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The Leader-Post from Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada • 12

The Leader-Posti
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PAGE TWELVE THE LEADER. REGINA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1. 1921 LATEST LOCAL AND DISTRICT HAPPENINGS I MfS LOCAL SCOUTS EXCHANGE Ti I TD TMQDPrTnD HALLOWE'EN OBSERVED IN CITY BY MANY PARTIES AND PRANKS EDISON RE-CREATIONS For November Now on Sale SPECIAL HITS 6CS10 For Lore Fiddler Three Duet. Famous" Sens in Irish Play Sons 50S11 Where the Sunset Turns the Ocean Blue to Gold. Song When You "sansr Hush-a-By Baby to SdB 50312 In a Monastry Garden Orchestra walk, 'fences overhauled, wooden walks drascged out into the street and not a few broken panes of Groups of boys ait girls.

In weird costumes and with masked faces', were everywhere. i Costume-Immaterial. It was the grand fete of all the year for the youugsters. and the older brothers and sisters took the opportunity to have a tcood time too. Many the straue eixata encountered on ae.

streets from sunset until for it was the one night of the year when men in ekira and girls in well, in male attire could parade will without attract-ims undue attention from either the WITH HUNGARIAN TROOP 1 1 A letter written In good English, containing Hungarian Boy Scout news and several badges of the organization there, has been received by Mike Bachwanski, leader of the 10th" Regina Troop. Mike, who Is a Serbian boy, had previously written George Ruh. leader of, the Boy Scouts in Budapest. Hungary, asking for an exchange of badges, Ruh sent back some Hungarian badges, and Mike found them to be almost exact replicas of the Scout -badges worn by Canadian Boy Scouts. Ruh also sent an account of a big scout camp held near Budapest last summer, which will be published in "Scouting," the local organ of the association.

HERBERT WILL RUN IN N. BATTLEJORD Convention of Conservatives Sel ects War Veteran as Candidate Major Harold Herbert will carry he Government colors In the North Battleford constituency during the coming federal election campaign, it was announced at the Conservative headquarters -here yesterday. A resident of North Battleford, nattei Major Herbert was selected at a save -r the Billowy Sea" as his nominating convention held In that hrst number, the background show-city Friday night. He is secretary Jf- tossing waves and a little lighter the local G.W.VJL Two other house with a gleaming lamp In the candidates were nominated. C.

E. distance. His rich deep voice and Long, sitting memtier. and A. E.

expressive rendition earned him a rm-Craig. but both retired In favor of C5U tSIa th house, and he gav Major Herbert. "The Beils of St. Mary's," which a made the mpre effective by an MASQUERADE PARTY HELD tfI" uCEtV iii sing ia the Capitol evtnr da March Rellstoso Band 6C330 Violin Old Pal Why Don't You Ask Me Mo.ia E2233 In she Old Town Down a' Ke Oil Swimmln HoV Son Carple t-ist snt request CARD OF THANKS Mr and Mrs. Chivers ind .4 Lilv and Pasqua St- North Regma.

take t-is opportunity ef neerely tnanking their many friend and acquaintances for tneir cep sympathy and kind support and beautiful floral tributes, during tne.r sad bereavement sudden and unexpected loss ef tneir only son. Denm H. Chivers. -rw a -ed 6 years. 6 months and days.

"aa scaneeiy known a days sc-ntss s.nce birth): also heart-fit thanks to ts tmpfeyees of C.N R. Sopv Regma. Car. Mechanics! and Stores Depart-n-snts. and to L.O.L.

No. 2T3S, Nortn Regina. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. HujW McMillan, family and brothers vis to express teir heartfelt thanks te their friends and the I.O.O.F. Lodges, Rig.M.

Areola and Wapeliaj also their appreeatien and ianks te Dr. MacKinnon and Walter Greenwood for kind nssscs in their hour cf trial. E'llls, Marriages and Deaths 3IRTHS IIV.NXKTT Mr. and Mr S. A.

at their res-denoe, At hoi -t-t. Resin, oa October, a xlrsl J. M. Kil.t. Brn to Mr.

ar.d ISta on 1. -V son. 5J 5. i'ors so Mr. arsl Mr 1 fteis.A.

at Cottasre or. it inoiiy, tct. ji. a IL, DEATHS MVirt.lEMJ At JiJ ACf-as Street. ijfotf Tittr.

-be- 1 t-'. ci MMiroNMi. Fun-rrni i Kr.ijt O.UICii. Wuiiay. i Hi ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENT O-riTiT the past six years, owing to iS Ume required to attend to public duties.

