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Dakota County Herald from Dakota City, Nebraska • Page 4

Dakota City, Nebraska
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ityriigBgayyg I IK' liw 1 Ffi ST I IT- kv. f. I4i Dakota County Herald H. REAM, PUDUSHKR Subscription Price. $1.00 Per Yeart A weekly newspaper published at Dakota City, Nebraska.

Permission has been granted for the transmission of this paper through the mails as second-class matter. Telephone No. 43. Official Paper of DakoUt County nmmnammtmvMtmton, i Items of I nterest from our Exchanges MMjMW)MaiO)tllt0(lM(mml Lyons Mirror: Miss Lizzlo Nixon canto down from Homer this week, the guest of Waito. Tekamh Herald: Mr and Mrs Oco Garter, of Omaha, spent Sunday here with Mr and Mrs Ed Latta.

Winnebago Chieftain: Mrs Qlen Smith, of Emerson, returned homo Wednesday evening, after a two weeks' visit at the homo of Mr and Mrs Sol Smith. Emerson Enterprise: Oco Huase was in Boyd coiictr on unsiitt-ss the first o( the Rook well of Hubbard wbb seeu on the boulevard hero last Saturbay evening. Newcastle Times Mr and Mrs Hoskinsou and their niece Del on Ollor man wuut to Crystal lake Monduy and expect to stay there until about the first of September They areocoiiyug a cottage. Concord items in Dixon Journal: Earl Hngbes went to Homer Tuesday for a visit witli his brother, Ray, who is manager of the Edwards Bradford yards at that plaoe. Ponoa Journal: Mrs Fred Bogosch returned Monday evening from spending the day visiting her daughter, Mis Clay Armbrlgut, in Dakota City Mrs James King, of near Uumer, oame up Tuesday evening for a visit with her parents, Mr and Mrs Pomeroy, and other relatives.

She will probably remain for the rcmaind-der of the week families of 11 Hart, Mr and Mrs Will AugH, Mr and Mrs Mikesell, and Mrs Ainu-on spent last Thursday at Crystal lake visiting Mrs Hart uud Mrs Mikescl', who have a cottage there. Pender Times Mell Noibuhr was down from Sioux City over Sunday aud returned home Monday accompanied by Mrs Noibuhr. Mell is now connected with the Great Northern railway as a clerk in the car hops at Sioux McAllister af-DakoU City wasn't the only "German" present from a distance at the Sons of Herman pionio last week. Judge Heffernau aud Hiieriff MauoQ of Dakota City were also present aud you ought to seo them in the parado. Won der what become of Presideut Con McCarthy of the Cuming county German Telephone Co? Homer Star: Miss Anna Dorothy of Chioago.

arrivml last week to spend a few weeks at the homo of Mr and Mrs WH Ryar Aksol Christenscn has sold his share in the Farmers' Exchange )o Fred Oohander. Aksel will resume his ditties in the Btoro as olerk. Hughes of Randolph, visited several days last week with the Gilbert Hughes family. Sho returned to her homo Saturday aooompauiod by Bessie Hughe Jane Johnson, of Hay ward, Wis, ariived Tuesday to visit at the hume of her sister, Mrs Louie Rookwell and family, who live a few miles west of Homer. Sioux City Daily Journal, 24th: Cap Frank French, 62 years old, of South Sioux City, died yesterday at a hospital' from injuries reoeived iu a runaway aooldent in South Siout City Hundav evanincr.

Tim luulv moved to the Westoott undertaking roumi, mr reuou is Hurvivu by uls widow and five sons, Roy, Edward, Clyde, Frank and Clifford French. Mr French, driving a npirit toam of horses was enrouto to Crystal Lake, Nebraska, when tbn unlmnln lima frightened and ran, crashing into a tree, xur jrreiiou was pulled over the dashboard and dragged a half mile. Ho suffered eight broken ribs, a fractured breast bnu and iutrnl injuries, Members of his family who were with him wero not injured. Alien News: Geo Blessing of Dakota OOULlty. WttB 111 tdtvll Wixlrmsiln Filley family returned Monday from their outing at Crystal nuu juts iiurry I'uiey ro turned Mondav from their visit it Iowa.

They also spout a fow days at Crystal Rev Livers and his class of boTH rotlirnnil frnm limit ing at Crystal Lake Friday evening aud report a fine Mrs John tiohroeder aud little ion spent Tuesday anu weauesuay in boutu Hloux City with bar mntlmr. Mm A TJiuli family Armour family left Aueiuaj morning ror a lew uays visit with relatives aud friends in Dakoto county, and from there they will go urermuu in meir oar to uamwell, Ida ho. to Visit II hrntllnr nf Mr Armnnr'a They are not certain as to where thov will locale. We regret very rauoh to see this estimable family leave here nun ibii mew noaiiii anu prosperity wherever tliny may niuke their homo. Hloux City Journal, 27: The Mlid" has bea.i ulamped tightly ou resorts at Crystal lake by Sheriff Frank Mahou, of Dakota City.

