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The Vermont Tribune du lieu suivant : Ludlow, Vermont • 4

Ludlow, Vermont
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Frank Crossman and son have House banking is in order at pres' The oar house and freight depot are E. Pollard, ent. being rapidly put up by the company ames E. O. Aldrich from the Centre was gone to Boston.

Dan Cram has finished his clerk ship with M. J. Bixby. Quite a large delegation from this place took in the excursion to Boston here on business last Saturday. Rl'TLAND.

Patrick Clifford, Rutland's well-tnowu meat cutter, has taken charge of R. H. Thomas Co's. moat market. Deer seem to be plenty in the mountains east of here.

A large ler were seen by Rutland parties last week. The- silver men and Democrats and last week. Mrs. Prudence Lord of Mechanlcs- CHESTER, Ed Hoisington has gone to Warren, VERMONT, ville visited at F. B.

Guild's last Sat' Increase of pension through the it. in search oi worn. urday. i 0. Johnson agency has been granted James Mclntire has returned from to niram v.

spanora. his trip to Springfield, Mass. Q. A. Wheeler's carbuncle carbuncs yet, but he has pulled three or four Minnie Gould, who has been quite Our farmers are improving the fine weather of the past few days closing srold Republicans are making elabor cores out of it.

sick, is reported to be convalescent. ate arrangements to receive election up their fall farm work. F. B. Guild has been putting new Carl Hazen of West Hatfield spent returns, next Tuesday night.

F. G. Ellison has lost seven horses chimneys on the store and house, Mr. Monday with his friend, Harley Hol- Winters doing tne worn. den.

by disease. The others that were sick appear to be getting well, and it is Sister Peters, acting Mother Sup-rior, will be made Mother Superior of the Sisters of St. Joseph here to The Aid Society will hold a social at Fire more Bales of 10c Cotton Bats for Oca roll. Fifty Pieces of 10c Amoskeag Out-ting's, 8c a yard. Fifteen more of those LnriW The board of civil authority meet at the town clerk's office, October 8, thoughtihe epidemic has passed away.

Christopher Smalley's next Friday Ml tht? vacancy made by the death of W. H. Loveland has purchased the evening, and invite everybody to at' to revise the check list to be used at Sister tne late Moiner super tend. large farm of Simeon Latham, and will the coming election. ior.

at once commence worn to put tne W. E. Aldrich has a fine proposition The Christian people of Glen Mill or lands under a high state of cultivation to go to Boston and make cheese this The funeral of Mrs. Will Bugbee, who died at White River Junction, was held at the Baptist church Monday. The interment was at North what to-better Known as xn.ui village winter, and thinks favorably oi ac The railroad track is now laid about two-thirds of the way between here and Charlestown, and it is thought cepting it.

have erected a neat Chapel whicn thev expect to dedicate within a few Springfield. weeks. The Chapel will seat 170 peo that by the end of the week It will be C. A. Moore of Rutland and a friend took a trip through Sherburne to Woodstock the other day on bicycles, laid wen up to tne village.

Daniel W. Staples, 67 years old, a and came home this way, Monday. veteran of the late war, died at his Miss Emma Trudel is at home from BWrdltt Brothers have a large force of carpenters and bricklayers at work Hheir block that was recently burned. The firm will be able to start up home near Weathersfield Bow Mon work at the Central House in Rut' Boucle Jackets at $3.98. JUST IN.

lllilllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlHIIIIilllllHIHIHIIIII Oman's ork day. He was a resident of this town land, sick with a cold and trouble with for most of his life, until about one fcheir feed and flour mill within three months time. one oi tne valves or tne neart. vear aero. His funeral was held at G.

William Cooper of this city has in The Burditt mill is to shut down at the close of this week, and the hands Is never done, and it is especially wearing A. R. Hall Thursday under the charge dented a sifter for coal ashes which of Jarvis Post, of which he was a mem and to those whose blood it are to go into the woods for more logs. The jiggering department will ber. The beautiful service of the order was read, Rev.

G. W. Bailey impure and unfit properly to tone, sustain, and renew the wasting of nerve, muscle and tissue. It is more because ol does away with all the dust. It is said to be the best sifter of the kind in the market.

