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Bennington Banner from Bennington, Vermont • 3

Bennington Banneri
Bennington, Vermont
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

a. The first Keen Twin. ment. At a late hour the guests dis Cocftl intelligence. Slug Sing prisons' profile wan last mouth, a prontiontalund by the stela oa iu stave eontraoia to the detriment of th-aisands if honest woriln(uien In Tmv and AlUaay.

whuae INAlt.l 1 Kt DAY I. A. Shaw, of Poughheensis, N. is visiting hit brother 0, Shaw of this village, John H. Ayhks Is moving to his new with Ihe Banilst ohurrh there.

His great grandfather was tiie itev. blieriimn Lsdd was the Methodist uiiuUtur hers several year eao. TilK USBBTKnr AaBUOUTIOK, At Ihe 18th sunusl meeting of Oak Hill Cemetery HAVE YOU COT A Drawtnasdowo Pals, Weary, Tired Feeling, Disinclination to Labor, Scanty aud Hlg Colored Urine If you have any of the troubles yoa may be ante yoa asv Kidney PImim. Are yoa bilious hav.yo. j.andloet Do yoahaveaaallow mphtxloot Are yon troubled with eotuil.

nation If so, yoa have Liver Complaint aud should read the following testimonials Mas. Caaa Havana, SI Pearl St.Baagor.has I Mas. a P. Bhackitt, of Barman, bad Kidney been very low with Kidney Disease all. had laa ni ru a Urn.

Dad eonsunt tin conanedloher bed for aom Urns. Bad sou, stent aud mteaas BACKACHE with sll other symptoms of Kidney Disease, flsr husbaud was sailed noma sash waa aaugsroaaly 111; ba bought Brown's garHpariUa; ah was cured by It, Bud ut now about her duos in better health than for years. The testimony of her friends Is that Brown's 8raoirtlla saved her Ufa. Ma. Cbab.

Pattssson, Kngtoeer, Bangor, was oared of Kidney Disease, caused sr over sxerUoa. lifting, etc. X. Watsox, Fern St, Bangor, waa cured of Kidney Disease by Urowu's SsrssparUla. Brown's Sarsaparilla Is gnaranteed to do sll claimed for It, and any druggist will give yoa back your money If It Remember also wo print only home testimonials from rsllalile people.

Brown's Sanuparllia Is sold sll for 11.00 8 bottles for 83.00. ARA WARItBN, lo Ur( OesUJfOl'i JB tUDOi 2STOTIGE BOSTulM STORE, We desire to respectfully call the attention ol the ladies ol Bennington and Us immediate neighborhood, to some patent facts that cannot fail to prove both interesting and profitable, oarticularlv in thrift nf tlim a. tu cares of a household upon their mind. in self laudation oi puffing, nor in no other manner will undertake to decoy patrons to our store under misrepresentations. We will stand by each and every representation made by us and guarantee a strict compliance with every oner.

In (act, instead of disappointment, our customers so far have declared themselves highly pleased and somewhat astonished at our honest, candid-iquare dealing methods, and declare that our prices for all grades of dry goods are unprecedently low. We cordially invite you, ladies ol give us a call on your next visit to Troy. We have attractions in store for you in the way of low prices for dry goods of sterling merit, It would be loo tu-pendous a task to enumerate heie, or contrast our goods and prices with those at other stores: alt we ask is that you CALL on us beore returning home, compare our goods with those at other placrs, and mark the perfectly narvelous diflerence in the prices. We will guarantee a saving, a great saving to all. Very Respectfully, 8 6 Formerly W.

0. Winne Troy, N. Y. 306 and 308 River, 32J Fulton Sts, Troy. BOSTON STORE, TROY, t3T We desire special attention to and examination of our double width Sheeting, firm and fine at 12 1-2CI One case genuine Turkey Red Damask, 54 ins, wide at 25c I Beautiful Marseallis Quilts, slightly soiled, but so slightly as to be scarcely perceptable.

This is the finest bargain ever placed on a Troy counter They Aa the season advances, th pains aud ache by which rtiumatlatn makes Itself known, are experienced after every eiimsure, It is net claimed that Hood's Sai aapai llia la a specific for rheumatism doubt if liters If, or oau ba, auch 8 suiedy. But the llumaanda benefited by Hood's SanutparlUa, warraut us In urging others who suffer from rheumatism to take it bo furs ths Drat keen twinge. FotisD I At a well keown druggists, a porous plaster that not only relieves, but cures. It Is Kbas'iKipkstano Bava Plastss. Absolutely tha best porous plastar known, J.

T. Bhurllftf, druggist, will guarantee etch Wllsonis Teething Neuklae to prevent oonvlstons, soothe the bsby's nerves and permit It to obtain natural sleep. Money refunded If unsstlsfactory, Trnth Stranger than Vletloa, Read, ponder, ana profit thereby, Kemp's Balsam for th throat and lungs ia conoeededby all who have used It to exnel any preparations In the market as a oomplet throat and lung healer, er, All persons atliou-d with that drcadrul dla-eaaa conaunipliou will find speedily relief, and iu a majority of case a permanent cur. Th Rmprletor haa authorised J. Shurtleff to reft nd the money to any party who haa taken three-fourths of a bottle willtout relief, Prlos 10 cent and 1.

Trial aisa tra. Aa ageooy for th Wilson! Magnetic Appliances has Just been established her where ttVy can be Inpecled, and pamphlet coulalnlng full Information given. The potency of the Appliances is grappling with sad overcoming sll forms of disease is becom ing one of ths beat established facts of the day. Among ths euros made are many that bad balled ths bet medical skill the country could produce. If yoa have any desire to enjoy th remaiuder of your life, but cannot because of your affliction we would urge yon to Investigate and be convinced of their merit.

We know the result will warrant you giving them a trial, Teething necklaoei for children are Invaluable, and your money will be refund ed if unsatisfactory. Call on me for full particulars, leyl J.T. SUUltTLEKF. Bennington, Vt BOUN. OAI.USHA-In 'Bennington, February iTth, a uauowr to air.

nu airs, uuiusua. PIKRCE-In Cluremont, N. March 1st, a to air, auu airs, si, w. fierce. MAHItlKD.

LOOHIS-CLARK-In Shsflshurr. March 4th. St the residence of llie bride's lather. Mv.on Clark. uy toe Hey.

win. H. Mr. Leland Loomh and Mlas Eerilia Clark all of that town. DRURY TOBE In Shaftsbnry, Feb, ltb, at ine residence ot Mrs.

M. rtunliastoB. hv Key. J. C.

Langfnrd, Edward L. Dru i aud Mlas Nancy ia. uvui vi ciis.teuury. IKU. PRATT At Powniit, Feb.

lfltb, WIPism Pratt, ageu it years, couat' motloo, WRIGHT At Pownal, Feb. ltt'u. George nrixiit, xiiied by an engine striking him, sand 83 Catarrh Cured Catarrh Is a very prevalent disease, with distressing and offensive symptoms. Hood's Barssparllia gives ready relief and speedy cure, from the fact It acts through the blood, and Urns reaches every part of tbe system. 1 suffered with catarrh fifteen years.

Took Hood's Sarsaparilla and I am not troubled any with catarrh, and my general health Is much better." X. W. Lillis, Postal Clerk Chicago St. Louis Railroad. I suffered with catarrh or 8 years tried many wonderful cures, Inhalers, spending nearly one hundred dollars without benefit I tried Hood's Sarsaparilla, and was greatly improved," U.

Abbzt, Worcester, Mass Care for tho Children Children feel the debility of the changing lessons, even more than adults, and they be eome cross, peevish, and uncontrollable. The blood should be cleansed and tbe system lavlgorated by the use of Hood's Sarsaparilla, "Last Spring my two children were vaccinated. Boon after, they broke all out with running sores, so dreadful I thought I should lose them. Hood's Sarsaparilla cured them completely; and they have been healthy ever since, I do feel that Hood's Sarsaparilla saved my children to me." Mas. 0.