1 have been unable to give 'hit clo-e attention to my Dantal Practice which ahocld have been plvvn However. I am now free irvirrt all s-ch I will bere-ftfter be constantly ia my office over th Imperii Bank vrppesite the post cice for the practice of Dentistry. W. D. COlAX 2i9 Fel Supper and Cone art at Rich ardson Oranjs Hall tenignt (Taet ra HSj children.

Admission, 75c adults. E. Whist Drive and Xane tcsight." Kje of Er gland Hall Ifc-tallack Dewdrtey. 3 J. NOTICE Or MEETING MEMBERS L.0.03I.

NO. 757 AND CANADA NORTHWEST LEGION, NO. 24 lingular Lc-dee Meeting at 7.13 Wednesday Bight; Le.giaa Meeticg at ia Liberty Hali Every Nody com f--r a good time. Moose Jaw r.Hmlyr? win be here in farce. Le-gica ir.itiaticn- -25T T.TTgT.TT.

WELL ATTEND CONFERENCE ON WAGES Atnirew laiie. dry wrnmisaioacr saskatoon. spa; aw few boars i tie city yesiteraay and waie ter his respect to ctScials at te City HaiL 24 r. Irfsl: route to atteci cf cSciala cf Weetera es called bv Cmmisaloee J. Yearti ef E-irccrtin.

tts Cdnsid-ei- tae questiea of pcovidits a uniform fC1 of sajariea and wisu. He sstai-1 jvjt he was rtot.gc-irar so mucj i.h tte lie cortras-urs to tie Sats. bttt ti ascertain what the Ver dties thought cf the prcposai. the staff 2f ar-d that the reseat waa i. r.

v. i i- I 1 vl St Hecisa wiu ret re itpniiN tve conference, the City Ceaneil cere twsai cf the cr.r.x"n that they have abl ts rt very we I 1 i i I i I i i i I Office Pnors. 7067 Yard Phone, 2754 MIDLAND LUMP AND STOVE ALSO DRUMHELLER COAL AND ALEXO Furnace Coal CENTRAL COAL CO. 2418 DEWDNEY AVENUE TO EUROPE Miir xrsEXTATioars vow MOaTTaZAI. TO XOTmroOXi Nov.

llDea. 24 i ii 4i Nov. ZIfFeb. W'Mu Novl Vs'iiati! Va" viiU QT7X3XC TO Nov. recH Nor, 2.Apr.

23.. Emprts, Jf voxnxiL to OLasoow T-t'iiai. JcoimiEAi-Qr I Com: red Service Canadlar. pr S. aad Navagasioce Gtrtrj.

Itaiiana. HOynKlL.UVkZ.tOVTXlm) TOM-AJTTWXJtJ' Nev.irDee.i4 SllirA Nov.2Jan. It rjr all frea St. Jcht For the sjtilScg: of France. Nov.

li. and ail sailings to Dec IZ, Truv3 Sleeping Cai-s will be run "rom principal points in Westei to Montreal. Qoebee St. Jehn h.p aid tor s-V cluaive eoBvenieace steaa r. 0 sengera.

aXTOHT 03TXT Approximate Sailing J2i' xoarTSEAXr.xv2o:;r Nov. 12 Nov. 22 Apply ta Agaatc evtrywaa C. Casey. Oaaeral Acat.

Btreet, Wiaaipac. Ceaadia iri tsYittE! Winter Sailing Frrna diaada gai.Tyaxtoi.aaooa Satarala Caasani! rj se. Bjra.PX.TXOrTE.BAl!:rsrac Saaomia la Sazomia. Ju I KOaTSA.X-O.LASOOTr Sarnurala CaasaaAra' armom jreTP" tou! TO IdlXIrOOl scytaia. ajtaaia Dx-'i-Scytaia S4 Albesua 3 acyuua aaaaaia Caraaaaia J.

auarvtaal Te rXTatOCTH-KAJatBo laxomia To XVO2T2OSSxrjtXT'4ILljil0W CohucUa. Xev. Ala-erU er. Assyria 3 at I Jamesreaia Kee. 19 Caaaaresia lti Careaua 7 Carsala fta.

