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Vermont Standard from Woodstock, Vermont • 8

Vermont Standardi
Woodstock, Vermont
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WARNING AW tttrvttrrrrtt tttttttrtttt ai i I IM ta tn Yh (IpMMXMI, bsniHeal b. wa tie awl IHtUH IM Vermont Standard. i -F. 8 Market. tit went lo FraakUa, Mete 1 ntmtey utarnlag.

An aenlvartary iimNlag of OM GrcGeries (1 I lllML BOYCE Si CO. a af Dry Coeds. a. It a mlTst ur Line off Iaaaaaaaaaju I awd TBI tC CO -toward e4lote lsyMfltVe Ion we ti town teat week. Kidler mm la Poston, THE ICE (111! Flk It to be beld al Odd Feilowi' Hall Friday evening of Ibtt week.

Ule Wnl'e retaraH recently from a vitit la Gardner, and 1. Mr. Wbae, wbo went elto, rtmaintv) to visit la I'rovi-dene and (tner place before retnrnlng. -Tat reira4 of Gen. Raadtll l'o Vo- 11.

are rrqrii a awt al U. A. K- ball Tbsexiay al -W p. V. tr Ue tht paryM of atuadieg lb raaerat of oar lit Charade, Ordwtv.

Itet wta ind beat la ei Fisli Tn rceiid tbt roun policy, un prices to alu Guarantee of Oatiofaction. Prompt and Satisfactory Service. from Manufacturer! to ua i look at tbe Unlit, irt end Jk4 Wevk W. eJ. Botce eod IVe -Mu.

CUe. IX Watklni and ton New York Cly, are tptnd- C. W. StVwtkD, loM. log ftw dtyt at C.U wttklat Mrt.

E. bcott, wbo waa aerloot- Rf ll.IUniall cffieiaied at M. III for aoui day a few eeeks tince, tgaln eonfnd to ber bod. bora Jawea ctnrca Im basday and will alto Thin Week, tho Boot Lino of Suits, Slxirto and Jaclxoto ever shown in be la chaige ag tin neil baodty. tve tyeoplom were mtnilett la her cart about eighteen months ago, end Ulte alia King It eipeciej bome town.

tit Mav tbe waa taken lo a boopltal in April from taw-idt, Ma.a for a varailoa of a week. Burlington, but ibe treatment there did not rnlt in the Uotflt which the -Wr. J. 1L Mnrdock retaraed bome bytlclant bere bad hoped, bhe expectt fatnrdtr, after tpebdinf a ooopl of HEosiery. go to Hinover tKpitai at toun at wekt wlib Ur titter, Mn.

Corner. In Newport. Saaon baa opened Early with ue. From now on Shall prepared To Furnieh Ice Cream Rich and Delicious And as good as Ws can make it. A.U.MORGAN Pharmacist And Stationer.

Our hosiery pives aat infliction war a I ber airengtb will permit, nilb ber energetic and am bit lout temperament tbe forced ex tiflomenl It bird to bear. -Tbe meollog of tbe W.C.T. U. every lime, ne nave an eum will te beld at Mrt. hntpp'i vn Friday p.

n. at followed by a tocial and fine assortment for the ppnn ana Ua. Hummer. Ceorge W. Prior Killed.

W. X. Campbell bat porcbated of George 1'nor, furnlinre dealer and Ladies hose, tlnin and fancy, W. 8. Hewitt a plot of laod In tbe undertaker in Ibe village of Orwell, Black Taffeta silks, Two Special Values.

21 inches wide, nt 22 inches wide. at 75o The Waist, There is no waist like tho K-Z for a growing child. None otlier so comfortable or durable, liecaue these are made of an elastic fabric which yields to every motion of tho body. Wo have them for all ages from two to 14 years. extra quality, fust exilor, from the it inttantly killed tn ibe nonb pari rear of tbe 1'nhlle Library and front-Ingon tbe Wbitwiub driveway, for of tbe town Ittt Friday alternoon.

