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Vermont Phoenix from Brattleboro, Vermont • Page 1

Vermont Phoenixi
Brattleboro, Vermont
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


rulllsbcd every I'rlJny livening hy FRENCH STEDMAN, J.nscNo.OClriullc How, Main UrMtltboro, Vt, TEUMS, Yoirly Id advance, In clubs, single subicrlbers wbo rccclvo tbclr papers through (ho l'ost Olllco, 82.23. These term are invariably in ad vanee when not so cents additional will be chargnil at tho rnd of the year. IIATLS Of AWEUTISUYU. Twclvellncsor one Inch space, or lets ono each alter Insertion is cents. Advertisements In editorial or local oolumna 25 cents a line no cliarRe less than SI.

Obltiurr notices 59 cents a line. Business cards on art pagoja.DOa llnereryear. O. L. l'msoii.

D. 11. Stedsiin. JIUS1XUSS CA11VH. Bli JV.T.ll.

JENNE te I.U'i; AND KIUK lXSUHAMJE AUKMS. lleprescntiDg Companies whose Assets are over j.ri.oo,o(. r.UAL L3TATE AQEKCV. TLNEMKSTS TO LET. in Thompson lunger's Block, next door to l'hcrnli Olllce, llRATTLEEOHO, VT.

rrAA.YL,On te PfOVlSH. Orocers and Jobbers In I LOUIt, LIME, OIL rEHTlLIZEMS. UllATTIiMHOHO, VT. L3HO" I ItOJiJHW, Manufacturers of CIUA11S. Healers In TOBACCO, TU'ES, ko.

1 Erooks Block, Brattleboro, Vt. HOWE, X'litJtoBimiJlicr, union biock, uraiucooro. -V. HTOHDAUTl, ATTOUNEY COUNSELLOE AT LAW, Brattleboro, Vt. iTdKXjW rrviyEit, Alt Attorneys and Solicitors, Brattleboro, Vt, C.

K. Tield. J.M.TiLEn. 0 a.i-v:i:s -GitAY, ar. l'litjiicitiit mill Surgeon, ELLIOT SI ItEET, BnA TLEEOnO Vt.

BCItOSBY Commission Merchants, and Wholesale Dealers In TLOUE AND OltAIK, Brattleboro. TT D. IIOLTON. M. rhysiclan and Surceon, JLX.

Brattleboro, Vt. ofllco at residence, corner sf Main and walnut st s. At home before 8 a.m., and rom 1 to 2 to 7 clock r. M. Kl OAUPENTEIl, Market Block, Elliot Street, 1.

Holler In Tnvl. Knnev floods. Rooks. Station- ry, Newspapers, Magazines and Periodicals. Sub-criptions received for the principal Newipaperi and Magazines, and or arded by mall orothcrwlse.

HVBIjOTV H. UriTEIte, Attorney at Law, AT). XUTlVA3r, XciillHt, Cbobbi Block, Bratti.eeoiso,t, downs, ATTOItEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, OfUce No. 2 4 Town Hall, rUTNEY, VT jypLON DAVIDSON, ATTOUNEY COUNSELLOR AT LAW, TOWNSHEND, VT. 33 tt i 's s23 2.

Xamc, Husincssand Location of the leading Jlusincss Houses in JJratllcboro. JIfCCT THIS OUT TOR nEFlREKCE. Agricultural Iiiiiilenicntt'. C. P.

THOMPSON Willlston's StoneBlock. WOOD MUtSUALL, Exchange Block, Main Street. B. A. CLA11K, Tyler's Block.

IBlack.niltliN. ISAAC D. BAILEY, Elliot St. Ilflfll.lM'llvrN Ullll NtUllOlMTM. CIIEN'EY CLAPr, 0 Crosby Block.

W. 2 Brooks House. J. STEEN, rishcr'a Block, Main St. 1'.

c. EDWARDS, I door north American House. ItnoK nml 1'rliitliic. HOUSEHOLD PUBLISIIINH Market square. Iltiofi.

mill hlioeit. A. r. EOYNTON.MirBhall at. Cilrlit'ti.

C. L. IlEOWN, Marshall 4i Eatctbrnok'a block Maln-st. J. HCTTINO, adjoining Brooks House.

0. J. l'RATT, 1 Oraultu Block. Cli.MiitM'r NtH. C.

BROWN, MarBhall Esterbrook's block, Maln-st. J. ItUTTINO, adjoining Brooks House Clinic I'aiiilly droct'rteii. II. C.

WILLAKD 1 Brooks House. Coal. r. K. BARROWS, offlce with Bacrows.

CtifliiiH ami C. L. BROWN, Marshall Esterbrook's Bill, Main St. CmitractorN anil Jlnllilvra. UIOLEY CHURCH, LUiot Street.

CrocLery mill GlaiislVare. M. T. VAN DOOUN, 7 Crosby Block. lfliiliifr IIooiii.

E. L. COOPER 0 Brooks House. It. A.

WEBBER, Main Street, opposite Revere House. HuorM, Mania anil IIIIiiiIn. C. r. THOMPSON WiUiston'a Stone Block.

B. A. CLARK, Tyler'a Block. 10 LEY CUUltCU, (Manufacturer) Elliot Street. 1.

N. TnORN 2 Crosby Block. II. C. WILLAKD 1 Brooks House, Dry Goods.

I'. BAUIiOWS, Main Street, oi potHo Brooks nouse. O. I. PRATT, 1 Orauito Block.

C. F. THOMPSON Willlston's Stodo Block. TAYLOR NOYES, Thompson Ranger's Block. 1'lotir anil Ciroct-rleM.

.1. W. l'ROST 8 Crosby Block. TRANK O. HOWE, Marshall Esterbrook, Maln-Et.

A. C. DAVENI'Olt Crosby Block. E. T.

HAYNES, Elliot Street. TAYLOR NOYES, Thompson Ranger's Block. 0. 1'. THOMPSON It WiUiston'a Mono Block.

furniture. J. RETTINO, adjoining Brooks IIourc. C. L.

BROWN, Marshall Esterbrook's Block, Mlin st. Getioral Jolililns. II. B. SOULE, I'lsk's Block, Main Street.

