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Vermont Standard from Woodstock, Vermont • 1

Vermont Standardi
Woodstock, Vermont
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i 0 VOL. 33. NUMBER 31. WHOLE NO. 1056.

WOODSTOCK. VERMONT, OCTOBER 0, 1890. TERMS. $1,25 PER YEAR. Wtiis Hivs Juaxuoo.

Kaaal llariiarU. In taesnlitne, ba gone on iU lo l.rr Mrs. Marry, Unl Taft. Mis Trry The Vermont Standard. vi tfiit km IH.U 1 1 ri M.

1 Lasjtatativ Procadinn. The w. sthrr rftmrttif llieps.l of the about th as Is. I arsMiti. TlH-i-e the S.I in.

I Atvonhng 1- i.i 11,. Imils Ilie lh dsv Our Waalilniiton I.cttor. tVl Uh WritraMilav at HUH it. I 1 I.I, wa hi.liiifbt In a tliisr rn-at In liu antra 111 sr- ol ts-ss ta.tin unlit Ut, iolli tit Hist iUi li.e -sen lis pttard tw Isrifl toll bv r- tt I'lUM'h, snd Pi tlgiyw sutintt sn ot miinlw-r tf minor sit.l long l.t fit nominal itma. A isle Pit.

1, 1, ill ai itoiitoirs nrt Ibr ilriiHl risiir aiih. ol II, aiiitu al fiedge, iletU'fd that Itir laidt a. In. si suit Ilia la.t tUtsul Ihe thl'ate tin llm lanft lull lit ll S-italr wrnt lar trt triiirtni-e Hi viaiiot III Ihe allrtie. that llirta wa

idrralils liitllt in His iln Isrslinn. i he Ihfrr reptitMii an arnatni wlm tnlr.l Aijaimt the lull wets di.tittf il ever the tli tt ion ol hitntet-s twin in Ilie a. tiriliilc 7 a 11I a mil nol tiring ciitnigh In Ihe way til prole, linn, tllhir wr.letn si-tialma were, hut ynlnl for the lull sa a whole latltrr than tun sur n.k ol hihinij tlirmsny nthrr rt-ally gxiJ poilitt. 'l ite hill la sa g'Xiil sa could 1st made, itni.itlrrntg the ttisitv ihirr.itied itilrre-la to he eotrred, and lbs rnlin counlrv st ill sunn ll-ci the tiMiilrllrl la ol it. Nrter lit Ihe iitcinm til Ihe tihitsl in-hshilsnla hna s.hiitgluit been anquiik Iv dr.ertrd lit- liu- law-niakria tvl'llte cspt lot sa st I lie mil ut Ihe smn ju.l t'loaed illsuy of Ihe acnatni lell niinieihalely slirr Ihe vole nn Ihs tsritl lull, while the mriuhers nf the llott.e coitiniriusd tit retreat Iweiilr-liiur hntira lirlore.

Sis montha sgo (lis ilrttiiH talic rniigie.anteit were ttihilanlly foiititlent Ihitl Iht-y would Uaujfblei, Mr, t'ailrr, la Mr. sikI Mra. lienjaialu Walker of Ctitr-ago iria several days last werk al t.rreife'a. After an abaeiH of Iwrnty-sli years they fliul Wood' slot much improved and uittre cbarra lug: tlnu ever.

It X.V.t.. a 111 meet on Moudsy tienlnc the Uib al 7.30 o'clock In rliaiael of lira CbiUtian rliunh. Toide. Soldirra. what shall Aalit? How get Ilie victor) Horn IS; I iTioi.

3: 3. William O. Taylor lo buy ll ibosaeud boalacls ciderppies any lime sfirr Wetlires'ay, October 14. lie will sy ilgliteen mils a bushel for tln-in. Mr.

Vail and family closed their unmier home iu Ibia village ou Wed iiesday and kft fur I he city of Ne Voik, Miss May all has gone to Wellealcy onlli-jfe. Mr. Silckney, architect, was lu own Munday, to look over plans and arrangriuenta for the new hotel. Also tie ha In bsud lo prepare a plan for a totnb to the new cemetery That part of F. C.

Houlhgaie's liuuae ou I he common, occupied by Mr. Hmwii is undergoing great changes, and repairs. The east wing Is wholly Hiilrd, but the new sflalr when com pleivd, will be a dociddd liniirovtfindiit on I he old. If I he next Sunday bara ball game 'in the hollow" ou Ml. Peg Is to be as good ai la-t SiiikU) 'a game, within the aouiid of live cbiin-h bulls, wont the home mU-luiiary step ovrr and get the acuie fur and the names of the Sun day ulni? Sir.

Graham ami aasociata are In town bnaily engatced lit making some of the final arrangenieuis for the com pliMloii of their elaboiale History of Wimlaor County. Several matters of contiihrable importance rcuiaiu yet to tccoinpiished before lbs work will i ready lor ha press. 0. 1). Kimball has bought the Capt Uurnm house on the common and in.

lends to move it down lo Kimball attwt, so called, meaning the street that ettenda from Lincoln street lo I'lvuHAiit street near Mr. Kimball's house, lie will remodel and improve the thirties house and put it in coin-foriahle shape for a tenement to rent. llo wl 1 soon have the place ready for occupancy. This I a move in the right dit cdum. Tenement houses are scarce in the village.

Al'ier a long absence from Ibis part of tho world Col. E. M. Brown, now of Dukola, la visiting the scenes of his former labois. Colonel llrown was for twelve years edllot of the Spirit of the Age, and po.tinaster In this village for some time in connection therewith.

He left Wondntock at the opening of the Civil war, and has resided West ahice that lime. Dining the campaign ot lfliU the Colonel was a Dotijrlas democrat. The Capt. Barms house that Mr. Kimball has lately buught, is part of the Sylvester place, which Mrs.

Sylvester and her daughters Susau and June, used to occupy in former cars. Jane grew to be very tall, and this part now culled the Barnes bouse was put up by the family, because, as Charles Filch said, Jane had grown out of the old house. Monday morning (hey began work on the new hotel, dcmiilUhlng some of ihoMold barns in Ilie rear of the main building, perhaps without expressions of regret on the pait of any one. The bums had ceased to be ornamentul, and Ilie Iu of their ancient, u'hllke smell will not be legretted by tlmso travelling that way. Up.

idea the removal of these two barm, work has commenced in tearing down the ell part of the Gallup house, a portion of which, however, will be left Handing through the winter. The barn a little westerly of this ell will be removed. As soon as the hotel kitchen ii toru away and the grounds cleaned up, Mr. Lot wood will be ready to begin work on the front wall of the new hotel, which ia to be laid In the rear of llic preaent building and about forty feet back from the tide walk on Ilie Park. The new Creamery Is to begin opo-tations next week, as appears by the Allowing notice Isiued to Intending patron Woodstock, Vt Oct.