Sitgie. Rod Tri? or Crsiaa privtlerea. Tall iafanaatin from all agvata, or xae Coiapairi, S7 Mala Street, wiaslsar 1 ACS41S4X. VOST1CAL TO UTXtzyOOS Kasutia Cnaada i rOMTZMTD, RAXXFJJC. rsrUaad rraa aUaiax Vcdio sse.

a adi Ba acrau ac 1 Vrraatla Pea, 11 Caaaea -D IS Caaada Pae. WHITE STAR LINE xir To to UTEaroot Ceraa ee. is OciTtaa nc is axae nc Cere ev. Cearte Pas. ii Ts Ckrrfeomrr Semttamrwa Atrtatio JfT.

a Kov. 30, Dc t9 uKpao Xrr. 3 xc 10. Pas. II ta lCaditian'aaaaa Arakic WTdTTSa TOTAOES Ja Arxtle tie Jia.

SI E24 tcatl I War 4 taaxio seas 1 1724 lUaeraryt New Tort, iUcttrx Gibrsltar. Algiers, Msti-o. Genoa Naples. Atrena Alex -sir's. RED STAR LINE toss to wx.Ttotmi SealaaS Wee.

is Xrlaal Sac. 1 Pie. aTreealaad STer. SS Xiaiaai Seelaad Xfec S4 Apply any Rati way or 85. Ant Comraey Office, 2t Ma'a Mre' Wiaalpeg.

Pkcaa AttJT. COAL COKBm LUMP $13.00 PER TON NEWCASTLE DOUBLE SCREENED LUMP $12.50 PER TON EYES Co. 171 SCARTH ST. PHONES Office 024. Yards FARM LOANS We have money ts lean ts g4 Improved Farm G.

MO0RH0USE A CO. 44 Canada Life Ftflin PHONE 234 "DRY" OFFICIALS TO MEET WEDNESDAY, Enforcement Officers From United States and Western Can. ada Meet in Regina CO-OPERATION IS AIM Prevention of Rum-running Across International Line to Be Discussed Prohibition enforcement officers from Ontario, the three prairie pro- vinccs, and the border states, will gather in Recina Wednesday for the purpose of discussing methods of carrying out liquor legislation to the best interests of both countries. K. 12.

A. Lerch. chairman of the Sas katchewan Liuuor Commission, aj nour.ccd last evening. The conference, which opens in the Liauor Commission offices Wen rmrr will be attended by James lluto. chics' of the Ontario I.s.fuor Commission; Rev.

J. Mac- chief i iij a or inspector of Manitoba; the Saskatchewan liquor commission, and A. o. Drowning, deputy attorney general of Alberta, representing th east and the prairie provinces. R.

O. Matthews, Washington, will represent the national prohibition director of the United States, and prohibition officers on way from the States include B. Quale, of Minneapolis. and H. P.

Slttlly. of Montana. The orvject of the conference. Mr. Leech said.

will be to compare ho. is of prohibition enforcement used here with those used across the c. to bring- oat every point which may to create a more satisfactory handling of the matter it the future. It is understood that liquor across the line will ore of mjm subjects discus- sd by the officials, and that the aim of the nvr. t.t&ir.? part in the ses- scon will Le to arrive at a means of c.oser co-rperation in the handling of iKpior traffic between Canada and the I'nited States.

ENROLS WORKERS FOR BIG CAMPAIGN Nearly Half of Number Needed Offer Services -Campaign to Open Saturday Nearly ha cf the workers who i wiH take ivvrt ia the Y.M.C-A. re- establishment campaigTi have already signed up. II. W. Kingerley.

director ol the campaign, announced yesterday. Hon. C. A. Danclns.

chairman, saidxbat he was highly satisned with the progress so far made with the work. Tbe 15 captains, who wia each select It workers to help them, as lined Bp yesterday, -were as foliowst Division A Y. Benson, W. Champ, R. Barrington.

E. McQtiaid. Ot-ton. revision J. Booth.

W. Corcoran, y. Smith. C. V.

lad well and II. Drops. Division IL Brown, A. KoppUa, R- H. Cook.

F. Prayiiai and a nameless gentleman who Is in charge ef the metaphorical All the other campaign captains are drivirg allegorical Of the Hi workers who will take part in the campaign. are nowvde Cniteiy signed up. An office on the first floor of the JJLC-A. building is now ia the process of conversion into the campaign headquarters, and ia the rotunda is a large blackboard displaying the names of thecaptains and trie e.ardin of tht-ir teams.

llach man on the competing teams is supposed to turn in to the officials' a card bearing the name of fifteen prospective members, who will be canvassed for membershirs- Cp to last r.i?ht, Division, under Keir. i was leading in the work cf getting their captains lined up. They had 33 of the required 55; Division, of which E. A Ijpeeh Is chairman, had 24 or their ar.d Division, under W. C.

