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The Bristol Daily Courier from Bristol, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Bristol, Pennsylvania
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Equals Best THE BRISTOL (he Rest he ristol ourier itklLY WEITREB toduy. Fair and cooler tomorrow. VOL. 291KKISTUL. MAY 11.

1U2'. PRICE; a Centn Hoover Says We Must Quit Looking ToCapitolforCures BristoVs Tax Problem Time Has Come When Washington Can Cure All ills PRAISES ADVERTISING In all ages and in all countries the problems of taxation have been tiie subject of controversy and endless discussion; payment of taxes is not the pleasantest of experiences, but yet they have to be paid, so that the experience Bristol is now going through is only in line wiih similar ones that have been met by people all down the corridor of time. Recognizing this situation and the delicacy which surrounds any transaction in which money is concerned, should it not be the duty of every citizen who desires to see the cost of his local government equitably distributed among the property owners and citizens, to uphold the hands of those who It is Playing Fundamental responsibility of the reassessment of the Borough Part in Economic thrust upon them and co-operate as far as possible w4th the County Commissioners in seeing that all parts of the Borough and all property is fairly and justly dealt with? There are many of our taxpayers, we are sure until they received their tax notices from the assessors, had paid little or no attention to the w'ork on this subject, which had been going on in the Borough, and for their benefit, will tell the story. The Borough for many years had not been a self-supporting proposition; more money had to be found from taxation if it was to meet the cost of government from its own moneys. Then again there was a long standing opinion in affect the assessments of the Borough unequal; they had not been materially changed for many years and no co-ordination had existed betw'een six assessors of the Borough in arriving at values of properties upon assessments were based.

To meet the demand for more revenue for the F3orough and greater uniformity of assessment, our local authorities took advantage of the triennial year (w'hich permits the reassessment of property for tax purposes), to go to the County Commissioners, asking for an increase in assessment and an equalization of same so each property owner, as near as possible, will pay his share of the burden of government. To facilitate this work tlie Burgess and Town Council suggested a plan of having a valuation of the property made in order to see just what the taxable assets of the Borough were. No local real estate experts could be found to undertake the work, so they secured the services of men living outside the Borough, but familiar with its property, whose experience in the real estate business amply justified their selection to make the suggested valuation of the Borough. This w'as probably the wisest thing which could have been done for it insured the judgment of men who looked at our property from an entirely disinterested standpoint and without knowledge of what previous assessments had been. First these men had the Borough Card Indexed, each property inspected for its improvements, number of rooms, general condition, its frontage on one or more streets; all possible information w'as gotten together and available to the valuers before they the properties, for the purpose of putting a valuation upon them.

The work of the valuers covered a period of many months during which they had the advice and judgment of all local men dealing in property, who, while to assume any responsibility themselves, were still willing to give to the valuers the benefit of their judgment. We doubt if ever a town was as carefully and intelligently valued by men of greater experience than was Bristol during the past year. (CoutimuMl on Fuiir) System HOUSTON, Texas, May of Cotnnierce today told the country to quit looking toward Washington for cures for all its ills. are confronted with the daily demand to extend government in order to cure abuse or Hoover said, addressing the 21st annual convention of the Associated Advertising Clubs of the World. arm of the federal government is a poor cure for abuse, for it at once becomes restraint of liberty and it cannot operate even to restrain evil without bringing about some instance of opprcs.sion,” Hoover asserted that the country needs to its mind turned off national government as a remetly for ills.

