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Vermont Phoenix from Brattleboro, Vermont • Page 3

Vermont Phoenixi
Brattleboro, Vermont
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE VERMONT PHOENIX, BJRATTLEBORO, MARCH 14, 1873. DItATTLEDOllO 33tt0hlC00 Name, Rusiness and Ideation nftht leading JJusiness Houses in liraltleooro. Wet rati out fob nar.amcx. A-rlenltnril Implomviat. O.

y. THOMPSON fc WIlll.ton'aBtonrlllool. WOJD tldllALL, Eicbaoije Block, Main Street. CLA11K FBAJiKB, llevere Uouee Block. Blucaianilthe.

ISAAC D. BAILEY, Elliot St. sand MtHllonrrs CHENEY CLAPP, 8 Crosby Block. W. FULTON Brook! Home.

J. BTKEN, FUher'e Block, Main Bl. F. 0. EDWARDS, 1 door north Amerlcin Home.

Uoota uml ftkuce. A. BOYNTON, Ma. shall OEOUOtt CUIXKH, 6 Flek'e Block. TUOMAS JUDGE, (Judtje'a Building) opp.

Am. lionet. Cttri. O. J.

PRATT, 1 Granite Bow. Ulioloi Family Groceries. CLA11K W1LLARD, 1 Brooke House. Celllei Hiid CaeUMa. 0.

BROWN, Merehell Eelerbruok'e Bl'k, Meln St. Contractor unit llullilcra. UIOLEY CUUItCII, Elliot Street. Crockery anil llluaa lViarr. U.

T. VAN DOOItN, 7 Crosby Block. Intlsla. 0. S.

CLA11K, CroBby Block, over Vt. National Bank, A. PETTEE, Flek'a Block. 0. 11.

POST, V.n.H., Junction llliih Green Htrecte. A. 1. PUTNAM, Crosby Block, third flour. Itlnlntr llooma.

COOPER FADIBOH, 6 Brooke Home. R. A. Vi EBUER, Main Street, oppve.te Rerere Homo. Been, Nia.h anil llllnila.

C. T. THOMPSON Wlllistou's Stone Block. CLARK FRANKS, U.vcre llouse Block. UIOLEY CUUUCU, (Manufacturer) Elliot Street.

Ikruirirlete. CLARK WIIXARD, 1 Brooka Uouee. lry Cluoria. P. BARROWS, Main Street, opposite Brooke Home.

O. PRATT, 1 Granite Block. jVeirlllUrra, 0. i TUOMPS WlUliton Stone Block, 'lour unit Urocrrlra. A.

0. DAVENPORT, 3 Crosby Block. E. T.UAYNES, Elliot Btreet. TAYLOR ft NOYES, Thompson ft Banger's Block.

C. r. THOMPSON ft WiUUtou'a btoue Block. Furniture. C.

It. BROWN, Marahall ft Ettcibrook'e at. Ueuerul H. B. SOULE, Itythcr'.

Block, Main Street. Italr JTetMvlry MRS. C. S. PERRY, Oreen Btreet, bouae from Dr.

Poat'e. llarilnarr, Iron anil Nirrl. CLARK ft FRANKS, Revere House Block O. F. THOMPSON ft Wllliiton'e Stone Block.

Harn-a Slakcra. I1EUSTIS BORN AP, Main Stri et. llata, C'uiaanil Fare, B. N. CHAMBERLAIN, 2 Brooka Houae.

H. li TAYLOR, 3 Union Block. II trie. BRATTLEBORO HOUSE, H. A.

Morey, Proprietor. Inmriuice Aernm. CAMPBELL ft CUDWORTH, Union Block. 15ENJ. R.

JENNE ft! Tbompeon ft Rauger'e Block. MOODY ft HOWE, SavlugeBank Block. Tevtellrra. THOMPSON ft RANGER. 1 Granite Row.

Jobbvia In Wood Work. Fit HER ft COOK, Weat Brattleboro. JLIirry und rlliir Mtablve. W. SMITH, rear Croabr Block.

L. U. CRANE, Canal Street. Marble) ITarlia. DDTTON ft KATIIAN, Bridge near R.

R. Depot. Market Gardener and C. E. ALLEN, Canal Street.

Meat Marketa. U. 11 AD LEY, Main Btreet. Mlllera and drain Ilealera. ESTEY, FROST ft Bridge Street.

Millinery and Fancy Clooda. MRS. T. AVERY, Crotby Block. O.

J. PRATT, 1 Granite Row. MRS. J. W.

WHITNEY, Brooke Houae. Oyetera. SC. F. BARNES, oppoaite American Uouae.

Paint and Olle. 0. F. THOMPSON ft Willlaton'a Stone Block. CLARK ft FRANKS, Rerere Home Block.

Paper and Window Hhadea. J. 8TEEN, Flaher'e Block, Main Street. M. T.

VAN DOORN, 7 Croeby Block. Pnotoirrapliera. D. A. HENRY, Cutler'e Block, Main Street.

C. L. UOWE, Union Block. Plumber. WM.

GOULD, Clark Street. Plknlnic FISHER ft COOK, Weat Brattleboro. D. J. LAMSON, Centrerille Road.

Heady Made Clothing. PRATT, WRIGUT ft 3 Granite Bow, Main Street. F. S. BRACKETT ft I 5 Granite Row.

Htencll Worka. P. M. SPENCER, Office 13 Crotby Block. Hiorea and Tin Ware.

WOOD ft MAUBUALL, Eicbange Block, Main Street. Undertaker. C. BROWN, Marahall ft Eaterbrook'e Block, Main it. II.

B. SOULE, Ryther'a Block, Main St. Uphol.terere. C. L.

BROWN, Marahall ft Kst-rbrook'a Block, Main at. Xnria-Mae. Babdbb, at B. R. Jknne'b, Green-8t.

NEWS ITEMS. Nevada lia adopted compulsory odu-catlon. Oakes Ame to havo a complimentary reception at tbo hand, of bis fellow citizens in Nortli Eastern Mass, on the 13th. A Connecticut Orm Is about to ship 700 boxes of clocks to the "Heathen Chinee." A terrible explosion In a cartridge factory near Paris, S.ittircla.v.lnjureil one hundred people, twelve fatally. The French Govern mont has already paid to Germany 3.500,000,000 francs on account of (he war indemnity, Rhode Island has very sensibly repealed Ihe law prohibiting marriages between white and colored persons.

A child was born a few days since at McICcansbtirg, which weighed only eljzbt ounces, and the local papers say It Is doing well. The City Council of Charlesten, S. bas invited President Grant to visit Charleston, and appomlod a committee to arrange the details of reception. Two German girls named Cornelia Chrlsentnn and Anneta Lawson were murdered on one of the Isle of Shoals on the night of the 6th by Lewis Wagner, who bas been arrestel. The murder was one of peculiar atrocity, and creates great excitement in the vicinity.