0, 1890. JJotlr ia hereby given to tnoe who have pledged Ilie cream of their cows to ihe Creamery that the cream gatherer will call npou them on Monday next, October 1:1, for 'team and regalarly llrereaftcr, probably every other day. All are renieslcd lo be ready. The Diiectora have reason to expect a gratifying success if palmns do iheir psrt and furnish cream of firs! quality, it is especially nrged that the milk be kept abaolulely free of all contaminating substance and that all ihe processes, from Ihe stable lo the creamer, and ihe surroundings of the latter, be clean and sweet. We have engaged a holier maker of nrririence and bigh reputailou and be will arrive lo day.

lu betalf of the Directors. Ll Tima O. Gums. President. TmTtarUla- 1 in.

in ..1, IU-V. Mr MC.MIIiao wm Mrs. Georgians lie. kail of Norn 11 and I snis Wlui.vinili of Olmil rail were Ihf I'leMa idnr broihri. l.aa hilouiu, ovrr F.

I. liravea wo year-old etilt lis. been having lira i-retsilmg diatrmpr-r quite bsrd, svlilell pit reuUul lain being lakrn to the Wot 1, Fair at TunbrKlge laat week. The direclora -f llm Kat Itarnatd Chrx ae Faeloi Ciint.any met laat Sal unlay and sgrmxi upon a location, and hare bouglil Itio old llelknsp store lo lie liaii.tortnril into a ehenae factory. Hooh tar.

Kvcl) Wt bbt-r went lo Sal- nriiav. a in-re sue nui rrinaiu tor while. Ileait sr. gelling quite iiumerou Henry Wing aw one oil his farm laat week. Julia Trssk hau reiunied to Iloaton for the winter.

Rev. Mr. Tuttlo preached at the I'ui-veraallat cbuivh laat Sunday. VVaaton. Alice Adam of Coinicllo, wa called here last week 011 acoouui ol the lllnesa of her father, Austin Adams, who died Monday, the bill, al the age of 80 yoar and 8 mouth.

Rev. Mr. Mcfieorg is holding a se ries of revival meetings this week at the Baptiat cburcli. C. J.

Wiualiip of Dauby waa iu town over Sunda) Mrs. Nancy Kosiof Rutland is spending a few week here. Dr, II, II. Howe and wild visited in Sprinv'tleld lam week. A few of the neighbors and friends of Ainazlah French and wile gave lliem a little mrpriae party Saturday evening, it being the UUtli anniversary of their marriage.

HarUand. Nancy Durliug has gone to Wilming ton, N. where she hus seen led a position as teacher. The Univeraali.t loelotv will hold a sociable In tiraiige Hall Tuesday even ing, Oct 21. ltcfra.hinonU will be served, after which all who wish can participate in dancing.

T. A. Boardniau and wifo have been visiting Iu town. Mrs. C.

C. Thornton has been spend ing a few daya in W'ealhorsticld. Andrew M. Stevens has boen visiting friend) In town. Denis Flowers lost a good cow lust week.

It ia supposed she had been poisoned by some nnknown rascal. Beading. The funeral of Wallace W. Keves took place Monday afternoon at the Hotel 111 llainmoniuviue. air.

neves was born in Jteatling, July and has been a resident of the town all hi life with the exception of about seven vesra iu the West wheu a young man, Most of his life was pasted on the farm where he was horn. He was IG1I1 Vermont mill lis. Ho waa also a member of the lo calG. It. Post.

He hold iheollkes of town clork and justice of the pence for 17 years, and wa representative lo the legislature in 18. He joined the Masonic traternity in jtocktord, 111., iu ISM. Those who knew Mr. Keyes best loved and respected him for all those qualities which combine to make the good citizen, and those who saw only the btiHinom side of his life es teemed and honored him for the man liness and fidelity with which he un charged his public duties. A large delegation of people attended the funeral.

The ftervices were conducted by itcv. Mr. Reardon of Ludlow. A large dele-nation of Masons were pres ent, and accompanied lha remains to the cemetery at South Reading where usual burial ceremonies of the order were conducted by L. C.

Pai khurst of Windsor. FslahvUi. C. N. Hook and wile, and David Huttiliitni and M.

Newton wile are in Boston tin week. Ed Fisher and wife who have boen spending the week at Perkinsville have returned to Mr. Sawyer's. Mr. aud Mrs.

ltodgers are spending a few aecka at Woodstock. Mrs. Harriet Amsdcu who has been visiting her daughter at Windsor has returned home. Mrs. Lacy Cook of East Cambridge, Is visiting friends iu town.

Miss Blia of Claremont, who Is vis iting ber cousin Mrs. Perkins is quite sick. Mr, Stewart is on the sick I it Isaac Glynn and wife of Saxlons River recently visited his sister Mrs, Gilbert. Mis. Worcester of W.

'Windsor has been visiting her mother Mr. Amsden. Elrner Twouibly of Boston Is in town. I). P.

Sawyer has sold his grist mill lo Fred Wbittaker of West Windsor. A match game of base ball was played laat Saturday on Ii. F. Stearns' meadow between me rciciiviue nine and Cavendish nine. Felchville nine gained the victory, 20 to H.

Mrs. MelvluaGoddard of Lexington, sister of Mra. Kcyes, is ing a few days lu town. Iter. A.

Ileald aud r. II. Stearns at tended a meeting at Ml. Holly last week. Ferdinand Hawkins of litis town, who is 2 years ot axe, has dug about two hundred bushel of pot sloes this fall, picking up uesriy all of them, and lias wheeled them lo the house.

II. C. Searlet, the evangelist who wss in tbi place some time last summer, arrived In town again last Salnr- lsv accompanied with his wire. II holds meetings in this village, al 1 1 sin-mondsville and So. Reading.

There wa a large attendance st the meeting of th. Blue Ribbon Club last Saturday evening and interesting re msiks were made by Mr. and Mrs. Sesrlea, and Iter. A.

Ileald. The Club will meet as usual on baturday eve ai 7 o'clock. Mr. Dttubsr ipiaoinfed a teacher's meeting' to be held at the scbool-house at FeUJivill. Saturday Oct.

IX, all teacher, mra requested to be preaent. Baa Ba-Uwi. Mia Alice Gilford baa relumed front dK White mountain. Mr. N- Whittier and two children of Bsrre, have been the recent guc.ts of her couata Mrs.

F. Wight. R. Denton and wife arc viaiting friends in New York state. The frtrntl off).

B. Howe of Roabory were pleased to tee him laat week. Ilia. Georgi Huae of North Truro ia spending a tew week with Mra. Andrew Camp.

Hoars Kill aWd early Munday morning aftrr sa fllneaa of thr-- yeara, lie a. UuVea las keene tor bunal. out Poanfrw Rarv. (i. W.

Wright of Barnard wii! preaar-b fcatulay rb at lb Hail is this place sa: at 4 rixsti. a Mrs. 8. M. Pingree, who baa born a loni' lltne suH-rr-r Irmu alraecaacs, died al lUnfiird Vt ediioaday Week.