It is hard lo get away from the government cure idea, according to Hoover as knows of some ill iu the other business that ought to be cured right we can decentralize thought onto State and municipal governments, we shall automatically stop the growth of federal he continued. In opinion, the test of wholo economic and social system is its capacity to cure its own abuses. He held that if the country is to be wholly dependent government to cure wrongs, shall have by this very method created an enlarged and deadening abuse through tiie exten- Hion of bureaucracy and the clumsy und Incapable handling of delicate economic and moral American business, according to Hoover, needs a lifting purpose greater than the struggle of materialism. It he added, tiner regard for the rights of otliers, a stronger devotion lo obligations of citizenship that will assure an improved leadership In every community and in the nation. Hoover showed that advertising is playing a fundamental part in the American economic system and that through this medium living standards have been raised, advertising is tho hand maiden of mass he said.

impulse of advertising has to the distribution news, good cheer and educational information to our people. Obviously were it not for tho vast extension of national advertising we should never have the line development of our periodical magazines, and were it not for the growth of the local newspaper advertising our publishers would not be able to produce the groat journals which are of Buch Incalculable Morrisville Justice Begins Jail Term With Two Others Martin V. Myman Gerofsky and raiik Porter Arrive at Prison TO All SERVE 4MONTI IS Will Three I Prisoners Also Be Called on to Pay bines Hynuiu Trenton ag.d ar. May 11 aged years, saloon owiu'r; Frank Porter year.H, his former bartender, and tin V. Wright.

42 years old. a former Morrisville justice tlie were adnUtted to the Bucks County Pris.on here Saturday night to serve prison terms lor intoxicating liquors. Cerofsky and Porter have four month terms to serve In addititui to a line. Wright will serve three months and pay a fine of convicted in tfie Court of Bucks The li(iuor transport look place on ('hristmas Kve, on iJncoln Highway, near Langhorne, and were assigned to a cell and Wright was assigned to a cell with ano-ther prisoner. The three men to Ihe prison unaccomi)anied any othcers.

but wilh tliem were a man who identilied himself as Hrannigan, two other and (Jerofsky, wifi- of one of the Imnunliately upon their arrival at the prison they were servi'd with their first nu-al, which consisted of hot tea, bread and syrup. 'I'hey look that witli a 1 (Jrani Myers said that he would size them up during the next twenty-four liours LATE NEWS nEKI JN, May 1 thousiuid members of the Ber lin policc force were mobilized to in its beginning tUiy attempt ot C'onimunists tt) use the entry into Berlin ot President t'lect Von I hndenbiug, as the occasitin it)r a IIS, May 1 Donald 11. Connolley, U. S. I'Jigineers, declared today th.xt the Steamer Norman, lying at the boHom of the|)|)i, I () miles (rom herr, wilh its cargo of human dead, would probably be jarred sufiiriently, late toiLiy, It) release the bodies ot the victims imprisoned within its hull.

HubnevilleWarson SpeedingMotorists; Arrest Pay Fines Speciitl Policemen Sworn in and Unitormed to Check Speed USI- S'FOP Bristol Loses Meet To Burligton High New in I'y Narrow Margin of ive Points GIHI.S SCORF IIIGII Bristol lligh Sciiool lost to Bur- linglon liigh School by (he niiugin of live points jn inter Kihool meet Friday at Burlinglon, ,1. Bristol' giiis ouly Hurprised the girls of Burlinglon bui Ihe boys of Bri.Htol, as well, jtnd it was lo exeelleiit sliowing of the girls that Bristol scored ao maiiy points as did. Sascavilz aw.iy Ihe hnnors for Burlinglon, while and sliared lu tlu- laurels that weiit to Briiitol. 'l'he eventi were as One hundred yard dai'h Sascavitz, Burlinglon; uecond, Black, third. Opdyke, Bristol, 'l'inu and place in for which they i He(-onds.

were most, suited for. q'wo hundri'il and twenty yards He saiil that he would not put them Hiiitoii, Burlington; on the stone pile it he could help it, adding that there is plenty of wooil to and grass to cut. The case involving these men was oi)dyk Free Mail Delivery For Morrisville Soon to ihe Pennsylvania Su preme Court, where the decision the lovver court was upheld and new trial wan denied. Blai-k. f'iristol; third, Oiidyke, Bristol.

