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Vermont Chronicle from Bellows Falls, Vermont • 6

Vermont Chroniclei
Bellows Falls, Vermont
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SATURDAY; NOVEMBER 30, 18G7. VERMONT; CHRONICLE; MARRIAQEB. SCHOOLS, RELIGIOUS IXTELLIGEXCE. FOREIGN RELIGIOUS. The Freeman says that measures are being taken in Mmtpelier to "start a temperance society on the old basis that of moral suasion SPECIAL NOTICES, jUK.

FiR'li 8 "FAMILY PHYSICIANS Seventy-! page; price 25 cents, gent to any drew. IVo money required until the book i recrin resd, and tally approved. It a perfect gum to sick or indifiKed. Addresn Dr. 8.

8. FITCH, 85 Trtmont St eet, Cj-6-i Boston, iiasg, OKLV 25 CENTS FOli "La Ufa KBlTnLE? MOTHER BAILEY'S QUIETING SYUUP FOU CHILDREN, Which greatly M-its the child thronirh the month of Teething, alia. 8 all pain, reduce? intiaminatiOQ, citt-rects acidity ot the Stomach, and never fails Veu- ST. JOlfXSBURY ACADEMY. The Win'er Terra of (hit school will ommec ce on Ton dsy, Decern bi-r 8.

Instruction will, as usual, be tarnished ia all English and Cljuaioj Branch of Italy, and in French. Board, aud convenient rottnt for fcelf-boardiojj may be obtained at very reasonable rates, by applying to either of Hie aubacrlbert. W. W. THAYER, For the Trustees.

HENRY C. IDE, IVinciral. St. Johosbury, Vt, Nov. 13.

48 KIMBALL UNION ACADEMY. TUB Winter Term or this Institution, in the Male and Female Departments oill begin December Sth, aud mtinue 1 weeks. Early application should be made to the Prlneljml. C. B.


Four years' English Course for ladies and geLts. Three years' Classical Course for fitting boys for College. Instruction given In all the ornamental branches. A lull corps of teachers in all the Depaitmeuts. Winter Term of thirteen weeks begins Thursday.

January 2d, 13r8. Address, C44-43 C. R. BALLARD, Trircipal. DR.

J. II. HERO WILL OPEX A SCHOOL FOU YOL'XU LADIES on the plan of Dr. Din Lewis, at the Willow Park Institution, Westboro, on Wtduesday, Dec. 4ih, 1807.

Superior teachers for tvery Branch of Education. For Circulars, giving full particulars, (enclosing Ftamp) as above. C44-4G GLENWOOD LADIES SEMINARY. HUiAM OKCUJT, A. Principal. AI. E. COBB, Vice Principal; With twelve Associate and Ansitant Teachers in the several Department. Location delightful and healthy; accommodation? good course of study thorough and extensive; and expensep less than at any other School of the fame grade. The cnool hat been in suececniul opeiation for nearly seven yea re, and ihtpupi's now represent eighteen States of our Union.

Winter Se-ion begins on the Find Monday Id January, 108. Apply early to 111 HAM ORITTT, West Brattleboro, Yt. C21-20 THE NEW ENGLAND PAPKR AND LINEN Collar Cuff, Bosom St Kress Shirt WAREHOUSE, CIIARLF.S A. X0YK3 it VI Suiiiincr aud 23 Otis St- Boston. Are Atfunts foe the sale of THE HEMIS PAPER COLLAR AND Cl'FFS, Lnrkwood'i Clolh LiD-t Cutlara, Lockwooi'B Fancy lerty Collari an1 Cufli, Lo Bean Meal Colhra, Troy.

Cloth Lined liuUcn Wat. Line Enrackd Collars ami Cuffs, The IJi l. i Le arfnit Patent Cnllart cn.l Culls. Pacitlc Plain and Linen Finish Collars, Wilooi ft Co L. F.

