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Vermont Standard from Woodstock, Vermont • 3

Vermont Standardi
Woodstock, Vermont
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i ttrrou inn I tmiui JONES i- CHAl'MAN. MttreUancoM. lit Stantart. t. I brn grnUil, rrult in itiiiiiii- Jt.

I ltt(n-r, icltwtiug mtMU I a kiufr. Willi a Mi, Kl, l.i in img Ibc ottl-vrs lf-Ut 'Otbtf 1 tJ Cuf'f 1QIJ O'lls Httiliutig "atxl nn bo ture." i Tan-ad-. Auc- ClIAia.KS DANA, SUM Kit DUFsS fJ()()l)S! VTUIktsohl ot itbovl Regard to Cost oitia, Mwtstlr, rtHO. fcnllitMa. Mu borp Waioe aii'l ran liar ailli Mr.

CaH'4 Ia'i, throwing it of thv crriaj.e, hreaiiij tao or three ril aiil finger, and bmi-ifl ker othenaine. Her iwwerj cn-aik-ivj ijuite Mlar, AouM 2, a nun by tlie iimne of Th'UDaJi fi ll fmin a hridjre le-low f'elrhville, and J'Ut hU ahoulder t4 ilil. Tbe M-oil of fueling met at the Chiircb, Fekhville, on Wed evening, at i o'clock, to complrte the orjtaiiitatloo of a benevolent aocit'iy for tba puroa of aiding la furuithing a bome for tbe deatitute an orpbaua of Uiia alate abd New llatupabire. Tbe rauae it a gool one and other towna abould follow tbe example of lite people of Beading. ttaarroKu.

On Weilneaday, the 27Ui int, John Sullivan, a workman on the V. C. It- gravel train, while altrinpliiig to get on In, bile attempting to gtl i i. paiwra are apiiolnled to lie read i fruitlil train at et Hart- eveuirg iK'Inre tbo day of relet run over, and one leg lakcu ellty a ruesud to pre run I a moving ford, aa off near bit knee, and bia other foot partmlly takoti off. He waa taken to Uie bMte of Cboa.

Tburatoo and cared for and ia doing well. He ia alioul 15 year of age and rcsidea in North Held. l.rtiijw. The I'niveraallst Society are raising monev Ui pun-bate a new organ. The trustee bave lighted tbe streets o' the village with lamps which oaptha gaa.

burn HAN I IOI. I'll. Meteorological observation for the month of July, 1870, taken In Ban.siin fwfciwi, AC 'lr. lanmai ia 1 I. -h.

M. a aa MM ttti a wi a i.tl4 -4 aw. H. auaaa it ox I. A- HI.

AO- lUr. J. H. Farnsa-ftfiof dicing-Ml hJI prrt-li in IVivepsaliat rl.ufh wl friixlaj, An. T.

Krv. A. II Dattwub of tbe (' yrvytl oflal fl toB OO Moo it to rnj a birb Iti tUn bar given blin. During bl wMo U't. Rrt S-wihgate 111 -eab la bit plac.

Tlx driving of (lib at tbe middle luiili fiuibl oo Friday aod lb work (be alruUocnl "ill irel la jocal oumUUua. W't take IPMtir in Jirwrtiug our rvrlT in tim JvrrtiM-rocul of lle V'frticHit Cmifrrrnne m'uuirT, the thihl wIk-iJ M.nit:licr, which nuj fMiiil in aimUirr column. If it tllaMe we wilt eimM incere n-jjn that Uyi n4 girl are eclull ik) only Is'I'mi and gentlemen Tbe liit mauigetuet of Uie agricul tural Kticlely aii'l Atofilio hv en-guijwl Hall' Hand of Button to furniah Ui niuaie for tlie a-rnacliiog fair, bitb will be hclJ September 20, ,21, it, W't are iiloaiwd to anoouiK alao Ibat llow.Ueo.,?. rlmunUof Bur-linXlou will ilelirer tba anoual a1lreta. IM at Imne tbe eieoienla will lie mertl- ful tliiw aeaw.n ami not Interfere wilb the farnmra featival.

)r aelectenen have erected neat ami anbatanlial fenwaon the enbunt nienta leading to the Klmatreet bridge. Aitbougb we bave been viaited UiriKbm Uie aummer wilb rreiuimt ahuwer they bave been lljbl and vegela linn la ullerinn lor want of rain. Tbe ground i very dr)'. Tbe milk biuineae beiclofore cou- ducted by Henry C. Joboaon la now in tbe handa of F.

B. Merrill, wbo baa pim baw-d a ortion of Mr. Joboaoo'e rowa. MetearotoKlral obMrratloot for the month of July, A. U.

180, taken a. WuoUstock, under iba illrrclloo of tno Woojilock Ara4rmy of Natural Selenre: Warmeal day. 4th, tliermoineter, 90. Cililut dr, 1, ttni of Uie thermometer, 47 lef. Man or the max.

tlier. fur the month, M.0:l mln. 67.40 Mean temnenilnre at 7 o'cliick a. m. SS.13 p.

ro. 79. a p. m. .7 for the month, 70.10 Mean of rloudliit-M at 7 o'rloek a.

m. 4 p. m. 4.6H p. n.

4 18 for the ninntb, 4.SI Mraa 6rreof wlml at 7 o'clork a. m. 1. 10 1 p. m.

