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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 5

Logansport, Indiana
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THE-BEST-EVER-PRODUCED-FORTHE-MONEY- PERFECT-FITTING WfiMSUTTA MUSUK AM HUNDRaD blHEM ONLY DEWENTER, The Hatter and FurnisHer our Save This Coupon No extra charge for it, but it is valuable. It bares names, and that will remind you of the necessity of a New Spring Suit. Present this coupon with a nominal sum of money at our store and we will make to your order the handsomest suit of clothes that ever adorned your body. TUCKER YOUNG, THB FEflRL STRBET TftlLORS. offer $9,50 yes, $9.50 for suits worth $25.00 ol Suits IKoftli 15,18,20 Choice of Any Suit in OTTO KRAUS' Store- DU 1 0 Prince AlbertSuits Swing and Fall Overcoats Silk Lined.

Also Ulsters. -MONEY TO On Mortgiute 1 and 8 per cent. MOMSV TO. JLOAN. On MortttnKfS Security anUVa.My'.Montlily pay- Tj.T'cOCKBTJRN.

Booms 2 aiul 3 Spry bulldlnK. DAILY JOURNAL. the has Do tlic Live Metfcodlst Minister! Business Session. in MORMING, MARCH 29, Smoke All Stock 5-3ent olgari. MoKoen's good work Delicate girls made strong by Zoa Fhora.

Broken down women renewed by Zoa Phora. George B. Warner has removed to No. 911 Race street. The best baking powder In world Ben Fisher's drug store.

Anthony Fryborger of Walton, been granted a reissue of pension. FornoETs orchestra will play for a reception at Montlcello Tuesday night Once tried always used, Bou Fisher's baking powder and extract of vanilla. Advance sale for the Huntley. Bixby Comedy Co. opens tomorrow morning.

Como early. formerly of Logansport, married Miss Alice Soper of (Jreenoaetle recently. If you need money you can get It on 'personal or collateral security of E. B. Overahlner, 327 Fourth St.

Have you ever noticed how your ayatem seems to crave special asBlat- Mce in the spring? Just the help required Is given by Hood's Sarsapa- rllla. Wm. E. Hauey will have hie buil- ness block on the east side of Pearl street, modernized, including the addition of a third story, John Medland has contract for the Work. Tfce lodorn Wijr Commends Itself to the well -Informed.

to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done in the crudest man. nor and disagreeably as well. To clennso the system hnd break up colds headahchos and fevers without unpleasant afsor effects, use the delightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs. IJJ THE COMMITTEE ROOMS AND IN THE PULPIT. nuil ItcllKloni Ferrer Ham Blot AIHOBK iiw DiMttuKUlHhed Men Who HBTO Ad- dremed the Or, MorrU' Mecond leciaro-JDr.

Fretdmnn Driver at The Prewbyterlan Church. Long before time for the opening of the anniversary of the Freedman'a Aid and Educational Society last night, the Broadway church was turn, ing people away. An excellent choir was provided and the singing wae aplrited and pleasing to the ear. The Rev. J.

0. Hirtzsll, secretary of the Freedman's aid society made a very strong appeal to the purses of the big audience for tho cause of the Freeclman, and told with feeling ol the trials thhthad beset the work, which now has. 23 echojla for- colored and 22 for whits children. and employs 400 teachers, the expenses being about $800.000 a year. The North Indiana conference had last year apportioned $8,500 to the society.

A considerable eutn wai raised in the audience. AN OVERFLOW MEETING. Toe big auditorium of the First Presbyterian ehurch was completely filled by those who wished to hear the Rev. J. M.

Driver, the eloquent Marlon minister. They were not disappointed in him. Ha preached a 'powerful sermon from tho text, "Oh, had 1 the wings of a dove, that I might fly away and be at rest." He denounced such a cry, such a desire as that expressed in the text, as cowardly. He said the cry should rather be for the strength of an ox and, the courage of a lion that tho fight might bo met ai it should ba met. His discourse much enjoyed.

