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The Sandusky Register from Sandusky, Ohio • Page 11

Sandusky, Ohio
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

the dark BY HULBIRT roOTMBR Priscoit Faiininff aMttttt ia- ntt from Bmmeti vacht. She giu ft Ht(U, poung feiitsi toves hit. RtuMns to lom's Haftiot, ht honrdi the mcht mi ma. tn lackH hibtn, Pafifiifig mot deAd and iaut a fAitiU a tdiin her. Nein hides hef the dimed tifim.

Bad': tt the tillage, he ioatehea fnenti and ipotB little banid who hated Fanning. Ueill offers to help Mark BonniJSer, keen local investiga' tof. They confer with' Lawyer Kettering of Baltimore 6ame to fish. OHAPTISR 19 BACK to MNEt With the object o( herrinif across the trail, Nelll "My Idea In that the girl's friend an Absalom's man. Tlio story had already gone around the village that there wai a girl locked Up ftVjoard the yacht." "Yes, 1 have been tol that" said Bonnlger.

"The story was not generally be- Heved, but I suppose there was one man who went out to see for hlm- "No Absalom 's inan Is mlsslnt." Bonnlgef pointed cut "He furnished her the skiff. Bho then put him ashore and rowe away In It alone." "Impossible!" said Uonnlger. two sailors, liie steward, tht ellglneer all tell mo that she was a gentle and elegant girl, not at all the type who could have saved herself by rowing away In a heavy skiff. You can depond upo.i It, her man went with her. Everything points to the fact that It was somebody she knew end trui-tcd.

He must have followed the yacht here." NelU set his Jaw. If Bonnlgcr deduced so much already, ho and Janet were likely to receive short shrift next day. 'He was a cool customof," Bon- nlger went on. "According to the crew, ho took a rug out of the after cabin to keep thi girl warm, a flnshllRht out of the saloon and all the cooked food there waa In the refrlEerator." "Why couldn 't he have shot Kan- nlng?" snggeKted Nelll. Bonnlger looked at hini with ferim humor.

"I'm surprised at that." he said "from a man of your experience. Kvcrything shows that P'anning was shot unawares. If anybody had In the rtoor and attacked him. the cabin would have presented a very different picttire. Nelll was silenced.

"Wo will know him when wo catch him," said Bonnlger grimly. "WILson got an elegant set ef fingerprints on the nfrlgerati'r door. He photographed them this afternoon. He's developing It now." Nelll resisted the impulse to thrust his hands In his pockets. f.ngertlpa tingled unpleasantly.

Vacklng The Purchases When Honniger had returned to the telephone In Vlrgi' Ixing- cope's office, and Kettering to his camp, NtlU locked himself In his room upstairs and started to distribute the various articles he had bought for Janet about hli person. He had not purchased evirythlng In one place but had picked It up at odd times during the day In the different stores about the village. Women's clothes were out of the question, so he had got hor over- alLs, a fihirt, a pair of sneakers. These he had to buy In sizes suitable for himself, and he grinned, thinking how Janet would look In thorn. In addition he had biscuits, cakes of chocolate, a couple of cans of itieftt, a bottle ef towel and soap, candles and bat- terlcfl for the precious flashlight.

When all this wai he appeared to have Infireosed suddenly In weight. Howfever. he had satisfied himself that the back part of the hotel was deatjrted. He Went down the back and out by the kitchen Once he was in the toad, he felt safe from observation ft the Street lights were feeftte and far between. The crowd still hanging about Longcope's store and aftet he had turned the comer by the river, ho met nobody.

Aware that all his little time either of thert could speak. Both felt as If oceans had parted them. "Oh, Nelll! The day was so long!" How good It WBS to l.old hef close against him! Honey! Honey Honey! It was hard to te away from Having lighted a candle, Nelll held her away from hlin so that he could look at her. To find her 1ft these Stratige surroundings was like seeing her for the first time. In the empty ship, her fragile beauty had unreal like a dream.

He drew her to Mm with a Sudden fear of losing her. TMK nii.Jlai'KH, KANDt'SKt, OBTO. THURStiAY, OCTOBER 1. 133 1 "If Coald only stav abanfd hftte our two selves and let the ipest iM the wofid to to When they came back tf, earth, Jaiiet began to pat him. 'What did you bring me? You're co-ered ail ovef with tumps." He began to disgorge.

