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Vermont Phoenix from Brattleboro, Vermont • Page 7

Vermont Phoenixi
Brattleboro, Vermont
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

the Vermont phoenix, brattleboro, Friday, February 17, 189B. IN THE LOCAL FIELD. NEW HAMPSHIRE NOTES. Murdered. nrllilil'11" Against Young Men In llnnover.

TIip mangk'il body of James Cunnlng-linn, of Hanover, ti graduato of Dartmouth, scientific department, class '88, well known In New England haso ball Circes was found last October on the lioston VV Maine railroad near Olcott station, two liiii. below Hanover, N. If. He had been over by the north-bound night express. 1' was generally thought that ho had par-t iki'ii too freely of the contents of a jug fii ind empty near the track and had fallen lliM'p UelWCCIl U1U lima, mo uuuiia juui tint lu-en such as to entirely warrant that conclusion, and suspicions of foul play ic entertained.

The town of Hartford, six weeks after, offered reward of lor evidence that would convict the tmmlerer, and Officers Clark of Lebanon ami Peck of Hartford have been at work on he case. They found facts which di-r, 1 1 -il suspicion against young men In Han-(i r. A warrent is now out for the arrest harles Klbby, who has disappeared. YA ni. Stone, another member of a gang of which Kibby was a ringleader, has lied to C.uiaila.

On the fatal night Cunningham left his siti i' at Hanover, and said that he was foiii; up the street, but would return in a Fi minutes. Early next morning his fam-ilj ucie notified that his body had been nicked up in pieces on the railroad track neat Olcott. It was ascertained that he ri'ivhed a letter at the post-office at Han-owr, took the 8:30 train for Whito Kiver Junction and returned as farasOlcotton a speiial train from a rally at Lebanon. Kriu Olcott he was obliged to walk to Han- OVCI. Later investigation showed that there was a large pool of human blood back about 13 rails from where the body was found, and that the blood was not strewn nliinu' as in the ease of accidental death.

mcrcnat, which was found In a badly tin condition two mile? up the road, has in the back, running diagonally across un-uVi i he right shoulder blade as clean and sh.ui defined a cut as could be made, riii, i ttt i only about two inches longand i u'i sign of a stab in the back. The theory at present is that the i piemedltated, that the letter was a that he was wilfully murdered and mi the track to cover up tho crime. 'J in lug may have Important connection wuh the cave, as the otllcers know who received it at tlie express office at Hanover. 'o one now doubts that Cunningham's ile.itli was the result of foul play. Six" null nt Krrnr.

The social event of the year at Keene, the Six" ball occurred Wednesday evening "of last week. It was tho 13lh event L'lven under similar ausnices. and the 1 Six," who are known individually as Chester L. Kingsbury, Dr. li.

V. itussell, Frank u. Dort, (ieorge M. Kossman, Ueorge Sherman and J. li.

Colony, have already established a reputation as promoters of successful events of the kind. About 110 couples participated in the dancing, while the galleries, which surround the hall, were packed with spectators. The Germa-nla orchestra of Iloston gave a delightful concert for an hour and afterward played for the dancing. The patronesses were Mrs. Horatio Colony, Mrs.

S. G. Griffin, Mrs. C. L.

Kingsbury, Mrs. G. M. Ross-uian, Mrs. H.

C. Itussell and Mrs. F. G. Dort.

NORTIIFIEliD. MASS. Dentil of Mra. TivlKlit I'rlrst. The body of Mrs.

wight 1'rlest was brought to N'orthlield Monday from her late home in Iowa. She had been ill for several weeks and finally went to Chicago for medical advice, where her death occurred. Mrs. Priest was Susan M. Caldwell, daughter of Uufus Caldwell, being from one of theohbst N'orthlield families.

She was one of six children, and "was born in May, In 1S.V7 she- married wight Priest. They Uvea for a good many years In South Vernon at the hotel. Several children were born, of whom three are liv ing, Janet who lives with her parents, Ed ward of Lynn, and Alice, a teacher in a college In Uregon. Mrs. rrlest lias a brother and sister living here now, besides many relatives.

Her funeral was held Wednesday from the late residence of Mrs. Wm. Holton. A large gathering signified tlie liiuh esteem in which the deceased was held by all. Much sympathy Is felt for the bereaved husband and children.