Thompson, West Warren, Mass, Purify the Blood A Sure Cure for HffldiuiA. TWarumat. nti pation. Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Heartburn. iiver uompiaint and Malaria.

A teaspoonfull of Biliouiine taken 111 popitively prevent the terrible headache niUII UHUftllV lOHOWH IntnxiCAt At. ftl mmJna. ate drinking. Any one wismng to test the efficocyjofof Bil- lousine can obtain "trial package" gratis. We will send a packajfe to any address upon receipt of a two cent nostaee stamiV For sale by dnifrgists.

bNOW A EARLE. Sole BcuiB. irroviaence, it i. 43m3nrnu.2,3p CLOTHING. TUCKER, CALDEB CO'S Is ths Best and Cheapest, It Is Stylish and Flu Perftctlr.

Bold bv CHAS. G. COLE'S Que Price Clothing Store. RUCTION SALE, There will be sold at public suction on the nrem- Iset of the suosenber on Thursday, March 12th, at 10 o'clock, a. all the stack, produce, farming tools, household furniture, consisting In part of the following mare id years oia, ana I norse 8 years old; tnis is a first clas team 1 mare ooming nine years old suitable for light driving 1 cows, new milch in April, au extra aairy stocs.

2 lumber wagons, ane nearly new, 9 two-seated spring wagons, one nearly new, 1 buggy, 1 set of heavy traverse sleifrhs aud 1 light ileigh 1 one horse ipring wagon, 1 hay rack.l wood rack, and box, single and douulc harness, farming tools. 1 mowing machine, 2 plows, 1 (new) spring tooth cultivator, 4 horse rakes, 1 threshing cylinder aud other tools usually used on a farm; dso, the household furniture, I stoves, bedsteads. chairs, all in good condition. Also a quantity bay. grain and straw.

Ale an outfit for cheese and butter making, including a Cooley creamer for twenty cows, barrels cider, cider barrels, etc Terms All sums under $16 cash; all earns over $16, 3 months time will be gived on good endorsed notes payaoie at first national Danii oi uenning ton. AU ai tides to be settled far before taken, C. D. BlilMklER. JOHN ROBINSON, Auctioneer.

0i3 LOOK HERE laving purchased the interest Frank Cromack in the of DRY GOODS STORE, 43 MAIN ST, I am prepared to sell goods 'to all my old triends and as many more new ones. I will sell off ill Oil STOCK AT VERY LOW PRICES To make room tor my NEW SPRING GOODS. Call snd see me. I ill sell to you as cheap and perhaps cheaper than any one else, as my old stock must be sold out regardless ot cost. Yours respectfully, T.

B. FERGUSSON. persed during which the fun of the evening was enjoyed by a few who re mained until Mr, and Mrs. Lonmls departed for their new home. This they successfully accomplished, taking with them cordial wlslirs (or happiness and long life, amid shower of rice, old shoes, etc.

The happy Couple will reside at the Loomls homestead In Slisflsbury, Hsuilliialou Towa Heeling-. ihi orriosBs sluutsu. Moderator, John Carney, Town Clerk, David F. Squires. Selectmen, John T.

Buurilelt, Alfred Rob.nion, Charles C. Welling. Town Treasurer. George (1 raves. Ovwwr of the Poor, Dwight Kiddle.

Constable and CulleuUir. 1st. Kuiorv S. Harris. Itl.JuliuNaah.

Liatera. Kdward Rioa. Jonathan O. llouorhton. Joha V.

Carney, Auditors, Wiu. B. S.ieldon, B. Daley, J. Kdward Walliridge.

lruatee of 1'ubllo Money, Knot Adams. Fouoa Viewers, l'alrick Bureau. 11. Hunklus Ilarwood, It. M.

Banders, Sidney Colvln, oaiuuel Lyons. Town Grand Jurors, James B. Meacham, A. M. HuIIuk, Wm.

Tombs, r. U. Banders, David Itockwoou. i lutpeotor of Leathoi John w. WlPlami.

surveyors at Wuud and Lumber. Kit Allen. M. W.Blewart. Found Keeper, Edwin S.

Chandler. Town Antnt. Junes B. Unachain. Tuwu Superintendent ut Couuuon Bohools, Rev.

Isaac Jeualngs, ineaoove ueul emen were voted fur upon four separate tiokets, and one split ticket. Several wars upon all the tick ets, among whom we might mention David F. Sou res. Geo. F.

Graves. Jobn Nash, and possibly one or two others. Ed. S. Chandler was voted for unoo one ticket for 'sealer of weights and but as that office has been abolished there is none awaitinar althoush eleoted unanimously, Tbis condition of tickets made so much work for the can vassers that It was a late hour in the evenintr before the result was known The result on ths selectmen is gratifying to every inouitniiui citizen, me rule should be to retire one each year and thus keep in the service of the town a majority of the selectmen who are experienced.

This rule, if followed, would insure competency in tbis one of the most Important offices in town adminis tration. The same remark applies with equal force to the listers. Tbe town veted $50 to Custer Post towards the ex penses of Memorial Day. The article 'to see is the town will adopt the town sys tem oi scnoois, was negativea Dy tne decesive vote of 209 noes, to 18 yeas. It was leit that our Uraded Schools sup plied all that was Isckine.

and that the outlying schools could profitably send tneir advanced scholars to these two Graded schools rathsr than to come under the town system with its central high school, etc lue discussion of the day occurred upon the highway tax muddle. That is, it is a 'muadie if the tax is not voted in money. After some discussion the tax was voted to be raised in cash and that ends the matter for two years at least. The legislature that needs a scribe to re write its bills before action is taken is a body likely to pass just such a law as our present No. 12 of 1884.

And we shall have just such a botch of tbe statutes (tnis awe of a general revision Dy competent lawyers,) as lone as towni Bend tbe motley assembly they do to montpelier, and call it a Legislature. Ihe tax voted was one hundred cents on the dollar, as per tbe recommenda tion oi the selectmen in tbs town reports. Good News-The Fisher Mill Sold. We have it from what we consider good authority that probably before this reaches our readers the Fisher Mills will have passsd into the hands of a firm who will run them. It has been known for some time that negotiations were pending for tbe purchase of this admirable property and hopes have been freely expressed that the sale might be consummated, This is likely to be the case.

The firm is tbe old and reliable one of Knower, Haines Cooley, whose New York office is at 24 and 26 Thomas street. Mr. Haines, by the way, was formerly in tbe employ of the late Hon. Setb B. Hunt, and knew about tbe or iginal erection of the mill.

Armed with ample capital, this enterprising firm will give the business interests of Bennington a great boom when they start their looms, It is said that one of the gentlemen in interest will reside here, and that tbe style of cloth made ill be of a tine and bigb grade, calline into service a corps of employes such us any village would be glad to welcome among its permanent inhabitants. We hope that these and many other things will become true before long, and tbey are certain to if the above firm purchase this property. Last Evening's Serenade. The Hon. John W.

Williams, the popular shoemaker near 'the corners' in this village, elected by ths suffrages of his fellow townsmen to the lucrative and responsible office of 'Inspector of was complimented by a serenade last evening. The occasion was a complete surprise to tbe Honorable gentleman. Our citizens turned out en masse, and, accompanied by the band, appeared entirely unannounced. Speech fail ed, so the address of welcome which might otherwise have graced the pages of history is lost to posterity. however, 'spoke and the honors of the evening were duly exchanged.

It is in order to explain that tbe successful candidate for the office ot Inspector of Leather was in the midst of preparing for the entertainment of a few chosen friends when the public ceremonies appeared, and later on this banquet was duly served but pen fails to record further, We only pause to say that the Inspector of Leather of Bennington would have been glad to have invited all in to partake of his hos pitality, but space and time forbid, as well as rations, and for that reason- space and time we conclude this re port. North Bennington. Samuel Simpkins died at North Bennington March 4th, aged 20 years. Burial at Shaftsbury Ceuter Thursday afternoon. The Y.

