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The Alliance Herald from Alliance, Nebraska • Page 3

Alliance, Nebraska
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A ft 4 I ft I I ft DOCTOR ADVOCATED OPERATION PE-RU-NA MADE KNIFE UNNECESSARY. MUS. EVA 1UTITHO, 13.1 East 12th St, Now York City, N. writes: "I suffered for thrco yenn with leu-corrhea nnd ulceration of tho womb. The doctor advocated an operation which I dreaded very much, and strongly objected to go under it.

Now I am changed woman, l'ernna cured me; it took nino bottles, but 1 felt so much improved I kept taking it, as I dreaded nn operation so much. I am to-day in perfect health and have not felt so well for fifteen years." Mrs. Kva Hartho. Mrs. Senator Roach, of Larl more, N.

Mrs. Senator Warren, of Cheyenne, Wyo.f Bclva Lockwood and Mrs. General Long-street, of Washington, D. arc among the prominent ladles who indorse Peruna. Miss Ilclcn Kolof, Kaukaua, rrritcs: "Several times during the past two years or more my system has been greatly in need of a tonic, and at thoso times Peruna has been of great help In building up the system, restoring my appetite and securing restful bleep." Helen Itolof.

Miss Muriel Armitage, 30 Greenwood Detroit, District Organizer of tho Koyal Templars of Temperance, writes as follows: "I suffered for five years with uterine irregularities, which brought on hysteria and made mo a physical wreck. I tried doctors from the different schools of medicine, but without any perceptible chango in ray condition. In my despair I called on an old nurse, who advised mo to try Peruna, and promised good results if I would persist nnd take It regularly. I kept this up for six months, and steadily gained strength and health, and when I had used fifteen bottles I considered mvsclf entirely cured. I ara a grateful, happy woman to-day." Miss Muriel Armitage.

Miss Lucy M. Klley, 33 Davenport St, Cleveland, Ohio, writes: "I wish to add my indorsement to thousands of other women who have been cured through tho use of Peruna. I Buffered for five years with severe MRS.EVA I i a a 6 backache, and when weary or worried in the least 1 had prolonged headache, I am now in perfect health, enjoy lifo and have neither an ncho or pain, thanks to Peruna." Lucy M. ItUcy. It is no longer a question as to whether Peruna can be relied on to cure all such cases.

During the many years in which Peruna has been put to tost in all forms and stages of acute and chronic catarrh no one year has put this remedy to greater test than the past year. If all the women who are suffering with nny form of female weakness would write to Dr. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio, and givo him a completo description of their symptoms and tho peculiarities of their troubles, ho will immediately reply with completo directions for treatment, free of charge. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus.

Ohio. QS09 imn iff ommmmmmmmimm WMESmR ake-Down Repeating Shotguns Don't spend from $50 to $200 for a Run, when for so much less money you can buy a Winchester Take-Down Repeating Shotgun, which will outshoot and outlast the highest-priced double-barreled gun, besides being as safe, reliable and handy. Your dealer can show you one. They are sold everywhere. FREEt Oar 160-Paoe Etasfratcd Catalogue.



NEWS IN NEBRASKA THE OTATE IN DRIEF. Crop prospects in tho vicinity of Lawrence woro never better. llcprcsontatlvo business mon of Humboldt have orgnnfcoil a commercial club. Georgo Prashor, an old and respected citizen of lluffalo county, died at his homo nonr Illvcrdaie. Charles Seamen of Seward was severely Injured by tho heavy wheols of an lco wagon running ovor one of hla thighs.

Ho was attempting to stop tho runaway team. Tho business men of Scwnrd lmvo received tho information that tho trainmen of the Burlington railroad will celebrate tho Fourth of July at "Fair Place," tho beautiful, Bhatly fnir grounds of Seward county. The rural mall route out of Callaway will bo put Into effect June 15. Tho boxes are already being put in place. This Is tho first routo In that section of tho country, and tho farmers In the outlying districts feel grateful for tho advantage offered by this route.

Tho filing of tho will of Patrick Manlon, who lived In South Omaha, has brought to light the fact that Instead of being a penniless nnd forlorn old man, as ho wns supposed to be, Mr. Manlon was possessed of money nnd real estate to tho value of inoro than Edgar Evans, formerly of Jackson county, Kansas, now undor nrrest nt Falls City, will bo taken back to tho Sunflower state to nnswer to tho chargo of statutory assault filed by Nellie Soegoet, -who claims to bo 17 years of age. Requisition was honored by Governor Mickey. Mrs. II.