The chair occupied by President Grant previous to taking the oath of offlce on the 4th Is the same used by President Washington on the occasion of his tl rat In auguration. It belongs to a lady residing In Westchester county, Now York, Horace F. Clark, President of the Union Pacific railroad, makes the astounding declaration that that company Issues over three thousand free passes annually. The pro rata fare to San Francisco and ro- turn Is 112; so that these gratuities amount every year to nearly $500,000. Willis Williams of Islesboro', was out on the icn bunting soa-gulls, when an accidental discharge of his fowling piece wounded him so badly in the thigh that be could not walk.

He smeared bis dog's face with blood and told him to go home, which the sagacious animal did, and by signs and the blood alarmed the family, and tlioy fol lowed him to the place where the young man was lying. The wound was very so vers, but Williams Is likely to recover. The anticipated struggle at New Or leans between the two opposing factions bas at last come, and bloodshed is the re suit. Wednesday night the McKnery Leg islature took quiet possession of one police precinct, and endeavoied to take possession of another, tiring on the police. Tbo po lice returned the fire, and bringing a can non into requisition poured in a charge of grape among the mllltla men.

who ske daddled, leaving the police in possession of the Held. At this Juncture the United States troops orrlvod on the scene, and or der wai restored, One man la reported killed and sovoral wounded. St, Johnsbury li to havo a system of water works at an estimated cost of $150,. two. Special Xotlccfl.

Tito Confessions of nil Invalid Pnbllahed a warning and for the benefit of Young Men and otbera wba Buffer front Nervoue Complaints, Debility, Loea of Manhood, supplying the means of self-cure. Written by one who cured Ultnielf after undergoing cuuslderable quackery, and aentfre on receiving a post.pald directed envelope. Hufferera are Invited toaddroa the author, Nitiuk-1IL MairalR, Box 153, Klnga Y. TnT Tna Popular Rkmcdt for and all dleeaate of tLe throat and Weeka' Mania Compound. It relieve, andcuree with a.tonUhlng rapidity and corttlniy.

It truly woika uke Maytc. sola oy uruggieie. BATCHELOR'B HAIR DYE. Tbit eplendld Hair Tivn I. thn beit in tkt world.

The onlr True and Per feet Dye. ltarmleae, Reliable and Inatantaneonaj no disappointment; no rldlruloua time nr unplearant odor. Remediea the 111 effecte of bad dyea and wa.hea. Producea immidiatelt a auperu lack on natural nnowK, and leavea the hair cliax, to ft and aiArjii. ruL.

The genuine, algned W. A. Batcbelor. Bold by all Drugg.tta. CHAS.

DATCIIELOK, ff, Y. nX MAItlllAOE. Ilannr Relief for Yoani Hen from the electa of Er- rora and Abu.efl In early life. Manhood reatored. N.rvnua debilitv cured.

Impedimenta to arrlaffe re moved. New method of treatment. New and remarkable remediea. Book, and Circular, tent free. In aealed Addrei.

HOWARD ASSOCIATION No. iHoutn muiu ijjj WILL BE PAID To any Rheumatic aubject who after ulvlug jllLL'e KiiruUAT' to Pills a fair trial la not cured. AlanHlLL'al'lLlOlXT. mbnt. equally reliable for the Ire of Pile, and Iltugttoi Both articlt.

eMtreli vegetable, and Bate at all Wboletalc and Retail by I. N. Tuobh ft Brattleboro. Vt. Price 33 eta.

per bot. O. A. HILL, Frop'r, Portland, Me. JUI1K.

EVERY ONE UlH OWN DOOTOH-tieina ft nrlTitC luaitrui-tur fur itiirried perioni, or those tubr jiirrled. botti mKleftud female, lu rery thing concern Ju the pbjBioloRy and relation! of our teiuil ijetrni. jud tr Distdiicllou and rrt-veutlou of offspring. In. the uew dlscovrrUa uevcr before glvrn In tiu'liiincn untzuagf, oy iuujsu, v.

iuir-1 really a valuable Budtntvrcitlut' nork. It Uwiitteii In iUiu langutae fur the IrUlui trated with numerous Eiigrav.ogi. All )oudr married people or thoae conttmplatiug marriage, and LiaviUK tDo leaat Impediment to married life, ahoulu read thii book. It dUcloita Becreta that eety om hiiuld be acqualutcd with still It a book that muil hp locked up and not let lie about the houae. It will oc aent to any address on receipt of 00 centa.

Addrei Dr WM. YOUNU, No. 416 Spruce street, alove Fourth, rouaaeipuia. C-ZrAyKLICTED AND UNFORTUNATE No ma. ter what may be jour dlaeaae, Ltfore jou place your hp If under the care of any one of the QUACKS nathf ind furiign ho advertise lu this or any other paper, rfet a copy of Vt.

YouugVUoGk and re-id It carefully. It will he the moaiia Kavinj you many a dollar, you. health, and potbitlj your life. Dr. Ynuugcau tmenn tulted on any of Ihe dlieaaes deter bed In bis publica tlon by mail or at hi

No. 418 Siiruce street. ibore Fourth, I'hlUdelphla, Cm39 ONSUMPTION CAN HE CURIO). SCHENCK'S PULMONIC BYItUr, SCHENCK'S SEAWEEU TONIC, SCUENCK'S MANDRAKE 1ILL8, Are the only medicines that will cure Pulmonary Con ttumptiou. Bometlmea medicines that will stop a cough will often occasion the deatl of a patient.

It locks up th liver, stops the circulation of the blood, hemorrhagf follows, aud in fact, (loggiug the action of the very organs thatiauaed the cough. Liter complaint and are tbecauaesof two-thirds of the canes of coutumption. Many are now complaining with dull pain in the side, the bowels aumrtlmes costive aud sometimes too looie. too cut coated, pain in the shoulder blade, feeling sometimii very restless, and at other times drowsy; the food that Is taken lies heavily on the stomach, accompanied Aitb acidity and betchingof wind. Thete symptoms usually originate from a disordered condWoii of the stomach or a torpid liver.

Persons so affected, If they take on or two heavy cnlds, aud if the cough In then casea be suddenly stopptd. the lungs, liver and clop, and remain torpid and Inactive, and beforr the patient Is aware of bis situation, the lungs are a mass of sores, and ulcerated, and death Is the Inevitable result. Schenrk Pulmonic Syrup Is an eipectorant which does not contain any opium, nor anything calculated tochck a cough suddenly, Schenck's Heawprd Tonic dissolves the food, mlxri with the gastric juice of the stomach, digests easily, nourishes the sybtem, and creates a healthy circulation of the blood. When the bowels are costive, akin sallow, and the patient Is of a bilious habit, Schenck's uiuuraie i'uih are rcquiixu. ThesemedMues are prepared by Dr.

J. II SCHENCE SON, Northeast corner of Sixth and Arch streets, Philadelphia, Penn and for sale by GEO. C. GOODWIN 38 Hanover street, Boston, and JOHN F. IIF.NRY, 8 College place, New Yori, Wholesale Agents, or saie uy uruggisis generally.

