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Dakota County Herald from Dakota City, Nebraska • Page 5

Dakota City, Nebraska
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

The Family Physician The best medicines in the world cannot take the place of the family physician. Consult him early when taken ill. If the trouble is with your throat, bronchial tubes, or lungs, ask him about taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Then take it or not, as he says. publish our formulu binlnh sleohol rrom our modlotnu Wt urn you to oonault your doctor yers Bilious attacks, sick-headaches, indices- nun, wuaiiitiiuii, uizzy spens these are some of the results of an inactive liver.

Ask your doctor if he endorses Ayer Pills in these cases. The dose is sman, one pin at Dedtime. Md by th t. o. Ayn Lowell, uuy a good farm on the Dakota county bottom.

I Lave it. Eimers Undertaker County Coroner 11. F. Sawyer Tackson, Nebraska Partridge and JJuff CocKiAs -FOR SALE-- Eggs, per setting of 15 50c per hundred $3.00 Roosters $1.00 to $3.00 liens $1.00 Chris SroffJi Jackson, TVebraska SEEP BUCKBEE'S SEEDS SUCCEED I FECIAL OFFER: rMads to build New RuIifh A trial will1 quulo you our perwaueut customer. Prize Collection k.i7Triti;it.i UM.

IV 1 1 loo nnm i mip, nina.a Unioa, a best Tarie-Uei 10 bprinK.nowf rim huit OS yanetlei la all. eUAKANTJEEU TO FLKAMB. Write tQ'dayj Mention this Paper. SEND 10 CENTS ioimrvr PwUf and pkinf and rwir this Tftlnfible icomniun oi ryai lXMlpaia, tofUier with my big jiHiruriuo, ovauuiui pwi ana runi nook. Buckfiee.

Fill Out this Coupon and Stop Paying Hold-up Prices for A v. NOW th tlms to buy. Don't dslay. Other hava advanced thalr price and will soon have to. Gat our figure, and they will prove how you hav bean held up by looal combinations.

WE SELL DIRECT TO THE CONSUMER, at wholesale prices. Lumber. Mlllwork, Builders' Hardware, Roofing. Paint. Cement, etc.

We do not have to "assemble" your order from half a dozen different points, but can and DO supply all of a builder's neods from our Immense stock here In Counoll Bluffs. You can have your entire bill loaded here without delay. We pay freight en all carload lot. We will pay the expenses of your trip to Counoll Bluffs. Send this coupon AT ONCE for particulars and oatalogue.

HAFER LUMBER COMPANY COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA I to know mors about The I expect to build Post-Office I SATURDAY I I I I Saturdays 5 pounds Gloss Syrup per gallon 15c Dried Apricots, per pound 10c Stvturdjxy, March 26tK 20c can of Salmon Butter, per lb 25c 20c can of Apricots 15c 10c pkge of Soda 7c Stinson's 25 cent can of Baking Powder, per lb 20c Hand picked Navy Beans, per lb 5c Easter Will Soon Be HereMarch 27th Order your Spring Suit NOW. We take for two of the largest Tailoring Houses in Fit and Quality Guaranteed. I 1 S.A. Stinson Dakota City. Local Items Friday, March 18, 1910 We have as good a stock of bard-ware and tinware as there ever was in iasoia vjuy, ana 70a win una oar prices right.

Scbriever Bros. Bargains at Van's every day, Chas Ilail is erecting an addition to his home for use as a kitchen. Chs Barto went to Wakefield Monday to spend the week with relatives. See our spring fabrics and styles for men's tailor made snits. 8 A Htinson Stanard is installing a hot and cold water plant in the Ouy Sides home.

Lilly Beam went to Walthill Sun day to spend a week at the Dr Beam Lome. George Barnett and Henry Krum wiede were Winnebago and Homer vis ltors Saturday. xuervin JJewitt ana Herman was mund left last week for Buffalo, 8 where they will look for work. it you naven goi time to uo your own shopping call up JNo. 1, and he will deliver the goods promptly.

