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The Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania • Page 21

The Tribunei
Scranton, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

'l 1 2 lassified REAL ESTATE Farms and Land For Sale fl CATTttf. 3 horses. It ehleken. 39 loot wy. it.

loi)i tntllsft, on. oat. ta Urn, trtnlor. mllklnt machine. trucic, fully tqulpptd.

modern bulldlnfc Beraaeo. market. Offered at taerlflo. aI OtlliaarcJ. 101 Board of Trade.

FARMS, COUNTRT HOMES Lands of all kinds raonbl. i.ou H. Jonaa Son. Dalton. Pa.

ATTLIJ. hones, chlokana. machinery. rami sonvtniinl to Reunion. Bariam, Mad.

Axel Oallrairrt. Board of Trad. OR SALE: OR RENT 117 acre farm. IT cattle. on team, running water in iiouea and barn.

New barn. Land under food cultivation. A. glmraicer. oitfo, n.

T. 4. Wanted to Buy MA DAT ll 111 your rarm quicker thaq any other agency. List It today. 13? Adame Avenue.

Ecranton. PARTED. TO BVX Business property, or apartment hous. for Investment. At rlt P.

O. Box 266 Scranton, Pa. M. MARCV haa cah buyers far doubt nd tingle houses also business properties and vacant lots. For quick salet call at Adams Avenu or phono 43.

LEGAL THB LNIT15D STATES DISTRICT KOIl THE MIDDLE D1S' TRICt OF PENNSYLVANIA. IH3CEI VERS 8ALE Th Racelv rs for the Puritan Coal Infnar Inn. nnrsnant tn tan order tales; ranted by the United States DIs Jct Court (or the Middle District of Innsylvanla; will expyote to public LI lie Sheriff's Office, at the Court the City of Sun bury, Northumt Ijnty. Pennsylvania, tt the hour of clock, P. 51..

on Tuesday, the 23rd i uti tain improvement company lands). nice In Deed Book No. 76.. page 331. sale House, berland Two day If Starch.

1926. all and singular, the lands, funding and personal properties thsereof id therein, of 'the Puritan Coal Mining lompany. situate la Coal Towntnip, ortrmmberland County. State of Psnn Viva In, comprising what It known a frive Buck Rldg Colliery." The land bntalna 443 acres, being parte ot the fchn llrady and llobert Uray tracts, and la thereon reins of anthracite coal es. 1 to 18.

Title to Land It in Fee Iniple. Both as to Surface and Mineral. estimated that these tracts contain, em ourteen to seventeen aiwion Tons the best recoverable anthracite coal I of which Is conveniently located to the nnsylvarria and Philadelphia and Read I Kan ray BRIEF: DESCRIPTION OF T.AND Tract No. 1. Containing 2:3 acre.

art of Robert Gray Tract and bounded landi of P. R. C. I. F.ooert ray Mmber Cloaver and J.

oclcafalla tracts. Isnfs of N. C. Rv. ompany, Lehigh Valley Company's John 4ilte tract and P.

A R. C. L. Com iany part of the John Brady tract. Tract no.

3. containing acres, art of Robert Bray Tract and bounded lands o( 1 H. C. A I. Co.

(Part of obert uray Tract), lands of P. at R. C. I. Co.

(Part of John Brady Tract), nd lands of P. R. C. I. Co.

(Big ins northeastern corner or Tract No. adjoins the southwestern corner of rict ls'o. 1. Excepting thereout, however, alt tur ce rights in and to any part or portion the said tracts of land which have heretofore granted by the owners Hereof, and aj shown upon plans of lohnson City." Recorded in tna omre It the Reecorder of Deeds, In North trrberland County, In Deed Books 3 and III, Pace 339 and 114. A Excepting Thereout all rights erein of the Shamokln and Mt.

Carme! Itctrlc Company. Also all surface rights three pieces or land granted to the Iwtmokln Viillsy and Pottsvtlle Railroad ompany by deed from Jane T. Johnson bid other, recorded In the office aforesaid Deed Book. No. 112.

pate 343. Also 1 rights of way ot the Mahanoy and Ihamokln Branch ot the Big Mountain olllery Branch, and the original Buck idge Colliery tiranoh. covered by release i'l contraot from Jeuo May t. at, to Enterprise R.R. Co.

