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Vermont Standard du lieu suivant : Woodstock, Vermont • 4

Vermont Standardi
Woodstock, Vermont
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we were fortunate is finding cine al Meadow brtiok farm, owned by W. and U. F. Urtvs. Kt btinard, a Il William S.

Hewitt. WOODSTOCK'S clothier; hoittm ronraiT. Missllitti Leonard went to Uplofl, Mast Monday kw tbe winter. Mr. dicker man of Bfidgewaier li at C.

Mnrs. Lester Howard and family are sobs to move to Bridge water. Mr. aad Mr. A.

W. Oborn are to is mm WAST ML 15c for twenty words. If yoa. anything to bar, sell, trad or rent try tnwe eolaan. In wt ifU la Caaaty kfMwuiHli IkM tawa taaa rW UHiHALOr AitAHAM CRIAVIf IsrrUn OaaSaatad bv Braaa Wast, raaans uf lAa OoafiaeaUoaal CkuraA.

la Brulsawaiar. Abraham Greaea wbo bid brea saf. faring lor uiu kutn from latxvu-lar Ur)nl I-, paaaed away oa Thursday oitHuiug, lee. 29, at hi home In BiMgewatvr. Mi oVa wanoiuex prcied, ItiSdiC'lud having Sppar- rut to its itmiiy snd Irwcd sintn tbe di-eaa Ucame apparent.

Following a prayer meeting la the bona) at loJM a- iu. on Sunday, tbe family and immediate Irienda rrpairol to tbe cbO'Cb. Charles II. Wood servrd as director. Mr.

Wmi spoke moat flUHgl) I ruin tbe norda: "1 aball go to him, bnt be shall not return to Now for closing out odd sizes and broken lots of Clothing of all kinds. Our large transactions have left us with a limited quantity of odd sizes and broken lots, and to close them out at once is imperative. We can surely save you money on Ulsters, Over coats, Suits, or parts of Suits. See our Robes and Fur Coats. WOODSTOCK'S CLOTHIER.

Wilwiam S. 'Hewitt. DANA BROTHERS. DANA BROTHERS, liana Brothers New York Cash Store The Day of Bargains, is at hand, and the careful purchaser is looting to see where the be6t returns can be had for the least amt. We are making very positive reductions in many lines, and new goods bought under most favorable conditions make it possible for us to offer attractive values in all departments.

We have urged you, before to investigate compare methods and" prices; then 3 on will find, as others do, that this is the beit place to buy. DANA New York Cash Store. save onponanlty to se mi ol th finest nerd of hghrra'a sey aiti In this sect ton of lbs country They ma winter dairy, snd at present are milking 21 euvi, Thev have a rom finished off in on end of tbe barb aad a norsepower svnd t'litri'r, which I run by ear 1 1 rig bull. II is whole hmd oonaitttof 4i besd of cl and heiiera. Inclining two built, and at the b-ad of lb bi r.l a'smlt the fine bred bill Rioter of Woodstock, bred by tbe estate of Frederick Billings au anlmd that would rlo credit i soy herd, lis bas II ck of 85 8brop.hire sheep that wou'd do toy one bo la interested la hee batbsodry, which we never em-bsrked In, good to see.

Tbey have 10 bogs under lbs bain lost keep the manure pile thoroughly worked over, which make It of lbs bett qaality to ben-fir the lmf, which shows that it bas been well carvd for, sod as evidence of Ihe fact tbey bave mora bay than tbey will feed to carrying their stock through the wtuteT, betides two pairs of bora i for doing work on ths farm. They bawe a lo with capac'ty lor 1 20 toot and cat ibe corn and fodder all together, iaateed of brre-ting tbd corn artt, many do. We think their system I tbe correct one, st it tares a vstt amount of labor, which Is the dearett article we bve to pav for. We went through bit poultry room, wbicb is 95 feet long snd contain 175 hens and a few turkeys, all of which bow good keeping BROWNSVILLE. Mist Edna Donoghne returned to Old Orchard, last Thursday, where she wa mtrrieJ on the to Llewellyn BrytDL Mrs.

Bstseti Is In Windsor for a few weeks viiit with her daughter, Mrs. Bryant. D. C. Gardner gave one of hit pleat ing entertainments st tbe M.