DVT. In lilnndalee. N. 23. a to Mr.

and Mra. II. II. Day. DAVIS-SNOW.

In Brattleboro. March II. by Rev. N. Mlghill.

Mr. John U. Davie and Miaa Heater A. tinow. both of Dover.

MANSFIELD L8TABROOE. In Dummereton, March II, bj Rev. L. (1. Cbaae, Mr.

DaWd L. Mant-fleld, Superintendent of Schoula, and Mlaa C. Amy El tibrook, ill of Dummereton. K.NOWLTON BLAKE. At the residence of the bride', brother, J.

D. Blake,, In Rocbeatcr, March 1873, by Rev. W. C. Ri Elliott A.

ton and Ella R. Blake, both of lloche it for. merly of Windham county, Vermont. BLIES-llltlaaS In Jacksonville, March II, by Rev. II Eaatman, Frederick K.

Bllaa and Elvira A. Brigga, both of Whltlngham. Swamey, N. Feb. 8, bj Rev.

Charla Wllley, Mr. Charles A. Hewett of Chester. Held and Mlia Mary U. Ounn of tjwauzer.

nORTON Charlestnwn, N. March 5, byTRev. W. J. Croaley, J.

F. Horton, of Keene, and Miss Anna L. Wlghtman of Cbarleatown. PRATT. In West Brattleboro.

March 13. Minnie Bradford, daughter iff Ueurv II. and Martha T. Pratt. agel 3 mouth aud 20 da) s.

in ituiiioru, aiarcn s. iu uiock, aged t0 years, 6 months, 23 dajs. B1S3KLL In Vershlre. Orange ofloCam. mation and ougf ktlon of the lungs, Austin BlsselL, agod 85 years, formerly of Wardsboro, Vt.

Papers in Mass, ft uouui pitase copy, GLEARON. In Ward-Wn. March 7. of naralvsls. Jo.lah aged 63 years and II months, papers in vi, Aiass.

pitase notice, STEUBINS. In DrooUlue, Feb. S8, Mrs. Sarah Stebblns, aged BG years. CARPENTER In Monroe, Feb.

24, A W. Carpenter, Utnof Lejden, scd 50. Id Sjilt.nn River, Feb. 3a, of Unt fever, Mra.

Marian Falrbrother, aged 78 years and 10 months, OOCLD. Iu Wrstmln-ti Teb 12, Wealthy Gould, wife of II. C. Gould, aged GS. rAUii.

iu unariP.iovtD, rto. 26, imam c. Park, former of Woodford, Vt several times In the Vermont Leglilatnre, WF.EKS.-In Winchester. N. Marrh 12, Delia O.

Weekr), aged 20 years, 3 mouths. HILL. Tn eene. IT. Mirch 7.

wife of Aliernon II. Hill, ajed 27 jars. AYnon Orocers-sid JobutTi la FLOUR, LI MIC. OIL FERTILIZER. QUA.

l'l'XWJ30KO, VT. 25 Book Compositors Wanted, WHOM steady employment and" the highest wages will be paid, also Female compositors to whom constant ork will be given. Apply Immediately to RAND, AVERY fc 3 Corn hill Boston. 2wll A Paying Business Is offered to every energetic minor woman who wanta to make from jit) to 175 a werk. We want such agents, local and travelling, lu every city and town lu hew Enchnd.

For particulars, rail on or address, STETSON Boston, office over Qulncy Market. 4wll IESS0IS PIM0A0B6M MISS ELLA U. 8TEBBIN8, Of New Jersey, TXAVING taken up ber residence la Brattleboro, XX would trlve notice that abe la prepared to give leasoos on citiitr oi tue snove instruments, on reasonable terms, Batlifactory references gtven. Rooms at D. B.

BTEDMAN'S, Green street. tfll ILON DAVIDSON, ATTORNEY COUNSELLOR AT LAW, VT, Dec. 17, 187B. itl) GET THE BEST. Webster's Unabridged Dictionary.

10.000 Word and Meaning! nt in othtr Dicttona-risi. 3000 1840 Pigei Quarto. Price $12, fVA National Btandard. The authority in the Gov- SJaT" U'armtv auinmrnantaJ t. ll.n..nt ..11 BiKawaj ivuiuiui uul k( ajj OIUUUIIl Motley, Geo.

P. Marab, Ilalleck, Whit tier, WiUii, Bain, Kllbu Burrttt, Daniel WeUter, Itufus Choate. aud the best American and European acbolars. PubUshsd by O. A MKllUIiM, BpiJngfleld, Mass.

kuiu uy au aivoasnuers. REI'OIIT OF THE CONDITION 01' THE FIIIBT NATIONAL BANK OF at Draltlebnro, In tba Stat, of Vermont, at cloa. of business, Feb, 38, 1873. firsouncca. Txians Discount 291, 7B3 40 U.8.UondatoBeeureClrculatlon 300,000 00 II.

8. Uonili on haul 3.C0J 00 Due from Itedeemlng and He- eerve Agent. 1,6131 Cbecka Casta 3,111 18 Dills of National Dank 2,31100 Fractional Currency Nlckele 320 CO Coin, 1120 00 Legal Tender Note. 80,000 99 LumMTiia, Capital Stock paid In t.100,000 00 Surplus Fundi 31,000 00 1'ront I.OiH, 3,617 31 National Ilank Circulation, 303,670 00 Individual Depoaits 39 SXATP. O' VKIinitXT.) COUNT OF WINDHAM, B8.

S. M. WAITK, Cashier of the First National Hank of llrattleboro, do eolemulr awear tbat the abovo statement la true to the beat of my knowledge and belief, S. M. WAITE, Caahler.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this I2th dsy of March, 1873. C. K. FIELD, Justice of Peace. OonnccT Atteatl N.

n. TYLKIl, J. M. TYIXft, REPOUT OF THE CONDITION OF THE VERMONT NATIONAL DANK ATDHAT-TLtllOIlO, in the State of Vermont, at cloae of buai-nasi, Feb. 23, 187J.

nEsounCE. Loan, Dlacounta, 62 U.S.Bonda to aecure Circulation, 00 C.U.Uondas:Secuiltl'Bou band (0,00000 Other Stocks, Honda and Mort- gageB 60,000 00 Due from Redeeming and Ite- arreeAgente, 81 Due from National Dank. 2C1 C2 Duo from State Danke a Bankers, 3,167 Banking 16,000 00 Cish Items, (Including itauipF) Dillaof National Banks 0,818 00 Fractional Currency (including Nickel 408 73 Legal Tender Note 00 521,801 16 LUllILlTiri. Capital Stock paid In S1E0.CO0 00 iurpluaFuiid 70,000 00 Disumit 2,284 fcO Exchange 73 Interest 1,017 SS Profit and Loss 10,000 00 National Bank Circulation out atandlng 13.1,000 00 Individual Deposits, 1C2.443 16 STATE OF VEIIMONT, County of lndham, SS. Geu.