Recorded In of aforesaid in Deed Hook No. 43, page And also all rights of way of the and Reading Railroad Com JU conveyed to said company by release Tmi Jene T. Johnson et. a I. recorded tn 1c aforesaid In Deed Book No.

74, page '3. and by release recorded In same These lands are developed and In con Hon to mine approximately 10.000 to J.OOo tone of coal per month, from In le and outside slopes Number i. s. 5. and 13.

together with the necessary innela and gangways, equipment, break Ire. boiler houtet, and auxiliary build ligs required in mining and preparing nthraclte coal. RIEF DESCRIPTION OF BUILDINGS UPON LAND. Breaker. Frame construction equipped with rolls, shakers.

Jigs, elevators and conveyers, toirether with other neces. sary equipment capable of preparing approximately tot ton of prepared coal per day, which may be shipped either via p. n.R. or Reading Railway, Bolter houses. One eontalna return tubular boiler wtlh rated capacity 790 h.

p. and two water tub boilers with rated capacity of T3I h. p. Th ether containing three return tubular boilers rated at 37a h. together with feed pumps and necessary fitting and attachments.

Also boiler and fuel lines and aab lines adjoining and connecting with these boiler houaes, Carpenter Shop, pip shop, and blacksmith ehop, together with all machinery, inch nt saw, pip machine, drill presse and other miscellaneous equip ment necessary In th respective shoos. Frame wash house, laclodlng showers. hangers and piping. Frame locomotive houses. stable and harness house.

Engine house, containing fiolrta for th several inside and outside slopes. Fsn bouses, together with ventilating equipment necessary to properly ventl lat th mines. compressor house containing an electrically operated compressor, together with piping and attachment. Other necerat'ry outsld auxiliary build ings and tructures. such as supply nouses, earage.

hospitals, trestles, numea. la nut. and lien a rramei at mouth or slopes, together wltb tteam tinea and air and wster lines. Also a standard gauge siding from th main line of the Heading Railway to th breaker: also Barrow guagt track for the use of tbe colliery equipment. Sub station and transmission line in Wle and outside.

eentrKugal pumping unit for total rated capacity of t.toe gallon frer minute, and on ateam unit of 20 per minute. Aviso two narrow gusgt locomotives, tor I dump cars and timber truck a Also mine car and buggies; Including narrow gauge mine track. SUPPLIES AND OTHER PERSONAL PROPERTY. ThM consist of crap. electrlo blasting dynamite, carbide lamp, scoop hovel, revplrasor.

chovel handle, pick andlea. 'clay and mine) Hedge handle, xe handles of various kinds, aim, AHi babbitt metal, asbestor Dacklnar. Anchor liacklng. St earn packing (lew and high ressur) square hydraulic packing, flax backing, pump valves, various lad or oik machine bolts, washers, red heet packing, blaclt sheet packing, sand, ement, plank, mine ties, mine lagglnge, P. boards.

mine brattice boards, hard. fiood car lumber, oak prop timber, uiany set of oak prop of various tiles. It ton 0 lb. rails, wlrs nails, mine ear wheel. iso many pound or single iroa, round kid square.

Also 21 trails. Koto. Tins list (Object te night cbanc Tom day to day. The proDsrty win told free and die. harred of th Ilea of th mortrsie of Puritan Coal Miming to The S'ew Tork Stat National Bank of Al aay.

Trustee. icorded In the Re order's Office of Northumberland County, Pa In Mortgage Book 111. page 441 i lo freed and discharged of th lien of the necslvere Certificates and Receiver Opts ting expenses and debta Receiver fees, 'te of counsel for receiver, and all costs, 1 1 so fro and clear et the unsecured lebts of th Puritan Coal Mining IOC at th date of th Inception of the Receivership, also free and clear of th lien of all taxes, debta claims, and demand of every nature and character whateoever. Purchaser will be rtqofred te pay a ralntmumr of two hoadred eevtnty.fve ihousaad dollar (1371,000) In east) I cover all claims and taxes which sre found to prior to mortgage at time tale. Other condition will be made pewa ea day of rale.

