The Benton Call from Benton, Kansas • 4
- Publication:
- The Benton Calli
- Location:
- Benton, Kansas
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 4
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
INDIANOLA. gj 'I 1 O. P. Morehead drove over to WioLite Tuesday. era, departed for Nevada Missouri Thurs- Correspondence.
JOHN CROW, 25.,.. t0 their Uncle, Mr. Joe Lowoiau, Flora and Susie Harper wiinam Alison. nave been enjoying tbe mumps tbe past the bnet Anthony Davis, it is laid, bus ANDOVER BRIEFS. Stewart returned from tbe we 'k.
-PROPRIETOR OF Cbaa.Gelwioks is sick with malaria fe field of wbeai in this part of the county. iir- A good reliable farm band can get Miss Ida Mori ion of Wichita is visit ver, Dr. Burton is attending him. ing her friend Jessie Short at J. mountaius last week, where he has been for the puet two years.
Will Hays lias been putting up some bituhing racks, be kindly requests liia sisters buuus to tie to it when tlicy call. A number of VOUIlff folltR Rnonf, a Trv ot.AArlv Amnlovment bv calling on A. We will soon begin to growl about too FEED Me lick's, wv Davis at onoe, much rain unless it stoppeth at onoo. The Klingler's have the largest ctrn Sabbath school will Tbe Methodist crop in the neighborhood. They are Last week D.
C. Kennedy was howling with the tooth-ache; now be is AND pleasant eveui-g at Mr. Dun Ruckle's last Friday. ObildrenB' day one week from rustlers. mumps a whirl.
Elma aud Bertha Arnrnlrnnssruln fWI a next Sabbatb, June 18tb. a. a. nas just erected a new Wiohita last Saturday. Mies Nettie Stiles is visiting in Kiowa Sale Stable.
TuniM Purkg fitted out O. Girliok on aormoter wind mill for pumoiner. He Benton, Kan ueury James was in nnr vnninitv for a few weeks. will soon put up another large mill for Monday with a newoart and harness, al d.iy and Saturday. XY'j Mrs.
F. Eble spent Saturday shop grioding. no a set of double harness. pingjin Wichita We would ask "Sunflower" whut is tbe The way Wallace's ioe oream parlor is NORTH WEST BEN ION. The heavy rain of Saturday liiolik lino The entertainment Morula) night was matter with the "Uaiat harrow." Take K.inw nutronizad is evidenoe that ue PATRONIZE YOUR HOME TOWN.
not very well attended. We have heard the tobacco out of your month and knows that business to a "TV caused a rumpus iu trying so little said about it that we are afraid speak right out. We like to understand iu tjiuw mailer USD IUO OtUtir Oats F. PlilllinsA Son keen a full Hue of it wes not much appreciated, what is meant when anybody talks mat were cultivated in are doiug well, while those that were plowed in bv th hardware at bottom prices. Mrs, Mehok visited Wichita Monday 0.
G.Aaron has oar city stirring plow are1 not so good- Thod Snodgramj resumed work on the farm r-nfmntnr Rich took hlB force of men returning Tuesday. and bus opened out a barber shop. He to El Dorado Tuesday where they have a expects to make it a business now ami this week after a two weeks Miss Maud is also bavin Mrs. Fenton and Mrs. MeGlada yihited ou Monday tin Rev.
Anderson and wife Wichita, whose daughter is very low six we'oks job of carpentering. can be found there at anytime. an experience with them- Mrs. Mesa and daughter, Minnie, of Augusta and Unas Ault and wire Illinois Ch ail Shannon was selling some hogs wiia consumption. Voss and wife visited Georas Lines Eddy 0.