W. C. T. TJ. gave a social with coffee, cakend ice cream at their rooms Wednesday evening, mere was a pleas ant gathering.

H. C. Simmons is doing a nice business at the old stand, notwithstanding the slight given mm Dy tne Keiormer. The apology is too fresh, like the original notice. The Baptist church have decided to oall the Reverend Mr.

Shepard to the pastorate. He is a young man, and conies highly recommended from his former charge in Massachusetts. H. T. Cushman is still confined to his house, though improving, The services at the Congregational chnrch last Rundav were very lntereuua and imoresRive.

Four persons united with the church, three of whom were oaptisca. Airs, aooio uoy woea-enL Miei Nellie B. Huluur. Mr. Edward D.

H. Whlnnle and IBS neilie Bracket. The younir People's Society of Christian Endeavor, connectr ed with tins cnurcn is a very noperui reature of religious activity and the church reels greatly encouraged, Rev. Mr. tor who preached at the Bsntist church last Sunday had an unfavorable day for a candidate as people are usually influenced by bad weatoer.

Rev. M. H. Walker's lecture Monday evening waa quite interesting, though the audience was very small. Josephus Rockwood died on Saturday and his funeral was atlended on hunday atternoon.

Mr. Rockwood was 76 years old. His life and death rmirht to warn young men who are forming bad habits. Hit widow is very feeble and it seems hardly possible that she can aurvive him many days. Mrs.

L. C. Partridge has been sick for more than a month, but is now about the house part of the time. Mis. George Simmons ts better and ts selling pergonal effects preparatory to going west to her brother tieo.

Jkoon at umana. Willie Irwin ia home for a short visit, Be has been in Cavendish at Uen. Davis for nearly three veem. which speaks well for the goodde- nnrtmnnt of the vouns- man. Gen.

Davis has been very kind le him in his school and other pnvuegea. The election of Chas. E. Welling as selectman In tha ace so long and amy niled Dy si. u.

Hu ling, will give gen oral satisfaction to the people ox uua vuiage. Pownal. There were ahnnt one hundred la attendance at ths 12l.h anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Tice Niles list.

Friilav ernnins-. where all bad a nleasant time. Numerous present were carried, and the supper pronounced extra. The toner! of George Wright was largely at tended last Ssturdsy afternoon at his late rest dence, the Uav. F.

Loundes preaching soexcrllrut sermon. K. ftanford from Uenniugloa Ceatte having charge. The students frem Wilbrahsm arrived heme this week for a two Weeks' vacation, among whom were Winnie uaraoer ana uarry Mrs. Sarah Simon, has gone to Lancibnro.Mas..

to attend her sister Mrs. frail who is very ill with pneumonias. 8bruar) left ia a genttle manner or In ether words as quiet aa a latno noiwunsianaing ne approached ua as "a roaring Hon. The tlret day ot ipring gave ns aa Idia that March was really acre wiia aer storms oi wtuu, hail and rain. A grand ef Joshna Ladd agr-d 11- years was bap used at Ueoaiok Fells, Feb.

Od, and sailed labor la thus brought Into direot euuuevtioa with that of tblefea aud inurdsrers. Wholesale arrest of anarchists have been mad in Switaerland the past two days upon the charge of uoiisipracy to bluw up the government building at Uerue, Tha authorities sr said to be In puaaeaslou nt Ills full particulars of the piet aud an ouuAdeut convictions will follow. About a week from this time Hie Secretaries of the titerior will ounsUtut a vary large uua jority, Tbs Dakota Legislature has passed a Mil rovldiUM fur a South Dakota t-tmiu onuieiiuon, Ilia bill Teavea tne people of Buuih Dakota tree to adopt a Stat Constitution, elect their Stata uffloars aud Uuitud Statoa Senators aud Urprti. aautitiVHM and be nuulv to demand their ad mission to Congreaa uest winter. The Chicago Tribune tliluks that the Democratic parllsaus of the Uouae will uot dare to refuse this request, which indicates that the Tribune liaa hut a leeule oouceptloo of the character of Democratic parti It is aalri that ntimher of ReouhlloanS who appear on record In favor of silver uelnage voted aa they did becauaa tliey were opposed to a wia- lenaiou or me rules to oonsiuer ine ouuury Jlvil AunroDriatlOn bill without debet.

It ia alao atautd that several Republicans who are heartily in favor -of ths suspension of silver coinage voted against the ilaudall propoeiUon because they do uot desire to confer so much power upon the President as the proposition to tve nitu in authority to suaueuu auvur uiugi uvotvee, The Charleston News and Courier Dem. de votes a column and a quarter to a labored defence of the right ot aeueaslon, and tha support of the theory that It Massachusetts, for example were to secede, any cltlseu of her who should loin the other states in carrying on war against Maasachusslts would be guilty ot treason to the state. Tbe Courier's article Is a quarter of a century too lata. Among the point forever established by the war la uutt this la a Natlcn Willi a oig -Some Urns ears thetAlbany Argna. Mr.

Daniel Manning's paper, spoke of the IU0 urauu Army a lug men who weut to 'composed of loud brawlli the war to escape their characters, sr because there waa money In It' The same journal lias repeatedly characterised the organisation aa a menace to liberty, aud urged that It 'transmit It memorial work to the people at larga and loan The complaint In Connecticut Is that men who are convicted of Bank defalcations never serve out the leriua for which they are sentenced. It la orobabl that there ha boon too much leniency displayed to such men. They should receive leas than ordinary criminal. A dispatch from Ottawa announces ths de feat ot ma curious proposition nerore tne Dominion Parliament for the ruinburaeuient of the Uuuor traffic for lessee resulting from the en forcement of the liquor Isws. The most curious thinji about the proposition waa that all of tbe Cabinet, with one excepuon, voted for it.

In order to rescue th eitv of Louisville. from tha effect of Democratic rule, it has boon fouud necessary to form a Citisen'a League and appoint committees to look into Its affaire. Tbe taxea are very high, and yet a deficieucy appear every year. A bill hat been Introduced In ths New York Legislature, framed by Senator Lansing, which provides for execution by tbe guillotine instead of by the gallows, Ths motive ot the bill Is humanity to convicted crlminala. -The total vote in the House on the silver question Thursday ibewed that 88 Republicans and 83 Democrats favor the repeal of tha present eoiaage law, and that Rapubucaas and US vtmocrata oppose it.

Dr. Beth Arnold's sugar coated blliocs pills unequalled for Costiveoess, Jaun dice, liver troubles, 25o. m6 8TATK NEWS. The House of Correction at Rutland baa So Inmates. Waits, the Brattlekoro bank wrecker, is In better health, than for several years past.

is sentence expires in August, laat, Shoe faofr vauacrlDtions (not lib 118.000. and Mr. Morgan, who has the paper, is very confident that the $50,000 wlU all be Herald. Nine rolden weddlnss have been celebrated in Castleton within a tew years; and all the persons concerned still live eaoeptone. Bix oouples are between SO and 81 years old.

It waa David R. Camobell who died at Wind. sor on the 10th who about aix years ago divided (28,000 between tha towns of Windsor, Grafton, Westminster, Athens, Chester and Springfield lor the support el the poor. On Friday Constable Mellendv of South Lon. donderry.

took Sidney L. Holt to the asylum at Bratlleboro. Seeing Mr. Mellendy In front of his father's house Holt asked him If he might ride back with him to South Londonderry, not thinking the purpose for which he came. But when they had reached the place and was going toward the depot Holt began to understand what was up and refused to proceed.

When the Sheriff atUmoted to use force he was Immedi ately thrown down by his prisoner, who ia very muscular. Help Immediatoly cam to th rescue of Constable Mellendy and after a severe struggle Holt was overpowered, but not until after he had drawn his pistol and threatened to shoot. He had boon in the asylum once before and had an especial horror of ever being sentthere aa-ain. and had declared that he would kill any on who attempted to take him. He has been considered insane for years, but not all have thourht him dangerous.

