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Vermont Phoenix from Brattleboro, Vermont • Page 2

Vermont Phoenixi
Brattleboro, Vermont
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

J. A -ran, vt Vj- ilsxsxW New York Anniversaries. Monday, May 7. American Scamen'i Friend Society. Tlio Slst anniversary mi held tlio Broadway Monday evening, I.

i.r!i. tlio Chair. Tho benefit of tin organization are reported to extend to many European porti, to Canton, and other porn of Cliina, and to many of tlio iilandi In both th6 a Atlantio and Pacific Oceana. Iter. Dr.

Scott of 1) a GlAVM nf llHVllUll. Dr, Edward Ilccclier of Boston, and W. 0. Halter, a avilor, made addresses, lleccipts of the year 518,182, expenditures 818,497. Society for the Abolition of Capital Punishment.

Tho anniversary of this Sorloly was held alond-vy evening, no lame oi tue ppiKiaera rertisei were ton, iMhotl'ul Episcopal Church Amnion. A liberal collection was Utken up in aid of the Society' funds. Tlio Secretary reported the Income for the last year to bo $81,043. Expenditure S102.940, balanco in hand $3,330. Tlio dit- latches from the Oregon Mission wore very tatis-actory.

Tiro missionaries were on their way to California. Iter. of thu Baltimore Circuit, addressed the meeting, as did the President filer. Mr Lane) and llov. Dr.

Dur-bin, the celebrated traveller. Presbyterian Hoard of Foreign Missions. Keceipts for tho past year, $110,084,04. Expenditures, SI 10,207,94. Tho following is a summary of the report i Missions in sercn general fields of labor, vil i -ii the Indian Tribes, Africa, India, Siam, China, Europe, and the Jews.

Ministers of tho Hos tel, 4 uysicians, Licentiate reacners, Halo and Female Teachers, 12; Carpenter, Farmer, 4 Native Christian Teachers and Cateclmts, not tuny reported schools at most of the stations; eleven Churches; l'miting Pres ses at four stations the returns of the European mission not included. TUESDAY. Foreign Evangelical Society. Rev. Dr.

Do Witt presided over the tenth an- i r. i.ti. i Dual mneilug Wl iina uwim, miivn naa lur iiv main object to spread light in countries. Efforts to this end have been been made the past year in France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Kus-sia, Mexico, Canada, A plan was announced for a union with the Protestant Society and the Christian Alliance all three aso-ciations to be consolidated Into one, entitled the American and Foreinn Christian Unkn. Ilo- ccipts of the F.

E. Society for the past year, expenditures S24.485. The receipts are 34,000 more than in any previous year. The American Anti'Stacery Society met at the Tabernacle. It comprises that portion of the Abolitionists who denounce the American Church and Constitution as allied with Slavery.

Wm. Lloyd Garrison presided, and speeches of much force and pungency were made by Farter Fills-bury, Wendell Phillip, Frederick Dougtau, Wm. W. Drown, Lucrctia Molt, Lucy J. Stone, and others.

The meetings will be continued for several days. Keceipts the past 57 expenditures 13. American anil Foreign Anli-Slaeery Society. This body (which liold to political agitation, and has the iYafionnl JJru under its patronage, as the preceding has the Anil Slaeery Standanl) met at tho Tabernacle on Tuesday afternoon. Lewis Tappan read the annual report, In which many encouraging symptoms of the cause are enumerated.

Speeches were made by tho Her. Joshua Lcavitt. Rev. Saml. R.

Ward, a rolan-d clergyman of New York, and Henry Bibb, a fugitive slave. Clerical Temnerance Contention. laalv. composed wholly of clersjmen, listened to some i address. nion and the Aft mwlliiM which were interesting and fully attended.

6ST" Tlio financial condition of the American and Foreign Bible Societv is nmtwrnii. Vnr the first time since Us organisation, its receipts What Outof 18,489 immiarattta U-Ua an, said In hjivn York in January, February and March or the present year. 15.000 were lloinan Catholica At this rate of nddition, thu 1 loin in Catholic denomination should increase with much greater rapidity loan, us own statistics being admitted, it really docs. If 13000 Catholics have arrived In the three winter months, more thin 100,000 will reach. Uiat port alono during the becomes of them At no such rate do loes the denomination increase.

The unavoidable conclusion it, that under the genial iufluenco of and a Bible acceibIo to all, they escape from iuu ueiusion unit uueome a ruiesiams. IUxtut Excelsior, As Arniot'RiATK Gift. It lias been sug gested that Iho most appropriate gift that Boston could send to tho cting empire springing up on the shores of tho Pacific, of which San Francisco is the outlet, would La a frame school-house for that city. This would be prised more for the prineipfeanf it woyld cc csiLlcisalfcal, than for its value in dollars and cents. It would be as if Boston said to lier yonnecr sister on tho j-acinc: "jvenoiu ino secret oi my own greatness anil prosperity, the Public School I Tale it, my sister, for it is belter to get wisdom than gold.

alee it, and it will be tho germ of institutions under whose protei ting shade you and your children's children shall be blessed. Without it yourfolden treasures will be a enrso but with it they can bo converted into sources ol comfWtjinil-itdiiinccmeiit to yourselves and to nunxinu. no learn mat ono or our public spirited fellow citizens has alreadv- packed up a eooJ sized belt for the first school.houuv in K.m Francisco. Who will help on tho project of ending an appropriate frame buildins for this Anecdote. the IhiiIa r.f young native of tho Emerald Isle, in tho Amc'ri- iu ranss, was tnoi in tne Head.

On the arrival of a surgeon, he was asked by a friend if the wound was dangerous, and was answered that it was that lo could too the brains. Ah I by my sowl," exclaimed wounded Pat, i "ease send a little to my father in ould Ireland, fur lie often told me I never had any." STorriNa Newspaixiu. A-certain manliit nis too against a pebblc-stono and fell hcadloni! to the ground. He was vexed, and uudcr the inlluenco of anger and active self-sufficiency, lie kicked old mother earth right saucily, With Imperturablo gravity, he looked to seo "the Srcat globe itself dissolve" and come to nought, lut the earth remained, and only bis poor foot was Injured in thj encounter. This is the way man.

