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The Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania • Page 17

The Tribunei
Scranton, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i SCRANTON REPUBLICAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1919 17 Situation male. AUTOMOBILES MISCELUNEOUS BUSINESS PERSONALS LEGAL NOTICES LOST AND FOUND FINANCIAL Ccut a worl, tit times for pries of five continued) Twelve cents per count lint Cent a vtorti. etc times for prirm of ftve LOST Msvttti 141 Mack hll. lintmd FOR SALE Ccnt a wcrd, tix timet for price of fiv TOI NO MAN deslrs position idty or traveling salesman. Can give best 'of references.

Bos 6. 2, RepulHican. DAIRIES Cent a iGord, ta times for price with lone ear, near Misislc ik. Finder nAtifv ui. A.ii a So.

4. IS reward. Jl'ST A It It IV ED with a carload of none, weighing 900 to l.SOO pounds each: venil closely matched team. M. Dinuer Feed BETtBOOM SI'lTK.

S'nger maehlne, S3: sideboard, J8. standing desk. 8: organ. $5. Cumminga' Anetinn House, 137 Jefferson, opposite Lackawanna station.

SITUATION FEMALE ABINUTtiN HAIRY CO. Wboleaie nJ retail dealer in pure milk and rirtu and strictly fresh eras: also iamiretiirer uf fancy creamery butter and cottage cheese: special laittled milk fruui iwr Jersey and 1 IST On nil! of itriir Invcnttvrv nsners. Store. 337 Penn avenue. Kindly return J.

N. Clarke. IOS Spniee tcuf e.ifjd jo an 'fMom lw "'reel, LACKAWANNA riltkl COMPANY. 413 Uhden itrvet. llriiiE; two old Uree.

we'll retread li license Herd, uotn puoues 3ZZ. 24 uu den street, PAHL1A Itnoiy 100 varieties. 10c to SOc each: frv to f4 ier tlosen. t'iood roots and gisd mllectiou. It.

I. Williams, t'actory ril'iK in lawnllng house or bnlel. S. K. 4113 lltoaory street.

Tine, pa. LOST Hid Kngllah gold iT link' Initial in City. Saturday night. Return It. Smith.

Moosle, or Matthew na fountain. litem tor JI.SO We Written eilra tread tu vutomer that have utiiy one tire. Uitaranteed vrleanlziujc done cfaeap. tieeuwl liaud tire at liarrain prlve. KNKKHI.Y IIA1KV Alwaya reliable.

Bneriai milk from our own Jeraer and (iuerneey lienlx. Ihilli phone. rrae.r Larch aueel and Mouitey avettue. PATENTS KOU To sell or hny patents PENNSY COMPANY ELEOTS DIRECTORS PHILADELPHIA, March ,24. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company held its annual election her today and re elected GSeorge Wood, C.

Stuart Patterson and Clement p. NcwbolJ as directors to serve for the' term of four years. The resolution approving of the increase of the company's indebtedness to the extent of $75,000,000, upon which at at the stockholders annual meeting, a vote was ordered to ba taken at the same time, was adopted. FOR RENT address rntenc wews wasmiigion if. C.

Only Inventors uewspaM published. ESSENTIAL FOODS FOR CHICKS' CARE (Continued from Fourteen) tuce. sprouted oats, clippings or ground vegetables onions. mangel wurtaela. turnips.

Chick arc very fond of onions, Slice a good slxed onion for each flfly chicks; cut It ao as to form rings and the chicks will tussle and fight for the pieces aa though, ihey 'were worms. Mangel wuizcls slock beala are also good; for best result they should be shredded or chopped very fine. Th top or shoots of th sprouted oat should fed to chicks, not the roots, which are likely to contain seed hulls and mold spore. Give th roots to the older fowls. Clover, alfalfa and rap are excellent green foods for chicks, and wher aver iiiissihl) the brood should be given freedom on land where these crops are growing.

It Is the most convenient way to furnish green fot.d. and Ihe cheapest way. If a grass range Is not available, substitutes must be roP tut a K. ripiu Boolh eight, i huniniy roadHtet. 4 pnHm.ngor, audi tdie'n A 1.

Now get ltij. Wyomlug avenue. DOLL LOST Urge black ud h1le ipntliil foi hound: female. Il on Cast Mountain. Reward.

Return 'i Birch eire Philip Hurtmiin. i Crnt t.rr(t, tit timet for price of fivt FOIl NALR Two young cows with calves by NOTICE Sealed proposals will ba received by tne undersigned at or before 7:30 o'clock p. March Slit, 101M. either at his office. 1002 South Valley Throo.

or at a meeting of the Town Council to be held upon that data In the Borougn liuiidlng at Throop, for the construction of a Storm or Surface Drainage Sewer with man hole and catoh bavins, to be laid on Dtinmore Street and George Street and over private property, the line of which will more fully and at largs appear on fee map prepared by the Borough Knglneer Francis1. f. Stone. Plans, profiles and specif leal ion prepared for this work may be seen at his of fico in the Otmrt House. Scranton.

Pennsylvania and at the office of the Secretary. Every proposal shall be accompanied bv cash or a certified check in he snim of Kivo Per Cent. 'Of the amount of the bid. payable to the Treasurer of the Borough of Throop. Should the successful bfdder refuse or neglect to enter into a contract within ten day from acceptance of his hid and the, awarding of the contract to him.

the amount of money accompanying hla bid shall be forfeited to thn norough. anil the Borough Council shall have the right to re let tne contract to the next lowest responsible bidder. All hid shall tie upon blanks riuiiished by the Borough Knglneer. The norough reserves the right to reject any their side. W.

u. carpenter. Ptu toryville, Pa. DOLL tloSfl'IAL. 637 Lluden itreet: alao nlllinery ami infanta' wear, ahlrtwalata.

BASEMENT, suitable fur hp. Improvenieut. use. of lelopiwhe. W4 Nurtb Main avenue, rop has an Overland is, 7 paiuieuiier toitrluit.

Make me an offer. 328 Wyoniinic avenue. COH fiiH kiliheii range with hot FURNITURE REPAIRING water laick. Hell phone vbo J. FOR (tJirn Willi lre loft.

l0 lilrfjre Hint'. 42S N. Irving venue. 'POP" lia a nlee. tlievrolet touring ear for ale.

liet busy. 32S Wj onilug avenue. HELf WANTED FEMALE Ctnt a ieord, nix fir pnre of live Foil SAI.B Oo eart lu Nrst cla i omlition. Will sell reasonably. Call 10 11 Klcctrlc street.

roil HHNT rVrei ti! lu.ill tOr on Went Ia karauna atenne. uenr the lirldeo. Aiinli Wf MAKV aa, eittd of repair to any kind fufmiiire. ''Jione for our tmrh. Bell 24fil: ameuliriated Strtntoa BediJiPS t'oinpatiy.