H. SLENDER, K. FOCHT, I rtecelvert of Purtiae Coat Mining Com liny. Ina. I FRED SCHAFFER, I Hwnbury, Pa JAVID R.

CKOSSdROVE. I JLewlsburg, Il ir Attorney for Rtcelvera ai 3 4 9 ll ll. i to Ads LEGAL NOTICE IS HERBT OIVN THAT ON Saturday, March S7, at It a. at Slgnor't Gang, Thomas Dlx court. ScrantOB, thr win exposed for aal for cash to the highest bid dtr.

one 1IH Podge touring ear. Be. M214(. Sam to sold to taUsfy ft 110 for repair ana BIONOR'S OARAOB. ntnia ininaisWL Solicitor.

UMI Danville, Pa. all as fully set forth and described la two cople. whereof re "nrriocaf attached hereto and ar on fit In th facilities of the local roundhouse of compliance. E. B.

JERMYN. Mayor. Recorded In Resolution Record No. page 494. WILLIAM f.

HCESTER. 16 17. City Clerk, tTA LLj St. U4, U.UH I Solicitor for the Plaintiff. 23 3 J.

Tha falinwfnr It a draft of City Ordl replace the present turntable, which is ninety feet In length and was installed fourteen ago when the round house wag built. it is planned to install the new SAINT MICHAEL'S HOLT RUSSIAN OR turntable within the next ten days, the rZW Mo.T"B.v.nd "mP" Patrlarcb Tikhon Baiavin. aL In Greater ease in handling engines of a the Court of Common Pleat of Lacka large type Is given as the reason for waana vouniy. sniing in cqotiy I the change, To Most Reverend Patriarch Tlkhon Be lavin. or hit executor or aaministra riunn I TmrrflTirirAiTfl JAMES A.

FITZSIHHONS Ton ar hereby notified that on petition! I I In IT ITTllIT UVvW of tha nlalntlff settlna forth that your I 1 IjnjXf Al lllflLI illiJI residence ar unnnown to tn ptaintirr, enrl that aervioa cannot ba had Bersonallv I LAKBONDALE. March nance now pending on passage In the I Charles Farley, Thomas McAndrew, Council, of the City of Ccranton. Pa. City Clerk. FILE OF THE COCN'CIL.

NO. I. AN ORDINANCE Authorizing the Grading, Curbing and Frank McAndrew and John Beck. Receive Loving; Cup On Thursdav svsnlne M4j.1 11 K. in ana amenta 10 mim orainaoco.

I Rnrr Lnvlnr Pun Th a nf I the Department of Publlo Works ar here authorised and directed to advertise i vnavrwiv. wn ra sccaruins nw isviva nu vraut aces I TX h.n 1a .11 u. eeulatlne tltm asm tar brAnnaals ror tne I nrrucLicAH, tuzcday, iiAncn is, iks CARBONDALE Main Street and Eighth Avenue Bell Phone 795. POLICE TO RODND UP ST0HE THR0W1K6 YODTHSi CARBONDALE, March 18. Th city police started today to round up a O'BRIMCERONE EflUT ATTRACTION AT CASIKO CARBONDALE.

March 15 Johnny O'Brien, Kayfleld welterweight, and THE undersigned will RECEin tiumoer oi local Doys wno are cnarges sua cicerone, of wlikts Barrt, sealed pfopoeai until March 37, witj, throwing stones and other mis furnish the main attraction in a lrs Congregational round bout Tuesday evhtg 'v. 'i uuekwhaat coal, too tros Church, located at the corner of Casino. In another of the. Pioneer iotas between points; the contract therefor ii North Main street, incurred lacera ment, Alice Oakley and Atyce Wll i''niir ltlnn tit th aa In roltetlnna "Wanted A Man. aid laws and ordinances; and tha eon tract prlre not to exceed the total turn of which 1 th estimate of It hereby appropriated to pay tor improvement.

Sec. t. The costs, damage and ex pense of tho same to be assessed against and collected from the owners of real estate bounding and abutting thereon, as seed according to beaeflta. In accordance with the provision of th Act of Assembly of th Commonwealth of Pennsylvania telatlng thereto. Sec.

t. Th assessment mad' as pro vidtd In Section I hereof. hall pay able In five equal Installment! th first installment shall become duo and pay abl thirty day after th commencement will six the Emergency Hospital. Edward Cnuk; 'There Will Always Be Domlnlck Levito. 4S Hosnltal street.