She laughed at the cnrlotii! array of stuff he had brought. "I tvanted those clothes badly. Everything aboard the sh Is so dusty my dress Is already sight!" She carried the clothes into the adjoining mom and pre-ienfly returned looking like a eomfry boy in het rolled-up, hShd-tne-down overalls. She struck an uttltnde, sticking hef thumbs through the galluses and pursing up her Hps to whistle. She looked more real now.

Ho was obliged to seize her 1ft his arms again. "By Ood, you look gool to me that 'You're stnothering He unwillingly rv her. Janet funs to give herself up. to- hioffow, after a nuafrel tvltli Nelll. Pott Ctintm Effill teigo, Joe Heigrft and Chafftt Slhrel ate tpfiiding a days in Canada a tiswng et- pcdition, trip made by automobile.

Mr. and John Kettelson, are planning on apenrfing the "Winter in Florida, Where tht-y will live In trailer-fashion. They are preparing to make the trip by automobile, and will leave here about November 1st. Mr. and Mrs.

Sewcll Merchant of Detroit, were Port Clinton visitors over the the jruests of friends aftd Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Snldef and Harvey and Wesley fetarned home Sunday after eft antombblle trip of sevefal miles through Kentucky, "Ifjnnessee and parts of the southeasftn sUtes.

the members of the Knishts of Columbus held a meeting in their club t-ooma evening, when Mr. O'Leafy, of Savanah, a special agent of the Supreme Council of Knights of Columbu.s. was a guest speaker. Di. C.

1. fttrntz, a district deputy of Pre- months he maftftgef the mont. was ftlso a x-isltor speaker. The Madison Recreation bowUng alleys which have been remodeled during the summer month.s. have been opened for the fall atid winter bowling programs.

A number of league games will be Scheduled Soon. Willet A. Pettlbone. Inner guard of the Grand of Knights of Pythlana, and William Younker a logal delegate, are attending the' annual meeting of the Pythian Grand Lodge at this week. Edward Kelly, who was taken to WeKfcm Union office at Camp I'orry.

Lcn MlllT. of put-in Bay ft. local business vi.isitor, Wednesday. Mrs. Gitst Oeiger, kft for Detroit, Thursday to Spend a few In the city with friends and She will return home xSundny, and Mrs.

Harry of Akron, N. Y. are ftpendlng part of the wrek here his find Albertina and brother-in-law and si.ster Mr. and Mrs. Albort Holr.bauer.

The fir meeting of the season. Fremont for an operation for'ap-lfor the Gilbraltar Council of pendlcltls, Is reported aS improv-1 Ma.sons will be held Friday eyeing. I nlng, Oct. 1, when a special elec- Mr. and Mrs.

William Hedrlck of Catawba cliffs, left their winter home in Florida. Charles Gos.eer. who has been spending the past two weeks at the Lake House, here, e.xpects to leave for Geneva where he will be In charge cf the Western t'nlon tee- graph office. During the summer tlon of a treasurer will be held. and Mrs.

Wilbur Cri.swold of England, arrived Tuesday to spend a few days here at the- home of his parents, Mr. and F. J. Griswold on tcn-st. Mr.

and Mrs. Griswold loft here for England In 1929, and that tmo he has bern af- mmh mam witih Limited business mL-iSfon of the company he represents. August Kolesttf fttid AWHt Radioff. local members of tAi mfet lodge, attended the annual bake held by the tntiioiit fiWSi at the Sandnsky cottfttj" grounds, recently- Visits In Wlllafd Daniel president at Pjiltlmore and Ohio raimy, kM other officials stopped in Wlttirf- for 15 minutes Tuesday, While route on a special train from tlmore to Chicago, the five train was drawn by the tffiW 16-cylinder steam engine. C.

W. Galloway, genefal ftger of the system and D. Stevens general Af. transportation were amoftg those, on president Wlllard's WANT ADS BRlvn RESULTS Magic of Make-Up Transforms Paul Muni into the French Fighter, Emile Zola! PUTTY and plenty of grease paint. PERC WESTMORE pencils In wrinkles.

