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The Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania • Page 21

The Tribunei
Scranton, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

HE SCRANfSk REPUBLICAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10. 1921 41 ead the Descriptions of the Many Comfortable Homes Offered for Sate Here AUTOMOBILES BUSINESS SERVICE EMPLOYMENT' EMPLOYMENT MERCHANDISE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE THE SCRANTON REPUBLICAN lasnjed Kvcrr Mornlrg Except Sunday. 11 Automobiles For Sale 28 Situations Wanted 35 Repairing Household Goods 59 Snlesman and Agents 35 84 Houses For Sale FOR SALE USED TACUUM CLEANERS lie. PHONOGRAPHS And all other talking ins colon and reproducers reps I red. Motors oiled, regrsuajted.

Open svenlngs. Boll Al'TOMOMILk Pop'a Rot a Ford truck for 195.00. tuudl see It. Tou AGENTS Wanted In every town, city, rural district, to sell guaranteed money getter or refund. Ijike City Carlwn Remover and Speciality Dept.

1, 614 E. 43rd street, Chicago. ginas. Premiers, Torringtons, Eurckae and iliectrli'S, Weru used for demon strstlug only. Hartuiau's, 502 Lackawanna avenue.

"JgS'jJ5 "'ulson avenue. Bell 231S J. Al'TOMORlLE I'op got a 193) Ford touring car In very n'uniiiKKiMj couches, parlor suites. nu anae. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WJntd Ilea, EbUU 89 CASH s'OU want to sell and get your atone at encu.

jr onuellBiCg. HACK ETT The Res! EstJ." ilanbuyi! "iella! HT'l, auprnises iroerty. Room ellenta. Effective Faroi Agency, 133 41 Aduuis Pi.' fAio 'h 'nrgaln.

Urli Con nell building 600 Wanted J.I.OfJO to Jfi.OflO. Slejel's Realty Conneil bulldlug. iy Ac rutaers upomsterea sna repaired at specisi reduced prices for this month. Living roots suites ma Je to ordr at fsctory prices Ulob rpbolstering. Bell phooe 1418.

New FOR SALE USED ELECTRIC WASHERS A. .1:. Super electrica Tbor Demonstra tors. Western Electrics, Easy Electrics, from up. HarUnan's, 602 Lacka tvauna avenue.

l'op's got series 8 Franklin touring, $S30. a poone enou it THE SCRANTON REPUBLICAN 3 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATKS 2 (Count 61 Wordi to to Una.) OXB INSERTION We Xt Uat $10 pur lack. WHBE CONSKCUTitB INSERTION'S to par or i SSJX CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 9c per lln 11.13 tne MIXISTOM OF THREE LINES DAIL1 3 FOR TEAR 5 Hi Wo per ln 2 lto rdnr accepted for lee than 3 thirty cents aer Insertion discount M' Kt Pernilttad. wl ill a traue la. HOLGATE REAL ESTATE CO.

MADISON AVENUE Beautifully located single home of 10 rooms with all modern Improvements, full lot, largo garage. $15,000. Ilolgate Ileal Estate Brooks building. SOUTH SIDE Single, bnth, gss, steam, $4,000. llolgale Ileal Kstnte Brooks bonding.

WASHINGTON AVENUE Modem single, 9 rooms, hardwood trim nnd floors, ail improvements, $9,000. Uolfats Real Estate Brooks building. Al'TOMOBltB For aale. New five pansengcr CARRIERS WANTED PETERSBURG SECTION. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY OFFERED FOR BOYS TO START A PRACTICAL BUSINESS EDUCATION.


Morris Garage, 116 Jackson ing thst you con depend on st tvamuutin street. prices; also cartret cleaning. Both pliones, efBmua Lpnoisiering bJ linden AITO PARTS Those who are In wont of pins for 11) II. t'hsliiiers, Appersou four UrilOLSTKlilNG If you want unliolsterin touring, tnaluicrs model llupnioUir. tlnn rtirhf Mi Miuin.IJa 110 I snd for a Herri Hrook cylinder tour.

i. i i Laeksvasna Cpholsterlng 721 Mulberry AUKNTS 36.00 weekly, 75c hour spnre time guaranteed taking orders Uuarnnteid Hosiery. No;; pay In advance Kxiwrienee unnecessary. Box 7, Jiarbv Us. AGENTS Wanted; agcut with experience In Kamllo oiieratlon to sell Radio apparatus to HeetHoal simply uouots in Sirniifon on commission.

Only higli Bn le meu rted anply. lt.idii Department 1 edeml 'JVe pli ne snd tc, iliilino, N. Y. A' 2lHl eeilt. j.roilt.

yvTTXrf.Ti ll lle artlolc; soraelhlng new; sefls like wildlife; carry in pocket; write at once for free sample. Albert Mills, genernl man Cincinnati, Ohio. SALESMEN Just reading "this Yd wlilniean nothing to you but answering It may change your future life. Don't answer it If you are not over 30 or would lie satisfied with $60.00 per week. M.

A. ricrson, Box 194 core Republican. lug ca imp goc tnem. DINING TABLE AND 6 DINING CHAIRS. POLISHED QUARTERED OAK.

A BARGAIN. BELL 3459 J. LEGALS ArTOMOBILES 19M FORD COITE, Tailoring and Pressing 80 1 $300 9 Esther chars noo or night. As Want ad Tatar. LaNDIS STUEKT SliiKlo.

6 rooms, all Im provements. Lot 40x150. 30 days posses, stou. Low price on easy terms, Buckley, 31' building. xiil'Tii T.VnUr it p.

Legal Notices 91 DOWS; 193) DODGE TOtRIXG, DOWN; 1920 OVERLAND 8F.DAX, $300 tial iaiprovemeuts, lot SOx'o'. Price small payment down, latlanee like rent. CLERKS Hallway malt; examination soon; tbousamla needed. Interesting rtendy work; good salary. Complete preparation at low cost.

Write for booklet 'ioi 121, Washington, D. C. DOWN; FRANKLIN SEDAN 1150 DOWN; ruicmey, am I'auii imiiuing. I Indexed for Quick Reference CLASSIFICATIONS ArrNCJTJN'CEMEN'TS wfl Funerm) riowera. Cm7 Lota, MosuroaaU, MOOKIC STUEET sTngle.

(Tjooins and Uitn, FORD, RUNNING ORDER. ISO. MR. all Improvements, steam heat, gas and electric light room for garage, luiuiedluie BUTCHERS' COOLER Second hand aae'la MORRISON, SJS ADAMS AVE. BELL S.

possesslou. Reasonable price. Easy terms. SALhwMAN W. anted to cover Scrsnton snd adjacent territory, scqnniuted with garage and retail hardware traOe.