I Somethinr For Me to Do." Edward LartmfhM In Lewis; 'The Village Blacksmith." partment of Public Works, which. amount I cvtvn ne was caught under a fail of rock. Lancner: "Small Beginnings," Aioena The injury was treated at the Emer perrls; "Land on our Feet," New gency Hospital. comb Rubel; "Myself," Alice Oakey Joseph Dombrosky. of Slmsson.

a "Mr Rival." Alvco Williams, "Swell! motor brakeman employed at RackeU tlo," Frank Schap; song, high school' brook, had both bones In his left arm The M. M. Club met at the home fractured today when the member was of Isabel Ely Tuesday night. Members caught between a mine motor and a present were: Oertruude and Ethel car. The fracture was reduced at the Emergency Hospital.

Mrs. Martha Gray, of Pike street. or th work, and th salaac la four I waa admitted to the Emerarencv Hon. fii today for surgical treatment. Council.

So. 4, mt. approved Jeiy 17 Tn oa'r removed to his noma and ait ordinance or part of erdi by Undertaker McOranagban, of Forest Lm.TJhlr, fc City. The funeral announcement will It n'ey repealed. 2ld, ORDINANCE PASSES TWO READINGS BY COUNCIL CARBONDALE.

March lS.Cltv Council, at Its meeting tonlaht, was addressed by John Gilmartln, of Brook lyn street, regard to the paving work that the city solons contemplate doing in that vlelnlty. Mr. Gilmartln asked that steps be taken to safeguard or eliminate tbe railroad crossings on that street, and was Informed that the city engineer Is now working on a plan for that situation. An ordinance providing far the issuance of JII6.000 In publlo improve ment.bonds passed en first snd second readings, and will come nt) for third and final action at the next session. Of the total amount in tbe ordinance, Is for the liquidation tt judge ments recorded against the city: and for the city's share of public improvements.

Edward Wade re celved tbe appointment at caretaker of the city publlo nark. aaxar snmoi Mrs. Harry Miller, of Cemetery street, who has been confined to her home for the past week with illness. Is reported as being improved. The Child's Conservation League will meet at I o'clock this evening at the home of Mrs.

Ralph Pengelly, Park street, THIATEn Penn Art, Scranton, Pa. TONIGHT ftt 8:15 Sharp The restart All jrewlsk Asters o'wsn re rn Marsetson. Lillian and Jessie Wleland, Edith Oakey, Marguerite Schmidt, Marlorie Jenkins, Elisabeth Jopllng, Catherine Hall and Isabel Eley. The nest meeting of the club will be held rate of tlx per cent, per annum, com Annaoeiie sample, uaon i at tne nome ox a merino MaiMtn thlr.u I I .1.1. v.

HUIIIHWV IV I. IV, OIIL I the work, until paid, but the whole amount Hospital today for medical treatment. BOXING TONIGHT "mi I pSIod. Ed ward. Clarke, of Plttston, an em At the Casino, CarbondaleAdr.

Sec. I. For the pornose of oavlnr the I Ploy OI ID V. as tt. Kaiiroao, nad I Vf a I 1.1.

A J. 1 ir IfUSWII, ww improvVmr to b. dominated SL .7" return home after scrant(n city strett improvement Bonds. dBya WKn ner augmer, rs. i nomas rouiar street irom East renc una o'l I e.ii..

cuaa p. VSL CU.L" WUU nmu a entertainment and dance will be city. Said bind shall be registered and CARBONDALE, March 15. The fu conducted Saint Patrick's evening by shall be issued la tbe sums of neral of Patrick walsb was held at the Holy Name Society ot Saint SvabiratlnV thl" mo" rom the Thomas Church. The dance will be paaoi ar any Time within nve year from th date thereof from th fund collected borne of his sister, Mrs.

James Mc held in the borough building and tbe said assessment, and shall bear In Hale, of Eighth avenue and Church i following committee will ne in cnarge: terert at the rate of alx per cant, ner I .1. I Bn vii "meiilnt fundi thJ SaX of thrclt" atlves and friends of the deceased ex Thomas Callahan, Harry Mack, Treasurer from said aaaessment. be thall councilman. Frank Kelly, and Edward Murphy. tSfA tor At 9 o'clock a solemn high mass of Similar attention has been paid to aiya 1 written sot Ice.

by mail to registered vt th. which lll take OWHSft. affa aKljk tl A lm Isa.s UICIII TT ais VC IC11 WtOl VVVJ I called in shall cess, to bear in St. Rose Church by Rev.

