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The Kansas Spirit from Lawrence, Kansas • 7

The Kansas Spiriti
Lawrence, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE SPIRIT WIITD UTILIZED I Jims and Fannys, honco it is difficult, although tho Itlisrcllancous. udges may have announced the figures at the time, J. M. HUBBEL Successors to Bbimmona Adams, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In THE NICHOLS WIND MILL I I I to fix the record upon- tho right animal. Outside of a particular locality where the event occurs, no A PEBFECT SELF GOVERNOR I I stoves, ti nsr wjlie, body is supposed to know what time was made, Runs no Faster in a Gale than In an Ordinary Wind; and what Jim or Fanny made it.

Both the owner and his horse are myths to the judges of a race in IT IS THE BEST WIND HILL MADE. another section of the country thus the door is open for the perpetration of frauds that may be IN DEMONSTRATION OF THIS WE CHALLENGE COMfHTI- AJT AUTUMN EVENING. It was an eve of Autumn's holiest mood. The corn flolds, bathed In Cynthia's silver light, Stood ready for tho reaper's gathering hand, And all the winds slept soundly. Nature seemed, In silent contemplation, to adore Its Maker.

Now and then, the aged leaf Fell from its follows, rustling to the ground And, as It fell, bado man think on his end. On vale and lako, on wood and mountain high, With ponslvo wing outspread, sat heavenly thought, Conversing with itself. Vesper looked forth, From out her wostorn hermitage, and smiled And up the earth, unclouded, rode the moon With all her stars, gazing on earth Intense, As if she saw some wonder walking there. TION WITn THE WORLD. readily avoided by a correct published summary of Wooden Ware House Furnishing Goods.

Galvanized Cornices and Tin Roofing put on Buildings on Short Notice. 02 Massachusetts Street, LAWRENCE, KANSAS. nl2tf every event wherein horses engage in a contest for Farmers and Stock-raisers, this is lust what Is needed, and la daa. a consideration. tined to oome into general use In this Statu.

It has been thoroughly proven in the Eastern States. We will erect one of the These summaries are valuable in another way Mills aide by side with any other made, giving them the choice of position, and thus perfectly teat its merits. they are incorporated in the "American Turf Reg ister and Racing Calendar," published yearly and IT IS THE CHEAPEST AND BEST We guarantee the Mills power for grinding, shelling corn, to give entire satisfaction. BURR OAK DINING Jl ALL AND widely circulated throughout the United Statos and the Canadas, and as a means of information to turfmen generally it is important that there should be We are also uirents tor the celebrated riiallenire Mill for trrlnilinr fee. ICE CREAM PABLORS.

For Information, call on or write to no omissions. "We trust, therefore, that, as all par j. i. liAHHin A' Lawrence, licn'l Aa'tH for tlin Mtiitn nf Kunuut H. BROWN Local Agents: ties will bo benefited, the secretaries and managers will aid us in giving proper publicity to their proceedings.

Turf, Field and Farm. T. TOMPKINS, North Topeka. noltf J. M.

I10DUE Abilene. DEALERS IN CONFECTIONERY, NUTS, TO A LADY. Too late I Btay'd, forgive the crime Unheeded flow the hours How noisless falls tho foot of time, That only treads on flowers. What eye with clear account remarks The ebbing of the glass, When all the sands are diamond sparks, That dazzlo as they pass Ah 1 who to Bobcr moasurtuent Time's happy swiftness brings, When birds of Paradise have lent Their plumage to his wings? Ventilation. It is more difficult to ventilate a CARRIAGE close room in summer than in winter because in summer there are no fires to create a draft, or to Foreign and Domestic Fruits, FINE CIGARS AND TOBACCO.

Familjes, Festivals and Picnics Furnished with Cream, Cakes, at the Shortest Notfce. ,73 Massachusetts Street, HO20tf LAWRENCE, KANSAS. move the air but an open fireplace, or an open door, or long windows, open at top and bottom, may be sufficient. 186 Massachusetts Street. 1 Repairing, Trimming Pine Painting 1 a Speciality.