A year ago he took one of nia little boys eut to ride, and told hia wife that he would shoot him before returned. A week ago laat Sunday night he arose peat midnight, declaring some one to be in trouble, and want to the house of a sick lady, but the watchers refused to let him in, Detng arrald. tils lather has long reared that Sidney would shoot him: many others have also feared him. Holtwaaasoldierforeverfour years and waa a man- of much more than ordinary ability. He spent last summer in and around fioston, The announcement la mad that the ftr.

Albans Messenger establishment has been nur. chased by Hon. Warren Uibbs of Burlington. air. uiDDS waa ror several years editor of the St.

Albans Transcript, but of late has been connected with the Vermont Life Insursnce Company aa Its Secretary and President. He Is chairman of the Republican State -Committee and Senator from Chittenden county. Mr, Gibbs ia an able and vigorous editorial writer. The Item in Tuesday's Free Press refAr enee to tbe asaauk onH. d.

Dewing would have oeen more correct it naa said that the para- graph in the Amu the trouble alluded to a mpectable youns lady, and attributed silly, rather than 'clownigh' conduct to young rown. ine young iaay was not named. Mr. Dewine aavs that he did not admit that ha wrot the paragraph. Brown swere.

oa the trial, that uewing ma aomit it to mm. Considerable sympathy expressed for Dewing, who is a mucn smaller man, physically, than young Brown. Burlington Free Press, 97th. By the will of Miss Mary M. Fleicher.

her residenoe In Burlington and the personal proper ty toiiwtiucu baicrem ia uequeainea to ner uncle, Dr. Feaslne of Auburn, lie. To her faithful man of all work, Michael Keller, who has been from noynood in tne employ or ner parents and herself, she left $10,000. She left to Green Mountain Cemetery, the Interest to be expended In ths care of tbe Fletcher family lot. The remainder of her larg property, chiefly Invested in Government bonds, she left to the Mary Fletcher.Hospital.' District Attorney Haskins entered a nol.

pros, at this terra in the caaes of the United States against Herbert Brainerd and Edward A. Smith of St. Albans, who were Indicted by the (i rand Jury at the Hay term of the United States Court. Messrs. Brainerd and Smith furn ished the Government with conclusive evidence of their entire innocence of any intent to deceive tne national Bank Examiner in connection with their business transactions with the First Na tional Bank of 8t.

Albans. The liabilities of Hon. Herbert Brainerd and Edward A. Bmith of the First National have recently been settled to tne iuii sausiacuon oi Heceiver Kooerts. Dis trict Attorney Haskins, with full knowledge of an tne lacis in uie case.

ws satisneatnat tne in dictment coeld not be sustained In a trial and therefore entered a nol. proa. UT, bsilb Arnold's UoiiKh Killer is a ure and safe remedy for coughs, colds, diphtheria and pneumonia. Before tbe public 4U rears, ua aavaa thousands of lives. 25c, 60c and $1.00 per bottle.

Try it, 6m6 Ia Ulemorlania Resolutions uoon the death of Francis O. White passed by Mt. Anthony Chapter, ISo. 1, O. E.

S- Whbbias. Death has aram entered our circle and removed from our midst and earnest and worthy brother, to the rest secured to the children of God. and Wbkrus. In his death our chanter haa lost an active member, and we are admonished to increased diligence and faitluulneu in discharg ing our dntles. and bursas.

While this (treat affliction falls most neaviiy upon our oeioved matron we extend to ner our neartfeit sympathy in this sad hour, tn the loss of her earthly companion, and the as surance that we will cherish in kind remem branc our denartd brother's worth. Resolved. That will dratM nur -tewflln anti charter for the space of thirty days, engross these resolutions upon our records, and sand a copy to the wife and family of our deceased DtOUlOT. We 11 not forget thee, we who stay work a littlelonger here; Thy name, thy faith, thy love ihall He Os memory's psge all bright and clear And when o'er wearied by the toil Of life, our heavy limbs shall be. We'll come, and one by one He down Upon dear mother earth with thee.

Mas'. II. Stiiaboh, 1 Mrs. J. R.

Piluno, Committee. Mas. J. H. LoRiNO, A Washington Ian Courtesy, Prof.

George Washington Yates, winrtpal of the Saratoga Institute, culDrated his birthday todtty, snd made the occasion also a festal ono for his jiany boarding scholars by causing an elaborate dinner to be served at tbe Institute. After dinner Voullieme drove up to the Ins tirute with his great sleigh and lour horses and took the boys oat for a uleighride. The party visited the toboggan slide, drove oat Union avenue to the race oouree and to other places in the suburbs. The boys speak Tery his-hlvof Prof. Yates snd hlrhlr appreciate) thm mark of bis regard for them.

Prof. Yates ft bom on Washington's birthday years ago. Long may ne nve 10 ceie orate me naLional Holiday. Saratoga Journal. lit, Beth Arnolds soothing and quiet ing cordial for children.

Recommened by mothers and nurses, 25o. 6 016 Randolph Rogers, the wnlntor, who paeaed his boyhood in Ann Arbor, Michigan, bat who has lived for many year tn Home, will leave bv will his entire art collection to tbe Michigan" vernuy. A firm at Albany. Ga Is sel'm? Unr onantl- ties of bacon at the rate of a pound of meat ror a f.ouna 01 cotton next iu. An THlnols clergyman 1 reported to have Ita.tleri his people recently by tbe sintrulax- aa.

nnuocement: MKemetnber our communion service neit Hunday forenoon. The Lord will be with during the morning services and the bub op in ths evening. The buptneM of the Brooklyn Bridge is rapid ly Incrraning, showing a gain oi 35 per cent, last year ovr that 13. Lait month the bridge laraca ia over i i ns ravntnn uaEctie rroorot Diucnirusa sing. Ing at Oakland Villge on Thursday, ami Fays rob tun nare remained an wiamr in me Ibirk pine trooup ociwera hpi iaudiur mu Wbeo Baby wat nk.

we fare her Casforia, hen he wan a t'hild' she cried for aaioria, WbBhe wmiMK she clang to fat-tori. When she had tbildtea, she gave lut BKNNIMOTONl THURSDAY, MARCH 5. XUTIOK TO AUVKHTIMKHS. Copy fnr euaugea of advsrtiMiueats niuit ba la hand Tutadajr of mull week is oilier to on aura oompltuiM with requeit, Mid, (imps In urgiut oaa.s, traasienl ailverllituieiHs Blunt la tUli of Boo WedoMiUr afternoon. Tub old cotton wood tree on Union street has been out down, E.

Bradford has gone to New Orleans to visit the Exposition, Mr, Louis Obavbs started for Florida and the New Orleans fair Monday, Mus, McLeod of Troy, N. (nee Mary Squires.) is visiting friends in this village, Mb. and Mhb. Johki'H K. Tiluncihast re spending a few slays at Ceuter Bon-nlngton, John H.

Kelso has purchased large lot of naiwr hanninirs, ana Is opening for the spring trade. The ladies nf St. Peter church held a rerv eniovahle society at Qood Temular Mll Ull iUCIMUT VVUillUH. A Party of Baptist people attended the donation party given to the Rev, Mr, Simons at Pownal this wsek. J.

L. Finn has purchased the "Lamp- son place," corner of Union and 'Willow streets, and takes possession this month. The Qood Templars are to have a col lation after their meeting tomorrow evening. It is publio only to the mem bers of the order, Mkshkrs. Godfrey.

Rockwood and Bibcock started yesterday for the Arkansas hot springs, and from thence they go to the New Orleans exposition. The Rev. Herbert M. Denslow of Trin ity ohurch Rutland, will preach at St. Peter's this, Thursday evening.

Service begins at 7. Wm, H. Bradford has had four deer head mounted in handsome style and they have been received here. They are "trophies of his chase," in doer nunttng. The attendance upon the week day services of tbs Methodist church has be come so large that the main audience room is now used Instead of the base ment chapel.