Joseph L. Plsce In the church auditorium. Over nM.i.thi. or. bt pVd MeHugh, assisted by Rer.

John A. upon monthly estimates of tbe auantlty a of work done and th amount du there OJNeill, as deacon, ana Bev. J. v. ror, to furnished by the Director of Holleran, as sub deacon.

Cemetery, the per centum which shall be retained until th completion of th work and th ei following acting as casket bearers: acceptance of 'the tame by the said Di I Thomas Connelt, James T. McAndrew, Si VXiTrrrJw" W. J. Bagley. J.

3. Xrants. Anthony a ahaii bar ba rid KUker and Chester Robinson. ment in cart, and th balance In street Improvement bond, provided In Section hereof. Th date of th tMnu 1..

sued on ch monthly tttlmate (ball ror responu wnn tae date of Mid tstlmalt CARBOXDALE, March Follow i. ka m.0 auluala aW a mM furnished by th Mid Dlretor. tb. Intent i btlng that th bonds Issued on each tl Mveral days ago, Joseph VltkUS, 40 mat thall beir Interest from th date years Of age, of Unlondale, died St in execs, of th amount auaiiy ricelvid Hospital, where he was receiving by the city from the arant for treatment His wife and several chll sald Improvemeuta. r.n auriv( See.

7, That Ordlnanr trir ore" survive. I twenty very Ana numbers "have been secured for the night's enjoyment. RIN TIN TIN ae rasaeas Vattee Xa sis latert a ad eratet rietart "BELOW THE UNE'V The Meet BauHlaar SaUMaloa of 9g yalty, mitMm Sver rUaaed Bstra Added. A Vermel Oemedy im nr rnvT" Introdocinf UrtirtmBjr FsvmoM Artisti At Popnlar Pricw Fifth Chric CoMft PaMMUUOB Towri Hall Auditorium 1 ThvtTcday Niht Jeicques ThSbaud llMiirt Cecil Arden Contralto, Admission 75c $1 uti RmrvatjoM at asstMsstatatsaa asikass ass the Ath. tons Egg Coal, and ltd fros torn 1 Eightij avenue and soutii uourcn letio Club's elimination contest.

nut. Coal to during tR Tn Prt O'Brien fought a drw with righting Ji "ld free obtained for mi4 tlm. th bombard Johnny, of Old rr. uvaral ib it from it. and dir't.

freshly in4 and raent Uklng plaoo usually oo Sunday and Is a favorite with local fight .4 At 1.. At.a1Ua 1 I 1 at. sat I aM aliitttAll aAulAaa1 I in dji. tiutate i Yniuf ivuvniai vMifivu ntMwvai I tins, i.cCtlTiny th. police claln, a bar In (h.

of roundi, John. rage of "ovr rip eggs and other "no ny Pronk0( of oiyphant. will meet Jack account fruit" was laid down as soon Xmtn, of Diekaon. Th following as the Church lights Were extln fmir.rmind hnnta era a1a whiiliiliit hv resolved BT the COUNCIL OF THE guished, the assault not adding to the promoten pop and Burke: Johnny City of Scranton. that the Proper architectural beauty of the ediflce.

The SiJorthy of Xrti officials of the city of Scranton be and t0'awortny, or Taylor, VS. ekirty they ire hereby antorltd ot enter Into tha vandals were supplied m. of this eltyj Kid Murphy, of with P. Stark. At torney.

covering certain surface land and rights, comprising a portion of Llnwood Park, In the ltu Ward of th City of rrininn' and llliewlse to enter Into and execute an agreement supplemental thereto by F. W. Lange, at. In favor of the said City of Scranton. covering coal and mlnln nneratlona underlying said tract: by witnesses.

TO INCREASE FACILITIES OF LOCAL ROUNDHOUSE Carbondale, vs. Toung Plumby, of Old Forge; Jack Darcey. of Greenfield, vs. Mattes, of May field. CARBONDALE.

Much 15, LouU SUverberg, 35 years of age, a former resident of this city, was burled yes office of the C1y Clerk of the City jt the Delaware and Hudson Railroad are MVeral days aco The deceased was scranton. The cost, of adv.rtl.lng thl. to be greatly increased. It is stated. knlmn in 'this cJtv where ha Resolution to borne by the ald I.te tu.

i wea in mis CJty, wnere ne p. stark. Attorney. fy.thev was employed aa a collector by the Approved by the council, aiarcn sou pgopj, clothing Company. Approved March 15, 1H36.

