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Vermont Phoenix from Brattleboro, Vermont • Page 6

Vermont Phoenixi
Brattleboro, Vermont
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE VERMONT PIICENIX; FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1915. simonas Tfe iest Days of the Whole Year at Houghton Eight Days of Joyous Anticipation, Then the Day of Delightful Realization! in this expressing good service Six clays more for Christmas shopping! Everybody has caught the spirit of good-will. You simply can't escape it nor does anyone want to escape it. There's a real, even if undefinable, pleasure Christmas preparation and anticipation. Folks do not buy gifts to be in the fashion, but as an outlet of genuine good-cheer, a real expression from the heart.

Christmas gives to many an excuse for feelings ot atiection or iriencismp, wmch are repressed by conventionality at other times, unnstmas maites tne worm Deuer. al urma us greui, piesauic ui uusmwa, uuo x.u.rt repressed by conventionality Bring your gift list today. Forenoon shopping is easiest. GlOVeS The Gift of Use and Economy Tho largest assortment of Gloves for your Christmas gift choosing wo havo ever assombled. The best imported gloves.

Gloves of tho right kind, tho kind you'll find here, solve many a gift problem always welcome and acceptable. Milady never has too many pairs. Shopping by Mail Distance from ii no hindrance to your Bharlne In the special benefits of our Christmas advertising Send your wishes by mail or rail uion the telephone. Your purchases are shipped to you promptly, the same day your order Is received here. Bandfterchiefs for Men, Women and Children We started planning months ago to placebcforc you the most wonderful handkerchief stocks from the value standpoint-we ever announced for the holidays-and have succeeded.

Not unreliable holiday offer-ings, for we do not carry that kind-hut finest quality impo ted handkerchiefs-secured before prices advanced. Thousands of thcm-nll styles-all slzes-for all ntfa-ot all prices-plain, pure linen newest ideas in initials-daintiest of dainty cfrccls in fine hand-cmbroidercd, hand-hcmstitched Appenzell nil exclusive designs some snccial holidav boxen, too. i.ii nimiimMirmrmiiniT A Word to Those Who Will Malle Furs The Gift You'll find notable values here. We're justified in claiming supremacy" in fur values, because we saw tho present marked conditions "in time." Everything new and desirable is here. Open Evening's Commencing Saturday, Dec.

18, the store will be open evenings on all business days until Christmas. Closed all day December 25. NORTHFIELD, MASS. Eccoption to Eov. and Mrs.

Pattison. In spite of tho hiM Tuesday eveninp fully .100 nttended the reception given to Kev. ami Mis. Fnincis Wayland Pattison in the Congrcgation-al church. It was Riven under tho management of the social committee, of tlio church, of which -Mrs.

Smith is chairman. Tho vestry was made into beautiful drawing room the addition of homo furnishings n'nd decoia-Hons of hemlock boughs, of evergreen, red barberries and red carnations in profusion. Itecciving with Kev. and Mrs. Pattison were tho trustees of the church nml several other officers.

Tho deacons acted as ushers and the deaconesses welcomed tho guests. A pleasing program of piano and violin solos was rendered and refreshments of ice-croam uml cako. woro sorvcil. A pleasant surprise of the evening was tho singing of carols by a chords Of 75 students from Xortlifleld seminary outside. They were invited in to enjoy tho refreshments.

Mrs. Pattison was presented white roses. Committee Will Lay Out Firo District. A special town meeting was held in tho town hall Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock to hear the reports of tho committees appointed at a previous meeting. The committees to investigate tho making of a now contract for street lighting reported, but no action will be taken until tho annual town meeting.

Tho committee on water supply made a report of investigations of other towns, but no action was taken. T. 11. Callender, Dr. X.

P. Wood and C. L. Robbing were appointed a committee to lay out a fire district and $200 was appropriated for this purpose. The meeting adjourned until 2 o'clock of the second Monday in January.

There wore few voters out. Mrs. Lois L. Chafer. Mrs.

Lois I.omira Chafer died in the heme cf her son, Rev. Lewis S. Chafer, in Montclair, X. Dec. .1.

Mrs. Chafer was tho widow of Itcv. Thomas Chafer, who died at Rock Creek, Cv, in 18S2. Her body was taken there for burial Dec. 0.