CSlinv, I'iMtolN and Ammunition. TAYLOR NOYES, Thompson ii Rauger'B Block. Iffalr JiMsclry flauuracturvr. MRS. C.

S. PERRY, Green Street, 2d houso from Dr. Post's. IlalrtVorli. 8.

E. BALDWIN, nearly opposite Brooks House. UnrilHure, Iron and NtfM'l. B. A.

CLUtK, Tler's Block. U. F. THOMPSON It Willlston's Slono Block. llTariii'ii.

alfpm. I1EUSTIS Jt BURNAI', Main Streit. Hata, C'ulHUlul l'ura. II. E.

TAYLOR, 3 Union Block. lloti'la. AMERICAN HOUSE, O. A. Boyden, Proprlitor.

BROOKS HOUSE, Clnrles O. Lawrence, Proprietor. REVEIti: HOUSE, II. C. Nah, Proprietor.

BRATTLEBORO HOUSE, II. A. Morey, Proprietor. Ire Cream Ilooma. E.

L. COOPER, 0 Brooks House. li.Mirattr Atrrnts. flAMPHEIJ. It CUDWORTH, Union Block.

11ENJ. It. JENNE it Thompson It Ranger's Block. MOODY It HOWE, Savings Bank Block. Xm ellera.

r. II HOLDINO, (manufacturer) Union Block. Ti OMPSON It IIANOER, 7 Oranlte Row. CIIAS. 8.

TROUTY, Ityther'B Arcade. Llrery and XVfMlliija; Nlalilea. F. II. FAIIR.

Blrgo Street. J. W. SMITH, rear Crotby Block. HI aclilnlaf.

L. II. CRANE, Canal street. TVarlilH IVorba. BUTTON KATHAN, Bridge near II.

R. Depot. Cariliiir and K'lorlal. C. E.

ALLEN, Canal Street. ent W. r. HICHARDSON, Market block, Elllot-st. II.

HADLEY, Main Street. und Fancy Oouda. MRS. E. M.

FARNSWORTH, 1 Crosby Block, 5d floor. MIHHKS MARSH It 1HLLARD, over Stecn'a Store. MISS H. PICKETT, 1) Crosby Block, Sd floor. MRS.

T. AVERY, 5 Crosby Block. O. PR WT. 1 (Iranltn Block.

MRS, J. W. WHITNEY, Brooks House. MRS. E.

II. UtUEIt, at B. R. Jehne'h, Oreen-St. Ialnta and lla.

(1. r. THOMPSON It WiUiston'a Stono Block. B. CLARK, Tyler'a Block.

I.ipr Iluiifc-liinr. and tVi niton Nhadra. J. BTEEN, Fisher's Block, Main Street. M.

T. VAN DOOUN, 7 Crosby Block. IMlotoarruilliera. D. A.

HENRY, Cutler's Block, Main Street. C. L. HOWE, Union Block. l'lumliwra, WM.

OOULD, Clark Streit. Ili'iuly tfad Clollilnar. II. E. TAYLOR, 3 Union Bio ik.

PR ITT, WRIOHT 3 Oranlte Row, Main Street, S. BRACKETT 1 It Qranlto Row. Hlnvi. and Tin IIOt.UEN WILLARD, (also Roollng Slate), Maln-al. WOOD It MARSHALL, Ezchange Block, Main Btrcet ITndnrluliera.

O. L. 11U0WN, Msrahall It Esterbrook's Block, Main st. H. B.

SOULE, FUk'a Block, Main Street. VTihoIat4rnra. 81 K'tMbrook'a Block, Main at. J. IIUTTINQ, nfgU adjoining Brooks Halise.


JL NESsand Pcbitt or Tone, aud Tiiohocoukess Or UIN L.IJ A1.1.C. V. The majority of tho leading artists, throughout the worm, preicrinemiortncirown use, ana concede to hem tnenignest degree or excellence. CVCalUud exanilncforyour8lves. lyli EDWARD CLARK, High Brattleboro.



THE great advantage of Gas in this form 1b that It is always fresh and pure It acts quickly, without causing nausea. jyi. PETTEE'S LONG EXPERIENCE tho use of anesthetics will giro confidence to all who wish to take Gas or Ether. All operations in Dentistry dono in tlio most approved manner. Conoral Insurance Agents, Km resenting tho follow Ing colt panics A OF HARTFORD, PIIffiNIX NATIONAL HOME OF NEW YORK, SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD, PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE AMERICAN OF PHILADELPHIA, ROYAL OF LIVERPOOL, TRAVELERS OF HARTFORD, MUTUAL LIFE OF NEW YORK.

OrriCE IN SAVINGS BANK BLOCK. Malcolm Moody, Howe, Biattliboro, Nov. 1st, 1873. 49 liRATTLEBORO' GHAN1TE WOIIKS, O. BAILEY, Proprietor.

HAVING established ray buslnisa in Bratthboro, I am now prepared to till ordera for all kinds of work In ray line with promptness and on reasonable tonus, sixteen yeara eiperlenco in tho business. Quality of graulto eijnal to any In New Eupland. Shop on Oak Street. Brattleboro, April 23, 1873. rjpiIE CLAREMONT Manufacturing Company, CLAREMONT, N.

PAPER AND BOOK MANUFACTURERS, Sollcllyour orders for anything In thelrllne, as well as for Printing and Binding, or Eveur DESCBIPTION, And will Pay Cash for nags. IB RATTLEI10R0 FISH MARKET. PETTEE OJtTJEN, Wtoltsalo and Retail Dealers In all kinds of FRESIt. BALT, SMOKED AND TICKLED FIB II, OYSTEltB, LOBSTERS AND CLAMB. Estey's Building, opposite Brattltboro House, Brattleboro, Vt.

A. rzTTEE (tOlf) A. K. JniiH. Poetry.

Prom the Independent. TIM J. t. TnownniooEa In ftntlquc-fislilonf coat and wlp. ijtti Along the road the aged preacher Ooca ilowly Jogging In his gfp, A home fipun In pnrb and feature He has a (mile or kindly speech Alike for rich and poor and each Wild youth no sermon yet could reach 'Tor all are better than their deeds.