I one hundred and five feet in length, to I At the time of his death ha i .1 H. il IH I aiaytir, il. a. a. i was em' ployed by the Penn Supply Company, of Scranton, as' its Easton representative.

Re is survived by two sister, both of New Tork. BOXING TONIGHT At the Casino. Carbondale Adv. unon vou. th above named Court did I A.

Fitsaimmons. Delaware and Hndtvi i I In lall tonight. Six Other young men, on the "Ja Jm I trainman, whose death' oc rounded up with them by Constable plaint sied in the aboVe case curred last Thursday following a brief Kohut, were successful in paying th eerved upon you ey publication, in inei nines ox pneumonia, was oanea tnlS I nnes ana were reieasea. manner prescribed by law. and that In de I tnorning from his late home, Canaan I The young men were arrested dur fault of an annenranc within fifteen dayt mt.

I it after the last publication the Bill may i wsr Mwtiuea uig amnraaw sir. as be taken pro confeaso; and that any fur by scores of relatives and friends of I of a disturbance at a dance. Whn ar tnr procera ruia notice, oroer or oecret me deceased, including many former ralnged before the Justice they reouli ants in like manner, with the like per lod nf fifteen day tor appearance, or ucP.iiinrai oi mo laiuuiu, I them as soon as wora was reeumeu. At 9:30 o'clock a of requiem Their failure to pay promptly brought was ceieoraiea over tne oouy in St. about their arrest today.

i tose unurcn oy Kev. juattnew Boiand, of Interment was in St. Rose Cemetery, the following acting as nail bearers: John Brennan, Robert Farley, YOUTHS GO TO JAIL; UNABLE TO PAY FINES CARBONDALE. March 15. Unable to pay fines Imposed soma time ago bf Justice of the Peace John Banko, of 15.

James Simpson, four youths of Simpson are JAMBS sWOBFXT CARBONDALE. March lS.Jame C(. of Greenfield, Road, died at his home let this afternoon after an Illness of a year. He Is a native ot rarhnndat. and for many years a mine worker.

He leaves two brothers, Martin and Paving of Poplar street From the East Carbondale Cycle Club was presented Thomas. Mr. Murphy was a cousin of Thirteenth ward; Providing for Manner "i scuopa annual pwocnie jr. jjiiu su of Assessing and Collecting Costa of tournament, which was recently closed Munley, He was a member of the Said Improvement and Appropriating between the local lodge, Knights of Heptasophs and the Holy Name So iMinds to Pty for tne same. i Scranton ordalna that Poplar Street from wmcn wa aonaiea oy ran aurr, the East Fence Line of Pena Areau to local jeweler, was presented by Osr TlftVCf1i.1 TTl tbe West Curb Line of Wyoming Ave Ifl.M Thomaa renreaentinr Mr.

Rurr. I III, A JlS VIA I nue. in tne Tnirteentn wara. ee graaea I r. and paved with Sheet Asphalt on a Con cP w.

pc contested ioy DlWliSSW crete Bate, and that curb be tot en aaid annually by theKnlghts of Pythias and semi monthly entertainment rendered street between the point named a far I the Cycle Club until such time aa one by the high school students waa con in accordance with plan and specific. I sole property of that particular club. lions prepared by the Bureau or Engineer The cup Will be lenown as the E. aonhomor class, jne pros'sm Bona, high school; reeltatlon "Oppor tunlty," Mary Zlebro; "See It Through." Gerald Kane; "The Pessi mist." Oeorre Towers: Walter Wotochowlcs; "The Formula," Hedlev Mason: "Solitude," Stanley grading, curbing and paving of aaid street home last evening, Fred Enslln, of Duch; solo with ukulele accompani OLD FORGE CONFERENCE ON FIRE TIMS TO BEHELD TODA Ol FOROB, March It. Burgess Frank Berger, Council Chairman Flore Oabello and D.

Stuart, factory rep. resenUUve of the American La Franca Firs Truck Company are to hold a con ference Tuesday morning to discuss the situation concerning acceptance the two trucks tor Old Forge. Mr. Berger recently declared that deferred, acceptance agreement would be made, allowing the $4,385 first pay. ment to be mad' following settlement of the deadlock.