He is negotiating with the Termont School Seat C6mpany for E. Pollard, run ror about a inontn longer. preaching the sermon. ames Some time ago J. D.

S. Packer of this condition ol the blood that women manufacture of his goods. Mrs. W. H.

H. Putnam is quite ill Mt. Holly gave Isaac Trudel a horse, but it proving unserviceable, he had it taken out and shot according to are run down, Tired, Weak, Nervous, Everything points to a CHESTER, George Ames was in Boston last VERMONT. lappy Rut- ha- Thanksgiving to the people of week. contract with the aforesaid Mr.

Pack' Everett Cook is at home for a few er. days. The regular monthly meeting of the unristian church will be neid next sat' 1 John W. Bennett was in Brattleboro Than because of the work itself. Every physician says so, and that the only remedy is in building up by taking a good nerve tonic, blood purifier and vitalizer like Hood's Sarsaparilla.

For the troubles Peculiar to Women at change of season, climate or life, or resulting from hard work, nervousness, and Impure blood, ANOTHER urday at 2 o'clock. All Christians in over Sunday. the community, of whatever belief, Mrs. Eugene Bisbee has returned have been cordially invited to be pres from Boston. ent and taKe part.

Mrs. George Kimball has returned thousands have lound relief and cure lis N. J. Aldrich has sold his engine and from a trip to Boston. Fred Moss of Newport, N.

H. boiler to a Mr. Woods of Brandon who has taken them out and will set them up in Fast Pittsford. He has also land. Meat dealers report turkeys and other fowls plenty and cheap.

From all indications the overseer of the poor, Mr. Beattie, will have a much larger family than he has had for many years past to feed at this Thanksgiving. The Good Templar lodges and other temperance organizations are being aroused in regard to the lack of sentiment that is being found in the county when the enforcement of the prohibitory law is called in question. A plan of action is being discussed by the Good Templars here as to how to arouse a sentiment among the people in favor of a better enforcement of She law. We find a great many people who are swearing at laws and 3belack of progress in the State, but passing a week in town.

InJOOdlS BIG MARK DOWN Ladies1 Far Capes And Jackets. Miss Bessie Woodburn has returned bought the sawmill machinery and to her home in East Putney will set it up near the depot in Bran don, consideration said to be ouu. Dr. A. A.

Haig leaves next week for Sidney Bush has a sprout which an extended trip to (Jaiifornia. Sarsaparilla The One True Blood PuriHer. 1 per Dottle. Prepared only by C. I.

Hood Lowell, Mass. Miss Nora Putnam and Miss Genie came last Sunday, and he has named it Napoleon, supposably in honor of Reed were in Boston last week ts paternal grandpa, it is to be George Henry of Minneapolis has hoped that no offence will be taken at been visiting his father, G. O. Henry. Il D'll are the only pills to take rlOOQ PIUS with Hood's Sarsauarilla calling it a sprout, because that is Wallace H.

Whitcomb of Colebrook, what generally comes or a bush, and it is noticeable that these very men have branched out to try their luck Si. was in town orieny this week, also because the term is the one gen erally used in the prophetic phrase Mrs. Joseph Narramore and child of Bellows Falls were in town the first Qf ology of the isibie to designate an in other parts of the country and are gh-J to to Vermont to work fov an honest living. They have found the week heir. CASTOR I A cii.v hie a Jj.t tie too fast tor them, be It took six horses to drag the engine Mrs.

G. H. Pond of Winsted.Ct., has been the guest of her father, Franklin sides, learning that Vermont, and and boner, whicn weighed between Barney, Sr. New England for that matter, is slow four and five tons, from the basement For Infants and Children. but sure.

of Mr. Aldrich's sawmill up the side hill to where it could be loaded. The "Joe" Clissold has returned from his hunting expedition, and brought Tls There were six marriages in this For One Day Only, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3. Every Cape and Jacket at less than the manufacturers' prices. Just look at these goods and get prices, as at no time during this season of the year have prices been made on New Fresh Goods as at this Sale.