Sheriff Mahou an-HOHooed yesterday that he had served notices on the proprietors of eight re- 1 on both sides of the lake, that the Illegal sale of liquor must atop or they must faoa proaeoutiou before Oouaty Judge Heffernau, at Dakota Oity, for violating the state liquor laws. IV sheriff asrted that he and a fotd of deputies would visit tlfe lake ratorU toiay to sae that his orders ar bWyad. Sheriff Mahon'a actios ia nlriag Hue reaorts to atop liquor nJm la aaU to haw resulted from a i letter sent him by the Potith Sioux Oity council that he tak oaro nt thu men who, after a visit to the west side of the lake, return to the South Sioux City ilde of the lake iu ho iutoxioated condition. Tfte letter called the sheriff's attention to grots violations of the liqnor law on the west sido of the IhIeb. Sheriff Mahou said he found violations not only on the west side, but on the South Sioux Oity sido of the lake as wj1I.

Walthilt Times: Attorney Smith was down from Homor Tuesday aftornoon Mrs Sol Smith and daughter Hazel, of Homer, called on Mrs Ream botWoeu train Tuesday. Olamlo Thaoker returnod to floinor Friday after a visit of couple of days' with Mrs Ed Lane Mrs Ijaon ltoum and sou Richard, of Homer, spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs Wm Miss Mury Shrove returned to South Sioux City Tuesday aftor a visit of several days' with her aunt, Mrs A 0 Hhrove, of South Sioux Oity, came Friday for an over Suuday visit with her sister, Mrs A Fern Durunt went to Rochester, Minn, Wednesday, to submit to an operation for an iujuty receivod while bathing iu Crystal lakn recently. Ho txpots to be gone about two weeks Dr Ream went to Sioux Falls Tuesday to attend tho meeting of the Sioux YHlley Modioal iioHooiution Wednesday and Thursday. On Wednesday morning ho road papor before the association on "The therapeutics use of typhoid serum, with a comparison between plain and mixed sera." I)r Smith, of Homer looked after his patiimta during his itbsHjioo, Sioux City Jouriml, 28: Tho print ere' baseball team defeated a South Sioux Oity team nt Crystal lakn yes torday afternoon by a sooru of 4 lo 1 Only five innings wero playeil, Hoffman and Darvilln made up tho butter) oft winning team The ilmtct- went merrily on at Crystal hike p.vil-lion luBt night without anything in the way of threatened Ititerfert-uoo by Mm Bouth Sioux City oUIoIhIh or polit'e. It waa intended to warn tho dnuoers that they must not dauue ou Suuday nights, aud to arrest thorn if the warning was not heeded, but when Major Morgan aud the city couuuil begun looking up tho ordinances under which thoy could proceed to prosecute they found there was uothiug in tho oitv ordinances covering the t-iiHP, aud it was also found that the dauctis.

wire not violating uny of the Utt ututti The charge of disturbing the tenoe could not be made to stick against them, as the danoe pavillion is so far from any residence that nobodv's notice is disturbed, so it was deoided to let them danoe. Myor Morgan, however, soys there will be an ordinance passed at the next meeting of the city oouueii prohibiting Sunday dancing withiu the oity limits aud that it will be vigorously enforced. The South Sioux Oity uuthnritiea uud sheiiff of Dakota county were nt thnlukn yekter-day afternoon trying to locate boot-leggiug joints, but reported that everybody appeared sober aud law abiding Sioux City Journal. Tiin Hnnili Sioux City council has placed a ban on Sunday uisrht danced nt CrRtnl Lako park. A resolution was adopted at Wednesday uight'a meeting and ordering Chief of Police Mathwig to ur-rest the mauagorsnf thu danco pavilion and tho oflloials of thu park company if tho dunces nro not etoppod.

Frank Mahou. sheriff of Dakntu num. tj, was tho target of tho rouuciliueu because he permitted drinkiug on the other side of the lake, ouUido of South Sioux City's oorporuto UmitB. The oouncilmeu passed a resolution in structing Mayor Morgan to send a letter to Sheriff Mahpii asking that ho tako care of the meu who go across mo late anu get intoxioated aud who are unloaded on the South Sionx iMtv Side of the lake. The mneUncr called especially to hear the complaints oi citizens against alleged Albert Shortley, 2030 Nebraska streot, yesterday was found not guilty of careless and reckless driving iu wie ponce court The evidence in the ease was submitted Tuesday.