An arttclo in the newspaper touches nun In a weak placo, and straitway ho sends word to stop his paper. With great self-coni-placcncy, he looks to see a crash, when the ob- oi nis spicon suau cease lo be. Poor Tool, 10 has Onlr hit his own Inn noninal vvnrlil loes not percoptibly fell the shock, and injures, tiv any uno uuv Tub Peacii Duds. There has been some unnecessary alarm as to tlio peach buds, as it was stated by several speakers at the Legislative Agricultural meeting, that they wero generally killed, so fir as tbcir-observutions bad extended; but on examination, anil by inquiry from cultivators in different sections, wo think Wore than half of tho poach buds are sound, and that there is a fair promise or fruit. Mr Earle Wi tust cxamiua-tiou he thlnka that two-thirds sr the poach flow, ering buds are In a healthy condition.

r-- -v. uven i-uiuer man tue winter of 1847-8, am) the noacli buds are killed sen, uie argument, urawn Jrqn a hasty and par-lial view of the subject, that it is the extremely MVore i cold, and not -the changeable weather, that kills, falls to the ground, so far as yolatca to tbe last two winters. U1io last wlntov was noted fcr severe and steadr cold, and its predecessor lor mildness and variableness, during which the iruit buds of tho peach were nearly all killed. Aitta England Farmer, Av Mt lha Mobllo papers ataifin' liovery by wCicb -'J" urfu pieces may uo done Kv in minutes; without to without iniu-Jnolt tried with the Tin ALVRor Cot.n Watkii Tho Vui. title Courier of the 21th April sayti We era much gratiflod In being able lo state that Judge McKinloy, the distinguished jurist of tho U.

S. Supreme Court, after laving his vision so seriously Impaired for fifty-two years tbat'ho could not sea without glasses, lias recovered his sicht so perfectly Uiat be is now ablo to read without the aid of glasses. For half a century this faculty was so seriously Impaired that without classes ho was almost blind, and the recovery of his constitutional health, by which the sizhl has been reinrleorated. Judee MeKin. ley very properly ascribes lo tho duly use of cold water on tuo ncau and aunaca ot tuo body.

Of tho Importance of tho use of cold water in maintaining and restoring health, no ono who has ever tried it can entertain a doubt, and wo refer to Judgo McKinlev's gratifying success in tho restoration of his vision from its long sleep, for tho purposo of encouraginj other invalids to resort to this cheap and powerful mode of medication." TiieGiikatAiiomination. Wo Americans are, in somo respects, a icculiar people. We cannot be said to lie miserly, yet we outdo the nations in moiicy-makinz and cencral thrift Wo co faster In our steamboats, build batter shins, do more hard work, eat more food, and in a shorter lime, than any nation on tho face of the globe, oo, too, in other tilings: we use mora tea and colic drink mora spirits, and bo-como creator drunkards. So also we use more tobacco. Hut wo cannot be at the trouble of smoking when ws lie down, when wo rise up, and through the wholo dar.

as the Germans da Nor can we be satisfied in taking up so much of our timu as lite Jr rcncli and fcnghtn in snulling. Two and a half hours' lime oat of each twenty-four in snuflinir. sneezing. and blowins one's nose. docs not accord with the American notion of industry.

The American must do two things at iimc. lie can saw woou, or plow, or uoecom at the samo time whilo ho is chewinz a huce nun of tobacco. He can, if need be, plead before a jury, or pre a sermon, while at the same time ho holds tho precious bolus in one side of the oral cavity. Besides, by the habit of chewing, more is mado out of tbo more is accom ptished inagiven tinw.and more of the strength of tho tobacco is obtained, and tho systemls more completely saturated willi it. Charing Is cm.

nhaticallr the American liabiL The American can molt, and plug his nose with tobacco but all that is not enough he must CHEW. But what says hydropathy to all this? What says physiology What tho science of beallli Moreover, what aays political economy, common even decency itself if Why, plain ly and cmidiatically, Touch not. taste not. ban die not the unclean thing." It is a mora than beastly practice and, as the couplet has it "Crest men aaj rreea worms will use their utaceo, Bet never a Tit nor bis wift aht alack, oh 1" Tobacco Is a good medicine, doubtless, In its proper place iowerfiil means of good in certain rare emergencies, rl.hougli in those even there are probably better. But as a thing of daily and general tue, it is an ubouunalle drug.

Muter journal. B5T A certain physician, when be visited his rich and luxurious patietitJ, always went into their kitchens and shook hands with their cooks. "My good friends," raid he, "1 owe you much, for you comer great larors upon uie. lour skill, your ingenious and palatable art of poisoning, without your aid, we should go on foot anS bo starved." 4 65" Over-eating is tho sure road to destruction and nn one can tell the number and tbo fearful aggravation of diseases occasioned by the luumgcnce oi ine siomacn. 3" It is injurious to cough leanins forward, as it serves lo compress the luugs and make the irritation greater.

Persons prone to tjie enjoyment, should keen the neck straight and throw out tho chest. II theso means the lum-i ci. pand. and tho windDina is ktnt fra ami r1ap. is art in every thing, and tlie art of couguing it pernaps as important In its way as any other.

IiMAXity rnoM KoVICL-llKAUIXn. A physician In MaavMvlttlsetts Bay i MI have Men a young iauy wiiu ncr table loaded with vol of fictitious trash, poring, day after day night after night, over highly wrought a and pictures or romance, until her cheeks young lady with her table loaded with volumes day and it scenes iceks crew pale, her eye becamo wild and restless, and her mind wamicreu ami was lost the light ot intel ligence paswd behind a cloud her soul was for ever beuighled. bbe was insane, incurably in sane, from reading novels." Amer. Messenger. A Bold Strokk roit A IIusuand.

A wor thy fanner, living in a country village in France, and a widower, was recently aroused at midnight by tho barkidg of a d'g. On endeavor ing to quiet tho dog, he round him unusually agitatod, whereupon tho farmer took his gun and went out lo look into the cause. All at once he saw a hoi rid phantom up behind the hedge clothed in a white sheet. He turned pale, and his limbs shook with dismay. At length he picked up auflUvid Ltiurage to ejaculate "If you are from Heaven, speak I If from the devil, vanish "Wretch 1" exclaimed the phantom, "I am your deceased wife, come from the grave to warn you not to marry Marie to whom you are making love.

She is unworthy to share my bed. The only woman to succeed tuo is Henrietta Marry her, ofpersecution and eter nal lormcm suau uo your poniont This strango address from the goblin, Instead of dismaying the farmer, restored liis courage. He accordingly rushed on hi ghostly viiitor" and stripping ofT thu slice), discovered the fair Henrietta herself, I i excessively foolish. It( is sjid that the farmer, admiring tho girl's trick, had the banns iblished for hi marriage niiu uer. Tne Womi.x or Kxolanii.