7 ixxig Coming Event. Lost and tootincL AUTOMOBILE Pop's got very nice Usynes touring car with an Interchangeable winter top; eide curtains when eldea are removed; sew tires; extras and rltus. A car thst Is sons, 20U Maryland Trust Building, NORTH WASHINGTON Double 8 rtmins and bath each side, gas and electric llgtit, stationary ranges, lot 50x120, room gooq connmon. all Hell 3Jofi R. CLOTHES Sell your paying highest prices.

Send postal. Isadora KlEor, 225 t'enn svenue. ROOMS AND BOARD Rooms Without Board 68 Jt. Atstomobll Agendas, ill Automohilca fa Sal. mechanically right, you must come and I CLOTH INSPECTOR WANTED FOR WEAV.

ING ROOM. MUST, B8 FIRST CLASS WEAVER. ADDRESS BOX 1932 CARE REPUBLICAN. for garage. Buckley, 310 I'sull building.

Situation Wanted Female 36 see it. 3 Motorcreies and Bicycle. SOUTH IRVING AVE. 400 block, six room Bill 4 ROADSTER BODY In good condi house, full lot, alley In rear. Price $4,400 tion.

Pop Klcnor, 828 Wyoming avenue. A PRACTICAL NURSE Call Bell 2924 J. Automobiles for Exchange Auto Accessories, Service Stations. Repairing. cssli.

Dermody antf larr building, CARS Ble barcalns In used care and trucks; HILL SECTION One or two gentlemen for banains In parts for all makes of cars. I NORTH MAIN AVENUE Largo single, rooms aud hath, all Improvements, gas light, 3 lire places. Inrge lot with 2 enr WASHING DONE 1 CENT AN HOUR Lacks. Auto Wrecking "34 Cspouse I Auto Livery Carsgae, Wanted Automobile. BUSINESS 5BRVTC ABOCT A REMARKABLE CONFIDENCE ViiieK.

clean, no meals; always on the lob. Scranton, Pa. Bell J. Phone Mrs. Thor Washer, care Jlartman garade.

nsys ihisscpsioh. Kensooniu two connecting rooms; running water. Phone 3067 J. ilILL SECTION For rent a hIrgefront rfKim. Private family.

Business people, Phone 3012 M. IN ITS ABILITY TO DO GOOD WORK. r.ieciric to. lieu pnone price and good terms. Buckley, 310 I'sull COI.B Bun 6,000 miles, A condltlon.4 Tbos.

Cook, 11 George street. Bell phone I building. OAKs'I'RKK'f Single 10 rooms and "bath, ar 1M B. Throop. FINANCIAL DEALERS WANTED SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BrfolfcNfjD In the Office of the Mayor bv the city Solicitor, st A.

on VVedueedey, September 51, 10J1, as Follows: For printing of that portion o( the itn ord not yet printed In the unss of tbe City of Scranton vs. Scranton Railway Company, now pending In eh Superior Court of to No. 132. October Term, 1021, comprising (or estimated to comprise) approximately 500 pages of plg.rt mid tabulated 11 polnt matter and 1 pages of 8 polnt tabulated matter, lilds to Include price per page of straight printed matter In 11 polnt type, 42 lines to page and 23 ems of plea In width; alao nrloe per page of tabulated matter In 11 polnt typo to avoiaae 5 columns lo line, 42 lines to page, and 8 ems of pica In width: prlco per page of tabulated matter In 8 polnt type 10 average 6 columns to line, Ptl linos to page and 'JZ ems of pica In width, other miscellaneous primed mattes to be done st equivalent rates snd miscellaneous reproduction matter other than printing to be done at reasonable rntes to be agreed upon. Hids for above matter to Include sll proof reading, sssen.bly, pngslng.

running heads, binding snd all n0rlc anJ material in uonnectlon with printing and ruriushlng cotupieto record In the above 100 copies of completed work to be fur. 11 njt November 15, 11121. Copy is on and msy be Inspected In the otlle of the I'rothonntnry of the Superior Court at Philadelphia ra The City reserves tl.s riglit'to reject ny 'Ya Jl HOUCK. JB City Solicitor. A CI A ET DAR TlF vS7'aTiTiNf' ti.tu, Tenn.

ion'. in the i ourt of Common Pleas of wnnnt Count'. To Martin K. llsrrett JS Business Service Ottered. J9 Building Contract inf.

to Heating and Plumbing, 11 Insurance, 3 MUUneiy Dressmaking. 3 Moving, Trucking, Storage, 4 Painting Papering. Patent Attomeya for two gas and slectrir COLE 8 Bun i.OCO miles; A condition. Tbomss Cook, 11 George street, Throop. Business Opportunities 38 light: full lot, 30 days possession.

Buck ley, 310 Psull building. LARGE Well furnished room; 4 windows, running water, electricity; central; refer dices. Bell 3047 TWO FUHNiSHKI) SLEEPING ROOM SI Electricity, bath, private family. Call Bell 7616 M. Bell 1M mroop.

THE SOR ANTON GROOMING 631 LINDEN STREET, CLEANING, PRESSING, ALTERING, BELL 5M6 NEW S37 J. "ASK THE MAN WE WORK FOR." PROVIDENCE ROAD Single, 6 rooms end RAISE BIG C.UTfAL rite for free copy. "Quick Financing." If you need big cap nl for oil. mining, or industrlsl business. bnth.

alt improvements, steam heat. Lot 38 Printing Stationery. Jit Professional Sanrice, 40x75. 30 days possession. Prlee DODGE TOCRING CAR 1919; food condition.

funnngliam Financial Socialists, Chamber Buckley, 310 I'alill KcXI.C. See Stewsrt at Conrad Motor Csr 639 MADISON A pleasant furnished provements. room, all im of Commerce rasaflena, lain. Phone 7606. PROSPECT AVENUE Single, 7 rooms snd bath, all Improvements; full lot, gas light stationary range, $4,000.

Easy terms. Buck ley, 310 I'sull bnllillng. fssKepJrlng. Renovating and Dyeing, (tailoring and Pressing. 91 Wanted Business Servlea.

it EMPLOYMENT. Help Wanted Feimaia. 33 Help Wanted Male, iH Helo Wanted jeaie or FaasaK 69 RouitiM for Housekeeping FORD ROADSTER 2 month old. like new. FOB A TRUCK MADE BY ONE COMPANY AND AN AUTO MADE BY ANOTHER.

LIBERAL TERMS AND EXTENSIVE TERRITORY. YOD MUST BB ABLE TO SWING SOMETHING BIG. LET C8 KNOW IF YOU ARE INTERESTED AND WE WILL CIT IN TOUCH WITH YOD. ADDRESS BOX AUTO 1, CARE REPUBLICAN. EMPLOYMENT WK WANT A good reliable man with business exierlonce to act as oftlce manager and assure part interest in a bonnfide going business.