Borlase, which got aws? to a late start, came out from the fcandicap with 21 cut cf 55. PreUmir.ary worlt'wCl take up th time of the campaigners ail this wee, attd Saturday the campaign proper will be officially pert el. JACK MASTERSON IS GIVEN FIYE YEARS Attempted to ShOOt Constaole Hammick at Lloydzninster Last August For the attempted murder Con- stible Hammick, provincial police near Uoydminster. last August. Jack Mastersoa of thai town was sentenced to five years imprisonment wfeea convicted at North Battieford Friday, according ta a report received at provincial poiiee beadqnarters.

The attack on Constable Hammick was made during: the investigation of the murder of Gastav Stahl. at Bresayiof. when Constable Hammick with Dectecttee-sergeaEt scotsey overtook Masierwm outside Lloyd-minster and rave him a "lift." During the coars of the Journey the pcllcemaa grew suspicious that their nser.ger was involved ia a theft from H. Rawle, police laagistrate. at Lloydminster, and from the Wilton Cf, -operative stores at Marshall la March.

1S2. When they stopped searca Lira Masterson fired point blank: at Hammick. Only the cl-ct of a misKre warned Hammick to "dack and the ballet intended ta kill tiai whiased across hSs shoalder. He meant te kill Hammick. aster -ma declared In a written statement given to the police afterwards.

CIYIC EMPLOYEES WILL HOLD DANCE NOVEMBER 4 Arran cements have teea completed for the siret civic emptoveedT oasca of the season to be held Friday evea-ir XoTmber 4, ia the City Hall -ilayor a-I Sirs. Grassick and Cons-missiocer t. A. Thoratoa and Mrs. Tr.crr.tcn have car-sen ted to act aa patrons for the cccasioa.

p. Stewart cf the city salicators staST. a-nostsced yesterday that any trie-ads of the civic who wishe4 to se- mre tickets cad co so ca arplioa- I to Mra. VL i I 1iTlll 1 111 Ul LiU 1 Ull GOES TO ALABAMA Secures Position in Southern City An Old Employee of the City L. C.

Bulmer, dairy inspector for the city of Kegina. and one of tne old-timers in the civic employ, lt.ving tonight for Birmingham. Alabama, where he has secured an important post in dairy work. He will be chief inspector of dairies and will have supervision of the work of eeven suo-inspector a. Mr.

Bulmer joined the civic ataff and became dairy inspector in 1912. A couple of years later when the war broke out he enLsted and went over-etas, serving until 131. Upon his re- turn he resumed his old position, which had in the meantime Increased considerably in importance. uarmiS me iitnoa vi aim the City Hall. Mr.

Bulmer has carried on the entire dairy tnspectioa work both In the city and country entirely without assistance, though it is generally admitted in civic circles that the job Is sow too heavy fortune man. CANADIAN BASSO MAKES SPLENDID IMPRESSION Cameron Geddes. Canadian basso, made pleasing impression on Capitol Theater patrons last evening, when he sang for them during the interlude in the pictures. Mr. Geddes this week.

AUCTION SALE TUESDAY, NOV. 1ST 1.30 PJrl. SHARP SMEED'S WAREHOUSE Cor. Halifax and Thirteenth Ave. I have received from Mr.

A. C. Fess to sell the whole of hte Household Furniture of t. i-rootn io aar-M for convenient disposaL The goods suite, removed to the atov address are high -class aad ia splendid condi tion and must be sold. Consists of 1 Buffet.

1 Dining Table-. Dininx Chairs. 1 Arm Chair. 1 Library Table, Parlor Tables. 1 Pedestal.

Divan. I Chiffonier. 1 Dresser. 1 Brass Bed complete, 1 Bedroom Box. 2 small Rockers.