Fisher's new house is almost completed, and none will have a more 4 Monday, things begin to look father bus ami iumiiy met ounuay. uays 1H8E week witu the Fishers James Dickerson of Harper was visitinjr picione. pleasant abiding place man.uu. Ausil and Davy Mullen are boss fisher, men, they keeD the family table well aim parentis and brothers here last week. He We are thinking of organizing a base The oarDehters finished their work on pliod.
ininxs narper oouutv will raian a iilf t. ITaia'a linnnn the first of the Week ball olub. tins Hen ton got a club we orop or wheat '-Js. U. Fisher has the The "beet" olub is to be started this aud now the plaster fa froing on.
can wallop? first California redwood house that wo week. nave neara of in i nn Frank Weaver is getting in shape Mioa flonnlns returned to her uiui mac it win not do tue last as it again and thinks bis arm will soon be in uma at Hnnduv. after a visit of PALMYRA. seems to nave suoh a bard glossy finish working trim. when painted, and we believe it will r.
fnnr weeks with her sister, Mr9. Wofley. The trustee's returns from Murdock, Politics will soon begin to boil again miu iuo paiDi muoii longer tuau pine The scribe noticed A Pharis and shows our population to be C27, a gain of Buy yonr lumber of E. Phillips Son and the ofllce-seeker, who never knows wire amoDs the loval Dennis who,l. Oood quality ana low prices you after be is elected, will be around 76 over last year; the soil is fertile and all tilable; five school houses, peucable and ed the Decoration exercises So far as Dr.
Dill has a thoroughbred Egg-, shaking you by the hand and asking; neara from tbose who attended tbe social citizens, the latter of special im nrnnt ni.iaf nnU. and he is iUOliaed to How'a the folks?" and "Do you keep mouracken barbaou were well re paid. Two roasted oen and nlenty eli portance; Our township is certainly en tUVIfV vuivi w-- think it the finest colt in the township, Buy the Light Running PLANO Binder, with the Fly Wheel Attachment Simplest, Strongest arid Best Be Sure and Get the PLANO TWINE. It takes the Lead. We Sell the above, also well?" etc, but we're on to 'em bigger 'd oies wers on hand.
The crowd oresent ticing to those seeking Who can beat it life. was estimated at 1600 to 80 in MiBH mi i i j. ne late rains ana warm sunsnine are Lewis who has been suffering with sore The Unole Tom Cabin company did If your neighbor borrows your Call rapidly changing the crop outlook for the not batisfy the expectations of the crown him that it nnnts a dollar a Tear, or better. Small grata is reaching upward; eyes ior some time is improving under tbe treatment of Dr. Dill Milo Fuller and Mr.
Zerby with their families ana consequently tneir snow was not ap fifty cents until January 1, 1894. preciated. T7 TT 1 Ti' 1 corn is being cultivated the seoond time, the listed corn seemingly in the worst Wn want subscribers. Help the cause MPLEMENTS, HARDWARE, Some of our voting folks Bpent a so cnuuy wira n. a.
isners, lismng and pionioing Where aro the croakers? Evidently they oonld beat this for grow condition; all deep listed corn had to be tial evening at JjF. Ehles last Wednes LUMBER AND COAL. replunted. day. They report a very pleasant time Nellie Harding and Antia Mather.
ing weatner. xnerarmers in this vici-uity are all smiles Mrs Cha. A vnrv Messrs Baud, Bodecker, Smith, and Fred Stiles has concluded to raise Were passengers on the "hummer" Mon and daughter, Mrs Flora Fisher, attend (Try our McAlister Washed Nut Coah Best for Summer) Come, and see us. mustache Bnd has bought twenty-fm transacted business in Wibhita day morning for El Dorado, wnere inej ee tne nign school commencement at, bottles of beard elixer to give it a start. lat week.
go for a months hard woik at tbe county Wiohita; their niece and cousin Nellie The Law and Order league cot it on John Smiths barn was consumed by fire Normal. JJorsey was one of tbe graduates Sparks of Wiohita was visitinor with to a boot-leeerer last wees and be is now some two weeks ago; now the nre start E. PHILLIPS SON, Sons, a counting the 30 davs he will have 0 Fishers the fi8t of the week ed is unknown; he will erest a new one soon, as he has purchased the material. Just arrived at E. Phillips carload of MoAlister nut ooal.