148 p. m. 1.16 for tb month, 1.37 Number of iinv whleb nttn haa fallen, 18 Smaller of day without rain, 18 Amount of rain In luchea, t-CH The maximum thermometer bas registered Jri ui'xrirva nu wm uajt n-v eamn 6 tn May, 81 In Jan and 25 In July, 1 1 baa registered 85 and above on It daya; In June and It In July. It haa registered and above on three daytt Uie 24Ui and I of Juno and the 24th of July. i Mow we glr a comparative statement of the record of the registering thermometers, 'kept bjr L.

A. lller. for the mouths of June and July, and 1870, tbe respective Jrolurana allowing the maximum and mlu-Imuin earli day. The record for 1870 la a rmsrkahle one and probably unparalleled. I laee.

imo. 1 Jt SC. Jl t.T. JI'SE. Jt I.V.

a UK KI'K'H'K." 1 he liil ot Ktlne will probalily tin .1. a tiuBilierof luijiraut altrralioua the pn-M'lit wal i railed. It bat allrml ery fmineotU, and in eev- i eial aava. and in niary, during Uie last or trn yeai. I lie map ij Kuroj was ilmnu'i iu wbea after breaking the siwer of Ausliia, toie from ber liOiti'iardv, ai dihveir-l tb proving over to VhlT Kiiiaiiui-1.

It wa still furthir altered at the aame tioie, wben NaHileun, in return for bis services to Italy, demanded In Iter Nice aud Savoy, wbieh immediately retted to belong to tbe Italian Kingdom, aud became a part or Uie ter rain of ranee. 11 was allered soon afleraard, by tbe revolutionary move- uientt through whicn Uie aeperate xilit- ieal cxiatroce of the Duchiea ol Iua- canv, 1'arrua, and Moilena, ami most of the Slate of the Church, waa obliterated, and their allegiance transferred to Uie King of Italy. It waa again altered by tiarabaldi In 1HG0, when the kingdom Naplca waa blotted out; and when, fl uully, Italy, which bad previously been mrely a "geograpbical expression, be came almost entirely united under one government, tbo sovereign of which was the former King of Sardinia. Tbe map of Euroi was again changed In anoth er quarter in lMGu, when the armiea ol Austria ami l'rruasia aiade war upoa Denmark of Schleawig aud HulatUiio, Inch were finally annexed to tbe territory of l'russitt. It aulfured still anoth er change iu lMflO, wben at the close of the war, 1'ruaaia oh iileraled the Kingdom of Hanover, seiz ed the city of Frankfort, and establish ed the North German Confederation in its present shape while Italy ac uired Venclia and the suiu.ll portion of Lorn hardy which remained to Austria after the wat of 1S.j'J.

By these extensive alterations in the map of Europe, two important kingdoms (Naples aud Hanover,) besides numerous minor Stites, have beeu blot led out. Italy has gained territory which Austria has lost, beside her other gains on the Italian Peninsula ilselt. France bus gained territory which Italy has lost. Prussia haa gained territory which Denmark has lost, besides her other gains in Germany iUell. A map of Europe tea or twelve years old, ia (jni to worthless now and it Is not impossible that the map of tbo present day may bo altered so as to be- 'out of data beiore the close of the year.

If, for ex- amp 1'rauce should overthrow Prus sia un event which seems extremely unlikely the French Emperor will un doubtedly seize the Prussian territory west of tho Rhine, and annex it to bis own Empire. It appears also by the "proposed treaty," lately published, that he would thcu also make an attempt to "acquire" the Duchy ef Luxembourg and "absorb" the Kingdom of Belgium. We may also suppose tnat, in order to cripple his prostrate Prussian adversary, be would permit Denmark to get buck Scbleswig-IIolaUiin, aud would reestablish the independence of Hanover. But if, on the other hand, Prussia were triumphant over Franco, King William might seize and annex to bis dominions the French provinces of Alsace and Lorraine, might take the province of Jutland from Deumuik, and might consolidate tbe Confeder ations of North aud South Germany into one great Confederated Empire. If Austria were to take part In hostili ties, it is propable that before their close we should see alterations in her man of a very serious character.

It ranee suffer defeat, we shall certainly see another alteration in the map of Italy that will render further change of it necessa ry. Wo shall ace tbe temporal sovereignty of the Pi pe abolished, and Rome become an integral part (doubt less the capital) of the United Kingdom of Italy. It is useless, however, to in dulge in further conjectures or specula tions as to tho propable alterations of the European map, weicb bas been al tered so frequently and extensively during tho Inst few years. Tribune. Savinus of Americans.

Ho bas paid dear, very dear for HT3" whistle Franklin. To be prepared for rrnr is the most elTectual means of preserving peace. aslungton. Ii uniiiii( we stamd by dividing we fall. Joun Uukinson.

Give me liberty or give mo death If this be treason, make the most of it. I'atrick Henry. Rose like a rocket, fell like a stick, Times that try men's souls. One step from the sublime to the ridiculous. Thomas Paine.

Few die, none resign. Jefferson. First In war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen. Henry Lee. Peaceably if we can, forcibly if we must.

Joumti Uuinty. J-iiro or die, survive or pensb, I am for the constitution. Daniel Webster, lie sure you're right then go ahead. Davy Crocket. 1 he Union It must be preserved.