E. church last week Monday. Rollin btitneon bs sold bia bouse on "Widowi'Kovr" toMr.Amy Harlow, wbo will Uke possession tbia week. Grace sud Bertha Bovce are at home for tbe bolidaya alto Aitbar and Carl Skes. aUBCHEB.

Don't fall to near Lieut Peary and see the arctic Tie we, at Woodstock Jan. 6th. J. C. Psrker arrived from Louisville, Istt Thoreday.

Ernest Sargent spent the Sabbaih at U. L. Frink's. Mist Barron rMarned from her Boston outing last Friday. Tbe ladies' missionary society met at Mrs.

Cartel's Wednesday afternoon W. S. Birnes suffered another shock last week aud is in helpless condition. Mast wm celebrated in tbe ball Christmas morning. Miss Ma Frink is borne from Lebanon, H.

The Bohemian Gists Blowert am holding forth in villsge hall the preset week. Mr. snd Mrs. Philip Lucit, Alec Lncia and Herman Lucia aoent Christmas st Joseph Lucia'i. in Woodstock.

Vepncia Chsaberlin and wifo are occop)ingO. J. Sargent "a bouse, recently vacated by K. W. Thomas.

Locito Durphy has closed his labors at J. G. Bate' and goue to Enfield, N. Mid Alice Dewey has returned from an abtenc of several week in New Bedford, snd vicinity. Mrs.

Gibn left lor her home in Rvegtteon M.om1y after a few days with her ancle, Horace Brown. Mrs. Jamee Cooper of Wbiteriver Junction has been with her sister, Mrs. Chas. F.

Wood, of late. Tbe same chnrch committee, Messrs. Cady, Stephens aud Lillie, have been appointed to serve soother year. Samoel Carlton of Hartford was with bit gravndsoa, Geo. Larrsbee, over bundsv.

H. Denisoo snd wife' of New Bedford, Mass are guest at Col. Dewey'i. Tbe so a al sale of paw a at ibe Cor- gregttiouai chorcb occurs Saturday evening, Jan. 1st.

Mr. Carrier spent several days beneath tbe parental roof at Tun bridge lat week. Mrs. D. Sherwio of Wooditock I making a visit her father's, J.

T. Siscos. Robert, James snd John Setter, are with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. K.

A. Sesver, truio Burlington for a little vacation. Communion will be' observed in tbe Congregational cborch next Monday morning. Preparatory lecture in tbe vestry 1 evening. C.

H. LKrmsn retired ia his usual health last Thursday night, sod about 11 o'clock sustained a stroke of paralysis from the effects of wbicb be it slowly rallying. Boichering it the order of the day and me good sized porkers are re torted. our bogs of 31esrs. Dewey reused over a ton, while Frank Newton'a two pigs tipped tbe scales at 930 lbs.

School reopens next Monday morning. Oa account of decreased attendance there will be bat two departments this winter, with Miss Jerkman in tbe npper grsvde snd Mica Lillie tbe lower. Rev. Mr. osley and F.

S. Hewitt snd wife, members of tbe Ascntney CoDgresfSvrlonal Club, were present at the celebration of Ft re ft' hers' Dty wbicb occurred st West Lebanon, N. last Wednesday afteraom. Tbe Cnrieims tree last Friday evening waa bountifully laden with present, snd at fine time generally enjjyrd by the young aad old alike. Gay's orchestra of Dewey's Mills arniahed tbe ajQiic, and all of tbe exercises were cf superior order.

Tbe Chris-mat concert, at expected, was a source of maeh pleasure to all present mod merited praise freely accord -d to tie participants aad promoter tbereot. F. Brown one of Ihe vice-ores deals of tbe recently orgeoized Green MMotAvist Poultry and pet stock live thl winter ia patt of 11. Co'' unti nonw.

aiut P.rl.r Ixinard are homt from Dow Academy tor tbe Cbrlatms vacation We are sorry to bear that Hrry Harrington Is not quits well this week. n.l alMlon of flier In nar Sunday Kbuol will occur ih xt ooday, and a stlrndance is dtklred. Tk. Ptiriailan Eaiieavor tOI'le f'H Our meeting next Sunday I H-w to Prav." a a a 4 1 ICelereuce, Lnae xi.s taurr, Arttur Leonard. lUm.

nt i Km ennnar neonle who are iianiln Dnnbar's acbool at South Woodstock are spending the week at tneir nomrs. 11 1.. Ilaarilt I visiilri7 friends In New Washington, 111! Sha exieetB to be away the greater part ot tbe winter. Victor Bushway Is at work this win V. Y.

liana, and Mrs. Bnhwav is to live In part of Will Whipple's ooaee. it. riM fire and Christian En deavor society are to bave an oyster 1 1 tapper at toe cnurco on riuay srcgini mrxA tha nld vesr oat. DsaaiiiH awav tbe time with games and matte.