Best fur The editor of the Cail was calling in spend in jail, and figuring how he is go KASAS. GREENWICH, this locality Saturday, soliciting snh- ing to pay tne siuu nne. xc is saie io oe Wm. Pennington is tending 30o aorei summer. Try it.
he will not snend any more of his valu corn, Wm, Bodeoker 125. Charles O. L. Deen, representing E. Phillips 7T nble time selling "red eye" around thit- Freeman 90, Wm, Meyersick 10.
William Dill'lost avaluable horse Mon TT T.ATNjanOTM scribers and getting acquainted. Thirteen names were added during the day, besides tbe editor got several drinks of buttermilk, The Cam, has proved itself Son, the implement firm at Greenwich, town. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Bachelor are health dav hv drowninor His boys undertooK was here Tuesday morning. He can 'Lish Line is on the sick list; tot seeking in Colorado Springs, to ford the East branch on the Fifth par winner and people find tbev cannot do THE soaroelv write orders fast enough for, dangerously, but uncomfortably, Eddie Lewis has broken his horse to without it. Call strain Mr Worlev. nnr alell; when in the water they found it lrive single and if the scribe is not mis (hose wishing twine. The farmers were plentiful on our milk can stands on the back psrob.
deeper than they expected, and in spite taken some particular one of the fair UNDER TAK streets Saturday, the merchants wen- Tim littlk Zimmerlv eirls thc.t makf ex will soon have an opportunity to of all they could do the beast went down JbiVERGBEEN. UNDER THE LAURELS." busy all day. they felt so good over then t.hir hnmn with GraodDa Winters went uke a oart ride. Eddie has the name of obipped it and could not be saved. Saturdays trade mat tney an KAN BENTON, Oeing a fine looking boy and evidently to Wichita yesterday for a visit.
five cents to tbe contribution oburch hat The Benton Dramatic Sooiety will pre doesn't deceive his looks. Tbe Calij man made a visit to Eobi Sunday. sent "Under the Laurels" at RobiBon's Some weeks ago the Writer called tbe Mrs Davis, of Wellington, who been visiting with tbe Barney family, son's hall a few evenings airo ana was Tbe weeds are Betting so numer ball one week from next Saturday even utieution of the Benton township author anrnriHnd BR well as rdeaeed with the ious and larcre on tne vacant returned to her home Tuesday. mnnnnr in which the drama folks had around our city that they hide th ities to tne dangerous condition of the oridge aoross South Branoh between Palmyra and Benton. The budge was Ttnrnnv T)nvl is branching out in his residences and children are frequent fixed their staee, curtains and scenery Dr.
A. B. Webber Physician Surgeon. No calls responded to during night hours iv lost in them for davs at a time. Let meat business.
He now has a branoh shop at Andover end is doing a good They have a large stage with the proper oil in tilaoe The SCenery was hold an indignation meeting and elaugbt promptly and neatly repaired and wt iiuve only to say that the people o( that cownship make no mistake in plaoiug Lusiness there. er them tbe weeds of course. such men in office. painted by a Wiohita gentleman and will imsiBt thfltn in oresenting "Under the Wichita Barney Dovle. the handsomest butcher ing, June 17th.
This is a five aot drama and will be an interesting one. "The Irish Linen peddler," a laughable farce will follow the drama, aud there is no doubt but the evening's entertainment will be woll worth enjoying. The manager informs us that every thing will be ready at that time and that none need have any fears as to their lack of ability and practice. The play will be a winner and all should witness it. Come out and see what borne talent can do.
The curtains will rise at 8.45 sharp. Following is the oast for the drama: Trusaell Rubiaon is out from tLis week visiting his father, E. K. in Kenton, supplies our peoples wants iu GREENWICH KAN James W. Baird, Jr.
was looking after Laurels" as it should be. bo vi line now. Mrs. E. C.
Fisher shows her loyalty to Walter Harrison is herding cattle, like his -interests in Benton Sunday evening, as was also Tom Smalley on the same errand near Palmyra. ICECREAM SUPPER home and to home enterpises by sending three conies of the Calii to eastern the cay and festive cow-boy, for damec T.nut. June 1st, was E. HOWARD Deems, SON Tbe picnic to be given by the Union friends. the night of the ice-cream and straw Sabbath sohool in Ghaney's grove in Volney Stileshas withdrawn his poet lienor of Cbildrens day.
has been chang Plnw shoos are selling lower at the berry supper, given by the Benevolent annifitv. and to sav that it was a suooess office boxes from the market, lie says ilnl in Wall than was ever known in he had a private letter from the U. Department stating that Cleveland has does not half speH it. the history of Benton. ed to Saturday, June 17th.