Andrew Jackson. A little more Capt. Bragg. Gen. Taylor.

Change of base. McClellan. Fiizht it out on this line. Uncondi tional surrender. I propose to move lin mediately on your works.

Grant. witb cbanly to all and malice to ward none. Lincoln. Ok.iimans and IHtl'Iimek. A corres pondent of the Boston Journal calls at-liou to what be terms a frequent mistake of Americans.

He says Dutchmen this country are very often called Germans, aud Germans are called Dutchmen, while the difference in nationalilv and language is almost as great as between and French people. Dutchmen are Hollander, natives of that industrious and illustrious little nation from hence cam th first settlem in New York City and State and in portions of Pennsylvania. Holland, or the Nether lands, is a kingdom, independent from sny other power, governed now by Wil liam 111. of Orange. Holland has nev teen a part of Germany.

Aa for tbe language, tbe correspondent aays: "Though tbere are a very few words in German language that are the sayne Ihitch, a German cannot anderstand the Holland language, neither can a Dutchman tbe German, onleaa be baa bad the necessary Instruction." Exi-LsiATio Tbe cabal, allc letters IHM and I often cn in an. cient churches ami upon eroaaea, are explained la Apfietuu't Journal. Tbe first (our letter art auppoaed to ba Initial loiter of tbe word which Ui Kmiicror Con tan Line thought be taw tbe tiravi-n tbe night nrwioos to his great victory over heathenism, "la Hoc Signo Vinces L'nder tbia alga I UK MAP To in 10 ror I.HV.H 4ikl). Tliere "i re i l.l ti tbr C'iig tiooal il.unh W-t l', ai. 6m In f'X and one i iritmva cot xrr -The ateiin mill ConinT of Mirtiil) lamiing aaed during the arnt aim one eiillioo feel of luoilier lieiiMea aiuounU of laboajdj, latb and alimtjlea.

Tlie rentun of Newport baa I wen coin- oleUtl. and the of Uie town ia thorn to be i that of the village ia "0i a gain to Uie town of over 1 lcr rent, tiwe Ixtiu. in fiotnTt. Tbe aimi)n inentt fur tlio UulUnd Ceiileiiiiial (kloler Sih ire ipiite exlen-aive. Bev.John Told, 1).

of 1'HU-flflil, a native of Rutland, ia to be invited to preocb eermon appropriate to the oik anion on the evening of Sunday, Oct. 21 and Iter. Jatoea Butler, LL.D., of Madiaou, Wiaconsin. (iencral Datia'of T'roy, N. and (ien.

Alvord of Cnlifornla, all nalivea of Ilutlaud, are be invited to bo prreetit ami take part In the literary rxerciaea of the oceaaiou. Historical on the iration, repare a paper on Die civil bNtory or Uutland, ami Cbauuify K. Williamson tbe eouln- eiaxtk al history The finance committee ire inntrueled to raise at leaat 1 for tbe purpose of the celebration. It baa been decided to extend a general invitation to all natives and former resident of Kuthind to be present and participate in tlio celebration. A little girl eight yearn old, daughter of Patrick Crowley of West But- land, who occupies a tenement over the di pot rooins, i tempted on Wemleadny afternoon to ligh.

a Die wilb tbe aid of kerosene, when tlio can containing the exploded covering th unfortunate Thursday morning. Martin Conalniiline waa arrested in Rutland Saturduy for dixorderly conduct, and on the way to the lock up assaulted ofllier Crawford and attempted to escape. It is needless to Bay ho got the worst of it. Edwin Clark, the voungeat son of Hon. Mcrritt Clurk.

for the IuhI fifteen veura assistant cashier ol the Bank of l'oultney, has received tlio appointment of oasliii-r of a banking house at Belle riuin, Iowa. A fire in Rutland on Saturday de alroyed the stable ami outbuildings of Cimi les Mieldon. Loss, g.iOOO fully insured. James Suilivan was without ciiuss briitallv assaultorl at tlio door of the Bates House, Rutland, Sunday evening. Washington couxry.

Messrs. I). Tnft Son of Montpal-ier have sold their mill property to Bailer, Turk for the sum of $14,000. A season or two since C. II.

Stevens, of East Montpelier, found a pearl in a clam taken from the Winooski river that he sold for 0500, which left hitn jnlil now the champion "pearlist" of Vermont. N3W, however, ho hag lost that pre-eminence, II. B. RamsdeU of Montpehcr, having found one near North Montpelier much larger, and aa perfect as a pearl can he. Mr Uamsdell haa been otVercd $800 lor this gem, but declined tbe oiler, and will doubtless realize a much larger sum for it.

Ar- A row occurred iu Waterbury, be tween a coiiplo of citizens and some of French's circus men, In which the for mer were badly beaten, and it is said that one of the Waterbury men will die. I bo circus men carried slung-sbots, Tbe ring leaders of the smilr took to the woods. Dr. Daniel Bates of N'orthfield, was round dead in tiis bed tbe mornipg of tlie 21st. The examination of classes at the close of the aocond term of tbo "Green Mountain Central Institute, and Female College," at Bnrrc, took place recently and was creditable to the teachers and pupils.