Eagle Collar, N. E. Mwlfl Fancy Shak'ipearft, Antl Lockwood't Fancy Ilyrons. Al, In stock, a Ml Hue of Pajxr Collars of other desirable makes, together whh the Urest and best aasortmint of Linen Gools for Gent's wear, to dq found Id Boston and a good line of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, all of which are offered to the Trade at the lowest Manu faoluers, l'rlet s. T2 Summer and 23 (Hla Streets, Boston.

ctO-fl Tllli EE MOXTU8 I.NSTULCTlw.N FOU t25 DOLT. AI1S I.N THE Branches of the Commercial Department. AT CHAM BERLIN, BRYANT STR.VTTON'3 BUSINES3 COLLEGE. II the student's ability will allow, be bat the opportu. tiltjr of completing the entire course in the above lima.

(end stamp Immedlatelf lor tprcttl Irenlar. J. 8. CIIAMIIF-RMX. cIC 11 Burliogton, Vt.

ARTIFICIAL LEGS. Tht 'JltwnT PATIXT LK08" art adrolUed bj thoae who hart worn other naken lo be Till BF.8T for Pomtrt, HlmpllHty, Don Willy. Manifactartd by Cm. B. FnsTia Tramonl giract, Uoatoa, liter Bwkertrrialml.

048J1 MAPLE LEAVES FOR Kalanrri. HlnMrabxl an4 thnlwlaa ImproTfd. Ttie) MiMt Fntrrulnlnf lnttrue Il.l.l t-iHATFI) MONTH LT lh Utltt HU'ea. A specimen tatnorr frat fnr only inernu. IMat till tftid for la.

Address m.ACa IK (., tBroatay, New Tork. raj4SM FARMERS AND FARMER'S SONS Wanted ka la baetaeaa, ilrln the Fall and Wla-ler, pajlnl fro llWto tjni) tr mnnth. Adrfreat XRIUI.KK alof HflT Co e4Ml Kt. tit Arch MrrrV rklladalpbut, ft. (Tli writer' nam mint Im eenl wilt a notiue of marriage or death, to secure inacrtioo In Windsor, Sov.

2M, by Rev. F. itutchinfon, Mr. Charles if. Littleton tf West Windsor, and Mrs.

Kunice Harris of Marblehead, Mass, Ia Windsor, Nov. 23d, by Rev. S. K. TVxter, Mr.

Felix J. Micott and' Miss Alice J. Randall, both of In gprimrtield, Nov. 24th, by Rev. E.

C. ias, Mr. Jnhn M. Fadden of indsor, and Miss Susie M. FaiMen of Iowan, C.

E. JD Marriages and Deaths Inserted frbi. Obituaries, rivs cents a line, poetry included, ia advauce. A line cooftisw of teu words. In Perkinsville, Aug.

17th, of consumption, Mr. Rufns N. Forbuh, ot ftoston, Mass a'eil yrs. In Claremont, N. Nov.

20th, after protracted illness, Mrs. Abby U. BinEhaui, wife of C. M. liingham, aged 52 years.

In Haverhill, N. Nov. 23d, Mary Elizabeth Cooper, nged 42 years. In Derby, Oct. 23d, of consumption, Benjamin F.

Fletcher, aired 55 yesrs, 5 months and 10 days. Fatbtr thou art liih and holy, Jupt and true are all thy waa. Yet thy stenei make us deeply Feel the hand that bids us niaise. The Vermont Chronicle. The Congregational Newspaper for Vermont.

A Family Paper, to answer all the purposes of a newspaper only on a J9 taken. A necesbary iper lor every Congregational family Vermont, whatever other apers may be taavn. The Cheonicle aims to furnish the current news, political, literary, eerlt'ejaatiesi', scientific, and in an impartial and reliable lorm and io do its work as a religious newspaper, iu the iritof Christian kindness and courtesy. $1 00 pr annum, payable in advance or within three mouths from the beginning of the yt-ar; If nut bo paid fifty cents additicnal Single copies eibt cents. All apers endused in wrappers, $3.

do ir annum, or $3 if paid in advance. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher. Iu making remittances by mail, it is important to state the faets embraced iu the fallowing form: "Inclosed is to pay for the Chronicle sent to (name of the sul- BCrilier) aud reet-ived fi'-ni the I'ust If a new subttcribrr, state the fai-t, as this ma save us much investigation. BATE8 FOR ADVERTISING. 12 UncB or one inch tjacn makes a square.