Good sslnry, fslr profits, eqult sble arrangements for the right party, reasonable investment for permanency and good faith. Mandanl Housing Corporation, 21 E. 40th street. New York City, 1375. See Mr.

Wagner, Universal Motor Csr I HEAL ESTATE For sal by De Witt, THREE OR FOUR Furnished rooms for rent. For housekeeping. Very desirable, 2nd floor, 719 Qulncy avenue. Call evenings. 143o laponie avenue.

4 family apartment, coruer Dickson sua Help Wanted Female 32 FORD TRUCKS We have 7 one ton Ford A RKLIARLE COOK Wanted. J)s Salesmen and Agent. ij situations Wanted Femala, 37 Situations Wanted Mala. trucks with various kinds of bodies suit Vacation Places 70 Storrs. Bell telephone, Dslton 22 11.

able for msny kinds of hauling. See them before you buy. Economy Auta 613 40 Money to Loan Greeu Ridge street. $6,000 3 family apartment, Tiier Olive ami Wyoming, 12 foom double, 1515 1317 Fnrr street, $1 5i0: 12 room double 1500 ltXiJ larr street, O. I.

1)0 Witt, 1005 5'rnsey Svinue. SOUTH SIIr. Single home for sale. A bargain to quick Imyer. Phone Bell SSrfl.

at Lake SPEND SEPTEMBER Week end A.MH1TIUIS WOMEN Earn eicellent hi FINANCIAL 38 Business Opportunities. 39 Investments, Stocks. Bondav Linden street. conies Introducing Ouarsntted Priioilla fabric', Hosiery, underwear; customers Ariel. Saturday supper to Monday breakfast Inclusive, $5.00.

Special Sunday chicken dinner, Hotel Columbia. ECONOMY JEWELRY CO. 141 Tenn avenue will loan money on diamonds, wstclies and Jewelry at the loweset rates of interest. everywnere. smendlO nrollts.

iiesutlfu GREAT BEDCCTIOX ON FORD CAK5 40 Money to Loan. Wanted To Borrow. samples furnished. Free Instruction. Flu INSTRUCTION torporstlon, Trenton, New Jersey.

73 Wanted Rooms, Board STRAND THEATER ifTilss Anna Bchworti, of Dickson City will iilease call at the advertising office of The Republican, she will receive two tickets for til Strand 43 Corepemdeoce Courses, COOK Wanted. Apply Mrs. Georce M. Hallstead, Clay avenue. Bell tw4o You are hereby notified that a subpoena and an alias subpoena In divorce has been ROOMS Wanted three unfurnished by young couple by October 1st.

Coll 2629 J. theater. HANDSEWEKS Esperlenced; can secure per nianent position ana good psy. vtrite, cau MORTGAGES Money to loan on mortgages, loui or upwards. Siegel's Realty Con sell building.

MORTGAGES 1500 to $5,000 upon rlrsTmort gage, terms to suit borrowers. Payments received and Interest reduced. R. V. Cap.

well, attorney, 720 Scrsnton Life building. INSTRUCTION EXPERIENCED TRUCK DRIVER WANTED. orpoone. wen J. non Inventus, and that th Conn tins ordered srvlc upon you by publication, returnable September 30.

1021. You are. ihi South webster avenue and bath, all Improvements: fill lot with, large garage. Reasonable price snd terms REAL ESTATE FOR RENT GIRL For genersl housework. Apply second no.Mj OIHEBS NEED APPLY.

PROVI noor, 7is Myrtle street. 74 Apartments and Flats DENCE COMMUNITY MILLING 2409 GIRL tied and required to bs and appesr 'at the il Common Plea, of Lackawanna i Pennsylvania, to holden on Ihnt date. J. it Hnrr.An.rr, Wsnted, nperienced for general hotme Al'AUTMENT AMELIA AVENUE. work, good wares.


OPEN EVENINGS AND BrSDAYS. Inquire 747 4 rooms iurnislied apurtment, MaJleou avenue. GIRL OR WOMAN Wanted for general to suit tbe buyer. Buckley, 310 rami building. S()rfHIRVINO AVENUE Single, 9 rooms end bsth, ll Improvements, steam heat, full lot garage, plenty of fruit.

30 days poeaesslon PsulMuilbllng, TENTH "STREET Double, 7 rooms eseh side, nnrtlsl Improvements lot 80x160, gas and electric light, Easy terms. Buckler, 310 raull building. Correspondei.ce t'ourst $2 JOHN J. OWENS housework; grood surroundings. Apply 920 Solicitor for Llbellant.

SlO odw.U SCRANTON CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL Monroe avenue. Business Maces for Kent 75 43 Local Instruction Clsseea, 44 Musical. Dancing, Draxnsts "13 Private Instruction, tt Wanted Instruction. LIVE STOCK 47 Dogs, Cats, Pete. Hows, Cattle, Vehicles, 19 Poultry and Supplies.

10 Wanted live Stock. MERCHANDI3B) )1 Artie ror Sale. Business Equplment, S3 Bot and Accessories 14 Building Materials, is Farm and alry Product 36 Fuel and Feed. SI Good Things to IX. Home Made Things, 9 Household Goods.

SO Jewelry and Watches, 81 Machinery snd Tools. 42 Musical Instruments. 3 Seeds, Plants, Fertilliera, at the Stores. 1 Wearing Apparel, (t Wanted tu Buy. ROOMS AND BOARD, R.

E. Weeks, president; R. J. Foster, vice nrenident: Kimer II. IaaHll.

troasurfr; GIRL JAN anted; steady, married man tc work William G. Cottle, secretary, bcrantou, I'a. Wanted for genera! housework. Mrs. D.

Lewis, 814 West Market street. on farm. Machine tnilUiiiij. fc, W'. LARGE STOREROOM For rent Sept.

1st, suitable for factory purposes. Cliff street, now occu iied by Slelner llutll. Also two memory the old fashioned way of fighting fire. The must elaborate. (keoiatcd car, waa that of Junes r.e.

Mngsley. Susquehanna County, ra. U1KL Musical, Dancing, Dramatic 44 MAN To work this city reflnlshlng cbande upper floors in same building, L. W. Belles Ni Wsshington Ave.

Phone Whose float renreaemi.wt lo anted for general homweork. 613 J. References reqnlred. iiera, orass ueus, autoiooilee, liy new method. $10 dsily without capital or ex I Call Mt'SlO STUDIO Piano lessons; 50 cents per lesson.