He lb purport of bul.diog a eiauie mere. bad been In that eectlon of tbe town to 10c quality to the hnest Rule. Children's hose, ril)led and plain. Men's hose, black and fancy. -Mrt.

A. C. Reed bat moved from deliver eome forniture aud bad a very the Raymond boate, on the Wett high spirited bbrte and tbe roadt were Includes Bait Boxes, Baskets, Reels, Rods, Hooks, Sinkers, Landing Nets, All Kinds of Lines, Landing Net Staffs, Leader Boxes, Leaders, Spears, Tackle Books, Spring Balances, Rings and Keepers, Phantom Minnows, Split Shot, Insects, Flies, Etc. All we ask is Inspection. very rough tbere.

in eome way me orsets. Woodatock rotl. to tbe wnterly lent-ment of Ibe llongbtoa block, at tbe foot of lligb ttreet. borte got ibe advantage oi mm ana tx- gin running, and when neir tbe atone bool bouse Mr. rior wai inrown Dliirlct Deputy Grind Matter A.

One. lot of Madam Fay Corsets, regular price 1.00, now out and bit neck wai broken. Some K. b'panldlng went to Wtrdaborc, Wednetdty, to aMitt Grand Matter men to Ibe field near by ttw tbe accident and ran to ibetpot but Mr. Prior WOOIftTtX RilLttaY THE TABLE, 8 B.

Wihe Inttitote a new mbordinate lodge of Odd Fellowa there. dead before ibey reached blm. la tut Wedeedsy, Oct. it, iwi. Tbe doctor laid that death waa initan- Owing to tbe necettlty of remov We Sell the Corticelli Silk.

For hnnd or machine sewing it has no equal, always runs smoothly in the needle, always full length and full strength. Jfe.t. K. Jolt taneona. Tbe borte ran about balfa mile farther but waa secured before It bad damaged itaeif or the wagon.

ing the tale and noma other flstmea to Ibe new block, Savlngi lltnk will be doted regularly at three Mr. Priori tody wai removed lo bit o'clock p.m., nntll it movei into tbe Wee4tek It el7 LM, MM II II III ltd fllU le a Waee. bome wbere tbe foueral waa beld Sun- new building about Jane ltt. av afternoon.

Mocday Ibe body wet Norman R. Cat hat bouglt of the taken to Ludlow for burial. Mr. Prior Mel. Mel, Melt waa about 60 yeai i of age and moved (o Melliid Newton eataie, tbroogb tbe agency of W.

W. Dearborn, a patture Orwell tevertl yeara ago Irom Wood We of 70 acre, including all tbe Newiou lock, wbere be bad bom In busineat Our Goods are advertised bv our patrons, refer you to them. farm tioept tbe houte and five acret, WVlle IW I at 4 UarUerd, I Dewere Mtite bwtM tie i Wawdsu-e. it Aii Hum Ur ncejud. Jkf Halloa In romfret.

itb bia brother. E. W. Prior. TAPTSVILLB C.

Emmona was in Sherburne a Dr. J. rretcott, our oculltl, 111 be at f'eate'a Hotel, Hartford, I imhm im right ha twaeel tniat Thnrtday; at Wbeeler'tf Hotel, Wcit few da) a last week. Hartford, Friday tble week. At bome Mra.

Seems and yoong sou of Wilder It Is a Fact that our Groceries are of the fiest Quality. Our increasing trade is proof of that. baturdty and Monday; at Barnard VlUssejl tMU. J. (i (Kuril Meaeget.

P08T-0FFIC1 WOTICt. were at Ell Laura's a few daja ago. With the Coxntnc of warm weather we enlarge our assortment of Kennedy's celebrated biscuits. "Nabisco" is the new sugar wafer, or Fairy Sandwitch. Quality the Best next week Tueiday and Wedncaday Supt.

C. F. Partridge waa a recent Tbe Thrice lllmtrioui and bigbly caller in school. ut or i rrrtmt resneuteg neied for it Inttructlve degree of the Knigbtt of Mra. Edgar Park hunt it Id Danbory.