Four young men received diploma: of scholarship. It is expec ted that there will be from 175 to 200 during the fall term. WINDHAM COtNTT. The Connecticut River Valley Ag ricultural Association will hold their fifteenth annual Fair at Bralllcboro, on the 27th, 28tb, and 29th of September next. J.

W. F.BIaochard and Chatles Eddy are writing the history of the town of Rockingham. A lire In J. Esty and old frame building, Brattleboro, Friday, was extinguished by the steam fire engine after it hsd raged two hours. The building was occupied by stores, paint ers and carvers.

less than insurance, which ia SGOO0. Wiut Did it 7 Lyon's Ks thai run made my hair toft, luxurlaut and thick, and Ha- gan'a Magnolia Balm changed that sallow rompleiloR Into the marble beauty yon now tee. This ia emphatically tlie language of thoM who use tbee articles. A nne bead of hair and a refined complexion are tbe greatest ittractlona a woman can possess. The Ksthalron aud the Magnolia Balm are Just what will give tbcra to rou and nothing else will.

The Balm It the bloom of youth. It makes a lady of thirty appear bat twenty. Bub articles are entirely harmless, and very plcassnU Tbey should be In every la-dy'a poetlon. Hawk, Hawk, Spit, 8plt, Blow, Blow and disgust everybody wilb the orTetuive odor trout your Catarrh, just becanas some old fopy doctor wbo has not discovered and will not believe that the world moves, tellt yon Ibat It eannot be cured. The proprietor of Dr.

ase'a Catarrh Kemedy will pay 5oq levant for a ease of Catarrh which he cannot care. Sold ly droggisia. or tend my 0U to R. V. rx rre, M.

I 133 ben-ee tirwt, Buffalo, K. for tt. A ptia-pht fre. Beware of counterfeits and trorthlnt ImlLalima. Remember that i be ernuloe baa Dr.

tfercc'a private Gov-emmrol htamp cpoa earh pairfcaxe. Tbl attsip lal by tlie Telted ftuin Unrere-nwni etpreuijr for tumpios lr. Ileree't mclkiocs, haa at portrait, nam and ad-dm, tngrtvrd uma aud Deed not be mlukira. llit old, bid outrage of tbe settler oa tlie Indian which hava bad repeated annually for tlie last twenly- flve rears, ia progress now in Uie! amsll enatb-amtera eorner of Kansas in er tt th utt iud ffKanilusiion ib uie aumlien bw o. riim ot frv.ia Hie c--nrrl UlhUed at I be tet.

a c.n eon.iiiei,d the whular the rr Uir ltia Umiau' i and the pllflrallna of Ih pruverti, "Mta know thy trli." The first tulume, bound, and ready log tutiM rltors, ran be prorurrd from Mi ui.lti.lii-r, T. Mlwixxi ell, Philadelphia, or tits ajrrula la varlnua prt of the euantr. lea reiiis will procure a ieelBH'ii auiuler. Father Htaclulheha written a letter protesting against tbe declaration of tbe dogma of iofallibillity, and Uie rrencb IsllKillc organs have attacked him billerlv. MARRIAGES.

In KiarfoMrr, Jalvfl hj ttff- T. B. tt tiMrd, Car nrfty la hit 01 K. In H.tli l. July mil.

bi hu v. J.ii. Hlttnttw, MrH W. hfiftof lUrUttAt, Ui All H. ltuJ In rvMiih C-iTtllon, Juit flO, by C.

H. Irmkf. D.I, Uetrritit H. Trarv uf NurwH Mi Martha i.outw rit, iiatitiuv ui r. n.

rteme, mi Itoraiiofi. la Aw-iiinrvvillr. July tir Mr. H. B.

AntoM JutlB I'. ltlfM Ol HriMlklVD, N. Iu Ml 1ULU DEATHS. In Woodtstorh, Julr SO, Mrs. fVmnnUia f.

I'nvU, who i irwi I'rttil, kmm tnv an yemt: In HotMUturfc, A'iaiux tl, UiB.Marr Hal Wbil, Wltlu ul tlie late John S. White, auo 64 roar a. Iu Furuirvl, July SuMt, Holouiuo iluwUuil, In hi) Iu niard, July ath, try uiMmljr of tlynen Uaug-litw ol Mosea DtiUon, 0(tI ynt "I -I" 1 1 yrmrm, 111 Surtii ltnlarrwatir. Auruitt 1. Maria L.

Of'U T. iK'fltH ai yrar-a), lu flnroo, Julv ft, Jlin Lve, aittnl 7a rtar Iu Itaruard. Juli m. Mr. Haratti A A.Uiaa.

oi uwcti AtlMUm. airiM za ytwn. an Mnujruf, July Albro Woodward, airtHiicA VHaiH. iiitinuii, LM innrlv ui uodnUK-k in uranviiie, Juy Jtu. Alary witluw of tuu uUe in lam in nor ono nuniirtxiih vtar.

In UovltcHUir, July 17, Mm. Man wile of A loo. iu WorcpnUir.aRiHjai yoan. in unrtiauti, July noin. Mr.

turlea llrown. arrnl SOyearN, lattlier K. iin.Hn. in uoyttiioo, Mfin imia nail, artxl 7B veara. In Hiiauirriai.