Mr. Gabello, though unable to 'give any definite statement as to the conference, intimated that Council had no right, without am ap proved budget, to have anything to with, the Are truck. MOTOR TRUCK FACTORY QUESTION REVIVE The movement to establish a motor truck factory in Old Forge, to be known as tha Old Forge Motors Com' pany, which will produce the well known Bessemer truck. In types rang Ing from one and one half tons to sis tons, Is soon to be renewed. After several weeks ot effort on the part of the Old Forge Board of Trade, the preliminary arrangements were halted by the mint suspension.

The Bessemer' Motor Truck Company agreed to await resumption of work. A letter received by Burgess Frank Berger, president of the Board of Trade, from Robert Bursner, president of the truck company, expresses the firm's readiness to take up negotia tlons where they were halted. Mr. Bursner hopes within a few days to come to Old Forge to assist in opening a campaign to raise $50,000 through bond Issue to purchase a site and erect a factory. The factory, once running smoothly, will afford employment to about 100 men and boys.

An initial production of one truek a day is planned. Big Reduction on all Dresses. at Max Rosenbluth. Adv. MANY ATTEND FUNERAL ACKSON ST.

SCHOOL Call OF MRS. ROSE GALLIA OLD FORGE. March 15. The fu neral of Mrs. Rose Gallia, ot 500 Main street, was held from the family home Saturday morning, with a solemn high mass of requiem in St.

Mary Church at 10 o'clock. Rev. James Laveszari was celebrant, Rev. J. Cos sibba, of St.

Lucy's Church, West Scranton, was deacon, and Rev. J. Mo Hale, of St Lawrence's, subdeacon, Interment was in Cathedral Cemetery Scranton. Pallbearers were! De metrio Motta. Valentlha Galetto, Phil Ippe Barbaris, Demetrio Kavone and Enrico Vareslo.

Mrs. Frank Lynch played the mass, which was sung by Miss Sadie Coyne, Mrs. J. Telesco. of Dunmore, and J.

Hart. Mrs. Telesco sang Rosenweig i Ave Maria" at the offertory. Mr. Hart sang "Beautiful Isle of Some where" as a recessional.

LAUNCHES CAMPAIGN A campaign to secure a banner at tendance at the Jackson Street Bap tist Sunday School, waa launched at Sunday's session. The goal has been set for .1,100 to be attained on Easter Sunday, April 4. In carrying on tne campaign, a booster committee was named yesterday. Thomas J. Davis the general chairman.

Albert Davis superintendent1 of the live wire Sun day School. The committees are comprised as fol lows: Program, Harry J. Angle, chair man; Mrs. Lloyd, Miss Myrtle Atkln son, John Sr. Harris, David H.

Wll Hams, Albert J. Davis, Edward Can' terbury, Mrs. Alice Jenkina; music, Prof. Gounod Evans, chairman W. L.

Davis, Mrs. Joseph Sweetser, Miss Elliaboth Phillips, Isaac Morgan, Mrs. Llewellyn Jones, card distributing. Miss Sheda Taylor, chairman; John Davis, William Hower; publicity, Miss Delia Willis ms and Mrs, Corrlne Col lins Reynolds. AVOCA AVOCA, March 15.

La voile's Exldes will meet the Corcoran quintet tonight In Pershing Hall, in what is expected to be a snappy game. DeweyEvans will be referee. Between halves, the Ridsely Wllllams five will' tackle Haakln's crew. McHale, of Plttston, will referee the game. Mrs.

Edith Schwarts, 43, of Clark Tae glows Are Always tke Best at, TOBAY and tOKOBBOW OMAMLX mt Doom ft McCool Kaaager am Catcher of rbilt delpaie Mattmels, With leraa. ton's OMtisM ravorite la a mulattos Vase, 1 yfrtt Out" Follies De Luxe With rretl Xsysen, Otvit Suras, Tezaay Hayda, Mwnxi a Sue a ef Tenth tvirls Let's Dance With the HeOttshloa Twlas, addle rraahlya, Bnbow a Bess a Ulet ffiey asfSBBBS. rafjsaf as jsMssiBBBBaaatB Henry Recal Sc. Co. The Wetld'g Oreateft" Roby Trio lagers, Bsaeer and OKABxae Ray Stark Xa OHUOBY UO aTTfl" The Itory of a esaall Town Boy asd a Bread way Butterfly STRAND I I do The New Sbrinsf Coats Soell Chic for the Wearer These topcoats you can start wearing riow and continue to until next Winter arrives.