Birmingham will be conferred upon a Our Jan Tea at 50 cents is a special N. for en indefinite tarry. numeroot claaa of candldatea next Bat- Does the Rest. value. nrday evening.

8ir Kaightt will form avenue about eight o'clock. A epecial Mr. and Mra. Darling were Brldgewater recently. Service in Village Hall Sunday, April train will be run to White River Jane rt4J at WMur.

ApU ald P. Bu hour. Krd George. Kojtna llstntnelion. Mm F.

Jaiuun Marguerite L. Landon. MAILS CLOSti Mim, Xew fork, Nenk aad Km), II.M a. kiiiMM aa4 twlW, 41 a. a.

Mta wo4ci ul rtkkrUta. au h.t4 ui h.ik.1. a. B. You Like the old-fashioned dried -apple pies.

We have the home-dried apple, extra nice, also the evaporated apricots, pumpkin, squash, blue tiou to accommodate tbe Sir Knlgbti. 27, at four p. m. Have you tried it If You are Not our customer, why not give us a trial order We guarantee Omer Priett returned from Plymouth Cbarlei Sumner of Plymouth hn last week not entirely himself, never R. L.

Adams, Fharmacisi purcbated tte WooditockBridgewater itige route of I. II. Wbitcomb, and tbeleat. be bopea to be abroad with berries, mincemeat, etc. bulled corn in due aeaaon.

look pottettlon latt Tburtday. Mr Sumner it not new to Ibe batineei, and Mn. S. F. Collins and little Willis Oar.

trwa forjdr At the Cash Drug Store. patront of tbe rooie may expect a con- II Ml, av. rutltl.nil.r. N. Lanra, who have been ill tbe paat tlnuance of good aervice.

week, are more comfortable, Ur. Kid MILEACE BOOKS. W. J. BOYCE CO.

M. A. Sawyer vu getting a load der prescribed for both. (-. Mum a4 Ownl Vtraml.

boarht. of hay at the Uillingbain farm on Calvin Blancbard of Rumney Depot, a4 4 rt4, i A. anttll, at Mprm of la, tl aottrtccii, VI. Cbnrch Hill Toetday aftnrnoon, when y. 11., baa been a recent gueit at E.

C. Emmons'. bit bortca ttarted nnexpectedly and he WOODSTOCK AMD VICINITY. Pelton district and Ruth black in the fell off tbe load backward, breaking Piles of shingles bere and tbere ii an Cox district. We have had a great many calls bit collar bone.

MiM llorenoa Craft, formerly of indication of a boy time of roof re Five of onr young ladies went to Sailors! Tbe work of removing tha New this season for the "old stand-by" Ihlt ii iiliiig i K. B. Dn'. pairing by and by. Tbalei Etnmoua Quechee Saturday to gather arbutus, baa already made a beginning.

England Telephone exchange from Morgan' itore to tbe new qoarten in bringing bome quite a qumiity wbicb MIm Mry IU(Kk wrnl to Bimiod laat Thurwlty, aud rtmtlDeJ over Suo- We are pleased to tee oar little they very kindly shared with tbeir tbe bivlngs Bank biock li now lo pro- Sailor. We have them now, Outing and Dolly-Varden Hats in a larjre assortment of trimmed Dress friend, Fletcher Dole, abroad with a day. frienda. greM, onder itipervnion of II. E.

Rob cheap. Also a large lot of new the best shapes made. We keep S. 8. Winslow attended the borse Frink Itodi fort to Wilder thlt wk tobcfln woik in the grocery blm of Burlington.