POP has a nlee Kord tnnk I't ton rapacity. Jftlg body. Smith former attaehmeul. 32S Wyoming avenue. A Ulltl.

wanted fur general hMiwnirk, North Sumner avenue. I to ltellnt.lf I'liiviiiou T07 Went I4 Iia I. FLOriST CIU SADR Household fiirullun' at ltink warehouse. 207 Vine street. Wednesday, March 26, between 1 ami 4 P.

ui. P.ur POP' HAS A UliAl iY of a I4eriiw Hooth roadster, (iet your buying clothes ou. 32S Wyonting avenue. K.IIOOM MH'SK A lot: $8 month; 40 acree. Jui Vmjo atn et and New Ion.

I'lMine J. T. Iteeae. OlAHK. THK KMXIIKT, 124 Washington are line.

Kunernl lliiweni; the very leet approved arranjceuienta and rery notlerat inice. FOR 8ALK Two grade Uolsteiu cows, fresh EAST BUFFAUO CATTLE EAST T'FALO. N. March 25. Ca'il.

stesdy to easier. Calve, iteady, $3.00 1S.O. Hogs. pigs. slow, others steady; heary.

mixed. yorlera. light yorker. pigs. Jls.flO IMS: roughs, stags, shop and Iambs, slow; wether.

$16.9) 16.25: others unchanged. A. MUCK rntkvril desires Hie ixrtlrri of a reAucd jimni: l'lv with lcl lii'l or liamcuial arlioil du ntlmi or their equivalent. The oiiortuiiiti fr pnniotion are limited I.t lli' npiMinif "l.illly in cri the ilmile details of the ilntie he per fiirmed. 8ientlid worklnir i onditlmnt and HHMK ia (Ions, tlive full arif itlnrH in HrKt tlrr elatlns iwlerif deelred.

Ho K. 4. Itriiilli ati. KltANKMN A VKVI'K, 413 $12; lire room. Ienn avenue.

401. 110. lire ruuuu. ltE5IK.l!;i;it! He buy and elU cor and sell on eoinini avion, and all eara inust be tu running order fur hint to handle tbeiu. Liberty Inud at par.

32S Wyoming avenue. wftu calve. A. Bcaiuaus. racturyviiie, ra.

or all hills. M. O'HORO. Secretary of Council. M.

V4 2fi 2S. FOH SALE AT 21S HAItlllKON AVKNI R. KBW YlHCK tl Spnu atreet. the leadiun tlorir.) of SiToutoa. Every kind of flnrnl pieeee.

SAY! You kneed kings, come ami sea that KU KEXT ft'vell ronili luniM with ono lialf ai re itnuind ftlHte nd In 1 I'lunie hor 'Itiree mltuttea walk to trolley nation. A. Mraniann. I'll. FINK OAri CHINA 1XOS1 AT A KA11I PItlCB.

rotiim. as above, ami fed In a fresh, crisp stale. When greens wilt and dry they are not appetizing, and ar9i therefore, not eaten heartily. Avoid rearing a brood on bare toil and a wooden floor, unless greens are brought in 'from other source, because 1 I.oelere sli. In elegant condition. Pop slguur. FISH FOK SALE Sheffields wurld'a priae (lint seed nli ln.lli wmiled fIS avettue. SI'AI'K for reiNiir eliop; uw of telephone. North Mil I II Hicnue.

H.ll 1GI3 J. r'lNll Kw fh il.iily at the New York Flh THIS TUBltiroKY can lie bad by the right kind of dealer for an automobile that Is (unsidercd oue uf the best selling propositions on the market. lu want a carr Aildres l. 1. T.

7. earo Hepublican. the chicks wbll lwing iletnnntls sin corn. e4 per bushel; ohIcn linntaiii sweet corn. 2 sr laiuud.

Wanlel's kidney lichl lieaii, L'5c st pound: Si ed o(tltoes, K. Komc, Irish Cobbler, World' Wonder. $1.50 rr lnjliel. A. I'.

Senmaiis. Factory vlil Pa. iiioK: prime famllt: lifiN Sio, Ment feren'oa reinirH. Kepi IteptiMli'tin. M.

ftiarxei. Al avenue. IN RB: ESTATE OK MARTHA 3. lalQ of Scranton. Lackawanna County, deceased.

with clulms against ssld estate will preent some and persons indebted thereto will make payment without delav to "Harm: u. TUlHcr Uxei utors. 130 Wjotning Ave. .1 IV: Bri'ilVXIXn Scranton, Fa Atty for Bnne. 12 A.

2 ll ltl. i tOTKT Kolt ItKNTi MekaHnnna avenue. Inquire II IjiraManna nvouiie. citlent plant fond in some form. Oreen slttffs supply tlidtii roughage for crop development, mineral elements to CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAGO.

March 23 Extensive covering te lay by burt in the corn market lifted the May delivery to the highest level yet this season and put strength Into other months as well. Prices dosed tiervou at to 24 net ailvain with Mav 14SH to 45aj and July lSSj to Oats lost V4 lo V. and HOSPITALS tXPKItll innhl for Beitora! loeiseworU: aMNl watres. Iiofiiire. JolVrrAon avenue.

WANTKD Cord Couiie Uwly. Cheap for eash. DeKay. MouutafnhuuK Pa. INH'SK near Waverly A'l ivnveulenie.

It. liean. Srninton. Pa. In the digestion of concentrated lilt.

KVAKti lloSPITAl PttlVATE ITii So. Main. Phones, tkiantou. foods, and ccrlnlti tonic properties which sustain the If chicks II KM" for sewing. i'Mc ldte Tailoring 07 Wvuming avenue.

LKA'IHKK ClICCll. refrigerator, range, leauliful china losel, mirror bark: birds eye dresser, mahogany dresser, with exlra large mirror: lot of fine new uintlresi Si gas range, infssbm library tnMe. liiiob um. Cuninilng. 127 oprsisile Lackawanna station.

proi i.i ii na rem. HAT HOSPITAL CORN CAIIS liought. sold nd traded. Will sell your car for you ou i otumlsslon. Have large number uu band.

Try 'em lefore you Isiy eui. Cars wild on time iwyuiet.ts. Csed Car I 333 Adams avenue. open High Low Close for lent: steam heat, elei'lrle and gas light.