Aud Ilcatcu Is kinder than our Thinks the old Tarson. Not now tho schoolboys, hat In hand, And plnafored and pretty lasses, In rows upon tho roadside atand And mako their manners when he res, As tho good custom used to bo In days when ho was young; but ho Likes better, simple bouI, to see Tho ft mile- that lights each roguish eye And rosy face as ho rides by, The dear old Tarson Though many a atop ho makefi you'll find Ilia welcome presence longest lingers In yonder cottage-room behind The honeysuckles and syrlngas, Where all the lovely cummer lies Tho crippled girl, with yearning eyes Turned outward to the flowers and ski-. Tew como to sooth her lomllncss, And to guod eauso has Bhe to IIcbs The LInd old Parson. When friends fall out, before the gate Tho gig turns up, he hitches sorrtl Love enters lu the house of Hate. Ho takes tho bauds of them that quarrel, Andsaya: "rorglve! forglrol and then, If need tbcro be, forgive again, And still forgive and lovol For men Are always better than their deeds." Such seeds he sows.

Heaven blcEs the Eecds Sown by the Parson I His mission is to help and bless And tho harl doctrines that he preaches In words of Joy and gentleness Arc hidden, like the stones in peaches. His hearers' hearts are warned and stlrrtd; "And yet ho docs not preach tho Word I His works aro vain as lato I heard, With finger-shake and sapient air, Two pert young mlnliters declare, And blame the Parson. Ono saM, "He likes a hand at And one, "ho takes a glass at dinner, Aud loves to counsel aud assist Uetter than to convert the sinner." "0 rave faults said both. But this I know The Parson's life, as Parsons go, Is such that those who judge tlm so Are hardly worthy to unloose. The buckles of his dusty ehocB A rare old Parson.

"He likes a Joke too well by And so he sets some hearts a-quaklng, As if, because his deacons laugh. Tho pillars of the church wcro shaking) "I never yd could soys, "Why routed faith Bhouid flourish lets In broad, sunshiny cheerfulness Than in the Bhadow cf the tomb: Tis fear, not faith, that hugs the gloom," Argues the Parson. He aquATea his thought by right good sense, And docs not dread the light of science. His finest flowers of eloquence Arc Just tho common dandelions And buttercups of daily speech And jet they cay who hear him preach Tbat none so well as ho cm teach The hope that lives, the love that burns, Till even the careless skeptic turns To heed the Parson. Hut, though he tc not deeply versed In modern oratorio graces, Tho Btudied pause, the fervent burst, Tho flower-embroidered commonplaces, He treads no changeless, narrow rounds Of old belief, but far frcm bounds His new Jerusalem ho founds 'Tor newer Ufo brings larger nerds And truth outgrow our threadbare creeds," Says tho wlso Parson.

Love's labors arc bis rcBt, and still His friends will look in pleasant weatbtr, To sco him jogging by, until His gJg and he break down together. Our friend is growing very old, And rich in all the hoarded geld Which hearts alone can 1m and hold "The riches that men lave behind Are not the riches to my mind," Quoth the old Parson. He Btlll will have the good he gave When all his earthly errands ended, He who has stood by many a gravo Shall bo by us in turn attended To tho last restlng-placo of clay Then, as we lay bis form away, Well Btrcw the sod with flowers, and say; "Tho man was better than btB deeds, His heart was larger than our creeds, 1 eace to the Parson." The Leisure Hour. jon.ys Suminrr was a miiOirooiu city wlilch liatl sprung up on tlio hanks or a ravine that cut through the western blurf of tho Missouri. In a thicket of oak saplings, high up on the slilo of ono of thoso hlurfe, stood a house, as aro many of Its western neighbors a rusty stovo-plno slicking through tho roof; a small window, curtained by a scalloped-cdgo nowspapor, and a whlto door taken from a sunkon steamboat, whoso nicely finished panels contrasted btrangoly with Its surroundings, completing tho osterlor.

Ono pleasant May evening, Just as tho shrill whlstloof a steamboat echood among tlio hills, tho door was opened by a pleasant young woman, who was followed by a crying child. "Oh, Sammy, quit your nolso that's pappy'sllttloman; sco tho great big boat way yonder;" lining him up; "don't you sco? look right sharp now, closo ag'Ui tho bank. Docs Sammy want to go down town and sco tho big boat, and sco pappy?" Tlio willing feet toddled down tho path but tlio mother callod, "Walt a bit, aud mam-my'll pack Sammy" and tying on a pink suubonnet, sho took him In her arms and started down tho steep, crooked path. It was plcturcsquo scene that lay bo- foro her. Tho sunlight, sifting through tho trees that coveied tlio western hills, glinted tho windows hero and thero and reached, llko a golden bar, just across tho top of tho forest on tho low eastern shore.

Scaltored through tho hollow and up tho sides of tho blows, wore dlvors houses, from the pro-lontlousaothltjdwellliigs ou tho northern hill and tliobrlck business housos down slroct, to log cabins and cottonwood shan ties; whllo tho road that wound up tho bed of tho ravlno was lined with a long, whllo train of Denver-bound freight-wagons. Hlio niuehcd tlio steop main street to find Itllllod with wagons that had bcou turned cro3s-wlso of tho streot, to rost tho toams. Ilut edging her way closo to tho clay bank. sho reached tho river Just asthostoamor was leaving tho wharf. Tho snorting of thoengluo and tho shouting of tlio tlock-hands, togother with tho mining or tho mill near by, was too much for baby-brav ery, ami bammy's lip began to quiver.