The neatness of the better class of women is quite striking. The majority of them wear white cotton stock ings, without those dirty pantalets which you see bobbing about the ancles of our women, and they havo too much good sense under an affected modesty to lit their clothes draggle in tho mud but they raise their skirts a little, and you will see them elegantly dressed, and walking iiiruugn, nuu cross nr tue muuuiesi streets in the rain, aud not a speck of dirt upon their stockings. I wish our ladies at home could take tome lessons from them. Another thing show their good sense. They all, in walking, wear pattens or thicksolcd shoes, as thick as cork soles, or else India rubbers are not teen.

They iaic another practice which I greatly admire. They seldom wear false curls; but women whose hair Is gray wear it gray, and teem to take as much naiu with, and as much pride In their silver locks as thu younger one do In thcirauburn trcssea. I have met with a good many ladies in company, but I do not find them to differ greatly from those I left at home, among the welt cd. ucated cI.viqi. Manners aro certainly much more a tudy than with us, and, upon tho whole, make society much mure agreeable for they aro not put on for tho occasion, but grow up with llicra as a mailer of course.

Every thing in society proceeds much more quietly than with From what I can see, tho English women must bo excellent housewives, as nothing can exceed the neatness and comfort of their establishment. I do wili I could show you my bedroom and parlor, and lot you see how ueatly I am served. Henry Coleman. DOMUBTIO MlMllClXt' t. Thayer, of this town, recently filled an order ermont, lor ISO lbs.

Sulphate or 4me, to be used in whitewash upon tlie rail-road bndgo there. Some Irishmen, thinkin" it a fine article of Epom Salt, concluded to hook little, ami accordingly filled their dinner pails and carried homo tho crystals. Sunday came, and the leisure wai employed in making use of the important accession lo their stock ofilomcs-tia medicines. The consequence tluit several or them are now'vory low," but perfectly cured or nil disMsitlon to steal Epsom Salts In fact, we bchevo they have in up all they toot. Sprinafielil Republican.

A Natuual Burnt Reciisteb When a native of iva haa a child born, ho immediately plants a tree, wblib, adding every year a circle of wood to its tnink, indicate, tha age of the tree, nod therefore that of the child. The con. iquence is, the child regards the tree with rev-erence and aflection ns long a he lives. Accord ing to the report (1818) of the Commissioner of 1tnnt Artttna tt lltn nmducfi of the soil are valued at about nlno hundred millions or dollars the fivo leading articles, corn, wneat, nay, cotton and oat, estimates ai suvu, seven hundred and fifty millions and, if the report bo correct, the value of all the crops reaches the largo sum of eleven hundred and twenty millions of dollars but to guard against errors, we will say ten hundred millions oi uonars. And now let us see how these immense products are disposed of.

In the reports which emanated Irom the ireasurr uenartment lor somo years nasi, a crcat narade was made about tho imtvort- anco or the foreign market but every man oi buineu anew that our exports did not generally- exceed ten per cent, of oarproducls.aiidthat uunnu tne limine year in inland our cations were only about fifteen ncr rent of our pro duct. It would then appear, if the book kept at Washington tell the truth, that whilst we ex Krtono hundred millions of dollar worth of products, we consume nino hundred millions, tne manuracturcra taking a large portion. nattonat intelligencer. The Lands The aubiect of land monopoly has excited considerable attention in vKviuus cvihiii ui iue country, particularly as the West. Throughout the entire West, immense tracts of land may be met with in an uncultivated and unioiprov cd stale, which are owned by wealthy men in distant cities, and even in Europe, w1k intend to let them lie in this condition until the improved state of the country mntiil lia u.l be no more effectual drawback to the growth and prosperity that portion of the country, than thus keeping tlie landsout of tho (vossession of actual settlers.

Most certainly somo measure should be devised to remedy this ciL Themoit apparent remedy i the piohibition of Iho sale of the public land in lame tracts to sinzle Indi viduals cr to cor'wrations. Heretofore, grants of the public land lo a very Urge extent have been made by Government lo persons and associations. In Wisconsin, one of the Kn-liib i iju iunuiHili wiiiiiu wig inn two jrars, a single tract of 20.000 acres. Such a rvstciu will soon establish in this country a landed aristocracy a odious a that which now exists In Europe. mo puuuc lauus suouut in soul only to actual settlers, and in sucb nuantiiies only as are suffi cient for their reasonable want.

Die interests of a Republican Government require that as "Mil UI IIS C1UZC11S KJU1C IDOUIU LM1 land owners. This alono will ensure general pros- rity, elevate the condition of the masses, and and them logether in Strom: and ardent attach ment to thu country and its institutions. If the land at tho West fall into the hands of speculating capitalists, it Is imponible lo doubt that serious calamities will ensue. We trust that the attenlion of Congress may be raited to this sub- cct at us next seuion, and that some salutary 1. i.

t. i i Slave Tuaoe is tiik Dutbict or Co- LUMUIA. This morning the champion of the rights of the slave trader might have witnessed a sKCtacle at our railroad det which, would at east naie awakened suspicion in tliciriiinoccnl minds. For, stowed away in a smalt car by tbcraKlvrSiWcre about fifty colorjd woracu, lad, and small children, whom by intuitive percep tion, eacu ouscrvcr anew to iav slaves collected in various parts of the Stale of Maryland, and bro 'chl here, as to a grand senile" emporium, to be herded and cnncd until arranged in woven win ue unrcn io ucorgta, iMiuiana, aud Texas, and if the wretches who wield the lash shall dare, to New Mexico and California. The' poor victims were not, as used formerly to be the practice, chained in cofflef, and marched turougn the street to the pens, lust under the eaves of the Smithsonian Institution Thanks to the rrce-soilers.

a public sentiment lias been aroused which will not bear the open parade of mn.) u.n.l.ln... lUllUCUt this brutal business. These subject of "the fine i. -i fwuiaivuu run; rots mere-bro huddled with all despatch into hacks, and shuttled into the pen belonging to the dealer, Washington Cum. JiWrrtMr, trrn vtr; KtXTt'CKV EUAXCtl'ATION CoX VSXTIOM.

