for the unemployed and yet "was anxious and willing to pass the bill for a credit corporation which Is nothing more or lesa than a dole for big Ull Acquisition of Cotton Belt Route Completed; Bi(? Issue of Common Stock Planned I fall Officials Do Not Believe N.ilion Will Be Requested to Make Extensive Reduction (R)' t'mted I'rs) SAN FRANCISCO.

Jan. 21 Acquisition of the St. Louis Southwestern railroad, better known as the Cotton Belt route, will make the Southern Pacific system the longest In the world, Its officials and Immediate adoption of the six-hour day and the five-day week. Much of Green's speech was devoted to a tirade against wage reductions. "Indignation swells within me when I see millions starving while there is sufficient food fr everyone." he said.

"I realize that there is something fundamentally wrong with our economic, political and industrial program. "We today feel the effect of the application of unsound remedies. On every side you hear that the proper remedy for our economic ills Is the reduction of wages. "If wage reductions constitute the Now King of Jesters Was Only Football For Partners By PAUL SHINKMAN (Central Prem Corrpnpondcnt) BOSTON. Jon.

lights are on and the rickety opera houe of a little town In the north of England buzzing with excite-ment It I 1D08 and the films still are little more than a hay dream of the future. But here Is to be entertainment that Is fit for the Rods and for every true Eng-Imhrnon. A concert party has come to town! Thunderous applause greets the sentimental ballads of the little band of Itinerant players Gales of laughter reward the breathlens compdians for their crude scuffles and tumbles. Even the little fellow In the pomlc turnstile scene gets a laugh, though he Is nothing more than a humble foil for the star comedian of the evening. A resounding whack on the head an Ignominious kick in the rear.

How could the audience know that 23 years Inter this same clumsy Ind would be dining with the Prince of Wales acclaimed 'round the world as the king of Jesters Charles Chaplin! claimed today. The system can move freight and A I Clt.WtMK CHAIU AND LfcAJ XX ckorge i By ARCH EDDY (United Press Correspondent) INDIANAPOLIS. Jan. 26-William Green, president and chief spokesman for organized labor, called upon the Government In a speech today to provide food and clothing for 8,000,000 unemployed men and many other millions working only part time. "The millions of men.

women and children who now are Insufficiently fed and clothed are entitled to assistance from the Government," Green said. "Either this relief must come direct or there must be a more equitable distribution of wealth. "If wealth Is to be more evenly divided, then there must be decent wage scales or the wealthy must be made to pay heavier taxes In order that their surplus wealth will revert back to the Federal Treasury." Green's address was before the thirty-second consecutive convention of the United Mine Workers of America in Its opening session. More than 1,000 delegates, representing coal miners In 20 states and two Canadian provinces were In attendance. International officers of the union agreed with Green by adopting a resolution urging Federal control of the bituminous industry all 70 By JOSEPH H.

BAIRD (United Prem Correxpondent) WASHINGTON. Jan. United Stair will enter the gen-ernl dl-m miitnont conference at flencva Feb. 2 prepared to reduce It force low, proportionately, an thrme of any other nation. High nfflclnl here, howpvrr, do not expert to he rhnllrnged to mnke deep cut In Amrrlrnn nrnmmrn's, or thpy ilo not rxpprt othpr conn-irlpn to arrppt sweeping general reduction.

Amprlra'ii position In Geneva will be different from that It occupied either hrrp In or at London In 1930. At the flrnt conference Amer-Ira hpld the "are rnrd." the world's grrntrt flppt. With a bold gesture i thjw f.v. uirz passengers from Portland, to New Orleans, by rail and from New Oilcans to New York by Its water lines. Water freight service also will be maintained between Galveston.

Texas, and New York and Baltimore. Reorganization of the Cotton Belt will be effected through an exchange of stock on the basis of one share of Southern Pacific common for three shares of Cotton Belt common, and three shares of Southern Pacific preferred for five shares of Cotton Belt preferred. A $6,626,800 issue of Southern Pacific common stock will be made to effect the transfer, company officials said. Men employed by the Cotton Belt will be retained in the Southern Pacific service so far as possible, it is planned. "The comedian was a little roue li in handling Charlie.