An interest- i mg program is to be rendered, the little folks being tbe principal participants; and right here we wish to take advan eoncluded to keep all republican post Th nrnwd was larce and every one Wb have a reoort of the horticultural masters in office who didc nouer lor seemed to enjoy themselves. meeting which took place last week, but Mr. Milford Ldngdon Rose 4, Blanche Dill fully Dowler ImuLangdon Sookev Kvn Famnwortb KyleBrantfora Mathers Frank Gault Ike Hopper Frank Bradfield Bub Osborn Zoke Homer Parka Bush Admission 25 cents, children 15 cents, Tbe drama aud farce will consume three hours. tage of the opportunity to remark that he especially desires to be remembered Plasterers and Contractorsi ALABASTINE WORK A SPECIALITf. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
At.9 SO supper was called and the way Prat Massey is quite a rustler to sell Owing to lacn or space wmi uut yw-duce it until next week. at dinner-. papers, tie disposes 01 a Dig oaron eacn week. the cream, cake and strawberries disap' eared was a caution. The old time idea that a church festi The Call calls on Palmyra people Don't forget tbe social at the ball A wagon load of little folks went to Ihe sopoh branch yesterday and Spent the day in picnicing, The company was Thursday since its change in publication day.
Good, keep it up. Bobb, Tuesday evening June 13, Proceeds to apply on lamps for the M. E. church. under the orders of Cant.
Uarvey i'arks. val was something nearly akin to highway robbery, was for onoe dispelled, and cvAi-vhodv ven the worth of their Miss Maud Smith is having a good W. W. Patterson, tne largest merchandise dealer and best kept stock of goods and lowest prices lu the county west of El Dorado. FAIRPLAY ITEMS.
time with the mumps, but bhe doesn The best bargains evef offered in mens fine shoes can now be had at ''Hole in -f a money. seem to think so. Rain, rain, and nothing but rain. News was too soarce last week for us There was plenty for all and no reason Ihe Wall." i HENRV A. JONES, REAL ESTATE LOANAMtiT, Miss Eva Tripp is quite sick and fears to attempt writing.
existed why any should go away hun-erv. The ladies of the Benevolent soci are entertained that she will have a Bpell Rev Martha Garner of Qalesburg. Quite a. number of younar folks from of fever. a Univerealist preacher, will preaoh ety are to be their abil this vicinity attended a party at Mr.
Heil's last Wednesday evening. in Robison hall on Sunday, June 11, at Dr. Burton and J. ii. Kiddle were Henry Burns has purchased the Fox property in the south part of town which witf be occupied by bis mother.
Tbe Eroperty was formerly owned by J. H. augdou. Today is J. 0.
Henrie's 4'Jth birthday. Although he has been a bard working man all nia life, yet he feels hS gny as a 3 p. in. Come out and hear the lady, showing off in Augusta Monday. Miss Dora Tunis went to El Dorado Greenwich, Harrison." Monday to attend the Normal.
ity to satisfy the most Bensative palate The receipts amounted to nearly $30 BUSINESS LOCALS- 1 Gasoline J. C. Henne's. O. E.
Ruckle was pleasantly surprised A fine line of Indies lace slippers for 81.25 and 81.80 at E. Crouches, the Milo Fuller has been quite suocepsful Kansas. Improved and unimproved by quite a number of his friends ou Fri 20.000 ACRES Hole in Wall." day evening. They report a splendid last springs colt and could do several years service in war yet if necessary. time.
with bis borne made inoubator. The first batolr of eggs nearly all hatohed and it takes a very large hen to oare for them all, there being about three-hundred little chicks, but Milo was equal to the oo- First-class dressmaking done on the Tim Aid Society the C. P. Land For Sale. Mrs.