A Convention lias been held at Frankfort, of those in favor of negro emancipation, to suggest some feasible plan of action. They resolved that slavery wa injurious to the Commonwealth, and inconsistent with free government that any plan of rmancijiation ought to be gradual, and oicroto Onlr on those born after its adoption, and therefore it was lo insert in tho new Constitution the absolute? prohibition or the introduction of slaves into the State, and the reservation of power by the people to take any action in reference to' the abo lition of slavery which Ihcy may think best. FnEK SrintT tt KhXTl-CKr. So tunnlar it emancipation in the enterprising town rf Covington, opposite Cincinnati, that its opponents tiavo rciuscuto uiscuas the question win, fh Mivueaica ui rrccuotn. fST A (lave girl In Nashville recently hung herself to escape punishment, for not Informing of the whereabout of her mother, who had run away.

Had the been white, aha would bave'J been a heroine: but a the i black, she is a total toss oj 3dvui rSaT Sir Piter Lely, the celebrated German painter, made It a rule never to look at a bad picture, having found by experience that whenever ho did so his pencil took a tint Apply tho same ruie to uau uooks and uad company, ttcTBoys make a sad mittako when they think they appear manly because they can chow tobacco, or smoke cigars, or use profane language. They aro wonderfully mistaken if they tupposr any body admire them for these things. Boys are never so much esteemed and loved a when they behave modestly and respectfully to all, especially to their parents, and to person who are agcu. iv. i.

wrgan. Gcorgo Washington, when a boy, was about going to sea aa a midshipman, and his trunk had been taken to tho boat, when, at he went to lake leave of hit mother, ho ran the tear bursting from her ev es, and an expression of deep sadness on her countenance. Seeing the distress of his parent, he at onco turned to the servant and said and tell litem lo brini back my trunk. I will not co awav and brea roy mother's heart" Mrs Washington was struck with tho spirit and manner of the decision, and -a 1 a 1.1,.. at uucv sam uiut i tiiy ton, uoit nas promised to bless the children that honor their parents, and I believe He will bless you." American Messenger.

For tiik West. A eomnanv of 20 rouni. lady teachers passed through Ulica on Friday lvtt ti a imj ncio anvunnln 1... V- 1 V. vjj JM-iiui, mouv Ul lb rllir.s ix the Woods.

ITnwunla nf ifmri acres of the "Dark Plain," on the east side of nver at tnconl, II were burnt oreron the 21th aud 23lh creating great havoc among the young trees. A tract of wood in Rochester, I mile long by a mue wide, wa burnt over nn ilm 9,1 Inst. 300 cords of cut wood and 4000 ft tilai.k were also destroyed. On Lorn? Island, about 40 miles from ftrnnV. lyn, some 11,000 acres or fine timber land were burnt over, on tho 1st and 2d Inst Lost eni.

mated at $250,000. Tlie sceno was grand, yet terrible and tho country for SO mile around was illuminated. Dksthuctivk Finn at Ciiaiu.kbtox. S. O.

A fire occurred in this city, on Monday last, wmcii commenced in jMunnary street, and extended two squares. 160 building wero burnt, mostly small, Awkui. Calamity Wo learn from a St. Louis neper, that the interior of the rctidene of a gentleman bound for California was discov ered to be on tire me night after he left that city, and before the engine could be brought to bear On the derOIirillir ett'inont. fha, llama.

In their fury had converted the roof into' a heap of blackening allies. Providentially, the lower part ui me uwcuing anu ns contents were uninjured. A postscript stales that "residence" wa a camp wagon, the tlolli top of which was de-Irnjed. VERMONT PfKENIX. Brattleltere, Friday, Naj 11, IS 19.

Etlltorlal CorrespeHtlcBce, New You, May 7, 1849. Another long and tedious stonn commenced on Saturday, and ha continued without intermission. It was preceded by weather as fickle and changeable as the favors of the most heartless coquette. Night of Intense heat, succeeded by a wintry blast; one day under cloaks, and shivering with cold, and the next uncomfortably warm, with the lightest summer dress. But neither the heat or cold, or dost or stonn, interrupt the morning flow and evening ebb of the tide of human beings through Broadway.

There Is food for the curious and for the moralist In watching the never ceasing current through this great thorougluira. All day long, and all night too, for that inttter, the street is thronged with men and wornin hurrying along, intent upon tome object of business or pleasure. There is, to a stranger, a feeling of loneliness and sadness in looking out ipon this great multitude of hit man being, and feeling that not one among them ha the least regard or care for you, and that if sickness or death should overtake you, not one of tlieui would turn aside to minister unto you, or know or care for your fate. If, standing aloof, aa an Indifferent spectator, one could look Into tho bosoms of the mass who pass along, and perceive the feelings, motives and objects of each indtv tdual, what a diversified picture in human lifu would be discover. The miser to adJ to his wealth, the poor to avoid start at'ion, the spendthrift to buy pleasure, the homeless and destitute to find a refuge, tho fash' ionabto woman to see and be Ken, and the rag' gevl ono to Leg or ileal these, and all other conceivable vanations of character, objects and conditions, jostle each oilier in the crowd, but atloflbcuiliaveone thing In common.

Notoue of thera Is In possession of what lie wanls to complete Lit happiness, but the happiness of each one consists, not iu what he has, but in the hope of attaining something that Is beyond. Though many, and perhaps tnott of thrm, have secured that which they once looked forward to as the darling object of life, yet the happiness lhay an-ticipntcd Is not found In It, but is seen In some- r. 1 ll 1 1.. .11 -PT of bTe, a. to worldly con! of them.

I met yetttrday, in Broadway, a young man who came to ibii city tight year ago from the country, for the practice of law. He wa a young man of fine talent, and hid fair to win for himself wealth and reputation. I bad lost sight of him for two or three years, and when I met him yesterday, he wet staggering along Broadway to drunk be could scarcely keep hit feet I hardly knew him he wu to bloated and blotched with liquor, ami to thabbily dressed. He told me he wu about going back to the country, nhero he came from, and thai his fata lly had already gone. I remember hi wife.

bride, the ornament aqd charm of the society In which she moved, brought up In affluence and luxury, and seeing nothing in thu future but love and hapHncs with tho husband of her choice. But alas I for her fond hopes. The demon of Intemperance has blighted them alL In a few yean, it has changed tho affect lonitc and happy husband into a drunken tot, whom the will tw.K.lijaiuaw.aianl'a fcca rrpt Wm of hit property and character, and driven her forth, heart-brukeu, to seek a charitable shelter among her friends. This Is the every day result of Intemperance, and ytl, some ladies wonder what Ihey have to do with Temperance Societies. The fate of many among my own early school associates furnishes an emphatic warning of the dangers that lurk in moderate dnnking.