1 Grass Chair. 1 Kitchen Table and Chairs. 1 Flan Stool, Wilton Rug 9x12. Wilton Rug txf; Crockery aad Kitchen Utci.aU, 2 Electric Fixtures with Globes, 2 Electric Stand Lamps. 1 Ice Box, 1 Clock aad other numerous articles, Dont forget the date aad be oa time for bargains at Snutd'i Warehouse, Tuesday, November at USi o'clock.

i H. LSMAN, Auctioneer PHONE 216S GIBSON COAL CO. YARD: OTTAWA PHONE 6735 FINEST DOMESTIC COAL IN THE WEST All Grades on Hand HARRY McKINNEY Local ana see and Salesman HARD COAL AND PEA COAL ALSO i LIDIP, STQJ AND STEAM COAL ON HAND REGINA CARTAGE CO, LIMITED PHONES 3440 AND 3441 FREE COAL SHOVEL Ta Everybody Buying Owe 4 Doiibie-screened ROSED ALE Lump, per asn $1300 Steve, pee ton Wa Also Sen th Bert Wood, Capital Coal and Wood SSS8 Yardi Cor. Cornwall and- Slsta GOAL ALL GRADES ftlackeime Supply Coe, Lti Phones 5914 and 5024 City and Country PLOWING IN PROGRESS Plowing' in Saskatchewan Is re ported as being well advanced. CANDIDATE VISITS John "Archie McDonald, of Fort Qu'Appelle, Conservative candidate for Saltcoats.

constituency. wls ia th city yesterday. VISIT REGINA Mayor Yule, R. X. McCaul, And C.

BothwelL Swift Current, were visitors to the city yesterday on municipal business, VICTIMS Jim and Wallace Seliick. two victims of ths Cymric drinking bout. tiave been discharged from hospital Madlgan is still a patient and it ia feared his eyes may be permanently affected, CHINESE BOOTLEGGER. For the illicit sale of liquor, Mack Sing, proprietor of a Chines laun dry at 1764 Rose street, was fined 1300 in the City Police Court yesterday morning, with an optioa of six months' imprisonment. JAIL FOR CAR THIEVES.

One year hard labor, was the sentence parsed on Lester and XX B. Myers and P. BarUng. when they appeared In the magistrate's court at Shaunavon Saturday, chartrM wit'a the theft rt a car from Wolseley. DISPUTE OVER WELL IS AIRED IN COURTS Cmpossible to Drill Further Than 75 Feet and Farmer Refuses to Pay for Work A dispute over well-boring Job at Simpson was aired In the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal yesterday, when argument was heard in connection with a claim brought by Otto Hesier against Albert Osterburg.

While the appeal was not allowed it was successful to the extent that a re-trial wrffe ordered- According- to the evidence the plaintiff agTeed to di? a well for Os-terburs-, the price to be $2 a foot ia the event cf water being found. Oa She other hand the consideration was be $1.50 a foot if no water was or if any oVtacle made fur ther drilling impossible. The plaintiff drilled to a depth of 77 feet when some hard substance was struck, rendorine further bor- to pay. and action was brought to recover The case was tried before Judge McLorg at Saskatoon, who found for the defendant and dismissed the action with costs. FIGHT OVER SLOUGH WINDS UP IN COURT Neighbors Have Dispute Over Ownership and a Fight Is the Result Proprietory rights in a slough of water were the cause of a quarrel which resulted in a fight which led to the of $50 which was imposed on W.

S. Mcintosh, of Kronau, in the Provincial Police Court Mcintosh claimed to be the owner of a slough. Marshall Dubois, his neighbor, claimed that the same slough was on his land. Rereated arguments led to blows. Blows have kept Dubois in hospital since Octo ber 14, yesterday at the Provincial 6Hce Court being his first public appearance.

The blows ed to an assault charge against Mcintosh. STANDARDIZATION OF TEXTBOOKS DISCUSSED To discuss, among: other matters, the further -development of the uniform textboeks plan pot forward some years ago, representatives of the departments of education of the three prairie provinces met yesterday at the Parliament Bui'dittgs. Aa all-day sittir.g adjourned until today for further discussion. The Saskatchewan Department cf education was represented bv D. P.

MeColi. superintendent of the dep-j partmeat; i. T- Ross, depaty mlnis-, ter of education for Alberta, represented that province; attd Ft-. cher, dep-jty minister, appeared for Manitoba. Any conclusions arrived at will, for the present, be In the form of re- commendations to the ministers con cerned, the ultimate end being the complete standardisation books in these text MENTAL TRAINING IS DISCUSSED BY E.

WOOD "Thou his have the property cf impressing themselves on objects." said Ernest Wood, educationist from giving the last of a series of three lectures before the Regina Thecsophicai Society last evening: He spose oa 'Methods Mental Trainiig." Mr. Wood left last night for where he will deliver a series at leeiares. Mental power was to be gained by cencettrauoa, ne said; by keeping one's ideas in a circle, and concentrating from the cer.r to Use circumference, Thoushta- naturally flowed along line of least resistance, tut they ssoaid be prevented from doing this through, will power and concentration. BY HOLDING OF DANCE A dance by the civil ervtee tennis clab at. Eirose aaH last nigit marked the cloee of the -seasca aad' served as the occa-sicn "cf the prtss distribution ia the winners at th recent tournament.