Mrs. Alanron Wilcox and her sister Mrs. Qeo. F. Ellsworth of South Gar- dener, have gone to "The 8ana; torium," in DanBville N.

for medical treatment. t-DWARDU. Bipperly and wife were here over Sunday. On Monday they received their friends it being the an niversary of their wedding and the birthday of Mrs, Sipperly. The Hon.

Wm, T. Horrobin died in Chicago, 111., Monday evening, after an illness lasting since Jan. 27th. He is to be buried at Canton, where his father and mother were buried. We hear it stated that there is to be another novelty works started in this village and we hope it is true.

If Mr, B. Lane is to be the manager or own er we congratulate the town upon the prospect of another flourishing concern. R. J. Crawford has the contract to build the new residence of B.

has moved to North Benning- ror that purpose. His relative Austin Crawford will live in house here. Five persons were baptized at the First Baptist church last Sunday Mrs. Mary Chandler, Mrs. Daniel Tlurley, Misses Hattie Buna, Nellie J.

Kilburn and Mamis Townsend. A delegation of fifteen from the D. of R. Lodge at Hoosick Ealls. N.

vis- ted Miriam Lodge, I. O. O.I.. last Mon day evening. The Vermont "beautified" work was exemplified for the benefit of the vistors and a banquet followed.

The Free Library officials request us to give this notice "All books must be retured on or before Monday. March 9th, for examination by the library committee; and every person Deglecting to conform with this regulating shall incur a penalty of one dollar." The auction sale of C. Brimmer will give an opportunity to purchase a fine span of horses and "other things used on a farm, tie expects to move to Marshall, Minn. That town will gain an excellent citizen, and one we are sorry to lose. Ezra Wioht is the new station agent at Bennington in place of S'ipf.

E. D. Bennett, promoted. Mr. Wight was formerly a resident of this village, and has a host of friends here.

He ia transferred from Dan by. On Monday the city of Bath, Maine, elected for its Mayor the Hon. James W. Wakefield. Mr.

Wakefield was the Republican candidate and his majority reached the unprecedently high number of 650 over the combined opposition. Mr. Wakeheld will please accept our congratulations. Charles J. MCMA8TER3 has been ap pointed Master Meehanio of the B.

R. railway vice Geo, W. Blanchard resigned. Mr. McMaster is a competent person and his long service on this railroad eminently fits him for the responsible position he now assumes.

We congratulate him on bis preferment. The advertisement of Alex. Drysdale Son, in another column, speaks for itself. 1 his Btore has acquired an ex tensive reputation for its bargains, and when they make a "drive people have come to know that It means just what the word implies. Now is the time.

Prof. Geo, W. Yates has been asked by the new proprietors of the Mt. An thony seminary property to return to Bennington Uenter ana again open that institution. It is extremely doubtful if he does so as he is pleasantly located at Saratoga, N.

Prof. Yates gave this office a call last Saturday, On our outside pages today is a large quantity of county items intended for last week banner, out wnicn were crowded over by the insurance contro versy. As this is not likely to occur again we hope our correspondents will not become discouraged ana that our readers will overlook these unavoidable circumstances. B. Fergusson has purchased the dry goods business of Mr.

Frank Cro-mack. He is one of the best salesmen in the country, has had years of experi ence in the dry goods trade and will do a fine business. Now that the mills are all to be started up and business is going to boom this year. Mr. Fergusson has bought in at the right time.

Our read ers will do well to call at this store and inspect the stock and prices, The Missionary Band tea party at the Bnntlst church, winch was to have neon held tomorrow evening and of which notice was given in the Banner last week.has been postponed until Wednes lav evening llie llth, Inst, ine lea is to be served by young ladies in costume. as we understand it, the names answer ne to the several kinds of tea so that even the editors can be satisfied with their cups, not to speak of any other class. After this the stereoptican will leveal wondrous things, we hope our citizens will turn out ana mane tnis first endeavor of the Band a financial succoss. The Ilev. W.

W. Foster, has been invited by the authorities of St, Luke's Methodist church in Albany, JN. to become its pastor next year. It is prob able that this request and its acceptance hv Mr. Foster will be recognized by the presiding officer of the Troy Conference at its annual session is April, If so Mr.

Foster will enter upon his work the first Sunday in May. We are told he will the Methodist pulpit in our vil lage during tne monm ui airu. join faithful minister takes with him to his new field of laW the kind wishes of everybody. His service in Bennington has been greatly blessed in the building up of his congregation and church, and in many good woraa ne oas vaaeu leading part. We are pleased to give this item which we take from the Troy Press of TiibimIrv "Mr.

Carl 'hran of Boston, who was musical director of the recent mimical convention at Hoosick ialls, invited Mr. Ed. Long, the tenor of the choir at the Baptist church at uenning- inn. to sine for him in private. He bad heard Mr.

Long spoken of as having sweet tenor voice, and probably made up his mind to be bored for a while by hearing the Vermonler sing. Mr. Long had anniz but a fow moments when the great musician bounced out of his chair, walked across the floor, gesticulating vehemently nd exclaimirg 'Mt-in Oott in Himmel yong man I You have a bootiful voice a be-lii-tiful voice I You go to Boston to morrow, next veelt, aome days, und I tit you Wcn-lee of engagement meiu Gott, Jah 1" quarters In the Wood store opposite the Bwiond Congregational church, The next rehearsal of the Bennington Choral Union will be held in tbs Free Library ball next Tussday evening. ALL the voles oast, so far as we hear, for conntv nnmmlasioner were for Chas. Baldwin of Dorset, We do not know of any candidate against bis.

The adoption by the village of Its new charter serves to call especial interest to the coining annual meeting. The call is in another ooluinn today. The Oulile. an Odd Fellows' journal of Albany. N.

oomss out with a nor- trail of the late Bupt, Franols J. White together with an admirable sketch of his lift)," A. 0. Dksohda of this village was married on the 17lh, to Mias Katie Mulligan. The happy couple enjoyed a pleasant bridal tour to Montreal ana returned home last Friday.

A mono those who are sick In town are the venerable Jonathan Rogers, now in hl 88th year, and J. Norton, teller of the bounty National nana, air, nor ton's difficulty is bronchial. About twenty members of the O. A. R.

of this village visited Post Wood of Hoosiok Falls. N. last evening. The oon.rades- there cave the visitors a fine reception, The marvellous results attending the Drvsdale life insurance polioies In the Northwestern astonish everybody. Full details will be giv.n in our issue out week, The Young neonle's union of the Sec ond Congregational ohurch give a Glp ssy tea party tomorrow evening in their parlors, this unique anair win oe very enjoyable.

Mrs, Benjamin Cook, while ooming down the stone steps of Trinity church on Wednesday, fell and sustained pain ful Injuries on tha hip, which win con fine her to the house for sometime, Rutland Review, Frank L. Albee of North Bennington has moved to this village, and opens a carriage and paint shop in the second story of the old stone blacksmith shop on south street. Mr Albee is a good workman and will succeed here. Fred Van Vleck of Waterfoid, N.Y., takes a position with CD. Gibson, drug gist, Mr, Van Vleck has bad four years' training in a drug store, serving in one place, and comes highly recom mended.

There is a proposal to run a young men's ticket for village officers. This much can be said in favor yqung men, if not too young, that they generally take pride in an official trust and pains to do their work well. The nejr office for Dr. Chisholm in the Gibson drug store building is peering completion. It will be a nice office when done, and the entrance is beside the door to the residence of C.

Gib son in the second story. For wedding stationery come to this office. The Banner stationery store has a very fine stock to select from and printing is done both by letter press and copper plate proems. We are not out done by anybody in this line. At the Methodist church on Sunday, and during a few days past, between forty and fifty persons have been received into membership.

This is the fruit of the two months' revival enjoyed by that congregation this year. Superintendent Jesse Bdrdett and wife, accompanied by Mrs. J. W. Cram-ton, started for Florida and New Orleans today.

Mr. Burdett hopes tbe change will improve his failing health. Herald and Globe, last week. Last Sunday the Rev. W.

Foster, baptised thirty-two persons and received forty-five. Eleven more were expected for baptism but from one cause and another were detained. This is the largest recorded number baptised at one time in the history of Methodism in Bennington. Col. LeG.