S7 Mrknwnnuft avenue: also if desired large Kpaeiou tiMr eleririe eWvator and switililng fneilities. niiiru A. rda I aekawtimui avenue. liol nun tod: two in family. It.

Coimul. Sniitli lition. Pa. (UtoP IN at the Hat Hospital 4(16 deu street, and get special deslgus. Clean are si von unlimited ran ha on a grassy tract they are) almost certain to thrive, even though the rest of the feeding system Is Hi rlously defective.

Wit ncss sturdy farm broods which thrive under th most meager care, or no ing, renimlellug aud rcblocking. Bell 3923 J. Apply SIX ItuOM house, all lniiroveiuctitl. 350 Onrfleld nvenne. OPKIIATIHtS WAX'I'KIl Kxperleiunl on sew intc marhlneti.

Apily Antliracite Overall Mfg. Co. 3llR Milllierry street. SAI.R Greene cbincliMla. Friday.

March 2S. 191, 10 a. in. 21' head of well bred cattle, consisting of 13 nitli cows, 10 heifer 1 to 2 years old. Suum broil.

INSURANCE ...143 14914 146 1W4 139 136'4 138a 67'i 67 674 67 65V 66 47.70 44.40 44.45 44.4S 41.70 41. SO 41. Ml 41.60 ...27.75 27.S0 27.75 27.75 ...27.15 27.35 27.15 27.20 TO KYSHLH tKi. MARY I.CKAN. Lufgi Seriunni and all other persons who may be Interested: A rule is grunted to "show cause why seventeen gemhiiug devices described as r.ickel ln he slot machines sliould not be udjitilged fc'ifeited and ordered to tie publicly" destroyed a.

being maohlne ftii.1 ibi vice Intended Mid urd for unlawfal gaming, returnable April 5th. luii), at a. m. By the Court, GOMER, C. DAVIS.

Clerk. M. Mav July OATS Atay July PORK May July LARD May July 1 HI US May July p.trtictlTar care jtt all. except the mother hen, frpguently fi nothing one llecemher calf, vile luar. six good brood STOKK l''Olt HUNT (Hi Ja.

kson street, near Main avenue. U14 Jaeksuu strtHtt; phone irn Call tl UKNTKK Fire Insurance. Room fourth finer. Couuell Uldg. pbuues.

USED MOTORCYCLUH and bicycles, lie cart tire put on. Expert repairiug by former Tnlled States Motorcycle repairmen. Motorcycle Oarage. 61S Spruce. FOTl SALE Hudson Super 1317.

Overland 1915. Good condition. Will buy hotel bus and tou truck, Podge or Kulok. fnur iasseuger ear. Lata model.

James Magee, Bluoma burg. Pa. WOMAN WAM'JTD by ihe t)y. Mulberry. sows, five shoatcs, gcotl fariii team, wclgli ing 2.S00 lbs.

Driving horse, 'J, ton nuir ket wagon, two ton niarket wagon, new RToUHIiooM for rent, itli four llrltig rooms HACKKTT writes every kind of Insurance and best nf every Hud. E'Uotie 343. two ton farm wairon. couinlcfe. one horse WANTKIi uiltL for light lioiiiework and to take care of ehlliiren; good tay for right eoiiiiei ioii, 4m Aiutnis nvenue.

market wagon, one liorse retail new milk girl. K. 8alonrg, Main street. Muytield. Pa, ..24.60 24.75 24.80 34.6J ..23.47 23.7(1 23.47 23.60 Hli No 2.

IIM: hnrlev. LOCKSMITHINQ In SToltK FOK RKXT. K17 Mulberry trret. wagon. 2w ouart cnpacjty; two buggies, harrows, plows, cultivators, mowing ma Cash Quotations fluire sits Muitierry.

M'ANTK0 4.An ejperleneed woman for gen chine, hay rake', two pair bob sleds and 1.0541.15; timothy, clover, nominii: nork nominal: Isrd S9.7 fi.V rlhs. eral housework; referem es reipiired. s. LOCKSMITH INli i and repairiug of all kind. Foderan.

703 Luckanannu avenue. many other' tools, etc. C. Coi, auc I. Wilson, 921 Olive street.

J918 FORD touring car with good tires. Every THREB ANU SIX ROOM aparlinents; city steam heat, APW? rin $26.001527.00.. tioneer. nut cracked corn. tn confinement such chicks would Surety die.

On rang they thrive, because pasture Is the greatest panacea In the world for fowls. Insects, worms, mineral substances, tidbits of greens and Such like, which th chicks hunt fnf constantly, and, In doing gain exercise, constitute those elements which up a balanced ration. Get the chicks on Mother Earth soon as possible. Watch for Bad Habits. Vvhen the chicks are a week old they begin to assert themselves.

Then If the weather is too Inclement for out IDing in nrsi cinss couniiton. in sncri Hce at JJTO'fb quick buyer. 729 Cedar MONEY TO LOAN ROBERT CCMMINGS, 127 Jefferson, optmslto WAN'ri'li Competent cook; reference re onlreil. Phone Itell 41 1. avenue, TEN ROOM INCiI: nol'SIt All Improvements: good condition.

Iuiuirn 12. oiith Seventh 7464. uickawnnna elation, pay casu ror rurni ture, pianos, player pianos, phonographs, stoics, fixtures, automobiles. Bell 'phone will close thl morning with a fliass) at 7 o'olock In charge of father 'i i WANTBD lleltnoil, esperleneed saleslady to sell furs: must liftve good refereucesj none MONKY to limn ou Jewelry. Terms strictly cuiilldcutlal.

I.llerty Bonds taken at imirket price. Haviil Sutmu 'i' Franklin avenue. J. VKltY IICSIIIABLK sis rotiiu apartment, $40. W.

T. Bell 343. nut very esiSTieni 'eil ueed apply. B. I'ntj.

Held, 117 Vv'ynmlng avenue. STOCK SALE I will sell at my residence. WANTED Maid for downstairs work anil situated one nine nortti or uiinuair. my entire dairy on Tuesday. Auril 1.

1919 ut SatW aud to loan at onre! ulto larger sums; real estate securities only. Jauies Gardner Sanderson. Mean llhlg. SEALED PROPC6AL8 WILL BE UK reived by the Countv of Lackawanna for fuiniahlng complete of United States flag as. fo llowa: ItK) U.