Mr ShurtlilV Was driver of. tlin mnlnr that struck Vora Mao Spain, 7 years old, near West Third and Kansas streets ou tho night of July 14. Ho testified that the girl beoamo bewil- uorou ami ran into the oar wheu the maohiuo waa moving slowlly. Tho parents of tho little oirl lmvn anit in tho district court nguiiiBt Mr ouoruy ior damages, Sioux City Journal, 20th: Attach-ment wvorB were too slow to oheok-mate Uenj imin Wuggle, otio of tho discoverers of tho body of Clarenoo Morrison, tho drowned youth of Viborg, D. Wheu stops were taken to apply tho attachment to tho reward received by WMggle, whioh was deposited in a bauk, tho money whs roiio.

Tho attachment was procured by Edward Mason, who is suing Wangle in tho district court to recover oue-half of rowurd money. At the re-quoit of Mason's attorneys, Judge David Mould yesterday dissolved tho injunction uguinst tho South Sioux Oity council, whioh was brought on Juuo 23, when San attempt was made to lota coutradt for a $25,000 waterworks system, wus dig-solved yesterday afternoou iu District Judge Quy Graves' court. Tho contract probably will be let at tho next meeting of the couuoil on August C. In the petition for injunction, signed by John Jenkins, a carpenter of South Sioux City, irregularities were aharged in the lelatiousof Cole, representative of tho National company, of South Bend, Iuu 'to the oity, and illegalities iu some of tho proceedings. Mr Cole was employed by the oity as superintending oupino'er, aud, according to the ooutruot, was to receive 10 per cent commission us ooniponsuslon, It was alleged that Mr Cole, as superintending engineer, hud no right to place a "cover bid" under tho laws of the state and that his bid was exoibi-tant.

The proposed plant will furnish fire protection, and mains will be extended to residences, Heretofore tho town baa beeu without a watorwarks in oase of a fire. With the installation of the water plant apparatus will bo purchased with wliieb to fight Urea, It Is hoped to materially lower luiur- anoe rates, Gov. Morehead to Speak at Old Settlers' Reunion In response to an invitation from the Bpeakera coiuruitttee of the t'io-neorn' uud Old Settlors mvhooImUou of Dakota county, Gov Moreboad has promised to deliver the addr as at the 32nd annual reunion to be held in Clinton Park, Dakota City, on Thursday, August 28, 1013. Gov Morehead is uu able speaker and tho commlttoo is lo bo congratulated ou scouring him for this occasion. Tho governor speaks at Weston, Nob, ou the 27th, and owing to train connections will uot Hrrive here in time to speak until after tho dinner hour.

Reed'a Military Band of Sioux Oity has beon engaged to furnish musio for tho picnic, This baud never fails to make a hit, and thu musio alone is well "worth while." Among tho amuBvmeut features will be a good race card, now being arranged; two good ball games for purses; a merrygorouud for the children (tho absence of which was so disappointing last year), and all the other clean amusements that usually appear to inako up tho day's entertainment. In selecting a badge for tho 32nd annual reunion, tin better subject to adoiu the badge could have been chosen by the committee ihuu the portrait of that venerable pioneer, Oeo. T. Woods. To him belongs the honor wMmmowMrmcmWM.

mum I -CORRESPONDENCE mXMMmMWMMjjijmmjrWj HUBBARD. Wm Goortz and vifn dinner ut the Nolsen home. Carrie Hansen and' Mm lt.iumki. Nelson visited Mondav ufinriinnn the Mrs Anderseu home. Heinz prepared srmeliotti with to.

ma to sauce, sorvod hot or cold, at 0 Anderson Go's. Oolia Thorn was ut Dulmtii lust week ti king tho statu teachers examination. Anna McOec will teanh tim Jnlm Hurtnett school the m.ming term. Mr ami Mra UhHutmiHitii iiwut Sunday with friends iu the country. ItoutrioO Ufllllff Slinilt Ktimlnv nffi.r.

noon with Laura Beck. Mr and Mra Carl Nelann ami olnM. reu came down from the oity Tuesday for a visit at the Nelsen homo. Mrs A Hansen visited Sundav at the Louia Larson borne. Carrie Nolsen.

who tituWarent nn operation for a oomplocation of diseases about threo weeks ago, returnod to iter uomo me lattor part or the week Vacation time is bore and nun supply you with lunoh goods from the oeieuruicu ueiuz canned goods, Anderson Co, Tom Bailey and brother nf Nnrtli Dakota aro hero on a visit. Tho old Wondmau ball reoentlv rmr. chaaed by Renzo Green, has boon removed to its new location just west of the Geo Timlin store. Maggie Thorn spent the first of tho week at tho A Anderson homo. The interior of thu now Methodist church waa treated to a coat nf imint last weok.

