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Vermont Phoenix from Brattleboro, Vermont • Page 4

Vermont Phoenixi
Brattleboro, Vermont
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TEN PAGES BRATTLEBORO. Tlio Vermont Nntlonnl bank is pro paring to build a fireproof vault in the unscmcnt lor tho storage of books and records. Ono case of measles on Vnllcv Btrcct and ono ease of crysipolas on Recti Street have been reported this week to ncaiui unieer Henry Tucker. Nicholas roncis Sovmour of Canal Street, a shoemnkor, and Miss KHz: both Gertrude Ford, nlso of Canal street, were married Monday after noon In the nfliCn nf tlm trm-n nlnrlt )iv Carl S. Hopkins, Esq.

They will live in urnuicooro. Harry Gould and Adclbcrt Incraham Caught 32 pounds of piko and pickerel through tho Ice on tho Connecticut river Dee. 10. Two small piekeral Were in tho lot. which was on oxhihi lion in tho window of Oakcs's barber shop on Mam street.

Oasis encampment, I. O. O. F. elected tnc loiiowmg oiliccrs December 16: 0, Ernest M.

White; S. Henry i4inams; ji. ixermnn J. Joy; J. W.

Cain: F. D. W. Tcniiov C. G.

Staples; J. W. Ernest mucmpic. A class of four received th degree. Tho steam heating equipment of the now rniiroau station lias been installed and steam will'be turned into tho pipes this week in preparation for beginning ino pinstcnng.

Tho last of tho steel lor tho posts and roof over tho nlnt forms at the station has arrived and tno men hnve been at work putting it in position. In compiling records Health Officer ur. jicnry iuckor lias found the inter vaiiiiir met, mat tliorn ivnrr inn deaths in Brattlcboro from cancer for tho yenr ending Dec. 1 than were caused by tuberculosis. Ten deaths in town wore roported due to cancer nntl oniy six were caused by the great ivmiu piuguc.

Tho automobile firo truck was called uy toicpiiono Sunday afternoon at n.45 o'clock to tho home of Clarence L. wyman, Jil j'mo street, for a ehimnev Arc. A partition next to tho ehimnev unci caught firo from the overheated chimney. Call firemen who lived nnni used a garden hose effectively before inu arrival 01 mo uro trucK. Tlic dam- ago was confined to the kitchen.

Tho Raptist Bible school assembled iaBt evening at a little after 7 clock, bringing thoir gifts for tic serving fnimhes in Brattlcboro, less iuvuruu man tncmselves. The chU dren of tho beginners and primary do pnrtmcnts gathered for supper at 5 1.111W1, JiHUi 11113 II10SU WHO could remained for the gift bringing and for tho distribution from tho Christmas tree. John F. Alexander, of Rockingham, administrator of tho estate of Warner G. Townshend of that' town, has entered suit in county court for $0,000 against Georgo W.

Hnll of Grafton. The alleged to be duo for unpaid notes, pio-tested checks, interest and for tho pay-mont for cows, sheep and hides. The papers aro from the office of Sticknev, Sargent Skcels. Although the automobile fire truck is able to respond to all demands upon it, even in tho present hard wheeling, the (ire department has prepared for all emergencies by placing in service a sleigh in place of one of the horso-drawn pieces of apparatus. This sleigh, which has beea painted and lettered, is to bo drawn by ono of the pairs of horses in answer to bell alarms during the period of sleighing.

Tho express business in Brattlcboro is unusually heavy. It is not entirely because of the Christmas business, for tho month of November developed larger receipts for the express company here than did the corresponding month in 1013. Two years ago tho rates were higher so that to do more business last month than two years before under higher rates indicates a material increase in tho volume of business. Tn order to facilitate the handling and delivery of mail during the Christmas holidays, the requirement that domestic matter bearing on tho address side adhesive seals or stiekors, other than lawful postago stamps, shall bo treated as unmailable, is suspended until Jnn. 1, 1910.

This applies to mall only. Postmasters aro asked however, to notify their patrons that such seals or stickers ought not to be placed on the address side of mail. Daniel Worcester, who was the first person to play the part of Uncle Tom after Harriet Reeeher Stowe's novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin, was dramatized apt! who died in the Soldiers' Homo in Bennington, December 10, visited Brattlcboro with theatrical companies several times during liis stage career. Ho was n. close friend of Daniel Kellogg, al that timo postmaster, and had pleasant visits with Mr.

Kellogg on his trips to Brattlcboro. Last week was tho first in many months in which no niarringo ceremony was performed in town. Ono marriage llconso was issued Monday, but tho marriago ceremony was no't performed. Since tho marriago laws in Massachusetts, Connecticut ami Now Hampshire havo required a wait of several days after marriago licenso is issued before tho ceremony can be porformetl legally, Brattlcboro has beon prominently on the list of towns and cities where marriages may bo contracted without delay. Tina Barrett Streeter, who was sued last week by her husband, Lyman II.

