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The Iola Register from Iola, Kansas • Page 6

The Iola Registeri
Iola, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

6 iFnlly Sixty lolii Peopife Visited That i Town Yesterday. i Sunday is usualJy a quiet day In tola but yesterday i( was unusally od account of so mary (Toing to 'arsons and)to picnics in the woods The Parsons going cirowd began to gather as as iJo and the first bus load left at 8 oVjlock. The other two loads were not so Hvrift in in'' however, and many grew nervous for fear they would msssltbe train at Humboldt. But of course it was late and instead of leaving at 10:40 it was wearer 12. The time df waiting was spent in the.

Riverside Park at Humboldt listening to the GUs City orches: tra play- The excursion train of fcbirteen cars was when it ireached Humboldt more managed to crowd on there-and all the way iibwn the line big crowds were picked iip and by the time the train reached destination people Ivere packed in Jike sardines. It was a. sober crowd, though, going down and good and everyone seemed to enjoy being pushed and shoved and squeezed. 'Parsons was reached about 1 o'qlock and a dive was made for the hotels, restaurants and eating bouses. These were apparently unprepared for such a crowd and many people waited until as late as o'clock before getting anything to eat.

Then i(Pbe -crowd scattered most ot. them going to the ball game between Che soldiers of Riley and the team at Par- ball game was good for just one Ft Riley went to the bat first and got a shut out. An error gave -Parsons a run but in the second inning Riley scored two ob errors, while was shut In the third Ft. Riley scored.five times, fully four them being on errors vwhile Parsons Managed to get one ruq on an error. fourth inning was belter Ft.

Riley only scoring once while Parsons got a goose egg. In the fifth Riley scdN ed twice and Parsons got her last run giving her a total of three. Ft. Riley scored four times in the last four innings making her total 14. It was a game ot errors nearly all the way through.

Parsons had, an imported from Coffeyvillo who. was considerably overrated. Before the game ihey backed him heavily but after the inning it was impossible to get a Ft. Riley had an extraordinarily man in the bos, a young Root, good speed and good curves will go into the league next year he can-secure his dis- )harge from the army. He has only Served, one year.

Only about 500 peo- saw the game but itwas an orderly and jis the wasn't there wa.s very little ex- iMtem4nt of "any kind. But coming bacic was "ohatjged. Tliere was of exclte- vnent and any kind you wanted. In- of a thousand good naturod, people there were 300 Jsober ones and the rest were howling A numl of them drunk on alcohol and the result was a number of tights in which fellows were icut up with bfer bottles. It was a imotley lyowd made op, of drunk men, "sober men, black meq, pretty girls, ugly girls, good girls; and girls whO iwere not so good.

It was a noticeable (act that very ftw married were the Experience has taught them better and a number of the young who were on the.train yesterday iwill probably never go' on another ex- ff But were enough to make the whole crowd ap- drunk and the sblier men did riot Jen joy the return trip. Parsons is a pretty town and the people there treated the visiitors very much regard. They were The "EYen Unallty" OK tThe "PineasSak" Cigar is what makes good smokers appreciate it. They are all the same quality, and the quality is always good. There are no "bad" "Fine as Silk" cigars.

For Sale ETerywhere. J. I rianufacturer, I lOLA, KANSAS. accomodating to the highest degree and no stranger asked for any favor but he got it. Sunday ball games are apparently not in favor as very few home people attended the game.

li Hiii mmmn One Saturday and Another One Yesterday. An Old Head On Young Isn't always of wisdom, as takes to make matf the high-class worki done at the lola your experience of ragged edges and -spread eagle button holes and streaked shirt- fronts, the beauty of our finish and color, as well as Hcrviee, will make the, wise head rest easy, for you can't 'match work any where. lOU STEAM LAUNDRY E. Dr. Cox was called to the Cement plant yesterday evening to give medical assistance to Phillip Moss, who a sun stroke.

Mr. Moss is a carpenter and was working in the sun stroke came. He was unconscious for over an hour with coDstant cramps all the time and suffered very much. He is feeling much better today and will suffer no serious results. He is an old resident of the county having for a number of years been post master at Moran and has many friends who will be glad to learn that there will be no serious result.

PROSTRATION SATURDAY. Miss Etta Conley was prostrated with the heat Saturday. She works at the lola Steam Laundry and soon after returning to work at noon she began complaining of being sick. She rapidly grew Vvorse, suffering intense pain. and Mrs.

Newton did what they could to relieve her but she became so bad that Dr. ('hasiain was called. He applied restoratives and after some time relieved the pain but she was not able to be Saken borne until o'clock in the evening. The attack proved to be but temporary and Miss Coflley was able to report for duty this morning all right. I Notioe to Gas Cwisnniei-s.