Miss (Jreen of Nashua. N. takes tho place of Miss Pratt at tho centre school. Mr. Stimpson of tho Loveland House gave a masquerade ball Wednesday evening at the town hall, supper beine served at the hotel.

Mrs. Iietsey Moody, mother of the evangelist, Is ill. belne confined to her bed for the first time for 45 years. Mrs. Moody has passed her 88th birthday.

A university extension course of lectures by Prof. Pillsbury of Smith college is to begin Saturday afternoon at the town hall. The subject will be "Pond life," with ster-copticon illustrations. Amhert fi. Mnndv manniror nt Tlifl Xorthlield, who has been abroad for sever al months, landed In New York last Sat Urdav.

com" from tliprn In Ms uncle I). T. Moody, who Is In Baltimore. He Is ex- reeled homo this week. Mrs.

Helen G. Itlce of Boston gave a most stirring temperance lecture In the town hall on Tuesday evening. Her talk Vai especially Inlnnrlivl for tlin vntors nf "'e town, and It Is hoped that the no-li- "ise vote next month will show good re stilts In consequence. One of tho most Interesting meetings of lie Unity club was tho last, when Abram brown of Hedford, delivered a Kcture on "Slavery in New England." He fated the subject In tho most comprehensive manner. As proofs of his asser-' ons he produced deeds given for sale of one being ton, the sale of one negro 'H Jeffries, of five vears.

for whom the Mini of eoi stri Bedford. He also had a copy of the USter Coillltv Gazette, nrlntd nt. tlin tllnn Washington's death, these papers being exceedingly rare. If Mr. Urown ever ibis place again he will recelvo a welcome.

VICINITY GLEANINGS. flio. in Iv, people liavo been baptized at -'Ortll Slirllllrtlul.l tl, n.f tl.roa WPot. Sim. retvais mere nave been con- "51 Church has reeelvpjl nn nildltlnn nf Sfi llett- lnnn.l.

wiiiiui three weeks. "IT i mark away ln 'lie ileath of rard, aged fii, at what u'V. "or" on and lii I 1,10 uPen "luge larm wiit.i 1 111 loKpiacoon tne sametarm, ious i owneJ b' nePllow. Pre- KUiu ''IS keen 1 enu ui Hearing aim HCI0115 ncro wiinout equal. FAEMERS' INSTITUTE.

Tho Second Day's Proceedings. rrlilny Sentloii. Complete renorts of tb tnott. tuto meeting at Londonderry last week and mo nrst, nay's sessions held on Thursday Ilrattleboro were clven In List. rhcunix.

Tho addresses at tbn Resstnn Friday luornlnc wcro bv C. I). Whitman and Prof. Hills upon maple sugar. Jir.

Whitman urged better methods In igarlng and marketlne. Each sugar maker, who Is doing hts best, Is a uvtij umer sugar maKcr especially to adinlnlnrr nwoi rinilmt. said, boll as soon as gathered, and keep uiiiiuiiiuuy oi pacKages is very important. So many diverse sizes of cans and earl's with vnrvlnir mifiltfxf vji discourages buyers and throws the control nf I ll it innrlfAln tntn 1 1 i vviiiuiinuiuii aim organization Is a necessity for sugar makers, uuu Buiuuiim (iiiauiy wuu uniform pack iiyua must ue atiopieu. viietUertlie boun- is retained or not, it lias been of great standard of saccharine strength.

inoougar juajcers associallon, organized MorrisviUn. ntnl nf wlilnli tl.n Vilv-lU (It 11U1Y 12.1 IllPnihura fa ivnrlrlMfT to exhibit at Chicago, and an increased lntcr- usl in ucuer memous, a belter product, and better markets. Sugar men in all parts of th(i stat arp urn-mi tn tnln this nce.nInttm. JU1H kl 0 OUItlVIUIl and help to do Its work. Sugar makers snouiu wruo lo A.

1. Uroft. Knosbureh. for Information with rei'nul tin. zation.

Trnf TIMU snl.l tint 1, t.n.l 1 llpnl nf tlin ttieliln nf flin .1. UUU111.J1 num in connection with liis position at the station aim uiu sugar tests inai no nail charge of at Montpcller last spring. He described the methods of testing sugar with the po- 1 1 lanstujie, wiiieu is a sort 01 spyglass on a tftt.i la.ii. i.t,. u'wu) ilii a lucuiiiiuisui wiucu measures ho of .1 r.iv nf llcrht no by tlie sugar.