Streotor, for divorce on tho grounds or desertion and misconduct, has filed a cross uuei. alio charges neglect antl refusal to provldo antl misconduct. Sho asks for temporary alimony and suit money to bo used in prosecuting her caso niid the enro and custody of thoir two childron. She sots forth thnt sho has been guilty of misconduct only onco ami that hor husband "ncqul- osecti nntl tins sinco condoned." A hearing on tho muttor of alimony has been sot for Dec. 31, 'at 10" o'clock be- lore K.

L. Wateiman. THE A robin was seen by William 0. Hor, ton near his home-on Brook street Wed- ncsilay noon. The united choirs will meet in the Ccn- tie Coimieg.Uional clinpcl at HM) o'clock this evening to rolicnrso for tho ChtMmas ciitituta which given in the Congregational church huntluy, Jan.

2, Austin foroator, was in town this week consulting with Attorney-General Herbert G. Barbar on the matter of tho purchase by tho state of several thousand acres land for a forest resorvo on Mount Maria- field. An effort is being mntlo to havo tho contestants In the Masonic pool and billiard tournament who, hnvo not played their scheduled games "do so in the immediate-fuhjro' as it-is -idcsircd to have tho tournament arid the supper which the losers arb td'givc to the winners provided by tho middle of The store on Elliot street now occupied by the grocery firm of J. F. Allen the stock of which is being disputed of, is to be oupituVby a Greek resident of Kcene," wlfowili conduct a cigar store) shoe shining parlor nntl billard and pool room, lie will open for business as soon as.

possible after the store is vacated. The local corps of tho Salvation Army will distribute a number of well-lillcti baskets on Christmas to persons who will appreciate thcln. Shoes and wearing apparel are being distributed daily where most needed. The annual Christmas ttce and entertainment will bo held Saturday, Jan. 1, New Year's night, and all will be welcome.

The mercury in the standard thermometer of Vaiighnn Burnett, Main street, touched two degrees below zero ctlncstlay morning early and from miiiio places near tho river came re ports of as low as six degrees below. West Brattlcboro reported two degrees above to zero. It was tho cold est morning of the winter thus far. The gifts of a duck and a coosc by Leonard Uoess, tobacco dealers anil cigar manufacturers, drew large crowd to the store Wednesday, when the announcement of tho prizo winners was made. Over 4,000 tickets were in the box.

Krank W. Petteo was award ed he thick and Leslie H. Ynuvey was given the gcose. The tickets wore" numbered respectively, 2207 and 3231. Tho American building and annex were both in total darkness half an hour late Tuesday afternoon because a big fuse in the basement of the building blew out.

Tho Twin State Gas Electric Co. did not have a fuse in stock that would meet the emergency and Horton I). Walker, whon appealed to by ono of tho tenants, supplied one. Tho unusually heavy load being carried in the buildinir at tho time caused the fuse to blow. Many extra lights were in uso in tho stores at the time.

Invitntious havo been received in town tc the wedding reception of Mis Marguerite Sophia Chamberlain of Boston and James Scott Browning of Millers Falls, which will be hold in the home cf tho bri'tlc'd uucle, Frederick G. Morgan of Northfield Farms, Saturday evening, Jan. 1. Miss Chamberlnin is a daughter of Mrs. Ada rind fll6 into Georgo Chamberlain, formerly of Brat tlcboro.

Sho and her mother visited icre summers. Mr. Morgan is a brofhef of Mrs. Chamberlain. '-The couple will live at 32 Bridge street.

Millers Falls. Manager George K. Fox, or the Audit orium announced thnt all children un- er 14 years of ago will be admitted free at the matinee moving picturo performance in the Auditorium Sat urday afternoon. Christmas day, at 2 'clock, this is Ins Christmas gift to tlio children. The only condition ho imposes is that in advance of tho-ch-tertninment the parents call for tickets! lor their children in order that he mnv know that they approve of the chil dren attending, lie wants all the clnl- ren to be present.

The Edison master piece, Vanity Fair, in seven reels, with Mrs. Fiske as Becky Sharp is one of the attractions. Day and night shifts are being work ed in three machine shops in town, some oi no work being contract work for out-of-town concerns, Parts of ma'-' limes aro being made. The National Automatic Machine Co. is employing it) men divided Intcv tlav and night hifts.

All of them are engaged on the ontrnct work at present. L. H. Stell- man Son are working 10 men, eight of them days and two at night. Of these, five or six nro employed on the ontract work, wuicins Jlovev are working three men days and two men nights on contract work.

It is expected that this extra work will continue through the winter. In the annual meeting of Protective Grange the reports tlio officers mado ami reports were mado by delegates to the statu Grange meeting. These ofiicers wero elected: Master, Fred H. Spaulding, Walter Spear; Mrs. Lucy W.