2055 1306 ilul lurry street. 81 Wanted To Kent jicrieiice. write uunmetni 211 Elm, eH Tia Garden. The otin jtlc events Jtartod at 1 o'clock In (he aft moon. When the running n.

ny held lor young men. This race GIRL OB WOMAN uiu atur, fu. APARTMENT Wanted" this Fall or Winter; not later than Jan, 1. Smnll bouse or apart MAN Wanted to se'l our waterproof kitcheu GRANT TOrRI.NG Car in good condition. 45 Private Instruction ment.

live or six rooms. Green Ridge or niront. iae flu UJiiy. iuoet itinnam, J3ft. Bates Motor 510 Nay Aug park section.

Box 1959, care Re Lotvls Martin. The nos coupon test was won bv the tcim in M. C. ONE TON TRUCK 10 months In punr live ruDer. sens on uirni.

rnu us. U'onard 59 West Third street, Uayonne, publican. service, newly painted and overhaulted. THE SCRANTON DRESS MAKING SCHOOL Teaches a practical course In Cressuiak Inj. "Earn while learning." Madame Tripp principal, 1602 Pine street.

Bell 167 apartment Wanted 4 or 5 roms In de Express body with canopy top, cab and MEN WANTED To write health and acci Miohna' P. Sensen. T'i tug of waTr W) the, Hawloy Klre dipartmer.t hiwlcy band In the. fit. sirable locality.

Must have modern Im windshield, cord tirea. Lconomy Auto I 17 Rooms with. Board. 8 Rooms without Board, in Rooms for Housekeeping, 70 Vacation Fiacea. dent insurance, whole or part time.

See FNION STREET Single, 9 rooms and bath, all Improvements, steam hest, gas and electric light, full lot with garage, 30 days possession. Buckley, 310 PauU bulldUn. 400 HOUSES FOR SALE" We offer your choice of over 400 housea for Bale In the city of Scranton. Singles, doubles, apartments, buslmsx properties, etc. Why waste your time shopping around wlien you eon flnu what you ant ot tills offb e.

Vsughon 712 Council hulldng. (i L'ut! Double, 6 rooms each side, Improvements. See Henry llavldow, Dsvldow building. Bell phono 6351. JXIOO fl'ngii house.

Six rooms sn 1 bnth; in good condition; sll Improv minls. Gi.s. bath, steam best, paneled rooms; coal niid gas range nnd garage. 2'l South jollying avenue, rtefl plume 32871. sailinvs house on Walls street.

Niu th Scranton. Good Investment for son one who wishes to rent to tf For further rartteulsrs. write B. csre Tbe Rcpubllrnll. i 51s Linden street.

M. V. Marcy. 1520, Olive street provements. Adults only.

Will rent from anv time this fall or winter. State full particulars. Address Box It. Scranton llcpublican, 8CRIPPS BOOTH 1920 5 passenger. now In, MEN Wsnted to become commercial artists Where to Eat.


GOOD HOME AND GOOD WAGES. APPLY AT ONCE. 435 MADISON AVENUE. 12 Where to Shop in Town. TS Wanted Rooms.

Board. HEAL ESTATE FOR RE NT. men victory. The even.nj entcr'a'n rp rji was the ball at' tha Wei wood club. The door prize, which was won by Wiliam Flederbach.

of Honcdale, and the la les prl won by Miss Irene Pabst. Dlirl.i and llluatrators. Commercial artists earn $300.00 to per month and more. Pre. vlous experience unnecessary.

For full In formation, write Vocstional Director, Post OVERLAND Mode! 90. In good running con dition: tires and paint good. Only fedti. ornce box iso. jo, uxes narre, stat Bates notor bio Jiuiuerry.

ing age and present employment. 71 Apartments and Flats, Busineec Places for Rest, TC Farms for Rent. Suburoan for Rent. 7 House for Rent. 58 Offices and Desk Roon.

Dogs, Cats, Pets 4. HUNTING DOGS Coouhounds and combination hunters for coon, possum, skunk, squirrel etc. Rabbit hounds. Airedales and Fox Terriers. All (logs sent on trial.

Catalog ten ceuts. CovluJole kennels, Covington, Tenn. a waltxtng was coil ducted, and the bos. rianc. MEN WANTED TO ASSIST MANAGER Ex TWO TON ALLESTOWN MACK TRUCK perience unnecessary.

Must lie Catholle; Katherlne Urfidy, of this place. "and her Just rebuilt, new Ignition system, new cy. neat and cieau; courteous and willing to iuders. new piston rings, sew crank shsft partner, Patrick Flmnapan. of Carbon aale.

travel. (Expenses paid). Call all week 0 Summer Places for Rent, Bljsssa to Ren' beanncs, now ralvea. new steering cear. 85 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.


BOX 1956, CARE REPUBL'CAN. I REAL ESTATE OR SALS. Horses, Cattle, Vehicles 48 Edward Lunch, of Albanv tsr four new tires, new two ton box. A trial NEW INVENTION Oil gauge for Fords. Sells malrln i trip to resiMnsibIe purchaser.

G. Foster, on signt. Hie profits, small investment. BUGGY Rubber tired, full leather top, side 20 (ieddea street, l'ittston, Ta. Hell S67 J.

cheap. SWIO Jackson street. J. T. Uecse.

Both vliones. MIDDLE AGED WOMAN WANTED WHO Exclusive territory. Unusual opportunity; for sgents snd salesmen. Address Sales SKD CHANDLER COUTE In perfect con curtains storm cover. im u.v.

er. "03 South Main avenue. dition for sale at reasonable price. BeU Houses for Saie. 33 Business Property.

Karros and Land for Sals, 5 Lots for Sal 6 Shors Property for Sal. 67 Suburban for Sale. B8 Real Estate for Exchnng. kit Wasted Real Estate 594 Stn. C.

Omaha, Neb. TTr.w3von a fresh A o. I cow wu telephone 124 10, Clarke Summit, l's. 1521 block East Elm calf. ueo.


NUMBER ONE, AUCTIONS LEGAL PACKERS WINTED EXPERIENCED PACK HoUSE Good, rugged work horse, 12o0. cost short itme ago o. "Hi sell B0 Auction Saie. for $115 Store 203 Soutn JJain. ERS.

rONE OTHER NEED APPLY. U0KSES 5 horses for sale. ANNOUNCEMENTS HOUSE Wanted, 5 or 6 rooms nnd liath. Within walking distance of central city. Bell 6489 J.

Sjibiirhan For Sale CllNciIlI.LA 10 acres, nil improved' Isnd, 8 room bouse with bath, pip? ess heater, fifty fruit trees, good barn and chickery 5 minutes from the street car line and Lackawanna rallrood. Buckley. 310 Paull bulliling. Real Estate for Excliange 88 AfTimiENT DULMNGS Wolft, fnrm ranch, plantation "ange for ajiai't ment bnildlngs. 01 to tW.WO.