In excellent taste for out of doors, for business, for general utility wear. Single or flouble breasted styles with side or back pleat. With matched collars. With capacious loose, swagger type. Decidedly smart in tweeds, mixtures or novelty, materials, in practical colors.

Hoody Novelties in Printlesr Coats $59: Girls' Spring Hats $28 Hats the smart young miss will wholly approve of. They are the last word in youthful fashions, and the type one can start wearing now until mid Summer in all the leading Spring shades. GIRLS! Then the Frocks Ah, what a problem! All so lovely and different, that one wants them all. Party frocks of taffeta or silk crepes, in delicate shades. Afternoon frocks in darker shades.

Practical frocks 1 that are simple and youthful. So many colors a fabrics. So many styles. Well, anyhow, whichever you choose, one can't go wrong they're all so lovely. Sizes 7 to 14 Prices 11015:15 treet.

died Sunday morning at :80 of heart trouble. Survivors are her husband and one daughter, Elisabeth her father, William At well: three si a ters, Mrs. Frank Newman, Saugerters. Mrs. Joseph Gordon, and re.

Albert Howell: and two brothers, Al bert Atwell, Avoca; and 'William At ell, Mt. well. Mt Carmel. The funeral will be Wednesday with services at 2:30 clock. Rev.

James Moore, of the P. M. Church, will officiate. Inter ment In LauEcllffe Cemetery. Mrs.

Anna Barry Fltssimmons, pa SCRANTON SM IDEVILli. PALACE FRANCIS RENAULT tsi orlxiB siiav ef Bash Ion with WO.0M Worth of wardrobe. Vhe Kott qulslt CoUeetloa of ipaa isa saawis aver BOss O'Baaa Saa Vreseats HER LITTLE REVUE The Xatermatloaal Besiaf Artiste. TOM KELLY "Mia Mak XauBorisV Wit leaf aas. SWries ef PICADiaY FOUR That Py tUaf laf Qnartett.

to mts as Tea y.ikehetB MUe. Nina Company Xa am AHIstls Borelattem ofaajifjaygawaj lakos A Lasky rreseaM "The Grand Dochot indUi. Waiter" With ABOX BB nnof rlOBSlfOS TXBOB. BOW BOWIXO 11 TO 11 B6t: reatare Flctnre Starts It BOsases. After the Odd Sea Tho Croat Fairbanks Fictoro Ever Mado First TlrtM at Popalar PrcM.

General AdrmMion SOc DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS In DON SON OR ZORO Love at MA Speed There's no slow motion in Don Q'e wooinf bat ploaty of swift, daring athletic stunts and comedy that none can resist. Big Special Music Score srooxAB oauBBBBt MAraraa a tarda? Korsiae, TIU Bees, tU Oeme Barly sad Avfid tke otasfe widow of Thomas F. Fltzslmmons, of S39 Main street, died Sunday morn ln St 1:30. Six children survive, five daughters, Noralte, Alice, Mary, Rose and Helen; and one son, Dr. W.

A. Fltssimmons, of Old Fdrgei.also one sister, Miss Margaret Barry. The fu ENTIRE WEEK MAE MURRAY With FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN la The Matked Bride Tbe Blethre of Oay Bareeits ThrlUs, Its Mysteries and Its Bomaaee Alto A To Oomedy "TONS OF TROUBLE" State News Cartoon TCOSL'D Famous French Violinist March 18th 8i30 o'clock neral will take place Wednesday a requiem mass' In St. Mary's Churci' at Interment in St; JIary'.

Cemetery. Mivetle's Exldes will meet Tox Recalls Thursday night. i tJiaimew i Matinees OSO. K. COXAITI Great Amerloaa Oomdy "The Meanest Man in the World" Another Corker "Th Olrl roaa OhUd'e'' Tickets' Now on Sale at OICI Anczn Assisting Artist" March 330 Ludwig Company 310 312 Adams Ave.

For Concert 18th Town Hall, Thursday March ICth (Mason and Hamlin Piano used).

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