Jiium Hi. Williaim hl.i iv fbrinerly of years. in 1 IVVIKIlin, June 7lli. lttn miuIb ftnaiiU nar. awl ytara, 4 monltia.

ti riavs. in iianiana. July i. iJiila ten. auIv rhild nf biipiinirt aim diiii otiiaiiui-ai.

iu KM-Iiviuir. aiay4. Un, Honhmn a Thriiih5r. afccn tU yoar. Juno Mia 1'olly Haahburn.

year, June Utiiii, Willmtn ProkM-r. aral tw year. Leonard, aKt'd i year. iu iot-Kiinain. juir ibid.

oreoDiumut on. Jainea in Hnn'HH, May m. Mrs. rranoei Odt'tt. aired BKI'U 1 StB I S.

in Uaventlisn. juiv tnin. K'lirar lAnvratta. ann nf Luiitsjr u. aim binuia id, au, aviNl 4 raontha and sunys.

New Advertisements. Q.BAND LIST. The nipraUal of Ken) Katat for 1070 i fluUliel, ana uie hooks win remain in my natma lor exHiuin ation and coir Hon uulil Augiiitt lA(h. c. u.

iiiujirwj, WoodaUM'k, At IK 9. 170. 1H LY PAPER TICK More sttrky than any lust yoar st year. CllAl'MAN'S Drug Moto. tHiei reooivtHi ai ULAGG'S INSTANT ItRLIEF.


W. WILDER, A. M. I'rincipal A Firet Class Srbool lor Ladletaud Ucnuemeo. LAKtiF.ST OK TEACHKRS of an- gchool id mo maw.

Lnestlua iinsiirpatmcd In llealthfiiuieMS anil Beau ty, fetrung atoi-iti sou m-iigums luauenco. Collegiate Course for Ladies. Kuttflnl Courhaof Htmlr fur voiinir men who can- noi siicnq cniiejre, yet nenire a Liuerai r.uucsiion. rarliculsr stlcution giren to young men iirt-jisrlng lor uoueifo. ran -jrm ucgins August si.

ror circulars. Bonrtt or Uooinx, sUilreaa tlio Prinrijial. diumiieiiur, Aug. tmv. I9tw NUTXCE.

In pursuance of the statutes, uotii-e is burelir girtm. that an applica- sion to Isy a Ui on Uie poll anil ratable estate in liun win U4 tnsiie 10 me j.egiiaiur ai its next ses tbe several town in Windsor County lor repairing Uie county buildings and paying tbo oustumtlng u4Mia ol asm county. ooilstork, Aug. 1K70. fVim TOWN AUTHOR1TV will meet at the Town Hall on Wodnemlay, the 10th inHt- at 10 for tbe purpone of sliuting Taxes ami doing other proper bualneas tllst may oonie before them.

.1. II. 1II KIMK KS 1 1 A I.I,. 5 Me- tiiien. K.

C. KMMONS, WooiUtocli, Aug.J, 1870. IS HUNTING! Uame formerly abounded in our woods and flftb in our strasms. They are nesrir all gone. Let us hare a change.

To that end, all persons are forbid to kill or bunt birds or gtune of any kind on my land. F1IKI1K1UCK HILLINGS. July 19, VJ0. l(l-3iii la ILLIAMS' Dental Rooms in Stone Block, ELM 8TKUET, WOOU8TOCK, Vt. Dr.

W. will be absent three weeks from 2Mh July. 11. L. WILLIAMS.

NOTICE is hereby given that I have thia day released to my son, Chsrles N. Powers, hia time during Uie retnsinder or Ills minority, and that I shall from this date claim none of bia osrniuga nor pay any debts of his contracting. JAMK3 l. l'OWEBS. Sprlnglteld, JulyM, 1870.

Large and New Assortment STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS STEREOSCOPES. COLLARS, CUFFS, Albums, Photographs, Chromos. New Books, New Novels, New Goods, Constantly received at PRATT'S. 8TATK or VERMONT, The Probst- Court ef tb haktpuhu distuict. ss.

I Illstrtct of Hsrtford: all hcroona InUtrrnlod In the eslsle of IIANIKL Isle of lisrLlsB'l, la said District de- eesMl. AI.KKItT B. HI KK. who Is the Kiernlor srtn IsslwillsndtestamiMHofthessi'l tesUlor proposel irn'lrl an m-j-oum ol hi s.lniiul.lrslion, ana lirrnonl his sronnt ssrainst said Mlsir firr ersm Ination and allowsnre, Pnihsle Court, to hrld at the Probate Office, In Woodstock, In said lii.lrlrt, on tae arst Wednesday (aeveiiUidsyl ol SrntnilM.r 1 00 are.toererure.nernT nounrwi 10 appear neiorw ssltl Court, at the ttnte sod liUM'-s Sloressui. ano contest Ui sUowance of ssla socount, if you cue.

Ilaldat Woodstock, aforesaid. July acta. A IS L. A. NAIISII, Register.

QOLDEN MIEAF BOURBON. It as atood UK lest of tins, aad lu prored iuwll BOUKBON WHISKEY bs round snrwtM-r. rat mp tm SPi rHI'ID sad csa 'be ton tat all tae llrag sad Ore-wry fltwm. ltw-ly WaidilBftoa Btaa. ROUGHS, INFLUENZA, Tbrost, CoMt, Wnoopuig-Coort, Cmuv, lit-ertoilsml.

