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Sentinel and Democrat from Burlington, Vermont • 3

Burlington, Vermont
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Langdon Robinfon Strong Hall 4.242 42o8 Marvin 4.094 BOSTON') OCT. 8. EUROPEAN AFFAIRS. THE Minerva, Czpt. Clem-ts, from London, has furniih- paprrs three days later than fore fectived i but no articles very interefting news.

The reserved of Great-itaio appeared to occupy all Hobinlon M. 4.Q'4 Jaauarv, 1X04, it o'clcclc A. M. (cMrnf- A Iht following bointfi 1. To chooit a to govern faid Mteling.

1. To choofei Pjoprietor'i Clerk. nd Tfuier. To appoint 1 Committit examine former lurrcyi md of Uii Prjprieiori, to comp'ckt tbe lrtey of (lid ind tkt report theief to tbs Prcf reion for their accrptand. -r 4...

Ta (ta if the Prcpiietort, will make division of ill or a part of (heir Irndi in (M Ton iato and tote to iettieii lha loti thi live cn in tieu of tlif draft. To fie if ihe Propiieton will Tjk to defray the expeece of furweyiog and ailoting faid Tvn, anlfo the tipenca of tail meeting and appoiat' a Colle'tiT to colUA hit Aad laHly to Jo and trarilift any ohcr buitntfa tUt any concif tut propriety. i Gic undtr my band at C. Ichefler, tfii faurthdar of 3.

KOGER ENOi, Jan. Jul Peace. he attention or tne tnguin pui At cur hit dates the atmof. here cf the North of Europe as far from clear but whether aDrenrancf were -merely ev- hefant, or the" ftorm-of-war ere brewing, was uncertain. Te ftlll reiain the opinort, that Norrht-rn 'rewers will not Hinman I Curtis 3,871 Chandler ,2,952 'r On this day the Hon.

The: ophilus Harrington was chofen fpeaker, and Anthony Hafwell, Clerk 1 the Secretary and en-groinng Clerk were continued as before SUPREME COURT. The Legifliture have rhcled the following Judges of the Supreme Court lor the year enfmng, -t Hon. Jonathan Robinfon Clit) JriSe. Royal Tyler, FhJI Side Judg' Thcopbelus liarringtOi), ieconJ SiJe JuJgt, JUDGE! CF CHITTENDEN COUNTY. Hon.

Jofhua Stanton! Lemuel utom Ezra Butlcri. Side in Gr at-Britain sgiir.ll France. hey arc too jealous of the marine fupr ricrtty of England, to fli ro flrcricthen Tne urorof an offered alliance of had fubfided and the much talked of KuiTun Jquad- pn was qiretly purfuing its yage ot diicipline. it is uiu, a P-ns naoer of fome suthori- their threatening invaders if not to their the terrors of invafion in In. thjs refolution Chriftians and Jews Tories and Whigs Loyalifts and Oppofitioniftsi, High and Low Rich and Poor feemed cordially combined and the only coniefl: appeared to be(, who Ihould be foremoft in exhibitions of unequivocal evidence of the fincerity of their profeflions language of the people too appearr ed to have acquired a new tone and all the addreTest rcfolutions harransjues.

and fongs, were in a language unufually elevated and energetic. The nobleft feelings of a great and mighty peoplo had been rcufed with a warmsh and zeal equal tOthe that in-fpirrd them Public Safety and Glory. The nation of Shopkeepers" had become a nation of foldieis, We do not place much reliance on the report of the new Revolution in France. All the French papers we have feen contain nothing but evidence of tfce moft ardent atTeclion qf. the French people for Buonaparte i and attachment to his We know, jhit Moreau has long been looked, up to.

as the Gen. iMonk of France is pretty evirtent Louis XV1IL has received afsuranccsi of the 'exillence- of a ltrong iri France And it- is be certain that the, French Princes i England had pofitiyely been making preparations for. erccling the Royal Standard in France i around which they had beenaf-fured 50 006 royaliils with Pich-egru and Dumourier at their head flood ready to rdly." iiUVUnrjtOn, Thursdav, Odi 20, i 803, in 11 VERMONT LEGISLATURE. txlrta 0 ptttr fnm a Mtmbtr cflhi Xfa'urtof a giotltman in thii Yefterday declared to all, within a few miles of this place, the following facls pleafmg to fome and of recent dire, that ranee had empowered KulFia fir fo aft as mediators be- Lexers remaining iu Pod OSes at Bviflioaton, Vrmin(, wbith i'l be ta the General PjA Olfice at Waftiing'on City, uutelt called for os before the fir it day of Jatioaiy next, Ale, South Ba He, Elq. WiiliHoo, Ebeiinar Bron, RantoB Butk, Efi'ex, Samu.

el Bradley, do. ur Eb.ne7.Bf Bradley, Wil" liSon. Joan B. ChamU ling, Burling'on, Suraonlbre Caafe, Mrr. Olive Cun ninghira, ia.

t. Chu'oueCujIer, Re. Le lwil ChittL-eden, Cot. Jicob it, Joikua Danitlf, do. Cherry Jmea Enn, Burlington.