O. Knox of Lincoln wns prostrated by a bolt of lightning which struck a telephone polo just back of her house. The Knox fnmlly was gathered around tho supper table when tho lightning struck. All tho members of tho fnmlly wore shocked, but none so seriously as Mrs. Knox.

J. H. Miles of Falls City was In Lincoln consulting tho Burlington engln eers about taking tho kinks out of the Nemaha river. Ho has planned to strengthen tho channel for thirteen and a half miles below Humboldt, and ho declares that this will protect vnl-' uablo property from overflow. Following Is tho mortgage report for Gago county for tho month of May: Number of farm mortgages filed 2D, amount number of farm mortgages released, 3G, amount number of city mortgages filed, 17, amount number of city mortgages released, 33, amount $19,897.

Word has reached Auburn of tho death of Cyrus M. Kauffman of Drown-vllle. He died at Tippecanoe, where ho had been on nn extended visit. His remains will be brougr, to Drownvllle for interment. The deceased was about 75 years of age, and was one of tho old settlers of tho county.

The United States civil service commission announces an examination In Omaha on June 29-30 to secure ellgl-bles from which to make certification to fill at least two vacancies In tho position of medical Interne in the government hospital for tho Insane, Washington, D. at $C00 per annum each. All the offices at tho state capltol wero closed for a few hours as a mark of respect to H. A. Babcock, deputy state treasurer, who died Sunday.

Tho funeral services, which wero held at tho residence, were conducted by the Rev. H. C. Swearlngen of tho First Presbyterian church. Tho active pallbearers were all members of the Wis-consln regiment In which Mr.

Babcock served during tho civil war. Tho following mortgages were filed and released in Sarpy county during tho month of May: Farm mortgages filed, 3, amounting to $105; released, 7, amounting to town mortgages filed, 2, amounting to $800; released, 5, amounting to chattel mortgages filed, 14, amounting to released, 0, amounting to $1,070. How much Is the sense of smell worth? Philander G. Loso estimates his at and sues Lancaster county for that amount. Last October while driving over a slippery brjge Loso received a fall, in which tho lower part of his noso and his upper lip were cut off.

Since then ho hns lost the sense of smell. Washington dispatch: The secretary of war has decided against the proposition to make Omaha headquarters for tho signal corps of tho army. This statement was made today by General Chaffee, chief of staff. For some time past both General Chaffee and General Greeley have planned to reoccupy old Fort Omaha by. establishing the headquarters of tho corps there, as well as the training school for this branch of the service.

L. B. May, lately of Camp Nelson, K. has been appointed to succeed Major Dow as superintendent of the national cemetery, located at Fort Mc-Pherson. Major Dow goes to Springfield, 111.

A horso belonging to James Colli-gan, a farmer living six miles from North Bend, was stolon last week. By a judicious uso of tho county telephones tho thief and horse were tracked across the country, and when the man arrived in -that town the village marshal was waiting for him and placed him under arrest. DISCUSGE3 THE REVENUE LAW, Business Remedy and Not Rctalla tory Measure. LINCOLN. Tho railroads of Nebraska found an eloquent defender In G.

Sears, ono of tho authors of tho nuw revonuo law. Iloforo tho statu board of equalization ho declared that tho rovonuo law was business and not a retaliatory piece of legislation. If farm property had been -Increased It was not juat to rnlso tho railroad nsaossniont for thnt reason nlone. Ho asserted that farm proporty ought to bo raised, and that tho author. of tho bill had this object In view.

Ho maintained that year nftor year the railroads had paid taxes In cash, whllo others had not. He said tho stock and bond theory of rallrond assessment seemed good, but tho Btate board would hao to look out for tho Inflated values of stocks and bonds. Ho oald tho Chicago, Mlnncapolln St, Paul rond in his neighborhood had been built at an expense of $10,000 mile. It had been bonded for $32,000. Ho thought tho latter was tho value of tho road.

Tho estimate of tho Chicago, Burlington (Julncy sjBtcm wns discussed. Tho members discussed tho stock and bond theory of valuntlon minus tho necessary credits. Nothing definlto was decided upon, and tho ultimate theory of tho board Is Just as intanglblo as the most tntauglblo form of railroad proporty. Tho Burlington reports show that tho capital stock Is $110,839,100. tho numbor of shares of stock 1,108,391, and tho par valuo $100.