Oeorge Sheibley departed Tuesday tor uanada, wnere La will take up a farm in King Edward's domain if the climate and surroundings suit him, Deputy 8 Marshal John Sides was in Omaha from Saturday until Monday attending to federal court matters. Bis son Frank accompanied mm on the trip. Joe Leedom was helping out in the sheriff's office this week while Sheriff Rockwell and Deputy Wm Beermann were in Arkansas after the alleged forger, Dana Sible. Jba Wilkinsoi Uorsefoot, Mob, was visiting his brother Oeorge, in this place and his parents at the past week. He is holding down a 040-aere homestead in Bock county and likes the country very much.

Auguust ii8iier oi JNorioik, was calling on friends here Saturday. Mr l1 isher expects to be in this locality bout a month later in charge of a teel gang on the Omaha road, when ew 90-lb rails will belaid over the northwestern railroad bridge to South Sioux City. Mrs George Barnett, in company with her father, Samuel Gribble, ot Goodwin. and Barney Gribble of this place, went to Meadow Grove, Nebr, Saturday for a few days visit at the Joe Jackson home. Mr Jackson been in or health for several months and wi pleased to see bis former old time friends.

Mrs Ella Eitrer wai brought here from tilyburg lat week ou a charge of nsanitv, and was taken before the board of innnity Monday and adjudped insane, alie was taken to the hospital at Norfolk Monday evening, ucoonipu- led ly her hunband, Bobier, nd Mrs Rockwell. The afllicted omin is thirty nine 5 ears old and is the mother of ten children, the young- tnt a bxbe 3 months old. Mrs Dibble, for many years a resident of this precinct, died at her nme in Pulo Alto, Cal, March 10, 1910, aged 74 vears. Deceased was an only sister of Henry Wood of this place. She ituo to Dakota county with her husband from New lork state iu 18C8, und resided on the Dibble farm two mites southwest of tint place until about ten 5 ears ago, when they sol 1 out and moved to California locating at Pulo Alto.

Deoensed had been sick for neail a requiring the cure of a nnrse for the past tteveral months. Tlie many friends of the family here deeply sympathize with them in their hour ef sorrow. LUMBER HAFER PLAN. Send your catalogue. When State SPECIALSI at I I I Mar.

19tK Seedless Raisins per lb. 10c Soda per pkge 7c measures America. I Nebraska I Kide Ream was Homer visitor Suo day. See Stansrd for heating, plumb ing and lighting. Wm Niemejer is busy this week re- papering the offices in the conrt honse.

Mrs Harriet Walden returned to Wakefield Monday to look after her property interests. Fonnd A ladies hat pin. Owner can have same by proving property and paying lor tins notice. Do yon keep an eye on Van's blackboard, if not yon had better as ho al ways has a bargain listed there. For sale a six room honse and three lots, good location, good outside im-i provements, Enquire at this office.

Louis Cooler and family this week moved from Wakefield to South Sioux City, where they will operate a restaurant. Mary Deloughery, of Jackson, was a business caller in town Tuesday. She also enrolled her name on the Herald's list of readers. It pays to trado at Vans, and be sides he will pive you, free of charge, a handsome chromo in the course of time. Qo and see him.

John Hazelgrove was here Satur day and his father, Uazelgrove, was here Tuesday on business. Both were pleasant callers at the Herald office. I AH kinds of coal, feed and hay for sale at reasonable prices. rtvLDs Slaughter Go. TbzoE Bliven, Manager, Dakota City, Neb.

AH those having streets and blocks belonging to the town under fence will call and settle for the rent for the coming year, or same will be let to other parties. James Fuston, Street Commissioner llie new "Kadex lens for constant wear is superior for comfort and clear ness of vision. II screens out the vio let or chemical rays of light, thus pre venting irritation and innaraation Satisfaction guaranteed. Eck- hart. Licensed Optometrist.

George Pranger has been appointed local chairman of the Order of Rail way Telegraphers, vice Croucn of Winside, who has resigned the posi tion and will take a vacation from rail road word for a while. Mr Pransrer is au old employe on the Omaha road nd is certainly well fitted for the po sition. Mr Margaret Adams on Saturday closed a deal, with Stanard for the Broadway resturant, in the building adjoining the Stlnsou eton- building. She will be pleased to meet 11 tue patrons of the Broadway res taurant, and guarantees them the snm- oonrteons treatment accorded them in the past. Word was received here this week of the death in Omahaof Mra Samuel Farrer, formerly Mrs Thomas ttyan, who resided in old Omadi, (Lis county, in the 50's.