Sith Ecmoi, Efq.Tfle Mctt or Vi.veyar l. Pettr Foot, Edward Ci'lclnfler, Wil'aid FletcKer, Wc'ftford. F-fk, Futifis. Tneado.e Gi lard, EilVx. Tiiomaa Hs-mrnway, fcuriirgto.

Sauel d. ate) Ilirt, do. Dvid Hiltiage, Willidon. El lha Hale, H-ro. Chaun-cy Ktiburn, Stiebncn." Jjfcph Lcrnie, Eou'h Hero.

Richa.d Eilex. Dm. iel Lit, lion, Milei Leef, do. Alexander Mtl'i, Eb.lburn. M.s, Btiley A.

(ijorge Ncrtli-way, du, AbLlcni Patkatd, Bmli.nton, Fetlcve,do.! Sireael Ptlton, fcfi'tx, (t.) Jamei Pe'eis, Ju. Grand Ids. fcyN Kuircf, Hi.ittPton. jolia See'y, Wettford. Mm.

Phcebi Smith, Mion. s. Eliza Spe'imn, Burlington. LUdetan Ta)lo(, do. Jokn Tnomw dj.

(6) Ro-bsrt Wlritcorpb, Ri.hrnoftd. DivU Wat fon, Burhngton. VVetki Sc K'rfley, do, C-pt- Nathan While, Slie'ibum. Wells, Bui ilmton. Paul do.

FAY, a. P. tJ. vcen her and, England! and at thirv haJ accepted the ap- pintrrenr. How the reful'al Grtat-IJrita'n.

fnd (he mult fufc them if i fc are not of a ture to pre'enbe hmi'S to the FEVKIl AT NEWYORK. The following arc the continued returns of the Board of Health vizi New Cafesi Deaths. Sept. 29th, 33 13 30th, 17 9 oa. ift, 24 15 2d, 10 15 3d.

28 JO Xth. 27 it ordinate ambition of france) accept tl.eir mediatorial Dipp- titions. ivill influence their fo re rncafaresi, time mcfl deter is laid to nave JTered a project for the gau'ren-v eof Malta: The armed myriads or France TAKE NOTICE, brieared in conllant motion 'iri Ai aricuspirts of the Republic T.T. nerfona indebted Nhanial cufiirgiun, 350 ocpie AMERICAN STEEL rUndcr. either bv No; or Bjuk rccouuf.

is very evioenc Ihe. meant to rike'homc ftrek's fomewhere, England and Ireland; cypr: Gibraltar, and Malcai are rrqueflfd to nuke immediate pther.i(e he be under llie neceftiiy of putting their Notet or accoanti into the hsndi of a careful Attorney to who have beiri pundloal receUea bis hearty truck. -Burlington, 0. 19,1803. bve been named as the fuppo- ous obitds Of 'attack.

A lARON ELllOTT Ic SOW, take this methed to infcrui the public atd ritbni in that ibty kf; cc ttan'y hiid a iuppiy uf Aiuiican Blii. TfRB STblL, at tleir lunKt V.r. genuel, which they wariact 10 be equal any Atc-Ciitin Sue), mid will ahoid. it the Albany Pike to who wdh to puiclule to fJl a Jim, who wife io puiclialr by ike Qjantitj, Veigennts, tj.k 1803. tjnfiderabjc force was in the vi- r.ity of Jerfcy and hicti it was thought would obably receive the firli onfVc the Gallic legions; 1 he riift onful in one of his replies to and djlpleaiing- of courfe to Cloth Dreflintf, Lands for Sale, 5000 Acres of Land for Sale lving io Worcefter, in the Coasty 0' Cbiueaden, in the State of Vermont, io which an iiidifputable title will be give.

The whole will be. fold for ready Cfh or approved ftcurity or any pan iher on the like tean Settiers. For further particulars enquire cf Richard Harifon, Newyoik, Cephas South, Tun. and Charles R. Willums, Ruthnd, Vermont, or Stephen Mix Mitchell, Jun, of Burlington, Vrnnoii.