S. flngs, with 7 ft. varnished poles, nlxe. 3 ft.xS fl; 40 U. 3.

flag fans, tlxe 4ftxS ft. and 1,1 IT. S. flag fnn. size tt.xlO to be mad of best standard or navy wool bunting, ftewed stnr.4 anij stripes; seams' alt double stitched, finished with canvns heading and grummets: also, number ami sixes, flags and fanH, sewed cotton bunting, best quality flag bunting ir cloth sewed star and sewed Ftripes.

with canvas heading and crommets; Hls'o. some number and sizes, flags and fnns. printed cotton, stare and 'Superior woi ltmanehip throughout. Delivery to be made not later than MlV 1, 11)19. Bids to be addressed and In the hands of the undersigned on or before Wednesday, April 2nd.

1010. The right lo reject any or alt bids la reserved. CHARLEH P. SAVAGE, County Controller. Attest: cooking.

Mrs. llernai'U llclut, 711 Webster l'ENN DOrBLR TREAD TllIK 310 North Washington avenue. AUTO Don't forget we are the makers ol the famous Pcnn Duuble Tread and distributors, of the Cordon tires and ttilies for Luxerne and Lackawanna county. We Invite your Inspection lieforc lsiyiug elsewhere. Cut prices lu slightly used and second tires and tulies.

our eniert will take care of your vulcanizing. All Ivork guaranteed. Step in and look around. ROOMS FOR RENT 1 o'clock p. Ihe following 35 avenue, rnone im.

door freedom the brooder operator run blooded Jersey cows, some are freidi. others to freshen soon; two high bred Hoi see to It that the brood Is kept fi uinrrf, ti timet for price of live tst references for a Tournament. Plans for a tournament were dlax cussed at a meeting of the Scranton Rifle club held last night at 230 Prospect avenue, following their regular weekly shooting match. The tournament will be held in thw very neat future and the rifle club has decided to award prizes to the beat scorers. WANTKII Com te ten eoo k.

required, phone Itell 4116. totlt). AND $2,500 uiRni Drst uinrlgage, teruiff to suit borruwere. Iayinetits recelvi and interest reduced, Capwell, attorney, Keraiilun Life Bldg. actively working In lb litter.

Idle stein cows: two brood sows, lo farrow In April. Terms of sale, a time of nine months will lie given Judgment note with S44 ness must be discouraged as much FOR RUNT Three unfurnished rooiui Wyoming avenue. a possible, otherwise It Is almost cer approved security. A. A.

KicbunlHiu, Auc YOI'Ntl fllltr, wauled for general housework. No washing. Hood wages to the right party. IMS Monroe, avenue. and Upwards ou first mortgage.

Seiget. tioneer, ntgned, 1.. J. wells. FOR HUNT Furnished rooms, all Improvements, private family.

Phone 3012 R. MONTY lOANEO ON JEWELRY A little Six rage Roadster. DUOCESNE WIRE ROPE CO. Formerly Pittsburgh Wire Rope Company Jifiif and second hand wire rope liought and MONEY 'JO LOAN. S.

J. tiros 4 Ill IVnu NICK FI'RNISHED front room: private family. I'linne. call 2352 W. 1416 Myrtle.

330.00 900.00 1.300.00 2,700.00 sold. We have all kinds In slock. 33 Water street. Pittsburgh, l'. liell 'phoue A SEAMSTRESS; 5 Pas.

Bayues Series 6 Franklin Series 8 Franklin Touring Serlea 9A Franklin Sedan 11. D. DeWI IT. Franklin Dealer. 730 32 Wyoming Ave.

tain to lead the chicks Into evil ways bad habit. Toe picking and other forms of cannibalism are Invariably the products of injudicious feeding and idleness. Harmlessly inclined at first, a few chicks will pick at another's toes; an abrasion starts; th victim's commence to bleed, the sight of which Seems to thrill the others with a blood thrlFty impulse: they get a taste of ROOMS FOK RENT 401 Madison; pleasant MONKY TO LOAN al low rale. S. Radio, uoun mi.

RALPH COLLINS. Deputy County Controller. Sf. 2(S 27 28. St.

K. X. Kotea. The Queen Esther Circle, Of St Paul's M. K.

church, met last night at the parsonage on Pear street, the meeting being in charge of Mrs. A. O. Williams, superintendent. The Kpworth league met in the Sunday school rooms.

Weekly prayer service will ba OXfc CAPABLE OF MAKING 'ALTERATIONS Jeweler and bruker. 221 Lackawanna avenue, furnished or unfurnished front rooms. NOTARY UBL'C THREE large unfurnished room for rent. ranged for light housekeeping. 02 iayhu ON FINE COATS AND SCITS.

APPLY AT OFFICE. KF.COND ntIBB STORE. avenue. NOTARY PUBLIC Vaughau, 7J1 Connell Bldg. held this evening.

The i.aills Aid society will meet In the blood and tight viciously for it, THREE or five well heated, cheap rent, baae M. DAVIS. Scranton Republican Office. mem rooms. Ken nuis 4.

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE received by the County of Lackawanna for the construction of bridge as follows: Bridge across Mountain Creek, near Milwaukee. Hansom Bridtce over outlet of Bear Spring, on road from MoosIc Lake to Mount Cobb, JefTerson Township. Plana and specifications on file In County Comml elnnera' office. Court llgiise. Scranton.


OPTICAL. until very their victim is ren PT l.i"0.r.row "pv dered helpless and subsequently is 'theT "wllfcoM partially devoured. April 1. In a surprisingly short time the! Two gentlemen roomers; ill con veuleces, H22 Lafayette street. Cent a icord, ti timet for price of five SEE BliRTON, see better.

140 Adam avenue, HELP WANTED MALE nest dout to Bell busltiesa orrire. HORSES AND WAGONS CI.ARKS SUMMIT My home for sale, fine ligation, garden, fruits, berrlea, stable and OYSTERS Uent a worl, tix Hut for price of fivt garage. nr. tnox, utme nan iiuinung. of the un Serslifnod on or before Wednesday.

April "nvL. mill. hAbit spreads throughout the entire flock, and where chicks are brooded in large numbers, as they arc round stoves, the floor of the brooder compartment will be th scene of half a dozen or more orgies gatherings of C'enf a iwrf, si timet for pnet of five oueued. 132 Wuhingtoo IK LAROK nationally known Eastern mami The right to reject any or all bid I OrSTEKS Kresb avenue. COLFAX AVENUE Near the park, modern raetnrcr desires the servleea or a high reserved.

BELLES JUST ARRIVED with a ear of single, with hardwood Knlu. A real utr tra good horse at North Washington gain. Buckley. 210' fault building. CHARLES SAVAGE.