'rune, 2 Heconds. of a mile First, Black. Bristol Hi'C- tliird SlalotT Bristol. 'I'iine Two Big Features at Forrest Theatre Tonight Tonight and tomorrow, night there are to be two big features shown at the Forrest Theatre. Man Mu- and the World in the are the titles of the pictures.

the World in the is a big feature and it wiil be shown in two pai'ts at the Forrest part one being i-hown thi-i week and the second part next week, Man Must is an adaptation of the BioiT. by I. A. li, Wiiere was the kind of a picture to make you laugh, this is one that puts a lumi) in your throat. With the theme of the law of the or be to everyday people the 4 interest from the iirst reel to the last.

I The great storm at sea, safely weathered. and an uni)leasant 24 'hours on a South Sea reef formed part of the honeymoon experiences of and Alfred Y. (Jlowen, of iand, whose motor yacht, wa.s. the first craft of its kimi to completely encircle the world following the line of the equator. The hurricanes were met off New Caledonia and in the Indian Ocean, It was on a coral ofl' one of the Soloman Isliinds that Commodore Cfowen and party spent an time when their 98-foot craft piled ashore during a storm.

The cruise of the Homes Persons Enjoy With Clean up Fine Banquet Here Madame Layyah Barakat Is Interesting Speaker One who has an know ledge of the liible lands and customs of the peojde who live in I hat ion of the globe, will deliver a interesting talk in the Pi-esbyterian ('hurch on Wedto'-sday evening, Thf Bjieaker will be Madame Layyah Barakat, The Presbyterian MiHsionary Society and the W. f'. T. C. have had cliarge of the cjf evr-nt.

A delightful enlightening which will inspire the ers is promiHed. Madame Baiakat is a native of Syria, and expceis to re! urn to her country this Men Start War Today on Thirty-sixth Anniversary Piles of Debris in Celebrated in Very Sue- Fifth Ward cessful Way IS ALL CO-OPERA TE INTERES TING lES Communication ThiA is Homes and; Tlie anniver.sary of tho Ep- it is being celebiated in Bristol by a worth League of tne Methodist general cieanin.g-up of the borough, wa.s observed with a banciuet an army of men, horse and general social time. Saturday drawn wagons and motor trucks in- night. The affair was held in the vaded the alleys of the Fifth Ward, Primary room of the Sunday Schmd and started a war on dirt and ruij- where a table for the dineni had been bish, (Jreat progress was made to-'arranged in the form of a horseshoe many ot wtTi. away.

program whicli folJowcif, It is the plan of the borough table wa.s attractively decorated with authorities to clean up ail rubhish. lighted candles and there were hats but for the next few days all atteu- and ballons for those participating. me itev. James 1 isingnam acted toastmaster and the speakers of tiie evening were Mis.n Mary end, of Philadelphia: (ireen and Mis.s iJeulah Stackhouse, of Bristol. W'ard.

Due notice will be given, t(j when tlae other seciion.H of borough will be invaded. No rubbish is to be placed in the main highways of travel until notice to do so, i.i given. 'Fhere are many alleyways to be cleared of debris be- Townsend spoke of the work wliieli she in Philadelphia among (he nifn start work the piles of asijes along the main highways. not place any debris irj the along the main highways until notice given to do co. It i.H the intention to clean section of the borough as in former I years, but one wanl is to lie taken at was'a time, so that groat piles of dirt will J-P" camera account of the voyage as presented by Paramount the In the will be at the Forrest Theatre tonight and tomorrow.

It is a decided film unique in screen entertainment. resi- dentf. of the city and wiio city. She spoke of the ('Ocia! work and of the numerous club.s for the enter- I tainment and enjoyme-nt of the girKs. The history of the ('haptf-r.

by Mr. (ireen, who spoke in an interesting way of tlie organization, growth and development of the local organiz- The co-operation of every resident here i.s so that every bit of; stackhotwe told of Kp- dirt and ashes can cleaned before of the Present and the heat of the summer comes. and her remarks were atten- I he clearing away of all rubbi. li.stened to, by those will prevent d-seases and it is to bet q-jiefe was a tasty menu by the Kditor A whieh never I I i wit nesssed in Brist(d ocetirred iu SI iiarish on Motlier's Day. flood of liglit from liie altar.