Her death occurred on March 2nd 1910. She moved to Omu- a with her huabanu when the town of Omadi was swallowed VP by the reucherous Missouri. Her first huB- and, Thomas By an, was Dakota county's first sheriff. He died iu Om ha, and later she married Mr Farrer, who also preoeded her several years ago. Mrs arrer never forgot ner re- trrJa for old friends hire and was tegular attendant at the old settler nnual meetings until her health ilM her.

f'on Delonghery of St John's pre cinct, was brought to this place Wed- nday by Deputy Sheriff Joe Leedom a complaint sworn to by Mary A Deloughery, charging him with dipso mania. A hearing in his case will ho hell at 8 .30 oleock this morning, aod if the charge holds good he will be sent to the inebriate asylum tt Lincoln for treatment. The following witnesses were summoned to give evidence at the hearing: Mary Delonghary, Sophia Deloughery, Dr Leuhev. David Waters, Thomas Sullivan, -Tee Brannan, Joe Hall, James Deloughery, Bill Morgan, James rlyun, Ed Kwarney, Louis Bichter, Charles Mitchell and Thomas Sullivan, jr. The old livery barn belonging to 3 Easton which has stood unoccupied for the past year or two, caught fire in some mysterions manner (Saturday night at about 2 am, and had the ttie not been discovered in the nick of time the old structure would have gone up iu smoke.

Soott Duncan, who wa after medicine for a sick, grandchild isppened to pass that way just as the tire was getting uuder way and aroused the people in the immediate vicinity and also notified the Bell telephone operator who spread the alarm over the phones. Frank Broyhill wn among the first to arrive and brought with him a hand chemical upparatus that he keeps in his store for tire tection. lie turned the contents on the lire, which by this time had got under good headway, and iu a few minutes the blaze was eutirly extinguished. The fire started in one of the mangers near the center of the building, aud it is supposed to have been done by the carelessness of some of the "wanderers" who use it for a place to bnnk these chilly nights. The body of a man whs found alorg- side the Omaha railroad track aboui a mile southwest of Coburu Junction Sunday morning by Art Ueicl le and some other parties who had goi to the swamp from South Sioux ty on a duck hunt.

Thev immediate' notified Sheriff Jeff Rockwell win iu turn notified Coroner iwjer. at Jackson, who took the body I undertaking establishment ut Jackson. From a letter fonnd in the ead man's pocket it is believe his name is Joseph Packard. The letter was ated from West Cunningham, Mhh. bout $5.00 in money was found ou tti besides a bottle of whinl ticket and a receipt belong gan Hefferoan, whoa dead man, a raffie eg to Dug- saloon in Hubbard was robbed ln'e Saturday night, and suspicion pointH to the dead man as being the party who did the job of burglary.

It is tupposed that be left Hubbard after ei tering the saloon aud followed the railroad track toward Sioux City, but was overtaken a i 1 1 1 WW by a -ping ireiglil i nu ftiuea. ue was about 27 years old, and when found hid been dead several hours His bead was badly ctushed and his body terribly bruised i if it bad been dragged for some distance by the train The body is being awaiting some word from bis relatives. The Foye car is making regula trips again. Geo McBoath was up from Ho mer luursiiay eveuiog. Ernest Paulson was a busincs visitor here from Hubbard Thursday.

Chas Broyhill came over from Siou City Wednesday to see his mother. See our spring fabrios and styles for men tailor made suits. A otinaon Mrs II Oribble visited at the BB Qribble tiome in Hubbard Wednesday Ayrea will leave tomorrow for the sand hills to shoot ducks for a few days. ueorge aietmur ana lamuy were Sunday visitors at Winnebago with reUtives, Postmaster Krygor was down from Sioux Thursday lipidatiDg his taxes and talking fire insurance. jura iu iu neum oi bjoux VJity was an over Bunuay visitor bore at the home of her mother, Mrs I Brov hill.

John Corsorian of Sioux Citv and uuuuio it uimuecK oi unman, were If T. joined in marriage by Judgo Ueffer nan March 8th. Dana Sible Located at Eldorado, Ark. Last Thursday night a telegram was received by fcherui ltockwcll from tue ofheers at Eldorado, Ark, statins tnat tney beld Uana Bible, who was wanted here for forgery. Sheriff Hock welt aud Deputy Wm Beerman left Sunday noon, after some little delay in getting a warrant issued, owing to the absence from town of County Attorney MoAlIinter.