1 square, one insertion $1.00 Each subsequent insertion y'K) 1 square, one year 15.u0 2 Equates one vear $12.50 per square. 3 to squares i year 1000 Otoll squares 1 year 11 squares and upward 1, 8.00 For tnree months, one half the above rates. Por cuts double rates. Notices in special churn .10 per cent, advance. In rta4 inp eolumus, double advertising rates.

Yearly adveriittmente must be paid qnaiteily. All Bdvt-rtisenients from ahr-ad mnt eime throngh our regular amlwriz-'d ag'-uis, or be ai i for mi advanee. lntt ill be charged on all demands from the tiii they become due. All lett rs should be addressed to L. J.

McIXPOB, Windsor, Vt. The Yerniont Cbrouicle for 1808. Tonus, to all, $:5.00 per Annum. What it has been the past two jears we in-tend to make it in the future with all the improvements we can briDj to our aid. All that id wanting to make it the best Paper in the Country, is 8 larger list of subscribers, so that additional expense can be incurred in its production.

AND WE EXPECT TO HAVE IT, tf the friends of the paper will give us a lift'' for a few days, AND WE SHALL TAV" THEM WELL FOK IT. Instead of Premiums in the form of Sewing Machines, Pianos, Sec. which only a few could secure, WE SHALL PAY Til EM IN CASH So that Every Sulscriler can have a Pre-mium. We propose to give our subscribers the benefit of the increase of the circulation of the Chhoniclk, IF THEV WILL HUT EXERT THEMSELVES! We will pay one dollar to any present subscriber tor each new nhk sent WITH l'HKVIOl'8 TO JANl AKT FIRST. Thus if you wish to pay for your own psper for next yer, (u-nd the names of three new subscribers, and AND WE WILL SEND T1IUEE COPIES RKSIhK VOIR OWN TO JAXUART 1, 1M.0.

With little effort you can not only pay for your own paper ia this way, tut secure it for some needy person. HEM EMBER That til New Subscribers for the coming year tho CHRONICLE FREE TO JANUARY 1, 1SG8. WILL OV MAKE THE EFFORT Sonic have already availed themelvcs of tbe advantage of thia offer. WILL YOV DO tTt t7. Emperor Theodore, of Abva-inia, rules over 5.00O.OU0 semi-barbarous individuals.

Thev are Christians of the Greek Church. They differ from our usual notions of a pure African in that thev have straight hair, and are quite black, copper-colored or fair according to the locality in which they reside. A liberal gentleman in England, who conceals his name, has given 12,500 for the erec tion of an edifice for a female boarding sehcol at Sierra Leone. The English Church Mis sionary Record says, very truly, that the education of the negro females must keep pace ith that oi the males, else disastrous conse quences will toilow. Africa must be regener ated hy Africans themselves.

The mission of Ali Pasha to Crete has suc ceeded, and reforms are to be introduced in the government of the Island, principally on the subject of taxes and imports. The Christians of the Island have been offered the privilege of naming a certain number of public functionaries of their own religion. Mr. Mofiatt, an African missionary, and the brother-in-law of Dr. Livingstone, has published a letter giving strong reasons for hoping that the latter is still alive.

A message has been sent to the Sultan of Zanzibar, by a chief inland, that Dr. Livingstone had passed his territories alive and well at a point beyond the scene of the supposed murder. Mr. Moffat should not be the least surprised if the doctor turned up in some most unexpected quarter." A correspondent of the London Weekly Register, John Good, writes, that a good nun once told him, that for every single defaced postage stamp sent to China, a Chinese child was brought to baptism A cleravman writes to the London Times that having advertised for a governess, he had 250 applications for the situation. The University of Cambridge, England, has conferred the honorary degree of LL.