Rounds and daughter, Pearl, Bobinson farm, half mile east and 0 tyiiIa nnrt.h tsl town. Church will meet with Mrs Dennis Winecnrner Friday June 16. at 2 p.m. were iu Wiohita Saturday, GREENWICH IS SITUATED IN 13-16 Mes, J. O.
Van Hobh. Miss Jessie Deem attended the barbe 2 Mns. S. D. Allien, cue at Suunydalo last Friday.
Pnttarsnn is navfnS more for butter SEDGWICK COUNTY ON THE Ft Scott WicBita fe'x, oasion and made a hen and put warmth in her hide by steam. The next thing is to manufacture eggs that will hatoh, then we will fill the state. We understand that Dr. Burton is at work on a plan to make eggs that will hatch and in two TheTowanda Herald seemB to take pleasure in perpetuating a marriage notice for three weeks, ks is proven by his notice in tbe issue of JnneB. Hjw dreamy Bnd inattentive to business Some people are.
Message box. E. Philips and 8on tbe grain mer-nlmrtts of Greenwich, boutrht nnrl triiin- Mr. Rounds was so unfortunate as to Mrs Stewart who has been friends and relatives for the past The mos't desirable looation in the state, get kicked on the ankle by a colt last than is paid at El DoVado, so says some of bis customers. Gasoline at Henries.
i in Klaot Yirlr and Nnw Jflr- Monday morning, lucky no bnes were broken. sey returned home Sunday night after a weeks time too. wnat ne puts in tnem The largest and most Complete Btock snort viBii iu buQ Huimo j. Walter Harrison is Takb Your WATCHES herding cattle for of drv goods ever in Benton is to be ped from Benton this week bushels Mr. Deem, we are unable to say, but think yellow paint and cooked starch is part of the mixture.
He nses the old egg-shells he picks Up around town for the oovering of the egg. He had some but it Mrs Inman, acoorapanied by her fUnffhters. Hattie and Nellie, drove to John Bally o.illcd in this vicinity CLOCKS, DIAMONDS and JEWELRY to Sunday. I Wiohita Thursday to visit be invalid mother. Mrs Priest Mrs PrieBt Who has What has beoome of Andover Corres rained on them and of course tney wouldn't hatoh.
oi oats, ior wnion tney paid This has been a great week lot accidents, On Monday Than Bachelder's hired man let tbe team run away with a cultivator and injuring three horses so badly that one bad to de killed, one be used and one may recover. frinil.i nnd relatives in this vicin OnU Anderson has painted and replas- ity, has been sick nearly five monthp, suffering from" catarrh of the stomach, tered bis bouse.and added some yard improvements tht enhance the looks and value wonderfutty. O. pondent? Next Sunday is Children's day at Andover. Frank Rounds went fishing Tuesday He seemed to be having very good luck.
No wonder The kind cr. bait he uses. SwEit.P's. Tnmnrrnv Mrs. J.
B. Patton and Miss pound at Pattersons. The Piano Binders" is ahead of anything else on the market. E. Phillips Son so them.
Go to J. H. Langdors for wl paper; the largest nd best tock tBere, ever used in Benton; also, the place to get first olass candies, oranges, lemons, nuts Dried grapes 8 cents, evaporated Cal apricots 0 oents, raisins 8 cents at Pattersons ii yod want a strictly first class machine buy the frght running Plano Binder. I Farmew will save money "by ordering i tvi farm imnlements WaeODB. buggies -TTIIRST CLA WORK, and SATIsVaCTION GUABANTiED oils from E.
Phil" Son Julia McBride start east for an extended visit. Mrs, Patton will first visit at Washington. Illinois, and will be joined MURDOCK MUPDLINGS. there in two weeks by her husband when will visit in New York, returning We are haying fine weather for crops. Editor J.