Pr' ''Sje Trade separately or together. George Siew.rt, 9 So. Cblcni. EMErtSON PHONOGRAPH BROOK tired top buggy; town iativ in George Moore, of New York Cltv tTV Thomas Qolden. "ol HAWIiET.

13 Novelty Band, Jicnssdale Armory, Tuesday mght. Adv. ozsoh ORaoSr. sept. San ford and famllv non f.B,5 sets single narnessi rm.u CARE SCRANTON REPUBLICAN.

GIVE AND REMINGTON AVENUE, 6TH FLOOR. Personals fused. 211 ftnyraonu ROOMS Two small or one large unfurnished rm for Hunt housekeeping, centrally flTiuifcs 4 cheap; a Is one AGE, REFERENCES AND FORMER P0S1 located. Address Box 1957 care Republican. NOTICE A Saxou Six touring car and lOsklaud roadster collided Thursday.



1920 BUICK TOURING. O. D. DEW1TT, 730 732 WYOMINO AVENUE. ROOMS Wanted 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms; oakfora loun.

TION. 1 "Member 1st at 3 p. m. near Chinchilla, north of Bailey's garage, N. J.

Richardson was MORE HORSES Arrlved with the ninth car, liMjiAHl.n A. wanted to devote spare two adults. Address Box woo, care Kepun lican. "lirown through the windowshleld snd hurt. OPERATORS Wanted experienced operators urns selling trees, snr.uis, plants.

fte duced prices bring good business. Permanent position; weekly pay. ouarnnty Nursery Horses for everybody. Lots of weight and and pressers on muslin underwear, eouus raid. Apply Imperial Underwear 441 nntv.

Dan Jacobs 81U rrnnsim The csnie of the who was in the car tak of the Saxou and who helped take care of Mr. Biebanlson until the doctor REAL ESTATE FOR SALE i r.ocnesier, North Main avenue. Scranton. Pa. came, is wanted.

Will she piease write or SALESMAN With auto. Demonstrate and solicit orders for lighting plants, cold Im MERCHANDISE RELIABLE Young girl wanted to assist with WAYNE COUNTY phone name and address to rl. 1 jewett. Farms and Land For Sale 83 FARM Lands for snle New Jersey acreage housework. Apoly 409 Clay avenue.

proved pit carbide generators. Experience or BrooK yo, ra. lieu pDone. RELIABLE GIRL ana Atri. r.

nov iieieBeury. brum ou vur fa una family. and Mrs Articles feale liariraln 2 cssli. $2 monthly buys two STAMP COLLECTING If you ar a collector DlP piac nense. commission ana expenses sjiorf re For general housework.

References II. Thorn rsor. 'of AlulVlleto, ihUr, quirei Call lcnJ3 Adams avenue. of or are interested in the collection ot postage stamps you will be well repaid by GREAT ASTHMA REMKlii iiron iuru ancei. Give age, reference, telephone.

Old experienced iterator salesmen welcome to seres farm land. Trice $96; only J4S esch. Vail. 12 John street, New York. FARM For sale.

acres. 2'4 miles from STENOGRAPHER Corporation establishing yendicg your name ana aaoresa 10 ruiisieiy. sufferers of aatnma, ua iejr. cibtls should call at 30S South Main ave try out on iius proposition, ra. uiuey, Mr.

office In this city desires a youn lacy woo P. O. Box 15i Scranton, ra. 63 CADILLAC Fine shape paint good, eitra 5o Franklin Hsrrisburg, ra. Gravity stotlou.

Most of land smooth. 10 Is a stenographer and an experienced Book nue, Scranton, i'a. tlio bun equipment, 950. Bates Motor 513 keeper. Must have special bent for detail TABLE 4 ft.

I ft lata 10 Lost and Found BILLIARD Mulberry street. SALESMEN WANTED Bell phone 154 Throop. work, ro not apply unless yon nave tnese qualifications. Call for Mr. Vernon, Room slightly.

VWL" LACK COW Strayed from my premises Thursday. Finder please return to John VVuimg, Line street. Olypbsnt. I7t Hotel jermyn, between two ana nve summer with h.Z '1 52 acres timber including sugar bush, 20 seres nstural Irrigation, adapted to garden truck. Good 8 room house, 2 burns with alables under.

Poultry houoees for lj)0 hens, 2 Irooder l.duaes, snd oilier Imllillii'S. Also if wanted 800 bead of poultry end stock including cows, etc. Welter D. Curtis, Wayuiurt, I'a. R.

I). No. 2. Business Equipment 1921 WESCOTT 5 passenger, looks like new. p.

m. sept, intn. M. D. Lee.

EONEBDALE Saturday of tills wei will be th lat day for receiving bids for the delivery of ballots In Wnyne county for the Kail primaries of SeBtembor 20. by the county commisisonei's. Married. September 7. by, Key.

G. N. Unriervvood, of (ho Moihodlat church, Mish Dorothy Manila and Ailolph lx tcr, both of Niirvowsburs, N. Y. The ceremony was performed at 2:30 tuul the attendants wero Ills Laura Kata and Lewia Brucher, of New York.

Several members of the llonesdale Maernnerchor onloycd a clam bake anil Outfit TWO OR THREE MEN OVER TWENTY "AND TUBE VULCANIZ1NG TIHPI PRACLET Lost Monday evening between irsi condition: paint, tires, etc. good. Bates Motor 615 Mulberry street. Alio I climan la THREE OR FOUR WOMEN WANTED attending high Akron Wllllams make, gasoimv Lackawanna avenue and Maple street, on outb Washington avenue. Howard.

Call Mn.tun steam cenerator. tube and cas used, reason fur sell 742 J. achol at Pliompson this term j. Campbell and A and Mrs M. D.

Lee let VVedm Harrisburg and 322 HARRISON If Mr. Russell Tewltsbnry will piense call st the advertising office I of the Republican be will receive two tickets I ing owner left town: price ressonable. Call Edirsrds, 352 Adams svenue; between iiCACK LEATHER PURSE Lost between Ihinchllla and fcvranton. containing money lor the Ptrana tneater. 8 a.

m. and p. m. neii pnoue jim, 1920 Bl'ICK Roadster, 1475 down; must 1 secrllice at once. Call Mr.


Good Things to Eat 57 500 GETS 46 AORR FAIIM Wlth l.orses, 625. outini? tit C. C. Oruy's, Labor Day. Dr.

H. B. Ely, assisted bv Dr. K. W.

Powell, removed the tonsils and ade PORK SAUSAGE For that Sunilny morning Auto Accessories breakfast. Don rurgei tnui rooimj v. epciii a tew uayg with C. J. Kaufman at Ebensburg.