For RICHARD HARI5ON Oct. 6. CEPHAS SMITH, Jun. is addreffors i declared, they mould form a buttrefs of a GOVERNOR. OTICE is he eby' given, th3t the 8uh- hdee to England." 7940 5403 Great Britain prtfentsorie vafl Tichenor, Robinfoii, rid of, bayonets and- lances 5 riillt her coatt is Unrounded ciihera Mill carry oo the Cimhier's finefr, at Curii(ton Fails, in i its b.aiithss, ili the Rieattft (, neaiscii and having rece'red frow Troy a hie (uply of Dye fimer Ihuiiileivcuhey can i ffari tv diefi as cheap as s) CiudticC in tliefe parts.

Scaiitt colored as tifual. WEI KINGSLIY. SUilingtsn, Sept. 1S03. ith mointed cannon and float- kg cafllcs.

To the numerous raried preparations fordc- Majority 2,186 Lt. governor. Brigham, 77oo Leyerctt, 2,803 Morris, 15 Scattering 414. nee and fitreeh hund- oun boas an batteaux had pen added, whichi under the'- irecljon.jOf Lord Keith arid Sir, idney Smith, were ftationed bri ie Englilh coaft oppofite France 4,330 TREASURER. ,1 Swan, 8,128 id Holland- in wnich an army Scattering lca-lenlibles, was dady exera- '353 fa WE tbe Subfcribirs being bv ih; Solomon Miller.

F.fq judge uf oba'e tor iM DiftiiJt of Chitfcndin, appointed Cfim-. nlflioncrs to receive and the claims )On ihe Samuel Hhemtan, laieof Watrrbery, in faid, deccW, tepre-fertcd infolvent, and li menti fit-M the fixik day of September lafl, beiug allowed for that purpoif, rfo t.eithy nuiica that we ftall attend 19 bufioefs of our ap-poiatnent at the dwelling houfe of Richaid Hulking, in ftid Wtibury, 00 the Mondays ef December and jjnuaty iextk from twelve till fix o'clock M. of laid days, EZRA BUTI.ER, KOSVVELL WELLS, ISAAC WOOLSON, Ciuimiflioneri. Waterbuty, Ofl. 3 1, iSoj.

d. Ihe men in arms in the ritifh. iflcs were cftimated at arly one million. We mention it as an inftance FOR SALE, AT THE CASH STORE 8 PUN'CHEONS fweet Sc: Croix KUM, 2 Puncheons JAMAICA SPIRITS, 4 Qr. Cafks Sherry and 1 Do.

Lifbon WINE, at i imall advance. Burlington, tj'i 09. 1S03. (t. STRAVD or itoleo from the Su'ofciiber, oa the ift day of Oflober, a SQRREL HORSE, about four years old, with a Bald her, two white eyes, a natural trotter, about fifteen hands high.

Whoever will take up faid Horfe, and return him to the Subfcriber, or givt information where be may be found, ft all be well rewarded, and all neceflaiy charges paid. ESENE2ER BROWN. Barlington. Oct. 8, 1803.

HIGHGATE. WhEREAS application ha been iaada to me, by more than occ fixteemh part of tha Proprietots of the TowoAip of High-gate, in the Caunty of Franklin and S-ate of Vermont, warn a meeting of laid Proprietors. Tbcfs are therefo.e, to notify and warn tbe Pioprittere cf laid Townfbipj to meet at the dweliin- houfe cf Jjhn Sax, i-a J8id (lie fctend Mouda; of zeal, that fome of the inland trilhes had refolvedi if muf- lets could not fce' furnifhed em in feafon to take the field bainfi: the French armed with Majority 7,975 DEMOCRATIC COfJNCELLORS. Galufni 5,42 afford 6,348 Lommis 51887 Chittenden 5,301 White 5,795 Wetherhill Spoooer 5.627 -Nile's 5,529 Fletcher 5,405 XVheelock 5,241 Shepherdfon 5,15 Keyfe 5,120 FEDERAL COUNCELLOKS. ng pitch-forks.

i Nu it is ncreoy gin a tnat tne Hen crabie Court of Pioba't tor tht DiH- jr reliance may be placed on drefTcs, folcmn 'relblutions. unrary otters of krvice and al lacrifice of property at' the tict of Chittenden, has iicur.eJ tne lem ot fix mcniht from the fiifi '1 uefday of Otn- ber Uc j. for the creditors of LEMUEL WOODRUFF, Lie of Wcftford, decried, to exhibit their againtt faid Elia-e ta tha acimioiftiator to t.ud it ate, wnlefs they aie exhibited fcidiin that t.tcs they will be ban ed. ANfKONV WOODRUFF, AdiiiiuiiUater, Weflfot Sept. ai, iSoj.

ot Cngtand and otland may bt fafd be united a man in the rcfolunon vito- ,4542 4'384 pfly to opofc and.

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