Work will soon busrin on tho foundation, Mrs Leedom oame homo Hnmlnv sou tho old man, Jo has boon looking lonely for tho past week. Sam Thorn marketed several it. hub. and bushels of coru this week. Joe Ehle is uaintinir Immiilro.

ing thu IUbiiiubbou dwelling. The coutiact for tho now snlmol house iu the Qtortre lias beeu lot to tho Jensen Andnr. sou firm. Wo aru well aumilied uith umrk shirts, ovorulls and harvestcro' gloves. Anderson Co.

Thu Danish Sisterhood ntnnn surprise ou the Chris Itasmusseu family last Saturday uigbt, A jolly uood ttmo wui had by nil present. Henry Thompson untoed lo Jackson Monday, Mrs Ohristeusen visited friends near Plum Grnvu last weok, Cora Borennen spent Suuday with her Bistor, Mrs Hurry Erioksen. Wo liavo hii assortment of Boy Scout pocket kuivoi, chain attached just what jour boy needs, Anderson Co. Carrie Hansen visitod several days ut the Rasmus Noised homo tho past wook. The shutouts who uttouded tho summer uormal at Wayne returned home last woek.

Miss Gllleiit, aolicitor lor tho Omaha orphanage, was hern Tuesday and Wednesday, Carrie Hansen wuut to Sioux City Tuesday, Suuday school ut 0:45 o'clock a Public worship every 2nd uud 4th Suu- BBBBBBSW JBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBLBBhI aaaw 'M'fl'iRH VHIBBH LBV GEO. T. WOODS. of ituviug driven the first claim stake in Dakota county; of beiug the first presiding officer of the Pioneers' und Old Settlers association, uud is now tho oldest piouoer resident in tho county opricmts. President Geo.

A. UleulnK. VIee-l'reslUcnt W. A. MorKan.

Hecretnrjr Oeo. Wilklns, Asjlutiint Kriini. Kliianclnl Secretary II. Orlbble, lllstorlnn M. M.

Warner. Treasutor II. II, Adair. Olmplalti Kev. J.

I'lillllpi, Olilel Marshal Frank Mnlion. Assistant Marshals .1 I' Rockwell, Jatuus Kuestoii, II Hansen, IeUom, Joliu Hides, 11 Mitchell, sf, A J.MathwlK, Ilrammu. COMMITTKKH. KxecutUe John Dnley, llnzel-arove, I. II Armbrlght, Hyatt, John licacom, lien Kondersoit, ll Invitation I) Kvnns, Kllle 7.

Knaelen, MatKaret A Murphy. Hpeakors 11 Mvans, Krum, .1 KltnuDi. Music Johli lteiiiu, A Wood, Krum. IMtillrlty John It Iteain, A Hclimled. II WnKiter.

Hurt Kroeiun. IteKlstrar Mm Funnle Urozler, ltlanche Ilninlltoti. Mm II Orlbhlo. Privileges Grlbble, A II Baker, II II Adair. Amusement Ayres, II Maxwell, Smith, IIlIHtolxo, Krnnk Houan, diaries Uruce, Olmrles Garret, Ialiy.

Membership Ilockwell, 8 Krum, MrsOorall Miller, Mrs A MorKan, Mrs JolinUrltz, HO Dorn, It llolor, Mrs Audrey Allaway, HenliiKor, II II 8tol7e, JoeM Twohis, Mrs Veils. Grounds 11 1) Wood, Geo I Miller. Herman lleerniait. Win I.alns, James McAllister, I. II ArtubrlKlit.

HadKos Mrs Kannle Wrorler Mrs Kva Orr. Hoceptlon Mny AUettiUR, Mrs WckxU, Mrs II Ityim. Mrs Geo I Miller, Hon HrldenbauKh and wife, O'Connor and wife. Carrie Hansen. Uuarles Ij Dodge and wlfo, Geo Ashford.

Timothy Murphy and wife. Mrs Catherine O'COnuor. Helon Hockwell, Mrs Htlnson, James Allaway and wife, Frank Uhuruh, Mrs Fisher, Wm Betckeand wife, Anna Har-tols, I Fisher, Mrs Hartnett, Mary Uulnn, Thomas Long. Plnkney and wife, HP MlUesoll, II Jones and wife, John Dlncen, John Ilyan and wife, Bllv-enand wife, MrsM Forsshoe, A Hides and wife, learner, Mn Renlnger, Mary Beningor, Herger, Maggie Two-hlRMrsJ Klinors. Mrs II Adair, Grlbble and wlfo, Lange, Joseph Hmlth and wife.