Three of them, at least, have gone in early manhood to a drunk aid' grave in this cily. They were all mem-here of tha legal profenion, and of more than ordinary talents. One of them was for a time member of the Lvgiihture of this State, and all of them engaged In successful and lucrative prac tice. When in arlavj, an part of their professional life, Ihey would have ridiculed and resented the idea that their occa' aional social glass would ever make them drunk' ardt, a much as your moderate drinker do now- a-days, and like them, they doubtless looked down with pity and contempt upon Ibe poor drank anls in the street. What if some socr had whispered in their can, You shall ono day be like the drunken wretch whom yon now loathe arod despise" with what defiant emotions would Ihey tiavo regarded luni I 1 lave no other feeling for the drunkard than commiseration.

Ho I a much an object of pity, and at much an object of public guard lttuau, aa a lunaitc. 3" Wo have been shown a letter from C. F. Kutredgo, who, with Woodcock of this vil lage and Elbridge Gerry of West Brattleboro, tailed rroui notion for California, Jan. 12.

The letter was dated at Rio Janeiro, March 3d, and talcs that the party wero and had generally been well, were In good spirits, and full of hope lor the future. ir Some boy, fishing in a brook about half a mile this sido of Chesterfield village, last week, round Iho loci-, nngs and cham belonging to the mail wasetolen tome two month since that town. Their appearance It said lo indicate that the bag was burned. 62" We have received from Jamet Ttiftt, County Superintendent, a Circular to Teacb-cre In Windham County," and shall endeavor to uako room fur it in our next Jiairr. Baker Family," with whoso musical Performances our citizens have been frequently delighted, were intitcd by President Taj lor to an entertainment at the White House, on Tucs day evening, Sells ult They sang a selection of their best piece to tho General and Mr Taj lor, Colonel and Mr Bliss, and several in-l viti'd guests.

After the singing, came a bounti ful suppor, prepared under the e) of Mra Bliss, AsoTitrn Wauxixo At AVorcotter. 24th a vnuni? man named W. II. Alnsworth. in atti'iiipting to Jump upon tua tvorwicn train oi I'-nry, wus turown upuu ia aim aiueu.

He and a number of other youncstcn had been In the habit ot catching rides on the care. Axu Another. On Tuesday evening, as the train of the South Shore Jtailroad wat leaving the Boston Depot, Mr ltobert Hall, of Cohas- anl tn allA.t.nffni. tn tumn UUOn tllft tmilt 'whila jn motion, fell upon the track, and had hi ann ami leg broken by being jammed between Iho car platform. Cincus Accident.

Tho large tent of Welih Co'a. Circus wat blown down, 'at ltochetter, N. Y. on Monday evening, 30lh while tome 5,800 persons were attending an exhibition, and one person, Win. II.

Crowcll, had his head broken by one of tho falling poles, and' soon died, aud another, George Ires, was injured In the spine. I Slate legislatures. That of Massachusetts aaMourncd on Wednes day of last week, after a session of 120 days. The new Legislature of Rhode Island Inet on Tuesday of last week, and adjourned on Friday having completed all in labor in four day. in iuo tvonneencut legislature, which met May 2d, the Seriate ha chosen Whig officers, and the House Locofocos, bylhe aid of iho "free aoilers." On joint ballot 'Mr Trumbull, Whig candidate for Governor, Wld all the other gentlemen on the Whig State ticket, except Treasurer, were elected.

VimilMlA. Tlie Locofocos appear lo have all tlu- luck In the Virginia election, choodng half a dozen Congressmen by a mere handful! of votes. Probabtv a tlumsand more votes would havo secured a Whig majority In the delegation, whereas we shall now have but mi, and perhaps uuione. unless rveniucxyand jenncsseo mind their hand, Gen. Taylor may have an Opposition Congress lo commenco with not an asrecable I irotpcct.

A. 1. TWiune. (irx. Taylor.

In renlr to an Invitation from ti.j. it- aM.vt. nutuutiim 1,111 mainly, aJ 1 i snail ue nappy to comply witu their wishes, when publie dabrt and other circumstances shall permit, but it is not now possible to foresee at what timo I shall be able to leave the teat of Government I need not say that I will gladly embrace tha first suitable opportunity to meet my friends in Boston, and again witness the ac- J. I I uviir aim uvjniy ui mat turning city, ArroiXTtlEXT. Sclden F.

White has leen appointed Postmaster at Kcene, N. In place of Wm. la. Foster, removed. Jvdwaru u.

Mncoln.aon or Ex-lior. Lincoln, and lately editor of the Worcester iEgis, has been appointed Postmaster of that cily. Itaae Vlati, editor and publisher of the Pouch- keepsie N. Eagle, lui been appointed Post- inastcr oi tnat city, Equality at Least. The Lncofocoi and their presses throughout therouutryareactuallr enraged at Old Zack for not being willing to be a partitan President after he promised ho would not be.

He laid he would be the President of the whole country. He went into power, and found all tha offices of honor and profit in ahe hands of one parly tha Locofocos. And now because ho is not willing to be the Vresidcnt alone of that party, and keep them all in office, and lliereby exclude tlie Taylor men iVtaua a r. i 1 1 1 these contcientioas souls are actually "riled" about it a no uui ncro wm do no tticn thing. He will be tho President of the whole country.

and not of a mere party, and be will go on turn-' ing out these Loco official till he has brought about somewhat of an equality between the parties In Ibe enjoyment of office. He will be car- lain to put the proscribed Taylor men in their placet. It will take him some tune to do it, bat hell do It Alabama Journal. a A Goon Joke. Two rabid politician In Cin clnnati.

who wero striving for the office of Post' matter, received each a letter on the 1st April, notifying themof theirappointment Tbeybolh sallied forth to crow over each other, lo the great amusement oi inote wuo unuentood the game. Taiixci a A good story Is told of aituige iXNiamcr, lostmatter uencrat I tee mi he has adopted the excellent rule not to appoint any body who it addicted lo strong drink. Some days since an applicant for office presented himself with mommendations, to. all in orderly array. Collamer very coolly asked the applicant if he drank whiskey, which the latter misunderstood for an invitation lo take tome.

"No, I thank you," replied be, trvuM frcfer a glass of brandy and tcater." Hit appointment ha not yet appeared in tne papers. Distilleries axd Isxobaxce. North Carolina report! 2,802 distilleries, and orer persons who cannot read or write, in a pop- uianun oi i.v,wv. juaasncutiaeitx contains v. dittillcnet, and of nearly a million of people, there are lest than 0.000 who cannot read oi write.