Tho( shares have not boon quoted on tho market for moro thnn two years, dating from tho consolidation with tho Northorn Securities company. Tho capital Is all paid up and tho Indebtedness Is given at less securities and cash for investment in tho sinking fund, making an indebtedness of Tho gross earnings for tho year in Nebraska wero $15,052,000.81, and tho op-orating expenses woro Taxes paid In Nebraska amounted to $50,003.88, loavlng a not earning In this stato of $5,771,921.24. FIREMEN TO GO TO NORFOLK. State Tournament to De Held Thero This Year. NORFOLK.

Tho firemen of Nebraska will raco at Norfolk this year, That was decided by tho board of control of tho stato organization, and along In the latter part of August tho speedy ones from every section of tho flro fighting commonwealth nro coming up hero to try for tho prizes. Tho tournament was held for tho first tlmo in Norfolk last year. Tho boys went away feeling that it had been tho best tourney they over attended, and slnco tho day that tho excitement ended they have wantd to return. The attendanco last year wan tho biggest that ever happened In Nebraska, and somo of tho fastest records wero mado that Cornhuskor carts ovor saw. Hastings wanted tho tournament this year.

So did Nebraska City. Seward was mentioned besides. Hastings reported a few minutes nftor tho decision was mado thnt enough money had been raised to hold tho event thore. But the board of control had acted, and tho knockers out of blazes are coming up to northorn Nebraska. Tho city has raised enough funds to entertain tho crowds nnd entertain them well.

Shoots Himself and Dies. FAIRBURY. In a bam L. K. Lee, aged 73 yoars, committed suicide by shooting himself In tho head whllo temporarily Insane.

Tho deceased had been an Invalid for somo time. Expect Favorable Report. LINCOLN. Tho quarterly report of tho stato bonding board, expected In a few days, probably will show an Increase In deposits and a decrease In leans. Statements already received from a nmber of banks seem to In-dlcato tills condition of nffalrs.

Charley Welch, an electric lineman, at Lincoln, fell from a thirty-foot tele-phono pole, striking tho brick pave-mont on hfs head and receiving a shock from a live wire. Ho was taken to St. Elizabeth's hospital, anddoctorn pronounced his condition critical. Burled in a Clay Bank. James McMlllea nad Vrn Strait, boys 10 years of ago, were burled In a clay bank near Peru and came near losing their lives.

Tho boys wero playing on what Is known as Indian hill, and wero digging a cavo or playhouse In tho sldo of tho hill, when tho dirt caved in, burying young McMH-len about two feet deep and burying young Strait up to his neck. Ho work ed himself out and went for help for the rescue of his companion. Nebraska Insurance Pensioner. DES MOINES, la. Added to the list of Indian pensioners on the books of the Dos Moines pension office is that of a Nebraska aborigine, who signs It Sr-ha-ha-ba-we-kaw Lamb.

He is said to bo able to pronounce it. Final papers In his case wero made out by Agent R. P. Clarkson. Mr.

Lamb is a resident of Nebraska, and was a soldier In tho civil war, where ho distinguished himself not only by carrying arms, but his serial name as well. mw5-jWlBk mmPsWi- wM ML out, yt nsiiHiB Mm i li Am a- I 1 Hj'i. To be a successful wife, to retain the love and admiration of her husband should be a woman's constant study. Mrs. Brown and Mrs.

P.otts tell their stories for the benefit of all wives and mothers. "Dnxn Mns. Pinkhah Eydlft E. Pinklmm's Vcprotftblo Compound will make every mother well, strong, healthy and happy. I dragged through nine years of misornblo existence, worn out with pain and weariness.

I then noticed a statement of a woman troubled as I was, and tho wonderful results she had had from your Vegetable Compound, and decided to try what It would do for mc, and ubed It for thrco months. At tho end of that time I was different woman, tho neighbors remarked it, and my husband fell in love with mo nil ovor again. It seemed like a new existence. I had been suffering with inflammation and falling of tho womb, but your medicine cured that and built up my entire system, till I was Indeed lliio a new woman. Sincerely vours, Mils.

Chas. F. 21 Cedar Terrace, Hot Springs. Arlc, Vice President Mothers' Club." Ruffcrinjr women should not fall to profit toy Mrs. Brown's ox-pcrleiiocs lust Hiircly as she was currd of tho troubles enumerated In her letter, Just so surely will Lydia K.

Plnkliam's Vegetable Compound euro other women who suffer from womb troubles. Inflammation of the ovaries, kidney troubles, nervous excitability, and nervous prostration. Head tho story of Mrs. Potts to all mothers Deati Mnn. Tin ntiAM During tho early part of my married life I was very dclicato in health.