Davis and wife. Geo il Haase, A Holkeg and wife, Mrs 1) Mrs Kstlier Hardon, little Heikes, A Haase, Pearl Learner, Max Nelsen and wlfo, Mar Broyhlll, 11 Hondo rson and wlfo, Bonnie Barry, Nellie Hogan, George Jensen and wlfo, Mrs Thomas Ashford. Jr, Helen Htld worthy. Margaret O'Neill. Frank II Way.

Phllo McAfee and wife, Buck-waiter, Olanv Hlume, Charles Holsworth, James Harris and wife. Wm Armour, Anna Fey, Henry Frunolsco, Cora MldkitT. Loomls and wife, Klmer Blessing and wife, Ij Blanohard and wife. Geo Cain and wife, Joseph O'Ocll and wife, Louis Wllklnn, Herman Boost and wife, Fred Beermiin, sr. Herman Kbel and wife, Stephen Joyce and wife, Mary TluiUn.Jra Waddoll and wife.

MoKlnley. John Manning and wife, Mary It Mc Heath, Mrs Goo Boucher, Mrs Ktta Sides, a Combs and wife, Mrs John Nixon, Henry Ostuieyer and wife, Hester Herweg, Mrs Almeda J.lleatn, Fred Kipper and wife, Thorn ond wife. Kither Boss. WmWallway, Charles Hollman. II Pilgrim and.wlfe, Olive Stinson, Hornet- 1 Hit-ton.

Margar Brldenliaugh, John Kruger aud wife, Helen Shull, Grlbble. day of each month at 10:80 a in the Lutheran chitr ti. The catechetical class meet a eerv Wednesday at 9:80 a-m, and every 2nd aud 4th Sunday at tho same hour. Tom Long atiil'' wife roturned last week from an extended visit with their Edward, at Colorado Springs, (Job The ladies of the Danish Sisterhood sooietv met at the' homo of Mrs Herman Nelson, Thijrsdity. A large number from here, Water-bury uud Goodwill attended thu funer al of the lute Louie RaHincHseii ut Bo- mur jL.i.,Di.nj Rasmus FreeriokBeu.

of Newell, Iu, spout -a few days here the past week with relatives und old time friends, Wo want to buy your butter, eggs anu cream, Anuerson uo. Oella Thorn visited ut Dakota City Saturday at tho Ed Frederick home. Evan Way was a visitor at the county Beat Friday John Clayton attended lodgo meeting at Dakota City Saturday evening. Out butohor shop now has a telephone. Mrs Muudy and daughter.

Johanna. visited friends in tho country lust week. Joseph Christensen was iu Jaokson last Monday, Dress shirts, unokties, suspenders. handkerchiefs anil everything in gents lurntsuings. Anderson Co.

Laura Beck spent Monday iu Jack-sou. Mabel Clausen visited ut the Herman Nelseu homo the past week Mrs Hartis and son Victor were Sioux City passengers Mouday. Dan Haituett and bou Thomas uu-toed to the oity Tuesduy, JACKSON. Laura Toller departed Tuesday for a visit with her grand parents, Mr aud Mrs Merrill, at MoOook, D. Mrs Keuuolly returnod Monday from au over Suuday visit with relatives iu Sioux City.

Btio wus accompanied home by hor mother, Mrs Bollinger. Miko Boler and wifo liuvo returned from two weeks' trip to Smithwiok, 8D. Mary McQouigle aud Mary McCor-miok are visiting iu thu Gurvoy homo at Hartmgtou. Eileeu Myers, of Sionx City, is visiting friouils here. The Moore Clothing Co team defeated Jackson in a game here Sunday 0 to 8.

A largo urowd saw tho game. Master Bonnie Morau, of Wayne, is a guest ut tho home of his O'Neill. Pearl Weir, of Goodwin, spout Suuday with Helen Erlaoh. narry Marsh, of Sioux Oity, visitod several days hero with his brother Joe, Harold Lilly, of Sioux Oity, is visiting relatives here, A number of Jaokson pooplo aro camping at Crystal lake. John Boler delivered 2,600 bushels of ooru to the elevator this week.

Mrs Johnson ovor Suuday with relatives at Dakota Oity. Ray Hall and Frank Mullaloy went to South Dakata Monday. Rev Fr Leahy, of St Louis, a broth er of Leahy, arrived hero Saturday evening to visit relatives and nlso to conduct a retreat for the Domini-cnu sisters at tho academy hero. The Misses Mary aud Bonny Barry entertained number of Sioux City friends ou Tuesday evening. Mrs John O'Neill, of Ohiougo, is visiting (rieniln heie.