D. upon all the American Bishops in attendance on the Anglican Council. A man convicted of murder in Hungary has confessed to a similar crime committed in South Carolina twenty years ago. Organs were used in churchls as early as the seventh century and were introduced in France in the year 815. LOCAL AND STATE ITEMS.

WINDSOR COUNTY. The examination of the Windsor Uigh School, for the Fall term, took place on Thurs day and Friday of last week. From what we were able to see of the classes examined, we judge that the school has been very successful ly conducted, and that Mr. Ferris the teach er, and his assistants, are making their mark. Elijah Beijing, a native of Swanzey, N.

and for nearly forty years clerk of Woodstock, died, Sunday, aged 89. ADDISON COUNTY. Mr. Dean of Cornwall recently sold a year ling merino buck for $1000. BENNINGTON COUNTY.

Following the reconciliation of the railroad question at Bennington will soon come the re opening of the Troy and Bennington railroad and the running of cars over it as formerly. The petition of the Burden Brothers of Troy, to the Legislature, for leave to build a railroad from Bennington to their ore beds in Shafts- bury, resulted in a bill for the charter of the road by a different route than that asked for, and itsdefeaf in the House of Representatives. Peter McGeary, employed in Clark's tannery at Factory Toint, fell into a tan vat on Saturday, and was drowned. A gold mine has been discovered in Peru on the east side of the Green Mountains, and an assaycr has been found who says after trial that the ore is the genuine thing. All is not gold that glitters," however.

CHITTENDEN COUNTY. The Burlington Free I'ress of Nov. 20th, contains tho following regarding the freezing of Lake Chainplain Passengers from Rouse's Foint this morning, reports the Lake at that point and Missisquoi Bay frozen over with ice an inch thick. Doubtless the southern end is frozen over in the same way The Adirondack came in from Rouse's Point yesterday, r. and is lying at the dock to day.

It is we believe, almost without prece dent to have the trips of the line boats stop ped so early hy ice. A man named Ladoux of Eswx, attempted to jump on the rear car of the accommodation train, as it was backing into the depot at Essex Junction on Tuesday morning, hut his foot slipped and he fell on the track. The wheels passed over him and the brake caught the body and twisted it round the axle of the truck, killing the man almost instantly and mangling the body a good deal. FRANKLIN COCSTT. Butter is selling nt St.

Albins at from 33 to 40 cents per pound, extra lot at 41 cents. It is evidently inclined to come down a notch. About two and a half car loads of fire arms have arrived at St. Albans depot to the care of Peter Ward. They were quietly stowed away in a warehouse near by.

Jack Bashaw, while engaged in chopping wood, in Sheldon, on the 18th received an injury which is likely to prove fatal. It ap pears that a dry limb fell from the tree on I which he was at work, and struck bitn on the ton of hit head, breaking hit skull, lie was carried home and medical aid was furnished. but faint hopes are indulged ol hit recovery OHI.KA" COL'NTT. A $10,000 flouring mill it to be erected tt the outlet of Island Pond, by Ilyudman ler. WAMUNOTO" COCHTT.

On the visit of Gen. Lafayette to Mont pclicr in 1825, the only carpet in town wat the one put down in hit room at the State House. A taw mill at WaiuGcld, owned by Terry Sbepard, was burned by incendiaries, Thars dav mominff. The lust, SlOOJ, falls oo Ira I Richardson, occupant of the mill Vermont. Rev.

A. B. Daseomb, pastor elect of the Congregational CLurch of Woodstoek, ha? commenced bis labors in that place. Four persons united with the Congregational Church at Johnson at the last communion. The religious interest there appears to be increasing.

More than sixty persons it is said have been added to the Methodist Church at Rutland within the past year. Special religious interest exists in the Methodist Society at Franklin, and there have been some hopeful conversions. More than usual religious interest is reported as existing in connexion with the Free Baptist meetings at Tunbridge. There is also quickened interest in connexion with the Methodist meetings in the north part of Highgate. Special religious interest is reported as existing in Bristol.