IF MCKINLEY IS ELECTED we will be so happy we can afford to sell for one day at half price. IF THE BOY ORATOR IS ELECTED we will be obliged to sell at half price. L. G. Hammond.

horses were hitched to a heavy ackle, nonie as a souvenir a nne deer. tlgututt IS 09 every vrapflf. one hook of which was pulled off in city within the past ten days, and the promise of as many more within the next two weeks. Marrying has come Fred Meacham and wife of Ludlow the operation, beside the breaking of were in town last week to attend the to be a craze in this city, and tne hard convention of the Epworth League. two or three large chains.

And now the ever busy microbes will probably take down the remains of the lonely times do not seem to hinder them. It Harvey Slade goes to Walpole, must be that the contracting parties next month for residence. He old mill which was once the scene of have become satisfied that it is cheap will have charge of several dairy cat so much life and business. What as tir for two persons to live toeether NEBRASKA FARM tie than to live separate. Divorces in the sociations are called up in the minds of the older inhabitants.

And how eounty, however, are keeping pace The Congregational church and also the residences of Robert Colburn and "we all do fade as a leaf." the marriages. For sale or exchange. 160 acres good land near railroad town. Charles Forbush are receiving new The Saturday Times Publishing eoats of paint. E.

A. Whitkey Ogden, 50-4w Providence, R. I. Company has enlarged its plant, at Hewitt Witch Hazel Salve IS an Mrs. W.

H. H. Slack is in Mont- antiseptic, soothing and healing an least as far as job work is concerned The office has been newly and thor pelier this week, in attendance with plication for burns, scalds, cuts, bruis her husband, Representative Slack, at oughly furnished for all kinds of job es, and cures piles like magic. tne Legislature. IS.

A. Dodge of has Sherman, froc become a member of the firm and has The Claremont football team played I Pure Blood I WAOVA.A?. UAUUgKOUb, U1 the home club at Riverside nark last Tvson: Moore and Walker. Plvmnnth: put the material of his Brandon office ask 'SDrji (ooVs )tore. Saturday afternoon.

The score was 4 Newton, Felchville; Stewart, Cuttings- with mat or tne Saturday Times. Mr IS ESSENTIAL TO GOOD HEALTH. Dodge is a hustler and intends to to 0, in favor of Claremont. ville: Partridge and Trask, Mechanicsville; Pierce, Chester; Derby and make the paper and job business boom in Rutland county. Look out for a Vaughan, Bridgewater.

IDOIT spicy and newsy sheet each week Speed and safety are the watchwords of the aee. One Minute Couerh COLD RIVER. jure acts speedily, safely and never IS THE PURIFIER Plans are being made for revival work here this winter, but the success ef the revival will depend altogether fails. Asthma, bronchitis, coutrhs and GEI1TLEMEIIS' UNDERWEAR, BEST BLOOD KNOWN. Lena Sanders was at home over Sun day.

coias are cured. Sherman, Ludlow Pnllnr1 Rfta on wno win nave charge of it. In Ellen Tr.ayah. Berkshire. writes: Business at the cheese factory stops IDOIT has entirely cured me of Salt Rheum.

olden time it was the spirit of God Weston; Hubbard, Tyson; Moore and Before I began its use my hands were one uctooer 31. that accomplished the work and the wamer, jriymoutn; JNewton. Feich- great bcbd, now tney areas smooth as anyone's. church people simply fell into line. Those who bet in favor of McKinley ville; Stewart, Cuttingsville; Part Price 1.

00 ner bottle, six for (5.00. If vonr It is altogether different today. It are an emnes. ridge and Trask, Mechanicsville; merchant does not keep it send us 1.00 and we I seems to be the desire of church peo Irving Spafford is painting Elwin Pierce, Chester; Derby and Vaughan, win sena a oottie express paid. pie nowadays to first find out.

what iiuraitt's house. cnugewater. creed a man belongs to before he can Fred'k Dutcher Drus: Eugene Butterfly had the misfortune Ladies', Misses' and Children's Underwear, Ladies' Oneita Union Suits, in Cotton and Wool, also in Cotton. Look at our Jersey Vests and Pants, Oxford Cut. Ladies Grey Sanitary Vests and Pants, Misses' and Children's Jersey Vests, Misses' and Children's Jersey Pants, Elastic Bands, Children's Sanitary Vests and Pants, Wright's Underwear for boys.