Retu Tones has go no to Struble, la, to visit Iter sister, Mrs Nolan, A number of our teaohors o-pect to attend institute at Dakota City next week, Mrs William Riley, accompanied by her noptiow uud nleoe, depmted for Monmoth. Ill, on Tuesduy. Poter Franks, of Wuterbury, spout Sunday iu Juckbott, Tint Misses Margaret uud Cuthorino Quinn uru vbiting iu tho George Myors homo ut Hionx City, Mario aud Irene Mntheiluiwl nf Ponca, are visiting friojids here. Mrs Lois und family returned from Murdook, Nob, lust Friday evening, where thev had taken tlm rnmnma nf John Leis for interment. Ubarles LeiV, of Viborg, i visiting relatives hore.

Mr Ittld Mrs Huiirv Htnvnnn im viy ititig ftieuds ut Huitiugtoii, Born, to Mr uud Mra Jur Nnlmi. nf Struble, la. a daughter, ou July 24, 1918. Mra Nolan was foimerly Luoy Jones. M'sElLrttta and child run, or To-kamah, are visitini? in the Ed.T Ki-ur- ney home hure.

Carl Flynn, of Granite. Okbi. visit- od several days ut tho iiomo his nuolfl, Flynn. John HuruB has been ou the sick list tho past week. SALEM Tho olnli was entertained Woduesday hy Airs Boermun.

Garden flowers were used for decorations thtoughout the looms and on the luncheon tallies. The afternoon Iioiiih were spent socially. Mra Heury Oehlerkiug, of Sergeant Bluff, It, visited relatives in Salem Wednesday. Mrs Clara Putnam, of Loug Pine, Neb, is spending few weeks hore with her brother, Juhu Delaney. Mrs Guy Sides returned Tuesday from Correotionville, Ia, where she had spent a week iu the home of her broth-r, Rugh Altemus.

The Salem Missionory Aid society will hold their monthly meeting ut the home of Mrs John Blessing in in South Sioux City Thursday of this week. Georgo Heikes und wife visitod relatives ut Wakefield from Saturday until Monduy. Rob Hiloman and funiily returned home Sunday from a visit with Woods Hilemau huiI fsmily at Jtilesburg, Col, and with relatives add friends iu dil-fereut points in Nebraska. A Washburn and family, who have beon liviug ut tho Fred IteHruuiti homo, took their depurlurt the find of the weok for Sioux City, Fred Jacobsou uud wifo, John Stals-bury" and wife tutouU to 'Pender and vicinity SundBy, Mrs Ed Morgan visited with her mother at Allen the past woek. Mrs Albert Warner, of St Louis, ur-rived here Monday for a mouth's visit with her mother, Mrs Bodoubonder, Horuco Duttou und daughter, Mrs Fied Oulbertsou, returned home on Wednecduy from visit at Derrick, iu the II Wesley Brown homo.

HOMKtt. Miss Lena Wilkius visited friends iu Dakota City a few days the past weok. Lerku attended an I meeting iu Dakota City riuturday night. Will and Ed Beardshoar und wife autoed to Dakota Oity und CryBtul lako Sunday. Homer defeated the Davidson Bros team of Sioux City Sunday in faBt game, 3 to 0.

Mrs Agues Hattranft, of Dakota Oity, waa a gaest at tho Ohas Smith home from Saturday until Monday nnd accompanied them to the Indian powwow. Geo Woods and sister, Mrs Johnson, aud daughter, Mrs Fannio Crazier, and Mrs Lothrop, autoed down from Dakota "ity Sunday afternoon aud visited at the A Combs home. Crossing the Plains in Automobiles The last chapter of tho descriptive write-up of tho cross-country tour mado by tho Thoo Blivon and Hugh Graham families, in thoir autoed. June 7. It has stopped ruining, and we think It will be ulrlghl to start by tomorrow, Juno 3.

Brokocumpat went down town to got una nnd groceries, and left Austin at 8:10. Found some bad roads; came through a canyon called New Pass, It was the most winding and furious one we huwi come through yet. Ate dinner ut the Alpine Indian ranch; east gate at 1:26 west gatoatx. Arrived at Hand Hprlugs at hero wo saw a white sand mountain, Thu children thought It very pretty. Passed twos-borse teams west of Hand Hprlngs.