The ordinances of cky of lola provide that when any connections or disconnections, changes or.alterations of gas mains or pipes are the same shall be inspected by the city Gas Inspector and no consuraer of gas is allowed to use gas without bavins: first obtained from the Inspector a certificate showing that the required inspection has been, make, and that it Is safe to use the gas. This ordinance was passed to protect the and property of the people, I have lately found a number of connections which were made by unauthorized persons and had not been inspected and which were leaky and defective to a dangerous degree, and I 'hereby give notice that hereafter I will prosecute any person found using the gas without holding a cerliticaie of inspection, i C. Potter. City Gas Inspector. Notice to Coutrartoi-s.

Sealed proposals will be received until 8 ra. of Tuesday. July 23, 1901, for furnishing material and building the foundation for a Methodist Episcopal church at Gas City, Kansas. For plans and specifications apply to F. S.

McKelvey. Superintendent, or W. M. Smith, Secretary of Board. Gas City, Kansas.

DISTRICT No. 38. Mabt Moohb, Correspondent. Mrs Thompson of New Scotland and Mrs Bakef of called at More's last Tuesday. Mrs More is improving slowlj.

Di-. Broder of Els-iuore attending phy- sjcau. Ingels threshed last Friday. Mr? Ingeis brother from Illinois is vi-it-ing her at present. Benton More cut Mores llax last week.

Mrs Sallie Campbell called on Tlios Cation last Friday. The Leanna baseball niiit: played New Scotland nine last Saturday resulting '20 to IS in favor o1 Leanna. How is the Ticket Does it suit you Well, we are not all alike, yoti know, in this world, and it is hard to, please, everyone, but the favor is unanimously for Dr. Caldwell's Syrup as it is guaranteed to cure Constipation. Indigestion, Sick Fead'ache and Stomach Trouble.

Sold by Qbasl B. Spencer JtCo. ITBB, MUJNDVT trOLY I90i Ills iY II ill Albert Merrill by: a Doir Which Very Likely la Hniferlnir flroni Hydrophobia. Yesterday afternoon Albert Merrill, a boy of seven whom Jesse north of town, is raising was. playing with their dog.

He in way angered the animal and the infuriated beast attacked the boy knocking him down and pouncing on his head. He bit him savagely cutting four large gashes in his head every one pi them going clear to the bone. One' cut on the top was circular in shape and the scalp was cut loose around a place some two or three inches in jameter. Dr. Shadwick was called and.

dressed the wounds and the boy is up and around to-day. The serious feature of the'case is that the dog was shot in the back about ten days ago and while it is not known for certain it is thought that he has hydrophobia, since his vicious attack on the boy. Should it develop that-he has the case will prove very serious. To be on the safe side Mrs. Rosenberg will take Albert to Ft.

Scott to-night- whert there is-a mad stone and have it applied in the hopes that if the dog is? mad the boy's life can be saved. This same dog has tried to devour the boy twice before- and he carries a scar over one eyebrow and another on his check as a result. It would seem that such dogs are a little dangerous- tb have around children, FRANCE CELTIC OR LATIN? Arvament of an BnKllahiqMW That Ap. peara to Adult of No patittloM. An Englinhraan, MTiting to the editor of London Spectator, "In connection with the recent visit of the Italian fleet to Toulon there have been many references In the European press to a renewal of the eii- tente cordiale between two 'Latin' nations.

It may be of some interest to inquire in what sense the term 'Latin' can be correctly applied to the whom, almost in the same: many people are apt to deaeribe as a people. One thing is certain, that in blood the Kot be at the same time both 'TLxtm' ai 'Celtic' Yet the rnconsistenifry not seem fcwstrike pvoplr. "I think that, although Pk 'OTence the Frwnch have little or nc Latin In their veinsv the explanation of being descril as a 'Eatiu' race to be found in the fact that their Jaiiguage and ciTilization ai-e both 11 no longer permissible- to hold- that thcr FrtMioh arc mainly 'Celtic' in lood, the view being now acccptecS that the binlk of the population in Franoe is ofa anil nrobably of Iberian or Vnd this-view seems to hold good also Irelanii and At Cost and Less! Themometer Klsht Milea Cp. The exploraton of the air by means of balloons carrying self-registering is pursuwl wish much vigor in Europe, On February 7 there were. BinviltaneouK from numy points, extending froni to and Uussio, Oho manned near PariH- reaciled an clevatioji.

