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Weekly Wanderer from Randolph, Vermont • 3

Weekly Wandereri
Randolph, Vermont
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mouth of the river Elbe, for the purpefe of ESTHER. again. From tie NorihmhrtanJ Republican Arguit To the Editor Sir, KNOWING your wilh to gratify public curiofuy, I fend you the fubitance of 1 letter from Mr. Colt man, who had prom- THE WANDERER. RANDOLPH: i Satuxdat, J'pJ 27, 1803.

number of frigates and to furmfii twelve thoufand troops. Military Force. The Bill for railing an additional military force of 50,000 men was read in the Houfe of Commons a fe-cond time laft evening, and pronounced an interefting difcuffion. Mr. Pitt gave the plan his full and entire approbation.

He confidered it as being that which appeared to him to furnifh the moft prompt and efficacious method of providing for our firft want a large defenlive force oiocKaaing tne lame. The underfigned requefts Baron Jacobi to accept the afiurance of his high confide-ration. (Signed) HAWKESBURY. Downing-ibeet, June 23, 1803. American Csnfulate, London, 1 June 25, 1803.

By an arrette of the French government of Mefiidor ill, (20th of June) no American veflcls are permitted to carry mer-chandifeofany kind, directly or indirectly ifed fome prions in to make inquiries Mifs M'Dowell. The letter is direclcd to the Rev. Ifaac Grieiv and dated Niagara, June 16th, 1803. It Hates that there is a young lady living about eight miles diftant from Niagara, who was three years at a boarding fchool with Mils M'Dowell in Montreal, and knew her well. That the three gentlemen i m.

1. and as laying the only lure foundation for 1 i.t it giving us, within a reafonable time' a dif-'from this country to any port of the lie to inquire for at Kindlon, in Upper Can ada, acquaintances of her father's, he finds to live there That a Mr. Forfvthe.a gen- pofable force, to enable us to take advan- public. And all manufactures, or Britilh taoe of any opening that might occur to colonial produce 'fo carried, will be fubject permit us to act ofFen lively againft the to conhYcation. enemy.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, June 30, in anfwer to Mr. Windium, Hated, that There are ftrong grounds for believing notwithstanding the balloting, and the that a negotiation, the principle of which progrefs made in railing the militia within i was firrt: luggefted 'by Bonaparte, is now the laft three months, the recruiting for- carrying on between our Government and vice had been nearly as productive as in a the Court of Madrid. Spain is extremely fimilar period at any former time. He delirous to preferve a ftrict neutrality dur-ftated too, that we had a greater regular ing the war and the Firll Conful has a-force on foot than at any period of the greed to abltain from any attack on Portu-war: and that, in a few days, the militia gal, as well as from all pecuniary requifi-would be completed to 90,000 men. jtions, if our Government couients to re- REPUBLICAN TICKET, for 1S03, Hon.

Jonathan Roeinson, Governor. Hon. PauL Biugham, Lt. Governor. Benjamin Swan, Treafurer.

For Councillors. Samuel SafFord, Elias Keyes, Jonas Galufha, Beriah Loomis, James Wetherill, Nathaniel Niles, EbenezerWheelock, Afaph Fletcher, Noah Chittenden, Eliakim John White, Samuel Shepardfon. FEDERAL TICKET. His Excellency Isaac Tichenor, Gov. John Leverett, Lt.

Governor. Benjamin Swan, Treafurer. Ccunfellors. Jonas Galufha, Lot Hall, John Strong, Eliflia Allis, Eben. Marvin, Zebina Curtis, Solomon Miller, John W.

Chandler, Chauncy Langdon, Timothy Hinman, Mofes Robinfon, jr. Elijah Robinfon. The following. is the anfwer of Lord Hawkefbury, to the letter of cur Minifter at the court tleman of great refpedtability of character, a few days before his arrival at Niagara, had pallid through that place, who flate'd, that he kn--w Dr. M'Dowell of Montreal That about three years fince he removed from Montreal to Kentucky, leaving an on Bonaparte lent over the capitulation of, cognize the neutrality of Spam July 1.

Hanover for his Majefty's ratification, ac Letters from Brullels fhtc, that a large companying it with a propofal to reftore Hanover for Malta which was inftantly re- armed American merchantman had cap- turcd an Algerme frigate after a warm en jected. gagement. Mr. Smith, late American June 26. The following is a copy of the commu- envoy at Naples, was on board the Amcr-nication made to the city of Bremen, by icau vehel.

Gen. Mortier: Urtlt. No imp ot any deieription has French Repulhc Head artm in; of London, announcing thecef- atNwburg, June 4, dimral Connvs ile.t has been fjon of L6uifi3aa t0 the United 6' on that ftation. We under tand that the r. Edward Mortier, Lieut.