pro cfS.HlíJti of 40 altar boy.s, the Hwect voices of the Hehool ehildren singing hymns to the Mother of and the white carnationH worn by the hundred men who Holy in honor of Motlu r': Day, and lefi a l.i;'.tin.H menifiry. From 7 A ihe nien llegan to tile into the hurt li for o'clock masH, and before holy had begun, available wa Bail after rail of husband.s, brother.s anfl houh knell side by wide to r'-eeive Holy Coin rnuniofi, and to it their bf l(jved Ktrainri, voices of 50 sclioid ehildren in the hoir, as the men ommuni( ated nfed a which could never p.iinfed W(-ll sliijuld St. be proud of her and the hionej proud of St- A. fi too LATE TO CLASSIFY mile -First Ktdsler, iJurllng ton, Wall. Burlington; third, Maei'.

Biist(d. 'i'iine, 2.B». Shot put, Wed ve pound'-- l-'irsi, Saseaviiz, Burlinglon; second. Seno 'gif, Bristol; third. Dorse, Burling jlon.

40 feet. 10 inclteH. Running broad jump I'Mrst, Hul Ion, Hceond, Murphy 1 Burlington; third, Morris, Burling Distanee 21 fi-et, bes. High All tb'd at five feel lluni, Burling Anthony. Burlinglon, mile relay*- j.roved lo the winner of the lUfet for the Bur lington runnerH Wyeilz, KoDtir.

IfiiltoiS, Burlinglon; Lom l)aido, Black. 'I'hf resull'i in the event were Ba ket Ifall throw Fir Walton Brls Kd; Harvey, Burlington. Dis lance, fii't. Huuniim high jump First, Kau d'djjii. Bristol, seeonil, Hoikhill.

Bur lliird. Harvey, Burlington Height I fei-t, Inches. broad jump l-'ini, Ban dolpli. Brisiol third Bri'-tol, Dis tanee 7 fe-ef, I mile relay Won liy Br tol. i Seventy five y.ard da Won Ijy in all thsee Routes Are Now M.ipped Out for the Carriers WILL jUI.Y LSF MOliUlSVlLLIO.

May 11 Oltieial haa been made of the ('ivil examinaiitiu whieh will hi'ld here for mall carrito Sal nr day morning, (5. in lhe Bidierl Morris Sehool, 'The applicai ion blanks are now at the poHt (dllce and anyone desiring to take the exaini nal ion may proeure the blanks by ap plying at the stamp window. All plications must be mailed ko they will be reecived by Ihe Civil Service ('tun mis.sion in Phihubdphia not latei- th.ui 27. All applieant.s will then le eeive an card and without HUt a card will be permitted to take the e.Kamlnal ion. All appli cauls musi pi'esent a iil phulo graph at Ihe the time they appear at the Hchitol luutHe for e.xaminatliui.

The (b livery service will be Itiaugu lali'd here 1. and It will embrace priuTically all of MorrlHville. ai" a few HeiiiouH, HUi as Chedesler I hat Heelhm bebiw the Morii.svill<‘ ('emeliry, which will nui be served until Hidewalks are laid leadiUf, to tboRe HectioilH. 'Ihe buroiigh will be divided into routeH and there will be iwo de llveiies each day. tentative plan alls for ib'livery on the following but I bene are Hubjecl Id liange.

excludinj' ihoHe wliM are iol buill up anil including vvhleh have Ix'cii buill up. HiiUle 1 All C)f Blidf'e Hlreet went (o Ihe creek; ('lymer. Moreau, drove, Bank, Washington, Wood, streefH, ('helh)U. Key Ioni Lafayette, PlulpH, Sant, Delaware, Clevidaiid, 'Faylnr, Penn, Hivervlew, Baker, Wrii'ht. Philadelidiia, IfarriHon.