Admission free; tickets for ioppet 25 ceuts for adults and 15 for et.lidreu under 13. Ail are cordially invited. Tbe Christmas festival at tbe cbnrcb ntT nlaaaanllv. Tha cantata given by tbe children was very prettv and eicellenlly rendeied, tbe little gaining for themselves moch creIi'. Tbeeagerneas they aispiayea irjiogio fill the stockings six feet long, prepared lor canta ciau ana me auouie oi we xma ha rw.iiA1 nn hia innfinnM IU UW snowed tbey entered fully into tbe spirit of tbe piece, ine last song, Going to Slumber Land," deserves aftrkswiaxl mAn ilnn.

for the children so perfectly sang themselves to sleep. We nope next lniisimaa wa m. uavn omelDing OI Similar cuaracicr. AM8DKX. Mrs.

Clark Ilill is on the sick list. Mrs. Frank Gould, who has been so ill with pneumonia is able to sit np psrt of tbe time. Rollin Slimpton will not move to Brownsville ss be intended, having sold bis boose there to Mrs. Amy Harlow.

The Christ mat free at tbe Chspel Friday evening wa a very pleasaut ill air. gnbjicl of the C. E. meeting this week: What mefsige did Christ bring 12. Tbe C.

E. society will hold a social and 10 cent tapper at George Adams' next week Friday evening.tbe proceeds to go toward tbe new organ. PLYMOUTH FIVE CORNERS. Very little cold weather that far bnt they tell ns the days lengthen, etc." so we msy expect it soon. Luther Kinney's fsmily were ap from Ladlow to spend Christina with the Goodricbs.

J. E. Spaulding bas some 700 logs piled and is waiting with patience for snow that he may draw tbem to the mill. A few inches of "ibe beautiful" is falling which added to tbe little we hsve will make fine sleighing if it will stsy with as. Harry Blancbard waa home from Tafttviile and MUs Alice Brown from Woodstock Iun for their Christmas cheer.

Quite a little company of relatives and neighbors met at Z. Goodrich's for aCbrintnas tree and social evening, Saintdav the25ib. PERKINSVILLB. M. Dv Falrbank, who is st work in Kotlsnd, was in town Christmas.

Dallas Pollard is spending the week in Hartland. Joe Locaine is spending the week in Nashua. Tlllie Locaine cracked tbe small bone in ber arm at John Reed's hoose one day last week. F. M.

Robinson has returned home from a trip to Boston and Balrfmore, Md. George Olney and wife spent Cbrist-msa in Spring rield with their daughter and John Green witn menus in Nashua. SOUTH WOODSTOCK. Don't fail to bear Lie at Pearv and see the arctic views, at Woodstock Jan. Clara Colston has gooe to Isaiah Benton's to work.

Philip Martin is vuitica at James Haad'ey's. Mr. Frank Thomas ha gone to Lebanon. X. to care for a sick lady for a short time.

Mis Erne Hne Perry bas finished work for 11 E. Jaqniib and gone to H. W. Ws ker's. Charles Washrarn ia building a new sugar boase, E.

Colston and G. jW. iCady doing the work. The Social Click) bad a very pleasant meeting in Grarte ball Thursday even- jlrg, tbe 231. bea.des the customary rxrrciara a iter xuua rgmiunmcM was given by Mrs.

Janet Ettoa and ber school, provit-g by their work that "Though few in numbers tbey can be great ia effort." CREKXKCsH. Miss Gnsaie Groat ia at ber fitber's. N. F. Oa'igee is ia Woodstock si ju yetan ia -h 8mith-Bagley case.

Mary and Engene Spankling, Carrie Preaton. Mabel Crtif ns and Frank Ad ams are at borne root B.U.A. for the IChrifctmae vscatioa. I Mia Cora MaaelJ of Cavendish and Marshall Groat ef Bratileboro spewt Ctriim at II. L.