Mrs Chafer leaves two other (hildrcn, Rev. Rollen T. Chafer of Columbia, S. and Mrs, O. A.

Prince of fJaxtons River, Yt. She was a member of the Congregational church of thii town ami highly icspected by all win met her in the' years that Northflel.l was her home. Rev. H. W.

Coo preached in Newark, last Sunday. Mits Minnie Warden has go no to Orange for the winter. Miss Asoneth Landis will go 'to hor home in Cataumet this week for the Christmas vacation. Tho seminary students who remain hero for tho Christmas vacation will hoard at tho Northfield hotel. Mrs.

A. Louis I'arquetto arrived from Los Angeles, Friday and is a guest of hor cousin, Mrs. Xewton Kcet. Haskell llolton left Monday, accompanied by his niece, Miss Hortlm llolton, to spend the winter in California. Mrs.

Klizohoth Thomas and daughter, AFTER THE GRIPPE Vinol Eestorod Her Strength Canton.Miss. "I nm75yearsold and became very weak and feoDlo from tho effecta of La Grippe, but Vinol ha3 done me world of good. It has cured my cough, built up my strength so I feel nctivo and well again." Mrs. Lizzie Baldwin, Canton, Miss. Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic without oil, aids digestion, enriches tho blood and crentea strength.

Unequalled for chronic coughs, colds or bronchitis. Your money back if it fails. Wilfred F. Root, Druggist, Brattle-boro, Vt. Vinol is sold in Hinsdnlo, N.

1L, by Mark S. Mann, Druggist. who made their home in Xortlifleld about 15 vears, have moved to Boston. Mrs. Emily Hale and granddaughter, Miss Adolino Yath, of Springfield are guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Richard Strat-t on. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Smith left Saturday to spend tho winter with their son, "Prof.

George Smith, in Vonkcrs, X. Y. Mr. R. H.

Philbrick gave a luncheon in tho Xortlifleld Hotel in honor of hor recent guest, Miss Grace Kerns of Xew York. On Monday tho Y. M. C. A.

of Mount Hcrmon gave a reception to tho 4(i now students who havo just entered the winter term. Kthcl Proctor spent the wools-end with her sister, Miss Gertrude Proctor. She is a student in tho Kceno, X. normal school. Tho freshman class of the high school will give a reception to tho faculty and other clashes of trhc school Saturday evening in Library' hall.

The junior class of Xortlifleld semin ary gave un informal reception to Rev. nnd Mrs. Francis Wayland Pattison Thursday afternoon, Dec. t). A large delegation is planning to go to Brattlcboro for the services Piiday of this week from the Congregational society.

Dr. X. P. Wood, worshipful master of Harmony lodge of Masons attended the annual meeting of the grand lodge of Massachusetts in Bcston Wednesdnv, Dec. 8.

F. C. Brilton left Sunday for a trip to Chicago and the West. Airs. Britton will spend tho time with her mother, Mrs.

Otis Greonleaf, on Xortlifleld Mountain. Rev. F. W. Pattison keeps office hours in the Congregational parisli house each Tuesday afternoon from .1 to 'clock for any who may wish to sco him upon any subject.

President Marion L. Burton of Smith college was the preacher Sunday morning at Mount Hcrmon. In the evening Rev. Francis W. Pattison of Fast Xortlifleld pleached.

The Dickcrson Scientific club of Mount Herinon will have an open meeting Saturday evening anil Lester I. Dygert, teacher in the vocational school of Springfield, will lecture. After the, regular drill of the Boys' Brigade Friday night a game of basket-bull was played between a team from Turners Falls and the Brigade team. The score was to 7 in favor of the home boys. Mrs.

Isabel McGrnth will return from Betsey Moody hospital this week nnd open her house. Hor son, Harold, will come from Wesloyau university. Kil- ward from Boston and Miss Laura for the Christmas vacation. Rev. .7.

Wilbur Chapman nnd Charles M. Alexander nml party were not able to hold services at Xortlifleld seininnrv and Mt. Hornion school Tuesday, on account of tho bad condition of the roads, owing to tho blizzard tho night uoiore. Tho Christmas exercises in the Uni tarian church will bo on Thursday evening, Dec. 2.1.

Thero will bo a play, tree and othor exercises. A Christmas tree and exorcises wore held in thn 'Harbor district Saturday evening tindor tho direction ol students lroni the seminary. Mrs. Frank Harness is tho nowiy-elected secretary of tho Grange. Xo mooting of tho Grango was hold Friday evening, on account of tho small attendance.