Hub Auileiiion, PenniiyIv.ini i tnd South Delniorr uvennen Houle 2 liidRe, Falrvii'W. Trenton. I lendi iekKon, Bond, l-'ranklin, ii.irper, Sloekll.iln, lilllKide avetiueM, and t'eiiire rlreelii, Pennsylvania Del 'I'eu sitreet letter boXeH will be plai ed al convenient places aboul town vshere rs iiiay be mailed. 'The the Post (iflice De pari nielli been calletl to lhe tice ot ionie people (dacin )4 three Will C'ontinue the Drive to Prevent Reckless Driving i relentless war (ui speedlnff moiorint.H has bt'en declared by tho auihorilies of Hulmeville iKirough, Beai activity starh'd Saturday afternoon when Hworn in and lu uniform patrtdled tlio concrete higliway and checked the speed of I he auloists. Were tak(Mi inlo custody on Saturday' aflenmon and was arrested ysHiierday.

All six given hearings before justices of the peace and paid the mimimum lino of aiul costs. The drive to cheek through Hulmeville is lo cmilinuo and thosi' who violate Ihe laws will run the rlfsk of being lined and iier- jailed, have been made as to the motorists, who have been driving through I as if they were on a race and were utterly Ignorant of tlu' fact judging fr(un their actions, tluit they were motoring through a borough. are gidng lo check this reck- les.s one of the men who )H infliietitial In affairs, today, 'it become a danger to the coniniunily and intend to slop it al all 'liie have sttip to I irne I he Hpeeder.S, I Dahha Association Planning for Show At the last meeiing of the BrMtol Dahlia ion idans were dlH- cnssed loi' the annual flower show, wliiih is to be held In iiades Hall, Pith and 17th. CommiHees were named and other considered. Following com- Tulttees were nHineij' I Preniinm.H Mi.s.s Williams, Morris Harti uin, Hall, i'iL ton aiiil Seyfert.

Ptiblieily Seyfert Al the next meeting there will be an lection of olllcers. are lo make a Hpeiiul eitoti to 1 pli ellt. lent: 111)011 a letter, altlioiigh it been Jitl Id lepi-atedly that tale (ill cla; in lut- changed News horn Nearby Towns alleyways. widow of Lum. Belativen and friends are invited to attend funeral the of Kate 2'i7 Woofl Wc'dneHday, May at P.

S. T. P'rieiuls may view remains 'I'ue-- day evening after k. Interment in Bri.stol Cemetery. TULLYTOWN An important of Tully lown l'ire held ui the lire hou tomorrow evenliii' i are many re ting and ini port; nt mattern to brought before tlie meeting and if i.

hoped there will be a large attenilance ami Itoy and dren, of Fdgfiy, wer- ut Hie home of ijarent-, Mr, atid i of Main Sunday. iio variety which hfid in itfie tore nex't to the '1 uUytown Office Satnrday evenlng a Krand SH in evf ry way. The af fait waH given under the of -Mr. and and daughter. Charlotte, Bordentown, Were Sunday visitor at the home of paient-, and HULMF.VILLE Mr .1, i'i iiaving the ance of hin proptoty improveit by applieation of paint.

Lllzafieih Kern: ha- been visiting at the hinue of her un-ie aunt, -Mr and I5aldi ton. Linie Ldith Keivjjaw, of Hperit a few days la week with and Horace Cox. Backward Puzzle Will Keep Crossword Fans Busy back wart! ro.ssworil hear one It may po, ibie that the one which tho Knight i id' ('oluuituiH have pl.inned to publi tlirough the Courier in con- in V. ii ihelr comedy proiluc- tioii i.r Mile.s From to hown al the 'liieatri' May L'l, I-. tiie only oil! of its kind in captiv- ily.