"larcnce lirownell attending high school in Carbondale thi year Dave Rivenburg has purchased th Lync.i property. Nile. Mr. and Mi's'C. W.

Brow nc li and son. Clurence." attended Mr. favls lune hI at Likewoud recently I', Hheai. of Carbondale, called on friends thin place recently. A.

E. Sampioii wife and eon, leave for iampu, r'loridd, Udiober I. cows, poultry, crops, iiu ies, tmiis, equip mcnt Included; pleasant self suslnlnli form home in fruitful seotn excellent shooting, fishing, trappl ig; close village, convenient railroad town; 38 sens rli pork sausage made several times today lit Market. 1W8 Penn avenue. It's TIRES McGrsw cord tires at less than hslfl noids of Mildred Mills, of Nurrowa burgt).

N. at tin: Memorial hospi ana valuables. questions con cerning money. Keward. Esther Ber ger, ill 13 Lackawanna avenue.

Soranton, are Kaplan's Furniture Ba. aar. Bell 70T6. rjACK WALLET Lost September 4th between ranton and Carbondale containing a D. U.

pass. Masonic pledge card and wau card. Name of owner on all articles. Seward. Ralph E.

Evans, 723 Columbia fiJ'TON BULL DOG Strayed to my premises, wner csn have same by Identifying and Baying for sdv. Csll Bell phone S19u, between 6 snd 7 p. price. 3fbt34.

JK: 31X4, flfl; SKiX4. KD: 3414, oork nnri the ven best of eats. $32. Bsrton Auto Supply 413 Linden I ninctrhio worked tillage, good psstute, PORK aTBKISi. street.

Telephone ii.l. wood: 50 apple, pcacli trees, pears, plums, ehirrles: comfortable house; nliiziu, plt ss ant outlook, siibsfmllal iineiiunt l.nrn pork goodies nnd many such articles not found in most markets, at Cnrr's, 108 Tenti BY AN ORGANIZATION OF NATIONAL REPUTE. ONLY THOSE WHO ARE IX EARNEST AND REALLY WIHniNG FOR ADVANCEMENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. FORMER EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY. RAPID PROMOTION ASSURED THOSE WHO QUALIFY.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION WRITE BOX 1950, CARE REPUBLICAN Service Stations Repairing If. piggery, poultry lio ise, cfc, owner unulile EALES MANAGES' AUTO RADIATORS Get our estlmsts fori uuerote. sacrlliees only $aOt) avenue. rr. sTedslantiFertuizerr o3 expert work on your radistor troubles.

Re 1 easy terms. OpportnuiLii like Oils don't memner we are luecisnsts, ew uioue rieni ff, uiAI kinds Of CUl nuwer. grow every day. Get laisy. Catalog Iiee, 8.

B. Morse, Bioomibiirg, Pa. ator Renoir Sl 40S 410 Llndes street. Bell a1 eor.l designs. tal, yenteruav.

Isaac J. Lobb lias sold h's house on Court street to Michael Monoghan, late of Mount Picasarir township. Lobb will make hia future home with his daughter, Mrs. M. V.

Ilicji srd8, Port Jervls. N. as was previously announced In this department. Amanda CJummoe. benlflclary of Harold Gummoe, late of Hiiines, who met an accidental death by drowning In the Delaware river a few weeks ago.

was paid a check for $1,000. The young man was a member of MapK City Camp, Wodmcn of the World, in good standing. 'OCtETBOOK Green leather lost, central JTf containing Owner's name on dasK Finder plrsse return D. R. Jones, 27iiS Jackson street.

Met a snu weuuinss. 6107. l' I. le. York Floral 401 8vrncejireei.

UNIVERSAL BATTERY A bsttery tor ef ery 1 TT STTtrnnH 10A ItlL't UD Vs 1. i ln Of IWtl, make rare. A part ror every make battery. Any make battery recharged and repaired. Teiiue, AUTOMOBILES To handle crew of stock salesmen for a corporation with an established product, highly advertised snd doiong a nation wide business, splendid proposition for bard worker and man who can show records k.i.

rone iwd iuu Harrison Avenue Garage, 622 Harrison are 1 GOCLDSBOBO. GOt'LDSBORO, sjept. 9 Mr. and Mrs. William TrurjK of BoatOn, spent Monday at the noma of JJrl.

A. Shennerling. Mr. and Mra. D.

E. FoUy have returned from a trip to Buffalo, Cleveland, and other places of Interest. Miss Mary bender nag entered the Feranton Lacltawanna Business tallage. school opened oa Tuesday Mm the following teachers In t'large: Prof. It.

Xuuek. iirlnclpuli Mlae Ada Stm oin. grammai'. Miss Grace Dowlinj, iiu'a. and Mis Irniii.

TWENTY ACRES AND PLENTY Free book ef lerlllliers. v.o,, aue. Bell 7220 residence 7199 R. of successful performance, write box WI.EIoTrsETS On Utui. Now Is the time to plant.

Clark's Seed Store, 121 WELDING AND BRAZING Auto parts weld about Florida. Tells tbs truth. Monthly paymentes, easy terms. Orange gr jres Kenuhllcan for spnoiontment, frames straightened. Guaranteed work I planted.

Sylvester E. Wllsou, Kept, JO, Washington avenue, Automobile Agencies 11 A iODGE BROTHERS Cole, Nash agency. Coo rad Motor Car Wyoming and Mulberry ber rice and Heair station. living full particulars, references and sua service, v. i.

Jiaii. in spouse ave. I Orlando, Fls. telephone number. Musical Instruments ir a it AT SCOTT.

I'A. 172 acres. 2 creeks, HAWLEY BUSINESS SERVICE HA WLKY, spring well, pond, gooi; icn room iiousc. Hei.i 9 Announce MUSIt'AL lNSTHIME.MS A. IMPORTED iorA hsrns cntt hones, wsciiinery I ORD Authorised agency for Ford cars.

Re tiers, JOS Jobbers crops. George C. Grltmon. Bell, Dslton ment has been made of the marriuge of Miss Ulizaoeth Kramt, in this nlaie to Krnest l'liinU IVveie, of tiwnnseoi. wholesale for the entire soiUer ltoisirters ami jickawsuiia n.t re pairing snd i'Orls and service.

All Diglil 13H). Ijckawitma vcime. mid, svenue. TWO GIRLS Warned to malt on tsbl. two or three nights a week.

Apply Twu flail. W.Vs"!i:i r.ria!ir, smbltious 16 years old. Apply V. W. Woolnorth 317 Irkawnnna avenue.