Tho following aro in Springfield this wcok for tho stato Grango meeting: L. R. Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. Xowton Keot, Mr.

nnd Mrs. H. M. Bristol, Mrs. Frnnk Harness.

Mrs. F. B. Estnbrook. Xows has eomo of tho dcatii of Mrs.

George C. Noedlmin in tho homu of hor son, Albert, in Xarberth, a few days ago. Kho leaves another son, Alfred of Manchester, Mass. Mrs. Xcodliam was a woman of much charm und literary ability.

Sho wroto sovorul roligious books and for periodicals. Rev. Mr. Xcedham died soon after tho family moved from Xortlifleld, several yours ago. Extensive preparations are being made for tho Christinas pageant to bo given in the Congregational cluirca Thursday evening, Dec.

211, at 7 o'clock. There aro 40 members of the Sunday school in the pageant. It is to ho on a large platform, with a background, in color, of tho town of Bethlehem. Tho costumes will bo true to timo of the birth of Christ. There is to bo excellent Christinas music.

Everybody is invited on this occasion. Russell Sago chapel was filled Sundnv evening for tho annual Christmas concert. This concert was under tho direction of the music department of Xortlifleld seminary. Tho vesper choir of about 75 voices rendered Christinas carols by old English, German and Flemish composers. They were aeconi- panicd by the organ, played by Mifi4 Tillinghast, Miss Haight, pianist, ami seven violiuists.

President Burton of Smith college gave on Tho Severity of' Jesus. I The services in the Congregational chVrrh woro omitted and all attended this laiy HINSDALE, N. H. Only 12 Local Hunters Get Doer. The ilccr season closed officially In the annual mcetintr of tho Sonfof Veterans' auxiliary Thursday cvenhg.

Dee. 1, the following ofllcers vcie elected: President, Miss Gertrude Ball; vice president, Mrs. Oracie Slate: trustees, Mrs. Gracio Slate, Mrs. Bcssi Severance, Miss Gertrude Proctor; tec-' rotary, Mrs.

Maude Cummings; treasurer, Mrs. Myrtlo Doanc; chaplain, Mrs Bessie Severance; guide, Miss Gertrudi Proctor; assistant guide, Mrs. Amur Irish; patriotic instructor, Mrs. Nellie Irish; color guards, Mrs. Meda Holton Mrs.

Margaret Lavelle; insido guard Mrs. Kate Fowler; outside guard, Mrf Georgianna Smith. i Wcduclav, but the deer hunters nre almo'si unanimous that "Old Man Winter uartlicinlly closed the season with the storm Monday although a few of tie ilved-in-the-wool hunters ven tured nut Tuesday and edncsday, but with no success, owing to the unusual di'pth of snow. The season is probably the unsuccessful locally thus far oxp6riMi ed, only 12 deer being killed, the 'Fiwssful hunters already having been t.srued, except Erving Smith, who shot fine 10-point buck Wednesdnv Xo definite estimate can be nui lo as to tho number of deer hcre-ii'iouK owing to tho varied reports of Iho Ivuiters, but it is safo to say that l.nt'A tint liiwn i'- I are Wijifrr in every place. These con ditions aro duo, many think, to the interior.

d.igs which have pursued tliese ntumnis all the tall with considerable activity. was a guest several days last week of Mrs. F. W. Jeffords.

Mrs. William Duggnn underwent an operation in the Melrose hospital in Brattlcboro SaturdaJ-. Mrs. Henry Dickcrman nnd daughter, Sylvia, spent Wednesday with Mrs. l-esler C'latko in Brattlcboro.

Mrs. Willis Stearns is entertaining her sister, Mrs. James R. Rackliffe, nnd son of Waterloo, Iowa. Miss Myrtio Safford of Kceno spent a few days in town last week as a guest of Mrs.

Charles Safford. Mrs. Ed. Carey and children of New York arc guests in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

G. S. Howe. Park W. Fisher of Kentucky will give a baioptican lccturo on Mountain Whites in tho Congregational church Sunday evening.