The puzzle will be published in morrow' C'fUtier It will be re- ileil Wedlle prize of (Ml will be awanled to the per, on who wrllen luest slogan tor tol, Ai answers must, be in the h.ini He Conte later limn P. M. The judges of tliQ -t be announced lo-morrow, Mrs. Elmira Gillingham Is Given Big Surprise iiiureday evenin.g Elmira Clllirirh.iin. Tully- was a party by a number of friends, 'liie affair a Ilf Id at.

1e home, and was In fd' biithday. iiie was very prettily the color I cliente ot I out, A beautiful boutjuef of pink roses adorio'd tie falde. njoyable w.ty, iiiuie and singing 111 'lie racr Mrs. Sarah Car favored with vocal Hetre hments were and at. a Imur departed tor their Mrs, the of many gifts, were Richard ry, Mt Frank Carlesi, Mr.s, W.

Lei.iii, Siuumers. Kim-r Is Mrs. James Maybtiy. Mrs. L.iviiia Vanliorn, i l-issjici, .1, s.

Mrs. Wallace Mr-, Walter Sirouse, Master Walia.e Keeler, Master Mathiad Dances for Benefit of St. School a Success hoped that every resident here will WILKIN'SOX a caterer and Lleanor (lallagher. of that each premise is thoroughly much enjoyed Pine street, had as a Saturday and eli-aned I The cleaning i.s not to be confined and Stewart Woodruff. P'-a, only to yards but shoukl include of Madison street, moioreti to and Mrs.

W. J. Dayton cellars, bai5ement3 and build- liiiladelphia, Sunday and vifiited son Edward, of Brooklyn, N. jngs in general. It is reported that parent.s, Mr.

and motored to Bristol, Saturday, and there a great accumulation of in- John Applegate. Sunday guest. Miss Madeline McCue. of Philadelphia. Blanche W.

O. cla: of (hi' Tullytown and Mrs. Harryi Sunday Sfitool. Over ai-camifianierl a number of Summer Mr, Wahace While and was cleared. of the i Mr and Mr.i Herbert Hooly, School to Doylestown f)ti Fridav Trenton, were at the home of vvhere place.s of interest were visited the latter's parents, and Mrs.

L. Women's Hotrte Boberf Chase, of Main street, ary Society will hobl a Sunday. ineeting at the close of Pr.iyer The nightly dances held in Harry Minkanaw, of Ldgejy, was Meeting Service on Thursday eve- tltt' new addition of St. School painfully injured a few day.s ago. in the week, were a big success accorti- while working at the plant of On Wedne.sday evening tlie annual ing to Mr.

Anthony Russo, chairman Papf-r Company, just be- banquet of the Aid the committee iu charge of the af- At BriHtol, May low town, According to a rep he of M. K. Church will be luid in fairs. fell from a lever house and the fall the lodge room alK)ve Hail.i thank the public for gen- wife of John to Bristol, Saturday, vielted their relatives, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Moore, of 324 Taft street, where they remained over week-end.

W. Wilkinson, in her 77th year. Rela-i struck a running cable. He received at fL'50 o'clock. tiveH and friends are invited to attend bruisen and After been funeral on Wednenday, ing examined by a jdiysican 1 at 2 P.

S. from her rc-si-j removed to A splendid menu ha-i and following tlie flammable material in some of and H. Bauroth and'dence, Bath Htreet, Bristol, i'a cellars of Bristol and this i.s a fire family, of Jackson street, were Interment in Bristol Cemetery, Re erous said Mr. Ru.Hi-^o, we aiso thank those who gave was banqtiet an entertainment will be'service in the efl'ort to raise money given to those attendiig in for the new lichool, in particular we the menaco, of it. 1 Now i.s the time to get rid Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs.

Johnlmains may be viewed Tue.sday even Bloomfield, the Fallslngton the affair. A very enjoyable Mooney, ot Alden, Pa. ing. Itenk, of Bri.stol, was Hall, liie members of the wish thank Serenaderd' iu a vi ator at the home of Anna are each permitted lo take one guest! substituting for the Jazz Boys, Tuesday and Thursday evenin.iis,” 11 -2t Sunday. jning i.H.

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