Upon their arrival at the governor's office at Lincoln it Was found that before requisition papers could be secured from lie governor of Arkansas it would be necessary to have an affidavit from Ed Kearney, cashier of the Bank of Dakota County, on whom the forged checks were drawn. This caused more delny in returning for the neceasary affidavit. However, they finally got away on au early train out of Sioux City Tuesday morning. Through the persistent efforts of Bbeiiff Bock well and Banker Ed Kearuey the man was located i'u southern Arkansas, after nearly a month's diligeut and untiling search, backed by a reward of $50 offered by the Bankers' Protective association. It was learned fiom the officers at Moline.

Ill, Kible's former home, that he had relatives living at Eldorado, Ark. and the officers there were immediately furnished with a description of the man and were advised to keep an eye open for hts appearance there. Iu the course of time he put in on appearance aud was promptly taken into custody lue crime for wbich he is held is i very serious one, that of forgery. The amount of money reulfzed by him so far as is known amounts to $154, and which was obtained from" two checks ou the Bank of Dakota County, with Elmer Lame forced to them. Another forged cht ck, apparently the work of the same man, and the name of Herman Nelson of Junction Citv.

Ore, a former resident of this county, was forced to it in the sum of $U57, and wbich was cashed by a bank in San Francisco, Cal. PROGRAM The first public meeting of the Da kota County Ilonn makers' club will be held iu Dakota City at 2pm Thurs day ufteauoou, Mar 31, at the home of Mrs A StiLson. Tbe plan of work of the club is similar to the Farmers Institutes except the discussions pertain to subjects cf particular interest to women: the hone, housekeeping, domestic science, etc. All are cordially invited to attend, take part iu the discussions and join the club. The follow iug program will be given: AdtlresH of Welcome President Keadlntf of 'onsUtilllon Secretary II Hone4, Huinoioiifi Anecdote I list ill Music r.

John Miller Uiead-Maklnu rs. S. A. Sllllson lUacui-stun ly the Club. Recitation Mis Ida' Hodenlender Poultry KalxliiK Mr.

J. K. Wlnebrenner VocmI Holo Mrs. Mel A. Nell ruled Nystt lutii rs tivo.

Dates I UxcUKxIoii liy the Olub. Select Reiiillnu Mrs, ('has. Hryant A Place for Kverythlim ami Kveiytlilim In Its Place Mr. (eo. Miller Current Kveiits Miss Kll.iihetli H.

Ilnnxe Vocal Solo Mrs. Win, Maxon The Domestic Science Course lit Lincoln Miss Kll.nheth Learner Ornamental Shrubs Suited to this Locality Mrs. D.U. Stlnsou Select KeudliiK Mrs.deo. Hoals, Jr Overland Journey Throuuh Yellowstone l'ark Mrs.

Addle Sides Recitation "lJer Incubator und Ureeth- en" Mrs. A.J. Kramper Instrumental Music. Klmer lilcsslntc Mrs. A.J.

Kramper. Paesldi'iit. Mrs. H. A.

Stlnsou, Secretary. Hotel Business For Sale On account of ill health 'I have decided to offer for sale my hotel business in Dakota City, including all the hotel fur nishings, alto all supplies on hand. Anyone desiring a first-class hotel location can tret a bargain by writing or calling on Thos. Debien, Dakota City, Neb. For Sale A larf list of Cheyenne, Morrill, Box Buite, Kimball, Scotts Bluff and Banner ui ty Nebr, lands.

lUuches, relinquishments railroad contracts, school sections all sizes nil i rice from $0.50 per acre and np fr dreded lands. Having a personal knowledge of these lam's I will go and show them to those who wish to invest. A Combs, Homer, Nebr. Testing Seed Corn Press Bulletin 32, on "Testing Seed Corn," bus been issued by the Nebraska Experiment Station in an edition of 4(i, 000 copies, giviug full instructions on how every farmer may test his own seed corn In addition to being sent to the regular mailing list, this bulletin will be sent in limited numbers to all the commercial clubs, implement dealers. and graiu elevatois in the state of Nebraska.