July 1. over a country with a number of Irilgatlugdltches that we have to ford, TUo principal crop Is alfalfa. Arrived at Fallon at Hits, bad toads all tho way front Fallon over alkali Hats, Arrived at Haeu at noon. All the afternoon we drove, by Ttuckeo river, certainly a very beautiful stream. Arrhed nt Bono nt (-a large ploco seemed itioro like home than any place slnco wo left Cheyenne, 8awa uutnborof ery tine potato patches, Oatuu eight miles this side of lteuo and camped.

July 3. Loft camp ou Trttckee at going through lovely pine timber up steep mountain road, so winding that one could seo scarcely any distance ahead of machine, and had to use extreme caution about meeting other machines and teams. Bight liere I want to tell our Dakota county frlende that If thoy ever make a trip to tho coast In an auto, not to start without an electric horn, as It will save lots of trouble In not having to get out to seo If tho road Is clear, Thoro Is uo other klntL of a horn that strong enough. Beached Verdi at 8:20. Oame to a beautiful spring thirteen miles from Be no.

Stopped and watered up. tho children picked flowers, that wero certainly beautiful, Arrived at Truckee Oity at 11. WonttoIjOte Taboo from Truckee; arrived there at had dinner. It la a beautiful lake, but was too rough that day Time Tried-Tested and True Time the true test of illcioucy. Mid-Wost Management points with piide to its banking record 1880, and kttons of no blot tliprron.

Wo do Evorything hi Banking WELL Loan only on (tenured notos farmers mostly, und guarantee each deposit with oycryilnllnr jmd every acre of land owned and with the good reputation of Hfetimo. An especially warm welcome (Unit "Wonts for tho Farmer tho Workingututi tho Muall depositor. You miss ninoh who do not know Mid-West Men nnd Methods. Opon ti small nccounf-Know for Yotitself "Bmilo Also." th "That ALWAYS treats yon RIGHT." 0 1 InvoHtinonls Eil. T.

Koamoy, Steamship Tiukettt. Iustirauoe. Presidont. WATER One of the most delightful vacation trips possible is a boat tri on the Great Lakesthe travel cost is low. Duluth to Chicago, one way, Duluth to Chicago and rettun, t'ay nip, Duluth to Buffalo, une Duluth to Buffalo and return, Duluth to Isle Royalc and return, and berth included Excursion Fares East and West via the St.

M. O. Ry. B. C.

Buchannan, Agent, Dokota City, Neb. for fishing. The lake Is IT.) tulles long and 111 miles wide, and fiont l.lWU to feet deep, and eo clem-that one etui se ton depth of HO feet. The lake is suuoumled hy mountains coveted with pine trees. Ti nltitudc Is O'Sfeot uhoo sou leel.

July a. Stai'led fioiiicniupitt itoliuc thtouKh looly lit Umber back toTittckeo Oity Donner at lienutlfut little lake. All tuornliiK wo caino by snow sheds, lint! to eioss theni four dllTetent times-very dantratous unless one nt o.tccedliiKly careful, which wo tried to lie, tiny way wo Hot throuuh ulrlKht. UmlKinut at 12:00. Alta ut hero was our llrst ft tilt or-ohatds In California, lleaelied Oolfax ut 3, Welrtuan nt Auburn at5, and enmped by a hay nnd irinlit ranch.

July 4. Started from camp nt 7:13 twenty-six miles from Saco. Arrled.nt Rncra-nionto at UM5, saw the Fourth of July parade; thoro wore many lovoly llqas mid exhibits of the dllTerent Units of the city. Huwsotnoof tho statu nuto taces from I.os AukoUis to Bnco, Fiom thote wo went to Stockton nnd camped over Runday. Went to call on Mr Luther hllo thoro they hno loely home.

July 0. llestcd nil day. Mr Luther nnd wlfo vlslto.l us In camp, July 7. llroke camp nt StoclUo ut, 7:. Arrlcd at Oakland nt noon; beautiful country; got our dinner at a hotel.

Hero wo parted with Mr (Iridium and family, as was oilKlually planned, they going to Mor- Knn 1111), where Ilenty Klsher nnd family reside, nnd we to Santa Hosa. Wo expect to visit at Mr Kishers later on. it wns like tho breaking up of a family after our long, pleasant Journey togother. Wo sot to Mantn Hosn about 0 o'clock nnd was wnrmly greeted hy friends nnd relatives, which mado us feel quite ut homo. Wo tiro now uttlto comfortably settled nt 65G Ohorry street, Santa Uosa, mid any of our Dakota county friends will be made very welcome nt nuy time, and don't como to Uidlfot nlrt without coming to see us.

Mrs.T. K.lllhen. SOUTH SIOUX CiTY From the Heeord Alport Andreen bus purulinsed it motorcycle. llenry Austin arrived Friday from Flagler, Colo. Andrew Conley roturned from a week's wtiiy at "Waynu.