A scale on a prism Indicates the per cent of sugar present In the sam- i'iu uuuui uAHiiiuiaiioii. ue saiu inai tne bounty law has been worked in the Interest "iu itiniiuia, iii.iL 111 uiises 01 IIOUUL uc-Istnnu Vl'erii lna.ln It, tlwilt fnvnf n.i.l fcl.V.k t.k.V'l, tltll, great pains was taken with samples close 1 to mi- on I'ei fern, 1111111. 1 rouueers were Daid their bounty In tlin nnler in uhleli weighers' names came, alphabetically, which accounts for the difference In lime which payments were made in this coun- A. The rnmlnir nueli will be informed of the result of his tost us soon as made. Afternoon ShhIoii.

In the afternoon Mrs. Julia Newton gave a talk upon the Importance of farm ers' meetings. She held that farmers needed to organize as well as other people. mil they should not combine to seltlsuly promote their own Interests. Their meet ings should be public educators, banners need a good education to carry on their work.

Formerly, when there was so much manual labor to be done on the farm, there was not time for this; but now there are more opportunities, and more advantages, also, because of the Interest in farmers' work recently shown by the state and national government. George 0. Wright of Walpole, X. spoke upon "Private dairying." He said that the associated creameries and private dairies are not antagonistic, but that the creamery helps the farmer and private dairyman. That butter made from one herd In a careful manner must always bring a better price than that from mixed herds.

He urged absolute neatness from the first to the last and attention to the smallest details, saying that we could leatn much from the city business man, wlio comes Into the country and purchases a farm, and shows by his work what can be done by system and ability, and his method of disposing of his products. He advised all farmers not to be satisfied with present attainments, but aim for something better all the time. V. I. Spear followed with an address upon "Raising and harvesting farm crops." Ho pointed out the necessity for studying economy.

Tho best economy is always found where the production is made to be large per acre. He recommended a liberal use of clover and tho early cutting of hay where the fields are rich enough to grow a second crop. With regard to growing corn, he said to use all tlie modern machinery the corn planter, harrow, weeder and cultivator. With these it would not cost much more to raise corn in the East than West. He thought the silo was the proper thing and spoke of the various ways of stowing away fodder, saying that on small farms it could best be done without cutting.

Mr. Spear then referred to other fodder crops. Peas and oats sowed together in the ratio of one to two and one-half and cut In blossom are excellent. Barley can be kept standing ln the field until snow comes and cut green, as frost does not affect it. He could not recommend the growing of much grain, because the straw Is worthless and the cost of threshing Is heavy.

The main discussion brought out at this session was with reference to the silo, It being held that it could be used to advantage for storing corn fodder. Kvening Nei.lan. Friday evening tho last session of this series of meetings was held. Misses Gertrude Gorham, Huth Noyes and Abbie J. Prouty of the High school gave excellent recitations, and the program was further enlivened by singing by Mr.

Miller, with Miss Izetta Stewart as accompanist. A fair-sized audience was present. The principal address of tho evening was delivered by C. M. Wlnslow of IJrandon upon "The Influence of heredity." The reason why progress in breeding stock has been so slow, he said, Is because man lives so short a time there is no continuation of method.

As illustrating the changes that can take place, he cited the case of tho buffalo. Many years ago It was a large, short-legged animal. Then It leisurely roamed tho plains whero there was an abundance of food. With tho advance of civilization, however, it had to lleo before tho hunter, or travel miles In quest of food. This, together with the fact that of tho young buffaloes only the swift or long-lesgcd survived, has made the buffalo of today smaller and longer-legged.

To Illustrate how both good and bad traits may bo perpetuated In mankind and shown at different times, Mr. Wlnslow gave a detailed account of the genealogy of the Jews Wild animals do not change rapidly, but put them In the hands of man, or place restrictions upon them, and- the change Is more marked. Shetland ponies, for example, are small because of exposure and the scarcity of food on the Shetland Islands. Coming to the more practical part, of his subject the speaker gave tho pedigree of "Sweepstakes," tho famous ram that sheared 27 pounds of wool, showing how he received traits through several lines from "Old Illack," and of "Itlsdyk's Ham-bletonian," who had tho Intensified speed qualities and vigor of "Messenger." In his closing remarks Mr. Wlnslow said that the study of heredity should forcibly remind us that traits, evil and good, are handed down from one generation to another.