Sargent; Oscar Covey; A. James Goodrich; chaplain, Mrs. Mary J. Currier; trad IJ. Weld: sec, Mrs.

Cola C. Morse; G. Solon Cumming-i; Ceres, Mrs, Gertrudo Spaulding; Po mona, Mrs. Sarah D. Spear; Flora, Mrs.

John McKay; lady assistant steward, Miss Louise Lnhollr; pianist, Mrs. Marion Farnuni. Children's night will bo observed nt the meeting next Wednesday evening. A street enr drvon by Motormnn William Went worth nnd an open sleigh' occupied by Bert Mundoll, em ployed by tho Valley Grain were in collision on Miiiu street opposite tho oliico of JJr. (J.

a. rratt about o'clock Tuesday night. Tho sleigh got tho worst of the encounter. Nobody was injured. Mr.

Mundoll was driving north toward his homo and was leading young horse. Tjie, enr was going south, wnen mo car ami sieign wero exactly side by side tho sloigh, for some 'reason that was not quito apparent, suddenly slewed into tho car and tho renr end of tho sleigh was wrecked and and two unrrois wero thrown out, Mr. Mundcll clung to both horses, hi-'though they did some prancing. Mr, Mundcll said ho motioned to the car, and Mr. Wontworth BOjiil ho slackened i Tt wmi in tho gonornl opinion that tho young horso in some way caused tlio sleigh to slow.

VERMONT PHOENIX, Thoso of tho pupils of the Austlno institution who aro to spend Christ mas at their homes left yesterday. Rov. Henry Lamb of West Brattlcboro will conduct tho chapel servlco at the Retreat Sunday afternoon at 3 O'CIOCK. Brattlcboro lodge, N. E.

O. will hold its regular mooting Monday evening in Grand Army hall at 8.30. Officers' will bo elected. Members nro requested to take notice of tho chango of time, which Is mado in order that they mhy nttond tho municipal Chris-mas exercises. The members of the Unitarian Sunday school and thpir friends assembled at tho parish house at 7 o'clock Thursday evening for their usual Christmas entertainment.

A play wns presented by ono of the classes in tho school followed by a Christmas tree and the playing of gnmes. Frederick Paul Aulauf of 303 South Main street, an employe of the Fort Dtimmer cotton mill, and Miss Elizabeth Trcasca Bcaudry, also of 303 South Maiu street, were mnrried Monday by Rev. James P. Rand, pastor of St. Michael's Roman Catholic church.

They will make their home in Brattlcboro. George W. Bailey, Brattlcboro 's strong man who is also state champion in wrestling, is in Now York this week as a participant in tho international wrestling matches. Tuesday night his opponent wns Wilhelm Bonier, a noted German wrestler. After a long struggle, in which neither man gained a fall, the match was declared a draw.

Bailey is booked for two moro matches this week. BRATTLEBORO PERSONAL. Miss Goldio Johnson, assistant town clerk, is ill. A. B.

Clnpp has returned from New-York, where ho had beon on business. Miss Grnce Emerson of Albany, N. is visiting her sistor, Mrs. Leroy Adams over tho holidays. Lane went to Springfield, yesterday to visit his brother and family through Christinas.

J. M. Morrison of St. Albans, chief engineer of tho Central Vermont railroad, was in town Wednesday. Mr.

nnd Mrs. Leon Whitnev of Wil- linmstown, aro guests of her mother, Mrs. Jennio E. Whalen. Miss Violctto Roynolds of New York will come today to spend Christmas with her mother, Mrs.

A. D. Reynolds. W. E.

Bartholomew returned Wednesday from two-wooks' business trip to New York for tho S. A. Smith Mfg. Co. Mrs.

G. E. Warner went to Chieopeo Falls, yesterday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Loon Duquette over1 Christmas.

Putnam of Johnson, this state, will visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Putnam, over tho, holidays. Mr.

Howard, employed by tho Auto niatic Machine company, will spend the holidays with his fainily at his homo in Barrc. Mrs. 13., J. Slocum of 19 Laurel street-was tnkon ill with pneumonia Sunday. Mrs.

Ernest Whitney is assisting in caring for her. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foster and others of Leydcn, were in town Tuesday to attend the Chapman-Alexander meetings. J.

Warren Miller of Springfield, this state, is expected today to join Mrs. Miller hero in the homo" of her mother, Mrs. O. IL Sticknev. Mr.

ami Mrs. Robert Mitchell of Amherst, aro expected today to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C.

Mitchell, few days. Alice Baird and Mrs. May Benson will go today to Middletown, to visit their sister, Mrs. Howard Sharp, until Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Spaulding, will go to Keene today tn remain through tho holidays with their daugh ter, Mrs.

