The Vancouver Sun from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada • 31
- Publication:
- The Vancouver Suni
- Location:
- Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 31
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
Women Voters -WJT1 League of Women Voters will meet Friday at 2 p.m. in the Business and Professional Cancer WA Annual meeting of the Women's Auxiliary to the Canadian Cancer Society, B.C. Division, and the British Columbia Cancer Institute will be held April 27 at 2:30 p.m. in the Auxiliary rooms, 686 West Tenth. Women's club rooms, 1(135 West Richmond Riding Cluh Plans Show First hunter show of the season will be the Richmond Riding and Driving Club's "Spring Hunter Show and Thirteenth.
There will be a discussion on "Fluoridation of Water." charge accounts invited VERA KELLY, Editor 4 FY Trials" to be held April 24 at 12:30 p.m. at Maple Lane Stock Farm, home of Mr, and Mrs. THE VANCOUVER SUN: April 11, 1955 31 4 John C. Abramson, 1047 No. 3 Road, Lulu Inland.
Mr, Abramson and Mrs. Douglas Reid are In charge of arrangements. W. Wallingford will come from Portland, to judge the show and his clerk Patricia Lynch Married Today will be Mrs. F.
C. Errington. Stewards will be Sergeant Nick Henderson and Ron Evel eigh. Dr. M.
Sparrow, Mrs One of the loveliest of springtime weddines was held Lloyd Reid and Gus Finnsson will act on the ring committee. at noon today in St. Augustine's church when Patricia Mary Lynch became the bride of Lawrence Charles Dr. N. S.
Wright will announce Jolivet. the show. Programs may be obtained Rev. Paul Monahan performed the ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Johanna Hill roses.
Their flowers were roses in warm yellow shades. from the entry clerk, Mrs. J. C. Abramson at FUlton 7480.
LITTLE I LOWER GIRL Little Janet Lynch, dnuehler of Mr. and Mrs. W. Peter Lynch, UBC Home xEc Undergraduate Society Elects Dr. and Mrs.
Arthur Lynch and the groom the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jolivet of Oakwood, Victoria.
SPRING FLOWKRS Masses of yellow and white spring flowers in the church accented the gossamer shades worn by the bridal party. The slim brunette bride was lovely in long-sleeved gown of delicate ivory peau-de-soie, fashioned in simple, classic lines. Its bodice, with deep, wide deeol- Miss Audrey Dieno was elected president of the Home Economics Undergraduate So was ner aunt's flower girl, wearing a smocked frock of white organdie dotted with yellow to complement her wreath and nosegay of yellow spring flowers. The page was Mr. and Mrs.
C. N. W. Woodward's young son, John, wearing a white satiii suit ruffed at neck and cuffs with white organdie. Christopher Jukes was best man.
Ushers were the bride's brother, Martin Lynch of Toronto, William Whittall, Beynon ciety of University of B.C. Serving her will be new imports by Bally of Switzerland, done in the continental manner finished with metic Miss Maxine Nelson, vice president; Miss Jean Parmley secretary; Miss V. Kimpton treasurer; M'ss Joan Orton letage outlined by rows of fragile petals, was molded to the hipline, accenting the full "Ornata" black ulous Swiss craftmanship patent, blue calf, red calf. ness of the skirt mat swirieu sports representative; Miss to a graceful, cathedral train. Sue Rae, social convener; Miss Over its full length was the veil, an old Spanish mantilla of hue 1 aloof, publicity repre sentative; Miss Joan Mclvor, undergraduate society repre creamy lace posed over folds of so good fitting you can-order by mail Housser of Eugene, Ore.
and John Lang Nichol. The reception was held at Dr. and Mrs. Lynch's home where Harold S. Foley proposed the bridal toast.
For their wedding trip to sentative. sheer illusion and held by a little cap of heirloom lace. BRIDE'S JEWELRY CDL Meeting Canadian Daughters' League Pearl necklace and earrings EASTER WEEKEND found many Vancouverites relaxing in the occasional sunshine at Harrison Hot Springs and enjoying the famed hospitality of the spa. Mr. and Mrs.
Charles E. Morris and Timothy, 5, and Maureen, 8, were among the family groups who spent the holiday there. Artray Ltd. photo. were the bride's 'jewelry and her Mexico tne brine going away costume was a smart dressmaker suit of deep cornflower blue, little flowered hat in yel No.