These were presented dc-rfns tlse by -the preader.t. Harry WCJsmer. assisted --by V. GiH. secretary.

The winners were: Ladies single: Tyviaa; laics' dffahs: Mrs Porter and Miss Belle McRae; mixed doabSea: Miss MITier and H. Glaver; raea's wiacie: J. R. Spalsbnryr men's doubles: J. Spaisbsry aad Tarsbal The kaH had beea tastefaHy decorated far the occasion aad daring The supper was served by th was last in "Put tip your hands! Uttered, la a.

Quasi-villainous voice, these words greeted a belated traveler at Hamilton and Thirteenth last evening. He' faced five masked figures, the foremost one carry Ins a ghastly loosing fowling piece. For a minute, his heart descended into hik footwear. Then ha realized that it Halloween. The holdup artists laughed uproariously as the traveler grinned and went on his way, This was oiily one of the many pranks played bv Keglna youngsters evening.

A trip through the residential section of the town about 11 o'clock, revealed a garden rollci stranded in the middle of the side- BOYS TO BE GUESTS OF REGFNA ROTARY Frank L. Clarke, Rural Service Branch of Merchants Bank, Is Speaker at Luncheon One hunded of the boys of the city will be the guests of the Rotary Club Regina next Tuesday evening, under the auspices of the boys' work committee. The occasion will take the place of the usual Monday luncheon and will be held in the Trading ompany's banquet haH at 6.15. The purposes and workings of the ural service torancb. of the" Mer chants Banfc were dealt with at yesterday's luncheon by L.

Clarke, manager of that branch of the bank. After reviewing the origin and t. Ka an.rl rv r- L- Lli v. J. I III, i cited Its objects as to give the farm-J era tne vest possioie oamiog service and to help them solve some of their local problems.

It was born of a spirit of service and works in cooperation with the provincial Department of Agriculture. Yesterday's visitors were W. S. Tule, mayor of Swift Current; E. Bothweli, Swift Current; Edward Fitzgerald.

Camden, Wallace Sutherland: D. Mc-Puerson, Winnipeg, and Cameron Geddes, who sang two songs. A motion congratulating F. Clemesha oa his success in the war memorials competition was unanimously adopted. STRONG VAUDEVILLE SHOWING AT REGINA Four Good Acts Offered and Feature Film, Making Entertaining Program Monroe Brothers, the bouncing babies, headlining- the vaudeville bill at the Regina Theater this week, created a furore with the first-nighters last night, and they were given a splendid reception.

Their- work tricks are rew in an old vehicle, and the two boys are entertaining. The Saxarimbo Four offer a good musical novelty. The violin solo by the young lady Is a very (leasing; feature, and the saxaphone quartet ta popular jazz drew much applause. Rhinesart and Duff, two Dixie maids, torn to the long-ago, both ia costume and song, and offer an ex cellent entertainment of about 15 minutes. While their voices are not strong, there is good, harmony, and th srirt have rilaftfTf annMfnM and Gilbert are the first two women to offer a black and tan song and patter act.

and they have a wonderful knack of pleasing the crowd wish their wit and theii singing. Together with these vaudeville numbers is a feature film, starring Jnstine Johnstone, ia "Sheltered This film is a good, clear one. with a grood little plot. Aesop's Fables round out a program which is both entertaining; and EJLr. WEST END ELECTORS TO DISCUSS WATER MAIN The next step to be taken by the West End Electors Association ia its efforts to secure water main to serve the large area west of McTav-Ish Street will be discussed and probably decided at the first regular general session of the association this season to be held ia Coaaaught School Wednesday nihL A considerable amount of additional information oa the project has been secured by a special committee which has been working cn the problem for some time.