C. Tjbbits after two elec tions to the office of supervisor of Hoosick, N. was defeated last Tuesday. HnoBick is a democratic town and Mr. Tibbits's candidacy was urged upon him this time, and probal ly that fact is the reason for the resu.t.

Jin pre vious elections are highly complimentary and suggestive of great popularity. Last Wednesday evening at the meet ing of the Choral Union, Vice-President Cobb read a letter from Prof, Meitzke of Rutland, inviting as many of the members of this society as may be able to assist in the May festival in that send him through Mr.Cobb their names. Mr. Meitzke engages to supply the re quisite music for preparation. The Festival will begin on Tuesday, May 12th, as is already announced in the Banner.

The insurance controversy begins to attract tbe attention of our exchanges. The Troy Press of Monday says "From the extremely cordial relations existing between the Hon. L. P. Norton and the Hon, A.

P. Childs, as shown by their friendly puffs of each other in tbe local papers, it is thought they contemplate forming a copartnership in the life in surance business. It will make a solid firm." The general agent ot the Northwest ern life insurance company pays his respects this week again to the New York life company. These arguments pro and con will serve to draw publio atten tion to the merits of tbe respective companies in controversy. The statement of Mr.

Norton this week seems to be in accord, in its argument, with the re marks we have heard for several years. In fact tbe Northwestern has attracted the attention of capitalists and prospective policy holders atthe east, and Mr. Norton is competent to discuss its side of the question. The Village Fathers. Regular meeting held at Orin D.

Adams's office Monday evening, March 2d, 1885. Meeting called to order Dy Trustee Blake, Chairman. Present Blake, Stewart, O'Donnell, Riddle and Adams; absent Benton and Lindley. The following bills were presented at this meeting and it was voted that they be paid, viz: C. H.

Dauchey balance due on Naptha, II IS C. E. Grave, repairs fire department S8 88 lamp department, $9 84, 17 72 J. H. Loring coal, cartage, etc 10 50 Woo.

M. Maran. street lamps, etc. February, 1886 22 76 0 D. Adams, cash paid freight oa Naptha, 1 71 Doctor Miller, ringing ure alarm, Damon Are 00 Dr.

K. W. Bennett, services as physician ttoara ot iieaitn, Mrs. Esther Al. Oatman, rent of land Steamer house, 6 00 Wm Cook.

Police duly and jailor fees Deo. January and February 28 S8 Frank Knaiin. Police duu February. 1885. 6 50 Jobn police duty Feb.

1686 8 76 James U. Hurley. Police duty, Feb. 1885,.. 8 25 0.

H. Mason, sarvlcas as Village Attorney, Feb 100 Orin D. Adams, services as Uleik Board of Trustees, 25 00 $168 1H Voted to issue Highway orders as follows, viz: Orin Adams, Ward 1, 22 Wm. uonnell, ward 25 00 M. W.

Stewart, Ward 4 2 to Dwight Riddle, Ward 6 list F. L. Blake. Ward 8 (61 0. W.

Benton, Ward 7, 16 50 L. Hamlin, temping snow on sidewalks, 10 00 J. H. Loring scraping snow on side- walks, su $96 66 Minutes read and approved. Voted to adjourn.

Orin D. Adams, Clerk. At the special meeting Tuesday evening the trustees abated taxes as follows: On bills of 1880, 1881, 1882 and 1883, Village $56 14, Highway (48 70, total $104 74. Voted to pay B. Meacham.

Collector, 8 per cent, for taxes of 1880, 1881, 1882 aud 1883. Voted to issue highway order to Jas. H. Lindley $3 75. Weddlna Hells.

Last evening at the hospitable home of Decon Myron Clark of Shaftsbury, there assembled a company numbering, more than one hundred, Ths spacious residenoe was crowded with happy faces. It was the occasion of the mar riage of Mr. Clark's eldest daughter, Bertha, to Mr. Leland M. Loomis of that town.

Promptly at eight o'clock, to the lime of the wedding march on tbe Diano (by Miss Jennie Cross) the haiiny pair appeared to their guests and weie speedily mane one oy me Itev. wm. a Walker of Balh-on-lhe-Hudaon, a minister who has been supplying the Baptist pulpit at North Bennington. Hearty congratulations followed, after which all partiHik of an elegant aud buunle us supper. The courses served and tbe tuauuer of it was highly compliroen Utry to Mrs.

Clark's skill and manage- asenclHllnu or ruwual, Held at u-oious p. on ihe Minor Feb. A. D. 1HM, Hon.

rUuuel tiarduer wu ohoiirn moderator, and 1 bouts 11. Hell sei-relsrv. Ihe riiilowiag members or we sssf Mc'silou were eleuled trustees I A. rarksr, T. H.

lUll. D. 9. Hsias. I.

J. tlsrdnet. L. Ms. sou, A.

li. I'uimr, Aarou Ladd, Josisii Bennett, a. i-or. At suhsennent meeting ef the trustees the fol lowing omuei'i were eleoted A. (1.

ftlker. nreai., Hall tteoretsryl A. Hall, vine president! (Isrdner, troasur ri John L. Ma- sou.

Aaron Lsdd. committee of superintendence J. a. iiauuistar, superinieuusia qj ine grouuas. Iieuuluatou Ceulre.

Six young persons were admitted to the irst oliuron, last Haiinain, on pro feasion of their faith in Christ. At Ethan Allen hall Friday enening, will be given, Howell's laughable farce, "The eleeuinit oar," "Those pesky lin ers, and some pantomlne charades, all lor x3 cents admission. Arllnalou. The next regular meeting of Dudley Post. Q.

A. will he held next Satur day evening, Mai oh 7th. at 8 dock. A good attendance is desired as the matter of organising a camp of Hons of Veter ans will be arranged, Negro Jubilee singers at the Town hall to-night. They are said to be nice troupe, Rev.

Dr. Can Held officiated at St. James ohurch last Huuday, tha rector being absent. The noiy communion was celebrated. At the annual March meeting held Tuesday the 8il, the following officers ere elected for tne year ensuing: Jas, K.

Butohelder, moderator; Geo. Holden, town clerk: Hsrtland Judson. U. a. Adams, J.

t. imams, select men; C. Wood worth, treasurer; A. 8. Cantleld, overseer of poor; H.

H. Wil son, 1st constable; ft. McKee, 2d con stable; F. K. Bhaw, superintendent of schools; C.

B. Vlault, B. Davis. Nel son Holden, town grand jurors; Darning, trustee of public money; Jas, K. Butohelder.

town agent; David Crofut, Seymour Hard, H. M. Furnham, listers; H. Iteming, r. IN.

Canheld, F. li. Davis, auditors; U. M. Barber, text book committee.

The vote of the town system of schools was 'no' by a very large majority, probably on ac oount of so few of the voters under standing tn master. Mr. J. B. Judson was unanimously elected first select man, and after tuanking the voters of the town for the confidence reposed In him for so many years and for the honor conferred by this election, very urgently asked to be excused from serving another year, saying that his health and business matters would not permit him to serve them longer in this capacity.

He was very reluctantly excused. A resolution was introduced by Mr. Barber that ths town vote the sum of $3U to defray the expenses of a proper observance of Memorial Day, and it was so amended that the money should be put into the hands of the Quartermaster of Dudley Post, A. to be used as he sees tit. Mr.

Barber introduced the resolution by a few well chosen remarks, Mr. Shaw heartily seconded it.and yet there seemed to be a disposition anionic some of ths voters to vote it down, when Mr. J. K. Batchelder came to the rescue with a very eloquent and patriotic speech, which seemed to change the minds of a good many, a division of the house was called for, which resulted in all but very few ko ing on tha side of the house that favored tbe appropriation, therefore tbe was carried by a very large majority A tax of 90 cents on the dollar of Ihe grand list was voted which includes tbe state tax also.

Hopert. Town officers elected. A. E. Burton.

moderator; C. F. Sheldon, J. F. Sheldon, Dwight Taylor, selectmen; 0.