I aw the hoy was III diirlnq (he tnrnxtile scene. I ran. tinned the older man Renin! mm ACUTE INDIGESTION 6trikiatNight! (when drug stores are closed.) Why not be safe with Bell-ana o.i hand Now I remedy and the cure, then the mining industry should be the most prosperous in the world. This Industry Is an object lesson to the contrary." Green characterized the "stupidity exhibited by the managers of the coal operating industry" as un-equaled In history. "The period when the miners' organization was strong and wages were maintained on a fair basis was when the operators made money, because there was a stabilized wage scale," Green said.

"But when the slashing occurred then came the period of loss. "The masses now are hungry In the midst of wealth a situation hurting Charlie. He didn't take the warning, and there was a flfcht that niiihL" It offprrd to rpdure its tremendous Jess Onkroyd. star In "The (joort vlH nea power If othrr nation would i would follow It. At London the United I.

BELL-ANS nlnir of warm and lasting friend FOR INDIGESTION 3ZJ-l State for parity In suhn.a-1 ron ne hsd, enters and destroyers with on hU tn, r.reat Kritain. Th. iirn But what perhaps was the plce de resistance of the show, as Car u. r- I. lorllv laid aside his identltv as Iaue vneeted George Carney, actor, he smiled.

For Carney always smiles when he recalls those days long ago when he and Charlie Chaplin were humble fellow-troupers of the English countryside. No such concrete Issue directly affect ins American arms are expected at Geneva by statesmen hprp. The Unltpd States will cnt-r the conference with its fleet il-rpady ilmltpd by treaty and with What was little Charlie like in the smallest army, relatively, or any st army, relatively, or any ship between George Carney and Charlie Chaplin a friendship that wasn't forgotten when Charlie had risen to the topmost rung of the ladder and become a world celebrity. Thirteen years later (1921. to be exact), Charlie Chaplin and George Carney were both guests at a dinner party In Hollywood.

A usual, Charlie was called upon for a speech or a stunt. There was a pause as the little comedian disappeared for a moment. Then the orchestra struck up a tune that must have sent a shiver up George Carney's back and from the doorway through w-hlch Chaplin had vanished there came George Pamoir nf Cnt-nev Armstrong 7 ney would modestly Insist, was me skit featuring another of the headlined comedians assisted by a slip of a boy called Charlie Chaplin The name, however, didn't matter. What did matter were the gales of merriment that every night greeted the comic discomfiture of the pair In a turnstile scene. "I observed that sometimes the comedian was a little rough In his handling of young Charlie," continued Carney, pointing out that it Is not difficult for an actor to forget himself when the laughs are coming thick and fast.

"And then one night, standing In the wings. I saw that the boy really vutt Buffering nnin durlnir the turn country. It hns about sol- diers. Germany, forcibly disarmed uSl ZZrZ the first comedian -wt.

Gas lanes I I U. A- tit? Eh QJ IUt.l ini never nna im-i-ii iutu jdr.nuio- The American air force Is perhaps the world's most powerful, but no reductions In fighting nlr fleets are expected. To cut down military are expecteu. io ly? The star of "The Good Companions" was silent for a few seconds. Then he chuckled softly and ntnn, with run lterdy L.u Man.

lift nlr urengm. iney rinim, wumu futile while the skies are filled with of excitement that comes with fond commercial nhips. quickly recollections. hie Into filters. And no nation i we fellow-troupers of a seems willing to throttle commcr- I little concert party which called its cial aviation.