Kroacaliis, Arthrus. Blardlttc of UM- I and every av'ncU' of ItM Throat. LaafS and ara spaslUy aad penaaarwUy aunt by Uat as WISTAITS )ALSA OF WILD CHERRY. Tii well knni prprllnm V-ei ot dry mp ot-ngt. tm4 Um ruit Whli4, the lib OMMlK-tM, Ull tt UrtT-ttft ti4 laW luta awl iiai tfTttaUiotn, if nimom UM eft.

of Uw euMtplattits Consumption Can be Cured Vy UtTMMf rmatm tw OH mumArA rrmAf, tMuulmU Ml uiiiwmnii m-ttv4 fm hrfanNi try nrrn w. rowtE A n. SAL F. TW -M-I, mtl lumi to Wm Stnvt irocrry, a riraMMi stiar Mwtaifti ism Mm hxw, A. IVVMI kl.llll.l-.

JUlf lOt'AKTNhUMIIP tare I lit, rt CI, rnl Mtr thatol lisns Htai-tmb, will com itm Uw kaaan 1st Sna oltt. Munass L. ia all Us brsix hr. mm II. t.

Ktt OK 11. wdi4rk.jiiir is.lioa. is 'IM1K auliacrir er baa rHiir.ed tba Fur- a. nes HMHns lsu-ly occupied by 4mmm e) lllutms, where Htlnds Ui keeji gvweral mm at tl UM11 KK. Ml who ux HI WMI MMts la bu line are Ifil Itr4 to csll.

r. ii. au.i.itws. Betiiel, July 1, 1S70. "PEACE THOU BLED SOUL!" Hit day bm dawaetl Utat haw provMed roa a Hli It () Wi'crfj ym ran btt.r More Goods for the same Money ttuta at uf tbr pltur In tbt Ui of Wruitxit.

ro Mil ep, mm up, trtH up, vat It up, mwl up, roll up, luoUiltf op, ftu) mf ei up, bH Be ture to fetch your Money up 1 Ana the people Mkl, will K. FRENCH., July, ln70. 17 Sw VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR HA1.K Tht cnui I tftiuaifMt on the Qtirhi Wvm In rrntuni, rn atiu) mm On the ilrn (Iwelliny h(it, itt4aulljr WtUtd ana rinv(ntf ntlr arranmHl. Itarnti.

and all tUier uchmIixI util I mlrr Uu two larnnttt imrn air ntuii np fur (pinir nfi, with rooi cellar aila4fhtt. Ruuulug wnlnr tnrougb Uie houisfi iiitl all the barn. TM KUU roniitins 7tt acnt ot uplanil muwtna, 0 of ntau(lnurvale,) luuuf wood aud Utubor.l.VU of paiiiurMKe, and will korp nix borne 4 oen. 10 imiwi, 400 rshfopp. within i of a miln or Um noune are iww thrflty autEor maplan.

yielding gvoorally ouo Un of ii(rr eitch yar. Ttiimn oonvniMii uiuutvf ph nDorm, lire tnrra wnant niiuftos. There are tWOamile treoi of choice vrafiod A nit on Ute plane. Mt4M'k and firm In too It can be had with the farm ifdeir(rd. Altto 0U acrei of land four nillea from the hunteaUadt with huute, barn and HO an ret of uiiatru tni.

Fur trnui and particular in 4 tit re or 19111 Ala IHM.11U1, WoiMtntoek, erinntit, July Si, IS70. COMMISSIONER'S NOTICE. A A IHIS T. l'OWKIt'S KUta. The nnttorNiirnrtl, havina been apiMrlnted by tho Pro hake Court of the I air let of IlNrtiord.

Csnimla iuneni to mceire.exainiueaud adjUKtall rlalniitand donmii'ltiorall eroniiaxKinMt aauon T. fuwKKa lata of aulti UUtricl. decwaaeil. ant the elainm ol the deceased eilublted in ntoaT to Uie rlainm of the rreititora, hereby give notiro that we win meet lor uie nuritotte 01 examinina ami allow- tnc mttd rlalina at the dwelling hoimo of widow Jane M. I'owura, In ridge water, on the 14th day of Or to xt and the 14th day ol January ncxt.iroin one o'ciofk r.

B. unlit lour o'vi'k r. on earn of aald d)n, and that tlx month from the 16th dav of Julv. A. 1.

1X70 Is tlie time limited by ald Court for -aid creditors to present their claim to 1 for eiammauon and allowance. Dated at Bt Iiijrewater. thi IMh day of July, A 0. l(J7u. II AS.

H. HATMOND, IIOHAt'K WILHON, COm Charles C. Bngbee, Adm'r, 17 DANA NEWCOMB. NEW FIRM at the old Store of S. Munger, DANA NEWCOMB Hnving purchaaed tho biiftineM of the late Ann of S.

E. MUNGER Woodstock, Offer the tntiro stock ol Um 1st Sriu at Lower Prices Tliaa can fouutl elscwlierc iu tho County. We wish to dispose entirely of the Stock of tbe Isle nrm In Season for tho Fall Trade. In order to do this we Offer Unparalleled Bargains la READY-MADE CLOTHING, Hats, Cnps, Furnishing Goods, Trunks, and Valises, Wilson's Sowing Machines To soli and to rent. Those Wishing to bny Sewina Msrhlnes are invited to inspect the Wilson before buying.