MUNI'S eyebrows are greatly elongafed. MORI hair is added to his own beard. WESTMORE adds finishing touches. MEET Emile Zola, great French noveltst. Paul Muni transformed Into for W.uner "The Life of Emlle Zola" In which he Is starred, and opening at the Ohio here Sunday.

to now had been vatclied. he walked with his head over his shoulder. When he came to the last houses he watched his chance, and skinned over the the fence the cornfield between road and river. The motorcycle volico had been ordered to patrol the state road all night. There was but this une road leading to and from the village on the point, thus It was an easy matter for the police to stop all who might try to leave by car.

Nelll lay out In the cornfield until he was very sure no one followed him over the fence. He stumbled on over the ploughed field, climbed a couple of fences and found himself In the side road which serred the landing used by the big ships. Coming out on the shore, he taw thr.m lying huge, dark and threatenlni? out In the stream. The captain's lights were out tonight. Since his car was not there, Nelll Judged that he had been drawn to the village by the general excitement, Nelll walked up me beach to the little pier below the old farm house.

Th skiff was tied to It and the oars were In her. Ho fast off and, making a det-iur, came back to the Abraham LIncom (lom the middle of the river. Feeling his way along the hull, his hand met the twine dangling troni above and he twitched It. A moment later the end of the rope ladder fell on his head, and he sprang to his feet with Joy. Janet wr.t all rlaht! In a minute ho would be with her! Janet Dons Orerallh The thin rope lay flat against the vessel's side, and he saw that It was not going to be tco easy to climb up.

He took off his boots 80 that his toes could grip the rope, and went up slowly. She was waiting for him at the window. When he Jumped in, she flung her arms around his neck in tt passion of relief and gladness, an.i for a Daily Cross-word Puzzle ACROSS Jumpi (. Beam S. Fifty per cent li.

Drus-yieUUnt plant 13. Smallest integer 14. Ancient Ortek coin 16. Pertain 17, Predicument 19. Woodtn instrument to beat or 11.

washlnj 20. Detested 11. Second band 13. Auction 24. Make Arm 26.

Drain 25. Held a II. About it. Elevator carriage I 13. Proceec" 84.

African antelope 16. Founaaiioi' Solution of Vesterday '8 Pur ii. Unaccepted part of 9, foot 45. Made eyes 48. Command fe.

Condensed 50. Tired: poetio 51. Very t'ack niolstui'? 63 Vase 19. Indulge in a 64. Voleant garao 55.

Makes laco 41. Large sheet ol Young man Ice 57. Ovule POWN 1. Firm 2. Buttec euVbtl- twin brother 4.

Closes tightly 5. Fish 6. Article 7. Word of consent 8. Hourly 9.

Diminishes 10. Easy gait 11. Ran a'vay hattUy 16. Ropes for hoisting ship'r y.trd» IS. Burn 22.

Decompose 23. Small crors stroke on a letter 24. Hazard of navigation 25. Tavern 87. Existtd 29.

Grow old 30. Pull after 25. Game fiah 37. Having rels- lively little velirlty 38. Make public 40.

Legal claims 42. moldingi 43 Encourage 44. A kin.T of Mldiun 46. EagU 47. Pair 49.

Vat 50. 53. MICKEY MOUSE BECAUSE. TO NND bETTER HE kSREES TO TRN)E CLOTHES PLkCES Every Sunday The Register carries a full page of "Mickey Mouse" tn Ito Comic Secllon King Mickey By Walt Disney TE MUST MNKE VvlHtH HE WNSil EET HOmEUEl NET- eOOO PKTkTV VNELL-l'VE HkD LOT O' THINGS ON MVJ HEKD BEFORE EUT NEVER. OHE O' UND NOVM, tSRE XE OP POLLY AND HER PALS Every Sunday The Register carries a full page of "Polly and Her Pals" in Us Comic Sectioa Somebody Gets His Chirps Mixed By Cliff Sterrett HEY MAW! CALLTU DOC! ASH IS WAVIN' ONE O' HIS SPELLS FELIX THE CAT Every Sunday The Register carries a Full Page of "Felts the Cat" In Its ConUo Section By Pat SuUivan BUINGINU UP FATHER Kvery Sunday The Register Carries A Full Page of "Hringlng Up Father" in Us Comic Section By Gwrsre McMsnua BUTLec OH ME NERVES-We'S TM' DUMBEST hAAN I 've EVgR SEEM.


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