THEY TRANSACT BUSINESS. Supt, Odgers of the Chicago Wesley hospital, succeeded in having a com- mlttee appointed to confer with him as to the demands of that Institution. The Revs, Greenman, Spellman and Harrison were the committee. THE FREEDMAN'S AID SOCIETY. Dr.

J. C. Hartzill, secretary of tha Freedman's Aid and Educational Society, gained the ear of the conference and told of his work. Ho said that all manner of 'sacrifices had been made by the officers and teachers of thensooiety. The debt of the body is $200,000, bnt not one cent of it is on the property of the society which is valued at $2,000.000.

Dr. had the warmest praise for the Catholic mission work among the negroee. Subscriptions for the Christian Educator were asked for. The Preacher's Aid Society then held its annual business meeting. It was shown by its officers to be in a good condition.

The funds were ordered separated, according to the constitution, and to be kept separate. The report of Elder Hudeoa for the Goshen district sho'wed that almost the full apportionment, $200, had been contributed to church funds. Between seven and eight hundreds of additions to the church were reported during the-yaar. All the pastors of the district were passed, Elder Simpson's district, tho Ft. Wayne district showed a good record for the year.

The amount of pastors' and rents in the district nmounted to $24,210, of which ocly $400 remains to be raised. Elder Simpson was complimented by the Bishop on the showing made in bis report. Elder Lynch, who retires from the He defends Mother Eve and accuses man of blaming his blunders on the woman. He calls the mother's apron strings the lie that reaches from earth to heaven, and strongly blames the young man who allows his companions to draw him away from the most blessed tie on earth, the tender binding pressure of the -'apron strings. Many of the audience were moved to tears during his powerful talk, and, in fact, the whole entertainment is the transition from a good hearty laugh to a fit of weeping and back again, with all the inter- weaving shades of feeling.

The chaplain's own song "Your Mother's Apron 1 as sung by it that is strangely -Awarded Highest Fair. CREAM MOST PERFECT MADE A Grape Cream Tartar Powder. Fret Ammonia. Alum oi other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. himself, has a charm about unaccountable and yet is sweet.

The meeting was dismissed for a few moments, and then Prof. Gsnrge Morris was announced to deliver hie second lecture to ministers, "The Sermon as an Instrument." The Rev. J. K. Waltz led in prayer and the eminent speaker began.

Among other thinga, ho said: "THE SERMON AS AN INSTIICMENT. There is no art by which any but great man can make a sermon worth £oing to hear. All time spent in the juggling of words to make sermons, might better be spent In eelf-dlsclp- lino. When a man becomes the right kind of a man he can draw people to him. Speaking of the sermon as an instrument.

The men who made the Damascus swords were cot necessarllj soldiers, but the preacher must be both a maker of the blade and its wielder. A preacher must make a new sword for every Cgat. I want tho people to know that the er ync, care Of the Warsaw district this year 0 lc Of BiHitine Work- MornliiK MeetiiiK. The Rev. Baeks of Hartford City tb.9 evening devotions at yesterday morniog'fl session of the conference Fifteen members not present Wednesday, answered to roll call.

TheBisbop; announced that Elder Blrch'a condition was improved The resolution passed Wednasday instructing stewards not to take into account pensions as the Income of those who receive from the superannuated fund, was reoonaidered on the motion of its originator, and placed on the table. It WM the prevailing idea that the pension should be regarded ae a source of income. A. collection of $67.80 was taken up for the assistance of the church at Ashley, oo the request of J. W.

Welch. made his roport, which among other things showed a big Increase over last year in collections for benevolent objects. Elder Lynch, with his report, closed thirty-six years of service in the church. As he sat down the Bishop arose, and after a few felicitous words sa'd: "Brother Lynch, in going out you curry the hearts of the preachers with you, and they have funded their good wishes into this gold medal, which It gives me great happiness to present to you on their bahalf." A. Lamport was given a supernumerary relation.