If you do not receive a copy through the mail, ask your implement dealer or the elevator or the commercial clnb for a copy of this bulletin. If they have not yet secured these copies, ask them to write the Experi-meut Station for them. If you are unable to secure a copy through these sources, write direct to the Agricultural Experiment Station, Lincoln, Nebr for a copy of this bulletin. A BCBNETT, Direotor, I Nebraska Experiment rjtatiou A Bit of Early History In reconnting remminiscenses of pioneer days in the Omaha Sunday Bee jeremiaa Dee or Houth Umilu, one of i iue ieorassa pioneers oi i gave tue following bit of history concerning iaaoia county: Mr Dee fixes May 20 as the date when the first mast was celebrated by aiuer in umaba, tue Hun-day following his (Mr Dee's) marriage by tbe priest in Council Bluffs. A fow days after that event, May 30, the Catholics of Omaha secured ground at tbe corner of Eighth and Howard streets for a church.

"It wsa callnil St Mary's then and never by any other name, said Mr Dee. referring to Father Emouds' reeister in Council Bluffs which Rives the name. "St Pat rick a church, Omaha. City." "No, the work did tot stop on the church. After getting the orround we bad to hustle for the tnonev.

That was no small job those davs. Why, cotton- wood lumber cost $5 a hundred aud as scare at that. Father Tracev. wbo started the church at St John's (now Jackson, Dakota conutv), beat Omaha, because he brought a sawmill from Iowa aud Kot his lumber near hv. I hauled the first load of stone for the foundation of St Marv'a and it laid on the ground for months before we bad tnough money to ko ahead.

So the work of buildinsr didn't becin until the spring of '50. WE MEAN YOU DurlliK the one meek of Mnrdi 91 In SX Th Mueoln Dally News will accept 13 from mall nutMcrllH-M for a whole yeur to April 1. lull. This Is a cut of Just one dollar from the reii-ular price made Just this one week by cut-ting out all sorts of canvassing and lettlna you do business by mull at tho eost of a tamp. This Is a yeur tilled with bin thlnas the nomination mnl elecltonofa I'nltded States senator, a bin row over the sitlloon uestlon and then the comlu legislature, to sny nothing alsjut the scrap over I'nele oe Cannon and a few smaller Kims.

You nnnot nITord to be without a live, Indepen- ent. fearless newspaper. We let you In rluht by knocking off dollar on the start. No booze, or nasty medical ads, and free from bosslsm. It Is human throughout mid always doing things It thinks will help Nebrrsk.ins.

Re meinlicr, Lincoln In your town and here Is where lots of your Inter- sis are, i hts is tno paper you ought to aae, nun ny gemniig In lierore March as you an save this dollar. Don't pay money to rangers for liny paper, but send vour or. ler direct to the Lincoln Dally News or to our local agent. A New and Interesting Book We are just iu fecript of an unusu ally attractive circular announcing a very nuustial book "The Stark Year Book for lUlO wbich is now being sent out by Stark Bros Nurseries Orchards tJo, tbe famous nursery meu of Louisittua, Mo. The book contains 110 page, 32 of which are a four color process reproductions of fruit iu nature's own colors tho most natural, like-to-nature illustrations we have ever seen.

The other 84 pages are devoted to full descriptions aod prices of tbe various fruit trees shado trees. oruamentals, vines, plants, roses, small fruit plants, etc, grown by Start Bros. Any of our readors who are plauninc to plant a home orchard or to iucreuse the beautv of Ihoir home grouuds hv plautiug Bbrubery, roses or other plants this Bpiing, should by all means send the "Stark Year Book for 1010." It really is a remarkable volume one you will thoroughly enjoy looking through because of its exceeding beauty and one jou will find very practical and helpful. Stark Bros bavt advised us they will send this beautiful hook to anyone interested, on receipt of 7 cents to cover postoge. Address them at Louisiana, Mo.

Editor of aoth Century Farmer Advises Oermlnatlon Test Again we warn our readers to test their seed com before planting this year, taking not merely two or three grains pt ear, but half a dozeu or more. We forewarn our readers early, kiowing the average farmer's conceit in bis ability to tell good seed corn by lookiug at it. For a number of years we have been advising that sll seed corn be tested that the jield might be increased. This vear an unufcual condition exists. It must bo tested to prevent a positive decrease in the average yield.