Mr. 8. K. iloutolle Is having a visi from her siairr of llo.toii. Alius llou-lelle went to Kearx Junction to sml Suuday wllu her staler, Mrs.

Mtrpard. Th entire community was pained on Friday to learn by telegraph of Ilie ar flictioit I list liefell lawyer Jainiis (i, Harvev ami wile while 011 a visit to an iii-le iu New Jeiaev, in the sudden death of their bright little boy ante- On Thursday morning Ira waa taken wilh a filghtful paiu in his head, from which he sank lulu a stuitor and uncon sciousness, with occasioual spells of screaming and threaliina Willi pain. Medical al lance anonlett uo relief, and he died at midiilg lit fourteen hour after the first attack. Mr. and Mrs.

Harvey came noma wllu Ihe re main of iheir darling ou rtday. I tie funeral was on Sunday afternoon, at tended by Rev. C. II. rarnsworth, and Interment was made In the Maple Street cemetery.

Mav aud Mils Huiitoou are spending an outing uf a week or ao at Charlea- town. Mr. J. K. Chase and two daughters have spoilt fow day at St.

Albans. Mrs. Finke has returned from Michi gan, and soon expects to go to her farm ill Xorthfiuld to spend the winter. Mrs. Burroughs, who has been (top ping with her daughter, Mr.

A. Davis, aevcral weeks, returned home to Itloxer on Saturday. Capt. A. W.

Davis attended the an nual reunion or ma company at Viewport, Friday evening. Tho elght-weeks-nld baby of Mra, Charles Jeuks died Friday. The other night thirty-one sealed touches of mail matter bound from 'anada to New York were transferred by clerk J. P. Aiken.

The amount of mail handled here i almost enormous. Arthur W. C. Latham and wife are spending a few day in Wlncliondoii, Masa. George.

Bailey, who left hi family a year ago, wa in town on Monday. -tennie Mann of Olcott is book-keeper at the laundry. Henry W. Tewksburv' lecture Mon day evening was a masterpiece of fact and thought. Quarterly meeting at the Methodist church next bund 11 v.

when it Is expect ed the presiding elder will be present anu mai suvcrut win unite Willi ine church. Mrs. Charles Nason and daughter of Mollne, are visiting at O. A. tans.

Mrs, Lovcno and Mrs. Randall, sen- are to be employed in the overall facto ry at Jebauon next week. Rev. C. II.

Fariisworth la in Noilh- flekl. Mr. Dr. Allen, senior, is visiting her son In llenniker, N. II.

Miss J. S. Taft In Manchester, N. attending a missionary meeting as a delegate. OwywvlUu.

Hon. C. C. S111I1I1 was at home Sun day. Wlllard Gay and wife of West Ran dolph were iu town last week.

Mrs. Baker has relumed from her visit in New Hampshire, and hag mov ed into the boarding bouse. Mrs. Ella Teimey is working at Wal ter Mills'. Mrs.

E. B. Kimball of Burlington called on friends In town lust week. Mi s. Sumner French spent last week in KoVHlton with Iter sou.

J. M. Clay has three potatoes of the l'rldo of the Valley variety wlucn weigh six pounds and two ounces. Mr. McLauKhlln is having the house on the Slock farm shingled.

Itv. B. W. At well. General Mission ary of ihe Diocese, held service iu the M.

cliurcn rrinay evening. Mrs. Arlette Packard spent last week at John Cutler's. R. C.

West will begin his singing school Fiiduy evening. Mabel Smith spent Sunday at home. Mrs. Waller Mills Is sick with pneu monia. Henry Brouglitoii has returned from the Wesl.

Dr. Bhuichard and wife of West Randolph were in lowu Sunday. Mrs. Hiram Kimball is visiting in Burlington. Mrs.

Bartlctt Tacirsrt nicked a rose iu her garden Saturday. Austiu Thomas Is painting bis house. Lizzie Angell Is working for Sardine Cowdrey. Rev. Mr.

Thornton of Northfield preached at the Uuiversalist church Sunday. Proo tors rills. Matrgie and Nellie Mahonev went to Rutland Fridav niirht to attend an Satur day the funeral of a friend. Mra. O.

Sykes of Chicago is visiting old friends snd acquaintances. Westher reports for the month of Sep tember last past, observations taken at clock each morning mean temperature K4.81 degrees, highest on the 13th 71 degrees, lowest on 15th degrees. There were 17 dsys and parts of days marked beautiful. II day and part of dav rainy, and eight night in which rain fell more or less, Mr. Wight drove on Tuesdsy laat to Brsttleboro to visit her daughter where the i joined by the Rev.

thi week. Hon. II. A. Fletcher and A.

S. Bur-bank were home from Montpelier over Sunday. Mary Pollard ha returned to her home. Rob. Foster ha gone to Perkinsville to take charge of the mill while his brother-in-law is away.

J. R. Seaver haa resumed work at the depot much improved in health. Mrs. For bush is in Brattlcboro viaiting her daughter rs.

Grout. lAditrw. The 9 yesr old ton offoseph Goodrich, who resides on the farm of W. II. II.

Chspmsn, Sonth Hill, fell from the high beam of the bam some fifteen feet to the floor, striking partly oa his side. One tide of his he-ad. however, earns in contact with the floor wilh such fotre Uist it nearly severed on ol his ears from hia head. It was at ft rat thought h. could nut survive but a short time, but it it now thought be may pull Th youngater was attempting the (eat c4 crossing on one of the bare poles that croaaed from one high beam to the other, the result being, that he lost his balance and fell.

A a fort load of young people aome 17, both being shout evenly divided, while returning from Train Bearer Sun day morning than Bight, were ataatled by aom young leilowa "of the baser tort" who thought they had been -cold shooldrred" kr the ttrw rdert, with a fusillade of rotten err. All aenti- 1 It r-rtainly all having the sense of aanelling. mail cnaranrt-is 1'oa swot at grtting irrn cowardly, sot to aay sa ao.a.ory way, to say th Iraat, T. S. bordoa haa joat pot a ae iroa rate, oa threat ttdrs of his front yard.

Bring tpaitat arnotsarotal ia draign. it 4da Terv snuch to his facto-, dwelling the moat casatiy prtrtaably, of say ia th place. W. I'. Hi.1..

in awl J. M. Marty Mrs. M. A.

Marrv i spending a few dais at Mount Holly, Aaron Halt baa moved into a part of Henry Porter a lioose. I'anlrl Talt has raiaed berta in his tardea whirl niea.ur) over I lm he. in rirromlrmire. Ha ssys be ran tell lha rrnjfih as lie has not seen the oilier end of ilrrtn, but duo llilnk II will be mora lb. or 10 feel.

Mr. Tart Is ft rars ot age, but it would purle lite lounger men to brat una a a gameiirr Mr. and Mr, tieorve Unwell of So Columbia, N. siient buiiday with bis sister Mrs. J.