The following resolutions were pass ed on the sickness of Elder Birch of this district: Realizing, aa we do, our inability to serve our brother, Rev. W. S. Birch, In any especial manner, yet we cannot refrain, as a conference, from expressing in this formal way our heartfelt sympathy for him in this, his hour of severe personal affliction. We pray that this aicknesB may not be "unto death," Weyraythat in Goo's own way Brother Birch may receive the fullness of all blessings promised the afflicted, and.

if the Lord so wills it, that he may be restored to health for many years to bless and to go in and out among us. We make record of our appreciation of the fact that God has enabled Brother Birch to eiva so many years of faithful and efficient service to the church of his choice. C. KING. C.

E. DISBRO, W. D. PARR. Chaplain C.

C. McCabe spoke a short time on missions. of the "Conference Association of Wives Wid- ITS and Daughters," ia charge of Mrs 3 Wright 7:30 of "The Jhurch Extension Society," addressed iy Rev A Kynett Philadelphia, 'a. TWO ELOQDENT ADDRESSES. Chnplam Jjorler and Or.

Morris at the Afternoon The unique, rhythmic, musical, eloquent address of Chaplain Lozler was certainly a revelation. To one who has never enjoyed the lecture 8, the swing of his metrical dk- oouree, the fire of his. manner, and the bright of in imltable wit, -'Tour Mother's Apron Strings" was most pleMiajf. The chaplain' had a church' crowded to the doors hear him. The object of all preaching is to make all men and women pei feet.

Th sermon is not to save souls. Make men perfect and there will be no tronble getting tbem to heaven. Satan does not want tbem. Serjnons.ln large not adapted to make men perfect. They are too narrow.

The perfect man, Christ, was perfect physically and intellectually afa well as spiritually. How can a minister, with hia brain and body tainted with tobacco expect to make perfect men? Do you suppose Heaven will be peopled with man who know nothing but to shout? For what purpose were men given brains? The people in the pews must be made the keen thinkers Wby ia itthat the church does not control journalism? Bsciusa the press is controlled by unconsecrated men. Tbe ministers are responsible for this. Nothing can be done with the, skin-milk, attenuated -sermon. The pulpit is the most important platform of the day.

According to journalism ail its due, the position of tho minister is the most important of all. Our bus-ness is largely to make man govern his ra ss on8 We must teach phjeicial culture ai.d hygiene. To meet the requirements of the twentieth century we must be transformed. The buys and girls thattrrowup with us must bo uuap- proacha le by the paltry things ol earth. It takes backbone to bs a preacher.

Being the best pastor on earth will not excnsa a man's being the best preacher he possibly can. A minister must try to appear a man in the pulpit even if he cannot be ooe. A minister must not slouch in the pulpit. The congregation was then dismissed with benediction from Dr. Morris.

TODAV 3 ANNOUNCEMENT. 8:30 Exercises, con. ducted by Rev. Wade Bluffton, Ind. 9 a 12 2 "The Winsome Pastor." Rev Morris, D.

3 meeting of the "Woman's Home: Missionary Society," addressed by MM I Jones Cincinnati, Oaio. NOTES. Chaplain C. C. McCaba left yesterday afternoon for Now York.

Richmond will probably secure tbo next meetiEgof the conference. The following reference was msde by Presiding Eider Birch to the churches in which Journal readers are interested. Galveston J. Johnson b'as closed bis second year with this charge under the most favorable cir- cumfctancos. Year of success and solid growth.

The Rev. E. Neal, who was from 1884 10 1887 the pastor of the Wheat. land street Methodist church, and now at Peru, ie renewing old friendships in the city this week. The Rev.

J. C. Hartzell, secretary of the Freedmau'a Aid and Educa tional society who so Interestingly addressed last night's meeting, is an imposing figure, and a forcible speaker. Norrishas closed a fourth year of very successful pastorate with his people. Has worked hard and succeeded well.