Catching him In hor arms, his mother sat down on a saw-log, saying, "Tlioro, thero, honey, don't bo arcard, bo pappy's man, now." Tho tldo-wavos of tho receding boat sank lowor and lower on tho sand tho gay crowd that leaned over tho guards grow In distinct, and alio peered more and mora eagerly In among tho tall cottonwood trees on tho opposlto shore. At length four men camo out of tho woods, and entering a sk Iff, started acioss tlio river. Sho watch od tho Bklff anxiously, for It frequently disappeared between tho waves which wcro raised by tlio strong south wind such wind bolonglng proverbially to Kansas springs, as whooping cough to child i nn, or gapes to chickens. Four rough-looking men, In ted woollen shirts for lumbermen did not prctond to wear coats, except In tho coldest weatbor Jumped out of tlio skiff, and with boisterous laughter and rudo jeers, entered the mill. Prcsontly ono of thorn spied horand came toward hor, saying boisterously, "Iloorah for you, Nancy I Whatever brought you'uns down 'cro this tlmo of ovcnln' Mighty flno dolns, when you ouglitcr bo to homo gcltin' your old man a bllo o' support Packed that young'un down, too, I'll bet I Hcckon you'd as well Get back, right quick, now Ho snatchod tho baby from her and tossed him on his shoulder, shouting, "Iloorah for pappy's man 1 l'ccrtlcst boy In this 'cro town I Mighty proud to sco his pap Poor Nan cy 1 Her husband was drunk again I Sho hurried up tho street, pinning her deep suubonnet more closely about her face, that tho passers might not sco tho tears that would come.

lie bad kept sober so long that sho had hoped ho would como homo sober again. Sho had anticipated so much plcasuro on meeting hitn, after his week's absence. How oncn shohad thought of It in thoso long, lonely nights, when sho had only her child and her thoughts for company. It took but a fow minutes to put supper on tho table. Then sho sat down on tho door-slep to watcli for hor husband, worrying all tlio tlmo lest ho let something happen to Sammy.

When at last ho camo tho effects of tlio liquor wcro wearing off, and ho ato his supper and smoked In silence. Sho could not cat a mouthful, but sho dared not let tlio tcais come, for sho knew it would make him angry. So sho fed Sammy, laying her faco on his llttlo head onco In a while, to forco back tho choking lump that kept rising In her throat. Then sho hastened to rock him asleep, lest his frct-f ulncss disturb his father. Tho first peep of dawn found her busily preparing breakfast, for sho know that John wanted an early slatt.

Tho sound of tho coffee-mill woko nim from his heavy sleep, and ho lay quietly watching her by tho light of tho dim grcaso lamp, as sho moved quickly back and fortii from tablo toslovo; from thctico to tho llttlo row or shelves, in lieu or a cupboard, setting on llio dishes, watching tho bacon, and taking tho crisp corn-dodger from tho oven. "Sho Is a dear good wife," thought lie; "what a scoundrel I was to mako her feel so badly." Ho know that ho had been rough enough to her tho night before. Ho wished that ho could remember what ho said. Of course ho never got dead drunk, but ho wished that ho over could let whisky alone. His brcakfjst was just to his liking, and' ills wlfo as cheerful as If ho was tho best man in the world.

Ho wanted tosay sonio- lliing pleasant to broil; tlio awkward silence, but ho did not know how to begin. Ho had an uncomfortable, feeling thai, he ought to beg her pardon, but, beluga man, of ho did not condescend to that. At length ho began by saying: "You was right pert about tho breakfast this morning, Nancy." "Oh, I allowed most likely you'd want to go off soon," sho answered. "Yes, Jones wants us thero ag'In' sunup. It's only a fifty-log raft; reckon wo can get it down to Leavenworth ag'in' tho night train starts, and I'll get right on, and bo back to Atchlnson afore the day.

Don't catch mo! oolin' away another day 'round that old fort." "Oh, John 1 I'm so proud" sho paused abruptly, for his eyes dropped ith a look or conscious shame. What mood was ho In? Would it do to speak then? Ho had shoved back from tlio tabic, and there was a serious, far-away look In his eyes, but nothing sullen or forbidding. Sho went around, and dropping on her kneos besido him, slipped her arms about his neck, say ing "Oh, John, I wish you'd promlso mo you'd never drink no moio whisky." "That's most too hard on a fellow but I'll promlso not to not drink too much ag'In," ho answered. 'Hut I'm afcard that wouldn't do no good." "You talk llko you thought I hadn't senso enough to slop when I'vo got enough, If I try," ho exclaimed. "Oh, John, don't talk so; you know you promised mo nigh onto a year ago, but you think you'll just tako ono dram, and then just ono more, and aforoyou know It, it's loo much.

If you'd only promlso now that you'd never taslo nary drop ag'In." Still ho kept his eyes slcadlly turned away from hers. Don't you mind now," sho went on, "how your mother said ono time, 'I reckon, Nau- cy, you count John a mighty rough chap, but ho's all right at tho and don't you lulnu how sho used to pray for yon In them old times? Don't you mind thoovo-nln' wo heard her praying down by tho old spring If sbo's watching you among tho stars, how proud sho'd bo to hear you promlso. And John," shoeontlnuod, dropping her volco to a whisper, "I pray, too, sometimes. I haven't novor told you, but but I'vo been leellng right serious hero of late. I'vo taken to rcadln' my Illhlo, and I'vo Just mado up my mind to 11 vo bctlor'n I usod to; and pray for you, loo, and It seems llko God hoars me." And sho laid hor hoad on bis shotildor to hldo her tears.

His arms slipped around her, but ho still kept his eyes turned stubbornly away from hers. At last, laying his faco against bors, ho spoko oarnostly, "Yes, Nancy, I promise." Pfcsonlly, starting up, ho exclaimed, "If I haven't stayed till plum daylight "OH, Jolml como and kiss tho baby aforo you go, ho looks so sweet. Sammy 1 Sam my 1 wako up, honoy, nnd kiss pappy." "lllcss his sleepy oyosl Pappy's llttlo man I I'll bring him somo caudy whon I como homo ag'In." All day Nancy wont about with such a light, cheery hoart as sho had not carried In hor bosom for many a day; singing snatches of old hymns, and thinking happy, lioporul thoughts of him who, ail thoso long hours, was worklnghlsruddor against tho strong current of tho Missouri. That ovoning tho stars bhono brlchtlv down upon' her, whon sho knolt by tho llttlo window, and askod God's blessings on her husband and his good resolutions. Ilut sho was nwakenod, a few hours af terword, by a rush and confusion, a showor of glass and hall across hor bed and catch-lug her baby In hor arms, sho sprang up, frightened and bowlldorod.