Groat's; Dr. jtpaff ird and Mia Spalfjrd of Caven- diah at N. F. Craigae'a. M.

I I ST pT a aii umwmmt. JU Unraum la. (at km laaa too. WW a4.ntam iU iil tarvaraaa Uw IMldlltlMtM. For Ssle.

AT ro I LI 11 at al BUM a. It nrraa. kJ t4l-IHal -m4 tfriaf aa- aa LAV Tea a r. af luff aiaira Dm I hi il Iw4 iuni4, aa4 iMm. A.

ML iilc liaaf-lMMr 1 hntlM h44K eaa m4i aa aaaa. Saw Stale kjr H. at. i 0r a trtai kl-XUrf or Mali a.r. aa- i Mat, (lllllll, lvata a (uin, tt.

I. luMa, TVjE liU-tluaati. ac. ia aom. 4 aatldia, au, I 7 1 ataa, fanaaf II tm ama kir a.i!4M..

mU af era. tm. II. fnaut, WonUtoft. SStf TWIUU at aaart aa- UO.

Lmw kn A. r. Eatoa. aaata WauoMaca. 0 uil liLAKll rnm B.rk.ktn far Boara 4 am.

all aa raar, ai af aata him, Hood Tmm Mrata. I Imi1 rja. rWtrn. Kjk A La. H.

jiiw, aoal tar -aal aa (e Wia 1 P. A. Dana, Wooa.lotk. IB A VK as aaaS fa Star. Grata aa4 will far-auk aa real a lut af IM aauasaa, ail aiada.

AtaaiS.IS Mot, trau aa aaaa At. 11. CaaatbarUa. BaraarS. P-' bALK-I kata twa aaad Farau wUek I n.

laaca la ka loaad la ia4ar (mki. Kas.ii1. of H. A. K-maiaa.

Barand.Vt. tlH aALX-Forv aa af fool a.f Ik Kaat- I rana la aaiiraw. II A. Eata aa, RuatH, Vl.

Wanted. ANTKD-kidM, arlu, tan, ealfrkla. aad old I WsaitMae araat. uiftw caa otr AIa.laaaiatf la ao at kooj.

a leairrnoa. Opaodt Oajxary, K)Tr Wtxxlwafk. Pointers. 'ARM TO BENT wlik Mock aaj laoU. lagalf.

af J. Pelar. Km WaodMork. IU.T Fnd.f. Dm.

Ik. Wlaara I. U. kit Jj roa.k'taad'MiM N.C. I MallV fraikrr boa.

laaxr plrw at tia. mrwara SOUTH POM FRET. Dod'I fill to bear Lieut Prarr tod the Arctic Tleara, Wooditock Jan. tth. At i he kientn ruill there has bcn re cenily boilt en soil rf bay window atiarlmit-i jrolAbly lur drjiog trifiD A it ball pacxd tT very n1rDiy.

hni kiiidiv nnumbcied bit Iririd tn-rciall? ib little oces, knrl I wnt bi witb fmiie. There mimt be a more Intelliient or bem fi spirit now tban under the old Ihrolotfit. A leBdinf busioeti man recen remrked that be bad just lonnd cut that God not an In dian. A few day before the abore accident. Mr Chat.

Ordwiy while in the wood, received a blow from a fifing limb. tiled tent him "kitinir" several fet t. After lyiogr nnconacioa for a whi'e, be got np went at It again He bat got ned to nrh service. Again we are reminded of ibe acn'p'- taral ftatemeui, "He that cleave wood ahail endangered thereby." Ltat Thuiadav the eommnnitv wa atArtled to hear that Ocsr Uarding, a talented and p'pu ar yonosr (van. wa probanly taiadv injured.

It Vppear that be ami alter Cuff rd. another Toiii'tf man were cbor ping in the ood wben O-rar iceived a crnshiiia blow. neitlM-r could tll bow, bnt trobably tiom a falling limb wbca broke in the no hone vr ihe eyebrow. After remniiiutt de.inia for many hoars or der thn charge Dr. bherwin and K'dder and the nursing of a good mo- Iher be beyan to bow sign ot im provemeut, and iu a fair of re corery.