Several perons have been hopefully converted. A Young Men's Christian Association has been formed at Peat-ham, with thirty members. Rev. P. B.

Fisk President, C. J. Richardson, Secretary. The young men of St. Albans have organized a Young Men's Christian Association.

President, Charles Wyman. The corner stone of a new Episcopal church edifice was laid at Poukney, Tuesday of last week. A Mass Christian Convention will be held at in the Baptist Church in Ludlow, on Tuesday, Dec. 3d, under the auspices of the You ng Men's Christian Association. A Mass Christian Convention similar to that recently held at Brattleboro is to be held at Johnson, begining at 9 A M.

Wednesday Dec. 1 and continuing till noon the following day. A general invitation is extended by the pastors of the churches and a special committee of the Young Men's Christian Ass ciation of Johnson. On arrival, attendants will find a committee of arrangements at the Congregational house. A Conva a'ion of the Episcopal clergy of the Diocese of Vermont is to be held at Windsor, next week beginning on Tuesday.

G. O. Day, of Rutland, lately received a note containing fifty-one dollars, from members of the Baptist congregation as a token of their appreciation of his services in the choir and Sabbath school. No doubt there are others doing like services in our churches that would be very happy to receive a similar token from those who enjoy the music they provide. Rev.

George II. Bailey was ordained pastor of the Congregational Church at Newport on the 26th inst. Sermon, by Rev. J. II.

Woodward charge to pastor, by Rev. E. P. Wild address to people, by Rev. P.

II. White. Jfew Hampshire. Rev. F.

P. Woodbury, late of Meriden, in now located at Flint, Michigan a place con taining from 7000 to 8000 inhabitants. A Con gregational church has lately been formed thrfre, of which Mr. Woodbury Is the acting pastor. The Congregational church and society in Greenland, have given their pastor, Rev.

Ed ward Koine, leave of absence for the benefit of his health. Rev. Wm. S. Thompson has engaged to supply the pulpit at Loudon one year.

jy See (he propositions of the Chronicle. ia another column. WEST AND S0UTI1. The Religious 1 If ralil ays A Conurena-tional Council at Morrison, Illinois, refused to ordain over the church in that town a graduate, of the Chicago Seminary who accepts Dr. JSuslinelli doctrine relative to Cbrist a atone ment.

There is now an unusual religious interest in Beloit College, and several conversions arc reported. Eleven of the graduates of this in stitution are now in Chicago Seminary, and it has more student preparing for the ministry under the patronage of the Education Society than an other Uollcge id the country save one. A project is on foot in this country for build ing something like an American chapel in London. The New York Observer discourages the plan. It says, The idea is jutt as foolish and injurious as to propose a church tor Kng-lishmen in New York.

If the language of the two cities were not the snic, there might be tome propriety in it. In New England there are 22 Catholic churches out of a total of churches. In the whole countrv there are 2442 Catholic and 1,000 Protenlaut churches. These are the figures given by Pr. Jbttmn, who has lectur cd recently on the Decline of Romanism." There are some two dozen or more congregations in N.

temporarily holding services in public halls, awaiting the means and oppor tunity to build suitable church edifices. Tho American Missionary association lias bought a farm of ISO acrf at Hampton, lor Sia.tHio ana wm psuuunh upon it a train ing school for colored teachers, which it is honed may eventually grow into a college for colored you Hi. The catalogue of Oberlin Collcoo ifies a total of 1134 students in attendance in the various departments the prctent year. Of these 1 1 are Theologuos," 1 1 arc in Collog. and 190 in tho Ladies Course.

The gentlemen are in the majority 640 to 494 latlica. The Supreme Court at I'ituburj, hat given a decision that the running of horse pVengert cars on Sunday is a work of necet-aitv, and not forbidden br existing laws of the Rtafc. Accordingly Philadelphia borsc cart ran Ut Sabbath. The Adivrtintr t)r. Curler of Waah- Snfton.D.