It It expected that Ibe change will be completed this Hats which our customers tell us are remarkably stylish and cheap. sale in Lebanon on battirrtay and bought a span of large woi horses, new wheel. It It a bit balky but the lad it amiable and patient, hence, will toon have it nnder control. We hope be will have manv pleasant eeaaoni with bit pretty ateed. lor of (ioatd larlUia.

week. Mitt Mhbel itber It to con- Mrt. Datbolt ami hr friend, Mirt t'noe In the position of day operator, wboso combined weight is about IUi nH, wbo reached New lork troin aud Carroll btory, wbo ii to be irant- thirty hundred. Two of C. Emmona cows bad a Eocitnd.

rereoily, arrived at Tboinat ferred to Llaremont, N. will be Tbe bundsy evening prayer meeting somewhat nnpleasant experience a few fmltb'i Tueti)r of Ut week. tucceeded by Forrr st Richmond, no will be beld at tbe school houtte at 7.3U They certainly sell well, and we have new ones every day. If you want anything in Silk or Lisle Gloves, black or white, look at some extra good ones which we have for 50c and 25c. Handsome and stylish Boas at very low prices, 85 cents up.

Come in. MISSES MCCOLLOM, WOODSTOCK, VT. clerk in Cox 'a cah store. a night o'clock. Subject.

"Sftmuol'a call," A onloo aervlc will be bcld In tbe Cornl'on' cborcb ffit Monday operator and "tronble man." daya ago. It appears tbbt tbe ailoU accessible from two floors of tbe barn, incidentally (be door leading from tbe lower floor waa left open. Itii sup I 3:121. Everybody cordially invited to come. vi ai 7 SO clock, lib termon b) Cbarlei F.

Iogalla hid good deal of V. r. botae experience in a abort time last Edward and George Payne arrived week. He lot a good boraeby death bere Irom Boston Thursday morning to attend tbe funeral of their grandfather, on Wedneidiy. Tbe intra wb'ch be wai posed that while on a tour of exploration In tbe uncertain light they walked beyond tbe flooring.

They were found in tbe pit a while alter, atrapa, ropes M. ti. Mytrt and family, and Mrt. L. J.

llarl trrled tbe drat of tbe wetk, wlib tbelr boon hold etloctt. and tnotrd Into tbeir Ttr Hreet borne driving bome Tharmliv night inuiped Barzillai The rmer re on to tbe picket fence near tbe Kllner turned on tbe night train. George re etc. were adjusted and with tbe aid of p'tce, iwinglng Ire from Ibe ground Tacdty. With eome ataittaoce the waa freed Is Not What We have Got, Jiinri IL Wait and company, wbo maining until baturday, when be wis iccorrpanied by bia mother, wbo will remain in Boston for a few weeki several men and the device nsed in hauling np the feed the cowa were lined into daylight safe and sound, due from ibe carriage, when tbe tcrambled appear la Lucie Terry" at tbe Opera off her perch and made a run toward EI (SEfcAERI llaaaa Ttinrdty eveolng, go next Mac visit.

tbe village. Mr. Ingil i wis nnable to presumably to the fact of there being about six inches of feed on tbe floor of day to Ikwion begin a week en And her, and went bome on a bicycle; gagemcat Is lb Btn Tbeairt. Probata Court OTATE OF VERMONT. I tbe alio.

but tbe mire waa found tbe tame night District of IUrlfnrd, m. held at Wooditock, BUT WE HAVE GOT oo the Billing! farm. A tfeciat train will be run from WbittrUer Junction at 7.10 p. in. within awl for aaid Uiitrict, on the 23d dajr of April, A.

1). mi. WEST WOODSTOCK. Alocio lirgare bat obtained employ George H. Harvey, died at bli TbnrdaT reicbiof Woliock a IM Prwent Ho.

T. O. SEA VEB, Judge Whenu Leon Bamoaon. administrator ot tut bome In lwvalton Friday, April 11 ment in the Bridgewater mills. foe tb eoiertainmeni, "Uncle Terr)," a solid corner on all of our Case work, such as Bureaus, Commodes, fmm acute diabetes after ao lllneti of rmu of William Sampson, lata of Woodstock, Mita Edith Uoadleyof South Wood and mil retain Immediately alter tbe a little more than a week.

He leave a bow, atopplng at wty ratluot. atock was gueit of Anna Slack Friday wlte aud five children. Tbe funeral night. lf. Ueorf E.