It was a terri- blo storm ono long to bo rciucmborcd by all who who felt Its terrors. Tho deafening roar or tlio wind and hall almost drowned tlio loud tliundcr-clans. A bllndlnsr Hash of lightning showed tho trees almost bent to tho ground, and tho houso rocked to and fro llkon cradle. Sho suddenly foil a now, slrango reeling, as ir sho was flying, float ing, through tho air. Sho thought that sho was dizzy, and caught hold or tho bed.

A torrlblo crash sho novor know how It all happoncd I Her baby's crlo3 aroused her. Tlio wind and rain chilled hor through. Sho started to spring up but something hold her down. A shock of naln darted over her, and putting outlier hand, sho felt a gieat beam lying heavily across her llmbj. It seemed as though It was crushing her.

Something struck her, then another and another. How they slung I Old was hcrehild unsholterod from that pitiless storm Mils screams grow louder. Oh I sho must reach hltn I Sho could sco nothing through tho thick darkness, but sho know that ho was not far off. What If he, loo, wcro fastened, crippled Sho stretched her arms every movement mado her pain moio excruciating. Sho strained every nerve sho could ulmost rcac'i him.

What If ho was freoand could como to her? "Oh I Sammy! Sammy!" sho called, "como to mammy." Tho child ceased crying. Sho hoard him move. Ills warm body touched her hands that wcro groping lu tho darkness. Sho caught htm in her arms and hugged him to her breast. Sho roll of his head, his arms, Ills feet sound and whole.

How thankful sho was fo.r that. Hut how thoso cruel hall-stones must havo bruised him. She rested him on tho ground and crouched over him sho could movo just enough for that. Tho frightened child ceased crying, and put ills arms about hor nock. If sho could only find something to cover them from tlio storm.

Sho reached around, but could touch only cold mud. Oil I that torrlblo pain I Sho had almost forgotten It In hor anxiety for hor child. It grow moro and moro Intolerable. It seemed as though tho hall-stones struck through Into her brain, What ir thoy killed her? Was sho afraid todio? Visions or eternity, or tho heaven or hor filth ro30 bofbro her. Should sho dwell with God and tho angels Torcvcr? Was It posslblo thai thero would never bo an end No, sho was not I afraid of death.

Ilut her child, her bus- band how could sho leave them? Not yet! Not when life- opened boforoher 1 Sliomust llvo to help John keep his promise. God would spate her for that. How long It would bo until morning. How could slio bear the pain so long? Oh! it would bo terrible If Johu should como and find her lying thero cold and still'. John did lovo her, oh I so well.

Ho had loved her so long. It seemed so many years since ho first told her that ho loved her; It was on tlio inoun-taln-sido in dear old Tennessee. How far away it seemed. How tho sun slionoand tho birds sang. How dreamy and bewildered her thoughts were.

How still tho baby wa. Yes, sho could feel his heart beat. Sho no longer felt the patter or tho slorm had it ceased Hor thought was answered by a rush of wind from a new direction. Sho felt the great weight lilting off fiomhcr. Sho was free 1 Then something struck her.

Tho train went snorting Into Wlnthrop just at daylight. John jumped and was tlio first to reach the Terry. Ho had never seen Atchlnson so quiet. With tho exception of thoso who had crossed on tho ferry and a fow early risers who wcro hurrying up asleep; but as ho passed Connecticut street, ho saw a man who was riding a mule, coming down in great haste, who cried out, "How d'y, John "Why, Jako!" ho replied, "Is that you? I allowed you was halfway to Denver aforo now." "Wo started yesterday, but wo had a powerful slornt on Iho pralrlo out here, last night. Wo chanced to bo right near lo a houso aud they let us In; but it sent our old wagon rolling over and over across tho prairie, like a patch of tumblo weeds, and our oxen alllslampedcd I'm on the hunt for 'cm." "It dod't look llko it had reached Atchlnson." "No I reckon it just took a streak." John hurried on down tho rlvor.

Tho road ran so rear tho bank that tho steady swasli of tlio walor scorned under his feet. Tlio llttlo birds woro singing In tho trees, and tho sunsliino camo creeping down tho bluffs overhead. How eager ho was to get homo that morning. Ills heart was full or now plans and now purposes. Ho could keep ills promise, aud ho would ho would novcr mako Nancy's heart aeho again by breaking that promise.

Ho stopped sud. donly had tho storm readied Summer? Tho tall buildings along tho wharf woro leaning roofless, ono Ibis way, another that; as If tho wind, coming over tho hi tills, had readied Just low enough lo uuroof thout. Ho hastened around tho foot of tho hill tticro lay tho brick hotel, tho boast of tho town, In scattered fragments on tho ground, like a wasp's nest scattered by tho houso-keoper's broom. Ho looked around tlireo fourths of tho town lay In ruins. How was it with his homo? Ho ran up tho street until ho could sea where It btood.

Gonol Not a vestlgo of it loll. And his Tamlly Perhaps they had escaped before tlio slorm; porliaps Searco knowing what ho did, ho liurrlod lo tho nearest houso that was yet standing, and without ceremony opon- cd llio door. Thero was no ono lu tho room, but on couch In ono comer, a white sheet "sunk to tho still proportions" of two silent forms. Moved. by somo strange im pulse, ho turned back tho covorlng that shrouded tho races Nancy aud tho baby I Shockod, stunned, ho tank ou his knees aud laid ids uieo on tbat dear form.

Who can descrlho, who can comprehend tho tit- tor desolation of that hour? Nono but thoso who havo felt II. Oh, tho thoughts and memories that crowded upon hlm many or them, bitter, rcgrctrul thoughts. Hut thoro was ono motnory for which ho was thankful; that ho had not listened to tlio tempter which whispered to him yes-tor-morn, that It would bo weak and unmanly to yield to hor request. I hey found him Ihoronn hour nflerward, but ho asked no questions, mado no reply to their attempts at consolation, and thoy left hlm alono with his dead. Thero in Sum- mor that day, for muny wcro left homeless; many bruised and crippled by tho storm.

And tho mourners who wonded their way up tho long hill to tho buryiug-ground, woro as sad as though tlio sllenco had boon broken by tlio tolling of soloinn bolls. Kantaa Monthly, Tho man who relumed his neighbor's borrowed rclla was scon a day or two ago, walking In company with tho young lady who passod looking-glass without taking a peop. It Is bcllovcd thoy aro on- gaged. Tlio intoilor, third story editorial room on Nassau street, so long occupied by Mr. Greeley, had bceomo exceedingly dingy.