The address was illustrated with carefully prepared charts. II, M. Anns closed the session With a talk upon "Vermont, Its resources and attractions." Ho paid a tribute to Ilrattleboro, and referred to tho resources as they effect tho fanners. Tho largo manufacturing concerns, ho said, enhance tho value of real estate and afford markets for produce. Ho regretted that so few young men had attended tho farmers' meetings, because, ho said, there never was a time when a young man could engage in farming In Vermont more profitably than now.

He urged that we should wake up to the desirability of opening our homes to outside people In the summer time, and spoko of the attractions which Vermont has for city people In words so earnest that one would almost have believed that It is, as lto said, a "paradise of God." In ('nnrlimloii. These Institute meetings have been of great profit to those Interested In agriculture In this vicinity. Tho subjects up for discussion have been varied and well treated. Aside from tho addresses and remarks, Protective grange choir and Misses Goodcnough and Herrick, witli Mrs. Dearborn as accompanist, furnished music for tho day meetings, which added to their Interest.

To them, and also to the others who took part In tho evening sessions as mentioned In our report, the state board extended Its thanks Friday evening. A NOTED "WOMAN'S POItTHAIT Willi the Women of l(niin Will to the W01I. I'll 1'nlr. We find In a Topeka, Kansas, paper, sent by Mrs. A.

J. Hincs, who Is spending the winter In that city, the Interesting announcement that the Wyandotte County Ladles' Columbian association has had painted a portrait of Mrs. C. I. H.

Nichols to be sent by the association as a part of its exhibit at the World's Fair. The portrait was painted by a Topeka artist. Mrs. Nichols was chosen as Its subject in recognition of her identification with tlie early history of Kansas and her labors In behalf of the equal rights of women at tho formation of the constitution of the state. She was well known to tho older residents of Urattlcboro through her work here for a long term of years as editor of the Windham County Democrat, the Illness of her husband, who owned the paper, compelling her to assume Its management.

The Topeka paper gives this sketch of her life: "Clarinda Howard Nichols was born in Townshend, Windham county, Jan. 1810, and in Poino, Mendocino county, California, Jan. 11, She was one of the earliest and ablest women who, with tongue and pen, championed the rights of her sex. No woman In so many varied fields of action more steadily and faithfully labored than Mrs. Nichols as editor, speaker and teacher in Vermont, New Jersey, Wisconsin, Iowa, Ohio, Kansas, and California, where she spent the closing years of her life.

"From to ISM she edited the Windham County Democrat and ably discussed tlie many phases of man's Injustice to woman and her helpless condition under the law. In 1S4T she also began addressing the people of Vermont from the public platform on the Inequality of the laws as to tlie property rights of women, and in the same year secured the passage of a law giving to the wife real and personal property, with Its use, and power to defend, convey, and devise the same as if sole. Thus early and by her was made In Vermont the plea for woman's educational, industrial and political rights. "In 18.1:5 she traveled through Wisconsin, lecturing upon temperance and tlie rights of women. In 185-1 she came to Kansas with her two eldest sons and settled at Lawrence, and still continued her favorite work, that Kansas might be as free for women as for men.

She attended the Wyandotte constitutional convention in I80O, and sat there dally through all the sessions, the only woman present, watching every step of the proceedings, and laboring with tho members to so frame the constitution as lo make all men and women equal before the law. The women of Kansas will never forget that to her influence In that convention they enjoy the exceptional rights they enjoy today. From Vermont to California she sowed tlie seed of liberty and equality, and nowhere did they take deeper root than in Kansas." FOH GOOD ROADS. (iovi Fuller nml Col Hooker Ailtlres the Vermont I.engne. Gov.

Fuller and Col. Hooker were the principal speakers at the meeting of the Vermont League for Good Koads at Burlington last Friday. Gov. Fuller said he became Interested in good roads about a dozen years ago, when two residents of Brattleboro circulated a petition for the improvement of the sidewalks throughout the town. The questioli was taken Into town meeting, and for several years the battle was carried on, the progressive element winning every time until now there were 15 miles of excellent sidewalks and several miles of smooth roadway in that town, and public sentiment had advanced so far that a complete plant for modern road making had been purchased and put in operation.