Uantiey of booth which wti largely attended, wet beld Chiffoniers, which mark them for Style, Strength and Durability, Eviline Birrowiof Brldgewater vii- ratniogutm, Maa delivered a ibe following boodty afternoon. Rev ited ber aunt, Mra. Cbarlei Woods, last blgbly imerttiing and able diaconrte to the congrf((ko of tbe UnlvtrtaiUt W. C. Mann from booth KoyiUon week.

otnciated. Mr. mrvey wai an tllec cbnrtb Ian bandar, will be lib tbea Mita Jobnton Ii ipending a sboil tionata batbind and lit her and a friend in aald DutrWt, drceaani, testatr, proposes rendering an accoost of bis administration and presenting his account aa-ainst said estate tor allowance, al a session of said Court to be held at the I'robste ()ce in Wood.tork, in said District, on tbt tin dajr of May, A. D. 1K02.

And whereas said Court kaa asi greed said time and place for the settlement of said account, and lot a decree of the rcsldne of said nstsla lo tha helraofeaid deceased, and ordered that public notice thereof be riret to all persona interested la said estate by pub-Ushine a eopr of the record of this order three weeks succetsieelf prertoas to tha day assigned, aa aforesaid, in the Vermont Standard, a newspaper published at Woodstock, in tha County of Windsor and State of Vermont: Therefore all persons concerned In said eataie are hereby notified to appear at tht Probata again neil tuorulig and at and neighbor wbo waa alwaya ready to and thev cost von well, we don't want everv one to know but if bntb woodttock at o'clock. vacation with ber grandpareoti, Mr. and Mrt. Francis Churchill. i Mra.

Bertha Benson entertained i belp tikote in trouble, no matter at to a ur ay you should come in and let us explain the difference, we presume we great peraonai tacrlDoe. lie waa one At ibe Ctibolk cbortb thereafter, ntil fonbrr aotice, uaa win be aid of tbe acbool director and held a high rany of Woodstock ladiea at wbiat at eleven o'clock on bottdty morninga. ana bonored place among tbe Maaona Toesdsy evening. would drop a word some way so you would get our secret. Any way it will cost you nothing to learn tho difference.

Mr. Harvey waa a ton of Mr. and Mr Tbe sociable which waa to be given and veninf erv'c will be beld at 7 JO o'clock. v. Ft.

Uronbta wilt bold ervtcw on tbe flirt bnnday of each George II. Harvey of tilt tlace. II at tbe acbool boute next baiurday even iHtrt in Woodstock, la aaid District, oa tha day Remember we have a fine line of Window Shades, from 10c to a 42 yean old, and waa educated In ing bat been pottponed Indefinitely. BMib la Ulige llai. yqfebee, at 9 the tcboolt of bit native town, at tbe 50c each, all complete.

aforesaid, then and there to contest tha allowance of said ereoant if they aee cause, and to establish their rights as heirs, legatees and lawful ciaimanta of said residue. Mite Leonard of Pennsylvania, wbo Randolph Normal acbool and St. Johns- o'cmx a. tnd on tbe ecocd boo-dayol eacb mootb tn tbe Town Hall, bat been vialtlog ber grandmother, Our Picture luOUldinn we are expecting to bary Academy. Mra.

Sotan Leonard, ttarted for Boston tiaatrJ, at I cWKk a. m. Edwin N. Ordway dUd at hit A una record: Attest, T. O.

SEAYIH, Jedce. A true eopf of record Attest, T. O. SKA VER, Judge. arrive this week.

oo Toeaday of lat week. Walter N.Wood, wbo bu taoghl bome on Cbnrch Hill Monday evening He bad been loaned to bit bome by Bertba Slack it teaching acbool in Reading Center, Mande Milla in tbe Inatrnueatal nnlc tocataalnlly bere for tbe rt year, bat accep t4 an tl- heart diaeate for about four year and offered contiderably. Mr. Ordway vtma(vaa pruiitoo at oorneiltt In tbe orcbeua of toe lawa btate II aplr i at Grloell, Iowa, and will clute bit molc STATE OF Vr.RMOSrT. At a Probate Court District of

I held at WiMd.tock, within and fur aaid District, sa the Z2nd lay of April, A. 1. Prraeu, T. O. Bearer, Judge.