Gen. Commander in French have in that port 23 hue of battle rates Chief, to the Senate of Bremen. ihips, completely ready for lea, befiJcs a From Lord Hawkesbury tO Mr. "The Government, gentlemen, of gun and flat bottomed boats. King, dated May la, 1803.

having feized French veflcls, without any! ly daughter the care ot an aged aunt, at, Montreal, who is fince dead. That fome time laft winter a perfon did arrive at Montreal from her father's, to conduct Iter to him in Kentucky. It promifes a full ftatement from Montreal on his arrival there." As further information is received, I fhall communicate it, and lofe no time in acquainting you of fuch local particulars as appear likely to throw light on this extraordinary tranfacYion. Whichever way we attempt to account for the conduct of the parties implicated, there is difficulty and an apparent want of motives. Notwithftanding the villainy of the having been perpetrated is more probable than any other conjecture I have yet heard.

Yours, Tht Committee of Health of the city of New-Tot report the following as the number of deaths and new cafes of the prevailing Ft' ver, in that city, fince the loth infant. Aug. iij 3 depths, 15 new cafes. 12, 3 deaths, 14 new cafes. 13, 4 deaths, 10 new cafes.

14, 1 death, 11 new cafes. 15, 5 deaths, 14 hew cafes. 16, 7 deaths, 24 new cafes. 17, 6 deaths, 18 new cafes. MARRIED at Newyork, Maj.

Benj. Ruffell, editor of the Columbian Centinel, Bofton, to Mrs. Sarah Campbel. DIED in this town, laft week, after a long and painful ficknefs, which fhe bore with chriftian patience, Mrs. Chloe Blodg-et, wife of Mr.

Seth Blodget, JEx. 23. At Bethel, Mifs Sufannah Bacon, jSt. At Stockbridge, Lucius Smith, the only declaration of war, the French Govern- The cardinals and archbifhops of France, orders that reprifals be made with have ilfued tneir mandates for prayers to Having laid before the King, refpect to fliips belonging to the fubjects of be offered up in fupport of the French your letter of the 15th of this Great Britain. I request you, therefore, arms.

The archbilhop of Rouen, in his month in which VOU inform' on the receipt of this letter, to coiififcate, manclarum, proceeds in the following if for the French republic, all Engliih veflcls ltrain. "Let us befeech the Almighty me, tnai a treaty was ligncd at: and magazines, and to arreft all officers that the man of his right hand, that man Paris Oil the 30th of lalt tTlontil, and failors in the fervice of Great Britain who under his direction and by his orders, by the Plenipotentiaries of A-j who 'happen to be in your city. has done lb much for the restoration of tv I rely, gentlemen, on your readinefs to his worlhip, and who purpoies to per- 1 ,3. 1 i conform to the intentions of my govern- form ftill more, may continue, like Cyrus, Me complete loveieignty Ot tnei ment. I have the honor to falute you.

to be the Chrif of Providence. Let us be- town and territory of New-Ol-j (Signed) EDWARD MORTIER. feech him to watch over his life, to cover leans as Well as Of all Louina 1 1 Unp Krto.i nrnliirftl Kit lir TT June 20. nim witn nis wings, occ. ac.

Blochade of the Elbe. The following is mmmtumTfiSisum Lord Hawkefbury's letter to Baron Jacobi, Qomijlic the PrufTun Ambaflador I nited States I have received his Majefty's commands to ex- IheunJerhgned, his Majefly's Secre- PHILADELPHIA, (Fenn.) Aug. 1 8. 'prefs to you the plealure with tary ot btate tor toreien altairs, has receiv- -jttt-F. Inav? feen a letter from Cidc 1.

u- 1 edhis Majeltys command to acquaint Bar- ty Francois, dated the 2sth luly, on Jacobi, that in confequence of the viola- froma very reMablc merchant there, intelligence, ana to add, tion ot the territory or the free imperial flates that feveral American veflcls i that hlS! Majeity regards thecare city ot iiamburg, by the forcible occupa- arrived at a very excellent market which has been taken fo to' frame this treaty as. not to in-, fringe any right of Great Brit- ain in the navigation of the fon of Mr. Thomas Dunbar, Et. 3 years and 9 months. The number of deaths, in Rochefter, from the 29th of June to the 24th of Au-guft, amounted to 28, all of the difentaryv The number of deaths, in Stockbridge MifGfippi, as the moll latisfac-tory evidence of a difpofition: tion of the parts of the banks of the Elbe, but that the govf ii.ltaiitly feized by French troops, of the control which on their cargoes, for which they pay one thefe thereby poflefs over any veflcls' which third in produce and the rcfidue in a new may attempt to enter it from fea, or depart deieription of Bills.