C.long connected with the American Colonisation Society, and at present one of iu aecretarke, tailed from Charleston to day for Liberia, intqpdjnf to be absent four or five laonlha The veasal in which be go out carriw iwgroeoiigninH, nearly all of whom art from the Sou Su'ft, 'ne g000 olli 1's. tuat to most people are supposed to come no more," are to dawn upon the people of Montpulier. RUTLAND COUNTY. At Rutland, Nov. 8th, Gardiner L.

Gates was fined $70,74 for being drunk, and Bridget McLaughlin 16,13 for selling him the liquor to get drunk on. Barney Buslin was also arrested for violation of the liquor law, but he threw the offence off upon his wife Ellen, and she paid $16,18, fine and cost. Good judges say that the supply of marble in the West Rutland quarries will be exhausted at the present rate of consumption in a few years, and their owners are looking around for other deposits. The Rutland reading room association is dy ing for lack of support, and will turn over to the Young Men's Christian Association all that it has after paying its debts. Death of Professor Touret.

We learn with profound regret, as we go lo pressi that Rev. Joseph Torrey, D. Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy in the University of Vermont, died at Burlington, Tuesday mornir.g, 2Cth in the 71st year of his age. lie was a native of Romney, a graduate of Dartmouth College, and of Ando- ver Theological Seminary. He was settled as pastor at Royalton, in 1824.

In 1827 he ac" cepted a Professorship in the University of Vermont, with which he has since maintained a most honorable and useful connection in dif ferent departments until his decease. His death inflicts great loss upon the College, the churches and the State. The Caledonian savs Mr. Mclndoe. the newspaper publisher at Windsor, will soon add to his general publications "a monthly agricultural journal to be called the Valley Farmer, and to be made up, we suppose, out of the agricultural and miscellaneous matter that has been thrice used in the Chronicle, Aurora and Journal.

The Burlington Free Presi, from which we copy the above, and every other paper which has published the same statement, have got pretty essentially hoaxed" by somebody. The spleen" of the Free Press is entirely gra tuitous. It is not very becoming for the pot to call the kettle Hack" We believe the Burlington Weekly Free Jress is made up out of the Daily. Patents. Patents were issued to Ver- monters for the week ending November 1 nth as follows Joseph Messenger of Springfieldf for improved brush holder.

Albert Vose of Pittsfield, for improvement in hay loaders. F.nos Stimson of Montpelier, for improved door and gate springs. Norman B. Crawford of Bennington, for improvement in building scaffold. Norman B.

Crawford of Bennington, for improvement in scaffolds for roofs. Elihu II. Thomas, of Brattleboro, assignor to J. Estey Co. of same place, for improve uient in organbellows.

gff3" Who needs to be without a religious newspaper when the Chronicle can be so ea sily obtained. Only three new subscribers and $9.00 secures four copies for the coming year. C3" The sooner you subscribe, the more free copies you get. PERSONAL, Frof. Dixi Crosbv, of the Dartmouth college medical school, proposes to retire from active service, next year, at the end of his thirtieth course of lectures.

Peyton R. Freeman, of Hanover, N. 93 years old, is the oldest living graduate of Dartmouth college. He belonged to the class of 1796. B.

F. Sonthjiorth, a respected citizen died suddenly, at his residence in Benson, Monday night, of disease of the heart. His wife was awakened by the uncommon manner in which he breathed, and upon getting up, lound that he was breathing his last. Michael Kelly, aged IS years, was drowned while skating on the creek, atmve the Falls in Vergennes, on Wednesday afternoon of last week. The residences in Washington of the Senators and Representatives in Congress from Vermont, are as follows George F.

Edmunds, No. 350 street. Justin S. Morrill, National Hotel. Frederick K.

Woodbridge, NJ. 352 street. Luke P. Poland, No. 4 North A sireet.

Worthington C. Smith, No. 352 street. The hvlies, in their sovereijrn capacity a judges of emotional enjoyment, bve tlecidcd no iM-rfunie in existruce prducf tin" Mm delicious seniwlicws re ei iirrienecl while inlnlinE the exi)U'site fruk-rniiit of rbnhms igli t-Jltnn-ing Cerent." DinaU h. Brarrr't Cocois hut receive! strong certificate of its virtue us a Hair preparation Iroin every section of the country.