In tha matter of the estate of Willis 8. Merriu THE L. E. WEYMOUTH FURNITURE CO. waa corn l.ujkw aocnt 63 year ago.

and lived In bherburne atveral iiiT mm rooma ira. r. "vi it a ruing yeara, but came lo Woodttock wten WOODSTOCK, VT, C. F. INCALLS, Manager.

yonng mnictt of natnral ta eat. tad mae and followed tbe carpenter a oj bu pn- irae. lit terved tore year at tno pcti aeent Kf a tncce.rui eareer. tlciaa In company firtt Vermont i sns artll trv, coring tba war, and daring HIWI to iat mreaj ct toor year be drew Whereas, Jawph C. Earigut.

eiecuter af the last will and teataoieBt of aaid deceased, has pra-eenwd to said Court his petiuoa in writing, pray. Irg for Ucrase la sell all real estate af which said Wuhs fc. atema died se.ued and aoesesaed, rata, ale it tab State, represeatiag that said sale la nee. eseary va enable Mas to pay tbe debt, tat Irom aaid estate aad the eipeaaee of edmialstruuoa. 1berepoa taw Crt eppotete the tU dsy af May AD.

IWJ. aa a time, and the Probate Office la Woodstock afcreeald as a piaea ef bearing aad de- penaion of 2 per moDb. booa after WINDSOR, ibe war be working InC. Math feeling la txpntted (a re Sard ibe rtaoval tbe b' andiab am ca I'ieaaaBi trt. It la a welt know tad, tlat tlace ibe return tl of ibe barward daw, ibe watb of the brook bM filled ap ti tend and the lop of tbe dam and daring ibe dry atca bi each ao tbe pointed aad fienty a'agnttt from Season's Styles Wayward a th and blind abp, and waa etn ployed there for yean, until invite your inspection of their etdtag oa said peuuon; aad enters that aotire af aaid petHie, the reaena for the aaaM, aad at said uate aad niece ef bearing, be given te all ar-soe otawrard said estate, by pabinhteg a copy of the record of this order three weeks tncnxiee-ly ta the Vernon (HMdard.a newspaper pabiished at Woodstock, ta thia Slate, which carcuates la rm feeaim fai'ied lie married Mite Hasina Bncktnta of Woodfock, wbo tervtvfe bin, aid ihne children vet bom to tb.

of whom two, Albert K. td Fred B. Ordtrar torrive. lr. Ordwtv It alto termed by one litter.

large fpring Mock, either in person or by mail. Clothing, Ladies' Suita, Washable Materials, White Good, Silks, Embroideries, Shirt Waist, 4ralti4 tad trwrr It at imjw ef In'o aid beuvk, coatMind the; ataia wet la b4 cf brook. Provld-tag tte dam It waattd fur a eaaittryj ue somas of tnoee utrreeiea in said estate, In Hate, Veils, Laces, Neckwear and Novelties. The only way to realize values ig to look through line, which will be cheerfully ehown at all times. MRS.

TEWKSBURY, WOODSTOCK, VT' rt. c. Citfl a of Lebanon, N.I! Tbt farerJ ht beiJ la lh MrfKe (to removed) IM owner Wall Papers, preausea mar appear before said lean aad shew rease, if any the bare, wky tbe prayer af said pe-ntxm seeeid bat be graded. A tree reoard. Attest, I.

O. EA VER, Jadg. A trwteowy ef reoard, I Attest, T.O. BEATER, Judge. Shoes, Carpet, Groceries, etc wow ctTns tLe' wttet rbi' tut i ctnrcn Tinrtdty after-about baftef lu pret ta'oe, roe id- tjoon at lo o'clock, ltev.

George E. rg it it mnevtd by Ja ltu UanUey cftdaUag..

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