No individual dare from it of the purpofes of offence a- purchafc and, in of thefe ar- gainft his Majefty's foMyfa to which they bitraryv and lawlels ads of the Govern- have applied, and are applying, the veflcls ment, all coniidence in it was deitroyed. that they have found in the ports' of the Alyrine War. Verbal accounts from Elbe. His Majefty has found it expedi- Wafliington fay, that Government have ent to efrablifh the moft rigorous block- received information of 1 the holliiiry of ade at the entrance of that river to-tmin- Algiers, again iVour commerce in confe- tain and enforce the fame in the ftrictefl: quence of which, the friaates Congrefs and manner, according to the ufuages of war ElTex, are ordered to be put into commif- and rittsheld, for the fame period, were 20. At Brattleboro', Mifs Elencra Thomas, daughter of Mr.

John Thomas, 14. At Danbury, (Con.) Mr. Daniel Benedict, Et. 41, and Capt. Richard Shute, 70.

At New-Salem, (Colchefter) Mrs. Ann, Morris, wife of Mr. James Morris, iEt. 56. At Waterford, Mr.

Nehetniah Daniels, Ex. 79. At New-Haven, Mr. Robert L. Booth, JEx.

25, and Mrs. Trueman, wife of Capt. Daniel Trueman. on the part ot the Government of the United States, correfpon-dent to that which his Majefty entertains, to promote and improve that harmony and good underftanding which fo happily fubfifts between the two countries, and which are fo conducive to their mutual benefit. I have it alfo in command to af-fure you, Sir, that the fenti-ments which you have expreffed in making this communication are confidered by his Majefty's For Sale, the town of Barre, a fmall FARM, containing about 96 acres of good acknowledged and allowed in limilar cales.

fion. We cannot fay that this report has Baron Jacobi is therefore requcfted to ap- reached us in a manner to entitle it to im-prize the Pruffian confuls and merchants plicit credit. refiding in Engan3, that the entrance of The following article from the Alexandria the abovementioivd river, is and muft be i paper, corroborates the foregoing confidered in a flate of blockade, and that For the following information, which from this time all the meafuns authorized we derive from a friend at Walhington, by the law of nations, mi the refpective which may be depended upon, we return treaties between his Majeity and the differ- him our lincere thanks, ent neutral nations, will he adopted and Mr. Smith our late ambaflador at Lif-execnted with refpeft to veflcls attempting bon embarked at Naples a Ihort time fince, to violate the faid blockade after this no- onboard an American veflcl bound for the United States, which a few days after fail- As it is with the grcateft reluctance the ing fell in with, and after a conliderable king has recourfe to this meafure, fo his engagement was captured by a corfair be-Majefty will be ready to difcominue it longing to the Dey of Algiers. whenever the veflels of his fabjects may be enabled to jiavigate with fecurity the river 0 0 Majfachufetts 23.

abo.vcmcntiop.ed.. Louifiana Treaty. Mr. Jay, paflenger in The underfigned is therefore directed to 1 the fliip Oliver Eli! worth arrived at Ncw- Land, about 50 of which are under im- 1111 a liuuii, ifdiu iuu uan Mill ftanding on the fame the whole will be fold very cheap, and with the addition of 45 acres more adjoining the above, Iboul the purchafer chufe it. Any perfoa difpoled to purchafe, may find a good opportunity by calling on the fubferiber, liv- it rn thf nrpmilcc IAMKS US v.

Government as an additional proof of that cordiality and confidence which you have uniformly manifefted in the whole courfe of your public million, which have fo juftly entitled you to the efteem and regard of his Majefty's government. I defne to accept the af-furance of the diftinguiihed con-fideration with which I have the honor to be, HAWKESBURY; Rufus King, dcclarc, that whenever the French troops York from France, is the bearer of dif- will evacuate the pohtton which they occu- patches for government including the rat-py on parts of the bank of the Elbe, and ificatioo of the Louifiana treaty by the French government. Barre, Aug. 24, 1003. BROKE into the enclpfure of the fubferiber, in Bethel, a red, lineback, year old STEAR.

The owner is defired to prove property, pay charges and take him away. ISAAC HINCHER. Bethel, Aug. 1803. will remove to fuch a cli.ft.ince from them ss to leave the courfe of that river perfectly free and fecure to the vefTels of his fubjects, as well as of other nations, his Majefty will immediately withdraw his fhips which may be ftationeJ at the The news of the capture of the Tripo-line fliip in the Mediterranean by the frig, ate John Adams, is confirmed by an arrival at Baltimore from Leghorn..

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