'The Football Match. he :i.nii.. luninalrf. "and mv partner and I I I IWIl lit is-n til iruiiLiiuii ibnmi'ii a Carnev At Armstrong) singing "On the Promenade," song hit of the little concert party back in 1008! Charlie had not forgotten his benefactor. And now George Carney is on a tour through Charlie Chaplin's adopted country In a play called "The Good Companions." Perhaps there is something symbolic In that.

stile scene, though he doggedly continued to make himself a foil for the antics of the comedian. It appears he had gone on with a headache. I cautioned the older man against hurting Charlie. He didn't take the warning and there was a fight that night." That, It appears, was the begin- While jif if inr.a 1 enjoyed a prominent place on the bill as a singing and dancing team. We did a comic villain travesty that ran 40 minutes and featured a song called 'On the to be fcV2FW v.

horns ferry. He never had an accident, and a grateful city has rewarded him with a pension. terdsy Manhattan Mirror nl In American strength are foreseen by officials here. First, there Is pirnspcrt of a prolonged naval holiday during which nothing but light patrol vessels would be built. Second, there may be some agrppment to reduce large-caliber guns, tanks and other heavy war materials.

Although the United States docs not expect world-shaking results from the conference. President Hoover. Secretary of State Stimson and other hish officials regard it as tremendously important. One official told the United Press America probably would piny a useful role as a mediator between other powers. This country'" physical Isolation from European problems will aid it to bp impartial.

Limitation Would James Lynch, who pilots steam- (Bv United Press) NEW YORK, Jan. 26 "Sccun-dus," a normal groundhog except for his unfortunate habit of emerging from his cave backwards, has Joined the New York Zoological gardens, Just eight days before he is due to put on his annual act of weather prediction. "Oi.tii th crmnnrlho? whose Foster Confidence "ter was sought each Feb. 2 by on the Interior of New York residences and the exterior of New York women. Park avenue is throwing out the modernistic stuff, the square, hard chairs, the Jutting bookcases, the cubist wall designs, and going colonial.

Wall paper depicting Washington's entrance to Boston harbor, or taking command of the army at Cambridge, is considered very swagger. The Federal eas'e perches on decorated dinner plates or Is the motif In draperies. Red. white and blue will also be the feature of women's dress, if you can believe the Fifth avenue windows. There arc tri-colored dresses and thousands of hats with tri-colored cockades or feathers.

Belts have the three broad bands, and the windows look very, very patriotic, to say nothing of the snips tnrougn tne rougn waters oi Queenstown harbor (Cobh, Ireland, according to modern geography) arrived today as an unwilling passenger on the liner St. Louis. He had to come because the seas were so rough when the ship left the Irish port that he couldn't be transferred to the pilot boat. A man of fine courage, as all pilots are, Lynch balked today when he was invited to go to the top of the Empire State building. "How high is it? he asked.

"A thousand feet," he was told. "Divil a fut will I go," he answered. Yet he thinks nothing of climbing up the swaying rope ladders of rolling liners. 4 Bomb Blast Shakes Chicago South Side en r.niciais nere irei im fer-nre will be worth while If it amateur weather prophets and In-onlv limits armaments at their quiring reporters, d.ed two months nre.ent level They believe limita- ago. ana tne zoo Keepers xorgoi 10 OOO (By United Press) rurrxr.n Jan 26 Hundreds of south side residents were jarred by replace him until they awoke, several days ago, to the awful realization that groundhog day was near at hand and there was no groundhog.

"Secundus" comes from New Jersey, and is fat enough to cast a splendid shadow. When Ella V. Wendel. a little withered lady who lived as a recluse in her Fifth avenue mansion, died -the last of her family an unofficial estimate of her wealth was given as $75,000,000. Today, when her estate came before the court for probnte, 75 lawyers, one for each million, were in attendance to file objections.

They represent some 2,000 clients, all asking a share of the millions and all claiming descent from Mis Wen-del's forbears. The Washington celebration is beginning to have a sweeping effect explosion of a powerrui Domo ai me roar nf the Crest hotel today and one woman was slightly hurt. Cap'n John J. Hammel, a sea dog who has traveled at least miles on the ocean, retired today. In all his travels save when he came to this country from the county Tyrone, Ireland he has never been much out of upper New York harbor.