This information has been compiled aad will be placed before the meetin- The question of playing: a more active part in municipal politics than heretofore, the hospital deficit, the bonusicg of conventions and other live municipal topics will be up for for discuss! oa. APPEAL ON ASSAULT ACTION BEING HEARD An action for damages for aa alleged assault was the basia of aa appeal and a cross-appeal argued ia the Saskatchewaa Court of Appeal yesterday. The case was that cf WiUIam Jleary Withers, of Saskatoon, against Gee. Bulmer, Sutherland, aad was oirigiaaiiy aa actioa for damages arising- out cf an alleged assault by the defendant who employed Withers as a harvest fcaad- Jadge McLorg. Saskatooa.

allowed the request for special da-noar amount. ag to 10a. aad the defendant appealed Asaiast this decision. Withers entered a cross-appeal with respect to the disallowance of general jtnuges. REGINA PROGRESSIVES OPEN COMMITTEE ROOMS Camraitte rooms the local cc.mmltte of the Kw National Political Association nave been opened ia the Westmaa chamber, in.

the old olSoes of the Regis Daily Post. The telephone ssmber of the Progressive ofac is 721. Dr. H-gh McLean, the candidate of the NN.P.P-A la Begiaa. wiil make his headqaaraters there.

An meeting was held ia the aew offices last evening, aad plr-s the campaign were outlined. Betweea the aces cf 2i aad Sft, there aresevea woaaea for every six mea VL of i less frivolous public or the mmions the law. "Hallowe'en apples" were handed out iu scores to hungry kiddies, who made their way Into practically every store that was open, with their de mand for their annual free feed of apples. As far as could be learned last night, no really serious pranks were pulled on, and with the excepUon o' some citizens who went out to one of the many parties which made th city a gay place last ntsht. and neglected to take In their removable property, there will be no suuerers today from the visit of the imps.

Doormats, of course, will never get back to their proper owners, end a few sates may have strayed far from home, but iastening strings across the sidewalk has "gone out" as a Hallowe'en trick, according to one small boy. and 1hey didn't intend to hurt aiybody" bv any of their ctUitts. Witch Is Absent. Nobody saw the witch on the moon, because there wasn't any moon. An almost starless sky.

and an eerie wind, blowing stray cats and bats about, made the night an ideal one for the youthful plotters. Guns In Action. Enemy gor.s were in action at Re gina last night. Sounds remarkably lute an invas ion or at worst the annual district tactical exercise. But it's right enough.

(For is not a gun said to be in action when it is pointing in the required direction and its trail lowered to the ground?) By this JculiwUu aiuns were in ac tion in the streets surrounding Was- cana Park, from where they bad been manhandled by two score cf lusty youths varying in ase from 9 to It was part of the liauowe ea festivities." A field howitzer com manded the entrance to the Albert street bridge and successfully check ed the advance of street car tramc for some time. A "heavy" was last seen going east along Sixteenth ave nue. What its ultimate resting piace was the director-general of war tro phies (or whatever he's called) may learn this morning. The ghosts having performed for this season, they will now return their regions of rest for another year- Today is All Saints Day. which al ways follows Hallowe e.

and is a general festival among those of Romar Catholic faith. MANY WILL PARADE ON ARMISTICE DAY Committee in Charge of Arrangements for Memorial Holds Meeting The special committee appointed to make arrangements for the memorial services for Armistice Day met last evening ia the Mayor's office, city hall, appointed sat) -committees and comr-leted other details. A large r. umber cf organisations fcas promised to take part, many at tending in a body. One hundred of the R.C-M.

Police will parade in charge of Sup-. G. C. Worsley at the corner of Smith street and Eleventh avenue, from where they wiil marca south to Victoria school, where the public school cadets will fall in aad march to the Collegiate Institute, where they will be joiaed by the Regina College, the Normal School aad Collegiate -institute cadets. The Imperial Ordes, Daughters of the Empire wiH meet at tbe X.W.CLA the Canadian Citrt at The T.M.CLA.

Other ergajaisations which wiH attend la a body hare not yet decided where to congregate. LOGGING TO BE RESUMED IN NORTHERN DISTRICTS Signs, that the activities cf the legging Industry are aboat to be resumed are apparent in the north of the province, says the weekly report of the Provincial Goventmeat's labor bureaa at Prince Albert, The Pas Lumber Company is epening np four lumber camps, aad has given notice that it will require men at an early date to whom it will pay $24 a month and board. This is only about half the number of men which the company required last year wing to the reduced cumber cf camps. TOO XvATE TOM. CXASSXFICA.T103 tOCl TO III WARM FURNISHED ROOM.