1 THE OTTAWA INDIAN AND HIS GIFT. THE LIGHT RUNNING HOWE I In style and quality of workmanship we will not be ex- FITN AND Love, the toothache, smoke, a cough, and a tight boot, are following communication from the pen of the Rev. Robert Atkinson, appears in a late number of things which cannot be kept secret very long. celled, and our prices shall be en- tirely satisfactory. CALL AND SEE US.

EVERT LADY IS ESPECIALLY INVITED to call and examine the Howe 1 Many persons take advice as they do physic to flingit aside the "New York Examiner." There are some items in it that will be of general interest in Kansas, and the moment the Doctor's back is turned. SEWINGMAOHI1TE, we therefore copy it entire "This' insurance policy is a queer thing," LAWRENCE ELEVATOR, "Brother John T. Jones and his estimable wife, AS NOW IMPROVED, NO MATT1E WHITHEB BUB WI8IIKB TO FURGHAS- OR NOT. tlrely. "If I can't sell it, I cari-cel it; and if I can-cel it, I can't sell it." through many years of industry, accumulated a G.

W. SMITH, Proprietor. Easy Monthly Payments Will Secure a Machine I large property. He for many years kept the prmci A counsel being questioned by a judge for whom he was concerned, replied, "I am concerned for the plaintiff, my lord Grain and its Products Bought and Sold by the pal store among the Ottawas, and by this means he made a good deal of money, which he judiciously Bushel or Car Load. but I 'm employed by the defendant." C.

T. SEWING MACHINE DEALER, No. 125 Massachusetts Street, Between Henry and Warren, Swift proposed to put a tax on female beauty, and to leave invested in lands and town property when the Res everv lady to rate her own charms. He said the tax would be ervation was first opened and Ottawa-laid out. STORAGE AND COMMISSION.

Ground Feed in any Quantity. cheerfully paid, and would be very productive. The rise on these lands made him a wealthy man LAWRENCE, KANSAS. n20yl no2-ly for a new State like this. He had no children of "Oh, Tommy, that was abominable in you to eat your little sister's share of the cake." "Why," said Tommy, "didn't his own, but raised several orphan Indians.

Some you tell me, ma, that I was always to take her part?" three years ago he proposed to donate all the prop WM. KIEBY, TAILO R. Gentlemen's Clothing Cut and Made in the Latest Style. An Irishman fell off a cliff. "Are you kilt at all, Pat?" erty he possed to the support of Theological educa- M.

SHAW, HOUSE NO. 9 MASSACHUSETTS ST. (Nbab th Bbidoi .) Manufacturer of cried his companion. he did by appointing three trustees to Clothing Scoured and Repaired on short notice at Low Bates, "No," replied Pat, in ft loud voice, "I'm not dead, but First Door North of Eldridge House, LA WHENCE. spacheless." whom he made deeds for all his real estate, and then he made a will covering the balance.

In this donation, estimated at $75,000, and it may soon be Baron Alderson, learned, gentle and good, could make puns, REFRIGERATORS, and had much drollery. A juryman once said that he was deaf in one ear. "Well then," said Alderson, "you may leave worth double that amount, is included his home ICE CHESTS, BEE HIVES LADDERS. ALSO DEALER IN stead farm of 1,280 acres, with the finest cut stone the box, for it is necessary that jurymen should hear both sides." A lady wished a seat. A gentleman brought one and seated dwelling-house upon it in the State.

Ample provision was made for the survivor and little adopted GO TO THE LARGEST, CHEAPEST, BEST! STONEWARE, SEWER DRAIN PIPES, the lady. "Oh, you're a jewel said she. daughter; and it is but proper to say that Mrs, SPALDING'S "Oh no," replied he, "I'm a jeweler; I have just set the Chimneys for Prairie Homes, FANCY CHIMNEY TOPS, FIRE BEICKS, TILES, Ac. Large Stock on Hand. Send for Prlee List.