Its furnlturo was in tho laststagcsofdliap-ldatlon. Various propositions to linprovo It had been vetoed by tlio occupant, who feared that any attempt at chatigo would dorango tho order of his papers and books of roforotico. Ilut, ono Saturday, whllo tho sago was chopping wood at Chappaqua, tho burly engineer Patrick O'ltourkc, camo up with host of helpers, and pretty soon had everything topsy-turvy. Tho carpet was torn up by tho roots, and tlio subsoil shoveled out from under It. Tho furniture was hustled aside, tho walls wero ssraped and paporcd, tho wood-work painted, now carpet laid, and by nightfall Patrick, ns ho survoyed tlio wholesome chango, congratulated himself on tho wonderous achievement.

Nost day Mr. Grcoicy, coming in fresh from tlio scrono Influences of Dr. Chapln's sermon, was struck dumb with wonder at tlio metamorphosis. Without a word ho slumped down into his easy chair and thrti9l his feet under tlio desk, apparently In lino mood to do justlco to bleeding Kansas, or castlgalo tho rascally frco trad-ors. Hardly had ho touched his seat, however, when lie sprang up as though stung, and pointing under ids desk, shrieked, In his squeakiest tones "What thief has stolon my specimens w-b-c-r-o-s my specimens?" Tho pooplo from tho outer offico rushed In at llio row, and pretty soon Mr.

Grcoloy was apprised that Patrick O'ltourko was tho leader of tlio vandals who had despoiled his sauctum. "Send him up here," yelled Horaco "send him up." So Patrick was summoned from tho vaults of the establishment, whero ho was engaged lu getting up steam on Sunday for Monday morning's paper. Patrick camo In expecting to bo complimented for Ills thorough work. Slowly wiping tho perspiration from his foichcad on his bare, brawny arm ho drow up lo tho editor, his Taco reathed in smiling anticipation. But tho angry countcnanco warned poor Patrick that a slorm was imminent.

"What Is it, Mr. Greeley?" ho mildly queried. "Pat, wlicro's my specimens?" screamed Horace, pointing to tlio vaeaut spot under his desk. "Specimens 1 Mr. Greeley Specimens meekly responded Pat.

"Yes; tho specimens I kept under there," said Horace. "Well, Mr. Greeley," blurlcd out Patrick, "I don't know anything about ycr specimens but ITycr niano that onld typo box full of rocks yo kopt under there, why, they only lilteicd up tho place, an' I throw 'cm Into tho street "You dammed iool!" screamed Horaco. "Didn't you know that box of specimens was all I had to show for twenty thousand dollars worth or copper stocks?" and tho good man sunk liyitcrlcally, back in his seat, lo ponder on his misfortune, whllo poor Pat, thoroughly humbled, hurried out to rceovor what ho could oftho-Iost treasure. Ho succeeded In finding somo of lliem, and put them in llio cellar for safo keeping.

vim "How I wish I could have pretty ruffles and collars and things, llko other girls!" said Carollno discontentedly, as sho put on her new calico tfrcss without any collar, to sit down and visit with her friend Ruth. "You can got everything you want, I do believe. I want to get mo ono or thoso new-fashloned laco ruffles, but mother says it will not do up well, and when It is soiled I will havo to throw it aside, and that I had better get a collar, which Illjcost but lltllo moio. Hut all the girls wear ruffles now." "How much do you supposo my ruffles cost mo for this dies, Carrio?" asked Ruth. "I don't know, I am sure.

Thoy aro very pretty, with that narrow pluk ribbon over tlio binding. What did you pay for them, Ruth?" "About a cent apiece, I guess. I bought a yard or tarlatan for twenty-flvo cents, and I am'suro I havo mado two dozen tuf-fles or it. Thoy aro not as nlco as lace, to bo sure, but thoy look neat and fresh, and involve so llttlo expenso that I can afford to renew them often. They do not soil very soon, however.

If you will run over to Mrs. Heck's and get tho tarlatan, wo will mako you up a box lull or ruffles this afternoon." Caroline joyfully acceded to the proposal, and tlio girls wero quickly deep In tho ruflllngt'nuslncss. "It Is moro knack than monoy that helps a gltl to dress well," remarked Ruth. "Thoso pretty striped calicos, so fashlonablo now when mado up with taste, look better than many an over trimmed Japaneso silk which wo seo on tho street. You wero wanting a whlto nprou so much, you told me, but could not afford tobuyono.

Haven't you a breadth or old white goods about, yon could tiso for it? Idarosay you have, IT you would lako tho trouble to look it up. I mado thrco llko this, of an old barred muslin window curlaln, which had been laid away for yoars. It look tlmo to bleach It, and horn tho ruffling, but It paid." "I should say It did I would not wish for a prettier one. Wo will tako a look through our old boxes after wo aro through with our ruffles. If you would stay with mo a week, Ruth, I shouldn't wonder If I could get fixed up llko girls." Rulh couldn't stay a week, but sho gavo her friond somo good suggestions that prov ed or great sorvlco to hor over afterwards.

Country Gentleman. GnKAT Mij.n. Wo always think of great moil us In tlio act of performing llio deeds which glvo them renown, or elso In slaloly ropose, grand, gloomy, and majestic. And yet tills is hardly fiilr, bocanso ovon tho most gorgeous and magnillcout or human beings havo to bothor themselves with tho llttlo things or Ufo which cngago tho attention of us smaller people. No doubt Moses snuffed and got angry when he had a so-voro cold In tho head, and If a fly bit his leg whllo ho was silling In tho desert, why should wo suppose that ho did not jump and uso vlolont language and rub tho soro plaeo? And Ciosar Isn't It lolorably certain that ho used to bocomo furious when ho went up stairs to get his slippors in tlio dark and found that Calpliurnia had shoved them back uudor tho bed so that ho had to sweep around wildly for tboni with tho broom handle? And whon Solomon cracked his crazy bono, Is It unreasonable to supposo that ho hopped around tho room and looked mad and foil as If he wanted to cry? Imagine Goorgo Washington sitting on tho edgo of Iho bod putting ou a clean shirt, and growling at Martha because, tho buttons wero off; or St.