The governor spoke Instructively in regard to the building of macadam roads, and gave interesting statistics which he obtained from the Massachusetts commission. I recognize the fact, he said, that at present It Is not possible to macadamize all of our highways, and that whoever would aid a solution of the case must present some economical system. With tho dirt roads as they are today we must secure a bard and even surface, which can be done by plowing, draining and then scraping Into proper form and rolling into shape, and If a steam roller is at hand a surface can be so compacted, and at a minimum of cost, that tho outlying districts of our larger towns can be made to answer a fair purpose until they can be replaced with broken stone. Tho Massachusetts commission estimate that the cost of keeping a clay road in condition is about 15 cents a square yaid for five years or three cents a year. Good macadam can be laid for (50 cents a square yard that will last 25 years, saving 20 per cent on the cost of construction.

A roadbed 14 feet wide, eight Inches deep In the middle and four inches deep at tne edges will cost about $1700 per mile. In closing Gov. Puller called attention to tho road between Bel ows Falls and Saxtons mver, which Is 12 feet wldo and six Inches deep and bound together by crevices of clay. It is a beautiful road and Its cost was about S500 ner He. Col.

Hooker told what had been done In his own town, and read extracts from the road commissioners' report to tlie taxpay ers of Brattleboro. saying that what was good for that town was good for all other towns in tne state. Ilooil'g JnsnvIrK that Hood'n Sarsaparllla cures, 11b proprietors make no Idle or extravagant claim. MUUeinenm from thousands of reliable (ieople of what Hood's Sartsapanlla had done for them, conclusively prove tit) fact -Hood's Sarsaparllla cuivH, Hood's Pills net especially upon the liver, rous-Ing It frnn toipfdlly to Its natural duties, cure coiifeiipaiion unu ussiri uiKebiuui, llucklen's Arnica Naive. sores, ulwrs, halt rheum, fever sores, tetter.

ClmPpeu uttiiiin, uiiiiuiuiuit, m.i eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required It Is tiuarunteed to Rive perfect satisfaction or money refunded Pilot) i cents ier ,1.. II IIU Ul owiv THE ELE0TEI0 RAILROAD, II. t'. Crnaliy Itepllrs In a "Hummer Vis itor's" Protest. Mr.

Editor Dear Sir: My attention has been called to a letter In your Issuo of Feb. 10, signed K. A. Slack, protesting against building an electric railroad In Brattleboro. Tho writer evidently discusses the matter from only ono side, and that side entirely a selfish one.

Let us look at some of his statements. First: He says no argument Is necessary to prove that Main street, between the People's bank and tho Brooks Hotiso Is too narrow for electric cars to run on. Let us see how this Is. Washington street, Boston, in front of tho Adams House Is 50 feet wide and has two car tracks In It, both lolng a very extensive business. Main street, In front of the Vermont National bank Is 50 feet wldo between the curb stones.

In front of tho Brooks House and the Vermont savings bank, 47 feet, and this width north to Asylum street. The road commissioners' report for tho city of Boston gives the width of Washington street, near Summer street, as 00 feet wide (this the widest point) and tlie southeast corner only 52 feet. It In lioston there can be run two elec tric car lines on a street from 50 to U0 feet wide, with all its vast business, could not a town of tho size of Brattleboro get along with ono electric lino on a street front 47 to 50 feet wide? Mr. Slack asks, can one-half of the street bo spared for electric cars. 1 lie width of the street has been given above, and as the cars would take up only eight or nine feet in width, running only onco In 20 or minutes, our peo ple must judgo for themselves whether we would give up half of our street or not.

Again, you will notice the complaint of Injuring the roads for pleasure driving. Not a word In favorof, or in regard to, tlie business Interests of the town. I ask which is of most value to our all-the-year residents, a good line of electric railroad that will bring all parts of our east and west village within easy and quick reach of our Main street and depot, or to go without tlie road for the sake of giving our summer visitor a chance to drive on Western avenue for eight weeks in tlie summer? There are many other streets that could be used for pleasure driving. I his is taking Mr. Slack's views that Western avenue could not bo used for anything except elec tric cars it tho road was built.