A balanco of approximately from tho sum of appropriated for repair work on tho town hall will bo used for painting and decorating tho. The lake is frozen over and the ice is of sufficient thickness in the coves About the only consolation the hunters to permit the fishermen to try their linve now is that owing to tho small luck, which might be said to bo usually umnliir killed this year tho hunting an endurance test of patience and cold to better than ordinary next year weather. ihat tho season has been, as al- Wallace Thavcr observed his 00th wnvs wholly devoid of accidents. The birthday anniversary Friday and dur-laigcft deer sccurod in this section of the (ay manv rionils called to cx-the ounty, so far ns known, was a tclul ))Cst wishes' and hearty congrntu-buck with 14-pomt antlers, killed by ations Ho received many cards and nel Dudley in Winchester, GUILFORD. Miss Xoriua Reed, who lias been ill.

is improving. Mrs. Hooker Winchester visited hor mother, Mrs. Ballou, over Sunday in Xewfane. Mrs.

George Fisher of Dummorston and Mrs. George Houghton of West nrtittleiioi'o were cuests over holiday and Monday of Mrs. Sanford A. Smith. Robert Coombs hns his now building up ono story.

It will bo 75 feet long by .10 feet wide, two stories high. Mr. Coombs has spent time and money in masting out the cellar, which has rock bottom. There will be a Christmas tree in the Andrews district school Saturday even ing, Dec. IS, arranged by M.

H. Willis, tho teacher, and pupils! The parents and others nre invited. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Whittemore, MY.

and Mrs. Arthur Beals, Mr. and Mrs. lames Whittomoie, Mr. and Mis.

Clyde Coombs, Mr. nnd Mrs, Leo Sharron, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ryder and Mr. and Mrs.

Kenneth Fafiiiuit attended the Fnitnri-an fair and dauco in Berunrdston last Friday evening, going by automobiles. Tho supper and Christmas sale hejil by tho Ladies' Aid society in the home of tho Misses Hill last "week was success in every way nnd netted tho society Tho ladies feel very grateful to all thoso who helped to ninko it a success, also to Abbott Richmond of Brattlcboro, who sang soveral songs, and to Mr. and Mrs. Loo Sharron and Mrs. Arthur Beals, who sang several selections.

GUILFORD CENTER. Tho Gnuigo meeting will bo hold Dec. 22 instead of Dec. Kl.wtirm ofllcers will take place. Mr.

and Mrs. James Whittenioro aro attending the stato Grange meeting at Burlington this week, Mrs. Phala Ingraham, who has boon ill, is confined to hor bed and under tho euro of a nurse. Mr. and Mrs.

W. C. Bnkor attended tho funernl of Mrs. Baker's undo in Erving, last week Thursday. Daniel Lyon will start Friday for Kentucky.

Ho will visit in Xew York and in other places on tho way. Mrs. E. Legato Is visiting hor sister, Mrs. Lena Barrett, in Brattlo-boro this Week.

Mrs. Cotton Mather of West Brattlcboro is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. W. Holden, who is not so well this week.

"For tho land's sake use Bowker's Fertilizers. They enrich tho earth and those who till it." Bigclow Gift to Library. The gift of books from Charles Bigclow to tho public library includes the following: A De Luxe edition of The World's Best Literature, 40 volumes; Encvcl'ipnedia of Textile Work, soven volume-: nine volumes of the International Correspondence School Library, including volumes upon drawing, elc-tricitv, mathematics, iiieclianii telegraphy, iic; Mtssages ami Papers of tho Pi cedents, 12 volumes; of Chemistry, two volumes; Dictionaiv of Mechanics, two volumes; geoiogiciii books, a geological atlas, topographical maps, including the Brat-tleboro cud Kceno quadrangles; huge number of textile works; a plnnispheie showing a plan of the heavens at any hour during any day in tho year. The books number about 120. Many of these books are beautifully hound and so expensive that the library could not have afforded to havo purchased them, yet thev nre a most welcome addition as main- of them deal with subjects not befo'ie well covered.

It was Mr. Bige-lowV wish that his name be withheld, but the library committee feci that the public should know to whom they nre indebted for so valuable a gift. Mrs L. Todd was in Kecno Wednesday. E.