Augusttuo with an tilt till I. apron around his neck having his halr.cul; or Joan of Arc holding her front hair In hor mouth, as womon do, whllo sho fixed up hor back hair or Napoleon jumping out of bed In a frenzy to cliaso a 'mttiqullo round tho room with a pillow or Martin Luther lu his nlglit-shlrt trying to put tlio baby to sleep at two o'clock lu tho morn ing; or Alexander llio Great Willi tho hie cups; or Thomas Jefferson gelling suddenly over ho fonco to ovoid a dog; or llio Dukoof Wellington lying in bed with tho mumps; or Danlol Webster abusing his wlfo because sho hadn't tucked Iho covors In tlio foot or tho bed or Honjamln Frank lln paring his corns with a razor or Jona than Edwards at tlio dinner tablo wanting to snooze Just as ho gets his mouth fttll or hot beer; or Noah slanrMngat his window throwing bricKs at llio cat. Max Adder, rilti Tlt.l.XSlT OF XMS.VVS. The Advertiser's corresponpont says tho officials of tho naval observatory havo nearly completed tho plan of operation for obsorvlng tho transit of Vonus, which will occur In September, 1874. Eight parties or llvo persons will bo dispatched to stations In tho southern hemisphcro and tho others lo tlio northern.

Thoso going south or tho equator will leavo Now York next spring In a naval vessel specially prepared and fitted for tlielr accommodation, whllo others will probably proceed to their stations by mall steamers. Tho posts in tho southern hemisphcro will bo on tho Kcrguelan Islands, Auckland nnd Van Dleman's land. In tho northern tho stations will bo located at Yokohama, Nagasaki, Shanghai and near tho Siberian border. After tho transit, ob servers in tho southern hemisphcro will bo collected by tho government ship, transported to Japan, and sent homo by tho mall steamer. Tho wholo expedition will probably last a year at least.

Each parly will contain astronomois and photographers, with comploto equipment and apparatus for obscnalions and a record or tlio tho transit. Professor Harknc3s will havo chargo of llio parlies and observations In tho southern hemisphere, apd Professor Ncwcomb of thoso In tho Northern. The object of tho observations, for which Congress has appropriated 15,000, is lo deter mine moro accurately tho dlstanco between tho earth and sun, and the professors at tho head of tho expedition expect lo be ablo to scttlo tlio dlstanco within half a million of miles. volt rim cosr. Tho saddest vestiges of tho system of American slavery, remarks tho Independent, is llio still vain searching for ono another by Iho scattered remnants of.

various families forcibly separated by cruel masters, before or during tho war. Tho following Is a sample of advertisements by tho thousand in newspapers likely to reach the missing children or thoso who know of tlielr whereabouts: Information wanted of my son Samuel, who belonged to tho Wasliburno estate, ta- koii irom Cleveland county, N. by Hrlggs, a slavo trader, and sold In Alaba ma. Also oi my son Lewis, who belonged to the Wasliburno estate, taken from Lin coln county, N. by Thomas Slcld, who sold him in New Orleans.

Also of my daughter Ithoda, who belonged to tho wasliburno estate, sold lo Mr. Morris, and taken from Cleveland county, N. C. Any Information concerning tho a'bovc, who aro mv chlldicn. will bo thankfullv received.

through llio Zlon Advocate, by their anx ious moiiier, itAcur.r. Rulhcrfordton, N. C. Fully flvc-slxtlis of all tlio advertisements In llio August number of tho ZIon Church Advocate, from which tho abovo is taken, aro or this description. It would bo a delight to And ono or theso lost children, and mako tho mourning Rachel glad by bringing back to her her own onco At His Old Thicks.

An American lady was recently shown through Newgate. On coming to tho alley in which executed criminals aro burled, this lady who is a good Quaker shuddered at that, and tho waidcr said "You will notice horo that ours is a great improvement over tho American plan. In America thoy glvo tho bodies or executed criminals to their friends who, as likely as not, mako a hero of him, and bury hlm with pomp. Hut theso scoundrels dread being buried away in this alloy almost as much as they dread tho gallows. This Is a chlcr part or their punishment." Tho lady having suggested that execution was quito enough, tho warder replied, "Not a bit or it.

I was showing our plaeo tho other day lo a remarkably intelligent American who admired our arrangements exceedingly, only ho thought wo wero loo lenient. That gentleman said that tho great mlslako lu America was lonicncy. 'Would you bellevo said he, 'wo caught rascal In Amorlca tho othor day whom wo ought immediately to havo burned, and wo only hung him. But we aro coming to our senses, and wo arc now making arrangements to burn certain men fur whom tho gallows Is too "Will thcu bo good enough to tell mo tho namo of tho American gentleman who mado tho remark to thcol" said tlio Quakeress. "Ah, yes, said tho warder, reflectively; lot mo sco it was a Mr.

Mark Twain." Tho lady gavo a smllo of relief and went off. Olp Pirrn's The colored brother who Is conscious of tho infirmities or man, and aspires to a higher and purer life, is seldom without words to oxpress his oinotlons, albeit sometimes In a phraso moro direct and blunt than elegant. So It Is with an old negro named Pole, who was very much troubled about his sins. Perceiving hint ono day witli a downcast look, ids master asked him tho cause. "Oh, massa, I'm such a great sinner "Hut, Peto," said Ills mastor, "you aro foolish to tako it so much to heart.

You novcr sco mo troubled about my sins." "I know do reason, massa," said Pete; "whon you go out duck-shooting, and kill ono bird and wound anodor, don't you run alter tho wounded duck?" "Yes, Peto; and tlio mastor wondered what was coming noxt. "Well, massa, dat is the way wld you and mo. Dodobll's got you suroj but as ho am not suro of mo, ho Jis cliaso this chllo all tho time. Jlarjicr'a Magasinc. Ono of tho most romarkablo casos of backpay occurred rccontly In Now York.