Virihlexs inula-tious abound, lie sure and call fur hurnrll'i. Itcmittancc. If those who send nsmonry do not pet a rcc ipt from us, tither ia a lettrr, or in the flrsl lsue of their paper after the letter hits had time to reach us, they should inform as at once. WANTED, a young nun who it a pood ar.d rapid writer, is a Clerk in a Store. Also, a bv to do chorat ia Printing Office.

Apply at this iiflice. The Chronicle Frv We will tend the Chronicle free to January 1, 18CS, to all who with to rxamiiDn it with a view of subscribing, should they be pleated with it. 13.00 will pay for tlie Chronicle to January 1868 to ttaW subscribers. 00 tent vow will psy for the Chronicle for the yrt 186 7 and 1869, to tucb at ere indebted fur the present year. iaie me duwimj sum vy irugisis.

vt lit. Jo.tlvn Son, Barton, Wholesale Agents. cjw'ij A CARD. What is Tarrant's EflerveM-ent Seltzer Aperient and what are its ettecu? lhese are ued)eiu winch the great American public has a right to ak and it hasaNc a right to expect a candid aud catntactorv replv. 1 ie preparation is a mild and gentle saliue alive and tonis and is most caietuliy prepared in the form of a snow white powder, containing all the wonderful medical properties of the far tamed Seltzer Springs of (lermauy.

Of its etfects we would say that thoe who have 1e. ed the preparation are the bet judges, and they de-c'are over their own signatures, that the preparation will promptly relieve indigetiou. Ueuiate the tinw of the bile- Cure every speuiei iff headache, fran-tjuilize the net voii Refresh and the weak. Mitigate the pangs ol Rheumatism. Neutralize acid in the S'oinach.

Cleanse and tone the bowels. the laihng appetite. Cure the heart-burn, Jf you are a sufferer give this remedy one trial, and it will convince vou of the ab-)ve facts. TAUUANT Sole Proprietors, New York. Sold by all Druggists.

Dr J. Ward's Vegetable Kidney Compound The Great Discovery, made at latd. Of a new and never tailing remedy, lor ali diseases of the Kidneys this entirely uew and ceieutitic discovery, cuin prints eight of the most poweriul and restorative ageuts in the vegetable kingdom. No preparation in the form of meiicine, well deserves the name of a specitic. 11.

P. llovl. Johnsborv. Vt- Samuel Hill Jl. Eat t.

A- M. ard. 1. aid wick, Vt. Euclu-e stamp lor Pamphlet and Circular to Dr.

J. Ward Co isoulh llanlwiek, Vt. A repont-ible Aent wanted in every place where Proprieiai MeUicinen are kept. cO 4 KlSHKlfS COLbU JJUOI'S'' Will, if tnken in rewmi, break up any cmii-h, and pn-vent t'oinnmption. Il hue in many cat-s cured the ju -tient when given op t-r Ihe piivieiaii.

and especially recommended to tlioe who are Irmibled witn niglil conglis, as it insure a sweet and r-'freshing sleep. AS(lN', SVMUMW en. Krnnebuiik. Me Proprietors; l.F.O O. tilMlDWIN Sc Itoftun, I Agi-nlB.

Sold hy all druggists. cW-Uj THi-. WISE MEN OF THE LASD, The Diviue, the l'hysician, the Ju lge tf DiltY IS THEIU OWN. IlOMM, A.ND RECOMMEND Tu all Invalids and SutTerera From Dyspepsia. Sick HeadRche.SnnrSlomnoh.

Cnftieenoi-. lleartlinrn. Indignation, files. Hillions Attacks. JiTer Complaints (jont and Hheumatkr Atfctionr SATUKE'S UW CREAT AND GOOD UEMEDY.