Fred Beuchuine. Mr. and Mrs, F. E. Dyke ami son, went to Concord, X.

IL, yesterday to spend Christmas with 'll. X. Dyke, father of F. R. Dyke.

Mis. B. (i. Harris will finish work tonight nt tho O. J.

Pratt store. She will go to Manchester, N. IL, to spend Christmas with relatives. Miss Alice D. Buttcrfield is homo from Pittsburgh, to spend the Christmas acatiou with her parents, Prof, and Mrs.

L. A. Buttcrfield. Mis. A.

L. Perhani, who recently underwent an operation in the Memorial hospital, is making a good recovery in her home on Clark street. Laurance L. Brown, teachor in the high school, went Wednesday to Fall River, to spend Christmas. From thero ho will go to Washington, D.

C. Mrs. David S. Carey antl daughter, Mary, will go today to Gardner, to spend the holidays with Mrs. Carey's parents.

Mr. Carey will spend tomorrow there. A. T. Bryant and family of George-villo, camo Tuesday to spend tho winter in Brattlcboro.

Mr. Bryant is a brother of Mrs. L. M. Wright of Central street.

Mrs. A. W. Bool will go Saturday to East Dovor to visit her brother, Wil. Ham Yeaw.

Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Vcaw and daughter, Mildred, will visit thereover Christmas.

Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Stanloy of Tonn-wanda, N.

came Wednesday to spend about ton days with Mrs. Stanley's paronts, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ami-don of Cnnal strcot.

Mr. ami Mrs. L. W. Hawlcy and daughter, Miss Jesaio L.

Hawlov, will go today to Holden, whero they will bo Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Hawloy. Miss Margaret Walsh will go to Melrose, Saturday morning to visit her sistor a few days.

From thero she will go to her homo in Bnngor, for iv vacation of a fow weeks. Mrs. Ada L. Howo wont to Chester Wednesday to spend Christmas with relatives. Her son, Ray T.

Howo, will join her thero today nnd Miss Lucille Howo will go thero tomorrow. Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert T. Protlow will go early in January to Lobnnon, to live, Mr, Pretlow having secuiod a position thero with an engineering company, Lebanon Is Mrs.

Pretlow's former home. BRATTLEBORO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, BRATTLEBORO PERSONAL, Guy Burgcs of Bennington visitod in town over Sunday. Col. J. Gray Estey went tto New iuin.

morning on uusii(ess. E. H. Bradford spont Sunday with rclntivcs in CharlcstoWn, N. II.

Miss Reno Llston will spend Chris-mns in tho homo of her parents in Rutland. Miss Allco Liscom went yesterday to Boston to spend a week with relatives. Miss Ruth W. Chllds is assisting in Hopkins's flower store during the holidays. Miss Helena Moran went to Turners Falls Saturday to visit friends a fow days.

Miss Julia Streeter, nurse, has been called to Leominster, on professional work. Fred Creasy, who is employed in Newport, spent the week-end at his home in town. John Toomoy of New York will spehd Christmas hero with his sister, Miss Minnio Toomcy. William C. Horton, who has been ill in his homo on Brook street four weeks is a little improved.

Judge Frank E. Barber of the municipal court was in Keene, N. IL, Wednesday on legal business. Mrs. Charles II.

Colt went Wednesday to Newton, to visit her Mrs. C. T. Whittcmorc. Mrs.

Lcslio B. Mason of Worcester, was called to town by the death of her mother, Mrs. Frank Bcane. Miss Miriam Howard, who teaches school in Barro, is at her home on Putney road for the Christinas vncation. Mrs.

F. G. Pettco returned Sunday from Windsor, where she had visited her son, Ralph B. Pettee, and family. Mr.

and Mrs. C. A. Burbnnk returned Tuesday from a stay in Now York and wont to their home in Chesterfield. Mr.

anil Mrs. Roy Houghton of Greenfield will be Christmus visitors in town with his mother, Mrs. C. F. Brown.

A. E. Hadlock, who had been ill at his homo in Townshend, returned Monday and resumed work in Clark's grocery store, James Sullivan, an eniployo at tho Brooks House, went to his homo in Holyoke, Sunday to visit through tho holidays. Lyman Smith is expected from Phil atlclphia Saturday morning to visit his mother, Mrs. F.

Smith, until Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Reed of Rcadsboro have como to Brattlcboro to spend the winter in the homo of their daughter, Mrs. Walter Sturges.

Miss Margarot Barber, teacher in tho McDuffic school in Springfield, is at tho homo bf Jior parents, Dr. and Mrs, G. F. Barber, Mrs. Thomas T.

Drittan fell on Main street Tuesday antl cut her nose so severely that a stitch was required in. closing the wound. Mr. and Mrs. ('.