S. DowLEt', Cashier of the Vermont National Dank, do eolcmnly swear tbat the abotc statement la true, to tho beat of my knowledge and belief. GEO. COWLEY, Cashier. Subscribed and aworn to before me, this 8th day of Marcb, 1873.

GEO. A. HUNT, Notary Public. Corhect Attest WKI.LS GOODHUE, 1 CUAS. N.

DAVENPORT, Directors. W. P. CUNE, I OFFER A FINE COLLECTION OF Koscs, Verhcnns, and other Ciolce and valuable Jc llCUni.NG LATN. Alio a limited quantity of first clasa Apple, Pear, Peach and Cherry Trees; Evergreen and Shade Trees Hedge Plants, STRAWBERRY, RASPBERRY, BLACKBERRY, CURRANT OOOSE jERBY PLANTS; lne.udlng all the leading varieties.

SEEDS! WAItltANTED OENUIXE. Bulbs, (iladioli, Tube Koses, Dahlias, Send for Catalogue, mailed free on application, to C. E. ALLEN, 3ml0 Ilrutllrhuro, Vt. ECOIOHV-sSusr- HARD TIMES.

There Is no question tbat the judicious use of rbos- pbae, very largely increases the product of our soil, and every Farmer who practices 7'rue Economy pets all he can from each acre. After several years experience, we feel well qualified to judge of the merits of the different fertilizers offered In this market, We offer nothing tbat is not strict jjirt elm, second to none and better tban most of the fertilizers made. We aeU OOE'S PHOSPHATE UOCU CUE XX, iV E. FRAXK CUE.) CUMBERLAND niOSPHATE, CHICAGO HONE MEAL. Rrmtmbtr we are the only agents In Orattleboio for the above brands of Coe'a riiospbate, which are the umeas we have sM for 5 years patt.

Other Coc's Phosphates are offered, but no one should be led to think they are Uke ours. Remember that either of our Thosphates packed In Flour bbl will average to weigh less than 250 lbs par bbL 20 per cant, aaved in weight Is as good as money at 20 per cent, interest. C. 1 TIIO.TIP40X A CO. NEW CARPETS All Qualities, Just Opened, at Sl'KMEK NEW 8PR1NO PLAIDS FOR CHILDREN'S WEAR, at UOmiTOV Sl'EACEll NEW SPRINO DRESS GOODS at IIUUGUTOX, NEW JAPANESE SILKS at 33 cts.

per yard, the beat quality, at UOUGHTOX, SlK.CER NEW JAP'NEBE POPLINS, only SS cts. per yerd, at UOIGHTO.V, SPriXCEH BLACK SILKS, BLACK BRILLIANTINES, FURE MOHAIRS, ALFACAR, a new Invoice, cheaner than ever the Largest aaaortment and meat Prices, at IIOUUHTO.V, SPmXCEU 200 PIECES NEW STYLES CALICOES, at lIOKillTO.Y, SPK.MElt Crrnt bnrgnlna In DOMESTICS, BLEACHED UNBLEACHED COTTONS, All width, nnil nt Itclnll, nt Whole. nle prlcra. KID GLOVES, 3 BUTTON STITCHED BACKS, at 75 arery pair warranted. CORSTCTS! COUSETS! ALL MAKES, AT THE VERY LOWEST TRICES.


Flower Vegetable seeds, WARRANTED FRESH GENUINE GREEN H0U8E BEDDING OUT PLANT8, Sand for Catalogue, mailed res on application. Art. dfasC. Vlurlsl, Urattlsboro. Vt.

KbUO EC0U Woiftrs STATB OF VKIIMONT, Mnrlboro, 88. By tho Probate Court for said District. To all persons Interested In tbe F.slate of BILAS QUEEN, late of Vernon, deceased Grtttlngx Wherots, JARVIB F. 11UUROWS, Administrator upon said Katate, has made application In writing t'i this Court, setting forth that It will be benetlclal 1 1 the heirs and all persons Interested In said Estate to soil the whole of the ttesl Estate of said dcctaiod, and praying for license to sell the same accordingly, and has filed In this Court the consent and approbation of all the heirs of said deceased, residing In tuts Btate, to such salej Von are hereby notified that this Court will wide upon said application at tbe session thereof to be held at the Probate Office in Itraltleboro, In said District, on the lat Saturday of Marcb, A. D.

1873. wheu and whore you may be beard In tbe premises, If you see cause. ASA KEYE8, Register, UTATK OK VKKMOXT, MAUI.BOnO. The Probate Court for said District. Tn all person Interested tn the Estate of CHARLES P.

MUltDOCR, late of Woltlogham, lu said Dlitrlct, deceased, Greeting You are hereby notified that this Court will decide upon the allowance of the account of 8CIITJYLEK MUttDOCK, Admlnlntrator upon said l-slate. and decree distribution thereof to tbe persona entitled, at the session thereol to be held at the Probate Office In Drat tleboro, on tho last Haturday of March, A. D. 1873, when and where you inay be beard In the premises, if you see cause. ASA KEYES, Itegtster.

STAT15 OF VERMONT, Marlboro, SS. The L'robateCourt for said District. To all persons Interested In tho Estate of J09EFU CIARK, iatoof Ilrattliboro, deceased. Clrrellng: Wbereav GEUHOE HOWE, Administrator upon said Estate, ha tnaJe application in writing to this Court, setting forth that the amount of debts due from said deceaaej Is That tbe expenses of sdmlolttratlon will be about 100 00 That the yalue of personal properly li Leaving a balance unprovided for of 2831 OJ aud further representing that the Ileal Estate Is encumbered with mortgages to the amount of S550O (X), not Included In is Id debts, and prsjlng lor license to sell th whole of the Ileal Estate for the purpose twie of paying said debts and expenses; )ou are hereby notified that this court will decide upon ssld applU cation at the sofliiu thereof to be lit Id at the Prolate Umcelu llrattleboro, in said dltrlct, on tbe last Bstur-dsyof Marli, A. V.

1873, wheu and where you may bo heird iu the premises, if you see cause, ASA KEYES, Rrgttter, QTATE OF VEUMONT, MAKMIOKO, BS. The Probate Court for ssld District. To all persons Interested ii the Estate of DAMD SPEN'CElt, lato of Dra.tkboru siid DUtrlct, deceaa ed, (Irceling: Whereas, Administrator upon said Estate, bas made application In writing lo this Court, seltiim tbat the amount of delta cine frrm riceasedls tHt'O 00 That tbee pensesof Admlnlstrntlou will bo about 150 00 That the value of the personal property CM 42 Leering a balance nnrroylded for of $508 58 nd praying fnr Licence tn sll Ileal Estate ior the Surpose of paylug said debts and expanses; you are erehy nolltled tbat tbfs Court will decide upon ssld application at the scpftm tbereol to bo held at the Probate Ofllce In Dratllebnrn, In said District, on tbe last Saturday of Mirrh, A. 183. when and where nu may be heard In the premise, If you see raute.