9 will meet Tuesday when reports will be given on the bouquet was of gardenias, white heather and freesia. 622 Granville St. provincial convention held here also 79 Yates Victoria low and white and short yellow Officers are asked to report to Attendants were the bride's coat. I the lodge rooms at 7:30 p.m. sisters, Miss Jean Lynch and Miss Marion Lynch, and Miss Marie Foley, gowned in softest shade of champagne taffeta.
12-Week Course in Nursing IN ONE EAR By Mamie Moloney The slim bodices were short- If you do not brush your teeth three times a day as dentists recommend. St. John Ambulance will hold sleeved with soft folds at the deep, square neckline. Cocktail-length skirts fell in slim straightness in front, with diagonal folds at the hipline flaring to a full pouf at back. Gloves and pumps were in the a home nursing class at St, John headquarters, 710 Davie, Remnant Day beginning Wednesday.
Mrs. Winnifred Perry, RN, same shade. Wreaths of deep green leaves across the back of a graduate of Vancouver Gen eral Hospital, where she was a member of the operating room the attendants' heads held short outstanding veils, like the bride's face veil, and were fin staff, will instruct the class. The course will continue for ished at the side with cluster of 12 weeks and will give experi ence in health education and Advertising it's wonderful, department: Scare headline on a brassiere ad: "Is YOUR bustline out of date?" This new bra, says the ad breathlessly, uses "glamorous air" (not just plain air but "glamorous" air, mind you) to give you an "up-to-date bosom." And this one for the movie Mambo soon to be released with the buxom Silvana Mangano: "The exalting story of a slum girl who attains integrity through her experiences with men and her love of the dance." Integrity? You figure it out it's too much for me. The army gets a new look: Indian army authorities have declared that: "Pin-up girls may not be hung in barrack rooms because they create artificial standards of womanhood." So much for that "glamorous air" bra.
practical work of improvisation and care of the patient in the ORP Plans Salute home. Emphasis will be given to home care of children, the aged, the long-term patient and the convalescent. To Clans Order of the Royal Purple will present its annual salute Successful candidates will be granted a St John Ambulance Home Nursing certificate. Further information may be obtained at MA. 7042.
Spring Fever to the clans on Tuesday from 8 p.m. to midnight when Royal City Scots, their friends, and pupils of Miss Mary Isdale will Fights hidden decay and bad-breath bacteria present a colorful program of Scottish dances at the Holly wood bowl. Provincial CDL Names Executive Mrs. C. Batson is the new provincial president of Canadian Daughters League.
With her on the executive Like this definition of Spring Fever from Mark Twain: "Don't you know what it is? It's spring fever When you've got it you want oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so." Hearst's New Look Wonder how the case-hardened editorial writers for the Hearst press felt when their boss went to Moscow recently and sent home dispatches that were certainly not in accord with his own "hate-Russia" directives for the editorial pages. The Hearst war with the Soviet Union has been going on these past 30 years or more and now William Randolph Hearst goes to Russia and sends back stories like this: "The men who run the Kremlin today," wrote Mr. Hearst to his own papers, "are not possessed by the madness that drove Hitler to bring Germany down in ruins," nor, "by the recklessness that led Mussolini to tie Italy's kite to the shooting star of Nazidom's short-lived conquest." He also Tom Johnston, grand chieftain, chief of the Lord of the Isle Camp, Son of Scotland, will take the salute. R. M.
Dey, past chief of the Camp, will be commentator and the Mary Dey orchestra will provide music for dancing. Representatives will be from Hebrides Island, Orkney and Shetland Islands, McBains. McKenzies, Glasgow and District, Gordons, Hays and are: Mrs. Vera Knight of Cran- brook, first vice-president; Mrs. Gladys Jasper of Victoria, second vice-president; Mrs.
C. Mc-Closkey, secretary; Mrs. John Dental scientists have now proved beyond doubt that new-formula Ipana helps destroy decay and bad-breath bacteria. Dentists generally will tell you that new Ipana, with WD-9, effectively reduces tooth decay when used regularly after meals. In tests by an independent laboratory, just one brushing with new-formula Ipana stopped offensive mouth odor for nine hours.
Mclntyres. Dance teams taking part will Delany, treasurer; Miss May Story, chaplain; Mrs. Bessie Lefly of Courtenay, sergeant- at-arms; Mrs. Carol Blake of Kamloops, sentinel; Mrs. M.
Riste of Port Alberni, historian; Mrs. John Williams, press; Mrs. E. Petit, pianist. be Caledonian Ladies, Brae-mar Dancers.
Prince Charles club team, Mary Isdale Dancers. All dances are taught by Mary Isdale and assisted by Bill Kerr. W. Kerr is master of ceremonies for general dancing and conveners for the OORP Lodge No. 55 are Mrs.