F. Bingham went to New York yestfrday to visit a few days with, their son3, Harry, A. and.Bon-jninin- p. BingJium.t ilrs: W. HiiCr'ay -Manchester, Wednesday to-' visit over the hojidaysi' with her daughters, Mrs.

Dykp ahd Mrs. Barr. Rev. Roy M. HoWghton, pastor of the Centre Congregational church, is ill with grip nt Limlenhurst and is attended by a trained nutse.

Mr. and Mrs. Halp'h B. Pettee and daughter, Dorothy, of Windsor will be holiday visitors in home of her father, Harvey W. Sanders.

Miss Augusta S. Howe of Springfield, this state, spent Saturday and Sunday in town as a guest of her cousinj Miss Lucille Howe. G. L. Pearson returned Saturday from a business trip to Concord and Newport in the interests of the Cen tral rsew Hampshire Power (Jo.

J. L. Howard returned Saturday from Boston, whero he had been a week investigating methpds of public school penmanship and commercial work. Miss Marv Fonton. bookkeeper for E.

J. Fonton has resumed work afternoons. She underwent an operation for oppondicitis six weeks ago. Mrs. J.

Lewis Morse and daughter, Marion, of Cynwyfl, arc guests ot hor mother, Mrs." X. I. Hawley. Ma Morso will join them here for Christ mas. Mr.

and Mrs. Austin W. George nnd daughter, irginia, wem vu- ncsilay to Rupert to spend a week with George's parents, ami -ur. liarwooil. Miss Maude Brown, who is a teacher in New Britain, came homo yes-tenlav tn snen.I two weeks with her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Fred C. Brown of Bullock Btrect. II. C.

Titus went Monday to West Medfonl, called there by the illness of her son, i-an n-tus. She probably will be away a week or ten days. Congressman Porter H. Dale of Island Pond was here. Sunday night and1 Monday morning on his way homo from Washington.

He made numerous calls on personal ffiemls. Howard Stockwoll of Dartmouth college, who had been miost of Laurcnco Sherman at tho Brooks House a fow days, returned to his homo in West Somerville, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gordon and daughter, Betsey, of Springfield, camo hero yesterday to bo guests of her paronts, Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Cat-tanach over tho holidays. Daniel Holland of New York spent tho woek-ontl in town with his sister, Mrs. Fred Connarn, on his way to his homo in Northfield whero ho will visit until after Christmas. Fred C.

Galo of Now York city was in town over Sundnv. Mrs. Gale and sister, Miss Josephine Shea, accompanied him Moiulav to Now York, where they, will make their home. Cnpt. IJ.

W. Gibson and Llout. Walter R. Spaulding of company 1, V. N.

went to Montpelier Wednesday to bo present at tho meeting for tho election of a colonel of tho regiment. Avalon Converse, who mnkes his headquarters in Clovoland, Ohio, whilo trnvoliug through the states of tho middle West, is at tho homo of his parents on Grovo street to reinnin until about Jan. BRATTLEBORO PERSONAL Forest Crossman is ill in his homo on Reed strcot with erysipelas. W. CRlloy of Springfield, spent Sunday with friends in town.

Mrs. Floronco Gilbert wont to Newark, N. Tuesday to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs.

Jnmes A. Hoadloy wont Friday to Wells Rivor, returning Satur-day. Mrs. Iiolcn Hamilton of Grafton is nt tho homo of O. F.

Bailey for tho winter. II. A. Stcbbins is ill in his homo on South Main street with sciatic rheumatism. Miss Sadio Benson of is homo tho holidays nt the homo of her mother, Mrs.

Ann Benson. Mrs. Floyd B. Johnson hns gone to Wilmington to spend tho holidays with her mother-in-law. Miss Constance Adams left Tuesday "ftornoon for Boston, whero sho will i-tuy two weeks with friends.

Mrs. John J. Eckels returned Saturday night from a visit of several weeks in Philadelphia and Buffalo. Benjamin A. Crown hns finished work for Shorey, tho photographer, and has begun work for J.

C. Howo in his studio. Charles V. Gilbert, who had been visiting in town with his mother, Mrs. A.

A. Smith, went Friday to Springfield, MasB. William H. Haigh caino Sunday evening from Cornwall-on-tho-Hudson, N. to spend two weeks at his home on Linden street.

H. R. Willey, foreman for tho contractors of the new federal building, will go to Washington, D. todny to tpond Christmas. Miss Eloiso Sanders, teacher in the Chaso street primary school, is ill and Mrs.

F. I. Swift is substituting for hor at tho school. Miss Ruth Brown, teacher at Low-villo, N. will conic this week to npend the Christmas vacation at her homo on High street.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Mitchell left Wednesday for Mrs. Mitchell's former homo in South Windham, to stay till after Christmas.

Mrs. Jennio M. White left Tuesday for Plainfield, N. to spend tho holidays with her children, Harry K. White Miss Elizabeth White.