M. WoMev and C. O. Moote 3festerday a negro man a'ssanlted the person of Mrs. Allen, living two miles north of Augusta.
tVe learn from Mr. Cain of Ei Dorado that the officers nnd hiE Jeweler, via and viewing the great fair. Miss McBride visits in Induna and returns were in this vicinity Saturday. oitisens are in pursuit of the villian Mrs, Ohlson has been on the sick list When Mr Allen arrived horns he found hia vifA nnrnnanionn We honfl thev maV for the past two or three wees, but is succeed in bridging the to justice getting better. road carts and maohiue repairs of James Parks.
6tf. Horner Brothers, have jast returned before going to press we made elo'se Spring seems to b'e with us at last We drill well as cheap as anyone. Good, Straight. 10 inch enquiry about tbe sick and afflicted in from Anderson county where they have been visiting relatives. See E.
Phillips Bon about a lano tbe community. Mr. auarp is improving by way of Chicago. Tbe wind storm on Sunday morning considerable damage, and as far as Van be learned Uncle John McOune was the one that suffered the greatest loss. corn crib, thirty peach trees, wind--mill ane considerable hedge was blown the ground This was not all of Jiis loss; the fence being down one of bis valuable horses found its way to the railroad and on Monday nght as train No.
152 was passing, the horse was killed A Sons of Veterans camp which tal es and tas been at his store tbB last two Hole. Alwava'srive'satfef action. Mr. and Mrs. Files trom New on wre Binder.
The largest stock, tit candies, nnls, days. Mrs. B. F. Mathers has recovered from a billions altaek and is able to be visitingjat Monhenwig's Friday and Sat ELIS CtEAED oranges and lemons at lowest prices juut.
received at Pattersons, around again. Blanche MatberS has urday. OftEENWICH GEAZINGS. The farmers are all busy working their corn. Eugene Hornet has finished digging! his cellar; he will commence building his house at once.
Mrs Phillips returned from Wichlta: yesterday where she has been Vib'itiog for. the past week. Herman Herr is digging a storm cave, he is afraid we will have some wind, Mrs Feldner in preparing to go back east on a visit, we hope sbe will Lave a good time in old Illinois. Charles. L.
Dean, the Eli salesman for Phillips Son has been in Benton this weeek buying oats and selling tbe Piano binder. It takes a good i eized train to haul the oats that he can liny in two days, Greenwich base ball olub is now, ready for match games, ClipfEb. WEST BENTON NEWS. Mr. Litson's grand-dangbter, Miss Gracie Metros and Miss Jessie Carutb- TOWASDAI, IvANSAa There is to be a School con fin in Pattersobs and examine his fine stock of goods and see what bargains yen.
can get before buying elsewhere. vention at the Whitewtaer school house the last Snndey in this month at 3 ibenameof "Lewis R. Jewell" was'nr- A. L.SALLEE, The Always Ready P-m. J.
F. Nash and David Atkinson attena- For a good smoke try those Cnba'a Sprig cigars the boat 5o cigar at Pattrt-sons. A fresh car lohd of 'salt 'at (5. Hen. next meeting will occur on next Monday evening All desiring to join as 4-barter members are requested to tnret been a very sick cniia, dui is reporiea better.
Malarial feVer Is hBr aflSlictidn. Mrs. lliiikle has been very low by a re-lapue from malarial fever but is reported better. Ollie Hinkle has been danger, ously ill but is reported better. Her sickness is typhoid feVer and a very sv rious case it was.
Mrs. Pattcreon has been nnder tbe doctor's care the past week, but tbe physician reports her improving. Her sickness is mnmpB accompanied by a fever. has skilfully administered to the above cases and is hopeful of their recovery. ed a circus at Newton Saturday night.
House Painter anil Decoratof Mr.Monhenwig has just purchased a When yo'fx want ritriotly want ritriotly rtra tLlOperbb). at the post room The following T.ffirars were chosen: Captain, work wire Al. new windmill. Mfes Maud tfetty has gone to El Do EL DOfrAi, Now IS the time to place your orders Piano Binders. E.
Phillips A son sell 'them rado to attend the Normal. More; lnt lieutenant, Worleyl 2nd lieutenant, Parks; 1st sargent, V. S. P.arks; camp council, M. Bates, 3 iRamsey and Joseph Henrie.
Rosy Bud..
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