11 ASA KEYES, Register. statu or vnicaioNT, ivindium couxrr, ss. WHEREAS, THOMAS It. PHATT rf Drattlrboro, In silJ County, has tiled in the Clerk's olllce of said County his petition for ahorce against bis wile, Sarah Pratt, returnable to tho term of the County Court next to be holdeu at Kewfane, on tbe second Tuesday of April, A. D.

1873. setting forth hi niar-riace to said Birab Jane Pratt, on the 0th day of Marcb, 1833, at Woodstock, Vermont, by Rev. Moes KIddrt and his residence tn this Btate with the said Karab Jane; and further setting forth that tbe said Sarah Jane wilfully deserted him on the 15th dav of December. 1869. and bas ever since continued sued desertion: nd prayiug tbat the bond of nutrimony may be dis- BMireu, anu a uiu oi uivorce granted mm.

And It appearing that the said Karab Jane Pratt re-sldra without this State, so tbat the ordinary rrocess of this Court cannot be served upon her. It is here-nr Ordetieo that thn pHUinncr give notlre of the pendency of hU said petition and of le court to which the same Is returnable, by publishing the for going substance thereof, with this order. In the Vermnut Pbtculx, a newspaper published st Brattleboro, In said County, three wees succesKlvely, the ht of which publications to be at It ast 20 days before said Court. Dated at Brattleboro, this 35th day of February, A. D.


Attorney. 9 COMMISSIONERS' NOTICE. JOSEPH DIX'S ESTATE. THE SUBSCRIBERS having been appointed by the Hon. Prooate Court for tbe Dlatrbt of Marlboro, Commissioners to receive, examine and adjust all i lalms and dimtnds of all persons agalust the Estate of JOSEPH I)1X, late of Oummeiston, in said District, detected, and the term of six months from the twenty-sixth day of Feb.

1873, being allowed by Bald Court to the creditors vf nald ceasrd, to exhibit and prove their reppectlve claims before Give notice, that we will attend to the duties of onr tali appointment at the dwelling house of said riireafd in Dum-mrtou, ia said District, ou the nrtt Siturday of April and August next from one o'clock 1. M. until four oVlock r. M. on each of said days, wislov GEO.

W. WALKER, Commissioners. Dumraerston, Feb, 2Ctb, 1873 0 STATE of VERMONT, Marlboro, SS. By the Probate Court for said District. To all persons Interested In tbe Estate of AXTIIKA E.

CUMMIKQH,, in said District, deceased, Greeting: You are hereby notified that this Court will decide upou tbe allowance of tbe account of NORMAN C. JOnNSON, Executor of tbe last "Will of said dectjuc 1, an! decree distribution thereof to the persons entitled, at the sei-sion therecf to be held at CROSBY'S Office, in Wilmington, on the last Thursday nf May, A. D. 1873, beu and where you may be heard In the premises, if yon see cause. ASA KEYES, Register.

MEOICAU DISCOVERS Extract of Roots and Herbs which almost Invariably cur1 the fulljwiug compUluts; Dysp'ptla, Heart Barn, Liver Complaint, and Lost of Apptiitr mied by taking a few bottles. Laultude( Low Spirits, and Sinking ensttion curec at uuce, Eruptlont, Pimples, Blotches and all impurities of tbe Mood, Lurstlug thrrugh tbe skin or otherwise, cured readily by following the directions on the bottle. For Kidney Blidler snd Urinary derangements It has no uqu.i; one be Uiu will couviuce the moat skeptical. Wormii expelled frrm the system without the lrast dlnl nitty a few bottles are sufficient for tho mott obstinate case. Piles) one bottle la cured the most difficult case wheu ail other remedies fatUd.

Nevoui Difficultly, Neuralgia, Headache, Ac, eased Ima-edlaUly, Rheumatism. Swelled Joints, and all Scrofula Affile tloa removed or greatly relieved by this invaluable mediclue. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Convulsions, and Hysterics, cured or much relieved. Difficult Breathing, Pain in theLungs.slde and Cheat almost invariably cured by taklug a few bottlts vt the Quaker Bitters. Penult) Difficulties) prevalent among American ladies, yield rtajuy to this Invaluable medlclue, the Quaker Bitters.

BlllouSi Remlttant and Intermittent Tevers, so prevalent lu many parts of our country, completely ciadl-cated by the use of the Quaker Hitlers. The Aged And In the Quaker Bitters Just they sUud In need of la their declining jrars. It quickens the blood and cheers the paves the passage down the plane Inclined. No one can remain long nnwell (unless afflicted with an Itii'urabl disease,) atter taklug a few bottles of tbe Quaker Bitters. Sold by alt Druggists and Dealers In Medicines prepared nr DU.

TT. S. KKINT A CO 9 At their Gn at Medical Depot 105 197 Broad Struct, Provldeucr, It. flf For sale wholesale and retail by 6 lull CLARK WJLEABD, DiATTLXiiono. II OUSK ANU LOTS FOU SALE.

Juucllun if Willi and him klrcm, llliln St, minute, walk (if tile 1'oat Ulltca. It'CODtalua fouitrfU roomst Mltli a Hood.shM annexed, a gocd laru, stalls, csrrlag. rom, tu sharea vt awr, a cliolc, (tult, a beautiful groir, eta Also fifteeu lots un Iucust among tbe bealtbleit and inoit ilslitljr of an In tbe vlllue, Imiulrti nf W. bToliDAltl), Union ClwV. Sm9 irASITEII, A IlKBrONSIDLE 1'AItTY to art as la lltittl.lxiro.

for lliiun'i lluosc, Boston. 1J tou ref r.qulr.d. AdJrei. O.


SI STOCK or American IS NO NEW PATTERNS A URGE INVOICE OF CLOCKS, INCLUDING NICE PATTERNS OF CALENDAR CLOCKS. FANCY TOILET ARTICLES. I will not "be ItEPAIKING DONE AGENT AMIICU C01IITIBI9 MMl ICHIi, Tlao Best lxi ttLO RYTHER'S iFor Salt. For Sale. THE HOUSE AND LAND CONNECT- 1 ed Itb It on COTTAO STREET in ta Village of llrattleboro, belonging to tbe Estate of Mnrnlinll CI uric, Is now offered for Bale at a great bargain to tbe purchaser.

The Hnue la nearlr new, two stories high, and la very convenient for two families. WILLIAM 8. NEWTON, Aduihibtbatox. Brattleboro, March 13, 1873, Swll pOR SALE A PASTURE CONTAINING ABOUT 100 ACRES, Situated about two rollea north of Dummerston Centre. No.