John jIiuiniiiK and Mrs. AV. Woodward are visiting friends at Ule, Ja. Mrs. Henry Cassler returned Saturday from a A'isit witli her parents at Wakefield.

Mr. and Mm. A. W. Twamley are spending tho week at Arnolds park, Lake Okobpji.

D. Ij. Fairbank is making nn extended trip in Oklahoma, looking after land interests there. Mrs. Nate Miller, son Har old, and Miss May I'anke, left Wednesday for a visit at Lyons.

C. A. Kingsbury and family, of Ponca, motored do'wn Sunday and spent the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nate Miller.

Harry Fredericks is visiting at tho home of his sister, Mrs. Will Burnett, near Jackson, whilo recovering from his recent illness. A. Parker returned this week from a two -weeks' stay in Dakota, where ho wont to see that his farms wero not blowing away during the dry spell. Agent B.

T. Cooper, of tho Omaha depot, has purchased a new automobile and be and Mrs. Cooper aro now enjoying the delights of motoring durjng Ids spare hours. Miss Lotth Talbot is expected home this week from her visit at Pittsburgh. Miss Talbot is recovering nicely from the effects of tho oporation sho underwent in tho east.

Win. II. Mason lias been at Blooiiiiicld and Randolph and other near western Nebraska towns during the past week. Mr. Mason has not as yet decided upon a lo TRIPS $27.50 ll.flO G.

H. MacRae, Gen'l. Pass. Agton, St. Paul, Minn.

I cation, but expects to do so soon. Patrons of rural free mail delivery routes have been urged hy tlte postal department to paint their mail boxes white-and to have their names lettered on the boxes in black. This is for the purpose of imdcing boxes and names more conspicuous. No uniformity in this regard has prevailed heretofore. Boxes have, been painted' any color or quite commonly have presented unpainled metal surfaces.

"The local ojd' wi)l install officers next Friday evening July" 25. J. S. Bacon and Chas. Sberen will be installed nohlo and vice grand respectively, ami John Hazlegrove will be put in for treasurer to succeed Wm.

11. Vinson, resigned. Thomas Oribhle and staff of Dakota City, will have charge of the installation. Uefreshments will be served and all members and visiting hrotliors are asked to attend. Better than Spanking Spanking will not cure children from wetting the bed, be cause it is not a habit, but a dangerous disease.

The C. H. Rowan Drug of London, Canada, have discovered a strictly harmless remedy for this distressing disease, and to make known its merits they will send a 50 cent package securely wrapped and prepaid Absolutoly Fl'CO to any reader of the HRRAivD. This remedy also cures frequent desire to urinate and inability to control urine during the night or day in old or young. The C.

II, Rowan Drug Co. are an Old Reliable House, write to them today for the free medicine. Cure the afflicted members of your family, then tell your neighbors and friends about this remedy. C. H.

Rowan Drug Co. P. Drawer 070. London, Canada. fha Getnlne ESTIC A MONTH Yom tut pUr tk UU fftmuiiM Dyuisw lM.tu ref nUl of All nuuhinf In your ttonM.

iim it runtlniuJlv wLlla Faylnir $2 a month, and oy vry DcUt orlcc direct yon or ttotm our imatm! mgwnrj. a immuif-i We Will Take Your Old Machine KjrcaK yauucauzuui icil prk mad mj Joauaatid And you can Uli lk DOMESTIC rh? perfect uwltm maeblna that hai tl vayt led all oth mikwttfcnO ij taUay bttr than vr. Tw micMMi In op -lock Mitch nm chain aUtch. Btniyht drop, ktfad, MUhftrat, baJllNMuliw. A compUta at of tuchnot, vry an prnltJ.

(., mds Cor r)rlay uTt UusiMotk i trtaUigii olnOdni nwtn mian urocrfa rw out uom1 tL Ifftchin, UllUiyi hit. ouci)baT lb flsMlMvjninstt mvlo at 4nvviillr tk UNLY Urn montti lmn SEND FOR POOK, fRKC, Thu watr About Bwtnv UAUAtni. iHltcuUltniKialNiyMT hvwa kl 'rvtt vchr 4 ItrnvitbOU liT iu asrvnt im srltr ru sZSYUU fc'r itwitw ii tsMsy hMkl tvt ti (W, ra by mit hctiliia. 1i ImiiW Muf uls.C CaflafjB, Mrs Mary Rc Agent R'HifliS Jkow $4 VPffiftSutiW1i rT AiiiirjBBC rasRrB-yi ii 1 gjfjjji.

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