WOMAN Wanted "to do washing, or mj take It nomc. call 7774 W. servico. aenuaii bancone alotor 641 Business Services Offered 18 C. C.

STANTON Carpenter work, alteration snd repair. Form work a sreclaity. Call Bell 1976 sfter 6 p. m. ilia marrlftge look place at the WANTED An experienced real estate solici I'AltMS One to twelve acres; tine site for If HI 111 av iabie yming, avenue.

primary. Maignrel Smith ha lo her school work at Clifton Heights. tor salesman. Bulgers ueaity iuj bungalows, ioou Jn. kson ireei.

4 nue pnu. 'ANARO MOTOB CO. Sells Chandler and A. 'l. liceso.

Plionee building. LAKE ARIEL One of the best farms In WANTED Names (a) men, 18 to 45, wishing rVantcdJoBuy 66 Lleveiand cars. Ilea Main street, Peck and 23 South Main street, Caruosdsle. DRATING And coal hsullng. Thomis Maboa and Son, 623 Electric street.

nolo pnones. Wayne near Luke Ariel for sals, in quire 306 Board of Trade building. WOMAN Wanted to assist with housework, laundry work. Apply 335 Harrison ave nue. Bell 6771 R.

become Mall carriers or cierxs. lomioru. month. Steady. Common snftle'ent Anawer today.

Box car Automobiles For Sale 11 WOM A Ws ted experienced woman fo keep Republican, 84 Houses For Sale SCRANTON PLEATING AND HEMSTITCHING CO. 130 N. Washington Ave. Ileil ANTHRACITE MINE ooii4Uv And saw mill men. Experi XTOMOBILE I'op's pot a 1919 Ford truck ALDER STREET Double and slngls, double phone 4W0.

Best line of all kinds of no enced; steady work, 35c per hour, 1'i boors house for two men. AppiT iw Olyphspt or plioneJBell 136 J. OJypbantj Cv irriTi'S SFS sale g.rls nnd sods tlous; beads, beaded bags and bag tups al oj en delivery boly. 3.5 Wyoming. LTOMObTlE Pop's cylinuer touring car.

11 rne lowest prices. a board per wees; no need applv. J. E. I'atlerson and lol N.

Pennsvl.anla avenue, Wllkes c'isnsers. 310 Washington svenue romos eaeb side, partial improvements. Single 8 rooms, arranged for two fsiullies, sll for $6,000. Small pnvment down. Iial snce "Ike rent.

Buckley. 310 l'au'l building. SMART SHOP And rtnby llsiasr. 637 Linden rresiiytoriHii Mantu tti bomervilie. Muicl.

31, 11)21 i'h atluiiilenli were Mi l.orraltie Dit and Join. Henry intimate friinda of the yinin i(iti)le. Mrs. 1'evere 1 a f.iadui.tu vii tlio Hawley High stliuul, iitnl ot .1, Surgeiii l'liytlca! Cullure Scliool. Mat sachusets.

Tliei tnany friends her extend lo them their heartiest congrn. ulations, Owing to tli lack of rain In this section 1 he PaupuuK river has become exceedingly low, ami because of a de feci ill the inilih vvutri wl.otl the Wei wood KilU Mill was down Kridav lo resuine. woik ag.ilti on Monday Sept. 12 During tins tune tli blc wheel will ntiilciKo ii'jmiisi; Jllaa Nellie Slotu. of ilkes Harre.

Spent the week end uiid with her parents, Mr and I noma Htotit, of th Eddy Miss Anna May Keliers. of New York city, remmed to thill place aff.r siiending two weeks will, her parents. Mr and Mrs. Kay AmineriMaii and UTOMOUILE Top's got Ford Coupes, or 131 North Main street, l'ittston, ra. for general housework WiiMAN WaTited street.

Milliner), Doll Iloailsl. Hemstitch Ina and general mer' liflinlie. BUSINESS HOUSE Wore am! 10 rooms; stesm 156 JeiTerson avenue or csll Bell "YOUNG MEN Wanted lirlght ambitions young to learn welt shoen.akl.j3. Apply 3632. heat hot snd cold wnler; 00 state roan 11.

insurance 21 hA staativ work neini vo v. Ulinoiirst, giirnge for III car; limn, 3 horses. pb is Klioe 319V lns street. TogTirigi sua Koaasters, iruai up. ITOMOBILE op'i got 2 very nice Talis touring cars.

UTOMOBILK I'lstuo rlugs and plus, cjiin der and crank shaft grinding, U. Heindi, tiift Kressier Court Bell 666S J. chicken house; 3V niliintes run to Birnnion good place for any business. Price right. Csll 1030 for particulars.

whits mills. WHITE M1LLK. Ntpt 9. Al fi id oilbeit, aanlstsnt pahtor ind iidnuger Of the 1 fiurch at Utica, N. has returimd to that ci.y after fvw days' visit tn borne of In slaler, Mr.

Henry Knorr, Voriii Main afreet. Lyndon Knoir is getting with his broken shouldef and is alio lo attiitl school. Siln.ul begun on Tuesday with a fairly good number of a.udeiiia, wmle li ve thai iei.ed On condition met 3 ear. because of loss of wa of school on account of th scarlet feier epidemic, are hesitallng about returning, riends of Walter Tumn 3r ad to hear that he has been appointed final Inspector along with head drarts. man for the Wayne Engineering company, of Honesilsle.

Walter eta 1III9 gradual of ihe local high schbel here at th age of 17. Mr. Tuiimr, alao has a diploma from tli American School of Aviation which conra. he HiriMnle or Female 34 C. G.

lidLAND CO. Insurance. 229 North Washlagtoa avenue lloth phones. CENTER A rrT CAMl'BELL 'A It EE A CO. will sell nui.

C'lEHKS 18 upward for Postsl Mall Service, c.nitnstintis HenleDiber. ax or rent your real esiate. lien 011 third floor. Insurance Rooms 305 6 7, Conneil twlldlng. Brooks Inilldlng, YOUNG WOMAN WANTED, NOT LESS THAN 20 YEARS OF AGB WnO HAS HAD EXPERIENCE IN GENERAL OfFICF WORK.

SHOULD BE A GOOD RAPID AND PLAIN WRITER. ANSWER NO. 25. CAR! or scranton itnrum.icAN nerlenee unnecessary. For free partleulars of instruction, writ J.

Lconnr. (former LToMOBlLE Pop'sr got a Mevens Duryea; an ef lb best. Come and see II. CAPOUSB AVENUE Double, 8 rooms and Moving, Trucking. Storarre 21 Civil Service exsmlner), 1126 EqultaDie both, eneb side, all luiprovements.