But for 40 years, boy and man, Cap'n Hammel has transported passengers, 5,000,000 of them at least, between St. George and the south tion would foster International confidence and remove the element of surprise from war plnnn. Afterward, it is held, Europe will move toward a more peaceful mood, permitting roil reduction. America's delegation to the conference has been called by Stimson, who will head it, as a group of practical pacifists. It Includes a college president, a woman, Dr.

Mary E. Woolley; two diplomats, Ambassador Hugh Gibson and Minister Hugh Wilson (nlternate); a lawyer nnd former statesman, Norman Davis, and a U. S. Senator, Claude Swanson, Democrat, Virginia, Outside Attorneys Must Show Ability (Bv tlniled Press) SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 26.

The California State Bar association announced Monday that hereafter applicants seeking admission to the bar of California upon prior admissions in other states will be required to show sufficient knowledge of the substantive and procedural law of California to qualify them to practice here. Often had to lie down rT" Rheumatism The Milky Way TO HEALTH AND HAPPINESS By the Jersey Bossy EVERY Citizen Should Sponsor Real Protection NO wonder mankind from the opposite ends of the tartr shudders of the thought of war. When poison gos fum attack delicate membranes of the lungs -even nature gives uf in despair. Yet every day thousands of families breathe a subtle type 0 poiron gas that Is even more dangerous its action is slower-there is no violent warning. It Is called carbon-monoxide, a by product of improper heat.

HOW TO DETECT 'AIR STARVATION' If 9 P.M. finds your husband asleep on tfv davenport-if you have difficulty in getting up in the mornin) or if your throat seems dry or parched, fasten the blame when it belongs. heating equipment. The Holly furnace is a scientific climate plant that machine cle the air you breathe -then it is warmed -not burned -then delivered to your lungs germ-free and fume-free. Investie today this utterly new kind of Health Heat.

GENERAL SHEET METAL WORJ 429 Vz Third San Bernardino Uric Acid Poison Start To Leave Body In 24 Hours All pain, agony and Inflammation gone In 48 hours or money back. Make up your mind that unless you treat Rheumatism, iMeuruis, Neuralgia or Sciatica in me wum uravvou'll periodically suffer the rest of your life! The superb ingredients oi ine ai-lonm nrpscriotion are favorably jr i I known and its marvelous pain-end DARLING only ing power banishes an ciiscomron. It's compounded to drive out of muscles, Joints and tissues those fro mil 31c Cocomiut PIE 1 ftl excess uric acid deposits wnicn cause agony of mind and body. What a joy to know that never again need you sit up all night suf-fnrinir tprrihls nain what a bless General Sheet Metal Wi 429'2 Third San Bernard Out heat is questionable. gation please send us heatlfi Pinkbam's Vegetable Com-pound for pains and cramps and it helped wonderfully; "After my children were born, I tried to keep up, but I often had to lie down.

I started taking the Vegetable Compound again to build me up; "Since taking it, I feci fine and look well. Tbe Vegetable Com-pound is a good medicine. If any woman writes to me, I will answer Peterson, Box George Road, Tbomaston, Maine. ing to know you can conquer this Regularly, Made with fresh whole milk and fresh cggs.Topped with a real egg meringue and choice long-shredded cocoanut.dclicatcly browned Insidious amictton witnout narimm drugs, opiates or brain numbing tablets which relieve only for a short time. A large 8 oz.

bottle of Allenru costs but 85c. And Towne-Allison little, between-Jr meal beggars, who are continually running in and bothering mother for something to eat give them Warren Jersey Dairy milk. It's the easiest and safest way to fill their little 'tummies'," says The. Jersey Bossy. mirt ChnrH room 9 Name- Designed on principles recommended by the United States Bureau of Standards, Awarded the blue se of approval by the American Gas Associations, operates for 20 less.

li i Parker House HOLLS Regularly, 1 Ho Try these light, fluffy rolls. 484 North Street San Bernardino Drug Mack and Puthoff, and prominent druggists all over the U. S. say, "If Allenru doesn't end your pain more quickly if it doesn't give more lasting results than any other treatment we'll gladly return your money." Allenru for 48 hours then back on the Job again Adv..

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