Ono or tho "old-school" subscribers of tho Kingston Journal was 31 yoars In arrears for his papor. Last wcok ho callod upon tliocdltorsof tho Journal and man," and remarking that ho might not bo around again very soon, ho paldhissub-scrlption ton yoars ahead and another for his mother for twevo years ahead. MISCELLANEOUS, Poor Andy Johnson had about on deposit at tlio suspended First national bank at Washington. Oarvey, tlio Tammany ring plasterer of unsavory reputation, Is living in rcllro-mont at Hatllo Mountain, Nov. Mrs.

Chailcs Sumner has taken her maiden name. Skipping two InisbanHs, sho now calls herself Allco Mason, Boss Twocd Is making a lour of Call-fornln, for health and pleasure, with nn cyo out for good chances for investment. Tlio most Important nocdlc-work over dono In tho world Is supposed lo havo liecn dono by tho mariner's compass, A Des Moines woman gavo her husband morphlno to euro hlm ol chowlng tobacco. It cured hlm, but sho is doing her own tall plowing. Tho measures spoken of In music ro-fcr generally to time.

An oxccptlon Is mado Intho casoor hand-organs, which furnish music by tho barrel. Unfaithful cashiers In England get severely dealt with. An omployo of tho now British Iron company who grabbed $7000 has been sentenced to flvo years' penal servitude. A Louisvillo journal poetically ro-marks: "In Montgomery, Alabama, tho other day, four negroes got on a spree, ono took out his llttlo jack-knife, and now thero ain't but three." Whero Is "parts unknown?" asked a correspondent or tho Danbury News, lo which Bailey answers very truthfully, "whero they don't advertise." Two young Indians woro recently admitted as ministers to tho Methodist conference In Oregon. Flvo hundred or tho Ncz Pcrccs Indians were recently converted all or them gavo up tho uso of tobacco.

Tlio wedding cako for llio marriage or tho Duko or Edinburgh and tho daughter or tho Emperor or Russia, will bo seven fret six inches in lilght, and weigh two hundred and thirty pounds. They aro going lo board themselves. Tho Burlington (Iowa) Hawkeyo says "Thero Is no law In Ibis Stato for hanging a man who murders a llghtnlng-rod peddler or a llfo insuranco agent. Let tho oppressed peoplo remember this and cxer-elso their privileges." Such is tho marvelous ductility oTgold that a slnglo ounce or tho puro metal may bo drawn out into a wlro thlrty-threo mllos In longtli. Fifty yoars ago tho following advertisement appeared in a Cincinnati paper: "Passcngors wanted A wagon wilt start for Now York City in about two weeks.

Flvo passengers will bo accommodated at 525 each. Tho fact that nature Is frill or compensation Is beautifully Illustrated by a recent bit of scicntlllo information, which announces that tho houso lly is tormented by parasites, oT which It cannot got rid, and that It suffers dreadful agonies from their tickling. Tho Shah declared that European rulers wero not kings at all, becauso "they consult the will of tho peoplo and havo no power over llio lives of their subjects. They cannot tako monoy when thoy want It, and are kings only in name. An Eastern monarch can do as ho likes ho Is not bound lo please any one, nnd comes and goes as ho wills." Tho most appalling caso or dcanacss outsldo or an asylum was that or an old lady who lives just across tho street from tho Nayy Yard gate.

Tho other day thoy fired a saluto of thirteen guns. The old lady was observed to start aud.llslcn as tho last gun wasflred and then sho exclaimed: "Come In A correspondent or tho New Bedford Standard says that President Lincoln on being asked his opinion or General Butler, responded Intho following "llttlo slory:" When ho was boating on tho Mississippi, ono dark night, the boat was tied up to a bank when he met a blacksmith who was called Bobby. Tho blacksmith was engaged lu forming a pleco of iron, and tho conversation ran in this wise: "Bobby, what aro you making?" "I am making an axe." "Why, Bobby, you can't mako an axo out of that. It Is not largo enough." "Well, I can mako a hatchet out of It." Bobby kept on hammering awhile, without getting tho metal Into tlio intended shape, when tho questioner resumed "Bobby, you seo you can't mako a hatchet out of that. You seo It Is not big onongh." "Well, I can mako a splitting wedge." But It Is not largo enough oven for a wedge." "Earn the thing, it will mako a slzzlo, anyhow," and suiting tho action to tho word, threw tho hot iron into a pail of cold water.

For somo tlmo past a very Important movement bas been quietly progressing in uropo, and is now on tho eve or realization, which looks to tho establishment or a scicntlllo institution or International law, to tako tho placoof International Congresses and arbitrations. Tlio proposed Institution will bo Independent or all governments and to consist only or men who havo been practically or scientifically oc-cuped with International law, butwho havo no diplomatic ofllco which might prejudlco them. Tho purposo of tho Institution will bo to glvo its view of tho principles of International law, to glvo opinions In tho cases submitted to it by tho different governments, to mako proposals for statutes with refcrenco to arbitration, to act as a Court of Arbitration, and, in general, to furthor tho development of international law. Tlio seat of tho institution Is to bo at Ghont, and already about thirty gonllcmon of dir-fcrcnt nations aud distinguished reputation havo consented to assist lu carrying out tho project. Thero is a droll story of how a man lost a wagor lu Pueblo, Colorado, Stepping Into a largo liquor shop ho offered lo bet ten to ono that ho could, blindfolded, toll tho namo or any liquor or wluo In tho house, or any mixturoor liquors, by the taslo and snioll.

All wont well with him at first. Ho named all tho celebrated brands correctly. Thon thoy handed lilm glass or wator. Ho tasted, ho smolt, ho tastod and smelt again, and at last, completely nonplussed, ho gavo It up so. "Well, boys, you havo got mo.

It seems to mo as If, yoars ago, I Btruck something of that kind In tho Slates, but It was so long ago I havo cntlroly forgotten It." A man whoso morning dram had boon too much for him, in saddling his horso got tho saddlo wrong end foromost. Just as ho was about to mount, a neighbor camo up and called his atlontion to tho mistake Tho horseman gazed for a moment at tho Intruder, as If In deep thought, and thon said, "You let that saddlo aloue. How da you know which way I am going?" And ho looked daggers at tho officious neigh bor..

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