1 Pasture, qulto early feed. i10 II. n. MILLER. Farm for Sale IN EAST TOWNSHEND, VT.

(KNOWN AS TIIE DEACON WIIEATON FARM.) situated tbree miles from Town sh end Village, on the Townshend and Orafton Stage Road, containing 63 acres. Paid farm Is suitably divided Mowing, rait a rage, Sugar OrcLard, New Sugar Ilouse, young Apple Orchard of Grsfted Fruit, good Build-inland very convenient. Ihe farm Is good cultivation and well watered. Terms nude known on premises. miih.

a. r. iioinnouK, Townshend, March 1, 1873. 3wl0 AUCTION. Tnnnnderlgned having sold his Tarm will sell at Public Auction, at his dwelling House In Wards-bro, on Tuesday, Marrh 16, 1873, at 10 o'clock A.

tae 'ollowlng described Personal Property: STOCK HAY GRAIN. 5 good Cows, one of them farrow; 6 two esrs ol1 II elf era: 1 pr. matched 3 3 Id Steers 30 to 40 tons good Us) 3 tons Htraw no tn 40 bus. Birlcy HO bus. Wheat; 100 bus.

Potatoes; Dairy lltmHs and Household Furniture; Mowing MicMn; 1 Horsnltake; 3 Carts lnlceBug 17 Wagon; 1 pr. Work Harness; new Traverse Sled; 3 Plows, 1 Cultivator, 3 Uarrows; Bedhteads, Chairs, and various other articles too numerous to -ntfou, tTT Terms made known at time of sale. T. F. JOHNSON, Auctioneer.

BUUDEL Alt RETT, Wardiboro, Marc) 1, 1673. 3wl0 inn oirr A NICE E.UILY PASTURE rltuated one and a half miles South West of Dummerston Centre, and being one of the beat In town. For particulars enquire of L. E. BOND.

Dummerston, Feb. 20th, 1873. 3wD Oil SALE CHEAP 1 Black Walnut and IUlr Cloth Parlor Eet; LDDiuui ijaainuer on, 1 Painted Chamber Bet; a common Chamber Beta; SPRINO HAIR MATRESRE8; LOUNGE; SMALL STOVES, TA11LES, CUA1RS, Ac, Ac At reddence of A. W. CUDWORTn, West llrattleboro VllUge.

reb.10,1873. tf8 foii A G-OOD 6-EIST-MILL, HOL'SK, BARN 4 GARDEN. IN WILLI AMSVILLE, KNOWN aa the "Williams Mill," built by Wm. n. Wllliama, and built in the most thorough mau-ijer all in running order.

Oood chance for grinding and aelling Weatern Corn. Come and aee for yourself, If you wish to purcbaae. GOOD POWER for other purposes. Com, and see. J.

E. I1ENBON. tre Wllliamsville, Feb. tb, 1673. For Sale, ONE OF THE COSIEST LITTLE PLACES IN THE COUNTY, Pleasantly situated 1 1-3 miles below Fsyettevllle, on tbe Brattleboro Itoad, near tbe Chair Factory.

lO ucres racrlleut lUlur K.uni1, warm aud early and good corn tr tobacco land, IK" About 100 cboic fruit trees. Cottage house, la good condition, hsrlng recently undergone thorough repairs Nicely Shaded. A sever failing spring cf Sure, soft water brought to house. Good Barn and bed. Price reasonable and terms easy, lossesalon given at ouce.

Apply to F. WHITE, tfi Brattleboro, Vt. OR SALE. I offer for sale tbe four, Two Story, Model Cotlag,, which I have erected tbe past season Slated Ilnofa, good water I Lota by 100 ft. Location central aa regarda tha manufacturing Interests th.

Tillage Trie, $3350 each. Term, mad, easy, J. IIISKS. Brattloboro, Dm, 1171. Ifl9 Watclies COMPLETE.



GROUT, PrincipaL LELAND ic GKAY SEMIXAKY. TnE SPRINO TERM OF THIS INSTITUTION BE-aim FED. 23, 1673. Tor partlculara address tho Principal, MHOS DAVIUSIM. Townshend, Feb.


jurnsidk rajiily school pou hoyh Reopened Sept. 19th. Ample accommodationsfor day and boarding scfccl arafurnlabed. For Clrculara or information apply to 39tf O. MILE8, Principal.


Howe. Brattleboro, Nor. 1st, 1871 ILLUSTRATED DBAOTIFUL SNOW. BEAUTIFUL SNOW. ukautiful rnow and OTJIEB POEMS.

Vew tlluttiatfd E.htian, Br J. Watson, author of "The Outcast." HenuUfulty IliuKr iff rf. rom Orijinal by Edward Henry, Complete lu on targa octafo volume, Id uniform style with 'Tbe Outcast anil Other being printed on tbe finest tlnUd plate paper, and bound lu ftreen morocco cloth, with SUt top. Rllt sides, and bevelM board, prlc Two Dol-rs, or bound In maroon morocco cloth, with lull sides, full KUt edges, full gilt back, aud beveled boards, price Three Dollars. Jhove Book for $ale hyntlflookt'lltrior enpiet of it uittb ttnttpott'PM, to any one, per return matt, to any one remittiny the price of it to the puo liiktri, T.

Tl. PKTERSOV TUIOTIIFHS. SOU CUestMul Mu( lbllodjpbla, 1. 6tM Now Advertisements. CHAaPPED HANDS AND FACE, fore I.I Irriir.

Ihr SUIas. tic, tic, Cured at once br IIEDOEMAN'S OAMl'HOR 1C1. WITH It seeps the liauda Bolt In all weather. Hon tbat mi Ret HF.liEMlN'S. He I by Heoiuax Chemlala and Druggists, tori.

VL't'la amillur plae adverllsement about loirn V. MtlirnaUn l.nmU, ri UOHtuMlHll.Ml lNIiOT Z3 2. i cV a it 1 1 XX Mautiiarturera oi sawB. tt RIIIEIIIOI! 'POALl. I HERS KVBHV S.V A It It K.

rXLES. DELTINO IYjACIXINERI'. VBTtcp I tel. and Clreulsrs ren rn WELCH GRIFFITHS, ii Mn.a Ill trull, Ml. ft MARYLAND FRUIT FARMS.

fiotnjispera're. Fine Fruit and Garden RriL SUM, healthy ellmato, Oyster, and Flh aburdant. Cats, logur. free. It.

I'. CHAillll its, 1 ederalsblirf. Id. W'M. PAKUVri'TlMISM irsTllV Clnnamln.on, V.

J. ICIarreslT b-rrles. The Monarch the W(St I the lireest and belt, r.sel rr, Vpafajnsand Ithn'nrb, Raspberries and lllack iierrlra. Bnd The Gcide Is prblhhed QCARTrnLr. 23 cenb )ts for the year, wlncli la ut half the cont.