County Controller. PAINTING grade Milenniaii who has some knowledge of liookkeeping and offi'1 routine: eomraia or salnrv and enmiuisslon iHiis. Wllkes a venue. chicks fighting and tumbling over Attest: themselves in frenzied attacks upon HENRY WOLOZ COZY COUNTRY HOME, all improvements, running water, hardwood floors, lti acre, BELLES has a large stock of horses and mule for sale at 1002 North Washington Marra territory. Call or address Klliott Wsher wimpany, 712 Trader National Batik Sernnton, Pa.

Exuert Dalntlee and tianerlianglac! satlsfac RALPH COLLINS. Deputy County Controller. 27 28. some poor unfortunate that is powerless to resist them. convenient to scranton anu a.

k. iattcn, tory work at reasonable price. 321 Taylor avenue. Evans, County Bank building. NOTICE FOR SALE THE ENTIRE CONTENTS OF COYNE HOUSE; 60 BEDROOMS, 5.01)0 YARDS OF CARPET, WINDOW SHADES.

LINOLEUM AND ALL OFFICE FIXTURES. SALE STARTS MONDAY MORNING AT 9 A. avenue. New 'phone lids. Brooder operators are cautioned to BOOKKEEPER and stenographer wanted.

One FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW, with bath. Lan DAILY SALES OP HORSES, wagons, all sorts of livery equipment; also rollers, dump Is eier1f need. Male preferred. PARIS RESTAURANT keep ort the lookout for the first signs of this habit, and to Isolate the ring rren. Kerer Ijn ka wanna Refer once, downs Park; all Improvements, corner lot 50x200, sidewalk and sewerage lystem.

Inquire Frank T. Long, 631 North Suuiner carts and an kino or contractors equipment, Kitipatrlek Livery, 135 South M'n leaders at once. If a chick Is in avenue. SERVES FRESH SEA FOOD. Chicked to take OTXEK IBV1 NOTES.

Mrs. Jacob Hartman, of Cedar ave Hue. is quite ill. JSrs. William Rink, of Prospect avenue, is also confined to her horn quite seriously ill.

Mr. and Mrs. William Kulb. of Wilkes Barre, where th gnesls yesterday of Rev. and Mrs.

A. O. William of Pear street. Charles I.itzenburger, of Willow street, left for New York where he expects to Join his brother who Just returned from overseas. The funeral of Mrs.

William Leylu whose death occurred in Buffalo, wll take place this morning from the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Ptihl, of 641 Maple street. A hig m) of requiem will be chanted in St. Mary's church at 9 o'clock and burial will be in St, Mary's cemetery at No, o. There was another big crowd at tb) clam chowder locisl and bazaar conducted by th Ladles' Aid society, of th Church of Peace, and the church parlor on Prospect avenue.

Alderman Jacob F. Hueater left yesterday morning for New York where he witnessed the parade of th 27th jured in any way, especially if there GREEN RIDGE street, rittston, i1. avenue. home. Boasted a 1 Hotisiene rrancaise, BAR BE It WANTED Must lie first class; is any blood showing, isoint it.

In 511 Lackawanna. snlarj $20.00 prf week. fi07e orer $37.00. week. fi0 orer $37.00, All kinds, 1,000 1,600.

aeellm FOR SALE TO CLOSE AN ESTATE rth Pa, Itrtmner i Aoi aiett; no unnger or sickness; were 280 acre of Handing timber. inrt im. rn.t.1inri and hnltdlne crease the animal feed milk or beef scrap, or both; reduce the grain ration, arid if a mash is fed it is well RENOVATJNG, A. .7. Fowler, of New York street.

ror government. Mi'imnnngit. IE A DETECTIVE Enellent opportunity. secretary of the. Board of Trade, has Situated klong the Delaware river, near mi TUB SCRANTON HAT Renovatlog Com pone tu Chicago on Business, and men to makt it a light feed, such as coarse good pay.

4rivol. Wnttf C. T. Lmlwlff, Vi'estiiveT' Kansa City. Mo.

lord. Pike pa. Address aiiuuro, ra, Mt'ST BE SOLD Two good, cheap kvork humc. One blocky built grey horse, welifht 1.300. Would do well on a farm.


hft frrvne. a month. pany, 624 epruee sireer. opiioeue tne court bouse, remodel all kinds of limes' straw hats as well as Panama ant leghorn bats AltSlEltMarrled on moderu farm, year $116; one cherry Iwy horse, wolght J.2W. for 1 nimin Bi.i.nvi' i Mrs.

Lloyd Caowe I. or Kicnmona tuto the latest styles. is conflned to her home by 111. an improvements. I3.GW.W.

hue ley, jiu isi. tisetui ror rariuer ami an ktuu or nrk. 131o South Main areuue, corner around work, prercrahly one with luy capable of handling team. F. t'i.

Margnardf, Ariel. R. I). 4. Phone Hamlin 24 B.

paull building. nosst. flake bran. The beef scrap may added to this bran and a tittle mealed alfalfa. Finely chopped fresh meat given In small quantities, about one pound to a hundred chicks, is a valuable adjunct to the Blll of fare when the chicks show a craving for blood.

Mix the liiomt street. SCHOOLS 1 annual convention or tne i.ncKn JEFFERSON AVENIJE Single, sir room and wnnna t'ountr union or tne rung a bath, full lot, 12.800.00. Buckley, iu rami SCRANTON CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS. Daughters and Sons, will be held In thn Rnntist church on the South Side, WANTED nuiiuiDg. AN mill WANTED Married mat) without chitdreu preferred.

Must have gnoil references. Apply liotwooti anil o'clock, Tinlrsilay night. Scranton Bicycle Club, 645 North Wr.slilngtoti avenue. BUSINESS PERSONALS If. ri.

week, presiueui; k. 4. rosier, vice president; Elmer H. Ijiwall. treasurer; Hlcknrv street, on the afternoon meat In the mash.

By all means feed MOOSIC STREET Single, full lot, partial David Cottle, secretary, bcrauton. Pa. and evening of Friday. March 28. The improvements, n.tss.i.uu on easy term.

ARCHITECT afternoon session will tein at 4 ana CASH PAID for second hand clothing. Bell it in a sweet condition. Beef suit Is another beneficial food. Hang the suet Buckley, 310 Paull building. lAIClIED MAN to work on dairy farm.

A 8IQN PAINTING the AventtiB nession at ciock. emp phone J. 1335 Sanderson avenue. A. Porter.