T. eiisoo. Mrs. Frank Iluike of Harllsud and May hhort of Leominster, viai led frieuda here last week. Several from here attended the teacher's meeting at Woodsrock last Our vounir nooule enjoyed a very pleasant evening al Waller haslmau's ol llartlaiid last 1 uesday evening.

Mrs. J. C. Parker was called to Ken tucky laat Saturday by the Illness of her daughter, Mrs. It.

La. Lallaliau. Mrs, Sarah LaiTabee and Mra Frluk are lu Springfield, Mars. Several from this village attended he husking at Mrs. Porter's ou Mon day evening.

POMKMCT. lie. J. F. Simmons will preach at Pom fret Cenlre next Sunduy at m.

Instead of S.30 as formerly. The pub lic luvited. Wast Woodstook. There was a very quiet wedding at the residence of Mr. 8.

o. rHuslow on Ihe morning of Oct. 2d, the contracting parties being Mr. Edwin Marsdeu of Ottawa, Canada, and Miss Nellie Harrows' of this place. The ceremony was performed by Hev.

Mr. Kidder aftrr which the young couple left for their home in laliock, Ottawa. Mrs. I toss Cooledge and son of Rut land are here to spend a few weeks, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Smith. W. C. Mitchell ot Brattlcboro made bis friends bore a short visit last week reluming home on Saturday accompanied by Miss Lillian Winsfow, who will spend a few weeks at tils home. Mra.

E. I. Benson Is spending the week in Plymouth. Dr. Ainsworth and wife started for heir home iu Washington, I).

last Saturday, James Richmond ot Woburn, is at home for a short vacation. Henry Perhmn started for Washing ton Monday, taking wilh him a pair of horses belonging lo Ur. Alusworlli, purchased by him, while here. North Pomfrst. Frank Kin-, wife and daughter have returned from Nova Scotia.

Miss Lizzie Wheeler is visiting in town. Mrs. Cobb, Mi Berth and Master tenry Abbott are at E. C. Sherburne's.

Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Kendall of Leba non visited relatives in town laat week.

The ceinrlerv sssociation in No. 1 is rsising a fund to do some much needed repairing. The Sabbath school clans of Mrs. May Whipple met with her and spent a pleas- nt afternoon last Saturday. One of the prettiest weddint'i occurred here last Wednesday evening the con tracting parties were Mr.

Clarence K. Culver the new postmaster and Miss Emily Kenyon, they were married at their future home recently purchased by Mr. Culver, the rooms were beautifully decorated with ferns and flower by Mr. V. E.

Coding so well known in Pom fret for his artistic taste in arranging flowers, a marriage bell of asters under which the couple stood wss particularly attractive, two ttie srirls, Orace (soiling and sadie riurke acted a maid of honor also satiated in passing the cake and cream. About forty guest were present. The wedding gift were numerous aud useful articles. heir friends and neighbors all wish them success and prosperity in their new home and buaineas. Barnard.

I take this occasion to return thanks to my friends and neighbors who so indly aaslMecl in caring tor my wife nd littlo boy In their recent Iouk sick ness; also lo those eighteen friends who turned out and harvested my corn and potatoes. 11KIIBRHT WOOD. Bprirurfiald. A number went to Fort Payne on the excursion last Saturday, Hunjers are having greal luck with the squirrels this fall. Partridges too, are plenty.

Several good bags have been secured by onr local iilinrods. Corn fields are an during somewhat owing to the scarcity ot nuts. The party from here who took In the fair al lirattlcboro last week all report an excellent time and the beat fair they have attended in a long time. It ia sometimes asked why this town does not have a boom growth. There may be several reasons but the chief is Ihe people do not waul it.

They want natural business increase but not a boom growth like the mushroom. It Is not lasting and wholly loses the In-augurators' money for them. Springfield is having a natural increase of business and population which does not drend entirely on advertising and flaming posters self laudation. We would like more business to settle among us and lha board of trade will offer good advantage lo any firm thai wishes lo come here. It will not however swamp the town iu a scheme of qursi lonalile oilllty.

Liberal encouragement lo all worthy Industrial endeavors but none of 5 our bonding the town and sinking the interests of those already here in an attempt to get anoth-! er firm that may go some where else ia a few year. Last Sunday evening Rev. F. 8. Presae began a serins of sermon on the prodigal son Illustrated by large scriptural paintings of varioua acenr in Ilie life of that individual.

The l.M.rllno- md word m.y be dropped that will you guud. Kdtfar Lovell Mr. aud Mrs. W. F.

Black ataried (or Kearney, last. Monday. Jr. ami ra. mw a.

ruaw.a liiat tbeir tutor, home and Mr. "iU ia, anna tanwar.a awr. wiwwii Why di they do auf Iv. I for I laif In tin" gift of Hie Lrgialaiuro kimv. 11.

iik Ihe.laia ul a tli'ar night. I.vcryb.hlv baa arn how bus. said, gather about the areas of a ih I hor-ri It leg nut in tlte ihe tvt-krrs swarmed sbnul Ihe It-gl'lallva ran reaih In pick the Indies iliy. Il iw vain air all things here elow. Of the candidates for iM'aki, Maun, a the report, run, riiiiiittnl on being rhoar-n at the llr-l ballot; Msrl thought be should gel anititt ftil vole.

In lsrglu illi. I hoinp-011 aa In the rsi olo slay. Ilnynlon claimed or votes mi the lli-l round. morning slier ihn roll was ou the Ural ballot for i-lioiio of speaker, Msiiu ltd, but "ill Isi khl eight vote of majority, Ma-lony, tleuiis'rst, had hi, Mail lloviilnll unl any. The second ballot as like the III Tho House, over come bv its tloila thus tar, look a re- Ill i p.

m. When the tilloilng was nsuiiie In the afli'lnimii, Moloney, leuiiveial, disappeared with eiin'iil of fileniU, and Mart swung In on (he Ihiitl ballot by A luainrilv, Mirkpey waa chosen clerk on Ihe Orsl ballni.aud there wss 110 oppo.liioii 10 Ihe ilinico of Itcv. J. Hough as chaplain. Heaolulioll dlrccllug the clerk to liiruiah each meinlier Willi two lady iMwiianr at 110 exnensn in ihe Slain, was, after adopted, laid on be table, in pliy for tho cleik, am (hereupon Ihn House coiim Iiiiis of hav ng done a big day a wtuk, adjourned In lha Senate there wereacveii ballots for swreiary, when George Pow ers waa elected Aasisiittt secretin and chaplain went In without trnublo Resolutions were adopted, commlllees appointed and senate siliouined.

1 liui'Hiiav, Ilie nisi iiusiueas or tne House was the drawing of seats Imiinrtmii matter rclallve to the coin foil of Individual liiemlieis. I hen came the apHiiiimcul of two suiul- ing coiniiiniee. Hero luleiveneil unit assembly tor tho purpose ur hear ug Itio valcdletorv lllessago or liov Dillinulium. lu tho Senaln lu the moriilng tho report uf lha comtnltlee oil slaiiding coiniiullecs was received and on lend to Uo. i bo senate look a cress for the inlnt assemhlv, after which Ll Gov.