2 Jones heartily joined in making this disposition their property. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, jewel." Etymology. "Why are doctors called physicians, mamma?" "I consider it the most munificent gift the denom THE MOST PRACTICAL AND BEST ESTABLISHED BUSINESS COLLEGE IN THE COUNTRY, -Located in the ination ever received. Larger gifts have been made said a little inqusltive girl to her mather, who hod just been visited by one of them. "Physicians," replied mamma, who by some of the honored dead and worthy living of was seldom at a loss for an answer, "comes from feeteelc, as the O.

IP. BARBER, DIAXBB IK our denomination, but such sums were only a part DRY GOODS PALACE BUILDING, doctors ride about all day to seek fees." Humph 1" said an Englishman to a Scotchman, as they and a small part, of immense fortunes; but this was all the consecrated husband and wife had. It Nos. 712 714 Main between Seventh and KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. were walking over the fields, "oats are all very well in their way, but in England we feed them to our horses, while here is an example worthy to be handed down to poster DRUGS AND TOILET ARTICLES, they are food for men." ity.

Men of God and of wealth, young men of ESTABLISHED 1865. IXCOBPOBATED 1867. "Ay, ay!" said the Scotchman, "an' just seewhat fine unlfindid ormortunities. look at this example An horses there are in England, and what fine men we have in The College Booms are six in number the largest, heat Tenti. j.

orphan Indian boy, out on the western frontier. PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, No. 157 Massachusetts Street. Scotland!" lated and most elegantly furnished apartments of the kind in tho country, and will accommodate FOUK HUNDRED STUDENTS pressing his way first to the mercy-seat where he The Faculty numbers EIGHTEEN EXPERIENCED TEACHER Dr. Duncan, a professor in the New College, Edinburgh, received a new heart the first essential outfit for was a very "absent-minded" man.

The doctor was coming out of the college one day, when a cow brushed slightly AJND LiWi UKUKa. Tuition is much less than at any other school or college. For full information In regard to terms, call at the College Rooms, or address "Spalding's Commercial College, Kansas City, Missouri," for large Circular of 56 pages, and Speo-! life, death and eternity then through college unti: PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY he acquired a good education, and then onward lmensof Penmanship. sure to visitor adi mis joi- COMPOUNDED. nzuyi lege Deiore going eisewnere.

against him the doctor mechanically lifted his hat, and muttered, "I beg your pardon, ma'am." He was a good deal rallied about this, and a day or two afterwards, as he was through life, making the most of his talents, time oy ti. orAiiiiusw, a. rresiaent and influence in doing good, by preaching, teaching again coming from his class, he stumbled against a lady, and at LAWRENCE and giving and laboring in every way he could for once exclamed, "Is that you again, you beast?" the uplifting of his race while fervent spirit. BUSINESS OOLLEGEJ diligent in business, thus serving the Lord. Notb CORNER MASSACHUSETTS AND WARREN STREETS.

WINE BITTERS. Book-Keeping, Penmanship, Mathematics and General Commercial Branches. THE HAIB STORE. J.E.VINCENT Has the best and only regular Hair Store in Kansas City. Mr.

Vincent is a PRACTICAL WIG MAKER, and manufacturer of all kinds of Hair Goods generally. -Satisfaction guaranteed in every instance. All orders by mail prompl'y filled. Give him a call at No. 713 Main Street, Kansas City, Missouri.

8tf OPEN TO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Students Can Enter at Any Time. For particulars, call at the school or send for circular. mm no4-ly H. W.

MACAULAT, Principal. ing gave him so much comfort as to look into the future, and think that though he would be dead, yet he would still be speaking, through the teachers his endowment would support, and the students it would aid in acquiring an education for the ministry. Ought not such hopes to comfort any Christian man in a right use of what God had entrusted him with "Ottawa University, the Baptists of Kansas and the denomination at large have lost a true friend in brother Jones. The University has been his favorite object to live for. Much has he done for it, and much did he expect to do had he lived.