JOHN J. HOWLKY Architect Tmiler bank tier will be. nerved by the Baptist RIVER STREET, SIS Residence, eight mom. good opportunity for man with children, handy to school, church, store, etc. Cobini Dairy Farms, Pa.

iiuiiuiiig, ocraniou, I SIGNS PAINTED on card. wvod. giasa, or all improvement', tot ny inu. church ladies during the interim, sirs. Fred nerhv state Dresldent and mem HIGH PRICES paid for cast one clothing.

metal, at short notice. Golden sign ANTIQUE FURNITUAR SUMMER HOME land, only twenty minute ber of the central council, will be the Spruce street, lien puone Ulol. by a cord in a slngl lump let the chicks pick at it, When fresh meat or suit is fed cut out the beef scrap ration, or reduce it proportionately. You can't fed too much milk, whereas too tftuch meat is likely to Start bowel troubles. fteno poRtai to ianore n.eaar.

t'enn avenue. p'N IS end over, desiring Government wslk trnni trolley, at Mcnnison, r. in U. L. BRIK1AN.

209 KreMler emit, Beej valuable timber, facing Tunkhannnek Creek; TYPEWRITER speaker at both sesslona, ror wnicn very interesting programs have been arranged. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for eliglitly worn Spruce street. Bell 2343, Hestortng end ra Clorkstup. Railway Mail, rnstoirh e. 192 ttiniith.

Write for free particulars of examinations. J. C. Leonard. (former Civil Service Examiner), 1110 Equitable Washington.

npifbini or otq rurnitnr. cioiuing. Delia postal, win can. Morris twelve acres, only $2n0l easy term, buy and build a healthy summes home, where there I good spring water aud healthy air. turner, 241 Penn.

Scranton. New and. Rebuilt Typewriter, Adding Machines. ASBESTOS etc. iJiss, ituotri 04 court reei, Binghmtori.

N. V. R. R. Boone, 227 Washington Scranton.

If YOfl WANT upholstering done right IAN wanted for dairy farm; $3o month. can Lacsawauna tjpuoisiering iai. EAST SCRANTON Division held mere yesieraay. Lenten service will be held tonight in the Christ Lutheran church on Cedar avenue. Yesterday marked the formal opening; of the St.

Stanislaus orphange, at Nanticoke, of which Rev. Andrew Zychowlcg, of the Sacred Heart Polish Catholic church In this city is pastor. Twenty two Polish children from St. Joseph's foundling home were taken to the new orphange and on Thursday of this week. 26 children will be takri from St Patrick's orphaage.

MAYBE MISTAKEN Weary and won. and sad, the younn man, who was prematurely gray, crawled to the registrar's office. ''Are you quite sure," he asked, "that that was a marriage license you gave me three month go7" "Quite quite of course!" said tho registrar. "Why do you ask?" "BecauSe I've led a dog's life ever since." said th weary on. London Answer.

UPHOLSTERING REAL BARGAINS riPES AND BOILERS eoveredi cold storage room constructed, Jobs V. Roche, 413 Bloom street, Pa. Bell telephone board, run time, wet or dry: good home and W'ofk year round: mtdde aged man preferred. Harry M. Couraeu, New Mllfnrd, SOOTH SCRANTON WE BUT and sell tlighUy used clothing.

Single H33 N. Webster $7,000. ioss w. e.enn postal, win can, tioston Clothing House. 143.

Penn avenue. UPHOLSTER INt? AND KEPAIRINO the Single. S09 Taylor $13,500. Double. 714 16 Prescott 7Kl.

3 family 923 N. Welister. $15,000. Single, 433 Adam AUCTIONEER JINGLE MAN lilt BOY wanted to work on WANTED TO BUY Spinning machine for lietter kind.

Mattresse renovatea. nu.T EST work at llfiNEST prices. Scranton farm; sture ago and price per niontb A. W. Ellsworth.

Alfonl. Pa. ens. wriio us wnat you nave ror sale. A.

R. Formon Silk Passaic, N. J. Huslnes and Dwelling, 1017 1SI Irving. Single.

109 Linden 12 fmll.v 31 Gll son. $9,000. Upholstering Linden St. Bell 460. New 171 AI.FUEI) JONES, Lb eusod Auctioneer.

Farm sab attended to. 1111 Court street, Scranton. Hell phone 723S. REDEMPTORIST FATHER PREACHES GOOD STORY Pev. Joseph P.

O'Reilly. Redemp torist father in charge of the mission service in St. Marys Roman Catholic WO MALE STENOGRAPHERS wanted by WANTED Used portable typewriter. Corona the Standard Oil uf New York, at Bing lintntoii. N.

Y. Good opportunity for a hustler. Single. 2315 Adam. $3,000.

Buelness property, 216 Linden, $5,000. Single, 934 Madison $4,000. Business nertueert.v. 21S Linden. $6,500.

pi eierreu. mate irommion and best cash price. P. L. 3, Republican.

BABY CARRIAGE Sr. OP LACK A. UPHOITERlNq 721 MulBerre street, first class work at moderate price. WANTED TO P.t'T Second hand bicycle Slnal. 927 Mdlon 4.200.

WANTEU Uighest wages Double Dwelling. 240 2 Raymond $4,000. WINDOW SHADES wanted. 530 Eynon etrect. liell 6776 W.

BABY CARRIAGES repaired and remodeled, also uinbrellus repaired and recovered. Bell phone 5283 J. 306 Spruce street. ami steady employment to right party. church on River street, delivered one of his strongest sermons last night on the subject "Birth This service which took place in the edifice, was for married women only and the t'pholstcrlng company, 407 Penn avenue.

Roth phones. single, 1207 Diamond, 2 Single. 606 Meadow $1,900. Single. 140 William Petersburg.

11.500. WE PAY CASH for diamond, old gold, plat). ivv KIT.y, aiiallte made to Order. Estl A telegram was received recently by the parents of Selbert Wenzel, of this section, who has been serving his country in France and Belgium, says he has safely arrived from overseas. Mr.

Wenzel was win, the 14Sth In fantrv. 37th division, arriving in New York on the transport Louisville. Mr. Wenzel has served on four fronts, Verdun, St. Miehiel, Flanders and Ar gonne.

He served with several Scran ton young men, one of them being Joseph Schuitz, who met hi death white, fighting. Mr. and Charles Mayer, of 1403 Ash street and Mr. and Mrs. Seccol are visiting In New York City.