The corn contains moisture and 50 to CO per cent of it is more apt to mould rot when planted than it is to grow. FOR SALE Blue Stem 8eed Wheat, $1.15 per bu. Peter Sullivan, Jackson, Neb. Reed's Improved Yellow Dent, selected and graded from crop of 1908. This corn has been tested at the Department of Agriculture at Lincoln and tested 100.

GEORGE R. HAYES, Hubbard, Nebraska. Orders may be left at this oflloo. SHIP YOUR i HIDES FIRS etc. D.BERGMAN&GO.

a) ST. PAUL. MINN. Deal direct with the largest aud oldeit hnu In tho West. IllKlie.t pric unci IiiiiihuIiuU) cusli returuk.

Writ fur prlc tut, Iuk mnl full lafurmuUoa, IP Tc-x EG? v. vfSN. Raliable. Pur UVViiS J1-' 0uafntcd to Pltat Hverjr (ianlf nr and I'Uhtrrttioiilil tri tlx tuprrler inrrluof Our N'irthrD(iriii Ketiln. special orrcit 10 CENTS will Totiiilil ear FA I Pi COLLECTION 1 t.

Mill, 1 I' I H. rrl. ll.dl.l, I k. tl. I.

(Vl.rr 1 l.rlp Arr- lk kt. HrU. lUrfc. ilullUl.llHO..III.MtS..J IU WI Write Kn4 IB ent 1 blp ty pvhtuf rOT.i Ih.

r.iuw.i. lull-l4uik." Ilhr with tittr rUw ht.lrorli. ll.H.n (umiU a UKKAT NUllTUt K.N I'll. M4 Hum St. Jlokford, Illinois 1908 SEED i h'Htabllshed I HO 7 Getting to the Front "The Bank that ALWAYS treats you RIGHT We asked our customers for two hundred thousand doilars deposits, and quickly got it.

January 1st we asked for a quarter million, and only lack $18,000 of tfvat now. HOW IS THAT I-OR GOOD CUSTOMERS? Baivlc of Dakota I i Estimates, G. STABJAR.O Ilctxtlntf, Plumbing txnd LigHting Haven't you ever heard of the Ideal Lighting System? I i A I If not let us tell you about it. A card will secure a demonstration and descriptive matter. Phons No.

55 I North (ltd tr nradwk.y U. 14th it ItSh St. IS. m. B.

KbV. Co. New Stock JLigHt and Hcsxvy Work Harness, Collars, IPsxcJs, SSalters, and EvcrytHix in Saddlery Buy of Tis and You'll pay less Edwards Bradford L'mb'r Co. V. 0.

Lake, Resident Mgr. Low ILaic "Foxssr Spring and Summer 1910 Plcvn now sk summsr tour of ooatat. See the far west with its diversified sections broadening under scientific cultivation; visit its incomparable cities with their environment of intensive land wealth. A Coast Tour is a broad education and the world's greatest rail journey. $60 $50 $15 $25 ivuuuu inp, central xeoraska to California or Puget Sound, via direct routes, June 2st to September 30th.

Round trip on special dates each month from April to July, inclusive. Higher one way through California, Seattle. One way, eastern and central Nebraska to San Franeisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane, March 1 to April 15. Proportional ticket sgent or assistance, etc, L. W.

Patronize Home Industry buy your of Wm LrOREBJZ, Proprietor, of City Meat Fresh and Salt Meats always on hand Cash paid for Hides and Pelts Agent for Seymours White Tuesdays and comes back Saturdays DAKOTA CITY PAUL PIZEY, Dakota Cit( Nib. 1 ntifVttVC Bonded Abstracter Abstracts of Title A 110,000 Surety Bond I Guarantees the aoouracy of every Abstract I make County Ntbr, Repair Work Promptly Attended to Dakota City, Neb Dakota City, Neb Portland and rates from your town. Consult nearest write me freely asking for publications, stitiug deiinitely your general plans. Wakklicy, Omaha, Neb v1004 Fa mam street. Laundry.

Basket goes on EBRASKA ALFRED PIZEY, 603 Metropolitan Blk. Sioux City. Iowa Successor to Dakota Conntv Abstract Crt; Bonded Abstracter J. EIMERS I i i.

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