I his 1 do not believe. I have been in towns and cities where pleasure driving and teaming were many times more than It ever could be on Western avenue, with streets no wider, and there seems to be no trouble. Again, Mr. Slack comes here for a short time in the summer, all his business Interests are elsewhere, his taxes paid largely elsewhere, and much as the town likes and appreciates Its summer people, does It hardly seem right for them to say to our people that do business and live here all the year, you must not have the electric road because tho people who spend a few weeks here in the summerare not ln favorof it? Another point made by Mr. Slack in the article was danger to school children and others, claiming that the West End railroad of Boston had killed 200 people (ollielal facts say an and Injured (ollielal facts say 270) during the past year.

Now this Is drawing the long bow without regard to facts. Tlie attention of the manager of the West End railroad has been called to the matter and he sends a report which is appended to this article. It seems to me as though the electric railroad, whether ever built in Brattleboro or not, is in the line of progress and convenience for a majority of tlie citizens of the town, and white our summer residents, and some residents that are not in active business, are somewhat opposed to the building of tlie road on account of it would seem, personal dislike or inconvenience to them, I believe that nearly all of the active business men would welcome the building of the road. One other itoint made by Mr. black was that if the road was built, at least one place would be for sale on estern avenue.

While we should be sorry to have our nonresidents feel obliged to sell their property here, the opinion of our most conservative men Is that it would make property on Western avenue more salable than now and that he would have iio trouble In finding a customer. While I do not know as the road would be of any direct personal advantage or dis advantage to me, I do believe It Is for the advantage of the town. I am fully In sym pathy with the movement and hope the road may be built. EDWAllII (J. uitosiiv.

lioston Street ltnllivny Accidents. West Ksd Stkeet Kailuoid Company, i Hosto.v, J-uliruary II, IW). I E. C. Crosby, Hi llrnttlrboro, Dear Sin I have) our favor of the 11th and tako pleasure ln clvliin you facts us they appear from our published report to the railroad commissioners: The total numberof accidents to persons, of all kinds and decrees, was 3u0 during the pat year; the fatal injuries were 41, wven occurring to imssengers getting on and off cars, twelve to persons on the htreet, and two by col nsions wiui venicies.

Acciuenis noi ratal, to iiassenpers. numbered 188: to nersons 011 the street. 37, and by collisions with vehicles, 51, the total number of accidents being divided between electric and horbu cars, MS to electric and 0i to norso cars. These figures show. In connection with the sta tistic of our traffic, that including passengers injured through their own carelessness ln getting 011 aud off cars, and Including all fatal accidents, that oue person was killed for every eight and one-third million car miles run, and out of and odd issengers, seven were fatal injured and 188 injured severely or slightly, as the case may be.

uurstreets are so crowueu mat collisions wun vehicles by electric cars have been In somewhat greater proportion than with horse cars, but the eeneral run of our accidents In proportion with car mileage differs hut little with electric and horse ca s. Yours very truly, C. S.SEUQICANT, General Manager. Mr. Illaliies KiilnKy on tiHrflelil.

Hotter to the New York Tribune.) On the day appointed for the culogium there assembled at tho nation's capitol such an audience as never can assemble again. The members of the House were In their seats. Then came In tho Senate, two by two. Tho supreme court filed ln, with their stately robes of rustling silk. Tho distinguished generals of tho United States army Sherman, Sheridan and Hancock ''bearing their honors thick upon them," came next.

All the foreign representatives, the ministers of kings and queens in their glittering uniforms, followed after. Eminent citizens, like the histo rian Bancroft and tho philanthropist Corcoran, took their scats as honored guests, President Arthur came in, leaning on tho arm of Senator Sherman, The galleries were tilled by attaches of the House and the wives of tho world's foremost men who sat on tlie floor below. The Marine band, the fame of whose silvery music is as wide as earth, had finished their richest harmonies. Prayer had been said and the speaker was announced. We sat In the gallery, whero we could see every flash of Blaine's piercing eye and hear every syllable as it came, clear-toned and sad.

Every word was a sympathetic heart-beat for tho noble friend and companion who had suffered so long and so patiently. For an hour did this ever memorable audience listen to the funeral oration with mingled emotions or sadness and gladness sadness at the cause of the oration, gladness that one who had always been so true could bo represented in his death-hour by a friend so able. ABSOLUTELY FREE. A Thrilling Book, To Any Reader Of This Paper. Tolls All About tho Indians.