Peter Costello, of 610 Prescott avo nue, has returned to Philadelphia. John Mooiey. of New York Is spend ing a short furlough witlt his parents, 623 Prescott avenue. Louis Tlmb.le, of 1012 John atreel, lias returned from France. BARGAINS IN SHOES uum mnu tnvsr, q.

ill t'enn Svenna mate gladly mrnisDeo; io upootaienng and furniture repairing. Scranton Cphol easy term on any or ttie tv and a great ANTED 'Real men to collect, debit and many others. sterlng 633 Linuen (treat, uotn poones solicit Insurance. Must lie. wide nwnke mid 4.

ill 1.. fA II SIEOEL'S REALTY CONNELL BLDG, WANTED To buy second hand electric mo ATTENTION! We hive a large stock, of new. seconds, and sample shoes for all the fum lly; reul bargains. S. Saltier, fil Lacka.

wanna avenue. 1310 New l'arr a to 6 p. m. tors, any size. o.

m. Jones, 816 North Washington avenue. HOMES $1,000 TO 160.000. chureh was crowded to Its utmost capacity. Father O'Reilly who is one of the ablest speakers that ever occupied the pulpit In St.

Mary's church, Is drawing greater attendance with every service. There was a two fold service last night the one for the married women in the church and the other for the young ladles of the AUTOMOBILES ANTED Good. exncrieticed slncle farm BUSINESS PROPERTY. $2,000 TO $200,000. FACTORY BUILDINGS.

$2,000 TO $160,000. CHIROPODIST band. A good niHUcr and tennistor. Gsl S1BGKL8 REALTY CO. LEGAL NOTICES ilgcs by Ihe Ji'iir, Guidncl'.

Mout Cenf a u)ortf, fa tm for price 3f five FOURTH FLOOR CONNELL BLDG. nle. In. WOUABT'B SUDDEN DEATH. Special to The Republican.

BLOOMSBURG, Pa Mair.h 24. Stricken with heart trouble while sitting at the supper table last Mrs. Joslah I.owrey, of IJnie Ridge, dropped dead. A few mlhuies before Mrs. I.owrey had returned from a visit with soma friends at th upper end of the town and was in th best of splrlta Should Cut th Wool Pack.

"Bad crowd for Bob. They say he's) become a card fiend." "That' right. He even walka with a shuffle." Boston Transcript. Twelve cent per count fine UH. WiWA'ltl) HOFFMAN, chiropodist, orllnqieillHt, jrciits fool ailment selentlb cally and iiaiulessly.

Bell telephone 6S29. 611 Trader Bank Bldg. A LOT OF IJORSES 4 Jacobs. J10 parish which took place tn the parish ANTED Six mole honorably din barged Franklin avenue. loldlei or sailor.

isisition, salary or hall and was in charge nf Father Ebaner. no cuterlenee reuulred. t.all VAUGHAN ft CO. buys sells rents real estate NOTICF, IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Application will be made bv the undersign AITO OWNERS! Attention. remember At the 6 o'clock mass yesterday 9 a.

lu, or between 4 am) ft p. tu. Room 212. CASH FOR LIBERTY JCNOS Miller building. 420 Spruce street.

711 CONNELL BLDG. EITHER PHONB 110 ed for admission to the Bar of the Su Sbelp'e Garage, sir treet. storage and auto repairing nnf speciality, Bell 6041, morning, Father Ebaner spoke on the secon. installment of "Penance" while the same subject was canab handled ANTED Glass cutters. elDcrt suiouther WEXiXi OT7AKDXS.

"Was the speaker guarded In his utterances?" "Yes: there were police officers all through the audience. Boston ATTENTION I Tire, Tlree, Tire. re WK PAY CASH ror Liberty Bond, War Seeing Stamp and Thrift Stamps. 8. J.

Gros A Ill Penn avenue. FARMS. find polisher on heavy cut table ware. Ap preme iourt ot to the state Board of Law Examiners, at their next regular meeting. Dated Clark Green.

Pennsylvania. Maroh 1st, 1U1M. GEORGIA VIVIAN' SMITH. ply I'ltktn ec Krooks. Valparaiso, ina.

at th o'clock mass by Father Dual. Th children made thlr confessions yesterday end the mission for thm A rARU or 74 acre near the Northern Elec DIAMONDS. WATCHKf M. 5 12 19 2S. ANTED Glas Cutters, expert smoothers ceived direct from the raetnry a large nip ment or tint, all else.

n3 te 375. Big bargain, froia $6 te $15: parte or all make of cars for sale. Golntck Agio Wrecking ll Mulberrjr afreet teef 'em ap and sell the tric. Goon House, tarn, aim and otoer light cut wtr. Pitkin a Brook.

Valparalm, Ind. maiding, inquire morui aevsnu street. GOLD jewelry left la pawn ebop and not call, ed for on sal at bargain price at A. L. SCHILLER LOAN JEWELERS, (09 Penn Avenue.

A J4TEI Accurate, eytierlenced Ismkkeener THIS BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME AT FACTORY VILLE, PA, FOR FARM of 110 acre, make a fine summer hint ai'i nunttint. Oue with capacity to iie AMERICAN ACTO RADIATOR CO Our radiator repairing cannot bt squalled. Bell 61J. 121 Mulberry. riitna office manager, when opening ocrqrs SALE AT ONE HALF IT'S REAL VALUE AND ON REASONABLE TERMS.

GRAYING ben, border on two lake, good buildings, On fruit, large tract ot woods; a stream of water running through the plac. Will ell whole part. V. Oram, DsHoo, No. I.

Finn wining to snow ne cau earn muney rur its eniiiloyer before denismlltig uiore than a fair salary. Glvs full feictlculnr a to age. vncrlinie. etc. Address James Msgee.

WILLIAM LAND, 224 Wyoming avenue, truck transportation, moving, hauling of ell kind. AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRING, wtr specialty. Repairing radiator fender, bodies! etc. Ford Honeycomb radiator for sal. Avoid Imitators.

New Globe. Uodea Bolt 'phones lOoiuiiKtiiirg, Pa, roc ft MILES from Gravity, two tulle from ppeciai attention given to out or lown biov lug or trucking. Call, write or 'pbobe. lien tCMi j. or U'J3 i.

rvew. soutn i. ansan, er tartu, i nouses, i Mrn. blacksmith eliof). 'A mile to school, 'hurcb aero the nreuardt If sold tie fore April $2,500 will Imy it.

M. K. Swingle, 1517 Electric street. Uunwore, hone after p. ei.

FENSTKKMAGIIElt MOTOR 314 Linden ATTENTION I ALTO ART8 In stock for all uiske of car at bargain price. aiguett cash paid fot used car. Scranton Auto Wrecking 434 3 Mifflin. Bell JSJ1 street. Bell 'phone G098.

Draylng, moving, long distance hauling, flaw moving siclalty. lAHM roil SALE 191 i.cree. two mllea touth blHtTlAItCEII SOLDI KRS I.OIIKINl'l TOR MOVING and general hauling. Local or long or waymart, seven miles rroin cnrtjonnsit: good bulMlnga. Per' "sh, balance on easy term.