"NEAR car line, Pfeoae 51 BOAKO AJTD BOOKS FCRNISHED FRONT ROOM WITH partial 2iJ7 Haatiltea. 2 AUCTION SALE AT 2020 RET A T.T.ACS ST. TODAY At L30 ChesterSeld and 2 Chairs to match, only used a few months; Small Tables; .2 Wnton Rusts, xl 2 pairs Area Curtains; Dining Room Suite, Jacobeaa design; 3-burner Oil Stove with Oven; IJaking- Cabinet; expeaaive Bras Bed. Coll Sprinf aad Felt itattrests; Circassiaa Walnut Dresser witii Stand and rrhalr ta match; Linoleum. Fraats premier E3ectrie Carpet Sweeper; Dishes: Cooking; Eieasls: Carpet Sweeper: Electric Irea aad Toaster; lsi Ford Tourias Car, ta order; tlo 1 ESectrle Stove.

Nov. 2nd Broad Street. R. McMULLAN Auctioneer 111 WESTMAN CHAMBERS PHONES 233S-70C2 Eub! 1 BY STUDENTS AT NORMAL An array of costumes, seldom outclassed at any aftair In Regina was to be seen at the Normal School last evening, when the students put on their Hallowe'en masquerade party. Practically ail of them were in costume, and some remarkably good ones were won by the boys and girls who took part in the evening's festivities.

The decorations were also a subject or much favorable comment, the committee having charge of this end of the affair having done excellent work. While dancing formed the mala amusement of the evening, a number of short sketches were put on by groups of students, and "kid" by groups of students, and "kid" ptfffs were laved by the coming wound np with a grand "eats" festival. Jim Anderson performed at the piano for the dancers' ber5t All the staff were present, and some of them visited the fortune-telling booths presided over by pretty gipsies, and took part ia the frivokvjs undertaking cf passing through "the chamber of horror Mere than 46.Mt) women are engaged in embroidery work on the island of Madeira. AUCTION SALE Of Good Household Furniture and Fundshings AT 1908 SIXTEENTH AVE. (Cor.

Rose St. and 16th Ave.) WEDNESDAY, NOV. 2ND L30 pjn. Sharp Having received Instructions from owner. Mr.

J. Bettschen. 1 will seU by public antloa the Mahogany Music Cabinet; Walnut Electric Parlor Lamp; Oak Book-e and number of books: 2 Oak I trior Easy Chairs; 2 Mahosrany Easy Chairs; Settee; 1 pair Velour Portieres; small Oak Parlor Tables: 1 pair Arch Curtains; Ladies' Oak Writing Desk; real good Oak Halt Seat and mirror; Dining Room Suite, fet. Chairs, leather seats: number of good House Plants; all BUads and Lace Curtains; Sewinc Machine; 1 Wilton Rug Sx 12; several other good rugs; good Oak Living Room Chairs; almost complete eel Linsorea Dinner Service; some Nippon China; Quantity of good Glassware; 1 Brass Bed: frood Enamel Beds with wool aad Ostennoor Mattresses, extra good ones; Bedroom Chairs; Rues and small Tables; 1 Monarch. Malleable Steel Ran re; Cooking T7tens3'is: Kitchen.

Table; Kitchen Chairs: Wash Boiler; Tuba, etc; 1 Refrigeraicr; Kitchen Cupboard; 1 "Humphries Bone Cutter; 3 Automatic Chicken Feeders; about feet 1-iack Rope: 1 Typewriter, very little used; 1 Hotpoint Vacuum Cleaner with all attachments. The above is only part list; numerous small articles act mentioned, i NOTE As Mr. Bettschen is aa eld resident of this dry for the past 23 years. I would deem St a ravor 6y showing your respect la your presence at this sale- Sale wiH start at LSd sharp. Chas.

Gathercole' Auctioneer 10 Black Block PHONES '4S20-60S3 AUCTION SALE AT 2023 BROAD ST. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 2ND At 139 P.m. Dining suite, chairs. spring leather cushions; icot Oak Dresser aad Stand.

Oak Bedroom Tables, Oak chairs, leather trim; Brass Bed. Coll Springs with Ostermoor Mattress. Surface Oak Plain Oak Chairs. Iron Beds complete. Stair Runner, large Mirror, iarge Easy Chairs, Child's Crib, Grey Blanket.

Pillows. Dishes Of all kinds. Pictures. Cocking Utensils, Singer Machine, Wringer, Tuba, etc, 4 large Kari. small Mats, Cocoirura Ku? Flour Bin, pair Arch Curtaica Vacuum Cleaner, quantity of Oil Cloth.

Bliads. Bird Care, Perfection Oil Heater. ChlM's TricyO sad Sleifh. Opera Giasses. Quebec Heater, good as new; Electric ChaadeUer wita three drop a Ceilarette, Only partial list of this sale.

McMULLAN, Auctioneer 111 Westman CHawbees Phones 270C2 i.

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