We hope yet to see Ibe fire of the still put out, and education universally prevalent 'SBwaaCfi-ANMar MorvllK 1 1 lull. Tlia Llif ranee Maaaatiinr aara that Mr Den lamia Vil turns, late of Exeter. N. IL. whose lmdr was found in the dot in Lynn, on the 20th ult, "was formerly onu of the most exteniire blank book manufacturer! in New England, wealthy and respected: but he had, for many years, given a loose rein lo bis appetite for ltnuor.

IU wu kind-hearted, intelligent man, and might, but for one fault, have retained ihe.rttnect, and perhaps wealth, which he once enjoyed. To those who 1 I at. it Ma.n awau aur uiurn capcciauy lliose woo served their apprenlicetlun in his establiahment. hi death, in tuch a manner, will cause a pang of ainvn. JHTThe effect of the aalo of intoxicating drink is uniformly the tame everywhere, and in all conditions of society.

Sell them to savages or civilized men, blacks or whiles, Pagans, furks or Christiana, and the effect uin just the tame. It malci them alike noisy, Dl- tempcicti, quarrelsome, abusive to neigbbon and relative; il i the cause of poverty, degradation and crime: yes, affray, fightings and murders follow in the wake of the grog-traffic, just at certainly and uniformly at a report follow the explosion oi gunpowuer tfeTThe present license law of Vermont haa been decided to be conititutional, at a session of tne 'oupenor Uoort in Washington Il wo the decUcd tltat debti for w.tb.'J out a license, are not collectable. HTThe Director! of the Boston and Maine Jtailroad have voted to emptoy no person upon uw nuu uav luioaaeating unnaa. eST Gencrv Twitchell. Assistant cnt Of the Boston and Worcester Itallmiul l.a.

I een appointed Superintendent, In place of Wm, Parker, resigned. JaTAlexandcr Ramsay, the new Governor of Mineaota, wa fifteen yean ago a journeyman cabinet-maker; be then attended a manual labor school, afterwards studied law, subsequently be- iBcmuer oi vngrcat, and It now tjovcr- iivt-vi iuincsota. vuuxTinrr.iTa AnnoAD. a young man, dressed as a farmer, succeeded in pasting upon business men In Keene, last Tuesday week, two ui tue marine uanK, xvew lieorord, one 83 of tha Marbltbead and one S3 of the Ara-wara Bank all counterfeits. The bills were well executed, and calculated todoccive.

The fellow left Koene with a bono and wagonin the Fiiie ix Benninotox. Thu dwelling-houso occupied by J. E. Davis, and tho widow ofi uiiauvii an; Jin, in ucnnington uentre Village, waivlcitroycd by fire on the JOlh nit. Mr Ia vit it a printer, foreman of Iho Gazelle office, and by this calamity loses his all there being ui, vmii-r nuuau or lumtture, Exi-LosiON, The cylinder mill attached to Iho powder manufactories of Mcsin Walker tt Harrington, in Bennington, was blown completely to pieces on tbo SOlh ult.

it fortunately happened that all the workmen were absent, to mat Uliu was IllJurCU. aJOSS Hailroad Accidents. On Fridar after. iiwvu, me paiiengur train irom bpnnghuld wat iatting through a bridge two or three miles above Northampton, a brakeman named Dulling-ton was knocked from the top of a ear, and au- VftMilv I. -v iuuuiii uo win recover.

On the same dav. another li.tmt nn amn Road hail his fool run over and cut off by car- C.t.t uuinacui xeuipcrat, Heavy Hailroad Iliuinn in ih premo Judicial Court of Massachusetts, last v-unnng, 01 vmcopce alls, cu-tained a verdict of 89,043 against iho Connecticut lUvcr lUilroad Co, far bodily Iniurie done bimlit acollulonon iheir Road, in 1848. The Golden Rule 5COT AI'PI mm, La yw During tho cliarce to tho Jury in the case of Coming vt. Iho Conn, River Railioad on Saturday, Judge'Metcalf remarked, in reference to some tunai-ailnna el to the Jury, that tlie rule of doing unlo oth-en as we would have others do unto us, had no proper application to Ihe duties of a Juror: tince if il liad there would netf be anjbody hung or sent to prison. This theds a light upon tlio relation of' law and gospel which has probably hwv vmimm to everybody.

spring, atpuo, TOUCIIIXO IxcillEXV. In rivin? an account of the loss of the steamboat lately sunk by tha lee on the Illinois river a few miles below the following touching incident connected with the sinking of this boat, is thus related! When Capt. Brickman saw that she was going down rapidly, and that there was no way ol preventing the disaster, hit lint endeavor was lo save hit son, a youth of somo seven yean old but on searching the cabiu he could not be found. There was a ninmcnt of agony which only a parent can feci, when, after repeated callt and no answer, the father wu compelled to save his own life by plunging Into the icy stream, with the oulr hoiie of swimming lo the shore', thu he did as did also fire others but ere he had gained an hundred yards he tamed and gave onu last call at ha supposed to hi child the bov heard the cry being with several other persons on an im mense caio ot ice uotting uown tne river, and answered his parent's rail. "Farewell, my ton," exclaimed the father.

"Good scream ed the child, and both were certain that they had parted forever: but it wat not to to bo. Ther did moet again in a few hours afterward, on shore. tie and sound wun what reelings may belter be imagined than described. Il is almost a miracle that all, both those who took lo the water, ami tuo-e wuo trusted, to tne ice, auoutu have es caped death. Uoxesty AXH Linr.nALlTY.

About a week since, Mr Artcmas While, or this city, lost bis pocket-book, containing three bank bills of 9100 each, and 23 to S3" in small bills. Tho oock- ct-book wa found by an Irish laborer, who. af ter considerable Innuiry and trouble, discovered the owner and delivered it safely into hit hands. On receiving It, Mr White at onco presented the ltoncit fellow with a SS0 bill. Il is pleasant, In these dart of fraud and selfishness, lo chroni cle such a development of the organ of Conscientiousness in one case, and of that of Benero- Icnco in another.

lioston l.zctltinr, Kl intf. Bexevolexck Lahge. Gcrritt Smith. New York, who has already given farms to 1,000 colored people, now makes known that ho will give parcels oi i rem io to tu acre oi land, and S10 each, to 1,000 white persons, to bo selected in counticiof that Statu according to or io CIK UtJU tUoaM ire thcm 8S0 in cul 0 cnlUo popo-Id oat, them lo buy land elsewhere. Punnc llK.NKrACTOns.