Fletcher was iiiaugura led. Ad ouriicd. Tho aliernooti session of both houses WHS pi'linclpallv given to proceedings 11 joint assembly, when Ihe voles lot liu several stale ollleoi wero canvass cd, at conclusion of which ihn elec tion of the several otliceis wa tie lured, and Gov. Pago luailguialed Very little business was transacted iu ho assembly on the mini dnv, aim early in Ihe forenoon both houses ad- oiiruttd lo Monday afternoon. 1 lie following ara the sluinllng com Hues of the Senate announced Tliurr day: iHlicmry henalor Kobcitsor t.lilt tniuleii countv, Harvev of Oiuugu, uh child of rranklni, Nichols of t'sln loot 1, Demilig of ileiiuiligliili, heel er of Orleans ami Puck of Itntluud.

It tilt-omls Senators Allen of Ail liHon, Cleveland of Oilcans, firoiil of Essex, Kingslev of Itutlaml, Keynolds of Grand Isle, AbUilt of Buiiiiinglou Stovuns ol rraiiklin. Kitnks--Senators Jennings of Rut laud, Lincoln of Culcdonia anil Allen of Addison, Education Senator Child of Addi son, eek or Holland, Mnith or Windsor, Roberts of Chittuiiden and Harvey Oiungo. Agriculture Seniilor I luveliiuil of Ot leans, Oickliisoii of Kutlund and Camn ot Orange. Manufactures Scnntois Lincoln ol Caledonia, llrown of Springfield and Abbott of Ileunlngloii. Military All.tirs Senators Kingslev of Rutland, Smilh of Wlndliuui uud Wheeler of Orleans, liiaud List Senators Morse of La moille, Child of Addison and I'Virchlld of Franklin.

Stitie Prisou--Senator Pease of Windsor, Dwinuell of Washington and Adams of Swautou. Insaiino Asylum Senator Randall of Washington, Chairman. Federal Relations Dow of Chittenden, Chairman. General Committee Senator Nichols of Caledonia, Chairman. Elections Senator Wheeler, Chair man.

Claim Senator Stevens of Franklin, Chun mull. Highways Senator Reynolds of Grand Isle, Chairman. Land Taxi's Sunulnr Cump of Orange, Chairman. Pruning- Senator Brown uf Wind sor, Chairman, PROBATE SKTMCT- 11, is. T.

O. SKAVKII, Jl'liu. fttcord of bminf it dont at Probate Court. Sept. IMMI.

Jauo Savage's estate, IlKiiford; com'rs report returned, Laura F. Foster' estate, Rnvaltou; will preM'iilt'd for probata by iidwiud Foster, a legatee; hearing Oct. gif. Get. 1, Lucelta Maria llrooks' cs- talo, Wooilstoek; will proved; J.

I. Iltooks, executor naiiud In will, declines; W. II. II. Moore apMiiiited silni'r c.

t. F. Chapman bud Fred Kidder appointed rom'r. Buckley Marcy's esitt, Hartlinid; Asa Weed apiiitcd mluir I. d.

b. 11. Amarllla Marcy's estate, Harilaud; Marquis Fa Morriaou apioiiitcd adm'r I. a. b.

n. Oct. ,1. Lillian Calloliuii. Bililgn-wt'-r, minor adoiiloil and made heir al law of tiro, W.

Tracy and L. Tracy, bis ife, and nam changed to Lillian Tracy. Emily D. Wilson's r.iale, Stock-bridge; will proved and allowed. Calvin Davis, Knyaltou, Insane; gnardian settics account.

Jane E. Harvey' estate, Rochester; C. C. Harvey appointed adm'r. Ocl.s.

I-icilrinU liilliugss ealale, Woodstock will piesftiUtd lor probate by I rank II 11 N. Ibliiiiga, one of the ei-eeiitnra lliercin nainwi hearing O'-l. I William li. Eugll'li esuto, Wood-lock Wm. A.

F.ngilrtl apnoinled din'r; II. B. aud J. Ldwaid Montagu apuolniml appr's and com'rs Arthur W. Lovijoy, ndmir; C.

D. lyivcjov guardian, aeltit-s final a'-tiunt. Oei. fi. Anloine Thrcebou' e.lsie, Woodstock H.

H- DsiiU'ls, adm'r, propose seith-mcut IM. I hi. 7. Justus French's estate, flartlotd; Sarah 11. t-rrinh appolninl adm'r d.

b. n. Ur, II II M. Ii.tirrof We-( tlinW.U lOUSOI lite couiiniaaioiiers icrn iw fair, baa fsneH afr- a member of lis standing enn- os iransoortation, agriruliure 1. rift.

ml finance. II. It. Suisiiey of 'aijngiou. the oiln-r la on ll.e eiay-uiiv eousrtiitlne.

Wanted! 'At once, a lew good faoiilios with weaver. OrtAvffciiiir Wool Co. No. Ilsrtian IM. ll line iriullns Inaaiil a 1 is 1 11.

1 0,11 uf lal. li'iuprralum lib I ox e.t iiiv Villi Hinge ax" Mean Clear dss II loud i lists III Kill, soih. Th signal st'ivbe ia going In at nd baiotiieii't' lwar fur Hie purtHiae of lug the I a i 1 1 1 uf lha hills hi tin tieiiiity. It will tin iiilercaiing to know what llm lilght above 'U level ia The young HHple hum are suaikiiilng mretiiig without the am or a tuliilalei The regular sot vit'i-s are well atiendei: and thii young folks very much iu earliest in the mntlor. I.a.l ixiintlay liey had a nilitiater lo s.ll lliem They are provinu; (hat ineetings may be maintained without iirvat hliig provided sulll lent iiilerc.l be taken 111 the work.

Notwljo 1 he fininral of llai vey Cdi pentur was attended at hi late ruaideucj iu West Norwich, Tueailav "th. Arraiigemaiit are being matin lo form a Karnuir laeagtie iu town. Many ol our farmers will attend the mooting at It. Junction next Monday the I.i to hear national k'iMiiiw Waller 11 Pierce and get bolter informed on the subject. Mrs.

Amarllla Itlood who haa been visiting friends in town the past week has gone to Woat Mhsnon. ftiio relurm to Piltslluld N. II next week. Mr. Harvey llm'lon and Miss trull Hut ton havo irotte 10 Nortlininnlon, where limy Intend to spend tho win lor.

Mi. Smith of Nashua N. was in town for a row days this wook on bllHillCS, Vampirism in Woodatoch. The following' reuiaikublo slory it reprinted hero a given iu tho Huston Transcript. A further elucidation of the matter Is fiiriiUlied below Even in New England curious and interesting material niuv bo found among old people, descended ft 0111 the English coloiiinl settlers.