Z. Bee be, Ueo. B. Hibbard, Krastus Rob erts, listers; Ueo. S.

Hibbard, W. H. Austin, C. M. Lincoln, auditors; H.

H. Bourn, constable; E. F. Hoye, treasurer; E. H.

Beebe, town grand juror; W. Carpenter, town agent; Geo.S. Hibbard, superintendent of schools; Joseph Berne vine, Lioren anemon, w. a. Demo, street commissioners.

The vote on the town system of schools stood 41 for and 45 Voted to, raise a tax of 15 cents on the dollar, Sbartsttnry. The town meeting adjourned two weeks after bearing a partial report of its otneers. And to give tbe auditors and treasurer an opportunity to finish their report. WooeTord. Anthony Hagar who has been sick some time is rather better.

Walter C. Culler is home from Boston. He and his brother Frank, have been on the sick list for some time. 1 do not see as business is any mors brisk under the new administration, The town officers are as follows Amos Aldrich, moderator: G. W.

Bick ford, town clerk and treasurer; Amos Aldrich, Chas. Sawyer, Wm. Bolles, selectmen; S. E. Oleason, constable and collector; G.

Bickford, Geo. A. Al drich, Harry Harbour, listers; James Miller, M. Bolles, Ueo, A. Knapp.aud ltors; Harry Harbour, trustee public money; Amos Aldrich, dames UigKina, town grand jurors; Amos Aldrich, town agi nt.

Laudicrove. Wm. Januith has rone to Winhall to superintend at the Cummiugs's slcatn mllL Irving Colburn is oingto Winhall to run the circular mill, under lr. Jaquith. George Mann has sold his farm to Allen Roby of bpnngtleld.

C. W- Woodward has moved to Putney to take chatge oia large farm. Anson Chadwick aaa leas ed his farm here. Samuel Colbarn Is laid up with the sciatic rhen matism. We do not wish for any more blizzards this win ter.

with eighteen inches of enow at one time as we had two week ago. Mioses Jennie and Mlnne Thompson have gene to L.udiow to auena scneoi. John Reld has rented a farm in Pern. South Mhaftabory. Tbe following are the names of the scholars who have neither been absent nor tardy during the month ending beb.

27th. in District JNo. 14, in the fri mary Percy Adee, Henry and May Lore Draper, Emma and Ueorgie Devino, farker itiddy, lie Hawkins, Warren Hastings, liszah Montgomery, Artie Melvena and Tbeo dore Monette, Maud Place, Eddie Percy, Bertha Hartt and Walter Bideout. Hattie L. Matteson, Teacher.

Western Varna Beat Bennington. The Burlington Clipper prints the following, which even it can hardly swallow so Bro. Kinsley begins in orthodex fanlnon '-The followiiia true story we take from an eat west blizzard sheet I 'It sotms that a hog found an open keg of condensed volcano, and as glycer ine is almost as sweet as nonsy tne nog ailed him self. Soon after he wandered into a atable near by where there were about forty horses, aue of whom drew off and gave Mr. Hog a kick.

The story goes that not a vestige was ever discovered of the hog, a single horse or the stable. And where the stable once stood there was a bole in Ihe earth fifty feet deep and more then two hundred feet in This beata O'Douovan Rosas 'a fairy stories. We o-o this one better. Last week a correspond ent in Michigan wrote us a graphic account of how a man killed his dog and that after the body had lain sometime others buried it beside a fallen tree. The owner of the dog was greeted a few mornings after by the id dog as he opened his door upon rising, and a visit to the alleged grave revealed the fact that the dog was not thrre.

In getting out he had scratched the bark all oil the tree which form ed one aide of the mound, etc The cot respond- ent name is smart. POLITICAL NOTES. Vice-President elect Hendricks had a nar row escape on Friday rrom being killed In a railroad smseh-up in western Virginia. Take care of yourself, old boy I The lightning of office will never strike you more, luungei. Hoth Germany and England have refused to recognize the declaration of France regarding the articles tnal snail oe contranaua ot war IB the Franco-Chinese dinicuily.

Carl Schurs appears in a new role, that of a spy. It ia claimed he went South on a visit or inspection and to gather information, the result ot wnicune recently uuuarbeu in person. The Democratic Congress has conferred quite a favor upon ex-lVnsion Commissioner Dudley. They have given him an opportunity or proving tome country tnai ma omciai ceu duct was both intelligent and honest Some disgruntled Democrats have aaid In Washington that the party haa an elephant on its hands in the person of the President-elect, but it seems now to be a qneelion whether the IVmoerstlc party or Mr. Cleveland will be afflict ed wito the most tronoieeome eiepuant.

She reported condition of tbe saving banks in this country entirely refute the claim of the tree trailers mat tne wage camera nere are ne-cnmlng poorer. The deposit in savings banks. which represent to a large extent tne savings or the poorer elasses. have Increased nesrlv Ouo.tO,) the past four yeais. and the New Kngland Ktates alnne.

with the population, have iNi.oiiuO.iimnm in their aavmgs banks than 111 all Ureal Britain similar institutions, Kv-lloyernnr Pound, who suddenly herams a SUIUMtrler of Cleveland in 111" lent campaign, IS in VS ashmgloa, a candidate for Cotnmimiiuiier oi Agriculture. AT FREAR'S SPECIAL I'JAHCH SHI OF BLEACHED A UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, Double Width Sheeting AND PILLOW CASE COTTONS INAUGURATED BY FREAR, This-Saturday--MorniDg FEBRUARY 28 The attention of consumers of the above mentioned goods ia respectfully invited to prices quoted below: the people of Tror. Albany and vicinity know what a special by Frear means. It means everything as advertised a perceptible reduction in tne prices or goods, plenty ot mem, ana perfect satisfaction guaranteed to every customer, $35,000 Woith of muslins to be sold at this sale at special low figures. Good lull yard wide bleached muslin 5Uo per yard.

10 cases splendid quality bleached muslin at 6 cts. worth 8. 5 boxes ladies skirting muslin at 7o is Eood, Its cts rear is showing the irgest assortment of different grades and brands of bleached muslin ever shown, Splendid for family wear, PRIDE OF THE WEST, IflC A cases Pride of the West bleached muslin, slightly mill-stained, will be sold at lOo per yd. Wamsutta, Utica, Nonpareil, New York mills and all the best makes of bleached muslin will be sold correspondingly low. Bleached Pillow Case Cottons 42 inches wide bleached muslin at 5 cents is a royal good bargain worth 10 cents.

46 inches wide bleached pillow case muslin at 10 cents. 54 inches wide bleached pillow case muslin only 12 cents, regular price 16 cents. You can get any width nf bleached pillow case muslin you wish at Frear's. DOUBLE WIDTH BLEACHED SHEETING. Good heavy two yards wide bleached sheeting, bleached by Sayles, pure finish only 17o.

2J yards wide, only 19c. 2af yards wide at 20c. Frear's special offering' in bleached sheeting is 5 cases 2 yards wide at 23c, worth 30c. 2 cases of twilled sheeting.2 yards wide, 25c. worth 30r.

8 cases twilled sheeting, 234 yards wide, 28c, worth 35. 1 case twilled sheeting. yds wide, 310, worth 40 cents. Half Bleached Sheeting. Frear invites your special attention to his celebrated dalf bleached double width sheeting, half bleached expressly for Frear, and to be had only at Frear's.

It is claimed for these goods that they will wear longpr than any other sheet ing, the fact of their being pure water bleach. No chemicals being used the fibres of the cotton are not weakened but retain their full strength. 2 yds wide.only 20c per yd. 21-4 yds wide, 22c per yd. 312 yds wide, 25 cts per yard.

UNBLEACHED MUSLINS At Frear's good unbleached muslins at 4o per yd. Nice, tine smooth finished brown muslin at 5c. Frear's 6 and 6 14 brown muslin for family wear, and ex tra heavy for sheeting at the same price excites surprise. Frear never sold so good muslin for the money before. 7 and 8 cts 'liiiys the very nest unbleached muslin manufactured.