The X. II. Statesman intimate that Charles P. Gore, Kxu Superintendent of the Nashua Lowell Railroad, It about to commence lining thai road with young upland einu. I- illy yean hence, what a luxnry iiveir auaue win vm to tne traveler, witu tne thermometer at The Merrimack Corporation, in Lowell, are lining Ihe streets at far as their land extends with trees ot dilferent kinds.

Charitable Bi cjur.aia. The late Henry Todd of Boston, left by hit will, after amtily pro viding lor ms family connections, 83,000 to the "MawachuMttt Genreal Ho-pital," the Interest of which it forever to go toward furnishing free bods for thae whose circumstances may require thcm. To the 'Boston Asylum and Farm School" for indigent boys, he left a legacy of to tho "lioston Children Friend So ciety" SJ.OOO. The" remainder of fait estate, amounting, probably, lo some 10.000. ke be queathed to the "Board of Education," for the ucnent oi tne jtiassacnuteiit iwnnal Schools.

A Foetuse Mtur.D. The AVIndsor Chronicle records the death, at East Rupert in thil atate, oi lapi, airoet sneiaon, aged 97. lit had lived uin his homestead ti years. He emigrated thither from Connecticut, and cut his way looked at the groom! on which the city of rr uuwciaicu lor puuie lime whether he should not purchase it for a farm. i iuu onij uuuuing men uion it was a tavern, and the only population, the inmates of thai tavern.

If he hail made that purchase, what a fortune wouiu nave teen ziss i Mr Waa. IVaUato -trait- for a. wager ef SI0O, em hundred miles in ttcentyjico hours and (ai'rtasirrii seconds, then ran a quarter of a tmle, beating Ihe whole crowd who ran against him He appeared little fatigued after performing the feat The bet wa that be would do it in 23 hoar. The affair came ofT at Crown Point Whitehaller. A Family

We learn that on Tuesday of this week, sixty-live of the eighty, five children and their families who trace their oncology to Widow Catharine Woods, of New tralntree, assembled at her house to pay their parting respects lo her grandson, Rer. James Woods, of Alabama, who contemplate embarking toon for California, by the appointment and under the patronage of the Presbyterian Board of Missions, as a missionary to that new and interesting portion of our country. turrr i'nrrintt Increase or Population. Mn in Ilarritburc, on tho 23d nit gave birth to fit boys, all of which are alive and do. ingwell.

What mikes thiscaje singular is, that at her fmt confinement the cave birth to fro, and at her second to three, and at this, her third, tor making In all, fen children in four yean, uia ail nviug. A FamilyTbavelixg in IVintin A itratiaTO icena wu cxLiliitAil in fHni4nttl -w djyi apo, leing nothing less thin a family comitting of father and mother and six children traveling in wheelbarrows. They had traveled an tne way rroni Laporte county, in three wheelbarrows, Intending lo reach Pennsylvania, from which State they had emigrated some yean ago. Their blankets, wearing apparel, and tome few utensils used in preparing and distributing "wi aiming lamny, were in one narrow, and Iho younger children were stowed away in the Others the lather and ihe cldur boys taking iu, vucviiiij: tucin along. Good News ron the Bootless.

Mr William Snell, of Easton, Pa. has invented a ma' chine to form ladies' and gentlemen' gaiters. uau nnu anon gaiters, wtinout scams, st Ihe tame time producing any size required, in an incir propornoni, to at to ut wttn tue great-ctt nicety and exactness. The machine will form any of the material In goneral use, such as patent leather, calf, kip, men's morocco, split leather, or anything woolen. It dispenses with tho operation of boot cutting and mora than half I- .1 iuu umiuiiijj.

outu is iuu aiuijuiciiy, mat any penOa-Vnacaualntcd with the business can use it It will reduce patent leather boots one third of tneir usual cost. The Gold Doliaii. Tlio II aiJin'ron Union states that tho dies for the coinage of ono dollar gold pieces will be ready in a few days, and that Ihe chief cotnerjtas nearly SI 00,000 worth of gold planchct and strips In readiness for the new wills. Colt's Pistol. Among the last acts of t-ongrcjs, was tuo apjiropriation ol 90,000 to purchase Colt's revolven for the use of California emigrants.

This seemed to bo regarded as of more consequence than tho cheap postage bilL Incidental or Wah. The ox and their reception when they retunied home, cost the my in au, over I Oil-Stone. There it no longer need to send abroad for Turquoise Oil Stone. A quarrt- haa been. discovered In, Derby, Vt, which is said to be In all respects equal to the Eastern.

It is now Wrought and has been Introduced inlo our market lioston Atlas. ri.uutMao. Tho lead from which "pencil point" are made, cornea from the principal plumbago mine In thu world, at Barrowdale, Cumberland, England. It I situated in a hill, and instead of being worked constantly like other mines. It opened only once a year, when a mflklcnt quantity it taken out to supply the world for a year lo come.

It It then closed with strong doors, ban and locks, until tho next annual supply is required. From the time cf Queen Elizabeth, it it said that all tlioTino pencils in the world have been mado of the black lend of this mine. I nento to tho city of Kew York for bringing home from Mexico and burying the remains of Col. Baxter and Lieut. Cfatndlerwas medals for the Kew York Yolunteere.

83.891: ft. A Week Later from Enropt, The ateetnthin AmcnVs arrlmt at 1t.i:r Friday, with ono week' later Intelligence from Europe, Owing to the unfavorable ..17 from the continent, tho price of cotton bad rj. ceded one-eighth of a penny, Tlie reports a Ihe com market show a slight advance. Mon wat fuemy. Abe Amcnca bnnst about fits, fa 000 FnAMCt The French farernmnt haa to Ihe Imjiortant resolution of an armed latervta.

lion in Italy, to reinstate lbs Pone. An eitk dilion had already tailed for Civila Vecchti-. The bill appropriating to meet the expenses ot the expedition passed Ihe reats Assembly by a vote or 3 to 1. Jn the Britiii House of Lords, Lord Lansdowne said that Ua covernment wat aware of the French inttrtet. tion in Italy, but had taken no part in it, il though he acknowledged the ceternmetit Si not disapprove it.

Geuuany. Germany is still in a itii. rf great confusion. Tlio assent of tome of tit smaller State to the assumption of the imperial dignity by Ihe King of Prussia haa been cito. Cut other and more important Statct are Optra.

ed. ISeitber ranee or Russia view the list with favor, and Austria it violently oppowj v. The war between Denmark and Prussia Am as fiercely as ever, nothing decisire, bowevtr'ot mtuinai. me uaa have blockaded the Prussian ports. Austria and The AnitrUu have luttained still furtherdcfeatsintha Ilatn.

nan war. a ne great struggle now Is ror He m-seuion of the Hungarian fortress of has teen bctciged by the Austrian seteril wkIi. The important position of Waltzed had beta occupied by the Hungarian. Colern is hut Into-ty league distant from Vienna. Italy.