WEST HARTFORD. The communion aenrice will be ob erved in ur chorcb next Sunday. Mand Burgi aa ia home for a few days from scb kii at liaiidlpb. Mrs. Colbnrn and aon from Son Boyahoii are atoppiuf a few day at Uenry UUea.

Oar yonng people are home for the Holiday-. Irom frol uunbar'S acbool at Booth Woodstock. There will be a walcbmeeting at the church Ftiday night. Ail are erdi ally Invited Erwin and Elmer Newton, and Lena Ditnick visited friend in Pomfret the first of the week. On the morning of the 23 ad as Sirs.

Ana Tenney stood lean'm over the railing on her pitm she slipped and tell to the ground which was about 12 fet, trekking her arm and biaiking her badly. A the is along in reajs and In poor health ber frien Is are very about ber bat sine is doing as well aaooaid be expected. TTSOM. The speeder factory started on Mon-da after a week's shut down for repair. Tawdsy morning of this week was the eoUleat of the aeaon the tbermome-trr Indicated 4s below sero at 7 o'clock e.

m. The Cbri-tma tree at the acbool-boose was antoadvd oo Friday evening to be drngbt ut tbe fatailiea ami Ute sinking atd speaking exercises were ixcel -nt. M'. Wm. Faiker wben sawing In tbe Hubbard Kiev il, rot hia band ia oootact wub a tnaii cat off saw aad nearly cut eff bis indix fluger of his right band at the iut next to the thumb.

Mr. Charles Parker while working in tbe ismber wowi-, gm hi foot bet wtea two Kws and senunt-lir irjare.i bis sn-kie. As no bones were broken bis recovery is expecied in two or three weeks. Public, Notle. We are berrb; asinor srd to pay yoa back tbe asooet a a tic ttotai liAKHLlD BALSAM, I eaew di-cuvry Km cuavampUoa, If tt 4 aa not care yvar Cvk or cv d.

Try u. A. Mi-rgia. K. riakt.

It. L. AJim me." II. taU. All 22.

A qQartell rendered several beauulul and touch, ii selrctiona. A goodly tiamber ol Veterans were present from at'j tiniug towns and Irom George C. Uaudail Post, G.A Woodstock, Of wbicb be waa a member. Tbe fnueial wat attendeil by a dele cation ol 40 members Irom Woodstock Lodge, No. 31, and A.

wbo corted the remain of their deceased brother from tbe church to Ibe cemetery, wbeietbey l-jopiesaively bestowed tbe last so erne honors of Msonry and consigned bm to earth to await ibe lumiuootof the Grand Master above on tbe resnrrrctiou morn. The bearer were A. dge, W. C. Itsytuoiid, Almou Wiedcu aud red ei i bmiib.

Tbr II -ial eoutribn lions were besutl-f a I ami very ciimce. most prominent ainotg tlx in Uiu a cresceut design mi bia ruij)tr, F. Mackenzie, iae 11 ral piiiow from ibe post, iM-ariiig ine woids 4 Comrade, G. A.K." Tim aeivice was very largely attended, and by those who had been intimately acquainted with the deceased and wbo hau come to pay ibeir last earthly re ptcts to oie who had been a frieud to all. Abraham Greaves wss a son of John and Sarah Greaves, and was born in O'dbatn, Lancashire county, Etiglaud, Sept.

2s, His people came to this country when be waa seven years of age. Hia lather was a prominent wool catder, and waa carder for Ed-ward Hair is, Woonsockit, K. I where be waa located for many year. Abraham passed his early lite in the woolen mills ol Woousocket aud bed many instances lo relate of attention and kindness shown him by Harris. At tbe breaking out of tbe war be determined to go, aud enlisted three times.

He was twice released by rtqnest of his mother, on account of bis yootb, but tbe third time she wisely allowed biui to go, with her bleating. He held an honorable discbarge from three months' enlistment in t'-o. Ninth Hegimeut, Rhode Island Infantry, also for tntee year' service Co. First Regiment, Rhode Island Cava'r) t-toe latter being dated Jane 1, at Winchester, Va. At the close of tbe war, having seen something of tbe Sumo and West, be took employment iu wool-tn milia iu thj Wesi, and laser came to I hilaitelpbia.

ilete be met and marred Mist Agnes Si ringer, Oct. 26, 1S69, itb tbe exception ot three years' deuce in Raciue, Wis tbey have practically re-ided in tbe Eat, mainly in Pasoag, R. I where be is well and most kiudly teinembered. He entered Mr. Mickci.