I had two miscarriages, and both my husband and I felt very badly as wo were anxious to have children. A neighbor who had been using Lydia 13. Plnkliam's Vegetable Compound advised mo to try it, nnd I decided to do so. I soon felt that my appotlto was Increasing, tho headaches gradually decreased nnd finally disappeared, nnd my general health improved. I felt as if new blood coursed through my veins, tho sluRgtah tired feeling disappeared, nnd I bo camo strong nnd well.

Within a year after I became tho mother of a strong hsalthy child, tholoyof our home. You certainly havo a splendid remedy, and I wish every mother knew of Sincerely yourB, Mns. Anna Potts, 510 Park Hot Springs, Ark." If you feel that thoro is anything at all unusual or puzzling about your case, or If you wish confidential aclvico of tho most expenenecu, wruo to lurs. iiik-ham, Lynn, and you will bo advised freo of chargo. Lydia E.

Plnkliam's Vegetable Compound has cured and is curing thousands of cases of fcroalo troubles curing them inexpensively and absolutely. Remember this when you go to your druggist. Insist upon gotting Em Pinkham's Vegetable Compound mmmmmmmmmyJViii'A'JiVLJmm MmWMU-Lmmmm WmmW SOLD BY ANTISEPTIC PILE CONES CURB WHILB YOU DRUGGISTS. Samplo Freo. ANTISEPTIC PILE CONE Crelo, Neb.

SLEEP. Jllll "FOltOW TMB PLAG." TAKE THE WABASH TO A LOUIS THE ONLY LINE TO THE WORLD'S FAIR MAIN ENTRANCE. Uugicnse checked to World Fair crounda. Stopovers allowed. All Agents can route you via the WAUASII.

For beautiful World's Fair folder and all Information address HAItltY B. Moonns. den. Afjt. l'a8.

DepU. Omaha, Neb. THE UAlSY FLY KILLEn ttrtl.cotnrurttoeerj koroe Indlulot; room, tloploff room and pities where nira ars irouuie. koine. Clean, neat anil will not Ml I or Injure anrtnlntr-Try them once and you win nerer i wl thou ttbvm.lf not lrtta for eoo.

IUKOIU MJBItRS, 11U ink. lb tj I. FREE to WOMEN A Large Trial Box and book of in Btructlons absolutely Free and Poat-paid, enough to prove the value of PaxtineToilet Antiseptic Paxtine Is In powder form to dissolve la water non-poljonoti and Ursuperlor to liquid antiseptics containing alcohol which irritates InlUmcd auriaces, and have no deeming properties. The contents of every box makes moro Antlicptlc Solution lafts longer goes further has more uses in the family and docsmoregood than any antiseptic preparation you can buy. The formula of a noted Bojton physician, and used with great success as a Vaginal Wash, for Leucorrhcca, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasal Catarrh.

Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts, and all soreness of mucus membrane. In local treatment of female ills rax tine )j Invaluable. Used as a Vaginal Wash vo challongo tho world to produce its equal for thoroughness. Itisarovolatlonln cleansing and healing power; it kills all germs which, causo inflammation and discharges. All leadingdruggists keep Paxtine; price.

Wo. aboxi if yours does not, send to us for It. Don't take substitute therelsnothtng like l'ax tine. TVrltefortho Free Kor of Paxtine to-day. PAXTON 5, Pope Boston.

Haw mmmmm Lawn Fence Iron or uire many Rtylen. fol rt-aldeuce ulmrch.ttcuool. lemciery; puiiliry and hot; fence) farm tatt-B, Send for catalogue. (baBFloa Iron ard Wire Works OMAHA. NEa ROSEBUD RESERVATION MAPS.

Largest complete snip pobllibf 3. Copy of proclamation, f.tni WoloW, H. PINE, MfT. Tat BsnssUtl Load Ssnutssl, B. i eirUtfW BINDER ALWAYS RELIABLE IEWIS mr nmisiQiuutT I a Your jobber or direct I PORTRAIT AGENTS! Seal Direct trltii Ifknufactursrs indBavsHoatT.

Our itooda the best. Prices the lowett. l'rotnptatilp-ineon. Donverr of all portraits guaranteed bead for and amenta prlre list. Addren ADAtt J.

KEOLL ft CO Hew Era CMcaro, When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. ft LUAUt WHtflt All list FAILS. Beat Cousb Syrup. Tastes Good. 1b tlma.

itald br druralati. Use rem factory, 1'ooru, in. I.

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