Mtb. C. S. Pratt and mothor, Mrs. J.

T. Royce, will leave Monday for -Minneapolis, where they will spend a part of the winter. Miss Ethel Goodale, who teaches school in Springfield, came to her home in town Thursday to visit through the Christmas Vacation. John Garrity of Rochester, N. and Miss Elizabeth Garrity of New York city will come today, to spend tho holidays at their home in' town.

Stanley Wilson of tho University of Vermont came homo Wednesday to spend the holidays in town with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. JS. U. Wilson.

Mrs. A. K. Tato of Westminster hns been visitinc Mrs. M.

A. EvanB of 19 Canal -'(rtrcct tho past week and attend ing the Chnpman'Alexander meetings. Patterson of Exoter, lv IL, has1 been visiting in town n' few 'lays with' her fnthcr, D. II. Patterson.

Hho went to- Putnoy Thursday to spond Christmas with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. H. C.

Shaw and child left Wednesday for Portlnnd, to spend the holidays. Mr. Shaw will remain a week and Mrs. Shaw nnd child will be there two weeks or more. Mr.

and Mrs. E. O. Burton of Clinton, Dr. and Mrs.

Park R. Hoyt and Park, of Lnconln, N. IL, and Lucien Howo of Boston will be Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. John O.

Howo. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke C. Fitts, Mr.

and Mrs. Charles A. Boyden and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T.

Brittan wero in Springfield, Tuesday to attend the concert by the Boston Symphony orchestra. Frederick L. Houghton, secretary of tho Holstein-Friesian Association of America and George F. Gregory of Dum-nlerston, president of the Vermont Hol-i-toin-Friesran club, returned Saturday from Now York. Frederick Holbrook and family of Boston arid Miss Mary Cabot, who has been spending several weeks in that city, arrived Wednesday to jpend Christmas at Mr.

Holbrook 's summer home, Naulahka. Leonard Wheeler visited Saturduy Attorney and Mrs. II, E. Eddy on his way from Providence, R. whero he Is attending the Moses Brown preparatory school, to his homo in Wardsboro to spend tho vacation.

Mrs. William Heard and daughter. Blnncho, who had been visiting at her homo in Newport, aro guests for a fow days of thoir aunt, Mrs. A. D.

Reynolds, They will go nekt week to Manchester, N. H. to make their Mrs. Nollio Leahy and three children of Keene were in town Friday to nttend tho funeral of Mrs. Mary Toomoy.

Mrs. Anna Mueller and William E. Martin, both of Boston, also were hero to attond tho funeral, returning to Boston Friday night. Mr. and Mrs.

Stewart Brown and daughter, Marjorie, are expected to spend the holidays with his paronts, Mr, nnd Mrs. H. F. Brown, Mrw. Brown's sister, Miss Emily Brown of Boston also will bo a guest there Christmas.

Miss Vina E. Jillson of South Ver-uon, who is homo from Middlcbury college for tho Christmas vacation, and Miss Edna Orr of Pawtucket, R. wero guests in tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. W.

Gilbert of Williston street tho first of tho week. Mr. and Mrs. C. B.

Lamson left for Springfield, where they visited friends until Tuosdny, whon they went to Philadelphia to visit their son, Rov Guy C. Lamson and family until after Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Lamson will go from thoro to Orlando, Florida, to Bpcnd tho, rest of tho winter.

William A. Mooro came Friday from Middlotown, where ho" is attending Wesloyati university, to Bpend tho Christmas holidnys with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. L.

Moore. Mrs, Mooro nnd daughter, Dorothy, of Mont-pelior, also aro guests thero. Mrs. Mooro is matron of North hull at Montpelier seminary. 1915.

BRATTLEBORO JPERSONAL. II. E. mitney and son, Orlln, wero in Boston yestefday on business. D.

Brosnnhan of New York will be a visitor in town over tho holidnys. Miss Jennio wm 8pcn(1 hcr Christmas at home fn Warren, Mnss. Charles Barrio will visit relatives in Auburndalo, ovcr tho holidays. Miss Matilda t'llory has returned from a visit with friends in Concord, N. H.

Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Aiken of Orange, will spend Christmas with Frcti Bottorley.

Frank Mnllory will visit his family at his homo In Providenco, R. over tho wcok end. Mrs. D. G.

Huntley 0f Stanstcad, is visiting here with her daughter-Mrs. W. R. Noyci. 6 1 Miss Mary Bane went Tuesday to hor homo in Lewiston, to spend tho holidays with.

her parents. Mrs. Grace K.l'oak and son, Kinson, went todny to New York, where thev will be guests of Mrs. Charles IL Clark until after New Year's. Mr and Mrs.