NAMES OF PBOSrEC TITE PURCHASERS AS WELL AS NAMES OF TARTIKS MAK1NO OF MOVi.Nncosi snd neral hauling" by A Washington, D. C. sonable irlee, good terms. Buckley, 310 A. Woelkers, Phone W91 J.

Crown to loOO. Corns and see then). i2i Wyoni ing avenue. Paull building. GENTLEM KN Wanted, good for good esuvassers.

Apyly Trager's svenue. daiighler, Mist Mary, or juiikhhuwh. liea? I'liilailelphlu, were recent vlsu ors will, tii formers fa.hef. VV Ammerman. of the l.ddy.

Miss Helen Luncaaier. of Couirta boro, has been spend ni aevci a day with her aunt. iu. Anna Keesier. of the Kast Hide CEDAIt AVENUE Two frame buildlugs, front UTtlMoKll.E Pop's got Pulck 81s Road STORAGE FOll HOI'SKIIllLI) COODS Prse Mfg.

1029 Prlc street. West Beranton, sters from to $1,000. Come end see EXPERIENCED OMAN to look after boy vesrs old. Telephone 797. tlcslly fireproof binldlng.

Ihe Quaekenlsisb Pa. tnem. narenoosc 10. vine street snd Pens av nue. house 17 rooms arranged tor iainines, rear bouse 8 romos with Improvements.

Total rents lr month. Price Fifty per cent cssli. balance on mortgage Buckley, 31l) Paull building. 84 I iiiMnlllLE Pop's got IMo CtuindlM sil Help Male or Female Help Wanted Male 3" completed the) snme 1919, 7 psssngeri also a 4 passenger. Come snd HAWLSY.

Huth Marjorle and Ifvit, Hetmliecv. MKN AND WOMEN Work fur your government. Mcu iniien. over 11 wanted. Pleas 24 Painting Papering AUTO MOB1L11 MECHANIC Egperlencen CAl'OUSE AVE.

lor saie, BDe double bouse. HAWLEY, Tne liawity Ktndr nnslllolis. IKS) to see ui ilEHICAN Touring In good condition; prlc $450.00. 541 Wyiniing avenue. PAINTING Both elly and country lnkr corner lot Green muge.

oiegv. rieanj Connel! building. month. Experience unnecessary. Mat nows tnat wen kept rt tidiesles Fire with the good and ueicrosity of th" local public, created thi tk' trien, fee.

rite imweiiiaieiy. i KOH SALE Doubto snd single bouses. AM ill Krsnklln Institute. Dept. 412, W.

Bot Uester, wanted See Mr. vtyniu. Ji Ansui. nue. BOOKKKLTER Man" with some eilri'if' required.

Must be quick and accurate st figure Good opportunity for right man. Write giving leferenees. Bog 196t'. rsw ItepublUau. section, ScutB side, west Bias am.

ituvi dene. Allmens. 812 I'aalMbln; N. V. AD FER TO BE CONFIDENTIAL.

program ol nun ever held in Hawley on Dy. It I'lislTloNS Hundred U. 8. Government I FOSTER STREET Single, 7 rooms and notn.

estimated that iuny lour muuMuu nnaitlon. now oiwn. Men. vnmen over 1. of Indian Orchitrd, ir atiendtliaj school her.

lrM Jennie Mallett enter airitd the' following rii her home on Mrtet 01. Piinday last: Mr Arid Mra Edward Mallett and ctilldnn ElUn beih, Fred 1 and Ltielle. of Carbondale: Mr. and Mr Kred Ma'tt of Ncsr Vork city; Mr. Khalv of York City: Yeronlr Bish of Br.iok ljn.

George Ho; icolt, Flnrenco Sweet and daughter, Rllsa i beth, of Carbondale. Mrs. William Tlilrak and dauKh'pr. OF ute.i'v lie) month. Sliort hours, Va fOiiK Wsoted at No.

2 Lackawanna ave peopla wr out to pAfJcipat: in vari tnrlft. iro(freienes snd longer life. Surface protection to pslnt snd tarnish pre vents detrrlersIlM from west her end wear, preserves wood, metal anil other mater Is against do. sr. Rave the surface.

Vernoi Painting 12j3 Jscluo street. Bel phone IHwii. Repairing 't WRlT a') I 'lift HUDBS Slianiened General repairing done, Foderiro, the Ke; and Kator Msu, Wi W. ljickseanna svenu all improvements, stcsm uesr, electric light and gas. Irt 37110 with garage.

Very reosoasble price. Buckley, 310 Paull Inilldlng. ration. Common educatloa sufficient. List nue.

DRESS BOX W. W. CARE SCRANTON REPUBLICAN. positions free. Write Immediately, Krinsllnl CAKt'ENTERS Wsnted two first class con UTUMUHIIX I'op'i got a Il'ipuiobils 20 aoadster for Jlio.

Get busy. 328 Wyoming fJ i IlTEC.gne' iidses be A iner ls isssetir. all new tires, $iftu an (lone I sed Car Exchange, WyouiInK sveuue ToMolilLE Pop says nun in md get smiethiiig you want. 1 bsv got a kinds of cars. TuMOBILE Hsv yeq'seatb beautlfn passnger Marnn Pup has? If not corn ind see It.

Will take trade in. a 1918 Scrlpps Booth. Came and ook Ir over. Institute, Iiept. 412 Rochester, N.

X. HAMPTON STREET Single, 9 roras, partial ous forms 01 smuromeui ui them. The principal feature of ih day was the parade 'u ih nijrt.i g. In th: procession, tare' prizes were awarded to automobiles most decorated LADIES AND GENTLEMEN To make Improvements, lot sniou, un easy terms. Buckley, 310 PauU bollrtliig.

demonstration and tske orders In homes. $3 per dsy to start. Steady work for those I HARRISON AVENUE Single, 3 rooms snd r. W. Sehalm received the lima for crete form csriieiitere appt holm.

HoteJ Jermyn after :30.m. i iVfc'wr Exiierienceii "and thoroughly familiar with residential sections of Scrsnton snd vicinity, to follow up high fraiw nionthlv payment contract, Must furnish sins II bond. 618 Miller. between and 6 y. m.

Muriel, have rsttirnorl to New Writ tusking good, we are now working wines Barre. Scranton and suburbs. Address W. bath, all Improvements, stsam neat, gss caving tha most appropriate float. per'in several wrda At PAINTING A ND" UPHOLSTERING Of bs i Old ones msde to look llkn ne ressonnbie prices, ilsbv Carrlsg Bbop.

3utf Buruc street, Beli 283. H. Melkrauts, P. O. Box 116.

Hssleton, Pa. BuckJey; 810 Psuli His piece of work reiMlled the fire en White Mills) Mr. ThlrU remained for 30 day possession. gine of ytars ago, and brought back to building. catalogue form la Want Ad peg..

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