AURA NT'S Effervescent Seltzer Aperient, As the Bst ami Mi'st Keliitlile Meilieine Ever offered to the people for the above cIbss of diseases. The nursing bahe. its brothers and sii'ters, iis and grand parents, will all find this remedy well adapted for their different complaints. Jlanufactnred only by TAKKA.M' i ITS (ire' nwich ltrl Warren St N. F'ursaic hy all iJruggisis.

cis -7 THE ENGLAND E00T AND SHOE HOUSE. TUK VEItMUST TltADK Are eordially Invited viaft IIEXTEIi WHOLESALE BOOT A Fill IF. WA KEII'U'sK 5 ITanover Street, All Uoodi warranted. No Auetlon Stock. Only most reliable makes pi.

ne. fresh anl clean. Trices i'own with th- tine a. LOOK UKFUKK YOU PCV. I).

DEXTER Co. Boston, Nov. 15, 1SG7. S. G.

BOWDLEAR i IH.Al.EUS IX IP Jl No. mk 19 STATE STRKKT, IKCTOX "Cole's and Columbus" Flour. Itye Flour. Itbltrd Indian Meal. Cracked A heBt.

llecker Farina. Oat Heal l'earl lurley. (lat Flour. Kye Meal. csjo-U Peirlrd Wheat Wheat

hiie I iril Flour hiin-Kned Com Meal lluckuheut Flour. Hominy and simp. Maizena and Corn Starch. Farm for Tin robucrlter ihra to sell his farm or 14il acres, ituated one mile from the litate School, also three churches. Bint orlice, atorea, Ac.

and three milea from Kailroad station. There is a large orchard yielding from 100 iot of suirmr spples per year, II rat rata sugar orchar-J of iA or trees, acres of Hoodland i a one itmjt lrnuee in repair, one barn 8fi by 40. one 34 by 44 with basements, eirn barn, hop house and other out building a. Also about 80 acres of back pasture. The liiy, etock and tools will be sold with the lariu, or without as desired K.

OKAM.ER. IUNUOLru, Nov. 4, IMT. ca40tf Farm for Sale. fn ke euliacrilier offers fr sale his farm located a'wt ore 1 mile above llartlai Fonr Orn-rs.

oi the n.unty ro.ul trailing Iron) Windsor to HoiHh Wwtstoek. mnslsting of lit a.rea Buildings In good repair well wo1.d an.l well need near a school. Plenlv of good water. For partlculaia enquire of JOMF.lil It. OKI on tho premlaea.

HarUamt, A. l.Vh. lfAT cJ-Hf PERSIAN 1IEALINC, SOAP. rariKTED ataat 12, Many nf our most eminent physlciaiupronooiirs" 80AF the best ever used lor Ihe Toilet. Nursery nsin.

all Eruptions ol the Skin. Chapped lianda. Sail Ulieum, Diseased Scalp, AN AtiF.NT WANTKO In each town nrrountT-WHIm ake It for th Interest of a good, energetic man to take It. Address, A. A.

CONST A ll.v aao'tr Jo Nassau Bt New York (y- Tlio runoplM for November. This amber eontalnt the arennd part of the Review of Dr. Pnrlf Memoir, Which It peclally lntereUn reference to the An lover mlnary. It has of awttaet Disciple," by a member ef tbe law. Letters te the people, and other papers of gTfl atue.

Ihuaa who with teaalieorlhetothe new eolirme, eotn aaeadni January 1, are eenieatly oValretl to ksrward tkrlr name i at once. ViU per anaum. Mete, tingle enriF. Car. HOODT, rebllsherj WaahlngWit tret Bottoa.

A0KNT9 WAVTK.r-lfl to fSO a nT. to Introduce oat new pats-nt STAR KIM1 ACHINJ-Prlot tD. It two threads, and makea the genoaae Imo BTrrrn. All other kiw-prtoesl machine make the Cnat iTtifil, Fel.l termor flven. enl tor elf calara, W.

O. WILSON A CO. Ciaavf uan, Oare. C1KJMIAL TTCTraOr YRMTfortlt Tt at the Newbtry Bk Store and atitbe OBee.

Windsor. i I i i 1 i.

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