lie's employ as foreman of the weaving department early in 1888 and has tesided here since. i While hi early advantages were limited, be had, hy application and indomitable will, made much of them, till as a weaver be had few equals ia mastering any loom built ana bringing forth desired results Any part requisite to the reealt was made and applied to tbe loom. In religion, Mr. and Mrs. Greaves were Methodists, having been active members of tbe Laurel Hill Methodist church, Pascoag, R.

and where lor several years he served as class leader. While ia Pascoag he joined the Masonic lodge at Chepauhet, aud receutlv removed his membership to the Woodstock Lodge. We forbssr more, as his life is its own best tribute; yet there is seen and felt through the gloom the bright ray of hope and cheer that be always showed in his life, and although so hard for those left to mourn, tbey will look for this bright ray aa tbe best tribute to bis memory. There remain the widow with five soos and oar daughters. NORTH BARNARD.

W. F. Davis ha sold a pair of oxen, which weighed 4020 pounds, to the F. Billings estate. William Gambell waa at home for a few davs at Christmas time and re- knroed to Montpelier on Monday.

We find that A. G. Perkins gets In shoot 4u0 mile travel in a year between house and barn. L. D.

Reagan ha worked oat time with J.C. Hstborn and bas moved scross the roed and is ia the employ of Fred Perkins. Arrangements are being made for an old-time spelling-match some time before tbe close of Lucy Il.mmotd'a school. It is evident that M. II.

Durkee does not believe that paper is a good mate rial for roofing, as be new-sbingled bis henhouse after nsing paper for roofiog for about a year. J. C. Ht horn has oar hearty thanks for opening oar office on bis way to Bethel on Monday to see whether we were alive or not. Don't know bat we might be sleeping yet if be bsd not caned aad then the Nortn Eod would not bs represented this week, and oar animals at tbe barn would have suffered with banger.

Mrs. Esstmsn, superintendent, visited tbe North Barnard school on Moo-day, also tbe school in district No. knows a tbe Gambell district. M's find there are four living in district No. 6 that were Mrs.

Eastman's actxvars 24 years ago, Tic: W. It- Paige, A. G. Perkins, L. D.

Reagan aad Fred Perkins. We al-o find that Michael Reagan aad S. D. Putnam are tbe only one left standing that were beads of families then, tartly, many changes have come to bs alt, a aad thing to contemplate. While oa tbe search for joong cows GNOTTING Cottons, Standard quality on bleach' cotton, tie Underwear, Misses' Children's snd Boyt' Underwear, all maiked at prices to close.

Boys' Clouded Merino dirts and Drawer, 21c. Boyk'Exira Heavy Fleece Lined liirt and Drawer, reduced from 40c to 29s Towels, Eitra Large Hock Towel, all linen. lie Corsets, Royal Worcester Core(i, fast black a special purchase, 9c Children's Underwaists, Made from nesvv Bleached Jean, reduced from S5s to 19c Ladies' Jackets, Furs. Jackets, Cspes and Fort, il at positive close-oat prices DANA BROTHERS, New York Cash Store. RESIDENCE, 8 801TB ST.

The Jeweler. In Addition to Our Large Assortment tf Regular Goods, we bave many Xovel'ies in Each Line. Also, Just received, tbe latest styles in Piano Stools, and Scarfs for Uprights. CLOCKS. la Ey, Osk, Wslnnt, tiilt, Isin, Xickle, at Ue lowest prion ever known.

Silver Novelties In Great Variety. LoTjnette (beine. Eyeglass Cbain Bracelets ia Gold, Silver or Plate. Prices are Sure to Please. WOODSTOCK, VT.

Under takiug aud Embalming. ESTABLISHED 1884. Our past experience qualifies 'us to attain the best results. Our time and our ware-rooms are at your service any hour In the twenty-four. W1RER00XS, 81 STUDIED BLOCK.

J. R. MURDOCK, The Latest Styles in Watches Chains, Rings Fountain Pens Brooches, Stickpins, Gold Pens p. Thimbles CuUery WH IL Canes, Skates, Thermometers, Opera Glasses, Eye Glasses, Specks. Our Large Stock and Low J.

R. MURDOCK, Woodstock. Vt..

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