But since God has taken him from us, we trust his mantle will fall on others who may be raised up to take his place." AGRICULTURAL FAIRS. As the season for agricultural fairs and country KANSAS CITY GRAIN ELEVATOR, OPE LATSHAW QUADE, Proprietors, DEALERS IN GRAIN. S3" The highest market price paid for Wheat, Corn and Oate. i Begs leave to state that he has commenced business IN LAWRENCE, 100,000 Bushels wanted Immediately. 7mS The Most Wonderful Discovery of the Nine-; RELIABLE TOIsTIO.

as Tailor, on Warren streeet, two doers East of State Bank, sign AN AGREEABLE AND PLEASANT DELNK teenth Century! DR. C. G. GARRISON'S race meetings is at its zenith, we avail ourselves of of the Anchor, and having brought with him i some of the best reoipes PROM ENGLAND, is prepared to do cleaning in a superior manner. the opportunity to request of the managers or sec AN ANTIDOTE FOB ALL BILLIOUS DISORDERS.

Oar "Wine Bitters" are made of Pnre Wine from Grapes Grown at Bosebrook Vineyard, near Lawrence, Kansas. MAGIC HAIR CURLING retaries correct summaries of the speed contests that take place under their jurisdiction. "Within It will curl the most stubborn and straight hair that ever erew i on human head, to equal natural curls. No one can tell the differ the current month over two hundred and fifty of ence, and it is almost impossible to get the curl out of the hair. DEALERS AND OTHERS ARE FURNISHED WITH CERTIFI these meetings and fairs will be held in various N.

B. Gentlemen's clothes, ladies' sacques, cloaks, Ac, made to look equal to new. Gentlemen's own materials made up in the parts of the country in many instances from ten to present styles of fashion, at prices to suit the times. t3r Please note well the address. 2 fifteen occur about the same time, rendering it im- CATES OF THE PURITY OF THESE BITTERS UPON APPLICATION.

Manufactured by ROSEBRROOK WINE LAWRENCE, KANSAS. For sale by Druggists and Notion and Fancy dealers. Price 1.00 Per Bottle. Sent to any address on receipt of price. C.

G. GARRISON, M. 11 7m6 1217 Grand Avenue, Kansas City, Mo. i noltf possible for our reporters and correspondents to tend them all. It is important that short, con SECOND NATIONAL BANK, densed reports of these turf events should have the widest publicity that correct records of the time n22yl D.

M. SELLS, Manager. CONFIDENTIAL LECTURES made may be established and that the authenticity TO YOUNG MEN, G. GROVENOR. E.

D. REDINGTON, of such record may be unquestianed, the name of On the Indiscretions of Youth and the Frailties of OPPOSITE ELDRIDGE HOUSE, LAWRENCE, OFFICERS: Haturer Years. The most nlain. frank and reliable nnnrnMet bvpt -n tte this the owner or driver, the color, sex, name, (and ped lgrce, if possible,) should be given. The simple an subject.

No man can afford to be without it. Sent to May ddrsa in a sealed envelope for 25 cents. nouncement of the fact that "Owner's Jim," or GROVENOR REDINGTON, Dealers in PHTE 3DOOH.S, "WINDOWS, SASH, BLINDS, GLASS, Cement, Plastering Hair, Plaster Paris, Corner Massachusetts and Berkley Stsreets, o2tf 1.AWKENCE, KAJf. "Susan," or "Fanny," on a certain date and place, trotted a mile in 2:40 does not entitle tho horse or J. W.

HcMILLAN, President. C. T. nOI.LT, V. Pres.

Address DR. JOHN FEB, Sixth Street, between Main nd Ve, Ci-7, Us. tJ Dr. Fee can be oonsalted by both sexes at hi from i o'clock M. to 8 P.

daily. T-ly mare. to a clean record. There are hundreds of A. ff CHILIAN, Cashier.


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