Kobert Sticknev and daughter, Dorothy, 0f Melrose, aro in town to spend the holidays with his mother, Mrs. H. Barber. Miss Bessie L. Farnum wont this morning to Worcester, to spond Christmas with her brother and wife, Mr.

antl Mrs. John A Fnrnum. Among tho college students at homo for tho holidays are Paul Chase, Roger Brackett, Jacob Kstcy from Amherst; Miss Marguerite White, Smith; Ray Sanders, Verne Adams, Raymond Adams, Raymond Iirown, Stanley Wilson, Clyde Horton. University of Vermont; Harold Staples, Robert Fitts, Harvard Law School; Miss Rosabel Miller, Mount Holyoke; Miss Marion Boom, Simmons college; Miss Paulino iishor nnd Snnfonl Smith, Pratt Institute; Miss Ruth Boom, Burdctto business college; Miss Lillian Lawton, Lascll; Richard Crosbv, Vermont acad-' emy; Ralph Root, Massachusetts Col-lege of Pharmncy; Laurcnco Sherman, Appleton Miles, Fitts, Dartmouth; Miss Marjorie Lench, Middle-bury; Mason Sharp, Y. M.

C. A. col-lego at SpringficM, Miss Ruth Prentiss, Skidmorp School of Art; Morrill Haskell, Philip Putman, Norwich university; Miss Jancttc Smith, Sargent School oi Physical Culture; Miss Carolyn Dart wolf, Miss Grace Leach, Fitehburg normal school; Miss Gertrudo Plummer, Hadeliffc POSTOFFICE AND STORE BURNED, Loss at Westford Estimated at $12,000 Shift of Wind Aided Volunteer Firemen. Fire Dec. 10 destroyed nn Main street, Westford, occupied as a liuaiuiiu-u general merchandise store Of E.

B. Dominique, with an estimated loss of. $12,000. The ontiro contents of the building, together with large, woll-fillcd storehouse on tlm was burned. Anothtr storehouse near by, owned by L.

Hopkins, containing quantity of screen doors and othor waj destroyed. There is nmplo insurance tho store will bo re ib mit. Postmaster Dominique had taken his supply of stnmps, money and records home with him whon he "closed tho office Wednesday night, so these were saved. CHRISTMAS WORK BY PUPILS. Exhibition in Ninth Grade Boom Was Surprising and Attractive Wide Va riety of Articles.

An exhibition of Christmas work of tho childron of th rades of tho mil: lie schools in the ninth gin do room of the Main street Ijuilding Monday af ternoon proved an attraction for many parents in spite the busy season in most households, only was it an attraction, but extent and variety of the accomplish! wnts of the childron was a surprise to ananv, Thero were littld napkin rings of raf- (la, paper ehimnev fi each with its San ta Claus, antl oilier articles from the smnllost and yo urjgcst children in tho schools. Then be; were gay paper en-ns, basketry work, a velopcs, pin cushii notable exhibit on hook binding, somo especially attrac ivo stoncil work. vooden hat stanjs, plant stands and some enameled baskets and travs equal to similar articles sold in tho stores for fnncv ipices. The exhibit iou was hi charge of Benedict, supervisor Miss Marguerite of drawing antl ipanual training. LED ON SACH STRING.

Team Dofeatedl Team of Masonic League 1 1 28S to 1,230. Team of tie Masonic bowling leaguo dofeatcil by a score of 1," mm night io Tho winning team won the fi st i string by 12 pins lead with each of nnd addod to th tho two followiffr '(T strings. II. Busby 'O had hich Hircn. with a total of string total and fracy's 101 was high single Tho seorfs Warn P.

Jordan, A. Chase, Tracy, March, Clark, Totals, Cain, Hall, Winchester, Jones, 71 80 81 90 83 239 87 201 90 92 263 78 252 101 82 87 87 87 130 420 4321288 am R. 815 78 70 213 77 74 75 220 84 78 77 239 78 96 79 253 03 01 91 275 118 417 4011236 Busby, IL, Totals, West Virgin!" llQ-t thft liirrr.ut nlTi. clnl. Governor i three, Secretary aiold stnnds six foot 7 State Reed is six feet two and CPIrmnn Lakin, of tho "uuiu 01 i-umiv'i six two nnd three- quartors, A millionaire Oklahoma reach 'a ihn fi V.

exposition rooe1 v. A' I initios II With ihlviv Mill. dren rrom the Nol farm, whoro ho I nnmnlA. sheltered 500. rnt rl "or uuucoivrn Tho children t4ok with on j.

bin. 1.. ttiPV uL. 1 i' rMwim Illl.ll JUDGE HOLDS MORTGAGE VALID. Trusteo in Kayo Bankruptcy Estato Claimed It Was Fraudulent Argu-monts Made In Other Cases.

Tho session of tho United States district court which opened in the municipal court room Tuesday morning, Judge Hnrland B. Howo of St. Johnsbury presiding, was concluded Wednesday morning. Much of tho time the first day was taken up in hearing the evidenco in tho case of Luther Kayo, who failed recently. Tho trustee, Frank P.