No Charge for showing Goods. We inrite all whe want srooda In oar line to some and see us. Remember, Munger's Old Stand. DANA NRWCOMB. FRANK N.

BILLINGS. KW GOODS Received this Week at FRANK N. BILLING'S, New Dress Goods, White Goods, Linens, Gloves and Hosiery, Parasols and Sun Umbrellas, Bleached and Brown Cottons In all widths, aad a full assortment ot COTTON GOODS For men and Boys Wear, Curtains and Curtain Fixtures A Urge assortment of MIRRORS, At low prices Wool, Hemp and Oilcloth CA IIPETINGS, Carput Lining, Door Mats, Cod Fish, Halibut, Mackerel, Lake Trout, fcword Fish, and a full alock of FRESH GROCERIES constantly on hand. June 2, 1870. GOODS Jatt Received.

April 20, 1870. II. STUBTKVANT 4 OS Hsrt Ml aasortasta af FIRE DXVGS, CHEMICALS. Patent Medicines, Fancy Good a. te.

as arkk-a ara eaaauattr awiia sMaMl I watt a art as asu at tac Uweat Caab frv.s. JXCIIAXGE FOB CAM 1 1 Wasaaiacfc, JULY 1810. NEW HOODS We have uiailo Great Additions To our Stock or DOMKSTIC (iOODS, Woolen Goods, WHITE GOODS, All of which we are offering at Tlie Very Lowest Cash Prices. JONKS CHAPMAN. New Stork of RICH BLACK SILK, Which are Very CliMtp, 25 Pieces NEW BLACK Cheapest Ever Offered CALL AND SEE THEM! lleniember all of our Summer Goods Are sold at almost half Price.

They must bo sold to make room For New Fall Goods. New Carpets, WIND0WN SHADES, New Crockery Glass Ware, MASON'S Glass Fruit Jars, At the IJest Prices. ALSO Choir FAMILY GROCERIES LOWEST PRICES. At JONES CHAPMAN'S. It time to but.

July, C- I K. White, Figured, aud Siitiu Srip-ed Pique in full assortment of difft-rent qualities. Front 25e to 50c. Extra Pearl, Crochet and Pique ISttttnns, White Gimps and Fringes, Just received from New York, DOUBLE REFINED English Dairy Salt. The purest aud best article fur Dairy iirpoapa there I made.

Just Received, Additions Have been mado this week from NEW YORK AND BOSTON To our KttK-k i RICH BLACK SILKS, Rich Dress loods, Printed Muslins, White and figured Pique, White Goods, Linens, Woolens, Shawls, Summer Stuffs. KMUKAt'lMl Gray Dress Goods at 12 1-2. Gray Dress Goods at 25. Printed Lawns 12 1-2. Muslin de Lnines 12 1-2 Fine Alpiccas 20.

Fine Printed Jaconets 25. Also: 25 Pieces fine Scotch Ginghams 25c, Former prtc 0o. 60 Pieces Prints 6 to 12J. 25 Pieces Summer Stud's for Hob and Boys' wear. SO Pieces Light and Heavy Woolons adapted to tbe season, from 75c to 1.25 Fine French Clotbs and Tricots.

25 doz. Damask Napkins $1,25, DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS, Damask and Loom Table Linen at REDUCED PRICES. Crash, Huck and Dautatk Towels, Ristorl, 8uez and Princess Plaid sod Striped SHAWLS. 50 DOZEN Pest English and American HOSIERY, 30 doz. Misses' do.

Kid and Berlin Gloves, Velvet Rihbona, Dress Trimmings, White Goods, Kmbroideriea, I Collars, Rial Thread, and Valenciennes Edgings. Oar Stock is full, well Cbeap. selected and Old Prices are No Where Onr tgnre are inate On a Gold Basis and trill give eminent aaliafaclioa to all who arlata to parchaaa. SfTPlae CalLe: CIIAS. DANA.

Woodstock, May H70. dolph, for Smithsonian Institution, by Charlee S. I'aine. Meaa thermometer at 7 o'clock a 2 8 in, for the month. Mean average temperature last Mre years iu July, Mai.

rociD 24th, Mln. 2d. Itange of thermometer, Amuuot of rain In Inches, Number of rainy days, 1X2 86.1 C8.0 74.1 70.1 93 50 43 2.11 7 AllIlISOK OOt'KTr. A bain containing about thirty tons of bay, belonging to Mr, Henry Vf. Hammond, about two miles northeaHof Mid- dlclairo, waa struck by lightning and burned to tbo ground, on Wednesday evening last.

No insurance. The borae barn of Mr. Elijah of Shclbiirn, was struck by lightning Fri day afternoon ami a on Ore. It communicated to hit cuttle barn, 30x10 feet, ami a shed 50 feet long, br)h of which were consumed, together with one horse, double wagon, harnesses, mowing machine, cutter and sleigh, nearly all hia farming tools, and from 10 to 15 tons of hay. The loss is about 92,900 insurance of 9700.

HKNNINUTOX CCt'NTV. The annual fair of the Agricultur al Society will he held at Bennington Sept. r-Hli and The new hotel in Bennington will contain 80 sleeping rooins for guesla and will be lighted by gaa and warmed by (team. II will be one or lbs moat complete hotels in New England. A little girl shout four years old residing with Mr.