Peter McKim- added, "they are not paranoics." All of which is in direct contravention to what the Hearst papers have been saying about Russia these many long years. Perhaps this deviation from the Hearst line may be explained by the fact that young Mr. Hearst seems to be possessed of a sense of humor which was not noticeably one of the qualifying attributes of his late father, longtime head of the publishing empire. Addressing the American National Press Club on his return from Moscow, Mr. Hearst told them of his interview with Mr.
Khrushchev in the Kremlin: "The Communist leader told me," said Mr. Hearst with a grin, "that if I got Into trouble with Senator McCarthy back home, I could call on him to testify that during my stay in Russia I was a loyal and capable spokesman for the capitalist point of view." North Shore LA Sets Spring Tea mie and Mrs. William Veterans' Auxiliary Ladies Auxiliary No. 69 to Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans in Canada meets Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the club room at 1837 Main.
LA of Holy Trinity church, North Vancouver, will hold its annual spring tea April 20 from 2 to 5 p.m. in the church hall, Twenty-seventh and Lonsdale. Mrs. J. Reda, president, assisted by Mrs.
C. A. Hills, past president, will receive the guests. Conveners will be: Mrs. J.
Marron. Mrs. Patrick Grant. Mrs. C.
J. Fournier, Mrs. J. Winter Club Ends New minty flavor encourages children to brush teeth Season At Capilano A full schedule of events is planned by Capilano i McDaniel and Mrs. J.
Ramsay. Winter Club to round out the season's activities. What Causes Wool to Shrink? WotWnc wool In hot watw and using the wrong kind of nap causa millions of tiny fibres ti break down ond shrink. Ploy Safe! Us ZERO Colo Water Soap Ho shrink-tng' Softens water! S9e package food for dozens of washings. For Ml somple, write Dept.
3W, ZERO Soops. Vktorio. B.C a kick line, hokie-pokie jazz Scottish Society session and three sololists. Scottish Ladies' Society No. 1 Jf 8 1 i I At i will meet on Thursday not For the week beginning April tne adults win take over Tuesday this month at 8 p.m.
in Community Centre, Oak. There will be a shower after with a mixed curling bonspiel every evening from 5:30 to 11:30 p.m. ending 6 p.m. April 23. the meeting for the sale.
Grand finale is the dinner Tonight there will be hockey for the flyweights (under 10 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. and for the pee-wees (10 to 12 years) from 8:30 to 10 p.m. SKATING PARTY Wednesday a colorful skating party, with some 300 children expected to attend, will get under way at 2:45 p.m. with four junior soloists followed by an Easter parade on ice from .3:15 to 4 p.m. Refreshments will be served in the club rooms and a magician will be on hand for 'entertainment after the ice show from 4:30 to 6 p.m.
dance at Commodore Cabaret. RESTORE Old furniture PROTECT Auxiliary to Meet i Ladies' Auxiliary No. 47 to Army, Navy and Air Force! Veterans will meet Tuesday at April 23, with dancing from 9 to 1 p.m. when curling prizes and lucky draw door prizes will be presented. 8 p.m.
in the club rooms, Forty-third and Fraser. new rurnnure with SIMONIZ IODE Meeting Marjorie Pickthall Chapter, IODE, will meet Tuesday at 8:45 cm. at the home of Mrs. William Wood Jr, 2893 Point Grey road. Wednesday there will be aj program exhibition of skating! from 8 to 10 p.m.
for juniors. Intermediates and seniors with an intermediate chorus line, a senior dance group. Western "Topped all brands ijS I Mf' when taste-tested 7i Canada's pair dance champions Whist Drive South Cambie Community Centre will hold a whist drive Tuesday at 8 p.m. in Douglas Park Pavilion. Twenty-second West and Willow.
Buy a tubs of pleasant-tasting new-formula Ipana with WD-9 today! nd six soloists. AZZ SESSION Modern BROADLOOM made from your Old Rugs and Clothing at SAVINGS UP TO Any size. 32 NEWEST Solid Colors and Tone-on-Tone Designs. 81" PACIFIC RUG CO. LTD.
Friday morning the Easter bunny will be on hand to give Turn "four Star Phjhousm" on Vevmon vnrf Sunday of 9.00 P.M. WCTU Meeting Mount Pleasant WCTU will meet Tuesday at 2 p.m. in Chown Memorial church when favors to pre-school moppets, live years and under, at 11:15. The skating program will wind up Friday night with a program from 8 to 10 featuring! a temperance quiz will be held..
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