More room la needed for this growing lion. Tho church was once large enough, but the congregation has outgrown it. Market Wones bas closed his second year at Mavkut street with good results, This charge has grown sler.dily for the two years, by the work of the faithful pastor. They greatly need a parsonage, which wo hope may be secured before loner. Wheatland Harlan has completed bis second year with continued success.

A Inrge number have been converted and added to the church. Tbe heavy church dtbt ia still upon them, bat has grown some less. Faithful pattorate ind skillful management is much needed to help church through. Tbe case of G. S.

V. Howard, accused of securing money under false pretenses, and who was expelled at last conference, and whose case was sent back on an appeal, for a rehearing was up yesterday. C. U. Brown and W.

D. Parr, for the defense, saw fit to withdraw from bis cause and Thomas Stabler was appointed. W. A. Groisi of Anderson, a young man of much promise, was yesterday offered a professorship in the Methodist school, the Taylor University, at Upland, accept, his duties to begin He is only twenty-one of age and unusually able.

President Reade of the Taylor College was here yesterday and made him the offer. While the committees were at work in the class rooms and the buzz of conversation made the lecture room of the church a very lively place, an announcement that Elder W. S. Blrcb was sinking caured a to fall upon the people, and in the silliness a tolemn earnest prayer for the tfflicied minister and his family was spoken by a brother of the Kokomo district, and a fitting hymn was sung as a tribute to the man who was thought to be approaching the end of the dark valley. ADVENTURES OF A BOTTLE.

won tlio After Many In ISM, Lieut. II. T. Mayo, of the United States navy- in charge of the hvdrojrraphic office at Tort Towns- eml. the captain of the Northern I'ao'ilii: steamer Victoria a bottle which he asked him to drop into tho sou when his ship was about hallway across the Pacific on its voyage to so as lo tost the currents.

The bottle, savs Uio Chicago Record, wns' corked and sealed and contained a request printod in seven different lan-rnafrcs, includinsr Russian, Chinese Japanese, that whoever found it should send it to tho nearest custom house in the United States, with the date and the location when and where it was first secu. On July 4, 1S03, when the vessel was in latitude forty-nine degrees thirty-two minutes north and longitude one hundred and seventy-five degrees and forty-two minutes west, Second Officer Dobson, of the Victoria, took the bottle and, with a swing of his longr arm cast it into the water. One morning' a few, weeks ago when Licnt. Mayo dowu to his office he found on his desk; a package wrapped in an ancient andj much soiled German newspaper, which, to his surprise, was found to contain the very bottle he sent on that queer errand about sixteen months before. The janitor said the package had been left there by two rough-looking Upon drawing the cork the lieutenant found a rude'inscription upon the back of his carefully printed instructions which read: "Here's your bottle.

Found (on such and such a date, in such and such latitude and longitude). The next time you cast a bottle adrift please put something else in it besides a piece ot paper." in i ho Harm). The clothing- of the women of the sultan of Turkey costs $7,500,000 a year, so it Js said. THE FINEST LINE LOF SPRING SUITINGS To be Found in the City at CRAIG'S 428 BROADWAY 2nd Floor. Justice Block.

"Trmt Thou Who Have Trird." Catarrh caused hoarseness dlffi cully in speaking. It also resulted to a great extent in lost hearing. By the use Ely's Cream dropping of mucus has ceased, voice and hearing have greatly W. Att'y at Law, Monmouth. ILL I Ely'i Cream Balm for catarrh and have received great benefit.

I believe it a lafe and certain cure, very pleasant to Fraier, Rochester. N. T. Price of Ely's Cream Balm it fifty centa. NEW HARNESS SHOP.

I have moved my harness and saddlery shop Twelfth street, where I will turn out the best goods for the least money. GEO. W. FOSTER, CLASH s. B.

PXTTEBSON. ONE WEKK Monday April, 1st. HUNTLEY-BIXBY COMEDY COMA AN r. of Popular Flays, 4 Hunted Downl OB THK GIAXT. lady admitted unraebaoe ticket.

Popular ftutf-M, 30 eentt,.

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