Italy is still In IndescribsUt ceofa-sion. Tha Republican) have been net dun ia Genoa, after having had the command of that beautiful city for nine days. Ia Tuscany, then has been a general rising in favor of the GruJ liuxc, and tue man who wa recently Dictator Is now prisoner. The landing of the Freacli tl Civila cochltj will doubtless put an end to tit Iloman Republic, and be followed by the resto. ratlon of the Pope.

Venice is besciged hj tit Austriaus, by sea and land, and must surrender. In Sicily, the struggle hat commenced vil dreadful ferocity, anuT a desperate btuli tod place on Good Friday, between the KeacoLus and Swiss troops, and the people of Citiii, which continued all night, and ended ia lie it-feat of the Catanians. A great number of then were killed, and the city wat afierwardt taclta amlplundercd. The terror caused by this defeat hit cants' Ihe city of Syracuse to surrender without rtsit-ance. Palermo is now the only place of mats strength in the hands of the Sicilians.

A desja-rate resistance Is expected there, but with terv little chance of success. Infortnition hat been received bv the Olem lleamer. that on its leaving Catania on Satcnhv evening, the cily was In flames in thret plant The moat beautiful cdificct were a heap of ndsi, and the renowed library and musenmef nttsnl history were entirely destroyed. The latest accounts from Florence leave reason to doubt but that the Grand Dolt of Tuscany has retimed to his capital It is retort ed tnat ue revolutionary tjovcrnment ct Leghorn has been overturned by the people tte selves as that of Florence has been before. sKP Sir John Franklin wu sent out some tn yesn age, ia command of an expedition to oi a passage round the North coast of America, srj has not been heard from for a long time.

Ut British Government has sent out three lions in search of him, and offered a reward of 20,000 to any one who will tod and rtticvt him, if in distress, or give inforaoation cowtra ing hiin. Lady FraaUia has bestirred herself, and engaged the energy of the Brinsh Ivortl Sea whalen, and has written a letter to Frtay dent Taylor, asking his cooperation. The President replies (through Mr Clsyton, Secntsryof state; taai ne wm giaaiy uo au no ran wpiv mote the otject It ft said that It? astiaul vessels will be sent forthwith to the Jiri bus. la search of the lott expedition. Oneof os will co east, through Davis's Straits, avK-tVf- er west, to Bbtring's Straits.

tVF The "Wife Market" at Australia wu ex ceedingly brisk last July, the latest diteifria wcuce. ransactions were peremptory, son re bargains on time. 'o leu than eight of tie fe-tnale immigrants by the William Stewart vers well and respectably married before they 11 been ashore 48 hours. The othen ihonght thr; would "wait awhile" and be more drniraipert. I SrA tnccessful elopement was lately effecltl in Dublin, by means of a hearse, in which curious vehicle the young lady was conveyed, setting loth, to tho temple of Hymcu.

Canada. Quiet reigned at Montreal ea Sit-urday last, but some of the provinces wtn is is agitated state. One or two new arrests Isl been made. Some of those first arrested, bet liberated on bail, ware about to start on a toer of "agitation" tlirongb the Eastern Townships. lit covernment bad taken possession a ntw hauling called Free Mason Hall, for lis meetisri ofParliament The must seems well sigh over.

Diabolical Attempt to Take LiriA most diabolical attempt wu made upon the life of Thomas B. Warren, in New York, os Friday last It seem that a muffled negro west to Mr bouse, about 10 o'clock Thundi; night, and left a small mahogany box, with lbs servant, marked "Tbo. B. Esq, coafr dcntial." Mr W. was not' at home, and tad oe leisure to examine the contents of the nacksre until 2 o'clock the next day.

His wife and children were looking on wwa be commenced undoing tho package. It protei to be a small mahogany box, with a drawer netr thahntfnm. Ai Mr v. MmmjiRreil nneainstlt drawer, he observed invoke issue, which excited Ins suspicions, and he called upon tbetamiiy-aa God's sake to run out of the room." They dil so instantly, he followed them and in aa u-Itantf an explosion ensued, which shattered tie room, tore the door from its hinges, broke all tit windows, On examination. It was found that the bu contained a quantity of powder, resting epos some sand paper; and in the drawer, a quutr tvof matches, which, when the drawer vs opened, rubbed against the tand paper and XI.

itTmV 1.v. aa It il tupposed thai tome malicious enemy made tha attempt upon his life. But no one wss injur! Aioany jourwu. Death or Alvah The ileitis' this eminent man occurred at Kew Yorkos Tuesday week. His age was If was is-tensively known as a lawyer, a politkisn, saJt philanthropist.

Ho wasan activeroemberof tie Liberty party waa Chairman of its Kalioau Committee, from the Cnt organization of tu party to Oot 1817, and presided overman' National Convention at Albany, in April, l610-i7 Tm- MM vu uva. ua pert nee, and his eloquent appeals in behalf that and the cause of Human Freedom wUI tl vibrate in tbo hearts of thousands in all paru car country. Northampton Courier. T)zatii iiv Muon Wmiri vn This skillful and eminent Enuineer died at St. Petorsburf, Russia, on the 7th of April, after a lone illi" consequent upon an attack of Cholera, lie Engineer of the Western Jtailroad in Massacls-setts, and bad gone to ltussin, by Jnvitatioa the Emperort lo superintend tho construction the great Hailroad from St Petersburg to coir.

Ills loss will bo irrenarabia to his IW" employer, and he leaves many warm friends this sido of Ihe Atlantic. Tue Cholera prevails extensively In Orleans over 200 deaths, some dsys. In family of 20 boardtn, a died in one dty. i- aa." si ta nuu vu tue nttuistinpi, iu me the towns and on the Ohio. xfll rsf Mr Vliilint.

of Ks- hsnt (who commillcd tuiclda at'BrsUlebore lart summer), beoueathing a vast amount of property to various IWtitutiont and individuslt, it to I contested by the heirs at law, The suit come up in the Mass, Supreme Court, July Among the bequests, was one of 3100,000 te Harvard Univenily and the hcln at law hi" given a bond for the payment or list tii Ihey mould ue beaten. T7T 1 -if..

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