of iroi much short of. eight The tempcra-i ture. of the air at that shown b3' self-registering thcrmbra- was 67 degrees below zero, Another near Berlin found the same- temperature at an elevation 10,000 feet less. These experiments are expected to thsrow much light on the laws of storms audi of atmospheric circulation. STORY TELLER'S LOST CHANCE Had a CmA Mlnat-O.

a. Glortooa OpportojkJtjr Iib- It. Walsh, of the Ujilvetsitjj of Pennsylvania, saw the Passion Play at OberammiTgau, and one evening lately he entertained a party of friends with his impressions.of the Sipoclacle, relates the Philadelphia Rectird. "One day while we were staying there." he said, "my sister and 1 were on bridge that crossed a stream, when we noticed a picturesq'iie Tyrolean peasant on the bank. He amis a big, handsome handsome a spicimen of physical manb 'obd as 1 thi ik I have ever seen.

He saw that we were watching him, and he returned the compliment by sizing up, and ismiling. My sister was carrying a pai asol, and this slipped from her hand an( fell into the stream below. "The big peasant, without a mo- me It's hesitation, waded out into the Waier, rescued the parasol, and re- tuijned it to us. We learned later that he was one of the Passion Play actors, taking the characterof St. John.

Quite an interesting experience, wasn't it?" ''Oh, I don't know." remarked one of the doctor's friends, whose bump of veneration is not largely develoi)e6. "If I had been telling the storyl should have made the fellow play part of fit. PeteK In that case he might have simply walked out on the water for the parasol instead of wading in and getting wet." PanialiiiBeBt of Merit. "You have been SiO careful of your clothes. Tommy," said his mother, approvingly, "that they have lasted a long time, and you have grown a full inch since you began to weajr that suit.

The coat and irpuaerS; has oatgrown will jasi flt now, and.yiau shall, Tiribtrae, One thousand pairs of shoes that must be sold in the next thirty days regardless of cost. The greatest bargains that have ever been offered to the public. While they last at any old price. Come while sizes are complete. THE NEW YORK STORE A RUSSIAN SALT.

Fotind In Coirper Kiaea and Km in Chemical Pkrfaaee aa Malachite, Aaatrlte, Bte. There is a strange kind of salt, which is blue and green and pink and other colors It is not at all like table salt aod is not salt to the taste. It is found in copper mines, and is used to ornameni chairs and cabinets and so the Chicago Chronicle. The largest and finest pieces of this strange substance are taken from the mines of Siberia, and it was the Eussians who flTst found a way of using it. That required a great deal 6f thought and patientte, for the substance cannot be melted and it Sreaks easily.

The only way to prepare it for use is to slice it into thin strips, join the strips together with cement and polish the surface. When this is done it- looks like dark with tts wavy lines and changrtrfinl color effects. The chemical name for this sub- Blance carbonate uf copper, lor it is' formed of carbonic acid and copper. Huwever. the green variety is known to dealers in it as and the kind IS called azuritc.

In some of the clmrehes in Itussia thero large eolnnina of malachite, which look aa soiM as marble and far handsomer. In Versailles, near Paris, thcrt is a room in which tlie furniture and mantels are made of this same Bait- AKHrite, bciNuise it is more brittle Chan malachite, is less used. First devil been here is now writing a book on China, Second Uoxer the powers sentence UH- to read VnfurtanBte. Hpw gTHJiA the tirst lime piiovss to bo Of everything that's nice! The -worst of it seems Is that it-can't cume twice. Topics.

mk a turn. toe itf Qpn st'CHt. SINGIE BINDER Here Are Some Qood Things to Eat Which we want every family in lola to try. We will guarantee that you; will be pleased with the result. Chase Saflberi's High Grade Coffee, Celebrated Home Qoeen Floor, Swansdown Cake Floor, All Kiods of Olifesaod Pickles, All Kinds of Jellies and Preserveii, Nice Line of Breakfast Foods, soch as Cream of Wheat, Scotch Oats, Shreded Wteat Kscoit, Grape Nats, Morrell's Iowa Pride Hams and iiacon.

We haven't time or space to tell jou more but you will find that we always carry the best line of Good Things to THE fiOOD THINGS OF LIFE at Helton's New Store on East Madison Avenue, Not all of them, of course, but everything in the line of Candies, Fruits, Etc. New ice cres'm parlor lately added. C. C. HELTON.


5 MADISON lOLA, KANSAS. Montana 1 Writes: "The meals served i I in the dining car on The Call- fornva Limited are delicious wf I and the service excellent. A magnihcent I am not riding on a Every day Chicago to Los Angeles Aad San Francisco. aanta Fe R. A.


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