Ihon -h'i at ter wants ntnd mony to the anotiot of On Onlliir or more fur Heeds may alioonffer2. ueti forth extra -tu irlc- paid fur the CrDibe liie Ff't Suntr 1 chins pHns fr tnltlni Htirul Homesi IMiiImk Tnhlr Irr-it 1 1 ii, imluv (in rtli'NM. tiCf ajd a masi 1 1 tfirnutfnu lnauaile to tb- lover tl flowers I. to pases, on line tint some SOU Ktgr ard superb lor.

il Pint snd I'Iii'kimu TLe Mr Kill ion of 200,000 Just minted tu Lumbal, ard Gernun. JAMES VICK, Rochostor, Now York. ONLY 10 CENTS. KVKUV II Is WNTEK Or, PAUTS- HO'TO ELECT AND USE THEM, puis rea tli tain 4 uiu n' alU lib ii i i 9 1 m't. with luittuc tl for ext r.

a 1 it-n nt c-tation. Uricopit-s. b-u'd in ilj, 1 34 hi pi copies, fup-rcovr, niaK'd, pf paid. auj addttss, oj rt-co pt tf 10 by the unblltther IIKMiV iHbY 11 A lit l. Ilo Kl-4 I.

IMiilmU liih'n. i the fuloiotnj vauubtr ext uc front pr notice "A ery 1 a tuable ok, ad no vhv Intending to paint 'honld fall to read Y. Triune. "We did not know so much Cut id bo raid on the sub-led of patntluR a hou-e MLtll we lead this excellent uookof Mr. r.

Urmld. want Iouk felt, at list tip pi Scientific Am, "Not OLly a rtcet-tlty tn the a'ulpr 1-ut uluable to svery of a dlllnij." iV. 1', IVnr'd, "Buy 2) copies of this book ard distribute them iroong jour friends. If they v. ill hcd the advici reiD, could make no mure valuable Chicajn trtbune, "lu publbLiuK this book Mr, Dalrd has done a real ervice to the cr mm unity." Tohdn lltad' "We hope the pullifhfr will sdl U0.C00 copies oi his book durlufi 73." tloitin JIirrtirr, "We have just painted our bous as adrlsed bj tbt tuthor, and cnnRtatuUteouraehes that lo drilling in ur Dtlifbbor boud our In apitatance." Mar tr-iraty.

"Iu SflliuR a sanrple crry for 10 cents, Mr. Bairr nuatfeelrertsln au order for a5 bound in cloth wiL Frank LH, "We know the town and country patats therein re mmecded, and can oucb for their alueand Ihe the "Haniton" brand of white lead." Phila ONLY 10 CENTS. II ARE AMERICAN BOOKS, 5 for B. Thcmss' tl for Am erica 1 Almanac, 1.95; t'orlTW. Uare Old Atnerlc4U Books watited, viz: ltich ird, Increa-e, Sirautl, Hf-azer or Cotton I'enhallow's Indian irs, 1720; Johnson's History of LugUmi, London, 64; Geutilae Poor lticb-trd's Almauats (Dr, I ra illin's), or any scarce Amerl- au ok, Pamphlet, Coin, IudUn Arrow Heads, Iielica, Xarra'iTes or Almaoao, in good condition, Uo, good old, tall, 8-d4y braa cl ck.

State piiceoJ ach. JAS. MOULT OX, 4 Cart. St Lud, Mass. IOWA AMD NEBRASKA LANDS FOU SALE BY TIIU Burlinglon Missouri River H.

R. To ON 10 YEARS' CREDIT AT 6 PER CT. INTEREST. M'rottucti will pay tor the Una's iudlmprotcmeuti much wlth.u the Uuiol this genetuu credit, litttet (enns are not ottered, aud pro oat ly never will be. i ten I ars tzHiug full jMirticuUrs, gratis.

Cal. for all that are Mauled to nad and circulate. 'or IIV and thrive; friends will follow. I ftioHttt shuwiuR the erat location Iowa Lauds Is sold st 0 cents, and of Xebruska Lands at sauw price. For Circulars aud Mane, spplj to UUU.S.

JIAKUIS, I an1 CommUsIiintr, JiurliUfttuu. lona. Or, to J. W. TAIiLEloN, 63 u'ashlnitun at Boston, Mass.

C3rAud please ty iu what paper ttis adrertlaement was seeu NO! NO! 10! Vuucaunot afford to use poor machinery, ndtbcrcaL OU manufacture protllablj vttbnut bavinR thelatti-) improved coutrlvanccs knonn. Thluk of it caudidlj 'au jou? Otlay no b-nger 1 IVakeupt Write A EAR, 88 6 Sudbury tt.t Boston, lurcatalofiu' ai-t Irculart regarding all Wood and Iron IVurkuty Ma chihtry, aud ordtr tiht off' tins machine ou tted at itUCli. CLl'ln another place advertisement about Jown Is tho BEST IN THE WORLD, S-r. mitr.l Heud fur I cular. Addrtes; DOMESTIC dr NO MACHINE X.

t'HE tbo Itefsluger Sah Lock and Support to Fasten Your Windows to break, uo cutting of casta; cheap, duis ile, vtj cailly applbd; holds tavh at any pLce de-i I'd, aud a SHlf.ittbLcutr when the ah is n. Sent Umpf reticular. Cimilar and six coppi ockaient t- auy add res in ttie U. S.t pnsij al 1, on ri- sipt of 21) ceuts. Liberal luducmeuta to toe tiade uents wanted.

Adtlrcsa UE18IXUKU taAbH LOCK CO No slfj Marktt at IIsnlLurv, Pa. $5" RECIPE tniL-u mideof djt-iug Nalustleand practical It ipi f.r dyeing. Oue ihat any family cau use, A little inoaey will enable aay one to dye Clothing, R.bbont. vood, at home at a Iritllnjz etpense. The lugre-jients cau be pur 'tweed anywhere.

It i the bent dy lathaw-Kl l. Seutbymill, 5J cents each. Addusi P. O. 10, Burnet, Ve.mont.

I'Hih 1 No I'M MUO. By sen iogns with sir, helh color of eyes aud hair, you will rrceive a cot rut picture ot utir future husband or wife, if tsmr atid datetf ixarriice rex. P. Uraer 21, 1 olb mllle, N. Y.

S3to32llS2. Ac ills wanttdl AU wrrklrs reotde. tt rithn their sp4re tnorueot, or al the time, than at anything Ie. Parti- ulara free. Address O.

bTINEON Portland, Maine. XIOH.XTLX33XJ33. I suCTfrsd with C'nMirrli thirty years, and was cured by a sloiDle remedy. Will send receipt, pottage free, to all afflicted. Iter.

T.J, MEAD, Drawer 170, Sjra-cuse, X. Y. 11 1.11111 1.1 li a.l.l a werk giiarauted, Ui-spet table employment at home, day or evening; no capital required; full lustrurtlous and valuable park-age of goods sent fre by mill. Address, with six cent turn stamp, M. YOUNG IfiQortlsndt V.

fu rewari ill anjr rasa or II Itching I I ccratfd 1'IUi 1 I I Blaa'a 1'ILI ItiMt I In enrr. It la prip. D. or mind, UJ. that Dr.

cut falla fx lo core Iha aud uothiog 6oU by all DtagglitB. Sill ,111 It tai 1" IJIFI nilti mall how lo grt a Land Warrant of IQOacrraof land, orllsialupiD (trrenbacks, final to UK). Address C. J.