C. Robertson is in Troy and Utica, X. this week. Miss Mabel Piko was at homo Sunday from Hollows Falls, Vt. l'renti-s W.

Taylor was in Manchester one day last wcok. Mrs. Charles Davis has boen visiting in Winchester soveral days. Mrs Nicholas Smith roturnod to hor honio'ia California this" woek. Mrs.

i1. M. Tillinghast returned Friday to her hojno in Providence, R. 1. Miss Linnell of Leominster, rocon t'ly visited Mr.

and Mrs. J. M. Lamb. Mrs.

L. H. Pavonport spent last week- with her daughter Mrs. noy iiiyior in Keono. Mr and Mrs.

Carl Sargcant of Boston wcro guests of relatives in town Sunday. C. A Fisher of Glaromont was a guest ovor Sunday of his brother, A. F. Fisher.

Mrs. W. J. 0- Va Boston is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

J. O. McCauglioni. Mies Flora M.orin has gono to West Swnnzcy, whoro she hns a position in a drygoods store. Mrs.

K. 0. Robertson and Mrs. F. W.

JetTonis were in Springfield, ono day Inst week. Miss Marion Tynian of Windsor, remembrances, including a substantial sum of money. Xnomi chapter, 0. E. elected the vfollowing officers Monday evening: Worthy matron, Mndelon Taylor; worthy patron, F.

H. Cole; secretary, Mabei Temple; treasurer, Mrs. J. M. Lamb; associato matron, Mrs.

II. W. Taylor; coitductress, Mabcllo Lang; associate conductress, Cora B. Dexter; representative to tho grand chapter, Cora B. Dexter.

Xo serious inconvenience was felt hcte by reason of the big snowfall, which measured 14 inches in the village and from 1(! to IS inches on tho hills. The passenger trains on the Ashuelot branch were inn according to schedule, but made unccitiiin connections with other trains. Tiavel on the highways is rather slow as yet anil many think that a miow roller would be a good investment for the town. Friends and relatives of tho late dipt. Charles P.

Hall of Shclbuine Falls will note with interest that the fine at the high tichool was at half mast during the thiee days that the body l.ud state and that about 40 of his founer pupils in this town combined to contribute a handsome wreath of flowors ns a final tributo of love and esteem for the first piincipal of the local high hchool. A huge number from this town attended the funeral. A pleasant and profitable afternoon was spent Tuesday by the Woman's club at the home of Mrs. F. II.

tole. iho tonic was social Conditions. Interesting papers on Dependents, the Failures of Society; De fectives, the Burden of Society; Ciiminals, tho Monaco of Society, and Schools, tho Hope of society, were given by Mrs Leonard, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Bailey and Mrs Cole, respectively.

Dec. 2S will be ob served by tho club as guest night nt Fay'B hall. Tho leading fcatiiro of tho occasion will ho an address on Tho Philosophy of tho Jvuiopean uoniiict py jfov. .1. Soward, D.

D. of Keono. WEST GUILFORD. Baptist church, Rov. William Robinson, pastor.

Morning worship at 11. Sundny school et noon. A number from this place attended tho Cliapmaii-Alexnnder meetings Sunday in Brattlcboro morning and evening'. Mrs. Daniels of Barton, who has been keeping houso for James Graves, bus finished there.

Sho went to her home Tuesday, Thoro will bo a Christmas treo in tho Baptist church next week Saturday evening, nlso an entertainment by tho children. SOUTH VERNON. The Homo nnd Foreign Missionary society with tho Young Women's auxiliary society will hold a social nnd salo in Johnson hall this week Thursday afternoon and evening. All are invited to attend. What Shall Get Him for Christmas? The spirit of Christmas season here is common sense in selecting suitable gifts for men and boys.

It don't matter what his age may be, buy the things which will not only please him but give good service. Check up this list and we'll be pleased to help you in your selections. A Suits Hats and Caps Overcoats Underwear Bath Robes Night Robes Neckwear Pajamas Arrow Shirts Sweaters Flannel Shirts Hosiery Gloves Rain Coats Suspenders Dress Shirts Handkerchiefs Suit Cases, Bags Umbrellas Etc. Whatever you select we'll willingly exchange any time and a Merry Christmas to Everybody REMEMBER OUR MOTTO To Give Better Value for Your Money Than the Other Fellow AN CO FOSTER BESSE SYSTEM THE PHOTOGRAPHER An Appropriate Christmas Gift is hand painted portrait in a hand carved frame. We paint the portraits in our studio and have the frames.

103 Main Street. Formerly Wyatt's.

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