We are still selling 5 pair of those Ladies' Black Fleeced Hose for 1.00. expect support from church people, SJ i-T ill 1 1 1 to cut his foot recently. St. Albans, Vt. ANDOVER.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knight were at John Waite of Peru was at Allen Mrs. Margaret uonion's Sunday. Oreen's on Sunday.

Harry Whitmore has sold his farm John Smith has gone to Granville. STATE OP VERMONT, I District of Windsor, Bs- to Will Miller of Clarendon for 81500. The Hon. the Probate Court for the District iM to visit nis Bister. including seven cows.

of Windsor: To all persons concerned in the huu ueniues vnvy win uu ior the biggest part of the harvest. The Rutland board of trade and a part of the board of aldermen have taken upon themselves the task of having the Legislature make a number of changes in the city charter. Some of the proposed changes are all right, but others are questionable. The question has been repeatedly asked within the past few days, why doesn't the committee that has the Fred Bouley was home from Rock' The dance at Parker Sanders' last estate of ingham for a visit last week. Friday nitrht was the occasion of his lorinda A.

Lord, Mrs. Lucy E. West has eone to HUb- son Marvin's fourteenth birthday. late of Ludlow, in said District, deceased. They Are Great Bargains Daratown, for the winter.

Charles Spafford is repairing and testate, ureeting. Whereas, Edgar N. Lord executor of thfi last Mrs. Allen Hilliard and children painting bis biacksmitn shop and the will ana testament of the said deceased, pro-noses rendering an account of his adminis man box nas been removed to the were at 0. D.

Dimick's last week. tration, and presenting his account against matter in charge have the full text'of Post Office for a while. sum estate, ior allowance, at a session oi said the amendments published so that miss Liina arunurst or Weston was at her aunt's, Mrs. P. J.

Smith, over Court to be held at the Register's office in Mrs. Erwin Hewitt, who has been so the people can understand what is Cavendish, in said District, on the 7th day of E. C. FORD, ounuay. severely ill, is somewhat improved at present writing, and Mrs.

Sawyer being done. The echo answers, why? December, A. IX. 1896, at which time and place E. N.

Lord, guardian of Fanny M. Bacon, in Mrs. Mary Stoddard and Mrs. Lucia her minority, proposes presenting his guard trom ituuana is nurse. Look out for a nigger in the fence.

It is well for the people to have their ian account ior allowance. Ludlow, Vermont. Dailey's Block, Main Therefore, you are hereby notified to appear before the said Court, at the time and place Maluncy it Spaulding eye on any changes that may be made In the charter. But why should the Legislature act without first knowing aforesaid, and show cause, if anv vou have. Sell the soap that "goes further and whv the said accounts should not'be allowed.

don't rot ciotnes." Harmless. Dated at Cavendish, in said District, this 23rd waat tne citizens may wantr nay oi a. mm. tic CHARLES F. BARRETT, Register.

Lake visited Mrs. Emery of Bartons-ville last week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Pease of South Londonderry spent Sunday at C.

E. Spaulding's. Mr. and Mrs. W.

W. Ward expect to visit her sister at Putney, and other friends this week. Mrs. Carrie Smith and three children visited her sister, Mrs. Agnes Parkhurst, at Weston last week.

Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Hannum of Put BRIDGEWATER CORKERS.

Many political speakers, clergymen, singers and others who use the voice excessively, rely upon One Minute W. Bugbee is reported as gaining I -tti -wrr si -v y-v tv I Miloand Rob Lewis from Emrlish 1 Jil lTlJUlJr TWPnTF Ql? VTT LUDLOW, YT Mills were at J. P. Lewis' Sunday. Uough (Jure to prevent huskiness and laryngitis.

Its vslne as a proventa- five is only equalled by its power to afford instantaneous relief. Sherman. 31 Tl 1 -r. Maria Walker has had a relapse, but symptoms are more favorable now. juuuiuw z-uiiara proctors ney called at W.

W. Ward's on Saturday, on their way their way to attend the funeral of. Mrs. Daniel Hannum. Levi Hammond of Mt.

Holly was at ville; Blodgett, Weston; Hub- BARGAINS for FRIDAY and SATURDAY, bi rs re and Walker, Ply W. D. Johnson's Tuesday on his way Mrs. Frances M. Bailev of Putnev to mis vine.

inua; Newl jd, Felchville; Stewart, CuttiugsviVf Partridge and Trask. inspected P. H. Sheridan W. R.