1'UX, Douglass, Knox Oouutr, IUluols. It? WISC11E8TEB'8 UVrorilOSt II1TE la a chtmlra'lT pur, prrparallon n( l'IIO8l'II01iUS, one of lb. most Important tlrm.nta of the Iluniau llody, and th, only m.anahy which Ibis LIVE-UIVINO and LIFF-SU8-TAININfl 1). supplied lo tha.Tsifro. AVe Kilarantr, It In a certain cure for CONSUSIP1 ION, COUUII8, COI.DS, aud all 1'nlinnnary Affections and a Specific H.m.dy f'r Hcrofula, PyspepsU.

raralysls. Nervous and Phislcal DrklUty, aud all N.rroua Affec-tluna It la unsnrpa.sed aa a Tonic and Inilenrator and generator of pure ind healthy lllood. For ui tber luforuutlon, Te.llruouisls. lteportsi l'hyticlanr, send fr our Treallsa. nice, tl per bottle, Sold by all DrugiteU.

Aill e.s jr. ro. Jiilm Xrw Yrlc. KVV In aiothsr plan adrertlaement about I a am Oaiti mud laiuda. 10 TBI KlI Hew Advertisements.

GRANDEST SCHEME OF THE AGE. $500,00 CASH OIF IS. for Only $10, Unrter anthnrllyrf Hulal lr glslsllve ait Mirrh 1871. tbcttnitoia announri lie Tnlral lilfi Com rrl, lor cf the I'ubllo l.l-liriiry or i iilur liy, to til In Library Hall, at Loulavllle, on 'l iicsclny, April Hill, 1873. At tbl.

Conceit the uat musical Islent Ihat can b. procured from all partB tt tt-eccuutl) ilt add pleia. ure to the enUrLiLtLtM, and '1 1 '1 Iioii.iihcI I ii.Ii apgr. K.tlL a ratttotalir Hull Million IJi.IIiiik LutHLty H1 le nl.trlL1.11u Ly to the tl. aet-hoUrri, aa follow.

I lino (JrniHl ii. (Jill, On ii.Ii IJlll, (III. ( 1 ii.Ii (i(l(. I I III- (Jim ml Liiah I.HV, (lli ( (Jill. 1O.000 Olio (J mini ii.Ii (Jill, 5.01.O i I ii.Ii l.lll.

ul' loch, OOO no Cii.ii (Jut. boo ita.oou MO li. (Jill oC 4 HO Kill ol' IMU tO.liOO I oil ii.Ii III. of UtIO LO COO OIIO I ii. It ill.

of IUU 111) UUO li. ol IU tlU lOO I uliil, lO.UOO nil, fJfTuo.OOO lot tl.Uli.agLlitceljtCcLltlt, Use II mlri'il 1 Iiuii.iiiiii hoi. 1 Url. only Hill be It.uid. holt; licUru, 8IO 5 nnd Uiiiirl, Klrtru liwln TieUi I.

iur IOO. tliacoiiut oil tlinu VIOO 'Ihe object tf this Thlril Gin Concert, like th. two liertiofom (flvto wilb slcu unittlsal ai rtal. la lUeeulirenQiiit.Laiiiuoaiueiitol ti.e ubllc I.l-bniry ui iiiiieky, Llh, by IL. tu il.l act U.u ur It.

to Le loievir toallcitiiabauf mry eule. lbuJiaMltg ill la tbe 'lluatita ol tie by mu iuo.1 miiurnti.lilieu.ol tbe VJultid jUUs. iue b.lo ol llcktt. bas altebd) pn tumd aa tLat lon-pme to attnrtti, aid lujils ar.

L.t.ied lb llej Uiuit ordtr at onu If they Jialietopaltlulatelu tue oialng. Toe i.t it 114. uotieiuklcg baa been eonj-ituu o) ib. iroai. i.

10 lion, 1 arJ. l.toUuv.iLor al Kettnlj, lo whom lo loo out count mayb. II. t. Jutl.l.Lll.lTe.X rnnva ALUtM AN, Vice Preat.

AIUILLU' AMI Ji.uvj.ltb UAMV, Treasurer. At tht time for Ihe Concert la dure at hand (April lib,) puitlea wanting tlckili should sendlu their cr-Jtr. iiumnllalel) II tuey i.uld an id tbe lusb and de-ay ab.o.mny unvoldalle lu the few dajt pricidina; i-e dialiig. Al.udus aioai 1 Ucat.0Lsl. i accnclea.

rjular. aid IHoimalioi. IU llh iTtalten-tou. TIIU8. 1 BI1AMLL1-I Agent Library, LoulsMUe, hy.

"orary JOB FEINTING! household'publishing COMPANY. reapcctfully announce that thty are prepared to ei- cute erery variety of JOD PHINTINO, Including Books, Newspapers, Magazines, Pamphlets. Catalogues, lawyer's Briefs, Town Reports, Minutes, Circulars, Programmes, Posters, Auction Bills, Statements, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Bank Checks, labels, Business Cards, Dance Cards, Address Cards, Wedding Cards, Tickets, Special Notices, Dodgers, Paper Bags, Wrapping Paper, Blanks, And every other variety of Vim AM) FAA'CY PKHTIYG, In the belt style and at reasonable prices. We hive a Urge assortment of pUIn and ornamental type, and rlth three power presses and other machinery adapt-sd to tbo wantaof tbe business, we are able to perform largest orders as ell aa the smallest with rapidity ind in a satisfactory manner. As Good as Ihe Best, as Cheap as the Cheapest.


Vcryrxtrnorilinnry imlnr? rnrnti lire hcM i lit tu I he ruile of die fllo.t nnuiril (own la ro nit lo Jnr lon Illr, Vi for lirlr llnrni'saeal Hnl tfitTt Gnllfard, ltrnl llrboro, MnrlburouKli lliini(lou lio vrr, WnrtUbo'iii niitl Xr.rfaiir. Thrrr our lliliitf nboul PKKriIS II.VIl.NKvSKS Mvrllir ru uh lo hrre iitrnliii llnviiiu Molit lo ItU lotviiktiurn irnrlr on? Ar rf linrnrr llir m( nix Iiiim imii brrii it tlocrn ofthf Miuiir bronulil buck br rrpn Irrd. Thi iiiur la irtir Ihr trliolr uumbrr limit tlnil ur.irlr two huudrrU iu tbe ituir 1 1 iur. Ihhoi IiU Inilnrritirnt rnouuh for pro-pi lu rniiir lhi whj- lo oil uboiiiu-liul hnriirr uml mui work am jou ililrr. Srinl ronr onIrr mail you barucs I lull will bo ttorlh Ibc uiouvy.

Proprlotor. JactiBoiiTllle, IVb. 2Glb, 1873. A7ANTED. XlS1' Business that will Pay from tt to 8 per day, cau be pursued In your own uelghbarbood, and Is strictly honorable, rartlculara free, or samples tbat will enable you to go to work at once, will be sent on receipt of two three cot Address J.

1.1TII 1 tf jk 0T 1 Waahluaton Bt. Boaton. Um.

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