Ilarwood of Benning ton was fatally kicked by a boise the '22(1 and died in a few minutes. CALEDONIA. (XII NTT. -Alex. Caasady of Barred broke his leg, lost week for the third time, and Josran S.

Keneraon of l'eachain put bis shoulder out of joint for tbi sixth time. The annual fair will be held In St. Johnsbury, Sept. 27, 2H and 29. Burke baa Iwonty-tix more inhabit ants than in 18C0.

David M. Clement of Kant Lyn don has been commetted for trial in dc fault af 12000 bonds for attempting to outrage tbe person of a four year old Tbe Connecticut and I'asaumpsio railroad Company hnve declared a semiannual dividend of Hire per cent payable Auguat 2d. CHITTESDOS COfSTT. Richmond bad a very destructive Ore oo tbe 27tb. The hotel bars of J.

II. Iitrnnm, grocery store of Cyrus Green, and hardware store of J. I. Barnum were burned. Losa alwut (17,000.

Insured for 110,000. The barn of Mr. R. II. Tafl of Huntington, wa burned on the 18th.

Loss about lloOj insured. Between eighty and ninety thoti-sand bushels of oata have been brought to Burlington from Canada this season. A man named I'ecor, in Colchester, recently procured a quantity of rum. drove his wife and children out of the house lor the n'ght and was found dead on the floor tbe next morning. The citUena of Winooski have lately raised some W) and have acnt for necessary instrument for a band of mo- A barn belonging to Eliha Lane of Shelburn, wa struck by lightning during the atorm of Friday, and con sumed wiut the co'itenta.

rtUXKUK COCSSTT. Tbe Miasisonol Springe Hotel.She!- doo.waa burned at about noon oo Saturday and Kale Smith, a diacbarged ser vant, ia ia jail charged wilb act ting tbe die. Loa nearly insured for 3SJHJO. The fire was set in a va cant third aiory room over the kitchen About 1XO guest were in tbe bouse ad of whom saved their effects. Tlie amount of letter ah ipperl lrm SU Albaua during lb small) of July waa tuba; weighing pound.

Calling the average price per $0 cent, we hare aa tba am received by tbe dairymen for product. Tba Miijnoi Railroad ia progressing well. About a mile of tbe road kaa beea eootlmcned, and it it e-pected to reach the Mitaiaco River by Um tilth of September. Tbe plunk road bed to Sbebloa bat beea purchased aad will be ael as the road bid of tbe rail- foa.1. Tbia will (rmttlr facilualo It cooatror-ttoa.

Baking a aaviog ia Uaal damage and grading. Aa afltar in growing out of tba refuaal of lrUl Goft to leave pior of ld wtiK-ti a decrw of fore-! it, i. ii.iii. mi. n.

at Man a a ii a aa 7 sj at sj ja ti ii a a a a a ai aj ar is sj 7 to aa it as as aa ti aa at at a ii Tt aa is 7 a aa 5e oa as at at a a as ai at aa at Jt rt 7 at 7i sa a a aa 7e Tt a as at si ti at 44 aj tl at a si ai as TJ 7 71 SI 11 71 II ti It tl i as si it a it a at as i at aa a 77 si at t7 a a a a at 7S sa 7a is aa i rt as so si at ti ss as si ai at aa a a a a 7a sa as at a a a a a a ti at aa at 7a S7 at at at 77 at 71 at sa ai 7a 77 9 9 at I Ladies, you will And aome bargains i black aJpaccaa and all kinds of reus goo-Is at Jonea It Chapman's. Tbe place to buy clothing, bats ud cit, collars, ahirta. ties, Ac, is at ii Raton's, Trac? Block. HAtmjtao. Tbe Congregational church of Hart- td, which ha been undergoing tnor-VlMiirs for tbe pat few month, la com-ggeted.

and will be occupied next Sab-oat at which ttue the cbou-h will be r4-dedicalej wilb appropriate exercise, (tublie tie oorilially invited to aU fa-a-l. I rvrinu. L. II. Taitiell, proprietor of the ktgle Hotel, I'lutUrtvillc, baa tbe litery atatiie be reeeollv ptir-aei witb freah boraea and new I Tba manafacliiiera in tow a are pay-l; 87 enl S8 nt only fur wool.

ta the ftHb Chut Spanldiog, at mis of aonte, 75 year xperl tt, and IV-aoo of the Bil cbarxb. iMxmgbt before A. Bid, laoa, laq.a oa Graol Juror eooa- mbI for ariling ctVr to est alcNalty, babitwal draekard- AeJ tbe IWa- etVo'a uatVetion, it api-anng that be livl beta ia tU babil of letting afJer go fixiaa bia farm to line aaaae ftiabaaaB fiota beaevedeat Baotivea or rr-4-re-l In traiy lo tbe Ha-e. Tba Iboti ahalt coiwiM-r. Ami tba I II Sara Umls of tbia lube are jtrwuiplttJ ty iuna to i t-ooiractida of lb uattm, Urir daimt ar bougbt up ale 'Gret-k work Ibous Jesoa or the lol- all aoitl of bannl prksrs, auttatiltt are'lial of Lovola't iboUo, onJtr frequently na-ie apno tbeio, sad deceitj a crostt (), ''la Hoc Sain" la this is atvl wremj? are daily pracuod.

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