Unbleached pillow case muslin, double width, only 8c. fine and nrm unblracheil pillow case muslin, full 42 ins wide, only 9c. 45 ins. wide, same quality, luis. 4.1 ins.

wide, only 12cperyd. 2 yils wiilegood qual ity unbleached sheeting, only 15c, 2 16 yds wide, 17o per yd, yds wide, 19 cts. per Night Robs Cottons, Fin twilled muslins, full 86 ins. wide lOo. Extra heavy double warp night gown cottons at 12Vc Very heavy iwinea jean tor gents drawers, Vi'ic.

N. B. -Frear received this morning the first case manufactured of a new grade nf twilled muslin, especially adapted for ladies' undergarments. It is of medium weight, pure rlnnh, Sayles bleach, will not yellow, but keep white and clear as long as there is a thread left. It is scknowled to be the best fab rio in use for ladies' wear, excellm in weight, evenness of thread and superior 'finish all other makes.

Price 14c per yd Now is the time to ouyt Tske the tide st its ebb.and save money. W.H. Frear's aim is now, as it has ever been, to give the greatest value for the least money. ONLY COMPLETE MUSLIN DEPARTMENT TROY BAZAR. headache, together with Hi usual that accompanies Kidney TMasass.

tier huslaod look Brown's Saras peri Us to her, and by It as an was cured, sod can now run a sewing mnctilu ant do work about aer house better than fur years, Mr. Bracket! say there must have I sen one hundred people oall to see her sud all agree that that famous Brown's Sansparllta cured her of Kidney Dlaeaaa. J. W. TiaasTTs, M.D., Sletaoa, Ma, prescribe Brown's ganaparllla fur all forma of Kidney and Liver Dianwe, Th at $5.

UDIES' CHILDREH'S DRY COODS AND NOTIONS Now is the time to secure great bargains. A few NEWMARKETS. DOLMANS. SACQUES For ladies and children, at prices that will suit vou. NEW GINGHAMS in new styles just received.

The Ring trimmings for underwear, skirts, sacques, aprons, pillow cases. shawls, etc. Yarns and zephyrs, worsteds, best quality of midnight. Yarns at 20 cents per skein. Saxony 15 and 18 Cts.

Per skein. Great variety of ornaments for fancy work. VELVETS AND PLUSHES. At reduced prices. E.L.

NICHOLS 49 MAIN ST. TN THE MATTER OF MARY J. O'DWYER and other Minors. Notice of Settlement and Application for Discharge STATE OF VERMONT, 1 In Probate four' District of Bennington, is. I Held at rrotmte oi 0ce in Bcnninfrton within and for aaid District, oi the ith day of March A.

D. 1S86. Present, Edward L. Sibley, Jndge. Charles Thatcher, fimrdlan in this State of Mary Kllcn.

John Catherine Marptr auu Agnes Dwrer. minors of Boston. County of Sutfollc and State of AiaisachusRttfl, presents bis account lor rxamina lion and allowance, aud makes application for dis charge as such guardian and the transfer of estate ot minors to guardian in tate ot Aiasnacmtseus. is ordered by said Court, that said account be referred to a session thereof, to be held at the Probate office in said lJistrict on the 20th da of March, A. for he arum and decision thereon; and, is further ordered, that all persons interested bu notified hereof, by publication notice of said application and order thereon, three weeks successive It in the Bennington Ban kbr, a newspaper published at Bennington, and which circulates in the neighborhood of those inter ested, before said time of bearing, that tbey may appear at Mid time and place, and show cause) if any they may have, why said account should not be allowed and such discharge granted and such order made.

A true record. Attest, Sibley, Jnge, A true copy of record, fl Attest. K. I. Sibleyi Judge.

WANTED Intelligent Salesmen FOR the PEOPLE'S The best selling work published to $100 made week ly, HAKT1N UAH1US0N CO Milk Street fioston, Rough od Toothache. Instantrelief for neuralgia, toothache, tee aohe.JAwk for "Rough on 16 and -eg "Rourh onCems," Ask for Wells' "Koiih'b oc Corat." 16c. Quick complete cure. Hard or soft corns, varts, bun. ions.

Wide Awake three or four hours every night coughing. Gel immediate relief nd sound rest bT using Well Kongh ou Coueh. Troches 11V. Balsam 8fo. Hough oa Conghe.

Ask for "Rough an for coughs, enMa, sore tha oat, hoarfoeaa. Trochee Ibc. Liquid Stt Life PreaerTor. If you are lo4ng your grip on lire try 'Welle Health tU-newcr." Goes dii cot to rcak spots. 'Heart Pallia.

PnlpfUHon, drVcfll swflliiAps.iliirlness. ndl-es'ion, lienduclie, sleplesnHs curwl by 'Wells UtMilih itent-wer Kongh on Pain Porona Piaster the liewt for backache pains in cheat or side, rheumatism, neuralgia. Kongh oa Kate. Cieara out rata, mice, roacht-s, file, enfca, bed. bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophei IRc, Pmg giits.

Wec.ill tbe nttenlhm of our lady rcscien te tha feiTerliisement in CAir cohimii of James Pyle't Hs.lliiai latnnjltv an.l blfn.a a article SO popular and widfly divulatH. B.U poww merite that cohinieud it to the faror of I house en ra. are going at $2.88 and are surely cheap RIVER ESTuBUSHM's NO. T5 and 17. 1 1 III: BOOB FUNHELS We have just closed out from the manufacturer.five bales ot heavy twill- ed, all wool, indigo blue, grey and red flannels at a big sacrifice.

We had intended to carry them over till next season, but owing to the severity of this (very open) winter, we have de- cided to place them on sale for weeks only at the following two PRICES, The first lot rreetioned below are slightly mottled in the dying, but are warranted the best Bengal Indigo dye 1000 YARDS HKAVY TWILLED BLUE AT i8c PER YARD. Regular price for perfect goods, 40c. 3000 YARDS HEAVY TWILLED BLUE, RED and GREY, ii cts. PER YARD. Regular price for perfect goods, 45 c.

Do not put off until tomorrow but come at once, and get bargains not only in the above, but in all lines throughout the establishment. ALEX. DRYSDALE SON A NNUAL VILLAGE MEETING. Th leiral Toters of Bpnnincton Tlllnire art herebT notified and wamril to meet at Free Liorary hall in Mid village ef KrtiuiiiKton, on 1 iiocdtvy the IT i day of Marrti, at one o'clock in tho afternoon tn irssrmurt the followi'iiT lMiinen: Firtt, To hear irpoi of the officer for the year upon Ihe (irand LlM of Paul vil lace to defrny the expftiwc of the cttrp rntinn for th1 yrar enauing, nd ro on? th? inibrfdne ihtrnf if any there li nil hp. aod to Aa (lie time lor the collection of Thinii To tee If "aid riHwrr corporation will Tore to arcept the proviioti of Ait No.

W), of the (ten-rral AarntMy of th STnte Vrm.oiit, approved Dec 31, ltW), und rmitk'l, "An Act 1 elating to the colltvtion of tai.M i-'onrth. To ih if "Rid Tillacc corpora ion Will rote lo reinm the moaip paid liy n-Mdeme of the corporation for peddler's during be oar Fifth, Toadte what action Mid tillage corpora tina will take in if latum to fnrnilnc a rode of Hy- Iaws in oortrtniiy to the amended Tillage chr- tsr. Sixth, To elect a president or tut Tin tewi fll truf, a fitrk. a treasurer, a collector, and thr fXi auditor. rVrenih, To mrntHct any other proper bnatneaa found necessary when met.

C.E,(1 HATES Clerk. Bfuainftott, Tt. March 4 lhSV a pVEKTISKK by addressing WfO. v. AViv, lOSi1nic.St..N.Y..cnl(ariilhfeact cost of any propesed line of ADVKRTl-ilNU In ntericaa newspaper, -iOQ page pamklei It.

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