Latest Publication In Its Line, Untitled Life and Scenes Among tho Klckapoo Indians" Contains Nearly Two Hundred rages Sent Frco to Kveryhody. In onler to make the pulillo familiar -with the habits, manners, custom-, nml history of one of tho oldest trlboi of American Indians extant we have published at great expense a largo edition of a work entitled "Llfoniid Scenes Amonirtlie Klckapoo In-dlnns." All their pecullniltles, traditions, Imblti, ln tact, their whole life and custom aro told In a manner which will Interest the reader and hold attention to tho end. This book also oxplalns our connection with the tribe, how It came about mid what has coma from It. The hook, however, Is In no senss a mcro nilveitlslng paniptet; but one well worth a dollar If It woro published to be soliL Wo shall not publish another edition for pub-Ho distribution, and after tho present ono Is exhausted, the book will either be out of print or sold by tho book dealers nt tho prle named above, or more. Whilo this edition lasts we will send a copy free to all who apply enclosing three 2-cenl stamps to pay cost of postage.

if on wun It, send now and save disappointment. Wo will guarantee to nil all requests received within the next two weeks following tho appearance of this advertisement, bill may not bo nblo to do so later. It Is for your Interest therefore to send at onct. Addross IIHALY A 1SIGELOW, (XI Grand Avenue, New Haven, Conn. THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER.

Mr doelorisrslt acts cent ly on the itomach, llrtr nd tlJncyi.nnd li a pleutnt lsistlve. Thli drink made from uerbi, and Is prepared for use as easily sates. I tts railed LUKE'S MEMGIHE All drwrrtata sell It at 50c. and It a package. If yoo cannot gt.

It, send your address for a free sample. I.nne'a I'nmlly Medicine movent he bon-rla enrh Hny. ln order to rn healthy tliit is necessarr. Address, OltATOll F. WOODWARD, Lc ltoy, N.

y. Dr. Gage's Appointments KEENE, Cheshire House, Tuesday, Kb. 14. UKATTI.E1IOKO, llrooks Houe, Wednday, Keb.

15. EU.OWS FALLS, Thursday, Feb. ID, until noon. CLAHEMONT, Thursday, Feb. 16, afternoon.

"Iteinemher the dates olid call early. IT XTL A Is Xr. We oiler Swiss Mountain Dew for all roughness of the skin, ClmpiHMl hands and sore Hps, Aa it It ery healing. We ask you to try the Harmless Cough Remedy That we have, beoaue If you try It once you will not want to be Without it. E.

C. Thorn, 1 ip Matt Si Ib composed of puro and wholosomo -omody in tho mnrkot for norTGHS, AT mm I BUILD TO ORDER Concord Express and Grocer Wagons, Farm Wagons or All Kinds, Log Trucks, best Yon over Saw, Milk Wagons, nud Moat Carts. I CARRY IN STOCK large assortment of Uuggies, Surreys, Road Carts, Sleighs, Harnoss, ltobos, Blankets, At lowest possible Prices. Repairing Painting At short notico by skilled workmen. Drop me a card If you want to trade.

M. S. LEACH, WELL BRED, SOON WED." GIRLS WHO USE SAPOLIO ARE QUICKL MARRIED. 7RT 17 IN IOUR NEX7 HOUSE-CLEAN1NC. All Farmers Who road tills paper Will ndinil That a Plow is ono of tho Most necessary Tools on the larm, and that it Should bo strong, Durable, Easy to uso And capable of leaving tho land In lino condition.

All those requirements aro met By tho Arlington. You make a mistake If you fail To try ono. FOU SALE BV M. I. MATHER, WIST VT.

Winter Suits. It would please me, as I am sure it would please you if you were to call and see my stock Suitings A Fine Cloths, Both American and Imported, I am also ready to make them up for you at short notice. WALTER H.HAIGH. The Ions; felt want of the people is now filled. A "Harmless" Cough Remedy is now offered the people, and the manufacturer not only says it is harmless, but warrants it to be in all things as represented.

It removes huskiness, cures a cough, prevents a cold when taken in season. Manufactured only by E. C. Thorn, Apothecary, 110 Main street, Brattleboro, Vt. nil rc ROIJEKT M.


175Tremont Street, Boston. Send for I'nmphlrt. References given. Con imitation free. Orrici Hocus.