About five years ago an old lady mid 1110 that, fifty years belotu our conversation, the heart or a man waa imrneil oil ooilntock Green, Vermont. The man hail died of consumption six month, before and his body milled iu Ilia ground. A brother of the deceased full ill soon after, and in a short lime it Hipenrcd that he too had consumption; when this became, known the family determined at oneo to dinintt-r Ilie body of Ihe dead man and examine his heart. They did so, found the heart undecuyed, and containing liquid blond. Then they le-iiilmred the Irmly, look the heart to the middle of Woodstock Green, where I hey kindled a lire under an iron pot, iu which tliey pluccd Ilie heart ami burned il to axlies.

The old lady who fold mo this was living In oodstock at the lime, and said she saw tie disinterment, and the burning with her own eyes. We may ns well help the old lady's recollection in this matter and till up with further detail, what she has left Incomplete. To be particular Iu dales, the Incident happened about the middle of June, 1H.IU, The name of the family concerned was Coiwlu, and they were near relatives of tho celebrated Thomas Coi'wln, sometime Senator in Congress from Ohio, well known for Itift wit and attractiveness as an orator. The body disinterred was burled in the Cusliing cemetery. Wilh regard to the causo of the Illness that had seized the brother of the deceased, there was a general consensus of opinion atnonir all tho plivblciaiis at that lime practicing In Woodstock.

These embraced the honored names of Dr. Joseph A. Gal lup, Dr. Buruel), Dr. John I.

Powers, Dr. David Palmer, Dr. Wlllard who re cently died In New York, not to mention oilier members of the profession at that time residing In Woodstock and held in high repute at homo and abroad These all advised the disinterment as above described, all being dourly of opinion thus this was a case of assured vampirism. Only there wn a alighl coiitrnverscy between Dr. Gallup and Powers as to the exact time when Ihe brother of the deceased was tuken wilh consumption.

Dr. Gallup asserted thai the vampire began his woik before ihe brother died. Dr. Powers was positively sure It wa directly after. The iKiiling of the pot on Woodstock Green, spoken of by the old ludy, was attended by a large concourse, of peo ple.

The ceremonies were conducted by the selectmen, attended by some of thi prominent citizens of the village then residing 011 (lie common. It will suffice to name Hon. Noiman Williams, Gen. Lyman Mower, Gcu. Juslus Bur-dick, B.

F. Mower, Waller Palmer, Woodward It. Fitch, of old men of renown, sound minded fathers among the community, discreet careful men. The old Isdy has forgotten lo state what was dune with tho pot and its ghastly collection of dust after the cefemoiiiee were over. A hole ten feet aquare and fifteen ditp was dug right in the center of Ilie Park where the fire had been built, the pot, with the akhe, wa placed in the bottom, and then oil Uip of that wa laid block of solid granite weighing seven tons, cut nt of Knox ledge.

The bole was then filled up wilh do the blood of a bullock wsi sprinkled on the fre.h earth, and the father then felt I list vamplriain wss extinguished forever in Eight or ten year after ihese events some curious Oiludcd persona made excavations in the Psrk, If, perchatKW, anything might las found of the pot. Tbey dug down fiflecn fct, but found B-Hliliig. R'jck, pot, sub and ail bad disappeared. Ibey heard roaring noise, however, as of somej great coufligratioa going on in the) bowel of tlx earth, and a un-ll ol sul-l pbur bt-gao to Oil tire cavity. rtrup- on, iii aom alsrui tlsey burried lo the sutfaen, nilrxl np in.

nous agsin, sni ent tlafir wsy. it I reinrrie.1 Itiae mnaide-rabl dtaiurbance look plat on the sorlaw-e of Ihe grotiml fur several its) wlHsre the bole bad been ug. xrme rumbiing snd shakings or inc. earth, and some awoke waa etnitnl Di. W.

S. Web baa bored abuttt feal gst, on In ftlieiuttroe farm, lie bat ins) mlunl Ur gas, but ssys be will has either gat or it a. c. LuTiua 0. Guskmb.

Mitts fimw. farm In advanea, A4 H.rt .1 IM IfW.tM at kt HMntrM. An V4m w. 4 lit 1 as S.barr.tirr will So HUM Us 'W Im rJo tj r.r On ass sa k. Ir III WW.

WS In4 tb tllt. at Wa-dat-. Vtiawat, a. laa Ola. Maal.

A mtrk afyainrf saoar faVif oatr tuUrriilian hat rjfiiml vilh I kit mumlftr. F. nd A. M. 1 aaaai a.ialrisl Wnodsta.

a JT Imp.hii, r. a a.m., U.MI 44 l. II, A. Tassday OttoUt II. I WTlws tkaknr k.n gar.

hat Caaiarkv Wkaa sl-a mm a Osu. ah anas) ItfliMk Wbea a (mww atlas rlwag l'Mifll4, Wist, aiai bad Chutm alaa llstai CasiariA Toa, ar.o-1 allr a bra fluid, ks si.1 Mimi a A'ariia I. aiatral. $50 to $100 A Month for loral aad tr.wliss asta Is Mil frnlt and lima aai-aisi smm b. si.

ad, wwih all throur r.ll ad Wiator, for Irrui. Kl. A 1. hw Talk. imr risxr i loron hamt ia all Ilia World lh.

I. bul i.iif rura, lr. Malaaa' Oialai.a Spa.ia. II ft. to In a r.

l' or IM if th takiuf aaa bra.aa.t ahrifa. Id. I. a ar, .1. I.

am. ll.UMB,la fdrwaaara. L-a i.rwl vhn b.w "'a aawf tRp in ilMir ailfe 'iil lW' Itn'al-a4. aaa l.iaf lb- aul drlnkmN lar aaa ft, will. li- barailul H411I1.

from Ha a4ailai.lrii,. (wir. rr rlv. lalir a.4 full I'Mfa In iiaUiaa ra.iru 1 Mara aira.1, riTK' II Kin it I trrr bf Dr.

KIlM'i llrr.l hmrrr Hralsrrr. Km. Br.i 0.1. Trr.liM,a4 a 'trial IkiIiU 10 III aft. la III.

HI Pa. AH Your rrlortd About It. Yaar tl.trrluf wmirli ru brarrl. W. knoar ll liaraaw K.i' llal.ain aliliia lit.

put Ira frar. da. rami wi roiiali. moi enlila la tbi. raiamuitil V.

II. ai baa lirt-a won vailrair t.v lu iri-nnlna writ. A Miar fitrncl arba ha. uWd ll ntm hm llilnb. of jibii'.

Tbrra la no ateillriiw iui, ami. Hi fl.lia. tigr IxMllr. We at HM at .11 toaaifla (Hjlile I aa' IrtaMdllr ara rur. fur all l.r.,.

lufUiuniai.Tf Hliryrp.ii.ta Ml Kuiurlj Mir. IO0 Ladloa Wanted. Aail lM w.a tn oa anr drurKl.i for a Irra Inal tM4kNr 11'. K.wil. Ilia r.rral r.MH and brrb rriiinlf, dlro.iTil by lr.

alia. I.aar arbil. la Ibr Uln ar Hiaiulaim. or IvaMaflln lllood, l.l.rr alul I. a rplllv rwra, Kr auil up lb r.aiiritlii It wottdrr.