Well-man, secured a restraining order from tho court to prevent the salo of tho stock on the ground that a mortgage for $2,000 which was given by the bankrupt to his brother, George, nnd wns recorded, was fraudulent. After hearing tho evidence and the arguments, in which Attorneys F. E. Barber nnd A. F.

Scbwcnk appeared for tho trustee and Attorneys Chase Chase for tho bankrupt, the court held that the mortgage was valid and dissolved tho restraining order. Tho William C. Davis bankruptcy case, as Bellows Falls case, was heard late yesterday. Attorney Hermon E. Eddy, as trusteo for Davis, sought to have brought into the estato tho real estate antl $1,000 which tho bankrupt received by will from Chauncey Hunt.

Attorney F. E. Barber appeared for tho trustee and claimed that tho property mentioned was a vested remainder. Attorney Warner R. Graham of Bellows Falls, who represented tho bankrupt, argued that tho property was not a vested remainder of the estate.

No decision was given. Arguments were -mado Wednesday morning in the old case of George Tudor against Kenneth Mudgctt. Attorney F. E. Barber appeared for Tudor and C.

S. Chase and W. R. Daley for Ken-neth Mudgctt. Briefs aro to be filod in the case.

SOLDIERS' MONUMENT BLOCKS. WiU Be Cut at Grant Granite Works Before Being Taken to Newfano Unveiling on Memorial Day. The Grant Grnnitc Co. has unloaded several of the largo blocks of granite shipped from tlio West Dummerston qunrries, to bo used as part of tlio soldiers' monument to bo erected in Newfano. They will bo cut at tho Ornnt works on tho island before being shipped to Ncwfane.

The two larger blocks weigh from six to seven tona each. It is planned to havo the unveiling of the monument take place on Memorial day of the coming year. Tho granite part will be about seven feet high and thero will be a bronze image of a soldier about the same height. DECREE IN SHIPMAN CASE. OhanceUor Fish Makes Decision in Foreclosure Proceedings.

Chancellor F. L. Fish' hns handed down a decree in tho foreclosure pro ceedings of Albert J. Smith of Hins dale, N. IL, against tho estato of James W.

Shipman Of Vernon, Ezra Shipman administrator, and Henry J. Field of Greenfield, Moss. Mr. Smith holds a first mortgage of $5,000 on tho Vernon property and Henry J. iield holds a second mortgage of The decree orders that the decree of forcloure may pass as ot uec.

li with tho provision that the sum of $1,000 with costs and all accrued interest bo paid within two months of thnt date and the balance within one year from the date of the decreo by tho estato of the lata J. S. Shipman. In case of failure of tho estato to comply with decree 30 days are allowed Henry J. Field in which to redeem tho mortgage deed, otherwise the property reverts to tho orator.

State department ollicials havo de cided that Gen. Villa will receive the asylum accorded a political refugee should ho enter the United States. This decision was sent Sunday to Gen. Funs-ton by the war department for trans mission to ilia or his representative. btato department agents had roport- od that alleged intermediaries had requested Villa's immunity from arrest, caving that if this was given they believed Villa would abandon the fight ngainst Cnrranzn and retire to private lifo in the United States.

Tho state department does not conceal its desiro to havo Villa eliminated. Without him the revolution in the north will cer tainly fall, officials believe. YOUR STOMACH CLOGGED WITH WASTE? Wilfred F. Root Guarantees to Return tho Money if Mi-o-na Does Not Rc-liovu You. 'tTt'tj tilnn.mire tn sell mpdicinn i-iion tiiv iMiHtnmnrH como in and teil'me how much good it has done them." said Wilfred P.

Hoot, tho popu lar druggist, to a Brattlcboro man, "and that is why 1 line to sen ami recommend Mi-6-na, the dyspepsia remedy. I have so much faith in this that I am going to guarnnteo in tlm future, anil will return the money to any purchaser of Mi-o-nn whom it does not help. That may seem .0.1, mv I'lutnini'rs havn said so many goed words in its favor that I not expect to navo many pacnages turned. Anvnnn who hns llvSPODSin. wllOSt) food does not digest we'll, -nnd who has 0 take thought as to wnat ne can eat, nd when, can leave 50 cents deposit 'at mv store and take homo box ot Mi-o-na and if the remedy docs not regulate his digestion and help tho dyspepsia ho can withdraw his money." This shows great talth in tho merit xri.n.nn.

Tt is really a most un usual medicine and tho rapid incrcaso sales since winreti nout uiiro-uccd it iu Brnttlcboro shows that it Iocs all that it is claimed to do re- rpfiul.llos flln-psHnii irau-i "i i'v i --n and enables thoso who use it to eat just whnt they want wun no icar 01 irnu bin after..

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