(5. last Thursday evening. Mrs. Mary Gould of Ludlow accompanied her. A new and complete line of Men's Beaver Boots and Shoes.

Women's Beaver in Button, Lace and Con--gress. Men's, Boys', and Youth's Pontiacs. W. D. Johnson returned Monday from Lowell, where he has been 30 AND 31, 1896.

meuiittmuBvuie; unester; Derby and Vcnghan, Bridgewater. visiting tne past week. Ihey were guests of Mrs. Sarah Ward while in town. Dolph Carter has finished work for X-k IT .1 LADIES' JACKETS CAPES uHiiiiis natuorn ana gone to worK ior oir.

ivicft-enzte in nis saw mm. 1 Lot Kersey Jackets, F. O. Foster Lot Tailor Made Jet and Braid, 1 Lot Kersey Jackets, Capes, trimmed S1.69 Ponaa. Pur ri sells the soap that "coes further 3.50 3.75 4.98 5.98 uwen uodd nas moved to nis new house, Bert Hubbard has moved to Mrs.

Minor's tenement and Arthur 1 Lot Boucle Jackets, TVSON. Mrs. Dr. Morgan of Felchville visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

H. Mc-Wain, last week. Mrs. P. M.

Pinney of Plymouth is visiting her late husband's sister at the Stickney homestead. Mrs. Frank W. Stiles of Sprisgfleld and don't rot clothes." Harmless. 1 Lot Black Beaver SPECIAL 2 48 Boucle Jackets, Josselyn to the tenement vacated by med, riuuunru.

AMSDEN. Mrs. J. F. Bixby is visitinsr her oar CHILDREN'S GARMENTS "I Lot Gretchens with Cape, trimmed, BARGAINS and youngest son are visiting with her ents in Springfield.

Lot Black Kersey Capes, trimmed with Straps of same and buttons, 3.48 Lot Boucle Capes, Thibet trimmed, 3.98 Perhaps you're doctorlnc onr stomach er liver when the real trouble is your kidney. It'tun C. D. Hill has trone to Boston, takin? a.u vantage oi toe excursion rates. they can back up iuto your system im I purities enough to wreck the strong- Mrs.

Geo. Adams has been very sick Us est constitution, uon i neglect Ilk them until it's too late. You with erysipelas, but is now on the gain. FURS made from Novelty, in Blue, Grey and Tan effects. 1 Lot Reefers, Double-breasted, Sailor Collar, Box-plaited Back, Pearl Buttons, made from Boucle, 3.47 I Lot Reefers, Blue Kersey, Box Plaited Back, 2.46 Joseoh Brault and sister have trnnn in Ladies' and Misses' Shoes.

A Foil line of Waverly School Shoes. Nearly all my Goods are bought direct from the Manufacturer. Every thing in Rubber. Goods. to Fitchburg, where they have secured work for the winter.

sale, $11.98 15.98 17.98 1 Electric Seal Cape, this 1 Astrakhan Cape, 1 Astrakhan Cape, sister, Mrs. uiien aneenan. A warning of a town meeting in Plymouth is posted to be held November 3, to elect a town treasurer bd see if the town will run the east line hy resurvey. Hubbard Estey recently cut on Moses Pollard's farm a spruce tree that was two and one-half feet in diameter at the stump and tapers so gradually that it is one foot through up 70 feet, and so straight and smooth that It is to be sawed for a mast. J.

A. Horton Son Sell the soap that "goes further and don't rot clothes." Harmless. Mrs. C. Amsden is so much improv ed that she was moved home from Sprinefleld last Monday, with no bad M0.

t0 Kidney Pills snd they work like msffic on the Kirinm results. rw TERHS STRICTLY CASH. I IJ avail uwwes ooestions and viva advice im Write us. Pills roc. at vour drunisia E.

P. Blodgett and Geo. L. Richardson Sell the soap that "roe further and of Bailed postpa.d fur price. a.

h. Lockwood.j J. A.DENNETT. Buker Pill Bangor, M. don't rot clothes." Harmless..

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