II I. lb kaxwH. Ufv ilu ia(-klfi', cat. At all draglau. WOM KIT, BEB DIBS ABBS (nd THEIR THfeA I alKN I. purr r. lirol Hlr.n rrrrllrt of oit of malliliK. Addrraa IW H. H.Ktikl, M.

Ml Ar.bsi.,niil., Pa. Nraralfrta I. olwilnatr. J.diriMm'a AniHlyn Llul-0 nl Uaa biaiiji rry arri-rr ea Onrrr warldl (J-rr Una i man aad vawl by Ibimtaatt. frtaa .11 Mirt al Jimirt, W.rihff .11 raanacr of pallia, Ibrlr all ua iliyl.iir.

aad "ifrlllnii no In-Hrr. Iai ra krr wnrMi," ahra nubt .1 b.inl Ihrrr'a a rrard a birb II eu blp Ibrm lirraiiM It'a b.d(ril th.ion.l. Ilkr lltno. p.lrnt. advi-nlM-aM-nl," ya Mr.

Yra bul 'H af ibrnr.llnarr wttt. Th tar.llrm lr. Hrrrr'a la4rn dic.1 Ut.i.r and U'a dlnt-rrnl from lb niiary nurruui. la tbi. ll dwra abal 11 riaim.

tu do, ar it otau jroa lioih 1m war ihta Vita par your droitrlri tl lor a boll'la. Yoa lb dirrrtUma, and roa low lliem. Y-im ifrl lirtirr ar 10a doii.l. If ion do, Tua In anotbrr bolt 1, aad prrb.p. anulher.

II yMi don't f.l iM-lirr, wa rr yoor asoary baca. Aad ta qurrr thlnar Ibl ao Biny popla arr kr ab. thr rraily ao uar al kaod. Spaolal Announcements. Baia 5Hin and lal aanouiH-rairnl rale-lalrd to Iwnlll, Inhnrl.llr or wli.rwlw.

will bo pahli-brd umb-r Ibl. bra-l at th ralr of 10 Onnta line, raab mtrruoa. No cbaifra Iim tbaa i I rant. At llii nou of die year when your haiiil. ami ltl ere all clmppeil ami rr, and )uu have ttie lu liinx ami Sail Kliruin nil joor hore li ilie Scnicboe lvlly, 1 he very tiem way ilim yun can Invnal iweiity-flre cent i to entl it to K.

A. Murium llfthel Vt lora bo of hie famuli Olnlmenl lhal will cure the wholo lot In a vcr liorl time. K. K. Kvana W.

J. T. Tuwrr A Son, Hm-heater II. It. Cliimu.

WotxUlfK'k; (i. 1. Ab-UU C. M. Trk A W.

It. Junrlinn; W. P. rimllh, Kt J. V.

ltatx-ock, in-l II. It. Uixby, inliHlicr anjll it. A Iluflel in Ilie diiiing-rotim belter than a Sidrboartl, more motlcrn, more keauiitul, ami lea. miinliemome.

A la. ate line of Oak Itiilluia, alUlyloa and litre. Is uHVred Uiia week by Paine'a Knriiliiirr in Canal ureel, Boston, at axceeiliii.tng low prices. About Town. II.

II. Woodbury of the WoodUuiy Isabel Is In New Haven, Conn. Mis Voe, formerly of this place now of Boston, lies been rHiiliiig a st al Mr. XI. l.atr'.

Mrs, Juki in K. MacLcniie I on a ait lo Uer on Charle In Frank Hu, Ma. 1( i he ictaior tale In lha u- krr of'lhe foliage on Mount Turn, if tjc-j lias an rye for the beauiifiil. Maotrr Urett Monlrgue vt Wni Ciardner, Mix ha Urt )cmIiiK a few days wiih Win. )avls, Tls lieaYf of Teanlay ereiilm gave na a rainfall of aluty-' bundretlis of an Inch.

Mr. and Mrs. I'irrce iit art of al Mi. Hailwrtrs, liarnard. lit-ad in anvthrr column a bnrf alatrmeiit of of the roviioa In Mr Hilllngs'a will.

Mis. hilar of Orolon, vi.iiing Irrr daughter, s. lloiUVHlr. Mr, and Miaa i'likin rrlurtu-J lo New Vuik Muoday moiiiing ata.1 lltrli Mttanior bjinf is cloarj sill tusulberj araaua, I C.Moa rr ti rrturte4 t.i llif Meat Mtikrt bo i mat si.d till Jure nrt for ibt tew snauket of Hewitt ltarnajd lire. J.

F. HrnniiniS will prr-ath tt Ibe I'tiiieiaautaf cburctl neat Sou. lav SfHri.lng Sut: "Ttie Sil-rioe of trod AU i cwdially t. I. al a Lrougtit in frotas tlx firklof X.

Wuud ire rotator ibal wrlgtwd ten ranja and wt oaaca, of huh ightd two puarada and oaurr-4. Ir. Ilaaca wrat lo Muaut Hotly, Jf laat metk am Ui.iaraa caMtaectrd llh lbs it Ji will cart, Hra.ll un, hsve a mnmiily nl Iwrtitv-tite lu aiaiv lit thr m-xt lloitse. They ar not an vtinli-di in now, and some aeettt to think Ihat if llu-v relaln Iheir present inrniliet.lilp Ihrv will do ressoitshty well. 'Ihe ol Ohio dura not appeaw an rosy to th drmoi ralic meitiheta hs at fir.t, slut they begin In feci iioiihllul ol any brnrlU'ial re-aulia to he derived from llul iicrslioii.

Mo.l til alt Ihcy ate worried over Ihe hill the rrnublu-an maturity haa u.t givrn the couuliy aud which gm-s inltt cllrcl to-iiiftrniw, hmiih VMiilti. ld. Inl ariiind as-tialsnt, wss made, liiat poalttiaat ergcnrtali j. I.nwne Hell, Isle grtteral auprriiilenilrtit of railway mail service, wsa msde aecmtd ss.tatatii, sail Csilatn jitttiea E. White, late iiKitiuleMilrnt nf railway mail arrvice at Chitsgo, waa prti-nioled to be aiitieriiitendettt, the tniatmaal-er general al Ihe aatit.

time issuing an older making Ihe railway mad service a subiirtli 11 ttte huienu ol the aet-isid asais- Isnl's fillies itt.tcsd of sn inilepeudeitt bureau st hrrrlolure. The sssot islion mentioned In last Idler a Ihe Amerit an Veterans' Colon, organized in this city on Friday evening as The Military Order nf Antrrii-a. The constitution which wa adopted stales among other things that the purrmses of the order sre In cherish thr nieiuorie of the camp, Ih-ld snd bivCniae uf lierolc deeds snd strengthen th honila nf rc-iniioit, aynipathy, valor snd palriulistn between those who were rnrmira lu war aud friends in peace. The bureau of engraving ami printing, presided over by Capl. itt Merditii, member uf the President's regiment during Ihe war, is now busy getting nut the new issue of ten-tlnllar silver certili- catcs, hearing a vignette of Gen.