1 to I o'clock. I CTI II A Sundays and Holidays excepted no 1 uuh NOTICE. pHIS Is to certify that iny wife Edna Ketch-JL am, has abandoned me and my house without just cause or provocation: thin, therefore is to warn all penous from harboring or trusting her on my account as I shall pay no debts of her contracting after this date. Putney, Keb. 9.

IltVIKO KETCHAM. LOST. A YELLOW DOG. whito feet and breast, and white on the tip of tail. Wears plain collar.

Answers to name of Iteno Return to M. J. Dow-ley, corner l'leasantand Vine streets, and receive reward. 6-7 Sugar Lot to Rent on Shares. rpHE LOT Is situated In Marlboro, and consists JL of 1500 trees with all necessary apparatus 0-8 S.

A. SMITH CO. alSAM ingredients, and is tho most roliablo COLDS and ASTHMA. 1 Oa S5cts. Hinsdale, N.

H. Hardware I hnvo constantly on hnml ev r.v-thing in tho haul wnn lino. The BestStock Of Sleigh Bells Kept In A full lino of Skates, Tlici inniii- oters, Cutlery, Oyster Shells, Bone and Animal Meal for lions. Ekks aro hlh and everybody that keeps It wants to call In and see BARNA A. CLARK.

fSTl sell Bowker's Food for plants. WASHBURN'S Best Bread Flour $5 a Barrel, Four lbs New Carolina Rice, ib cents. Four lbs New California Raisins, 25 cents. Ouo Ib Pure Cream Tartar, 35 cents. Six lbs Pure Soda, 25 cents.

Choicest Teas and Coffees. AH goods at lowest rates. want a few barrels nf A S'o 1 rinMv(n and Greening apples, SIMONDS Hunger Thompson's Mock. A. E.

THURBER, Main Street, Brattleboro. Every variety of bread and pastry constantly on hand. Crackers Fresh Daily. Cake of all Kinds. Plain, Ornamental, Fruit, Sponge, Jelly, Cream, Angel, Cookies and Confectionery.

K3TBaked Beans and Rrown Ttmrni paHv Run day mornlnga. A. E. THURBER. Japanese Soap The Irndtne aonp In this innrkel.

For the l.numlrr, Rnth ntiil Toilet it lin no equal In iuntl of the pureal, clrnncMl nml benl uintei-i nil known for tanking noiip. II ponitirrly cures nml prrrrnta chnpprcl hands. Works equnllr in well hnrd iralrr. For l'rlot-era, unchiniala, it hll no rival. AmU for FINK'S JAPAN EH SOAP nnd Inkv no other.

IJy sending 20 Jnpnnenr. wrap. per you will receive one of our new pnnel picture. HANUFACTUnEDONLY.BY THE FISK MANUFACTURING Hl'BINGFIELD, MA8M. Private ParSors AT THE Brooks House Recently furnished for the use of card and other parties.

Refreshments provided if desired. SLEIGH-IXC PAIITIKS of 100 or more can also be accommodated with dinner or supper at a few hours' notice. E. A. TYLER, Vroprietor.

C. H. BOND, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF Xa s. Office at Qreene's brug Store BRADFORD ACADEMYuFh women, buildlneu unsurpassed for comfort and health. Twenty-live acres, twelve ln grove; lake for rowing and skatlnc.

Classical and general course of study; also preparatory and optional. Gymnasium, music, and art rooms, and chem leal laboratory, library and reading rooms. Competent teachers. Year commences Sept. 14, 189.


Uradford, Mass. fDSCHOo AND TVpe-WRiTlNG This Institution ha become conspicuous for educating young men and women practically and for supplying business houses promptly with well qualirfed liookkeepers, stenographers and bind. Less assistants. Correspondence Invited. Kor catalogue address CAHNELL QUTCHE-, Albany, N.

Y. $1,000 and put Udt whm I wii. 1 am both lurpriMd aud vteui of chine. I rtoommnd tow trattmnt to alt mffartn from buttf, Will auwtr til UvuIi-Im It Matsp laclott for rfplj," PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL CONFIDENTIAL. UarmlM.

aad with atartlaf. IncooTtnUtte. or U4 tfftvW Foe par tkuWi addrtM, with ft otou la Mampt, dc. o. w.

r. won. rYiCKtri mini, ciicuo.ui. dactkta US and 1 1 to much UtUr thkl wouLI mi iA.

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