E. C. Miller, Ariel, K. No. 2.

utsiauce. iv. ii. luorpo. uiu puuue aoati N.

ATTENTION, TIRES, TIKES We have received direct from the factory a large supply of tires 3ot34 a low a $13 00. All sties from 30x3 to $7x5. and all styles. Let a save you money. Cut Price Tire 305 North Washington avenue.

Bell 9bon 4404. EMPLOYMENT ABE IIK(JIEKTBD TO CALL AT TUB ClltCI'LATION DB I'ARTMENT SCRANTON IIEPIHtH CAN. UCb Noli I II WASHINGTON AVBNCE. DltATING AND PIANO MOVINtl. Ut us Many of Our Customers iiuught American Telephone and Tele t'raph Dj.

Seven Year Convertible 6's ilt 94 on ihe Partial Payment Plan as well asMor cash, less than a year ago. These bonds are now selling above io3. If any of these customers should sell now, the profit plus the interest received would show about 15 on the investment, which is pretty good, for these, times. We don't say this can be done with ivery investment, but there are a great many attractive opportunities for and we will do our best to help in making wise selections. yy rABM OWNERS If jo.l wish tu ik a nitive yon tall Hitler.

Bell phone MfVM I'lM si or your rariu com or writ to Ttrm Ibiraan. 114 Paull Scranton. V1 30a BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ACTO SPACE Woelker'a Oarage. Alder street. Bell 'phone 4S90 CITY.

I to 40 acres Phone J. T. Reea. Ctnf a tvorrl, tla timet tor price of fivt BOYSI Bring In your old Tord ind exchange tt (or nice sedan. Wyoming LITHIA VALLEY 3') acr farm for alr; five minutes' walk from trolley; will sell cheap Mr.

Amv Paterenn, ractoryvtlle R. it Ne. 1 BOYS Throw yot)r Uat In "the ring." Now I the time to tsty auto. has lots of A high grade. Public Mil) Qond: Ohio Semite Co.

Ill iloilgogi 6v Price 98 and interrxt yleJinj over bargain from $100 up, $600 DOWN, 200 year, will buy fhiort FOH SALE THE BEST EijCirPED WEAVING MILL IN THIS VAIXEY. SIEOEL'S ItEAttT CONNELL BLDG. arm, i nouses, i targe narn, wita nste ment: 10 acre In lake; nille from Poyt CYLINDER GRINDING and general ante re tella (tatlon, creamery, church and school If wild befor ut), 4. SVlngl 1517 Electric street, Duomore, pa. RXpBRlPlNCKt) SALESMAN MiR fill II BOYS' CLOTHING DKIT.

AT OFFK'l! hECONlTrLOOIL GLOHkl SlOlttS." pairing, oniy internet irtngipg marum in P. Special price na Ford. ISephjVr jiilon in Itock. llenry W. Qetadel.

SW Kreuler court Bell 6668 J. 1 Department i5. 200 ACHES Qoodoll, up to date twtlv roon, houe, with all Improvements; three good Jlal Liberty Boi I to Furnlth Information I chaae or Sales of Bond ion and Handle Pur Pf'LTRY Ve WAN ED Some nid ticwstianet Ths Bond. oarnt; nn "tos raumaa ana milk station; ay term Will ll apart or all or rami with or wit hunt stock end Write tor furtbei particulars a s. Wood.

Rrandt FOH SALE One 19H ford tourlaf car, one 1917 Ford touring car, one 1916 Ford touring cur, on 1917 Ford delivery trick. All cart with new tlrel and gusrantted to bs In perfect condition. Will sell then reasonable for 'want of room. Jruber'l parage, 729 Cedar avenue. ids t.

for bright srhisil tsiys in tli ontb Side section. Aooiv Mr. rifm.iih tne Mai avenue, or call Bell uhone 74o3 ll Cent a word, lix timet for priei of five 1 HELP WANTED kO ACKE FARM for sale, good bone, good barn, (rain, hr. machine, wwo tbedt. (load rchrd, ohnol, ehnrcb and tore near by.

Karl Smith, ft. r. Ransom, Pa is desirably locatud on the New Lackawanna Trail twenty minutes from Scranton and the house contains nine rooms, with improvements, and a large ten foot porch. The cellar bottom is covered with large FOR SALE Three Rhode Island Red cockerels: deep coloring, $5.00 each. 428 Irving avenue.

rOR SALE On 1RI7 Ford runabout with uf to tcb ru', tix lime for prut of fivt good tire, loot or overhauled, everything In nrt claa condition. I2T5 to auick buyer. 72D Cedar avenue. 1615 FOR SALE Light Rrnhiua.1 Cockblrd. Ab street.

Plume 73S1I Tfll(Hf J.II. BROOKS CO. INVESTMRNT SECURITIES Member New York Stock Exchanga Vain Office: 423 SPRUCE SeranUn, Pal Hatleton, Pa. Wllkas Sarr. Pa.

flagstones. There is a barn, shed, chicken house and ohsr tbuilrlings The lot contains nearly two acres and all kinds of grafted fruit, such as FOR SALE Two beautiful racing bodies, com tid I yi ate looking lot Ihe op 'r tri hers It is. advani einenl hssured. LITTLE CRICKS Single comb White Leg plete, til unuea aireec Liberty Bonds Full Value You van always get full valu for your Liberty Bonds. Don't stll thcm for les than luu cents on th dollar.

Cummlngs, "The, Cut Kate Furniture Man la slwlvs teAflv tn take vhm at ll WsshDigton voiie. Room :0 42l FOR SALE Ford roadsteri winter and nm incr top Call 327 avenue. A tiilth. Apples, plums, cherries, grapes, currants, gooseberries, etc. The place la very desirable and will be sold at a bargain.

C. H. COX, 17 Cherry St, Montrose, Pa. NTEle Men Wotnen. IS or over, tan horns single count urown Leghorn and ml led chicks, 25 or more lSe each.

Rhode Island Red 18c; delivered by parcel poet, Beginnlug March 31. 2,500 every week: safe delivery guaranteed. This la tny tfteeotn year. ractoryvUss, Pa, Vail phone. kmtn.

flovernnient bosltton tmn. List full nil. his Sits Mt filer, asll je, rrnkllir ipu 423, Bo trie la Brat das condition. Sua iete Uaa klm 'ZL Iw luae. t.

i. luui L.nua elreeu llnoumg this I4M. ssier, paw jura,.

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