Philip 11 is a line looking note, and ten or a dozen of them liihlcd twice utnke a very convenient package In carry in the vest pocket The woik is being turned out at Ihe rule nl a dsy. i oonorrow Ihe I'restdenl will leave Ilie city for a short pleasure trip In Ihe west. taking in Hie reunion ol Ins old lirlgade at Gulcslitirgh, Hie eMilion at Ol- tumwii, lows; the veterans rrlcliratinn flt I'npcks, Kansas, and the proteaatiiti of the Veiled Prophets at Ml. Limit. the nomination and connri-ialmu cif Mr, Dow, an anti-ltecd nun, sa collector of cusloma st I'ortlsntl.

Mitine, ia very distasteful to the hpeuker, whose home 1 in that cilv, and who was pti.tiing another nnin lis- the plat I Ic had Hint a strong protest against flow's appointment, bul Illume Isvorrtl it. Onr hundred years ago the llrst patent na issut'd from the United Slides patent oltice. and it haa been suggested thsi the centennial sniiiverssry be cclchrsted by gathering ol American inventor in this citv. Dm ing the present werk Ihe sevenly- first stimuli convention of life Lutheran synod ot Maryland will he held In Washington, snd it is eSpecied lo he the largest gathering of minister the tlly has seen lur some time. The siiecisl House omuutlre that has been investigating lieneritl Itiuiui, commissioner ol pensions, finished Iheir labor and the majority arc ready to make report completely rlesring that othcer.

hut it Is undi-rstiKid tfie minority will tile some esception. Win Curtis has heeti sppoiniet poai- muslcr ol Lowell, Orleans roiutly, 111 place of A. A. Asrlilnr, resigned! lar-rnre li. Culver ot North I'ondret, Wind-sur county, in place uf 1), E.

Coding, resigned. a. HI II T1IS. lelish.hrpt. 11, a Ui sir, and Mrs.

11. In sit 1.:, K.i.,,,1. In Ortoliai 4, dsulity lo li sn.i Sir. I rank MA HHIAUKH. AUm 'h Uilwr I'l un Mi ii I i.fri uK, (iliUtlW a4n( S- Dr Jistrtuw- of iswl(ui In WiMMi-iisfli, Ortuttw-r by a K-1 li-i KliiM-r K.

VV twit ul of Tt'lt! ws.l r. In Nnfih i'-Httfr' t. tt-iLr lhir in b.nt. iv, W.lKl'l, ItMuv K. i UlVt Kiittly Ki tij-im, lftlt NoHt.

l'iitrit. tilCA'VUH. Jlarlf-ml, Off. h( iiljt'('-p, Mary ut-tt mitv ui m-iii--M i'mg gii ihI r.r s-i'H b''" i'ia tt ill ft iliw'k (( th ittmUi, Jai(t. l.stmitf llatvy, ituutii'Ml "(i It') mfi'l Mtl Wiiiim JUn Ill IT'H 13, Mr.

It Wilt atlt -tl (. tasfvi sir I In hrftfUtWt ft, IrfMOtl BwTii. '( In W'st'ti, 4h tti 8, Atia'ui A'Umt 4t In Prs hi pummB, PitiUit'liK B-Iis-j, tvtff.J f- 4 touniU lllK'" h--frttl'i' aW g. ktwl tt, tuiij; ut itM-- UUff tis In Wt t.i. it thtvixrt i.

hiid atf For Hale. iVrT, ls-, Wssifieus- Xrtu For Sale. lo rif tm-J ftt rva, lal U'fH Ml lii.ilSsif a ti-iiJ 1 atllftMrit llavM, I zi 0o. H. Loo jvf 1 41 F(jr Sale.

ihM, l.oiti If'ttrK, al tblrty Strf.p, Is uwt I v. ask D. frmnmom, Wod.Kk. Si law PliTsh Jackets Carpets, Dress Goods. Silks, and many other rlaoaea of giant will, wlliioilt douM, Ih.

bigtiatr owing lo tir M. Kin-ley llul. wt.h l'ik lte. Uvt.s), H'XIlt ItV afc flOSK hsve aiiin-ist-ed any iu value by lililng their afore to its utmost cspai lty aad no ailtsiK) ii! be in-, e.sary Willi iliii prearnl. I ii.Uiini-ii lu soy line of goods will find no beiirr ur larger -orlfnetit in l.eiii Verntoiil aud ail eofftbitrsd lit oirft ior.

ami pasabi. In eaab or product. saiuiduy only, your cltoleat in ny (11 Ui Ti tw hi U4', qaaiiiy, Vlila. Hall Snnday.Od. hkely UuU all th.

ether, wifi a .1 also. All are invited and seat are KMem Iti. knell and Muiball will j(rw Nrxt Sunday tbe subject will be entiiino. tbrir interrsling evening ev 1 0f III. In lh tar eoontrv.

ll is bop-nion. here through this week, awl Sun- Urge number will be oat to day sill am. them. It certaiuly won't hort yon anv Kale McCain of Ludlow hs been rl.iling her staler, Mrs. U.

O. Wood. It. Ii. Si suldlng Is horning his see-1 onil kiln ol bock ibis seaasuo.

Mr. naher is visiting her slater, Mrs. Wright, in iiartland The reports of the Sunday School fr IM Jt quarter were quite utooorag-1 in, sbosi hg qali as liienan over lir i The weather is besotifal now. F.vry quattrv. Th.

following one sbouid eiijov as much as poaaible were circled: Ctiairman. L. J. Mar- lor it wont laat long, like ail otkft good ev; triaieifnt, Mr. B.

S. Brow- things of life. The October woods ar swll; aa H-w Vaahan; so lb Moat gorgnoot ia Vermont and rotary, Jessie t.flT; asa. Ctaua they wbosaj bofnt) among thsms oogU Wim man; ireaaarrr. Mabel Tracy; to get a.

aiuch euy.iroeut a ilrry can librariaH, W. D. liiahop; aa.l. librarian, a thing at Mar so beaollful and l.lll-rrt: rrgatuat. Mana Taft; frt.

Tb. worlt will go wil over a. initc-r. Job. Hill prKiog com mil- p.tlng that thw bt bal imperftwl-tr, tWwM Valt and Jha Hul; ly reprwwMta auar wbtl It, great aaaavfinaY Maria tail kJ Mabea Iracy; Itcbers, Mr Arch-.

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